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160 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Static stretches, as discussed in detail previously in this chapter, are simple exercises that
you can use to improve your flexibility. Remember to always warm up before stretching.

Forward flexion: Facing forward, move your head forward
to tuck your chin into your chest; hold.

Lateral flexion: Facing forward, allow your head to tilt to

the side so your ear moves toward your shoulder; hold.
Repeat on the other side.

Levator scapulae stretch: Sit up straight on a chair. Put your hand up over your shoulder
and bring your elbow back, pointing your elbow up to the ceiling. Use your left hand
to pull your head forward and to the left; hold. Repeat on other side (6).

a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 161

Arms across chest: Facing forward, straighten
your right arm and draw it across your chest.
Your arm should be as straight as possible,
and you should feel gentle tension in your
right shoulder. Grasp your right arm with your
left hand and apply gentle pressure with your
left hand to increase the tension in your right
shoulder. Repeat on the other side.

Wall hold: Stand with your right side facing a wall. Place your hand on the wall at
shoulder height with elbow straight and thumb pointing down (a). Turn your body away
from the wall and maintain the rotation of your arm; hold (b). Repeat on the other side.

a b
162 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Upper Back
Arm hug: Cross your arms around your body with your elbows pointing forward. Let
your upper body round, and squeeze your arms toward each other.

Kneeling cat: Adopt a crawl position on your hands and knees (a). Draw in your
abdominal muscles and contract your buttocks, and then round your spine throughout
its entire length (b).

Increasing Your Flexibility 163

Pillar–overhead reach: Facing forward, stand upright and

extend your arms above your head, keeping your shoul-
ders in a neutral position (in line with your hips). Interlock
your fingers and use your palms to press upward. You
can also involve your trunk muscles (torso) by slightly
rotating to one side of your body and back. Hold when
you feel tension in your torso on the side opposite the
reach; repeat on other side.

Low Back
Supine rotational stretch: Lie face
up on the floor and bend your
knees so that your feet are flat
on the floor. Straighten your arms
out from your sides across the
floor to stabilize your upper body
(a). Slowly move both legs with
your knees bent to the right side
of your body while keeping your
upper back against the floor and
your abdomen oriented toward
the ceiling (b). Repeat by moving a
your legs to the left side.

164 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Chest stretch: In this stretch, your shoulders should
be relaxed, not elevated. Straighten your arms
toward your back, keeping them at or a little
below shoulder height. A good cue for this stretch
is “open arms wide.”

Progressive chest stretch: Place your arms against

an open doorway and lean forward until you feel
gentle tension across your chest. This exercise also
stretches the biceps.
Increasing Your Flexibility 165

Biceps wall stretch: Position your arm from your
hand to your inner elbow against a wall and turn
your body away from it, exhaling slowly. Repeat
on the other side.

Elbow behind the head: Facing forward, bring your
right arm up, bend from your elbow, and drop your
hand behind your head, trying to reach your left
shoulder with your right hand. The left hand can
be placed on the right elbow to assist with this
stretch. Repeat on the other side.
166 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Hips and Buttocks

Seated hip rotator stretch: Sit upright on a sturdy chair that won’t move. Cross your
right ankle onto your bent left knee (a) and gently press down on your right knee until
tension develops in the outer portion of your right thigh (b). Repeat on the other side.

a b

Supine hip rotator stretch: Lie faceup on floor with your knees bent so your feet are
flat on the floor and cross your right ankle onto your bent left knee (a). Lift your left
foot off the floor and wrap your hands around your left leg and draw it into your body
(b). Focus on opening up your right knee until tension develops in the outer portion
of your right thigh. Repeat on the other side.

Increasing Your Flexibility 167

Butterfly stretch: Sit upright on the

floor with the soles of your feet
together. Draw your knees to the floor
and lean forward from your hips and
use your elbows to press your legs

Kneeling hip flexor stretch: Kneel on

both knees with your upper body
lifted. Plant your left foot on the floor
until you reach a 90-degree angle with
both your front and back legs (a). Shift
your weight forward while keeping
your upper body lifted (b). Repeat on
the other side.

168 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Standing hip flexor stretch: Stand erect and keep your hands on your hips. Step for-
ward with your left foot into a lunge position (a). Your left foot will be in front of your
body and your right foot will be behind your body; your right heel may be elevated
to facilitate this movement. Shift your hips forward and maintain this position, feeling
tension develop in your hips, quadriceps, and buttocks (b). Repeat on the other side.

a b

Seated hamstring stretch: Sit upright on the floor with both legs straight and hands
resting on your legs (a). Slowly walk your hands forward toward your feet, keeping
your chest lifted (b).

a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 169

Standing hamstring stretch: Standing upright, bring your right foot slightly ahead of
your left foot. Slowly draw your hips back while slightly bending your left knee and
straightening your right knee (a). Bring the toes of your right foot off the floor and
toward your body (b). Hold and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the
other leg.

a b

Prone quadriceps stretch: Lie facedown on the floor with your legs straight. Draw
your right heel back toward your buttocks using your left hand. Be sure to keep your
knees together.
170 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Side-lying quadriceps stretch: Lie on the floor on your right side. Bend your left knee,
keeping your knees and hips in a straight line (keep your knees together and do not
twist your leg to the side). Draw your left heel back toward your buttocks with your
left arm. Repeat on the other side.

