You are on page 1of 90


* Log opened: 2010-05-04T00:51:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:51:30.72] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03895C08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '0388DC00', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:51:30.72] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03895C08: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:51:30.72] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03895C08: (User='') --
enabling policy
[17:51:31.42] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03895C08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '0388DC00'
[17:51:31.48] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03895C08: (User='') --
disabling policy
[17:52:12.17] 1124 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038938B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '0388DF00', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:52:12.17] 1124 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038938B8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:52:12.17] 1124 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038938B8: (User='') --
enabling policy
[17:52:12.82] 1124 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038938B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '0388DF00'
[17:52:12.87] 1124 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038938B8: (User='') --
disabling policy
[17:53:45.92] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0389B490: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0388DA80', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:53:45.92] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0389B490: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:53:45.92] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0389B490: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:53:46.78] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0389B490: (User='', Target='')[1/
[17:53:46.78] 1648 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0389B490: (User='', Target='')[2/2
[17:53:46.84] 0f28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0389BCD8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:53:50.06] 0f28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038AB7C8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:53:50.07] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038A28B8: Initial Sync Starting
[17:53:50.20] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CC4B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:53:51.02] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038CC4B0: status = 301
[17:53:51.02] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CC4B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:53:51.85] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:53:51.93] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CC520: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:53:52.30] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038CC520: status = 301
[17:53:52.30] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CC520: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:53:52.88] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@038D14E0: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[17:53:52.97] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:53:53.27] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038FCB60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[17:53:53.32] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@038C0930: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:53:54.22] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@038C0930: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[17:53:54.22] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@038C0930: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:53:54.94] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@038D3DD0: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:53:54.94] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BF890: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-27T07:02:05.00-00:00
[17:53:54.99] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038A28B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:53:55.52] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038D3DD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T00:5
[17:53:55.52] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BF890: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T00:54:05.00-00:00
[17:53:55.53] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038ED590: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:53:56.28] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038D3DD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T00:5
[17:53:56.28] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BF7E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T00:54:06.00-00:00
[17:58:18.70] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038D3DD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T00:5
[17:58:18.70] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BF890: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T00:58:28.00-00:00
[17:58:19.11] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038D3DD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T00:5
[17:58:19.11] 0f28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BF7E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T00:58:29.00-00:00
[18:05:50.91] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@038904F0: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000000c) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[18:05:50.96] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@038904F0: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000000b) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[18:06:14.79] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038FB7C0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[18:06:16.08] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038FB7C0: status = 301
[18:06:16.08] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038FB7C0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[18:06:22.86] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:22.86] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@038904F0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[18:06:22.88] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038FB7C0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[18:06:23.47] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:23.47] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@038904F0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[18:06:23.47] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038D3DD0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[18:06:23.96] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038D3DD0: status = 301
[18:06:23.96] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038D3DD0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[18:06:24.59] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:24.62] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038D3DD0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[18:06:27.77] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:47.94] 1708 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0389B4EC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-03T15:20:58.663-07
[18:06:47.94] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CC520: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:06:48.56] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:19:19.07] 1708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0389B490: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0388DA80'
[18:19:19.07] 1708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0389B490: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[18:19:35.13] 14e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038D6648', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:19:35.13] 14e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:19:35.13] 14e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
enabling policy
[18:19:35.42] 14e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038D6648'
[18:19:35.43] 14e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
disabling policy
[18:20:05.63] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038D6108', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:20:05.63] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:20:05.64] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
enabling policy
[18:20:06.23] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038D6108'
[18:20:06.25] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
disabling policy
[18:24:54.28] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038D64C8', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:24:54.28] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:24:54.28] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
enabling policy
[18:24:55.11] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038D64C8'
[18:24:55.16] 02b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') --
disabling policy
[18:30:23.74] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038D5EC8', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:30:23.75] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:30:23.75] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:30:24.65] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038E4F18: (User='', Target='')[1/
[18:30:24.65] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038E4F18: (User='', Target='')[2/2
[18:30:24.69] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F64F0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:30:27.52] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F65C8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:30:27.55] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038EB370: Initial Sync Starting
[18:30:27.55] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038C0158: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:30:28.20] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038C0158: status = 301
[18:30:28.20] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038C0158: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:30:30.23] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:30:30.47] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038C0158: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:30:32.03] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@038C0158: status = 301
[18:30:32.03] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038C0158: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:30:32.68] 090c Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@038D2090: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[18:30:32.97] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:30:33.89] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03947DD0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[18:30:33.89] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@038E4D38: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[18:30:33.89] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038EB370: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:30:34.10] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E4D38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T01:3
[18:30:34.89] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E4D38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T01:3
[18:30:34.89] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03947DD0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[18:30:34.89] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@038A4DD8: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[18:30:35.59] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038B2750: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T01:3
[19:14:37.91] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038E4F18: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038D5EC8'
[19:14:37.98] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E4F18: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce830, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce847, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce826, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce83e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce857, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce81d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce835, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce84c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce82b, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce843, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce821, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce839, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce851, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:38.14] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038F64F0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571c9f7ce81a, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:14:46.11] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960328: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038A9E18', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:14:46.11] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960328: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:14:46.11] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960328: (User='') --
enabling policy
[19:14:46.80] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03960328: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038A9E18'
[19:14:46.81] 10c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960328: (User='') --
disabling policy
[19:18:22.49] 0fa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960328: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038A98D8', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:18:22.49] 0fa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960328: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:18:22.49] 0fa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960328: (User='') --
enabling policy
[19:18:23.26] 0fa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03960328: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038A98D8'
[19:18:23.27] 0fa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960328: (User='') --
disabling policy
[19:19:00.78] 02c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960450: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038AA178', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:19:00.78] 02c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03960450: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:19:00.79] 02c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960450: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:19:00.79] 02c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03960450: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:19:00.79] 02c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03960450: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:19:00.82] 1074 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F44F0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:19:01.43] 1074 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F45C8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:19:01.51] 1074 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E4FC0: Initial Sync Starting
[19:19:01.51] 1074 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038BA830: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:19:02.10] 11e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:19:02.10] 1074 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038BA830: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:19:02.60] 11e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:19:02.60] 1074 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0395E328: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:19:02.60] 1074 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E4FC0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:26:01.10] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03960450: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038AA178'
[19:26:01.12] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03960450: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[19:26:16.59] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038AA178', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:26:16.59] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:26:16.59] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:26:16.65] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03961EE8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:26:16.65] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03961EE8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:26:16.68] 13b0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F44F0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:26:17.42] 13b0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F45C8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:26:17.51] 13b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E6D48: Initial Sync Starting
[19:26:17.53] 13b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038BA830: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:26:17.92] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:26:17.92] 13b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038BA830: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:26:18.31] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:26:18.32] 13b0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0390A548: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:26:18.32] 13b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E6D48: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:26:28.73] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038AA178'
[19:26:28.74] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[19:26:37.68] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038A9E18', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:26:37.68] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:26:37.68] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') --
enabling policy
[19:26:40.66] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038A9E18'
[19:26:40.72] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') --
disabling policy
[19:28:14.07] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '038A98D8', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:28:14.07] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:28:14.07] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') --
enabling policy
[19:28:14.65] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03961EE8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '038A98D8'
[19:28:14.66] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03961EE8: (User='') --
disabling policy
[19:28:28.12] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0391A670: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038AA178', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:28:28.12] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0391A670: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:28:28.12] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0391A670: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:28:28.12] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0391A670: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:28:28.12] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0391A670: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:28:28.17] 1668 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03902DF0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:28:28.89] 1668 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03902EC8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:28:28.97] 1668 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E6D48: Initial Sync Starting
