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The Land Acquisition (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1948

Act 21 of 1948

Central Act Amendment, The Land Acquisition Act, 1894

Amendments appended: 12 of 1953, 23 of 1961, 41 of 1980, 16 of 1997, 43 of


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1948 :T.N. Act XXI] a n d Acquisition

(TamilNadu Amendment)
MENT) ACT,19483. )

(Received the assent of the Governor on the 3 1st Decem-

ber 1948;Jirst published in the Fort S t . George
Gazette o? the 4th January 1949.)
An Act further to amend the Land Acquisi-
tion Act, 1894, in its application to the
3[State of Tamil Nadu;\,
Act of WHEREAS it is expedient fvrther to amend the Land
1894. Acquisition Act, 1894, in its application to the
$[State of Tamil Nadu], for the purposes hereinafter
appearing ; It is hereby enacted as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Land Acquisi- short title
tion (l[Tamil Nadu] Amendn~ei~t) Act, 1948. and extent.

- (2) It extends to the whole of the "State of

Tamil Nadu].
2. In section 17 of the Land Acquisition Amendment
~ cI of
t Act, 1894- ofsection
1 7, Central
(a) to sub-section (I), the following Explana- ~ cI tof
tion shall be added, namely :- 1894.
"Exl~lntl~2tion.-Tl~issub-section shall apply
to any waste or arable land, notwithstanding the
existence thereon of scattered trees or temporary
structures such as huts, pandals or sheds ;"
1 These words were substituted for the word "Madras" by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order. 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
1969. <

Guzc:lr, datcd thc 17111 August 1948. Part IV-A, page 376.
For Stafenient of Objecls and Reasons, see Felt St. G e o ~ e

a This exp~c\sionwas substitutcd for the expression .'Province

of Madras" by thc Taniil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1970,
which was deemed to have cQme Into force on tiie 14th January
4 This expression was substituted for the expression ''State of
Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adapta!lon of Laws1Ordcr. 1969, as
amended by the Tarn11 Nadu Adaptat~onof Laws {Second A-d-
mcnt) Order. 1969.
125-1 4-69
;FA: r

LandAcquisition [I948 :
. ,
S 7

(Tmil Nadu Amendment)

(b)'in the first paragraph of subsection (2)-
(i) before the word "Whenever': at the
commencement, the following shall be inserted,
namely :-
f "In the following cases, that is to say-";
(ii) the portion beginning with the word
"Whenever" and ending with .the words "access to
any such station " shall be lettered as clause (a) and
after the clause as so lettered, the following clause
shall be inserted, namely :-
"(b) whenever in the opinion of the Collec-
tor it becomes necessary to acquire the immediate
possession of any land-
(i) for the purpose of any library or
educatio~lalinstitution, or
(ii) for the construction, extension or
improveme1:t of-
( A ) any building or other structure in
any village for the common use of the inhabitants
of such village, or
(B) any gndown for any society regis- ~ a d r u
tered or d;s~acd to be registered under the Madras tE9%.
Co-op:rati\.~ Societies Act, 1932*, or
(C) any dwelling llousc for the poor,
(D) any irrigation tank, irrigation or
drainage ch.lnne1, or any well, or
(E) any ~~ortd."

*See now the Taolil Nadu Co-operatiw SCIC~C~{W
Act, 1961
(TauuI Nzdu Act 53 of 1961).
'. t # ,

, I *

-- w-

P r e p t t on ihc?299th Jme 1953; *

L7n St. C?%X>~",~E G ~ as rrL

Act Imther to amend the Land Acquisition A&, 1894

its application to the '[State of Tamil Nado].
to amend tE- Land

2 In sections 28 and 34 of the Land Acquisition Act, Amendmel'ilof

. I ;

sections 28 and
894 (Central Act I of 1894),--
(i) for the words " six per centum ", the words
four per centam" shall be substituted ;
the following proviso shall be added at the end

