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Chemical equilibrium is an extremely important process in nature particularly in many industrial (e.g.

production of ammonia) and biological processes (production of hemoglobin in relation to altitude).

Experiment 9,

chemical equilibrium, will determine how various stresses, according to Le Chatelier's Principle, being i

in a system at equilibrium can alter the system's equilibrium position by shifting in direction to
counteract the effect

of the stress. These stresses include increase or decrease in concentration, temperature, and pressure.
To know

the effect of the change in concentration, different reactants are added in the initial mixture and for the

determination of the effect of temperature change, two mixtures with the same components are used:

temperature in one of the mixtures is increased while the temperature in the other mixture is

For both set-ups, an undisturbed mixture is used as reference for the comparison in the color of the

mixtures. A darker disturbed mixture will mean a forward reaction, conversely, a lighter disturbed
mixture will mean

a backward reaction. Again, the significance of this color change together with its corresponding shift in

is to tell that the reaction is going towards its natural state which is to be in equilibrium.


Chemical equilibrium occurs in a chemical reaction

when the reactions on both sides, the reactant side

as well as in the product side have equal

concentration at the same rate. The experiment

showed how changes in concentration and

temperature affect the direction of equilibrium.

The Le Chatelier's principle states that if

stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the

equilibrium will tend to shift in the direction which will

use up the excess substance and relieve the applied

stress. There are factors that may influence the shift,

such as concentration, temperature and pressure.

This shift in direction may be observed through

changes in color, appearance and reactions that may

be involved.

Moreover, the same principle is applied

when there is a change in the temperature since heat

is treated as either an agent which may be added in

the product or in the reactant side.

lt is recommended to extend the experiment

further so as to djscover more factors that are

capable of shifting the direction of reaction and to be

able to determine what reagents should be added in

a solution to cause a particular shift of direction.

It is recommended that the exact amount

and molarity of each reagent must be carefully

followed in order to avoid discrepancies of the

experimental results and the expected findings.

It is also recommended to extend the

experiment further so as to discover more factors

that are capable of shifting the direction of reaction

and to be able to determine what reagents should be

added in a solution to cause a particular shift of


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