[19:28:29.01] 1668 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0390A428: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T02:2
[19:28:29.01] 1668 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0388D6C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T02:28:39.00-00:00
[19:28:29.12] 1668 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03963328: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:28:29.61] 1014 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:28:29.61] 1668 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038BA830: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:28:29.96] 1014 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:28:29.96] 1668 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038D4F08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:28:29.96] 1668 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E6D48: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:32:54.68] 080c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0391A6CC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-03T19:32:29.32-07:
* Log opened: 2010-05-04T04:51:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:51:42.42] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03749938: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0373AB30', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:51:42.42] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03749938: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:51:42.44] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03749938: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[21:51:42.44] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03749938: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[21:51:42.44] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03749938: (User='', Target='')[2/
[21:51:42.49] 1400 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03749A58: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[21:51:46.67] 1400 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037536E0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[21:51:46.92] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0374BD08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:51:48.21] 1400 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0377DBF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T04:5
[21:51:48.21] 1400 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03776DE0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T04:51:58.00-00:00
[21:51:48.49] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0374A5A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:51:49.52] 148c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:51:49.52] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0374A5A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:51:50.04] 148c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:51:50.07] 1400 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0377DBF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:51:50.07] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0374BD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:52:23.98] 1668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03749938: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0373AB30'
[21:52:23.98] 1668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03749938: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[21:52:37.59] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03733A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '03777150', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:52:37.60] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03733A70: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:52:37.60] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03733A70: (User='') --
enabling policy
[21:52:38.24] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03733A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '03777150'
[21:52:38.40] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03733A70: (User='') --
disabling policy
[07:20:37.35] 1768 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03730920: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '03776C10', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:20:37.35] 1768 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03730920: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:20:37.35] 1768 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03730920: (User='') --
enabling policy
[07:20:39.13] 1768 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03730920: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '03776C10'
[07:20:39.73] 1768 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03730920: (User='') --
disabling policy
[07:20:54.76] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03730920: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '03776FD0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:20:54.76] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03730920: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:20:54.76] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03730920: (User='') --
enabling policy
[07:20:55.04] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03730920: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '03776FD0'
[07:20:55.15] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03730920: (User='') --
disabling policy
[07:21:36.03] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03744600: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.ex
e', Types='7') == '037769D0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:21:36.03] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03744600: (User='', Target='Initial', Appli
cation='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:21:36.03] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03744600: (User='') --
enabling policy
[07:21:36.49] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03744600: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe') == '037769D0'
[07:21:36.60] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03744600: (User='') --
disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-04T14:22:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-04T14:58:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:58:41.48] 11bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0382C9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:58:41.50] 11bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:58:41.50] 11bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0383BCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[07:58:41.50] 11bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[07:58:41.50] 11bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[07:58:41.56] 1228 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0383BDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[07:58:43.40] 1228 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038353F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[07:58:43.51] 1228 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03846BD0: Initial Sync Starting
[07:58:43.65] 1228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0389AF08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T14:5
[07:58:43.65] 1228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038688A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T14:58:53.00-00:00
[07:58:43.74] 1228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0383A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:58:44.59] 128c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:58:44.59] 1228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0383A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:58:44.88] 128c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:58:44.93] 1228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0389AF08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:58:44.93] 1228 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03846BD0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:59:24.46] 1494 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0382C9A8'
[07:59:24.46] 1494 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0383BCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-04T14:59:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-04T21:12:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:12:45.92] 14b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038CBCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038BC9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:12:45.93] 14b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038CBCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:12:45.93] 14b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038CBCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:12:45.93] 14b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038CBCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:12:45.93] 14b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038CBCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:12:46.00] 1584 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038CBDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:12:47.96] 1584 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038C53F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:12:48.10] 1584 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038D6BF8: Initial Sync Starting
[14:12:48.29] 1584 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0392AF30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T21:1
[14:12:48.29] 1584 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038F88D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T21:12:58.00-00:00
[14:12:48.43] 1584 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CA6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:12:49.27] 15d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:12:49.29] 1584 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CA6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:12:49.57] 15d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:12:49.58] 1584 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0392BFA8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:12:49.58] 1584 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038D6BF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:27:21.57] 15ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038CBCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038BC9A8'
[14:27:22.13] 15ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038CBCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[14:31:15.66] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038B3A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038BCBE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:31:15.71] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038B3A70: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:31:15.71] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038B3A70: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:31:15.71] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038B3A70: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:31:15.71] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038B3A70: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:31:16.00] 17a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038D6BF8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:31:34.04] 17a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F3FB8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:31:34.30] 17a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03925AD8: Initial Sync Starting
[14:31:34.47] 17a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038FF580: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T21:3
[14:31:34.47] 17a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038BA840: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T21:31:44.00-00:00
[14:31:34.55] 17a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03908820: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:31:36.00] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:31:36.00] 17a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0390CDF0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:31:36.52] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:31:36.52] 17a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038FF580: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:31:36.52] 17a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03925AD8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:33:30.47] 17c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038B3A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038BCBE8'
[14:33:30.47] 17c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038B3A70: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-04T21:33:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-04T21:51:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:51:55.70] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0374C368: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0373DCE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:51:55.76] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0374C368: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:51:55.97] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0374C368: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:51:55.97] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0374C368: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:51:55.97] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0374C368: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:51:56.21] 104c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0002DB30: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:52:18.16] 104c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0374C488: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:52:19.06] 104c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0002EBB8: Initial Sync Starting
[14:52:19.32] 104c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@037A7E78: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-04T21:5
[14:52:19.32] 104c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03741B18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-04T21:52:29.00-00:00
[14:52:19.52] 104c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0374BD90: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:52:21.35] 14dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:52:21.35] 104c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0374BD90: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:52:21.68] 14dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-05-05T00:55:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:55:10.83] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037BBB78: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037AAAF0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:55:10.83] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037BBB78: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:55:10.85] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037BBB78: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:55:10.85] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037BBB78: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:55:10.85] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037BBB78: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:55:10.99] 1744 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037C3738: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:55:15.73] 1744 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037D0A40: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:55:15.90] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037B52B0: Initial Sync Starting
[17:55:16.09] 1744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@037ED4D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T00:5
[17:55:16.09] 1744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@037E7048: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T00:55:26.00-00:00
[17:55:16.19] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037BA5A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:55:17.29] 17d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:55:17.29] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037BA5A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:55:17.67] 17d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:55:17.68] 1744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@037ED4D8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:55:17.68] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037B52B0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:55:44.19] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@037BBB78: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037AAAF0'
[17:55:44.20] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037BBB78: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[17:56:03.25] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0380F9D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037E7770', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:56:03.27] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0380F9D8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:56:03.27] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0380F9D8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:56:03.27] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0380F9D8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:56:03.27] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0380F9D8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:56:03.30] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037B52D0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:56:04.26] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0381B548: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:56:04.39] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03815EF0: Initial Sync Starting
[17:56:04.41] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:56:04.69] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:56:04.95] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@037ABF60: status = 301
[17:56:04.95] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:56:05.37] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:56:05.37] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:56:05.68] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:56:05.68] 1754 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@037D0350: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:56:05.68] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03815EF0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:05:45.69] 1754 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@038215F0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[18:05:46.86] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0099EB40: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[18:05:46.86] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0099EB40: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[18:05:46.86] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@037BA830: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[18:05:47.75] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@037BA830: Soap API call for got re-directed to: h
