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International Journal of Applied

and Natural Sciences (IJANS)

ISSN(P): 2319-4014; ISSN(E): 2319-4022
Vol. 8, Issue 4, Jun - Jul 2019; 21-26



Manish kumar1, Ahmad Masood2 & Rajnish Kumar3

Research Scholar, Department of Botany, H.D. Jain College Ara, Arrah, Bihar, India
Associate Professor, Department of Botany, H.D. Jain College Ara, Arrah, Bihar, India
Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Arrah, Bihar, India

Aflatoxin B1 was extracted from a locally isolated strain of Aspergillus flavus and applied to three commonly
available varieties of maize ( Zea mays L.) viz : Ganga 5, Nutan 517 & Nutan 101. An inhibition in seed germination
between 24.0 to 38.7%, maximum being in case of Nutan 101, was recorded. Seedling growth, comprising root and shoot
lengths also had a marked reduction in all the three varieties. The Suppression in root length was between 25% to 33.0%
and shoot length 21.4 to 27.6%. The synthesis of chlorophyll in the emerging leaf and the protein contents in the treated
seeds also recorded a significant reduction. The depletion was 45.3, 27.8 and 45.4% for total chlorophyll and 52.8, 31.6
and 46.7% for protein formation in Ganga 5, Nutan 517 and Nutan 101. respectively.

KEYWORDS: Aflatoxin B1, Chlorophyll, Maize, Protein, Seed Germination, Seedling Growth

Article History
Received: 10 May 2019 | Revised: 14 May 2019 | Accepted: 24 May 2019


Aflatoxins are toxic metabolic substances produced by the toxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus on food and feed
commodities (Bilgrami, 1984; Bakhiet and Musa, 2011; Masood and Kumar, 2012). Aflatoxin B1 is the most potent
hepatocarcinogen (IARC, 1993; Turner et al., 2000), has been widely studied among all the known aflatoxins. The toxin is
known to contaminate a number of food crops, including maize and other cereals (Bilgrami and sinha, 1987; Bilgrami et
al.,1992 ). While contaminating the crops, the quality of seeds is also affected by the toxin, as a result, the important
nutrients get depleted.

In addition, the aflatoxin containing seeds may be a risk factor to the consumer particularly the downtrodden
section of the society and the livestock, where poor growth, lesser feed conversion efficiency, increased mortality rate and
greater susceptibility to disease have been recorded (Jones et al., 1981; Huff et al., 1986; Osweiler, 2000; Pimpukdee et al.,

Maize, being a susceptible substrate of A. flavus infection and aflatoxin contamination has been evaluated by
investigators at several levels (Sinha, 1990; Sinha and Kumari, 1991; Li etal., 2001). In the present investigation, three
locally cultivated varieties of maize viz., Ganga 5, Nutan 517 and Nutan 101, were subjected to aflatoxin B1 treatment.
Important physiological and biochemical changes comprising effect on seed germination, seedling growth as well as
chlorophyll and protein syntheses were analyzed under controlled conditions.
22 Manish kumar, Ahmad Masood & Rajnish Kumar


The varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) viz; Ganga 5, Nutan 517 and Nutan 101 were obtained from the local
government farmhouse of Bhojpur district, headquartered at Ara. The crude aflatoxin B1 was extracted from a toxigenic
Isolate of Aspergillus flavus using SMKY liquid medium (Diener and Davis, 1966). The isolate was collectedfrom the
maize seed sample and had aflatoxin producing capacityof about 0.9 ppm.

The seed samples were surface sterilized with 0.1% mercuric chloride solution for 2 minutes and subsequently
washed with sterile distilled water. After proper washingthe test samples were put in sterile distilled water for 1 hr and
subsequently soaked in freshly prepared aqueous aflatoxin B1 extract for 20 hrs. For control soaking was done in distilled

A total of ten seeds each of treated and control lots were placed separately in each Petri plates containing
moistened blotting paper with a thin layer of sterile water soaked cotton. Germination counts were recorded after an
incubation of 72 hrs. A total of 3 replicates of 100 seeds of each experimental variety of maize were taken.

The seedling growth was measured on the 7th day by recording the root and shoot lengths. The experiment was
repeated three times with two replicates of 20 seeds each.

Chlorophyll content of newly emerged leaf was estimated by the method of Arnon (1949). Total chlorophyll was
calculatedby combining the values of chl.a and b. The quantitative estimation of total protein was done by the method of
Lowary etal., (1951).


