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Cartoon Evaluation Rubric

Cate- Grade District Student
gory # #

Dear Yahara River Writer,
All artists develop their skills through practice. Those skills grow ever more quickly when an artist
shares his or her work. Part of this sharing is the opportunity to learn about the things that can be improved.
We hope this rubric will help you to be the best artist you can be. Thank you for your entry!
Yahara River Writer Judges

Required Formatting Elements

 4.5” square or 3 3” squares or 3” x 9” rectangle
 Black pen on white paper only. No pencil.
 Titled neatly

CARTOONS Basic/Minimal Proficient Advanced

1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ideas Main ideas developing with few Main idea is clearly illustrated. Fresh and original thought illus-
supporting images or symbols. Use of symbols emerging. trated. Provokes thought about
serious issues in society.
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Symbols Attempts to use symbols. Use is Use of symbols to illustrate and Creative symbols are used clearly
unfocused and unclear. support idea. in an original manner to
communicate ideas.
3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Presentation Handles art materials with Shows understanding of artistic Clear, precise presentation shows
develop-ing skills. Little use of elements (composition, balance, strong understanding of artistic
artistic elements. Images small, pattern, simplification, detail, elements; accuracy, neatness.
hard to read. texture).
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
Humor/Irony Either not clear or use of too May include overused ideas. May Displays keen sense of humor,
obvious slapstick humor. include caricature and stereotype in subtlety. Evidence of personal
developing style. expression and originality.
5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Editing of Contains distracting errors in Contains limited errors in grammar Spelling, grammar, and mechanics
dialogue and spelling, grammar, and/or and mechanics. No spelling errors. are clear and accurate.
captions mechanics.


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