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Fr. Dan Bădulescu

"The Star rises above

Like a great mystery"1

What Romanian child has not sang in his time this carol in December? And what Romanian
adult does not know these lines even in his sleep? So, the star of Bethlehem of Judea was, is and will
truly be a "great mystery" revealed by God to the people, proclaimed by the Church and received in
faith by all true believers, clergy and laymen alike.
But look, in this world of ever losing that goes with hasty steps more into the arms of
Antichrist, there are also other kinds of "Christians" worshipers of "the holy science" who can not stop
themselves of blasphemy during these blessed periods of fasting, such as the Nativity fast of now2. So
they poured on the throat of those willing to believe all sorts of "scientific" assumptions that nowadays
man, shaky (in faith), in standing danger of collapse, such as the" discovery" of the true date of the
Nativity, which, according to them is not at all the church one, 25 December, witnessed by the whole of
Christendom at least after the fifth century onwards. Even today, those on the so-called "old style"
("Julian", traditional) celebrate also on Dec. 25, Jan. 6 is the corresponded datum in the new calendar
(Gregorian, modernist civil)!

Romanian Christmas carol
The article was written during December.
Here's an example for a final "gimmicks" as reported by which you can read on
the web:

'Jesus was born in June', astronomers claim

Astronomers have calculated that Christmas should be in June, by charting the appearance of
the 'Christmas star' which the Bible says led the three Wise Men to Jesus.

Published: 7:31AM GMT 09 Dec 2008

They found that a bright star which appeared over Bethlehem 2,000 years ago pinpointed the
date of Christ's birth as June 17 rather than December 25.

The researchers claim the 'Christmas star' was most likely a magnificent conjunction of the
planets Venus and Jupiter, which were so close together they would have shone unusually brightly as a
single "beacon of light" which appeared suddenly.

If the team is correct, it would mean Jesus was a Gemini, not a Capricorn as previously

Australian astronomer Dave Reneke used complex computer software to chart the exact
positions of all celestial bodies and map the night sky as it would have appeared over the Holy Land
more than 2,000 years ago.

It revealed a spectacular astronomical event around the time of Jesus's birth.

Mr Reneke says the wise men probably interpreted it as the sign they had been waiting for, and
they followed the 'star' to Christ's birthplace in a stable in Bethlehem, as described in the Bible.

Generally accepted research has placed the nativity to somewhere between 3BC and 1AD.

Using the St Matthew's Gospel as a reference point, Mr Reneke pinpointed the planetary
conjunction, which appeared in the constellation of Leo, to the exact date of June 17 in the year 2BC.
The astronomy lecturer, who is also news editor of Sky and Space magazine, said: "We have
software that can recreate exactly the night sky as it was at any point in the last several thousand years.

"We used it to go back to the time when Jesus was born, according to the Bible.

"Venus and Jupiter became very close in the year 2BC and they would have appeared to be one
bright beacon of light.

"We are not saying this was definitely the Christmas star - but it is the strongest explanation for
it of any I have seen so far.

"There's no other explanation that so closely matches the facts we have from the time.

"This could well have been what the three wise men interpreted as a sign. They could easily
have mistaken it for one bright star.

"Astronomy is such a precise science, we can plot exactly where the planets were, and it
certainly seems this is the fabled Christmas star."

Mr Reneke, formerly the chief lecturer at the Port Macquarie Observatory in New South Wales,
added: "December is an arbitrary date we have accepted but it doesn't really mean that is when it

"This is not an attempt to decry religion. It's really backing it up as it shows there really was a
bright object appearing in the East at the right time.

"Often when we mix science with religion in this kind of forum, it can upset people. In this
case, I think this could serve to reinforce people's faith."

Previous theories have speculated the star was a supernova - an exploding star - or even a
comet. But Mr Reneke says by narrowing the date down, the technology has provided the most
compelling explanation yet."

To this whisper of the enemy we oppose to confession and endorsement the true teaching of the
Church, bringing the words of St. John Chrysostom. They were spoken in the East where in the fourth
century the Nativity was still commemorated together with the Baptism on January 6. But, by the
divine work, there came news of genuine celebration in Rome, December 25. To dispel the
uncertainties associated with this "innovation", the Saint made a homily from which we took the
necessary fragments. In it he drew attention to the links: the Nativity on December 25 means
conception (the Annunciation) on March 25, and the birth of St. John the Baptist on June 24, all linking
to one another in the most harmonious way. This is very important to note, because, unfortunately, in
our church environments we meet the idea that these data are simply conventional fictional and
symbolic, and were fixed later by the Church through the "Christianization" of pagan festivals
celebrating the solstices. Thus Christmas would have been seated next to winter solstice in order to
symbolize the Sun rise (Christ) and increasing of days, and the decrease of St. John the Baptist3.