--- -
. -...---
rd " Madras " by
as amended by the
u Adaptat ion *ofLaws (Second Amendment)Order, 1969.
of Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George
dated the 4th March 1953 page 23.
666 Land Acqttisition (Turnil Nadu 11961 : T.N. Act 23
Amenhen t )

l[TAiMIL PIADU] ACT No. 23 OF 1961.2

[Aeceived the assent of the President on the 22nd June
1961, first published iul the F O ISt.
~ Geol ge Gazette
on the 5th July 1961 (Asadha 14, 1883).]
An Act further to amend the Land Acquisition Act, 1894,
in its application to the 3[State of Tamil Nadu].
WHEREAS i?. is expedient further to amend the Land
Acquisition Act, 1894 (Ccneral Act I of 1894), in its
application to the "State of Tamil Nadu] ;
EE i; en. cle:; In the rweifrh Ye:x uT 2i;. Republic of In,,. .i n
85 fi.~llow.>

Sbort title. 1. (1) This Act may be called the Land Acquisition
extea: and ('[Tamil Nadu] Amendment) Act , 1961.
(2) It extcuds to the whole of the 3[State of Tamif
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint ; and different
&tcs may be appointed for different areas.

Definition. 2.. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

" housing scheme" means any State Government scheme
tb purpose 3f which is increasing house a ~ c o r n m o & t i ~ ~
and includes any scheme by a local authority, cornp&
or body corporate for such purpose undertaken with the
previous sanction of the State Governmznt.

1 These words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tarnil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969,
2 For Statement of Objects and ~easons,see Fort St. Gewgr
Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 23rd February 1961, part IV-
sect ion 3, pages 40-41.
8 This expression was substituted for the expression '' State of
Madras " by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as
mended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amend.
ment) Order, 1969.
1 1961 : T.N. Act 231 Land Acquisition (Tamil Nadu 667

3. Where any land is acquired for the execution of any S~ ~ t i s23l s


hou sing scheme, the Land Acquisition;.Act, 1894 (Central ~ ~ ~ ~

w Act I of 1894), as in force in the '[state of Tamij Nadu], I ,f 1~ to
shall apply subject to the following modifi:ations, apply with
, namely :--- certain
i (1) In section 23 of the saic. Act, -
in respect of
((I) in sub-section (I), o f lands fcr
(i) for clame f i s t , the following clause shall be
substituted, namely :-
'C "jirst, the market value of the land ai the date
of tlie publicatioxi of the notification under section 4, sub-
section (I), or an amount equal to the average market value
of the land during the five years immediately preceding
such date, tvhicl~evcris less;"
(ii) in clause fift/zly, the word "and " occurri ing at
the end shall be omitted ;
(iii) in clause sixtlzly, athe word " and " shall be
added at the end; and
(iv) after clause sixthly, the following clause s h ~ :
be ~.Gded,namely :--
"seventhly, the use to which the land was put
at the date of the publication of Ille notification ulzclcr
section 4, sub-sectio n (I)." ;
: (b) in sub-section (2), r the words " fifteen per
centuni ", tile words "five Der certtum " shall be sub-

(2) In section 24 of the said Act,-

2 (i) in clause sixthly, the word ''or" occurring at the

end shall be omitted;
(li) in clause seventhly, the word " or " shall bL:
added at the end; and
_ 1_1-- --- ---
'This expression was substituttd for the expresion '<State of
E/.adras" by the Tnmil Nadi Adaptatioll of Lzws Ordelr, 1969,

a; amended by the Tamil Nndu Adaptation of Laws ( 5 esofiu

?A,nendn~cnt) Order, 1%C,
668 Land ~cquirition(Tamil Nadu [1%1 : T.N. Act 23

(iiD after clause seventhly, the following clause shall

be added, namely :--
"eighthly, any increase: to the value of the land
acquired by reason of its suitability or adaptability for any
use other than the use to which tlie land was put at the dart.
of the publication of the notification under section 4,
sub-section (I)."