[18:05:47.75] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@037BA830: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[18:05:49.56] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0099EB40: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[18:05:49.56] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0099EB40: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[18:05:49.59] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0099ECE0: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[18:05:49.97] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@0099ECE0: status = 301
[18:05:49.97] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0099ECE0: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[18:05:50.34] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:05:50.34] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0099EB40: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[18:05:50.34] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@037CF4D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T01:05:44.00-00:00
[18:06:13.13] 0ca0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0380FA34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-04T18:05:46.02-07:
[18:06:13.15] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:06:13.99] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:13.99] 1754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:06:14.52] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:13:46.85] 0a18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0380F9D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037E7770'
[18:13:47.56] 0a18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0380F9D8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281484, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281494, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281488, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281480, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281479, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:13:48.41] 1754 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@037B52D0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-57178128148d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:58:58.60] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00992650: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037FF810', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:58:58.60] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00992650: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:58:58.66] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00992650: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:58:58.66] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00992650: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:58:58.66] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00992650: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:58:58.74] 12b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00992870: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:59:08.69] 12b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037D0E40: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:59:10.19] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037FFD18: Initial Sync Starting
[18:59:10.97] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:59:12.86] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:59:12.89] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:59:13.25] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:59:13.30] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03821B70: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:59:13.30] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037FFD18: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:02:17.49] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@038360F0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:02:18.42] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:02:18.42] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[19:02:18.42] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@03836128: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[19:02:18.89] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@03836128: Soap API call for got re-directed to: ht
[19:02:18.91] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@03836128: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[19:02:19.78] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[19:02:19.78] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[19:02:19.86] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037FEB80: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[19:02:20.33] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:02:20.33] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[19:02:20.37] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038327A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T02:02:14.00-00:00
[19:02:43.26] 1450 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@009926AC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-04T19:02:15.597-07
[19:02:43.40] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:02:46.92] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:02:46.92] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:02:47.64] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:03:04.71] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (135961)
[19:03:04.86] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03821B70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T02:0
[19:03:04.86] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03832858: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T02:03:14.00-00:00
[19:04:30.71] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (49785)
[19:04:31.04] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03821B70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T02:0
[19:04:31.04] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038327A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T02:04:41.00-00:00
[19:05:20.64] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:05:45.31] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@03836358: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:05:46.66] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:05:46.66] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[19:05:46.80] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@03836208: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[19:05:47.39] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[19:05:47.39] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[19:05:47.40] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03836C20: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[19:05:47.81] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:05:47.83] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@03821B70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[19:05:47.83] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03832858: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T02:05:41.00-00:00
[19:05:47.87] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@037FA5C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T02:0
[19:05:47.87] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03832800: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T02:05:57.00-00:00
[19:06:09.19] 0978 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@009926AC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-04T19:05:43.06-07:
[19:06:09.21] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:06:09.63] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:06:09.63] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037ABF60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:06:10.03] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:07:36.68] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (43961)
[19:09:52.63] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:12:08.54] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (44095)
[19:14:24.52] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:16:40.61] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (43908)
[19:18:56.45] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:21:12.39] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (44063)
[19:23:28.38] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:25:44.32] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (44062)
[19:28:00.34] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:30:16.31] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@037FFD18: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (44035)
[19:32:32.25] 12b8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@03821B70: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[19:32:34.95] 169c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00992650: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037FF810'
[19:32:34.97] 169c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00992650: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-05T02:32:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-05T03:26:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:26:10.46] 1160 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0382C9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:26:10.51] 1160 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:26:10.54] 1160 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0383BCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:26:10.54] 1160 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:26:10.54] 1160 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383BCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:26:10.63] 1220 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0383BDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:26:14.06] 1220 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038353F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:26:14.22] 1220 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03846BF8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:26:14.38] 1220 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0389AD10: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T03:2
[20:26:14.38] 1220 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038688D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T03:26:24.00-00:00
[20:26:14.47] 1220 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0383A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:26:15.48] 1280 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:26:15.50] 1220 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0383A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:26:15.90] 1280 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:26:15.90] 1220 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0389BD88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:26:15.90] 1220 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03846BF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:29:30.45] 1220 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@001429B0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T03:2
[20:29:30.45] 1220 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03868820: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T03:29:40.00-00:00
[20:29:30.64] 03e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0383BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0382C9A8'
[20:29:30.70] 03e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0383BCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[20:32:12.75] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0014E820: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0382C408', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:32:12.75] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0014E820: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:32:12.75] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0014E820: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:32:12.75] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0014E820: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:32:12.75] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0014E820: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:32:12.79] 0840 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0014E940: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:32:13.83] 0840 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03898C00: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:32:14.36] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038438A8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:32:14.36] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03843640: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-05T03:3
[20:32:14.36] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03879618: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-05T03:32:24.00-00:00
[20:32:14.42] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0386A548: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:32:15.03] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:32:15.03] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0387C620: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:32:15.41] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:32:15.42] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03843640: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:32:15.42] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038438A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:04:03.45] 1588 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0014E820: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0382C408'
* Log opened: 2010-05-06T00:00:46Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:00:46.21] 14c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03924BC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0391F4A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:00:46.21] 14c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03924BC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:00:46.25] 14c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03924BC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:00:46.25] 14c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03924BC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:00:46.25] 14c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03924BC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:00:46.31] 16ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03927418: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:00:48.38] 16ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03933A30: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:00:48.59] 16ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03933900: Initial Sync Starting
[17:00:48.80] 16ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039265D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:00:50.16] 1740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:00:50.16] 16ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039265D8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:00:50.68] 1740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:00:50.85] 16ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0398BE98: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:00:50.85] 16ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03933900: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:28:15.16] 16ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03924BC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0391F4A8'
[17:28:15.17] 16ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03924BC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[20:40:58.33] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0398BE20: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0391EFC8', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:40:58.33] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0398BE20: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:40:58.33] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0398BE20: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:40:58.33] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0398BE20: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:40:58.33] 155c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0398BE20: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:40:58.93] 0d68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03933878: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:41:08.47] 0d68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03952A68: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:41:09.25] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0396F638: Initial Sync Starting
[20:41:09.53] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03988BF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T03:4
[20:41:09.53] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03986348: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T03:41:19.00-00:00
[20:41:10.06] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03921D28: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:41:11.90] 0cb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:41:11.90] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03966C28: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:41:12.33] 0cb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:41:12.33] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03988BF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:41:12.33] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0396F638: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:41:34.75] 15f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0398BE20: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0391EFC8'
[20:41:34.75] 15f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0398BE20: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-06T03:41:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-06T15:16:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:16:44.08] 14c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0394BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0393C9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:16:44.08] 14c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0394BCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:16:44.08] 14c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0394BCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:16:44.08] 14c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0394BCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:16:44.08] 14c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0394BCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:16:44.14] 151c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0394BDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:16:46.87] 151c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039453F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:16:47.04] 151c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03956BF8: Initial Sync Starting
[08:16:47.21] 151c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039AAF30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T15:1
[08:16:47.21] 151c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039788D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T15:16:57.00-00:00
