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G12 Cell Vision

At the heart of G12 Cells is the desire to every people develop in their
RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, learn how to LOVE OTHERS and make an
IMPACT on those around them at their respective areas.
Cell resource and equip our people now but also prepare them for life
beyond now as some valuable values are put in place.

G12 Cell Vision ( Acts 20:20 )

1. A PLACE TO ENCOUNTER JESUS ( Matthew 18:20 )
- Jesus said that when two or three people meet together he is
there with them. God has a purpose for each one of us to
become more and more like Jesus. When cells meet our goal is
to encounter Jesus and in that encounter experience his life
changing power. We do that as we pray, worship, learn from
bible and share honestly.
2. A PLACE TO BELONG ( Acts 2:44 )
- A cell is more than a meeting. A cell needs to develop
community that is built on strong, caring relationship. A place
where we can be open and transparent without fear of
rejection. It is not only the leader’s responsibility to care but
everyone within the cell needs to recognize they have a role to
look out for the other members of the group. More than
anything else our society is looking for true community. Within
your cell make love a priority.
- The apostle Paul said that it was his goal to present everyone
mature in Christ. We want to create an environment within our
cells that facilities growth in every individuals’ life. As a cell
leader your role is to help people indentify where they are in
their walk with God and enable them to take step forward. For
some that may be overcoming an area of sin in their life, for
others developing discipline in their personal life, for some
working through a difficult relationship. Whatever the area
cells provide a framework of accountability to enable each
person to grow.
4. A PLACE TO GIVE. ( Romans 12:6 )
- Cells are not to be dominated by a few strong individuals but
rather they should be a place where everyone has opportunity
to participate. Each person has gifts and talents that they can
contribute to the group. Cell is a place where we can learn to
exercise spiritual gifts in a safe environment, where we can
serve one another and encourage each other.
5. A PLACE TO REACH OUT ( Acts 10:24; 2:47 )
- Cells are not exclusive groups for a few Christians but need to
be inclusive of those not yet Christian. When Jesus called his
first disciples he said to them that he would make them fishers
of men. For a long time we have focused on individual fishing
techniques but cells are like fishing not with rods but with nets.
People not yet Christians are able to become part of our cell
life before they have made a definite commitment to Christ.
1. What are your goals when you plan each cell group meeting?
2. How can you develop and improve friendships in the cell group?
3. How can you help people in your cell take the next step in their
walk with God?
4. How can you involve every member?
5. Think about ways to include people not yet Christians.

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