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Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa yang merupakan sumber pencemaran sungai adalah segala kegiatan hidup manusia yang berkaitan erat dengan proses produksi dan reproduksi. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk serta turunnya standar hidup merupakan parameter yang juga ikut menentukan laju pencemaran sungai. Jika diperhatikan, sungai -sungai yang mengalir di berbagai tempat, kendati kondisinya sangat menjijikkan, sering dipakai untuk mandi, mencuci pakaian, mencuci piring, bahkan menggosok gigi. Sementara itu, sungai tersebut secara terus-menerus dijejali dengan timbunan sampah, air limbah, dan tinja penduduk. Makin hilir, warna sungai makin hitam dan pekat. Apabila sungai tercemar, hal itu akan memberikan keleluasaan bagi bibit penyakit untuk berkembang biak. Akhirnya, kesehatan masyarakat akan terganggu. Gangguan kesehatan yang banyak muncul tipus dan maag. Untuk menghindari penumpukan sampah yang sulit melapuk, perlu dibuat tempat penimbunan khusus di luar kota. Hal yang baik adalah kalau sampah rumah tangga sejak dari rumah sudah dilakukan pemisahan antara sampah yang mudah lapuk dan sulit lapuk. Sudah waktunya, sampah tidak dibuang ke sungai. Selain itu, pembuatan septic tank di rumah-rumah akan sangat membantu menanggulangi pencemaran sungai. Khusus air buangan industri, seharusnya sebelum dibuang ke sungai terlebih dahulu diolah melalui instalasi penjernihan. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk mencegah adanya zat-zat yang bersifat racun. Usaha pencegahan harus ditunjang oleh adanya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian sungai. Kesadaran masyarakat modal dasar yang positif bagi peningkatan perilaku yang baik dalam memperlakukan sungai. Sungai yang _lestari mencermikan keserasian lingkungan hidup manusia. Dampaknya adalah ekologi lingkungan akan menjadi lebih baik, air bersih tetap tesedia, dan kesehatan masyarakat tetap terjaga. Judul yang tepat untuk wacana di atas adalah .... A. Pencemaran Sungai B. Pencemaran Sungai yang Parah C. Penyebab dan Dampak Pencemaran sungai D. Pelestarian Sungai di masa mendatang E. Pencegahan Sungai Tercemar Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa yang merupakan sumber pencemaran sungai adalah segala kegiatan hidup manusia yang berkaitan erat dengan proses produksi dan reproduksi. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk serta turunnya standar hidup merupakan parameter yang juga ikut menentukan laju pencemaran sungai. Jika diperhatikan, sungai -sungai yang mengalir di berbagai tempat, kendati kondisinya sangat menjijikkan, sering dipakai untuk mandi, mencuci pakaian, mencuci piring, bahkan menggosok gigi. Sementara itu, sungai tersebut secara terus-menerus dijejali dengan timbunan sampah, air limbah, dan tinja penduduk. Makin hilir, warna sungai makin hitam dan pekat. Apabila sungai tercemar, hal itu akan memberikan keleluasaan bagi bibit penyakit untuk berkembang biak. Akhirnya, kesehatan masyarakat akan terganggu. Gangguan kesehatan yang banyak muncul tipus dan maag. Untuk menghindari penumpukan sampah yang sulit melapuk, perlu dibuat tempat penimbunan khusus di luar kota. Hal yang baik adalah kalau sampah rumah tangga sejak dari rumah sudah dilakukan pemisahan antara sampah yang mudah lapuk dan sulit lapuk. Sudah waktunya, sampah tidak dibuang ke sungai. Selain itu, pembuatan septic tank di rumah-rumah akan sangat membantu menanggulangi pencemaran sungai. Khusus air buangan industri, seharusnya sebelum dibuang ke sungai terlebih dahulu diolah melalui instalasi penjernihan. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk mencegah adanya zat-zat yang bersifat racun. Usaha pencegahan harus ditunjang oleh adanya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian sungai. Kesadaran masyarakat modal dasar yang positif bagi peningkatan perilaku yang baik dalam memperlakukan sungai. Sungai yang _lestari mencermikan keserasian lingkungan hidup manusia. Dampaknya adalah ekologi lingkungan akan menjadi lebih baik, air bersih tetap tesedia, dan kesehatan masyarakat tetap terjaga. Letak kalimat utama dalam peragraf kedua adalah .... A. kalimat pertama B. kalimat kedua C. kalimat ketiga D. kalimat pertama dan terakhir E. kalimat kedua dan ketiga Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa yang merupakan sumber pencemaran sungai adalah segala kegiatan hidup manusia yang berkaitan erat dengan proses produksi dan reproduksi. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk serta turunnya standar hidup merupakan parameter yang juga ikut menentukan laju pencemaran sungai. Jika diperhatikan, sungai -sungai yang mengalir di berbagai tempat, kendati kondisinya sangat menjijikkan, sering dipakai untuk mandi, mencuci pakaian, mencuci piring, bahkan menggosok gigi. Sementara itu, sungai tersebut secara terus-menerus dijejali dengan timbunan sampah, air limbah, dan tinja penduduk. Makin hilir, warna sungai makin hitam dan pekat. Apabila sungai tercemar, hal itu akan memberikan keleluasaan bagi bibit penyakit untuk berkembang biak. Akhirnya, kesehatan masyarakat akan terganggu. Gangguan kesehatan yang banyak muncul tipus dan maag. Untuk menghindari penumpukan sampah yang sulit melapuk, perlu dibuat tempat penimbunan khusus di luar kota. Hal yang baik adalah kalau sampah rumah tangga sejak dari rumah sudah dilakukan pemisahan antara sampah yang mudah lapuk dan sulit lapuk. Sudah waktunya, sampah tidak dibuang ke sungai. Selain itu, pembuatan septic tank di rumah-rumah akan sangat membantu menanggulangi pencemaran sungai. Khusus air buangan industri, seharusnya sebelum dibuang ke sungai terlebih dahulu diolah melalui instalasi penjernihan. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk mencegah adanya zat-zat yang bersifat racun. Usaha pencegahan harus ditunjang oleh adanya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian sungai. Kesadaran masyarakat modal dasar yang positif bagi peningkatan perilaku yang baik dalam memperlakukan sungai. Sungai yang _lestari mencermikan keserasian lingkungan hidup manusia. Dampaknya adalah ekologi lingkungan akan menjadi lebih baik, air bersih tetap tesedia, dan kesehatan masyarakat tetap terjaga. Kata sambung yang tidak tepat dalam wacana adalah .... A. Sehingga B. Kalau C. Selain itu D. Dan E. Sejak Hutan merupakan penopang kelestarian kehidupan di bumi karena tidak hanya menyediakan bahan pangan ataupun bahan produksi, melainkan juga menjadi penghasil oksigen, penahan lapisan tanah, dan penyimpan cadangan air. Kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat baku apabila diperbaiki dengan cara .... A. menambahkan tanda koma (.) sebelum kata karena B. menulis kembali kata hutan setelah kata karena C. mengubah kata ataupun menjadi dan D. mengubah kata melainkan menjadi tetapi E. menambahkan tanda koma (,) sebelum kata tidak hanya Passage 1 Captive breeding programs now demand a sizable portion of the annual budget and research efforts at many major zoological gardens. Originally, these programs were designed to keep (5) 2008 stocked while causing as little disruption to nature as possible; every animal bred in a zoo rep- resented an animal that needn't be taken from the wild. Now, however, zoos often consider captive breeding programs an insurance policy for severe- ~ (10) ly endangered species. If a species is on the brink of extinction, the thinking goes, animals bred in captivity may, with careful research and planning, be introduced into the wild. Passage 2 Zoos have oversold captive breeding programs as a method of reversing the tide of extinctions that threatens to engulf the much of the planet, but such action ignore the true cause of species (5) extinction. Advocates of these programs often sin- gle out the recent examples of the reintroduction of the golden lion tamarin, a small primate native to the tropical forests of Brazil, and the Arabian oryx, an antelope in the deserts of Oman. These (10) programs were remarkably expensive, however, and produced mixed results at best. Instead, we should concentrate our efforts on conserving the habitats that host a diversity of life forms. Only thus can we guarantee lasting safety for endan- (15) gered species. According to Passage 1, zoos now regard captive breeding programs as (A) primarily a means to provide animals for 200 exhibits . (B) a method to assure the survival of endan- gered species ; {C) a distraction fram the true mission of wildlife preservation ; (D) a means to expand their collections of animals (E)- an important effort largely without drawbacks Passage 1 Captive breeding programs now demand a sizable portion of the annual budget and research efforts at many major zoological gardens. Originally, these programs were designed to keep (5) 2008 stocked while causing as little disruption to nature as possible; every animal