John 3:30: He must increase, but I must decrease.

St. John Chrysostom: Homily to the Nativity

... I wished that in this celebration to see the church full of brothers, as it is, and my wish came
true. They are not 10 years old since this day was made known to us and see, it shines through our zeal
as if we had been taught ever and for many years, so that someone can truly call it, new and old
holiday. New because it was recently made known to us, old because it was also along the oldest
holidays and so to speak it came to the same level as the old ones. As the noble plants, when put in the
ground immediately and quickly grow to a height, so this celebration, which was long known to
Westerners, and to us just a few years ago brought up so quickly and so bring so many fruits, and you
see for yourselves, the church being filled to the brim with the multitude of believers... So as a father of
you into ministry, I will try to talk to your advantage, as my best of my ability and as much will give
me the grace of God. So what do you wish to hear this day? What else than to talk about this day. I
know that many people even now are not clear with themselves about this holiday. Some are for it,
others against, and in all places they talk about her. Some brought against it that is new and only
recently introduced, others reinforce that even the prophets foretold the birth of Christ, and that it is
known and esteemed in the ancient times by all Westerners: from Thrace by Cadiz. Well, it is on this
very day that we shall speak! For this day, though people do not know much about it, is so high in our
esteem, that it is proved that it will be more known, will enjoy a much greater zeal. Oh how you'll gain
greater insight about it through my words, will further increase our departure to her."

The article quoted: "Astronomers have calculated that Christmas should be in June, by
charting the appearance of the 'Christmas star' which the Bible says led the three Wise Men to Jesus."

St. John Chrysostom: "I have three proofs of which we know that this is time for the birth
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God.
The Star brought the Magi from the east, the command of Caesar brought Mary in her
parents city, which was called by the prophets as the birthplace of Christ...
But in order to make even more elucidated the evidence that this day is indeed Christ's
birthday, please take in mind, because I wish to bring in our memory things that happened long
ago and to bring the old laws to make proof of everything I say...
So if once a year at the feast of tabernacles the Arch Priest entered into the Holy of Holies
let’s show now that the Angel appeared to Zechariah, just when he was in the Holy of Holies, for
he showed only to him as he incenses... That was during the Feast of Tabernacles and the fast,
because the latter is meant by the words, "Let humble your souls." And this feast of the Jews was
made in late September. So then Elizabeth conceived. Now is the time to show that in the sixth
month since Elizabeth had John in the womb, Mary received the announcement with joy and
conceived as well. That is, now came Gabriel to her and said: "Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found
favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call
his name Jesus." (Luke 1:30-31). When she was afraid and asked: how is this possible? The Angel
answered and said: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall
overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of
God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the
sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible." So, if
Elizabeth conceived in September, Mary had conceived later in the sixth month in March and if we
add further nine months until the birth of Christ to reach the month December, who celebrate this
day. We have showed before all what was to be said about this day…"
And later St. John Damascene (An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith) "And so not
even that star which the Magi saw at the birth of the Friend and Saviour of man, our Lord (Matthew
2:24), Who became flesh for our sake, is of the number of those that were made in the beginning. And
this is evidently the case because sometimes its course was from east to west, and sometimes from
north to south; at one moment it was hidden, and at the next it was revealed: which is quite out of
harmony with the order and nature of the stars."

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to
worship him.

