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Михаил ДубинскийHace 1 año (editado)

1. hello 2. hi is this Tina 3. yes it is who's this 4. this is Alex do you remember me 5. I'm sorry I do not remember
you 6. Um did you come into the CS computer shop today 7. I went to many shops today where is yours 8. our
shop is located at the galaxy mall 9. which floor is your shop on 10. ah CS computer is on the third floor 11. oh yes
I think I remember now what is your name again 12. my name is Alex Willis of CS computer 13. oh I remember
you now you were the tall person very handsome 14. yes that's right you have a good memory Tina 15. so what can
I do for you mr. Willis 16. do you remember coming into our shop and asking about a catalogue for computer
games 17. yes I remember asking for the catalogue you could not find it 18. right I couldn't find it 19. but you have
it now 20. yes I have the catalogue 21. great 22. would you like for me to keep it here at the shop for you 23. no I'm
not free to go down there anytime soon 24. hmm well since you cannot come to the shop can I send you the
catalogue 25. that would be wonderful 26. okay may I have your address please 27. it's 2307 T Street Sacramento
California nine five six one zero 28. okay was that 2703 T Street 29. no that's 2 3 0 7 T Street 30. okay I have your
address and I'll send it to you today 31. great thanks 32. my pleasure 33. mr. Willis 34. yes 35. I often have
questions about computers and games 36. Oh well you can ask me anything it's my business 37. thanks for that
may I have your phone number 38. sure it's zero one eight six seven five three oh nine call me any time if you have
a question 39. thanks a lot 40. my pleasure 41. good bye 42. bye bye

Anna has been told to improve her telephone manner and has welcomed some friendly and useful advice from Denise.
They practice some mock phone conversations but Anna receives a real call with a request of a personal nature. How
is Anna going to respond? Will her telephone manner be up to the challenge? For more English at Work and other great
content:: TRANSCRIPT Anna: (answering the phone) Yes? Denise: Stop! That's
all wrong. I'm going to call you again. This time… Narrator: Hello. Here we are in the middle of a telephone training
session with Denise and Anna. What fun! Denise: …this time, you don't say 'yes' when you answer, it's rude. Call me
and I'll show you how it's done. (sound of 4-digit dialling, then phone rings) Hello? Tip Top Trading. Anna: Wow, that’s
good. Denise: And, you can say your name. Hello? Tip Top Trading. Denise speaking. Try it. (dialling, then ring) Anna:
Hello? Tip Top Trading. Denise speaking. Denise: No! Anna: What? Denise: Say: "Anna speaking!" Anna: Oh, sorry, I'm
so stressed by all this. Hello Anna speaking. Denise: You sound like you're sitting on a pineapple. Listen to my voice:
Hello? Denise speaking. Anna: Hello? Anna speaking. Denise: Good. Now, when the person has introduced themself –
this is Mrs Smith or whatever, say: Hello Mrs Smith, how can I help you? Or, if you know them already, you might say:
Hello Mrs Smith, how are you? Anna: Okay, what if Mrs Smith wants to speak to Tom but he's not there? Denise: You
say: "I'm really sorry, he's not available at the moment. Can I take a message?" Or: "I'm afraid he's busy, shall I ask him
to call you back?" Anna: Okay. Denise: And, to end a conversation, you can say: "Thank you for calling, goodbye." Let's
do another practice! (phone rings) Anna: Hello? Tip Top Trading. Denise: Hello, this is Mrs Smith. Anna: Hello Mrs
Smith, how can I help you? Denise: I'd like to speak to Tom please. Anna: I'm really sorry, he's not available at the
moment. Can I take a message? Denise: That's okay, I'll try again later. Anna: Okay. Thank you for calling, goodbye.
Denise: Excellent! (phone rings) Oh! Anna: How did you call me without dialling? Denise: I didn't, that's a real call!
Anna: Oh no, I'm all nervous now. Hello? Tip Top Trading. This is Anna speaking. Mr Lime: Hello Anna, this is Seb Lime.
Anna: Sublime? Mr Lime: Mr Lime from Citrus Ventures. But I think we should be on first name terms now, so call me
Seb. Anna: Okay, er, Seb. How can I help you? Mr Lime: I just wanted to say again that your Imperial Lemon is
fantastic... and I was wondering if you'd like to do lunch with me sometime? Anna: Lunch? Er... Narrator: I knew it! Mr
Lime is interested in more than just your lemons! Anna: Would you like to discuss the Imperial Lemon? Mr Lime: Forget
the lemons Anna! The reason I want to see you is more of a personal nature. Anna: Personnel? Er... Can I call you
back? I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment... Mr Lime: …bbbut… Denise: Well Anna! Mr Lime eh? Anna: Oh dear
Denise, I think I need a bit more help from you. He wants to talk about personnel…people, staffing… Denise: Are you
sure? I think he means a personal nature, not personnel! That Mr Lime! Anna: Oh! Narrator: Mr Lime indeed. Anyway,
Anna had an excellent phone manner. Let's hear those phrases again: Hello? Tip Top Trading. This is Anna speaking.
Hello? Anna speaking. Hello Mrs Smith, how can I help you? Hello Mrs Smith, how are you? I'm really sorry, he's not
available at the moment. Can I take a message? I'm afraid he's busy – shall I ask him to call you back? Thank you for
calling, goodbye. But how is Anna going to handle Mr Lime's request? I can't wait till next time! Bye!

