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Morning Glory of different colors, usually tubular or funnel-shaped.

They are
truly "here today, gone tomorrow" because they open and
About Morning Glories
close within the same day.
Ipomoea is the name for the huge family more commonly
known as Morning Glories. These include perennials,
Species Profile
biennials and annuals. They range in color from pink to white
to deep blue. They grow in vines and bushes. Sounds Ipomoea purpurea, or common morning glory, is native to
confusing? Don't worry. No matter what variety you pick, tropical North and South America but grow in many other
they have the same general requirements. And their showy regions and countries. The large, open-trumpet, purple
flowers are a delightful choice. flowers flourish on vines that reach to about 16 feet in
height. Their general flowering season is between July and
Site Preparation

The most popular morning glories grow as vines. They will Colors
therefore need some kind of support as well as full sun,
Heavenly blue morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) exhibits
particularly in the morning hours. Planting them right next to
flowers that are about 3 inches in diameter. The flowers are
a wall may block the sun. The best solution is to plant them bright blue, fading to reddish purple. This South American
next to a fence, if possible. For the most part, morning morning glory responds to a place in the sun and well-
glories grow easily from seed, but you can also transplant a drained soil. White flowers characterize Ipomoea alba, better
vine that has begun to grow. Till the soil until it is soft and known as moon flowers or belles-de-nuit. They are fragrant,
crumbly. Add a spade-full of compost. trumpet like blooms that grow on climbers. The flowers are
Planting about 6 inches in diameter and tend to open in the early
evening. They flourish in South America and tropical North
America. The ivy-leaved morning glory (Ipomoea cairica) is
Sow morning glory seeds about 1 week after the last frost. If indigenous to tropical Africa and Asia. This perennial
you are planting seeds, you need to prepare the seeds first. features lilac-colored blooms and leathery, dark green
Since they have a hard, outer seed-coat, soak the seeds in leaves. The redstar morning glory (Ipomoea coccinea) has
warm water for about 2 hours. Then, make half-inch holes bright red flowers with pale yellow throats.
(use your finger) in the spot you chose. Place 1 seed in each
All in the Family
hole, and each seed about 6 inches apart. Once 1 plant
starts to outgrow the others, take the other ones out. Two versions of the yellow morning glory are both members
Morning glories will grow quickly, and they need all the room of the Convolvulaceae family, but one is from the genus
they can get. If you are transplanting, make sure the vine is Merremia, and the other is from the genus Ipomoea. The
as deep into the soil as it was before. Merremia aurea yellow morning glory is native to Mexico. Its
summertime blooms are between 2 to 4 inches in diameter.
Care The other yellow morning glory, Ipomoea hederifolia var.
lutea, is native to the Americas but also grows in India. It is
As the vine starts to grow, you may want to train it. Twist it commonly called yellow ivy leaf morning glory or yellow
around its support, very gently. Water the morning glory trumpet morning glory. It exhibits smaller, bright yellow to
regularly, but be careful to avoid overwatering. You should orange blooms.
have blooms from early summer until early winter. The
History in Europe
flowers will bloom, as the name indicates, in the morning.
Choosing a Variety Ipomoea indica, or blue dawn morning glory, has large,
purple-blue blooms that flower profusely. Ipomoea indica is
Choosing a type of morning glory is highly dependent on indigenous to South America and was introduced to Britain
by Henry John Mandeville (1773-1861), British minister to
personal preferences. A popular choice is Heavenly Blue,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Subsequently, at a nursery in
which has deep cobalt-periwinkle blossoms. Grandpa Ott's Chelsea, the Ipomoea indica grew to 40 feet in length and
are a deep eggplant color. You can also buy the seeds in produced a record 60,000 flowers, progressing from 300 to
mixed bags. This is a great idea if you are using the vine for 800 flowers daily. This particular morning glory became very
a border: the colors of various plants will mix together and popular and was much in demand for its profusion of
look just incredible. brilliantly colored flowers and easy-to-grow personality.
Special Features History in Japan

Some species are hallucinogens. This includes the ever- Morning glories arrived in Japan in the ninth century. In the
popular Heavenly Blue, as well as Pearly Gates, Flying British Museum, "Morning glory" is a hanging scroll painting
Saucers and Wedding Bells. Some call this a special feature. by Matsumura Keibun (1779-1843) that depicts blue blooms.
During Japan's Edo period (1830-1840), the morning glory
But it is also a warning to keep children and animals away flower (asagao), was a sought-after ornamental. A scroll such
from the seeds and plants. as this one would grace a traditional tea room for a tea
ceremony. The choice of morning glories suggests a morning
Overview tea ceremony.
Read more: Information on Morning Glory Flowers | Garden
The morning glory family comprises more than 1,000
different species, including annuals and perennials, shrubs,
trees and climbers. Morning glory flowers emerge in a burst

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