In connection with the star of Bethlehem, St. John Chrysostom has broadly developed
her problem in several homilies:
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there
came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we
have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." (Matthew 2:1-2).
We need many vigils, many prayers, so that we can interpret these verses, to find out who were
these wise men, where they came from, from what cause, what caused them to finally come and what's
with the star. But rather, if you wish, let’s talk first of those spoken by the enemies of truth. That so
much has turned them the devil against us, that they try also from this text to make weapons against the
But in order not to gather misunderstandings and over misunderstandings pile to make you
dizzy, let us solve the problems posed by the star at birth. If we find out which star was where, if it was
a star of many other stars, if it was a true or just a star appearance, then we will easily understand all
other things too.
- How do we get these questions answered?
- From the very words written in the Gospel. Because that was not one of the many stars, but
rather, in my opinion, there was no star, but an unseen power, which took the form of a star, we see
that in the first place by its course. There is not any star to go in the sky as did this star; we see that the
sun and moon and all the other stars go from east to west; this star, however, traveled from north to
south, because so was Palestine placed from Persia. In the second place, the time shows us also that
this star was not one of the many stars. She was not seen at night, but at noon when the sun shone; the
stars and the moon lack such power; the moon surpass all the other stars in brightness, but when the
sun shines come up, hides and disappears immediately. This star, however, by the size of its brilliance,
has prevailed and the rays of sun shone hotter than them; stronger light, although it was another light.
Thirdly, we see that it was not one of the other stars, because it appeared and then disappeared
again. On the road to Palestine the star appeared leading the wise men; when they arrived in
Jerusalem she hided; then again, when the Magi left Herod, after they told him the reason why they
had come and gone, the star appeared again; and this may not be the natural movement of a star, but a
power endowed with a special reason. Nor have its own way; she went when the wise men had to go;
when they stood, she stood too; she served all the needful. It was like the pillar of cloud in the desert; it
stopped and awaked the camp of the Jews when needed (Exodus 13:21-225). Fourthly, it is clear that it
was not a star like other stars from the way in which she showed the place where the child was born.
Because she did not show the place remaining high up in the sky - in fact she could not show them
place if she would remain high up - but she showed it by coming down. You know that the place was so
small as a hut could fit, but rather, as a baby could fit body; and an ordinary star could not show such
a place because a star is at a very high position and can not show a place so small, or make it known
to those who want to find him. You can entrust this thing by looking at the moon; although she is much
bigger than stars, however, she seems to be much nearer by the world's inhabitants spread over an
expanse of land so large. Tell me please, how could the star to show where the crib so narrow and the
hut would have left the height therefore, would not be down below and would have stayed overhead
Child? This leaves the evangelist to understand when he says: "And lo, the star which they saw in the
east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was." (Matthew 2:9)...
Here's, how many reasons shows us that this star was not one of the many stars of heaven and
that she did not appeared under the laws which govern the seen creation...
"And lo, the star which they saw in the east, went before them" (Matthew 2:9).
And for that the star hided, that the Magi, losing their guide, to be forced to ask the Jews and
make known to all of Christ's birth. After they asked and after they have as teachers the enemies of
Christ, the star showed again...
So, it had that the star brings them to the place of birth. Therefore, once they came out of
Jerusalem the star appeared and did not stop before arriving at the manger birth. The wonder followed
the wonder. Both were full of wonder: the worship of the Magi and course of the star before them;
there were plentiful to attract even those with completely harden of the soul... Even more: when the star
reached the place upon the Child, the star stopped. And as a star, when to hide, when to look and
finally to stop after showing again, it means that she was a star with more power than a regular star...
And when the star stopped overhead Child, stating that it is God's child. By stopping, the star led them
to worship the Child, not as mere barbarians, but as some of the wisest of the barbarians. See what was
the purpose of the star? Besides the prophecy and the interpretation of the Archpriests and scribes, the
wise men paid attention to the star too...
(Discussions about the Star of Bethlehem in which evidence against supporters of astrology is

The article: "The researchers claim the 'Christmas star' was most likely a magnificent
conjunction of the planets Venus and Jupiter, which were so close together they would have shone
unusually brightly as a single "beacon of light" which appeared suddenly.

Australian astronomer Dave Reneke used complex computer software to chart the exact
positions of all celestial bodies and map the night sky as it would have appeared over the Holy Land
more than 2,000 years ago.

It revealed a spectacular astronomical event around the time of Jesus's birth.

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of
fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of
fire by night, from before the people.
Mr Reneke says the wise men probably interpreted it as the sign they had been waiting for, and
they followed the 'star' to Christ's birthplace in a stable in Bethlehem, as described in the Bible."
The astrological/astronomical knowledge of those wise men of Persia was famous throughout
the world, and to assume that they have confused and did not provide the "magnificent conjunction of
the planets Venus and Jupiter," is downright hilarious.
"In that time some philosophers have arrived from the east. These philosophers were kings from Persia,
because at that time the kings and emperors were philosophers and knew the course of the sky and the
stars. They have learned this craft from Balaam, their ancestor, who had prophesized about Christ and
said this: "there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the
corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth." (Numbers 24:17)." (Kazania at 25 December)
Here's where it can lead, a numberless time, the spirit of science with a false name! But for us
orthodox Christians it remains to keep as true the Nativity on December 25, and in a choir to sing:

The Star rises above

Like a great mystery,
The Star shines
And proclaims to the world.
As today The Pure,
The most innocent
Virgin Mary
Gives birth to the Messiah.
Magi as saw
The Star and set off
Going after the shine
To see Christ.
And if they set off
They found Him at once
They entered at Him
And worship.
With gifts prepared
And meant to Christ
Each of them taking
Great joy.
What joy
To be also with you
From youth
Till old age.

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