Seed germination was inhibited up to 38.7% in Nutan 101, whereas it was 33.0% in Ganga 5 and 24.0% in Nutan
517 (Table – 1). Seedling growth comprising root and shoot lengths also showed a marked reduction in all the varieties. An
inhibition of 25.1, 21.6 and 33% in root length and 21.4, 19.2 and 27.6% in shoot length were recorded for Ganga 5,Nutan
517 and Nutan 101, respectively (Table – 2).

Table 1: Effect of Crude Aflatoxin on Seed Germination in Maize

Variety of Percent Germination Percent Inhibition In ‘T’ Difference
Aflatoxin Treatment
Maize (S,E) Germination Value
Control 97 (1.7) -
Ganga-5 9.0
treated 61 (2.8) 33.0
Control 96 (1.1) -
Nutan-517 8.3
treated 73 (2.6) 24.0
Control 93 (1.5) -
Nutan-101 10.9
treated 57 (2.9) 38.7
Values are significant at 1% level

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

The Impact of Crude Aflatoxin b1 on Physiological and Biochemical 23
Processes in Maize ( Zea Mays L. ) Varieties

Table 2

Seed germination and seedling growth are the manifestations of several important biochemical mechanismswhich
start with the imbibition of water by the seed and resultant enzymatic activity. Sinha (1994) elaboratelystudied the effect of
aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone on physiological responses of common crop plants and concluded that the reduction in the
germination of the seed was directly proportional to the concentration of the mycotoxins. Furthermore, the overall process
of the emergence of radicaland plumule have been found to be influenced by a number of chemical compounds, some of
which may occur internally. These compoundsincluded terpenes, lactones, phenolics, aldehydes, etc (Steward and
Krikorian, 1971). Aflatoxin B1 which occurs mostly as internal seed contaminant probably interferes the overall process of
germination as well as seedling growth.

The toxic effect of aflatoxin on chlorophyll synthesis was evident in the emerging leaves. A marked reduction in
the contents of chlorophyll a and b were recorded in all the three varieties (Figure 1). A depletion of 45.3,27.8 and 45.4%
in total chlorophyll contents were recorded in Ganga 5, Nutan 517 and Nutan 101, respectively. The effect of aflatoxin B1
on protein content was also prominent. The inhibition was maximum in Ganga 5 (52.8%) followed by Nutan 101 (46.7%)
and Nutan 517 (31.6%) (Figure 2).

The synthesis of chlorophyll, which is the necessity of autotrophic mode of nutrition in plants, was severely
affected by the toxin treatment. Sinha and Kumari (1991) also observed a substantial inhibition in chlorophyll formation in
maize due to aflatoxin B1. Chohan (1983) is of the opinion that mycotoxins check the synthesis of chlorophyll by
restricting the growth hormone-induced synthesis of RNA, DNA, and protein in the leaf. Recently, Deepavali and Nilima
(2012) recorded a depletion of chlorophyll synthesis in some maize varieties treated with aflatoxin. A variation in chl. a
and b syntheses in the treated varieties reflects that the compound interferes at the biosynthetic level which helps the
formation of chlorophyll b either from chlorophyllide a or from chl.a.

Protein is the building block of all living organisms. Therefore, inhibition in the formation of metabolically active
protein, as is evident from the present investigation, suppresses several biochemical processes some of which may change
the pattern of growth of seedlings and hence the overall growth of the plants.
24 Manish kumar, Ahmad Masood & Rajnish Kumar

Sinha (1994) also recorded a sharp decline in protein contents of aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone treated seeds of
maize, gram and mustard. A variation of the toxin effect at the level of variety was recorded for each physiological and
biochemical parameters studied in the present investigation. It reflects that each variety responds differently when it comes
at the biochemical level due to a minor shift in the genetic makeup.

Figure 1: Effect of Crude Aflatoxin on Chlorophyll a,b and Total Chlorophyll Contents in Maize Seedlings

Figure 2: Effect of Crude Aflatoxin on Protein Contents in Germinating Maize Seeds


Several chemicals including aflatoxin B1 ( AFB1 ) interfere with the emergence of radical and plumule, thus
affecting the overall process of seed germination and seedling growth. The toxic effects of AFB1 continue and suppress the
syntheses of other compounds like chlorophyll and protein. In the Present dissertation a significant effect in the syntheses
of chlorophyll and protein as well as seed germination and seedling growth were recorded with the treatment of crude
AFB1 at the varietal level of Maize.


Authors thank Head, Department of Botany, H.D. Jain college, Ara for laboratory facilities.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

The Impact of Crude Aflatoxin b1 on Physiological and Biochemical 25
Processes in Maize ( Zea Mays L. ) Varieties


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Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

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