p io 11~
~ g iciit 4. Tho provisions of
-.section 3 shall apply also to every
ofybe~ato case in which p r o c ~ , w ~ & ~ been started before the
pending commencement of this Act for the acquisition of any land
Ease? Offor the ex3cution of any housing schemes, provided that
acqu'snlon* no award has been made by the Collector under section
1 1 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act I of
1894), before such commencement.
Savingof 5.Sa77o as otherwise provided in this Act,
other laws. the provisions of this Act shall be in addition to,
and not in derogation of, any other law for the time being
in force regulating any of the matters dealt with in this Act,
110 tar
!dAcquisitioti . ti980 :9.N. Act 4
(Tamil Nadu Amendinent)


MENT) ACT, 1980.
[Received the assent of the President on the 21st November
1980,first published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 26th November 1980
(Karthigai 11, Rowthiri-2011-Tiruvalluvar Aandu).]
An Act further to amend the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
in its application to the State of Tamil N ~ u .
Ba it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the *rh,irty-firstYear of the Republic cjf India as ~ O ~ O W S : -
Short title, cx- 1. (1) This Act may be called the Land Acquisition
tent and eom- (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1980.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu.
(3) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into force
on the 20th day of January 1967.
Amendment of 2. In sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Land Acqui-
d o n sition Act, 1894 (Central Act I of 1894) (hereinafter referred
Osnml A* I to as the principal Act), to the first proviso, the following
oC 1894. Explanation shall be added, namely :-
"Explanation.-In computing the period of three years .
specified in this proviso any period during which any
action or proceeding to be taken in pursuance of the
I notification issued under sub-section (1) of section 4 is
held up on account of stay or injunction by order of a
court, shall be excluded :".
v&&tio~ of 3. Notwithstanding any judgment, decree or order of
dodam any court to the contrary, no declaration made under
section 6 cf the principal Act in respect of any land covered
by a notification under sub-section (1) of section 4, pub-
lished after the 20th day of January 196'1, shall be deemed
to be invalid or ever to have become invalid on the ground
that such declaration has been made after the expiry of
three years from the date of publication of such notifi-
cation, if the three years pe~iodaforesaid would not have
expi,;-', had the period covered by any stay or injunction
granted by any court, in respect of any action or prowed-
*For Statemnt of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu mwr.
writ Gazette Ertrmrdm, dated the 5th July 1980, Part 1 ~ -
m o o 1, pages 118-1 19.
ing rel~~tingto scch notification, been excluded in comput-
ing the said period of three years; and all such declaration^
made and acts done or proceedings taken in pursuan2e
of such declarations, shall be deemed to be and to have
always been validly made, done or taken in accoraance
with law, as if scb$ic~2 ~f this Act had been in force, at
all m?terial times, when such declarations were made.

Rwl#er@dNO. M t I
(Price 0.30 Pal&

G O V E R N M E N T G A Z E T T E ;I
E;<TRAORDiNAKY /;: ~ u e ~ ~ r t -srt t oA ~ T H O R ~ 1T .~ J 1

CHENhAI, T H U R S M Y , MARC^^. 20, 1997

1'~ruguni 7, 'Clr.nlBlt, A.t11Ju 2028

Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances,

*. '-" 11111LI,

The following Act of the l'dnnl Nadu Legishtite m b l y received tb m t of

1h0 President on the 14th' March 1997. and is hereby published for g u ~ r a l
lawmat~oc: -
ACT No. 16 OF 1937.
An Act further to amrnd ihr h d AcqnWrlorl Act, 1894
It; applicorion to the Sdute of Tamil Naditc t;C;t.+-y~

Be it enacted by the Legishtive Asscnibly of the Stirte Trrn~ilNdu in tho

Forty seventh Year of the Republic of Ind~aas follows:-.

('2) It txrends to the whole of the St:rtc of Tn~nilNadu.

(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Uovornroz~ltmay, by -aoti&
cation. appolnt.