bred in a zoo rep- resented an animal that needn't be taken from the wild. Now, however, zoos often consider captive breeding programs an insurance policy for severe- - (10) ly endangered species. If a species is on the brink of extinction, the thinking goes, animals bred in captivity may, with careful research and planning, be introduced into the wild. Passage 2 Zoos have oversold captive breeding programs as a method of reversing the tide of extinctions that threatens to engulf the much of the planet, | but such action ignore the true cause of species (5) extinction. Advocates of these programs often sin- gle out the recent examples of the reintroduction of the golden lion tamarin, a small primate native to the tropical forests of Brazil, and the Arabian oryx, an antelope in the deserts of Oman. These (10) programs were remarkably expensive, however, and produced mixed results at best. Instead, we should concentrate our efforts on conserving the habitats that host a diversity of life forms. Only thus can we guarantee lasting safety for endan- (15) gered species. In line 11 of Passage 1, the phrase the thinking goes serves primarily to convey that r (A) the viewpoint may not be shared by the author (B) considerable research goes into such an effort (C) the author disagrees strongly with the policy (D) such a policy is now only theoretical, and has not been put into practice (E) this course of action is unlikely to actually succeed Passage 1 Captive breeding programs now demand a sizable portion of the annual budget and research efforts at many major zoological gardens. Originally, these programs were designed to keep (5) 2008 stocked while causing as little disruption to nature as possible; every animal bred in a zoo rep- resented an animal that needn't be taken from the wild. Now, however, zoos often consider captive breeding programs an insurance policy for severe- - (10) ly endangered species. If a species is on the brink of extinction, the thinking goes, animals bred in captivity may, with careful research and planning, be introduced into the wild. Passage 2 Zoos have oversold captive breeding programs as a method of reversing the tide of extinctions that threatens to engulf the much of the planet, but such action ignore the true cause of species (5) extinction. Advocates of these programs often sin- gle out the recent examples of the reintroduction of the golden lion tamarin, a small primate native to the tropical forests of Brazil, and the Arabian oryx, an antelope in the deserts of Oman. These (10) programs were remarkably expensive, however, and produced mixed results at best. Instead, we should concentrate our efforts on conserving the habitats that host a diversity of life forms. Only thus can we guarantee lasting safety for endan- (15) gered species. © In passage 2, the writer's outlook on captive breeding programs may best be described as (A) enthusiastic {B) critical (C) cautiously positive {D) impartial (E) unique Passage 1 Captive breeding programs now demand a sizable portion of the annual budget and research efforts at many major zoological gardens. Originally, these programs were designed to keep (5) 2008 stocked while causing as little disruption to nature as possible; every animal bred in a zoo rep- resented an animal that needn't be taken from the wild. Now, however, zoos often consider captive breeding programs an insurance policy for severe- - (10) ly endangered species. If a species is on the brink of extinction, the thinking goes, animals bred in captivity may, with careful research and planning, be introduced into the wild. Passage 2 Zoos have oversold captive breeding programs as a method of reversing the tide of extinctions that threatens to engulf the much of the planet, but such action ignore the true cause of species (5) extinction. Advocates of these programs often sin- gle out the recent examples of the reintroduction of the golden lion tamarin, a small primate native to the tropical forests of Brazil, and the Arabian oryx, an antelope in the deserts of Oman. These (10) programs were remarkably expensive, however, and produced mixed results at best. Instead, we should concentrate our efforts on conserving the habitats that host a diversity of life forms. Only thus can we guarantee lasting safety for endan- (15) gered species. In reaction to the term “insurance policy” (line 9) as used in Passage 1, Author 2 would most likely state