[08:16:47.42] 151c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0394A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:16:48.68] 1574 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:16:48.68] 151c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0394A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:16:49.02] 1574 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:16:49.02] 151c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039ABFA8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:16:49.02] 151c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03956BF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:46:02.71] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0394BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0393C9A8'
[08:46:03.30] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0394BCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[08:48:49.48] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03945340: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0393CBE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:48:49.54] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03945340: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:48:49.54] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03945340: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:48:49.54] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03945340: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:48:49.54] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03945340: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:48:49.70] 04d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03956BF8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:48:58.59] 04d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0399A930: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:48:59.15] 04d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@039A5AD8: Initial Sync Starting
[08:48:59.62] 04d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0398CDF0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:49:00.95] 05b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:49:00.96] 04d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0398CDF0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:49:01.31] 05b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:49:01.32] 04d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0397F108: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:49:01.32] 04d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@039A5AD8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:23:52.11] 03cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03945340: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0393CBE8'
* Log opened: 2010-05-06T20:41:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:41:42.13] 1480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03865268: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0385C9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:41:42.14] 1480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03865268: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:41:42.28] 1480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03865268: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[13:41:42.28] 1480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03865268: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[13:41:42.28] 1480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03865268: (User='', Target='')[2/
[13:41:42.39] 15f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03865388: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[13:41:47.79] 15f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038736A8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[13:41:47.91] 15f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03865460: Initial Sync Starting
[13:41:48.12] 15f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038CAD20: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T20:4
[13:41:48.12] 15f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03898A98: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T20:41:58.00-00:00
[13:41:48.22] 15f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0386A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:41:49.47] 1678 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:41:49.47] 15f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0386A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:41:49.77] 1678 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:41:49.78] 15f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038CAD20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:41:49.78] 15f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03865460: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:42:58.00] 17c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03865268: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0385C9A8'
[13:42:58.35] 17c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03865268: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-06T20:43:10Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-06T20:45:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:45:04.67] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0386C498: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03862790', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:45:04.72] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0386C498: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:45:04.72] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0386C498: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[13:45:04.72] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0386C498: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[13:45:04.72] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0386C498: (User='', Target='')[2/
[13:45:05.82] 17f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03865F08: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[13:45:09.09] 17f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0386C5B8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[13:45:09.40] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03875A18: Initial Sync Starting
[13:45:09.79] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0386BE50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:45:10.89] 1338 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:45:10.93] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0386BE50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:45:11.36] 1338 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:45:11.41] 17f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038CA018: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:45:11.41] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03875A18: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:56:09.83] 07e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0386C498: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03862790'
* Log opened: 2010-05-06T21:07:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:07:59.36] 1358 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038FBCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038EC9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:07:59.36] 1358 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038FBCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:07:59.44] 1358 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038FBCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:07:59.44] 1358 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038FBCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:07:59.44] 1358 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038FBCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:07:59.53] 13e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038FBDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:08:03.96] 13e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F53F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:08:04.21] 13e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03906BF8: Initial Sync Starting
[14:08:04.43] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0395AF28: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T21:0
[14:08:04.43] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039288D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T21:08:14.00-00:00
[14:08:04.52] 13e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038FA6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:08:08.50] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:08:08.50] 13e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038FA6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:08:08.89] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:08:08.89] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0395AF28: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:08:08.89] 13e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03906BF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:17:59.79] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0395CA50: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T21:1
[14:17:59.79] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03928820: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T21:18:09.00-00:00
[14:20:09.88] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0029DB08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T21:2
[14:20:09.88] 13e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03928820: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T21:20:19.00-00:00
[14:26:41.67] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038FBCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038EC9A8'
[14:26:41.76] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038FBCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[15:03:12.87] 0d30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029DA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038EC408', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:03:12.91] 0d30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029DA08: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:03:12.91] 0d30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029DA08: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[15:03:12.91] 0d30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029DA08: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[15:03:12.91] 0d30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029DA08: (User='', Target='')[2/
[15:03:12.94] 0dc8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03921B30: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:03:14.43] 0dc8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03921C08: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[15:03:14.69] 0dc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@039038A8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:03:14.78] 0dc8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0394A728: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-06T22:0
[15:03:14.78] 0dc8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0391DB10: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-06T22:03:24.00-00:00
[15:03:14.83] 0dc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0392D0A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:03:15.60] 14e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:03:15.61] 0dc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0393CDF0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:03:16.02] 14e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:03:16.25] 0dc8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0394A728: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:03:16.25] 0dc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@039038A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:08:27.32] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0029DA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038EC408'
[15:08:27.69] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029DA08: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-06T22:08:34Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-07T01:20:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:20:09.22] 12ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0390BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038FC9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:20:09.22] 12ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0390BCC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:20:09.24] 12ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0390BCC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:20:09.24] 12ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0390BCC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:20:09.24] 12ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0390BCC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:20:09.33] 1308 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0390BDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:20:11.33] 1308 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03916D88: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:20:11.49] 1308 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03909BF8: Initial Sync Starting
[18:20:11.69] 1308 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0396AF50: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-07T01:2
[18:20:11.69] 1308 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03938AE8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-07T01:20:21.00-00:00
[18:20:11.80] 1308 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0390A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:20:13.00] 137c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:20:13.02] 1308 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0390A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:20:13.55] 137c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:20:13.55] 1308 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0396BFC8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:20:13.55] 1308 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03909BF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:25:21.65] 1190 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0390BCC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038FC9A8'
[18:25:21.66] 1190 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0390BCC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[19:11:00.91] 128c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0094DBB8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038FC408', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:11:00.91] 128c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0094DBB8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:11:00.91] 128c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0094DBB8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:11:00.91] 128c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0094DBB8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:11:00.91] 128c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0094DBB8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:11:00.93] 0a28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F3A70: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:11:01.83] 0a28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03968E40: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:11:02.00] 0a28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03965AF8: Initial Sync Starting
[19:11:02.00] 0a28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0396DFC8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-07T02:1
[19:11:02.00] 0a28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0396B280: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-07T02:11:12.00-00:00
[19:11:02.07] 0a28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0391F988: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:11:02.67] 07b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:02.67] 0a28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0394CE88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:11:03.00] 07b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:03.02] 0a28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03930A80: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:11:03.02] 0a28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03965AF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:14:13.07] 1580 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0094DBB8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038FC408'
[19:14:13.17] 1580 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0094DBB8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-07T02:14:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-08T17:07:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:07:14.76] 1614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03755268: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0374C9A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:07:14.76] 1614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03755268: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:07:14.80] 1614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03755268: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[10:07:14.80] 1614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03755268: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[10:07:14.80] 1614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03755268: (User='', Target='')[2/
[10:07:15.40] 172c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03755388: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[10:07:21.17] 172c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03759508: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[10:07:21.43] 172c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03755460: Initial Sync Starting
[10:07:21.93] 172c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@037B9D68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-08T17:0
[10:07:21.93] 172c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03788AD8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-08T17:07:31.00-00:00
[10:07:22.09] 172c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0375A6E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:07:23.37] 177c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:07:23.37] 172c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0375A6E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:07:23.70] 177c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:07:23.71] 172c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@037BB000: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:07:23.71] 172c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03755460: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:10:35.81] 14c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03755268: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0374C9A8'
[10:10:35.81] 14c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03755268: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-08T18:06:24Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-08T18:48:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:48:30.94] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03893000: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03879ED8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:48:30.94] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03893000: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:48:30.94] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03893000: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[11:48:30.94] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03893000: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[11:48:30.94] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03893000: (User='', Target='')[2/