(1) in sub-section (11,-

(a) for the expression ''Whenever it appears to the appropriate Government1',
the expression *'Subject to the provisions of subsection (I-A), whenever it appears to
the Collector or the Commissioner of Land Administrdtion or the Government, as the
case may be, " shall be substituted;
(b) the following Explanation sllall be added at the end, namely:-

(A QiroupjI V-2 EX.f 150'-1 ( 47 1

- 48
- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ----
"Explanation.-For the purp~sccf this sub-scclio.r, thc publication of notificiltiolt
in the Omcial Gazette, thc publication of such notification in two daily ncwspi1pcr.s ant1
the giving of ptihlic noticc,-
(a) nhy p r w d c cach other;
(b) shall be completed within a period of sixty days. Thc period of dxtv day&
slrall be recko:le.J fro111the Jate of publication of notiBcatio11in the OfRcial Gazette o O t b
Jate of publication of sush ~lotificationin two cl4i;j L I ~jkapers
\, 3r tka da6e of g i v b
public notice, wllichevcr is eiirlier.";
1.2) after sub-sectio:~(I). the following sub-section shall be insertef. rtamely:-
"(1-A) Thc notificntiorl u ~(lcrsub.saction (1) shall be published by-
(2) the Collector i n respect of land not exceeding tan acres In extent tho value
6; w;cccb Jc;s not e.rceed .kg; ,.;Gve Iakhs;
the Cominissioner of L ~ c l dAclrninistratioil in respect 01' lal~tlnot exmad iny
acras in extent the value of wnich axceeda rupees fiv8 hkhs, but does nor a-d
- twoirty
NWt% twenty Iakha; a d
to) the G o v e r n m ~in
t other casts,"?
(3) in sub-section (2), for the words"Bysuch Gover~~mml", the words "by such
of Land Administrationor Oovetnraent, as ihr: case
Collcctof or Com~uiss~oner be."

&all hs nu bctttuted.9
3. In sctio 115-A of tha ~ r xipa1 i
- - c -., .:
A;[, i'a subsection (2), for the portio?llxgiilrtrrtr:
nf *Mior, with the ~vor,ls "iq racpoct of (lirirent prmls of such Iknrl" ant1 cntlirle with tlie
i-A. words ' . O J J C ~ ~ I O . ~ ~sllall b; h ~ a l " ,tile rollodrlg ~i\i\ll be su!18lituted, n i \ m ~ l y : -
"in respect ordiifere~lt parcels of such land,-
(i\ to G~vcrcl~neat.. where tne notification unl-ler mb-section (1) uf sectlon
4 Wac puhiished by t l ~ eGovern~neut;
(ii) to t;lc Co nmissionez of L a d Administration, w l . l ~ the
? ~ notification under
sub-acctioa (1) of scction 4 was puSIirrlictl by the Co:nmissioner of Land Admu~istration
or by the Collc-tor:
coabining his recorn1l1-Idations on the objections, t o g e t k with the record of the
pro:ee.jlfigs ueld by him, for thedecision of the Government or the Commissioner of
Lqnd ~Jministratioa. as the case, may be. Thedecision of the Government or the,
Commission~rol'thc Li~rld~ \ d m l ~ ~ s t r i t i oasn the
, case may He, shall be final.".

,mendmat 4. In section 6 of the pri!~ciwIAct,-,

:of d o n 6.
(I) in sub-section (I),-

(a) nf'tcr the ~ v o r d

~ Government". thc W O I . ( ~ P"or t l ~ Commissioner
of L a d A4ministr:rlion, :rs tltc c:u;c timy bc, ' ' shrrll bc inaerted ;
alter the words "to certify its ordcrs", the words "or under t hc lipnature 01.
the ommissioner of Land Administration, as the case may be," shall be inserted;

(2) in s~5-x;tion(2), the following E.xphmation &all be a d d d e t the end, namely:-

" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ t i o the F o r of this sub-section, the publication of dcclatntion
# . -purpJsc
in the Omcia1 Gazettc, thc publication of S U C dcclarajion
~~ in two daily IlCWSpRpcrN
and thr giviilg of public notic2,-
(a) may precede cach other;
Q shrill be completed within a period of aixty days. Tho pcriod of sixty day1
snnll hc r~kont:d from lltc d?.teof publication'of declaration in the Official Gazette or the
dnrc or pul>lic:!tion of' such dcclrrrc\Iion in two daily ncwcrpapctr or the dnta of giving
public noticc wl~icl~cvcr is cnrlicr.";g

(3) in sub-scction (3), aftcr the words "nppropriate Govcrnmrnt ", the wordq
talc ~ l , n l l l l i q s i oor
: ~ Lnnd
~r A<lministrntion,ns thc cnce may bc." shall ho iluertcd,
3. la S ~ C : I O I I 7 of tho principal Act, for I hc words"by the approprratr: Government
in this Dchrif", the ~ 3 r d*'by ~ the ~ p p r o p r m Covrrnaient
t~ in this b:htb bf the Torn-
missioner of Land Ad~ninistl-ntion,a%the case 11,:ly bc." ~ 1 l i : I lbe rub-ri;trrtd.
j*ltf&j l 11
6. Aftcr section 16 of t l ~ cprincipnl Ac:, llle Following sections ahdll be inserted, Lasertion of
namcly :-- now s ~ ~ t i o m
16-A and'
"1 6-A. Restriction on tr~tir.$?r,cbtc..-(1) No person or authority (orner [idin
thc Govcr:i:ncnt?, for whom ;:ny Iit~idis ;:cqxircd under fhis Act for aay pblicpurposc
a3 r c f ~ r rt (>
~ in
~ l~ub-vcction(1)orscclion 4, sh:rll tr:inJcr tllc scid ]pondor any pArt thereof
ljy iywzy of sale, mortgngc, g~l't,Izuae or othcrwisc cxcept with the prcvioiis sanction of
the Oovcrnment.
(2) WHtrd it is noticcd or any information has bcen received that ahy lahd his
been transferred in contravention of sub-section (I), the Government may, by dn order,
doclare the transfer to be null and void, and on such declaratiori, the land $hall, ac
penalty, bo forfeited to, aad vest in, the Government in Revenue Dcpartmont free from %
eU rnoumbrancaa : I

Ptovidea that no orher wider this sub-sdction, shall be hide unte&d k@h @
authority has had a reasonable opportunity of belrlg Head.
16-B. l a n d to bc forfeitcd ln certain cases.-Where the Government are satisfied
&t the land acquired under this Act for an;! public prpoSd as tcferrcd to in %\;

