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Management - the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.

Workforce - All the people working or available to work, as in a nation, company, industry,
or on a project.

Organisation chart - diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the
relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

Board of directors - A group of individuals who are elected by stockholders to establish

corporate management policies and make decisions on major company issues.

Senior Manager (comp.officer) - is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and

controlling the people and their work.

Middle management - is a layer of management in an organization whose primary job

responsibility is to monitor activities of subordinates while reporting to upper

Chairperson – a person in charge of a meeting or organization.

Chief executive officer (manag.d) - The highest-ranking executive in a company or


Marketing – the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or
seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.

Information technology - The development, installation, and implementation of computer

systems and applications.

Human resouces ; personnel - all the people who work in a business or organization.

Finance - The science that describes the management of money, banking, credit,
investments, and assets.

R&D - Reasearch and Development.

Production - the creation for sale of goods and services with exchange value.

Covering letter - A letter sent with other documents to provide more information. Also
called cover letter.

CV - curriculum vitae; A written account with details about a person's education,

professional history, and job qualifications, that is often required when applying for a job.

Applicant - a person who applies for or requests something; a candidat.

Interview - a formal meeting and discussion with someone.

Recruitment - the act or process of recruiting.

Recruitment agency – when companies want to hire people they are using services of
these agencies who will provide list of suitable candidates.

Behaviour - manner of behaving or acting.

Competent - having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience, etc., for some
purpose; properly qualified.

Employer - a person or business that employs one or more people, and who pays people to
work for them.

Rationalize – To make business or organisation more effective by getting rid of

unnecessary staff, equipment etc, or reorganizing its structure.

Skill - the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something

Retailing - The sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.

Outlet- a store, merchant, or agency selling the goods of a particular wholesaler or


Shopping center; mall – a large retail complex containing a variety of stores and often
restaurants and other business establishments housed in a single large building; having a
common parking lot.

Hypermarket - a combined supermarket and department store; over 30000 square metres.

Superstores - a very large store, esp. one stocking a wide variety of merchandise; under
30000 m2

Retail park - group of large retail stores in a city suburb.

Department store - A large retail store offering a variety of merchandise and services and
organized in separate departments.

Profit - The same as net income: total earnings less expenses.

Supplier - a person or thing that provides.

Discount - an amount deducted from the usual list price.

Overhead - the general, fixed cost of running a business, as rent, lighting, and heating
expenses, which cannot be charged or attributed to a specific product or part of the work

Mass market - to produce and distribute to the widest range of consumers.

Franchise - Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or


Franchisor - A firm that sells to others the right to sell or rent its products and to use its

Franchisee - An individual or a company that has the right to sell or rent another firm's
products and to use its name.
Royalty - A payment to an owner for the use of property.

Gross Margin - A company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold.

Working capital - the amount of capital needed to carry on a business.

Trademark - A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered

and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.

Hierarchy – arrangement in order of rank,importance,etc.

Subordinates - placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.

Authority – Right to take decisions and give orders.

Delegate - give authority to somebody else: to give somebody else the power to act, make

Initiative - ability to act on your own: the ability to act and make decisions without the help
or advice of other people.

Corporate culture - the philosophy, values, behavior, dress codes, etc., that together
constitute the unique style and policies of a company.

Headquarters - A center of operations or administration.

Discount - an amount deducted from the usual list price.

Subsidiary - A company controlled or owned by another company.

Head-hunter - a personnel recruiter for a corporation or executive recruitment agency.

Commercial Bank - A financial institution that provides services such as a accepting

deposits and giving business loans.

Merchant Bank - A bank that deals mostly in (but is not limited to) international finance,
long-term loans for companies and underwriting. Merchant banks do not provide regular
banking services to the general public.

Credit card - A card which allows the holder to buy goods or services on credit.

Bank statement - a periodic statement prepared by a bank for each client.

Bank note – A piece of paper issued by a bank,used as a money.

Consumer society - a community in which the buying and selling of mass-produced goods
and services is promoted through mass media and is the dominant economic activity.

Consumer - buyer: a buyer of goods or services.

Environment – The natural world around us.

Pollution - the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.

Recycling - to process used or waste material so that it can be used again.

Global warming - an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes
corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.
Stock market (stock exchange) – a market place for buying and selling shares.

Equities – Different types of shares.

Shareholder - A person who owns shares in a business company.

Dividend – Is the share of the gain that the shareholder receive .

Broker – A person employed to buy and sell ( especially shares ) for others.

Bond - a certificate issued by a government or company promising to pay back borrowed

money at a fixed rate of interest on a specified date.

Export - to send goods for sale or exchange to other countries.

Import - to bring in goods from another country.

Tariffs - A government tax on imports or exports.

WTO - World Trade Organization. EFTA - European Free Trade Association

Quotas - A maximum or minimum limit on quantity.

Joint venture – Two or more companies enter agree to collaborate and jointly invest in a
separate business project.

Invoice - A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs.

Bill of lading - a list of merchandise being transported.

Balance of trade - difference between values of country’s imports and exports.

Trade deficit - If a country imports more than it exports.

Trade surplus - If country exports more than it imports.

Annual report - yearly review of activities ; A corporation's annual statement of financial

operations. Annual reports include a balance sheet, income statement, auditor's report,
and a description of the company's operations.

Net profit - gross profit minus expenses. Revenue - income from business.

Balance sheet - a statement showing the assets and liabilities of a company at a particular

PLC - Public limited company ; company with limited stockholder liability.

Sole trader - an individual who is the sole owner of a business.

Partnership - a company set up by two or more people who put money into the business
and share the financial risks and profits

Business plan - a plan that sets out the future strategy and financial development of a
business, usually covering a period of several years.

Merger – Two companies,often in the same industry, come together to form one company.

Takeover (acquisition) - One company accumulates enough of another company’s shares

to take over control and ownership.
Marketing mix - the elements of marketing that can be used by a company to influence
consumers to purchase goods or services. (4p- product,price,place,promotion)

Public relations - The methods and activities employed to establish and promote a
favorable relationship with the public.

Price - cost of something bought or sold: the amount, usually of money, that is offered or
asked for when something is bought or sold.

Securities – Mesures of protection.

Franchise fee - fee paid by the franchisee to the franchisor initially to acquire the

Clearing banks - any bank that uses a central clearinghouse for transferring credits and
checks between itself and other banks.

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