[11:48:31.54] 1324 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038840D0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:48:37.49] 1324 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03884E08: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[11:48:38.17] 1324 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03893120: Initial Sync Starting
[11:48:38.35] 1324 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E9D60: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-08T18:4
[11:48:38.35] 1324 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0387FF20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-08T18:48:48.00-00:00
[11:48:38.61] 1324 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0388ADF8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:48:40.01] 1370 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:48:40.01] 1324 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0388ADF8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:48:40.62] 1370 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:48:40.62] 1324 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038EAFF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:48:40.62] 1324 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03893120: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:02:26.21] 16d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03893000: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03879ED8'
* Log opened: 2010-05-09T01:21:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:21:10.28] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395BD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0394D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:21:10.33] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395BD40: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:21:10.33] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395BD40: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:21:10.33] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395BD40: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:21:10.33] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395BD40: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:21:10.48] 0af4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0395BE60: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:21:12.39] 0af4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03966E00: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:21:12.51] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03959C78: Initial Sync Starting
[18:21:12.70] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039BA028: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-09T01:2
[18:21:12.70] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03988B60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-09T01:21:22.00-00:00
[18:21:12.79] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0395A768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:21:13.96] 095c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:21:13.96] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0395A768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:21:14.35] 095c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:21:14.35] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039BB0A0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:21:14.35] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03959C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:23:51.51] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0395BD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0394D190'
[18:23:51.53] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395BD40: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-09T01:30:53Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-09T01:46:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:46:09.30] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0373BD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0372D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:46:09.32] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0373BD40: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:46:09.33] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0373BD40: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:46:09.33] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0373BD40: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:46:09.33] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0373BD40: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:46:09.38] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0373BE60: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:46:12.20] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03746E00: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:46:12.48] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03739C78: Initial Sync Starting
[18:46:12.62] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0379A028: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-09T01:4
[18:46:12.62] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03768B60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-09T01:46:22.00-00:00
[18:46:12.75] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0373A768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:46:13.78] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:46:13.78] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0373A768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:46:14.10] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:46:14.12] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0379A028: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:46:14.12] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03739C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:46:28.99] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0373BD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0372D190'
[18:46:29.01] 0ad4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0373BD40: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-09T01:49:01Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-10T04:35:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:35:37.54] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038D0540', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:35:37.58] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:35:37.58] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM') -
- enabling policy
[21:35:37.58] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM', Target='')[1/2
[21:35:37.58] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM', Target='')[2/
[21:35:37.90] 0100 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F39B0: (sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[21:35:48.44] 0100 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03900AF8: (sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[21:35:50.39] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E8188: Initial Sync Starting
[21:35:50.96] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EC3B8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:35:54.09] 109c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:35:54.11] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EC3B8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:35:54.82] 109c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:35:54.89] 0100 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03927410: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[21:35:54.89] 0100 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@0397A950: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[21:35:54.89] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E8188: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:38:36.36] 1500 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038D0540'
[21:38:36.43] 1500 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038F4600: (User='sixponces@HOTMAIL.COM') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-11T06:33:58Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-11T20:31:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:31:37.23] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039148F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03908080', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:31:37.23] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039148F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:31:37.23] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039148F8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[13:31:37.23] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039148F8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[13:31:37.23] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039148F8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[13:31:37.31] 11a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03915F80: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[13:31:45.98] 11a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03916188: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[13:31:48.01] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03916058: Initial Sync Starting
[13:31:51.41] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0391A800: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:31:52.87] 1240 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:52.92] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03912308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[13:31:52.95] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03912308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000024) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mariamejiacampos@hot
[13:31:52.95] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03912308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|mariamejiacampos@hotmail
[13:31:52.97] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03912308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000023) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|crazy-girl1972@hotma
[13:31:52.97] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03912308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|crazy-girl1972@hotmail.c
[13:31:52.97] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0391ACD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:31:53.57] 1240 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:53.89] 11a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03977D50: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:31:53.89] 11a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03916058: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:53:57.73] 105c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@039148F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03908080'
[13:53:57.73] 105c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039148F8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-05-11T21:01:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:01:36.36] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039B3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0399D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:01:36.38] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039B3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:01:36.38] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039B3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:01:36.38] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039B3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:01:36.38] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039B3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:01:36.42] 0a54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039A52E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:01:41.22] 0a54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039C64F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:01:41.55] 0a54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@039A9C78: Initial Sync Starting
[14:01:42.47] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03A06FC8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T21:0
[14:01:42.47] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039D7F58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T21:01:52.00-00:00
[14:01:42.59] 0a54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039AA768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:01:44.48] 0e10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:01:44.50] 0a54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039AA768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:01:44.98] 0e10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:01:45.00] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0002EA30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:01:45.00] 0a54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@039A9C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:11:48.47] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0002DB08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T21:1
[14:11:48.47] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039D7F00: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T21:11:58.00-00:00
[14:12:29.37] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0002DE00: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T21:1
[14:12:29.37] 0a54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039D7EA8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T21:12:39.00-00:00
[14:22:36.27] 0958 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@039B3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0399D190'
[14:22:36.34] 0958 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039B3798: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[16:18:54.43] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039FE7D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0399CA70', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:18:54.43] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039FE7D8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:18:54.43] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039FE7D8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[16:18:54.43] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039FE7D8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[16:18:54.43] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039FE7D8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[16:18:54.44] 0e94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039D9670: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:18:55.64] 0e94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039D9748: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[16:18:55.74] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03A03780: Initial Sync Starting
[16:18:55.75] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039D0D98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T23:1
[16:18:55.75] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039B1128: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T23:19:05.00-00:00
[16:18:55.77] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039F0D00: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:18:56.16] 02ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:18:56.16] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039E26E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:18:56.52] 02ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:18:56.53] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039D0D98: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:18:56.53] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03A03780: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:25:53.77] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039D0D98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T23:2
[16:25:53.77] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039B10D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T23:26:03.00-00:00
[16:35:55.76] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039D0D98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T23:3
[16:35:55.76] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039B1078: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T23:36:05.00-00:00
[16:40:55.98] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039D0D98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T23:4
[16:40:55.98] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039B1078: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T23:41:05.00-00:00
[16:48:49.19] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@039FE7D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0399CA70'
[16:48:49.19] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039FE7D8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-05-11T23:55:40Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:55:40.44] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@032148F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03208080', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:55:40.44] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@032148F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:55:40.46] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@032148F8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[16:55:40.46] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@032148F8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[16:55:40.46] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@032148F8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[16:55:40.49] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@032161A0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:55:50.38] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03225B50: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[16:55:50.89] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03227470: Initial Sync Starting
[16:55:51.50] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03279138: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-11T23:5
[16:55:51.50] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03210FC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-11T23:56:01.00-00:00
[16:55:51.53] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0321ACD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:55:52.61] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:55:52.61] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0321ACD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:55:53.05] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:55:53.08] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0002E5E0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:55:53.08] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03227470: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:15:54.42] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00022970: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-12T00:1
[17:15:54.42] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03210F68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-12T00:16:04.00-00:00
[17:21:04.70] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03279238: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-12T00:2
[17:21:04.70] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03210F68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-12T00:21:14.00-00:00
