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Monday, 15 July 2019 _

Dailv Tribune '

it's all politic$ until they get down to
work - seems true becaus€ sometimes,
leaders who do not have the talent to
'schmooze' don't 80 as far or as fast the
others who do.
So if Reps. Cayetano and Lord Allan
Velasco end up not getting a term-
sharing deal in the House after all' we
may finally know what the grumblings
and fumblings we h:i,ve seen thus far
are all about,
We should know by then how that
contloversial "text' allegedly from
Mayor Sara Duterte was all about and
Dinah S. Ventura who were behind the 'moves' still going
It can be hard to beli€ve it was a on in the House, as rcvealed by partylist l

"bitter and fractious rivalryn when all Rep. Mike Defensor.

we see sometimes are theh smiling faces If ihis rumored dissatisfaction gives
and hear them utter words dripping of way to another big surprise corne SoNA
political correctness. day, well, we should hope to have a
Bur those were the closure on this ugly chapter where it's
words nresidential 66 hard to tell what's really driving this
sDokesmansalvador Leadcrs 'brutal' match in the House.
Panelo used to descfibe uha do not "ln the ultimate analysis, the vote on
the speakership race haoe the the speaker would lie on the members
that had so fN inYobed' talent to of Congress, The only reason why
so many personalities 'schnwoze' the President Save that, suggestion is
in the IIouse of donT go as because those vying for it went to him
Representatives and far ot fla faat and sought his wise suggestion to settle
cou$e,he the otherg
..beyond. And of the row between and among them,'
would know exactly how uho d.o. Panelo said in an intervieir lqst week.
"bitter and fractious' it That such urown has taken so long
had become. reve8ts aietp gap that cannot seem to
All we know is that even the be stopped, not even by the President'
President's son and daughter had who obviously strove to be fair.
shown some ofthat wellknown Duterte It is disubingtg note
temper - tempered as it were by polite tllat despite the cdlls for ((
statements and formal announcements, unity - and Cayetano One was
And so after President Rodrigo even went so far as why he did
Dutert€ gave his endorsement of three to invite his fellow 66, iap1yi1lg
names out of the eight or so that got lawmakers to jgin giql ltts 6t i<l'
into the mix along the way, a slew of the Diehard Dile'rte gasxy1ixs's
other issues cropped up. Superm4iorit$ which r""or-rnrdoition
One was why he did so, implying that is di$urbing in its wi ewntua y
the Chief Executive's recommendation because {ongress is be moot as
will eventually be moot as the House will supposed l,o have a thc Eouse will
Yot€ for its own leader anyway. mrnd ot rts own - lnal - .-
Well, Duterte had said as much,
: . DOte ror tts oun
the resDonse nas Deen .
opposite. lea4er anUuaV'
adding that he was asked, so he gave his the
answer. And ifthe House does not agree It reveals cracks ..

with his endorsements, he also said he within the House we pray will not
won't mind. It is up to them, after all. crumble, and a strange stubbornness
A week before the much-awaited in our House membcrs that reflects on
State ofthe Nation Address (S0NA), the the quality of'leadership ihe people
rivalry continues, iL seems. may have to witness in the next three
More of the pushes and pulls had years,
been revealed last week, when a Will ii mean slower progr€ss fOr the
nnot over,' and country as.out lawmakers keep duking
congressman said it was
that there w8s 'unhappiness' ov€r the it out among themselves? 0r will they
President's choice of Rep. Alan Peter set aside whatever it is that is keeping
Cayetano. thern from coming to a satisfactory
$ome say he is not well-liked in the agreement?
Ilouse, but perhaps lre onlyhasn't done As for us, mere mortals, we should only
enough to gain the support of his fellow hope to be satisfied by the work we expect
Duterte's yery revea.ling remark - that
from these wranglers we call lanmakers
once the l8th Congess begins.
Paqr' - A5

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