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Nama : Deni Malik Irawan

NIM : 155410091

1. Tell mealittleabout yourself

Answer : I am a passionate and professional person studying in this IT course. I enjoy
getting roles and learning while growing and contributing to carrying out great work that
is in line with the rules of the company
2. What are your biggest strengths
Answer : I have a very strong work ethic. When working on projects, I don't want to only
meet deadlines. Choosing, I prefer to complete the project far above the schedule.
3. What are your biggest weaknesses
Answer : Organized is not my strongest point, but I implemented a time management
system that really helped my skills.
4. Why should we hire you
Answer : I am a person who is bound and does not like to replace work. So, I think I will
easily adjust to the tempo of work at this Docontel Company
5. Why do you want this job
Answer : My biggest wish is to become a Programmer using a web programming
language. As a beginner, I really understand this. I have to go through a long process to
get to this position and I want to stay on the path I choose. Therefore, I am interested in
programmers. I am sure of the many abilities that I will receive here.
6. What motivatesyou
Answer : I am responsible for several projects where I am in the program development and
implementation team. The team reaches 100% on time to work on a program. I am
motivated both by the challenge of completing the project ahead of schedule and
managing the team to achieve the goals achieved by the company.
7. Howdoyouthinkyouwillfit in this role
Answer : I think I would fit really great into this role. From what I’ve learned so far about the role and the
company, I think there is a natural fit when it comes to needs on both sides and it makes me excited to think
about getting to know the team and all the things I can learn and can contribute
8. What do you know about our company
Answer : I do not fully understand this company, but I only know this company is
engaged in technology, especially for information technology programmers
9. Describe your ideal role
Answer : I would prefer the company culture to be very team oriented and focused on
delivering real measurable results while still maintaining a friendly and respectful
work environment.
10. What type of environment are you looking to step into?”
Answer : I can be flexible when I come to my work environment. From your website, so
that it appears on the programmer, so that it can be received by the client. I enjoy
Nama : Deni Malik Irawan
NIM : 155410091

working in an area that increases my growth and thinks such an environment is

conducive to ideas and making programs so that it can produce new applications
11. Whatareyou looking fornow?”

12. What about this role / company attracts you?”

Answer : the company is very concerned about the work space in your company. This
is the workspace that will be a place where they will complete their tasks for a full
day. Building a comfortable workspace means you have to pay attention to
cleanliness to the layout of each sitting position.
13. Whydoyouwanttoleave yourcurrentjob
Answer : Because to pursue a career in a different field or career that you've always
dreamed of. How to attract it with a sincere and simple, just say: "I always want to
find success in writing, but over the years I believe I am not good enough. After a lot
of soul searching and introspection, then I come to a conclusion that I did not try, I will
never know, so I finally ventured and pursued the success of my dream.
Nama : Deni Malik Irawan
NIM : 155410091

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