Standing quadriceps stretch: While in a standing position (you can hold on to a chair
for support), bend your right knee toward your buttocks. Grasp your right ankle with
your left hand. Be sure to keep your knees close together and your ankle behind your
buttock; do not twist your leg outward. Gently pull your thigh back slightly. Repeat
on the other side.
Increasing Your Flexibility 171

Seated calf stretch: Sit upright with both legs straightened out in front of you (a). Draw
your toes toward your upper body (b).

a b

Standing calf step stretch: Stand with your legs extended on the edge of an immovable
step and grasp a banister or handrail for support. Move your right foot so your heel
back is off the edge of the step (a). Slowly drop your right heel until tension develops
in your right calf (b). Repeat on the other side.

a b
172 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Standing calf stretch (gastrocnemius): Stand about 3 feet (0.9 m) from a wall and put
your right foot behind you, ensuring that your toes are facing forward. Keep your
heel on the ground and lean forward with your right knee straight. Rotating the toes
in and out slightly will target the medial and lateral parts of this muscle separately.
Repeat on other side.

Standing calf stretch (soleus): Stand away from a wall and put your right foot behind
you and be sure your toes are facing forward. Lean forward at the ankle while bend-
ing the right knee and keeping your heel on the ground. Because the knee is flexed,
tension is taken off the gastrocnemius and placed on the soleus. Repeat on other side.
Increasing Your Flexibility 173

Dynamic stretches, as discussed in detail previously in this chapter, are more active than
static stretches. Remember to always warm up before any stretching activity.

Arms and Shoulders

Arm circle: Stand with
your feet shoulder-
width apart and your
knees slightly bent.
Raise both arms to the
side at shoulder height
with your palms out.
Make small circles with
your arms extended,
gradually increasing
the size of the circles.

Shoulder shrug: Lift

both shoulders toward
your ears (a) and then
lower them away from
your ears (b).

a b
174 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Hips and Buttocks

Pendulum leg swing (front to back): Place your right hand on the back of a chair for
balance. Lift your left leg and swing it forward (in front of your body) (a) and back
(behind your body) (b). Begin with small swings and progress to larger swings. Switch
to the opposite leg.

a b

Pendulum leg swing (side to side): Place both hands on the back of a chair for balance.
Swing your left leg out to the left (a), and back across your body to the right (b). Begin
with small swings and progress to larger swings. Switch to the opposite leg.

a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 175

Internal hip rotation: Stand upright with your

feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left foot
toward the side of your body and tap the out-
side of your left heel with your left hand. Allow
your knee to rotate inward. Switch and tap the
outside of your right heel with your right hand.
Alternate tapping each foot. Progress to walking
forward while alternating feet.

External hip rotation: Stand upright with your

feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left foot
in front of your body and tap the inside of your
left heel with your right hand. Allow your knee
to point away from your body. Switch and tap
the inside of your right heel with your left hand.
Alternate tapping each foot. Progress to walking
forward while alternating feet.
176 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Hip circles: Place your hands on your hips and feet spread wider than your shoulders.
Make circles with your hips in a clockwise direction for 6 to 10 repetitions. Then repeat
in a counterclockwise direction.

Side shuffle: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and
your hands on your hips. Take one step to the left with your left foot (a); then bring
your right foot in to meet your left foot (b). Begin with small steps, progress to larger
steps, and then progress to a shuffle. Switch to the opposite direction.

a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 177

Butt kick: Begin marching in place. Pull your heel in closer toward your buttock with
each step. Progress to moving forward (walking or jogging) while kicking your buttocks.

High knees: Begin marching in place. Raise your knees higher and higher with each
step. Progress to moving forward (walking or jogging) with high knees.
178 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Dynamic foot range of motion: Sit upright in a chair with both legs together and
straightened in front of you. Point your toes away from your body and pull your toes
toward your body (a). Rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise (b).

a b

Combined Movements
Soldier walk: Simultaneously rotate your right arm forward and raise your left leg
(straight). Reach your right hand toward your left lower leg and toes. Switch to the
opposite side. Progress to alternating to the opposite side and then to walking while
alternating sides.
Increasing Your Flexibility 179

Wood chop: Stand with

your feet wider than
shoulder width. Reach
both arms down toward
the outside of your left
foot while bending your
knees slightly (a). Move
your arms diagonally
across your body and
end by reaching above
your right shoulder (b).
Switch to the opposite

a b

Power skip: Skip across the field using powerful

explosive movements. Use big arm swings start-
ing from the side of the body through the frontal
plane and reaching for the sky. Use high knee lifts
moving the opposite arm (i.e., as the left leg moves
forward, the right arm reaches upward).
180 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health

Stretching exercises are recommended as an essential component of any exercise

training program due to the improvement in range of motion and physical function-
ing. Improving flexibility can be accomplished through various stretching techniques,
for example static or dynamic methods. Stretching exercises can be incorporated into
the warm-up to help prepare the body for more vigorous activity, or following the
conditioning period of a workout to enhance flexibility. And while the research in
flexibility training is still emerging, following the guidelines set forth in this chapter
will help you to improve your flexibility in a safe and effective manner.

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