* Log opened: 2010-05-12T04:13:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:13:04.95] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A14060: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03A0AB30', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:13:04.97] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A14060: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:13:04.98] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A14060: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[21:13:04.98] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A14060: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[21:13:04.98] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A14060: (User='', Target='')[2/
[21:13:05.03] 0a64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A20CF8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[21:13:11.87] 0a64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A236F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[21:13:12.13] 0a64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03A14180: Initial Sync Starting
[21:13:13.29] 0a64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0030EA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-12T04:1
[21:13:13.29] 0a64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03A463B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-12T04:13:23.00-00:00
[21:13:13.40] 0a64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A1A5A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:13:14.58] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:13:14.58] 0a64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A1A5A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:13:15.25] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:13:15.27] 0a64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0030EA30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:13:15.27] 0a64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03A14180: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:22:29.29] 0cb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03A14060: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03A0AB30'
[21:22:29.31] 0cb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A14060: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-12T04:22:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-13T04:11:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:11:48.52] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039A3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0398D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:11:48.52] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039A3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:11:48.53] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039A3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[21:11:48.53] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039A3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[21:11:48.53] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039A3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[21:11:48.58] 1080 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039952E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[21:11:52.88] 1080 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039B64F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[21:11:54.18] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03999C78: Initial Sync Starting
[21:11:57.27] 1080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039F7FA0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-13T04:1
[21:11:57.27] 1080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039C7F58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-13T04:12:07.00-00:00
[21:11:57.50] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0399A768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:12:00.31] 1178 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:12:00.31] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0399A298: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:12:00.87] 1178 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:12:00.92] 1080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039FCD08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:12:00.92] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03999C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:12:47.47] 13dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@039A3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0398D190'
[21:12:47.47] 13dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039A3798: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-13T04:12:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-13T23:01:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:01:51.42] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038D7368: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038CDCE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:01:51.44] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038D7368: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:01:51.44] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038D7368: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[16:01:51.44] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038D7368: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[16:01:51.44] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038D7368: (User='', Target='')[2/
[16:01:51.57] 10f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038D7488: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:02:02.14] 10f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F74D8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[16:02:02.33] 10f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E3BA0: Initial Sync Starting
[16:02:02.64] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0079EA40: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-13T23:0
[16:02:02.64] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D1B18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-13T23:02:12.00-00:00
[16:02:02.78] 10f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038DBFE8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:02:07.35] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:02:07.35] 10f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038DBFE8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:02:07.75] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:02:07.77] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0079DD10: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:02:07.77] 10f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E3BA0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:40:21.66] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@007929B0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-13T23:4
[16:40:21.66] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D1AC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-13T23:40:31.00-00:00
[16:45:31.93] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0079E920: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-13T23:4
[16:45:31.93] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D1AC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-13T23:45:41.00-00:00
[18:02:07.36] 10f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038DBFE8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:02:08.22] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:24:43.35] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0079DE10: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T01:2
[18:24:43.35] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D1AC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T01:24:53.00-00:00
[18:29:49.17] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0079DA08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T01:2
[18:29:49.17] 10f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D1AC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T01:29:59.00-00:00
[18:44:51.71] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038D7368: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038CDCE8'
[18:44:52.60] 13a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038D7368: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[18:44:52.99] 10f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038D7488: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281484, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:44:52.99] 10f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@038D7488: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281494, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[19:00:33.00] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038D10D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038CD8C8', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:00:33.00] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038D10D8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:00:33.00] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038D10D8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:00:33.00] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038D10D8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:00:33.00] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038D10D8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:00:33.02] 133c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03902DC0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:00:33.94] 133c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03902E98: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:00:34.14] 133c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E4910: Initial Sync Starting
[19:00:34.14] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03936B70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T02:0
[19:00:34.14] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0393C980: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T02:00:44.00-00:00
[19:00:34.19] 133c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0394D690: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:00:34.77] 14f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:00:34.77] 133c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0394D690: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:00:36.25] 14f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:00:36.26] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039425A0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T02:0
[19:00:36.26] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0393C980: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T02:00:46.00-00:00
[19:00:36.28] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039027C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:00:36.29] 133c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E4910: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:10:37.83] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03936B70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T02:1
[19:10:37.83] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0393C980: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T02:10:47.00-00:00
[19:15:35.32] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03936B70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T02:1
[19:15:35.32] 133c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0393C980: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T02:15:45.00-00:00
[19:22:50.93] 13c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038D10D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038CD8C8'
* Log opened: 2010-05-14T02:34:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:34:18.68] 0f78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038F3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038DD190', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:34:18.68] 0f78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038F3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:34:18.70] 0f78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038F3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:34:18.70] 0f78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038F3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:34:18.70] 0f78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038F3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:34:18.73] 10b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038E52E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:34:24.50] 10b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039064F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:34:24.69] 10b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E9C78: Initial Sync Starting
[19:34:24.86] 10b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03947FA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T02:3
[19:34:24.86] 10b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03917F58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T02:34:34.00-00:00
[19:34:25.44] 10b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EA768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:34:27.21] 1140 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:27.21] 10b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EA768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:34:27.55] 1140 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:27.58] 10b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03947FA8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:34:27.58] 10b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E9C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:44:37.19] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038F3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038DD190'
[19:44:37.83] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038F3798: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-14T02:45:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-14T05:13:21Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:13:21.98] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038C3990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038B9ED8', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:13:21.98] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038C3990: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:13:21.98] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038C3990: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[22:13:21.98] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038C3990: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[22:13:21.98] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038C3990: (User='', Target='')[2/
[22:13:22.02] 1070 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038D31B8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[22:13:23.57] 1070 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038C4D98: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[22:13:23.68] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038C4BF0: Initial Sync Starting
[22:13:23.90] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CAD88: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:13:26.90] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:13:27.01] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038CAD88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:13:31.16] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:13:31.22] 1070 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0074EA20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:13:31.22] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038C4BF0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:16:39.35] 11a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038C3990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038B9ED8'
[22:16:39.43] 11a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038C3990: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[22:18:57.04] 0c64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0391F0C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038B62C8', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:18:57.09] 0c64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0391F0C8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:18:57.09] 0c64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0391F0C8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[22:18:57.09] 0c64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0391F0C8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[22:18:57.09] 0c64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0391F0C8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[22:18:57.23] 02ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038B2540: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[22:19:02.30] 02ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038EFA58: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[22:19:03.69] 02ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038F07C8: Initial Sync Starting
[22:19:05.03] 02ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0391FE48: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:19:09.33] 13e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:19:09.35] 02ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0391F828: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:19:13.87] 13e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:19:14.20] 02ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0398AE18: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[22:19:14.20] 02ec Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@03964988: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[22:19:14.20] 02ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038F07C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:19:36.85] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0391F0C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038B62C8'
[22:19:36.86] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0391F0C8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-14T05:53:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-14T07:30:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[00:30:04.90] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03793990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03789ED8', auth='7', sync='0'
[00:30:04.90] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03793990: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[00:30:04.90] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03793990: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[00:30:04.90] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03793990: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[00:30:04.90] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03793990: (User='', Target='')[2/
[00:30:04.94] 1020 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03794BF0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[00:30:11.00] 1020 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037BC968: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[00:30:11.25] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037AF010: Initial Sync Starting
[00:30:11.36] 1020 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@037FFD58: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T07:3
[00:30:11.36] 1020 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0378FF20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T07:30:21.00-00:00