sub-section (I) of section 4 is not used for the p-lrpose tor which it was acquiitd, th*
mny, by all orilcr, 1i)rfcittlic land as pcnnlty anr! the land s h ~ lvest
l in the CfovtrnmCnt
in Rcvonue Drpsrtmcnt free from all encumhrnnces:
Provided that no ordet under this section, shall be made unlesdtl~tperson of autho-
tirly agy~icvedhas had a reasonable opportunity of being hca~d.".
7. Tn section 18 of the principal Act,-
(1) in sub-sectiotl (2), l'or thc words "The npplication shall ststc the grounds oY
drliich objection to the award is taken", thc following shall be substttutcd, namcly; -
"Tllc npplic:\tion slur11 st:rfc-
( n ) the grounds on which the objection to tne award is taken i and
(h) i f i t rclntcs to thc cnhnncement of compcnoation, the exact amount required to
be enl~nncccl:" ;
(2) nftcr sub-section(?), the following sub-section sl~nllbe sdbstitiited, narnelyr-
(3) Notwi1hsl:mtling :rnytlling cotltnincd in this Act or in the Code of Civil k o c s
durc, 1908 (Ccntral Act V ol 1308), or ill any other law for the time being in force or
in any contr,rct, t ltc appli~~rntchnll, if such application relates to the am0uhY of
e the Golrctnmknt, implead the genton
compcnsatio:~atid ;f the 2,-,u: it:?" i c not 1 ~ l d for
or authority, as the case may be, fot whom the acquisitiorl is made, a s a party in such
8. In section 19 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1 j, after clause @), the Amendmem
following clause shc 11 he inserted, nalmely:- OfMmtisn 1%
' . I ,,. "ut
"(bb) thc nnmeofthcpersonorauthoritytobcimplendednsapa.rtyinfhb~r~med-
fnga of the coirrt whore thc ucquiaition is not made for the Government;".
9, After section 23 of tho ptineipnl Acf, Chb fbIloWirlg . sw(ion rhatl bs inscttsd; InwHion
namely:- of new
sacticw, 234.
"23-A. ftc~srrfclionon #lthdrawtzl of untdunY.--The snlolrnt -of T c om@nsatfon
awarded by any Court under this Act shall be dcpositcd' in that Couct and. the Qourt
shaIl not allow the person interested to withdraw such amourlt till the finaldisposal of
the 11rrtteri n thls regard in the highest for-m :
provided that if lhc Court considers that it is absolutely necessary to allow $8 .
. .. penon inlereqfcd to wilhdmw the amount of compcnsp.tion, the Court may allow hlm
$6Lutirhdraw only the amount awarded by the Collector.
- 9 .
the pifrpasf of thin section, "Court" includes the "tfluh,Coufiw. . ,,,
_ . __. -- - - - - ___
. .- -
____I. +
-- -
~ ; 1 i t i t t * , .,II.L\I
10, For & ~ ~ t 25 A ~ It ,
i ~~fl ltllc pl.i~bc;j~,~.l i ' t t l l ~ t v i ~ t\kh* L ~ I L ~,I) I ~LLIC~,
I 25, Amowl of con~,~r,uu~rolr
r;,crclrJc d by ~ , , l t r r . - 'I l:e ;~nlourltot. con~l:onsat~on
awnrdtrJ b) tllc Court sl~ul]110 L o Icss ~ I I ; L I I II*c a1tlo1!11t awitltlc'tl by 111~: ('olle~tor
, r
under section 11 and shall not b,
nlore than Il~c,1111ouutclai111crc1 by t l ~ e } ) c r s o ~ ~
254. P ~ , v p ~) ~ralrufict~d
~ j fiUtt i t C L ~ I L u o1st2r.- Nutwitl~rtitn(liag
anything contJncct in this Act or i l l i ~ n yother taw for tho tintc hcir~g in torcu or
any cnntract. in cases wl cretllc acquisition is iiot made tor lllu Govern~rlelJund
tho compcascltion a w a r d d under swti011 25 or s c ~ t i o n28-A or section 54, is in:
I cxess ot tl~em o u n t irwurdut by rho Collwtor u~ldcrsection 11, the excess amount
ro awarded ~ncludingtbc intcrast, if any, payablo u ~ ~ d soction er 28, shall be paid by
F.r: per-or, or autllor~tylor w11oa1 +he acquisition is mule. ".
n~endmotrt 11. I n swtioa 28-A of the plincipnl Act, in rub-soction (l), atkr the words "the
i. section porsorls intorestat in all the olllcr hnJ ", tllu wortls " wl~iclt is sirniliu i,) all r b s p ~ t s
&A. and merits and is " ahdl be i~)surtLXI.
mend mOnC 12. Socclon 34-A 01 the principal Acr $hall be rc~it:nthral st~b-.,ection'?(I) ilr, -
t mion
ot that s e c t i ~ nand d'tcr submction (1) as so r~nu~alwrutl.
shaU be insurted, namelj :-
tlw tollowing yub-section -
" (2) Where it is n o t i d or any intormation has been received that any
l i d has k e n transterrcd in contravention ot $ub-wction (I), tha
, tc, be lull anc4 w i r l anct on sucb
Govertrment may, by order, declare th,: trit~~ster
decllui~tion, ttlc lunci shii/l. as pnalty, be torl'cite.! to. anti vcst in, tha
Government in Rckcnuc Departclent tree troll1 all r n c u ~ ~ ~ ~ b r i:i ~ ~ c c s
Provided that n o order under this sub-section shall be made urlless tile company
has had a reasonable opportunity of &ifig heard.".