that such a policy (A) may have harmful effects that cannot be known in advance. (B) is likely to fail because it misunderstands the cause of species extinction. (C) is an important component of a larger, more comprehensive effort at wildlife preservation, (D) is ill-advised because it distorts the healthy mechanism of natural evolution, (E) is unlikely to succeed since it requires unreal- istic levels of funding. The following passage was written in 1992 by France Bequette, a writer who specializes in environmental issues, The ozone layer, the fragile layer of gas sur- rounding our planet between 7 and 30 miles above the carth’s surface, is being rapidly depleted. Seasonally occurring holes have appeared in it (5) over the Poles and, recently, over densely populat- ed temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. The threat is serious because the ozone Jayer pro- tects the ¢arth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to all living organisms. (0) Even though the layer is many miles thick, the atmosphere in it is tenuous and the total amount of ozone, compared with other atmospheric gases, is small, Ozone is highly reactive to chlorine, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Of these chlorine is the (15) most dangerous since it is very stable and Jong- lived. When chlorine compounds reach the stratosphere, they bond with and destroy ozone molecules, with consequent repercussions for life on Earth. (20) In 1958, researchers began noticing seasonal variations in the ozone layer above the South Pale. Between June and October the ozone content steadily fell, followed by a sudden increase in November. These fluctuations appeared to result (25) from the natural effects of wind and temperature. But while the low October levels remained constant until 1979, the total ozone content over the Pole was steadily diminishing. In 1985, public opinion was finally roused by reports of a “hole” (30) in the layer, 7 The culprits responsible for the hole were iden- tified as compounds known as chlorofluorocar- bons, or CFC: 2s. CPCs are compounds of chlorine and fluorine, Nonflammable, nontoxic and non- (35) corrosive, they have been widely used in industry since the 1950s, mostly as refrigerants and propel- Jants and in making plastic foam and insulation. In 1989 CFCs represented a sizeable market val- ued at over $1.5 billion and a labor force of 1.6 (49) million. But with CPCs implicated in orone deple- tion, the question arose as to whether we were willing to risk an'increase in cases of skin cancer, s, even a lowering of the human immune defense system—all effects of further loss (45) of the ozone layer. And not only humans would suffer. So would plant life. Phytoplankton, the first link in the ocean food chain and vital to the sur- vival of most marine species, would not be able to survive near the ocean surface, which is where (50) these organisms grow. . In 1990, 70 countries agreed to stop producing CPCs by the year 2000. In late 1991, however, sci- entists noticed a depletion of the ozone layer over the Arctic, In 1992 it was announced that the layer (55) was depleting faster than expected and that it was also declining over the northern hemisphere. Scientists believe that natural events are making the problem worse. The Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines, which erupted in June 1991, released (60) 12 million tons of damaging volcanic gases into the atmosphere. Even if the whole world agreed today to stop all production and use of CFCs, this would not solve the problem. A single chlorine molecule can (65) destroy 10,000-100,000 molecules of ozone. Furthermore, CPCs have a lifespan of 75-400 years and they take ten years to reach the ozone layer. In other words, what we are experiencing today results from CFCs emitted ten years aga. (70) Researchers are working hard to find substitute Products. Some are too dangerous because they are highly flammable; others may prove to be toxic and to contribute to the greenhouse effect—to the (5) hee 0 denying tat ese even i he atmosphere is in a state of disturbance, nobody can say that the si ation will not improve, either in the sh ¢ situ- long term, especially if we Short or the B pecially if we ourselves lend a hand. eye ailment The word tenuaus in line 11 most nearly means (A) doubtful (B) tense (C) clear (D) thin (E) hazy

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