How do you say no politely? Anna needs help following the call from Mr Lime asking her out to lunch. She wants to say
no, but doesn’t want to sound rude. Her dilemma is how to refuse his offer politely. She finally plucks up the courage to
call him, but how does he respond? For more English at Work and other great content:: TRANSCRIPT Narrator: Hello! You're joining us again after Anna's call from Mr
Lime – he asked her to lunch, remember. Now Anna and Denise are flapping. Denise: ...and before you know it, he'll be
asking you to marry him! Trust me Anna, this has happened to me dozens of times! Anna: But I thought he was only
interested in the lemons! Please promise me you won’t mention this to anyone. Denise: OK, I promise. Anna: Oh,
shhhh! Tom: Good morning. What's going on? Denise: Mr Lime has asked Anna to lunch! Anna: Please… Tom: And?
Denise: And it's not to talk business! I saw him looking at her with big eyes, from the moment he first saw her! Anna:
Denise! Tom: Old Slimy Limey eh? Lucky Anna! Anna: He's not slimy, it's just… Tom: Don't tell me you said yes?! Anna:
Well I didn't know what to say. Tom: You didn't? Anna: No, no, I said I was busy and would call back. I wanted to just
say no, but with everyone complaining that I'm not polite on the phone... I just... I didn't know how to say it politely. Tom:
Ha ha, I'll tell you what to say. Anna: Hang on, let me write it down... why do all the pens keep disappearing? Denise:
Here's one. Anna: Thanks. Okay, I'm listening Tom. Tom: Say: go... Anna: (writing) go... Tom: ...away... Slimy Limey.
Anna: Go away Slimy Limey. Are you sure? Tom: Of course! Denise: Don't listen to him Anna. This is what you say:
Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. Then explain why, say I'm afraid… blah blah blah Anna:
Blah blah blah? Denise: Say it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with clients. Anna: Meaning?
Denise: You're not allowed to if it's not for business. Then say: It wouldn't be appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to
have to say no. Anna: Okay, I think I've got that all down. Thanks. He'll be waiting for my call. (dials phone) Mr Lime:
Hello, Seb Lime speaking. Anna: Hello Mr Lime. Mr Lime: Anna! Please, call me Seb. So, when can I invite you to
lunch? Denise: (whispering loudly) Thank you for your offer... Anna: Well, thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I
won't be able to. Mr Lime: Oh? Denise: (whispering loudly) I'm afraid... Anna: I'm afraid it's against company policy to
have non-business lunches with people. Mr Lime: Really? Oh how tedious! Denise: (whispering loudly) It wouldn't be-
Anna: Shhh! Mr Lime: Pardon? Anna: No, not shhh you Mr Slimy I meant shhhh Denise! Mr Lime: Mr Slimy? Anna: Oh
no! I mean Mr Limey – Lime – er Seb! You see, it wouldn't be appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to have to say no.
Mr Lime: I think I've understood. Goodbye Anna. Anna: Goodbye. Narrator: Oh dear, he didn't take that too well. But,
apart from a little mistake, Anna did well there. Here are the phrases she used to politely refuse the offer of lunch:
Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. I'm afraid it is against company policy… It wouldn't be
appropriate. With regret, I'm going to have to say no. Good job Anna, bad luck Mr Slimy!

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