[00:30:11.49] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0379ADF8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:30:12.94] 10b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:30:12.94] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0379ADF8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:30:13.30] 10b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:30:13.31] 1020 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@037FFD58: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[00:30:13.31] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037AF010: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[00:37:20.71] 066c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03793990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03789ED8'
[00:37:20.71] 066c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03793990: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[00:38:23.51] 12b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@000EDA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037F8E20', auth='7', sync='0'
[00:38:23.51] 12b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@000EDA08: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[00:38:23.51] 12b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@000EDA08: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[00:38:23.51] 12b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@000EDA08: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[00:38:23.51] 12b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@000EDA08: (User='', Target='')[2/
[00:38:23.54] 11f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037F9268: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[00:38:24.51] 11f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037F94D0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[00:38:24.63] 11f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037A3788: Initial Sync Starting
[00:38:24.65] 11f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03790688: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:38:25.05] 0e88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:38:25.07] 11f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0379B428: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T07:3
[00:38:25.07] 11f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@037D7318: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T07:38:35.00-00:00
[00:38:25.10] 11f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037E2538: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:38:25.40] 0e88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:38:25.40] 11f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0379B428: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[00:38:25.40] 11f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037A3788: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[00:39:26.04] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@000EDA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037F8E20'
[00:39:26.04] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@000EDA08: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[00:48:05.65] 12dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03820E20: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037F8E20', auth='7', sync='0'
[00:48:05.65] 12dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03820E20: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[00:48:05.65] 12dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03820E20: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[00:48:05.65] 12dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03820E20: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[00:48:05.65] 12dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03820E20: (User='', Target='')[2/
[00:48:05.70] 0cac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03796140: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[00:48:06.62] 0cac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03796218: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[00:48:06.90] 0cac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037A55B8: Initial Sync Starting
[00:48:06.90] 0cac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03810BC0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-14T07:4
[00:48:06.90] 0cac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0379A6E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-14T07:48:16.00-00:00
[00:48:06.98] 0cac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037E6670: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:48:07.34] 159c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:48:07.34] 0cac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03790688: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:48:07.60] 159c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:48:07.60] 0cac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03810BC0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[00:48:07.60] 0cac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037A55B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[01:46:42.07] 1770 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03820E20: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037F8E20'
[01:46:42.23] 1770 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03820E20: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-14T14:48:05Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T00:51:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:51:10.86] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038B3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0389D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:51:10.86] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038B3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:51:10.88] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038B3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:51:10.88] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038B3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:51:10.88] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038B3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:51:10.92] 0bcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038A52E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:51:18.30] 0bcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038B6468: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:51:18.63] 0bcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038A9C78: Initial Sync Starting
[17:51:20.63] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03906DD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-15T00:5
[17:51:20.63] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D7F98: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-15T00:51:30.00-00:00
[17:51:20.75] 0bcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038AA768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:51:22.03] 1044 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:51:22.03] 0bcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038AA768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:51:22.44] 1044 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:51:22.44] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03908068: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:51:22.44] 0bcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038A9C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:01:27.90] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00C2EBD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-15T01:0
[18:01:27.90] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D7F40: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-15T01:01:37.00-00:00
[18:06:39.56] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00C2E6E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-15T01:0
[18:06:39.56] 0bcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038D7F40: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-15T01:06:49.00-00:00
[18:06:43.69] 13cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038B3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0389D190'
[18:06:43.71] 13cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038B3798: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-15T01:19:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T15:38:20Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:38:21.03] 10c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A648F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03A58080', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:38:21.05] 10c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A648F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:38:21.05] 10c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A648F8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:38:21.05] 10c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A648F8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:38:21.05] 10c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A648F8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:38:21.09] 12bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A730C8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:38:24.80] 12bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A8C868: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:38:25.09] 12bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03A72698: Initial Sync Starting
[08:38:26.14] 12bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03AD0F40: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-15T15:3
[08:38:26.14] 12bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03A60FC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-15T15:38:36.00-00:00
[08:38:26.53] 12bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A6ACD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:38:27.90] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:38:27.90] 12bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A6ACD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:38:28.29] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:38:28.35] 12bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03AD0F40: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:38:28.35] 12bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03A72698: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:50:07.05] 0ef4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03A648F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03A58080'
[08:50:07.05] 0ef4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A648F8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-15T15:50:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T17:07:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:07:05.62] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038EC758: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038E2710', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:07:05.64] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038EC758: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:07:05.64] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038EC758: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[10:07:05.64] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038EC758: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[10:07:05.64] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038EC758: (User='', Target='')[2/
[10:07:05.84] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038E7518: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[10:07:08.52] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038E5288: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[10:07:08.68] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038F89A0: Initial Sync Starting
[10:07:08.79] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EBB88: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:07:09.91] 1270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:07:09.92] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EBB88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:07:10.26] 1270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:07:10.34] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03948FD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:07:10.34] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038F89A0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:07:21.33] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038EC758: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038E2710'
* Log opened: 2010-05-16T04:11:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[21:11:59.07] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037B3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0379D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:11:59.09] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037B3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:11:59.10] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037B3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[21:11:59.10] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037B3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[21:11:59.10] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037B3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[21:11:59.15] 10ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037A52E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[21:12:03.50] 10ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037C64F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[21:12:04.19] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037A9C78: Initial Sync Starting
[21:12:06.46] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03807FA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T04:1
[21:12:06.46] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@037D7F58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T04:12:16.00-00:00
[21:12:06.61] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037AA768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:12:07.51] 1170 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:12:07.53] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037AA768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:12:07.85] 1170 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:12:07.88] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@000DEA28: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:12:07.88] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037A9C78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
* Log opened: 2010-05-16T15:59:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[08:59:42.61] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E3A98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038DAB30', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:59:42.61] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038E3A98: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:59:42.61] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E3A98: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:59:42.61] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038E3A98: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:59:42.61] 12a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038E3A98: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:59:42.68] 1608 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F0CF8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:59:50.57] 1608 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F3568: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:59:50.71] 1608 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038E4158: Initial Sync Starting
[08:59:52.26] 1608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EA0D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:59:53.32] 16b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:59:53.36] 1608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EA0D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:59:53.70] 16b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:59:53.76] 1608 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03949208: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:59:53.76] 1608 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038E4158: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:20:47.94] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038E3A98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038DAB30'
[09:20:48.06] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038E3A98: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[09:20:52.50] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0086E508: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0393A0C8', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:20:52.51] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0086E508: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:20:52.51] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0086E508: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[09:20:52.51] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0086E508: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[09:20:52.51] 164c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0086E508: (User='', Target='')[2/
[09:20:52.52] 13e4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038E93C0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[09:20:53.41] 13e4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039495B0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[09:20:53.94] 13e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0392FAD8: Initial Sync Starting
[09:20:54.00] 13e4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03965ED0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T16:2
[09:20:54.00] 13e4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038F7480: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T16:21:04.00-00:00
[09:20:54.07] 13e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0392FAD8: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[09:20:54.07] 13e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0392FAD8: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[09:20:54.07] 13e4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03914E88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:20:54.10] 13e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0392FAD8: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[09:20:54.10] 13e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0392FAD8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[09:21:46.25] 13e4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E2838: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T16:2
[09:21:46.25] 13e4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038F73D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T16:21:56.00-00:00
* Log opened: 2010-05-16T18:34:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[11:34:24.00] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03884BC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0387F4A8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:34:24.00] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03884BC0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:34:24.00] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03884BC0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[11:34:24.00] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03884BC0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[11:34:24.00] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03884BC0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[11:34:24.07] 1168 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03887410: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:34:32.24] 1168 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038A7290: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[11:34:32.91] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0388C640: Initial Sync Starting
