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Akustik Air

Task 0…

Irsan Soemantri B., Ph.D.

Mohammad Fajri Raazaq Ramadhan


Ocean Engineering Study Program

Facullty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

% ******************************************************
% Rays
% ******************************************************

% The equations we're solving are:

% r' = c rho
% z' = c zeta
% rho' = -c_r / c2
% zeta' = -c_z / c2
clear all
close all

send = 100000; % arclength for rays

ntheta = 6; % number of rays

theta = pi / 180 * linspace( -5.0,0.0, ntheta );

zs = 100.0; % source depth

load test6.txt;
Po = test6;
D = zs;
c0 = Po(1)*D.^6+Po(2)*D.^5+Po(3)*D.^4+Po(4)*D.^3+Po(5)*D.^2+Po(6)*D.^1+Po(7)*D.^0; % sound speed at
source depth

for ith = 1:ntheta % loop over take-off angle

% ray initial condition:

x0 = [ 0.0 zs cos( theta( ith ) ) / c0 sin( theta( ith ) ) / c0 ];

% now solve the DE to trace the ray

[ s, x ] = ode45( 'rayf_xx', [0.0 send], x0 );

plot( x( : , 1 ), abs(x( : , 2 ) ));

% subplot(1,2,2), plot( x( : , 1 ), abs(x( : , 2 ) ));
hold on; % hold the old rays on screen when plotting new rays
hold off;

% label the plot

xlabel( 'Range (m)' )

ylabel( 'Depth (m)' )
%axis([0 20000 0 140])
view( 0, -90 ); % flip plot so that z-axis is pointing down


%clear all
%close all

% Baca EXCEL File

% A = Kedalaman, D (m) dan Sound Speed, C (m/s)

% [A,B] = XLSREAD('suh01_sound_speed_vs_depth','SUH01');
[A,B] = xlsread('test.xls','geo144');

D = A(:,1); % Kedalaman, D (m)

C = A(:,4); % Sound Speed, C (m/s)

% Polyfit (P(1)X^N + P(2)X^(N-1) + .......

% Orde N=6
% Polyfit Data dgn Persamaan Pangkat N
% CN = Sound Speed (m/s) dari Polyfit orde N

[P,S] = polyfit(D,C,6);
C6 = P(1)*D.^6+P(2)*D.^5+P(3)*D.^4+P(4)*D.^3+P(5)*D.^2+P(6)*D.^1+P(7)*D.^0;
save test6.txt P -ASCII

[P,S] = polyfit(D,C,5);
C5 = P(1)*D.^5+P(2)*D.^4+P(3)*D.^3+P(4)*D.^2+P(5)*D.^1+P(6)*D.^0;
save test5.txt P -ASCII

[P,S] = polyfit(D,C,12);
C12 =
save test12.txt P -ASCII

% Plot C1 vs d

subplot(1,2,1), plot(C,D,'o',C12,D,'r',C5,D,'g',C6,D,'k')
% figure(1)
% subplot(1,2,1), plot(C,D,'o',C6,D,'k')

axis ij
xlabel('Sound Speed, C (m/s)')
ylabel('Depth, D (m)')
PROGRAM empiris_equation.m

%clear all
%close all

% Baca EXCEL File

% A = Kedalaman, D (m), Sound Speed C (m/s), Temperatur T (deg C) dan Salinitas S (ppt)

% [A,B] = XLSREAD('suh01_sound_speed_vs_depth','SUH01');
[A,B] = xlsread('test.xls','geo144');

D = A(:,1); % Kedalaman, D (m)

C = A(:,4); % Kec Suara, C (m/s)
T = A(:,2); % Temperatur, T (deg C)
S = A(:,3); % Salinitas, S (ppt)

% Rumus Empiris Medwin

% Medwin

C_Medwin = 1449.2 + 4.6*T - 5.5e-2*T.^2 + 2.9e-4*T.^3 + (1.34 - 1e-2*T).*(S-35) + 1.6e-2*D;

C_Leroy = 1492.9 + 3*(T-10) - 6e-3*(T-10).^2 - 4e-2*(T-18).^2 + 1.2*(S-35) - 1e-2*(T-18).*(S-35) + D/61;
C_Mckenzie = 1448.96 + 4.591*T - 5.304e-2*T.^2 + 2.374e-4*T.^3 + 1.340*(S-35) + 1.630e-2*D + 1.675e-
7*D.^2 - 1.025e-2*T.*(S-35) - 7.139e-13*T.*D.^3;

% Plot T vs D

% figure
subplot(1,3,1), plot(T,D)
axis ij
xlabel('Temperatur, T (^oC)')
ylabel('Depth, D (m)')

% Plot S vs D

axis ij
xlabel('Salinitas, S (ppt)')
ylabel('Depth, D (m)')

% Plot C vs D

% figure
axis ij
xlabel('Sound Speed, C (m/s)')
ylabel('Depth, D (m)')
% legend('Data','Medwin')

axis ij
xlabel('Sound Speed, C (m/s)')
ylabel('Depth, D (m)')

function xdot = f( s, x )

% Munk sound speed profile

% eps = 0.00737;
%c0 = 1500;
z = x( 2 );
% xt = 2 * ( z - 1300 ) / 1300;
% c = c0 * ( 1 + eps * ( xt - 1 + exp( -xt ) ) );
load test6.txt
P = test6;
c = P(1)*D.^6+P(2)*D.^5+P(3)*D.^4+P(4)*D.^3+P(5)*D.^2+P(6)*D.^1+P(7)*D.^0;
c2 = c^2;

% we also need derivatives of sound speed

% dxtdz = 2 / 1300;
% cz= c0 * eps * dxtdz * ( 1 - exp( -xt ) );
cz = 6*P(1)*D.^5+5*P(2)*D.^4+4*P(3)*D.^3+3*P(4)*D.^2+2*P(5)*D.^1+P(6)*D.^0;
cr = 0;

% here's the RHS

xdot = zeros( 4, 1 );

xdot( 1 ) = c * x( 3 );
xdot( 2 ) = c * x( 4 );
xdot( 3 ) = -cr / c2;
xdot( 4 ) = -cz / c2;
Figure 1 Empiris Equation 1

Figure 2 Empiris Equatio 2

Figure 3 SVP_TB

Figure 4 Rays

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