Inmion of 13. Aftw section 48-A ol tile p i n c i p l Aot. the t;)llowiny scctiot~ \I1i11I b
new m f o n iuserted, nameiy :-
"48-B. Transjer oj land to original owner irk ccrtcrin cues.-Where thr: Govcrnmcnt
are sutisEed that the land heat in the Government under this Act is not required for the
purpose for which it was acquired, or for any other public purpose, the Go\ernment may
trwldar SOL%lnnd to tile origirrul owrlcr who iu willing to repity ~hwun1ou111paid to him
undor this Act for tho ucquiailion of such land i1~~111rivo of the ua~outrt ~cfcrrcd to In
rub-aectionr ( 1 4 ) and (2) Qf rection 23, if any, prid under (hi8 Act. ".

h 0 1 1 , a* 14, After action 54 of the principal Act, the bllowirlg section shall be inserted,
m mb 5 4 4 , namely :-

" 54-A. Service oj notice by High Court.-Notwithstanding anything contniued in tho

trbe Q Orir hxdurr. 1908 ( r h f d kt V of 1908). t k Court before which an
~ m a s e
i i r r r ~ ~ ~ . ~ J p V r . ~ L ~ . l D i ? i l t t 0 ~
aucb rw will procted m i m ~ thc case rPd t t e rppr-ze s e a dur;
bn tbac aay, to ba served on tbe person or authority also, other than t& Governmat, for
~ b t
m .c~UtitiooL
h madn *.

F- '
(By order of tho Governor)

- ..---
Secretary lo
Gnvernnrmt. Law D U # O I ~ V ~


r - - -. --- -. --- -- - - -- -- - ---- ---
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- ~ J TAMaqADU
G O V L ~ P ~ ~ OOF I
[Fkgcstered No M-1 ,
1999 I
1 Price : 15 Pais[-

---I-- --

EXTRAORDINARY PlleUStiED BY ~ u T t t 0 R l n'

Karthigai 22, Pramathi. T h ~ u v ~ l l u v aAandu-
r 2030

+' ' Part IV -Section 2 ')

Tamit Nadu Acts and Ordinances.;
\*-* *

The fo Dowing Act of thcTarni1Nadu Legislative Assem hlyrcce~vedthe assent of the

President ontho3rd Dcctmber 1999 and is bereby published for general information:,
Am Nu.43 0 F 1999.
An Act firthe6 to amend )he LandA cquisitfon Act, 1894, in ie application lo lire State
of Tamtl Nadu.
BBit enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of '1amil Nadu in the ~ ~ f t i c YeW
of the Reputlic of India as follows,:-
1. (1) Thls Act may be called the Land Acquisition (Tsmil Nadu Amendment) Act, Short &.
1999. ? exteb8and
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Tamii Nadu. men1.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Govcrnnnent may, ty .
notification, appoint.
' ~ r a ~l c t 2. In the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, .n secticn A , in zch-~ecticn(l -A), for clauses Amendm t
1of 1894. (a) and (t), the following clauses shall k,substituted, namely;- of8onion
.. .. $
$'(a) the Collectcr inrespect ofland not ex&ingfortyacres inextent the value
. ..
of which does not exceed rupees twenty-fivc lakhs ;
(b) the Commissionar of Land Adminisuaticninrespcct of land not exceding
seventy-five acres in extent the value of which exceeds rupebs twenty-five lakhs, out
does not exceed rupcus ijfly la khs; and".
(By ~ r d e of
r the Governor)
,<e 1. re to r:l' to GOVP rt*n?(nr.
L i t % Dt Pt. t l r ~ ~. ~. t ,

. *&.I-

- . I*I(IN I I I ) i ~ ~ 1 4 BY
H TllL
~ D


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(,\ uroup) IV-2 EX. (92:)-1 ( 219 1

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