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INDIAN ANCIENT MARMAM 11 Vital Points (Marmas) On The Face And How To

Stimulate Them for healthy life

1. Sthapani Marma
2. Avarta Marma
3. Apanga Marma
4. Shankha Marma (the temples)
5. Phana Marma
6. Shringataka Marma
7. Oshtha Marma
8. Hanu Marma
9. Ajna Marma
10. Kapala Marma
11. Nasa Madhya Marma

1. Sthapani Marma

This point controls the 6th chakra (our energy center) as well as the mind, body energy, the
senses, the pituitary gland. This point is where six head energy channels meet, therefore it’s a
very important vital point.

Ajna chakra (number 9) has similar properties but is stronger for controlling the mind, whilst
this point is better to stimulate to control the senses. This point governs the fiery energy of the
mind and senses.

Massage it lightly by making swirling movements for a few minutes

.2 Avarta Marma
This point controls Vata dosha (the air element in our bodies), Prana (body energy), the sense
of sight, and posture.
Massage lightly by making circular motions for around 5 minutes, especially with your
middle finger.

3. Apanga Marma
This point controls the organ of sight as well as the right and left eye channels. It clears upper
sinuses and reduces the Pitta aspect of our bodies (the fiery aspect).
Use strong circular motion for five minutes on the spot.

4. Shankha Marma (the temples)

This point controls the sense of touch, downward moving wind in the body and Vata (air
aspect) in the large intestine. Massaging this point can help you get centered. The stimulation
of this point deepens sleep and is generally calming. It can also relieve headaches.
Gently massage this point in a circular fashion for around 5 minutes.

5. Phana Marma
This point controls the sense of smell, Kapha in the head (the wet aspect of our constitution
that’s responsible for nose congestion and water retention, for example), nasal passages and
sinuses. It also stimulates Ida and Pingala nadis (two main energy channels that travel up the
It relieves headaches, decongests sinuses and helps remove Kapha from lungs and sinuses.
This vital point also stimulates the senses and helps to relieve headaches.
Use strong circular motion to massage this area for 5 minutes.

6. Shringataka Marma
This point is thought to be the meeting point of the energies of the tongue, nose, ears and
eyes. It controls the wind element in the body (Prana vayu) which is our primary vitality. It
also controls Ojas (energy that gives us immunity and glow), as well as the sense organ of
It stimulates the sense of hearing, sight and smell too. Stimulation of this point can help
fastening the healing of mouth diseases and helps to open the powers of the five senses.
Gently massage this area for 5 minutes.

7. Oshtha Marma
This point improves the concentration and mental alertness. It stimulates blood circulation in
the brain (a very good thing!). It improves digestion and stimulates Agni (digestive fire),
therefore you should massage this point after having a meal (for better digestion) or when you
need to focus on something, like your studies or work.
People with ADHD or speech disorders should definitely massage this point daily for a few
minutes by applying moderate pressure.

8. Hanu Marma
This point improves facial complexion. It relieves stress and temporal headaches. It also
balances hormones and heals sexual dysfunctions.
Massage this point for a few minutes, or simply push it semi-strongly daily.

9. Ajna Marma
This point relaxes and that’s where the oil is poured continuously in a small stream during the
ayurvedic Shirodhara treatment. This point relaxes and expands consciousness. This point is
excellent to massage to get more in control of your mind.
Massage it lightly by making circular motions for a few minutes.

10. Kapala Marma

This point relieves headaches, relieves stress, calms the mind and balances emotions. You
should stimulate this point if you suffer from insomnia. It’s the point that’s highlighted with
red color by Hindu ladies who get married.
Massage it with small circular motions for a few minutes.

11. Nasa Madhya Marma

This point reduces nosebleeds, reduces anger and aggression, reduces nasal congestion and
helps with reducing snoring. This point is connected with the Solar Plexus Chakra (one of the
most important energy junctions in the body).

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