[11:34:34.10] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0077E5E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T18:3
[11:34:34.10] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038819F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T18:34:44.00-00:00
[11:34:34.22] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03886AA8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:34:38.92] 122c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:34:38.92] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03886AA8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:34:39.26] 122c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:34:39.26] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0077E6E8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:34:39.26] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0388C640: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:56:34.39] 0ff8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03884BC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0387F4A8'
[11:56:34.39] 0ff8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03884BC0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-16T18:56:36Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-16T23:11:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[16:11:54.69] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03AABD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03A9D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:11:54.69] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03AABD40: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:11:54.69] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03AABD40: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[16:11:54.69] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03AABD40: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[16:11:54.69] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03AABD40: (User='', Target='')[2/
[16:11:55.42] 10ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03AABE60: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:11:58.09] 10ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03AA4C70: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[16:11:58.37] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03AA5330: Initial Sync Starting
[16:11:58.39] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03B05E88: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T23:1
[16:11:58.39] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03AD7AB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T23:12:08.00-00:00
[16:11:58.47] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AAA768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:11:59.31] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:11:59.32] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AAA768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:11:59.87] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:11:59.89] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03B07770: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:11:59.89] 10ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03AA5330: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:22:00.93] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03B07D90: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T23:2
[16:22:00.93] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03AD7A58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T23:22:10.00-00:00
[16:26:52.98] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03B07D90: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T23:2
[16:26:52.98] 10ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03AD7A00: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T23:27:02.00-00:00
[16:27:16.42] 16e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03AABD40: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03A9D190'
[16:27:16.48] 16e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03AABD40: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[19:34:03.45] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A93A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03A9CA70', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:34:03.47] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A93A70: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:34:03.52] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A93A70: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[19:34:03.52] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A93A70: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[19:34:03.60] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A93A70: (User='', Target='')[2/
[19:34:03.85] 12a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03AD1E98: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:34:08.11] 12a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03AD1F70: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:34:09.04] 12a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03AB39A0: Initial Sync Starting
[19:34:09.20] 12a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03A938C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-17T02:3
[19:34:09.20] 12a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03ADFE48: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-17T02:34:19.00-00:00
[19:34:09.50] 12a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AEC2E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:34:11.05] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:11.06] 12a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A9A938: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:34:11.45] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:11.48] 12a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03A9C758: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:34:11.48] 12a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03AB39A0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:34:27.33] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03A93A70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03A9CA70'
[19:34:27.33] 01a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A93A70: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-17T02:34:31Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-17T03:02:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[20:02:32.05] 1520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@031A3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0318D190', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:02:32.06] 1520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@031A3798: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:02:32.06] 1520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@031A3798: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:02:32.06] 1520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@031A3798: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:02:32.06] 1520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@031A3798: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:02:32.12] 0840 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@031952E8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:02:33.49] 0840 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03199718: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:02:33.70] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@031953C0: Initial Sync Starting
[20:02:33.95] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0319A298: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:02:35.17] 17d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:02:35.17] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0319A298: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:02:38.64] 17d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:02:38.66] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@031F8FA0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:02:38.66] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@031953C0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:09:50.73] 0b9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@031A3798: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0318D190'
[20:09:50.80] 0b9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@031A3798: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-17T03:22:02Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-17T03:25:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[20:25:23.45] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038EC498: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '038E2790', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:25:23.45] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038EC498: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:25:23.47] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038EC498: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:25:23.47] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038EC498: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:25:23.47] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038EC498: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:25:23.48] 0ea4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038F6590: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:25:24.12] 0ea4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038E7398: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:25:24.21] 0ea4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038EC5B8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:25:28.10] 0ea4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0073E430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-17T03:2
[20:25:28.10] 0ea4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038E10A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-17T03:25:38.00-00:00
[20:25:28.52] 0ea4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EBEC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:25:30.03] 0d78 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:25:30.03] 0ea4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038EBEC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:25:32.08] 0d78 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:25:32.08] 0ea4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03914998: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:25:32.08] 0ea4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038EC5B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:35:50.71] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038EC498: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '038E2790'
[20:35:50.73] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038EC498: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-17T03:35:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-18T07:28:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[00:28:23.76] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03813990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03809ED8', auth='7', sync='0'
[00:28:23.77] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03813990: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[00:28:23.88] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03813990: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[00:28:23.88] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03813990: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[00:28:23.88] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03813990: (User='', Target='')[2/
[00:28:23.90] 0ea0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038231B8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[00:28:41.65] 0ea0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03834768: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[00:28:42.99] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03814E08: Initial Sync Starting
[00:28:45.63] 0ea0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03872FD8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-18T07:2
[00:28:45.63] 0ea0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0380FF20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-18T07:28:55.00-00:00
[00:28:45.72] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0381ADF8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:28:47.24] 0e64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:28:47.24] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0381ADF8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:28:47.60] 0e64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:28:47.60] 0ea0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03872FD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[00:28:47.60] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03814E08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[00:28:52.70] 021c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03813990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03809ED8'
* Log opened: 2010-05-18T21:36:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[14:36:17.14] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039848F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03978080', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:36:17.15] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@039848F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:36:17.20] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@039848F8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[14:36:17.20] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039848F8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[14:36:17.20] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@039848F8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[14:36:17.22] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039861A0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[14:36:28.52] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03995B50: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[14:36:29.04] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03997470: Initial Sync Starting
[14:36:32.14] 0e98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0007ECB8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-18T21:3
[14:36:32.14] 0e98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03980FC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-18T21:36:42.00-00:00
[14:36:32.26] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0398ACD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:36:35.53] 0aa4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:36:35.53] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000026) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||OneWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:36:35.55] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000025) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||OneWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:36:35.55] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000022) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||TwoWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:36:35.55] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000023) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||TwoWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:36:35.55] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000024) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||TwoWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:36:35.57] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0398ACD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:36:36.05] 0aa4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:36:36.05] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002f) for type = 3, ind
ex = 2f6429e5-d597-4d9e-8c20-241f140ec684
[14:36:37.85] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002a) for type = 3, ind
ex = 7d099f17-d26c-47bf-b25e-4e796d3dcf05
[14:36:39.14] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002e) for type = 3, ind
ex = 70765862-02c5-465a-b428-317aabeb5f9f
[14:36:39.21] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002d) for type = 3, ind
ex = 1f6700e5-2bfa-43b1-85a8-e214906cbf95
[14:36:39.22] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002b) for type = 3, ind
ex = b67d768f-46a1-457f-8932-85585fd251b0
[14:36:39.23] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000031) for type = 3, ind
ex = f1e6e009-70c2-4035-8c9c-eb086402016d
[14:36:39.34] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000032) for type = 3, ind
ex = 20380d6b-90c4-4baa-b43d-c861686928ea
[14:36:39.38] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x00000030) for type = 3, ind
ex = 9b925c55-a589-46d6-b98d-6b2c84b15e8b
[14:36:40.14] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@03982308: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002c) for type = 3, ind
ex = 2053d9f9-ddf3-4165-8f07-cad7343ae671
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281488, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281476, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281484, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281480, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281479, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281494, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-571781281499, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0007ECB8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:36:40.15] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03997470: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:36:40.16] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-57178128148d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:36:40.16] 0e98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@039861A0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
3853038a-001b-b7e7-11df-57178128147c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x800c013e
[14:56:39.41] 06d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@039848F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03978080'
* Log opened: 2010-05-18T22:01:29Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8117.0416
[15:01:29.18] 0fec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03257D20', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:01:29.18] 0fec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:01:29.20] 0fec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03264D98: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[15:01:29.20] 0fec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03264D98: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[15:01:29.20] 0fec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03264D98: (User='', Target='')[2/
[15:01:29.20] 0774 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03265ED0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:01:45.27] 0774 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03277D18: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[15:01:45.39] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03264EB8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:01:45.69] 0774 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@032ADF18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-18T22:0
[15:01:45.69] 0774 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03260FC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-18T22:01:55.00-00:00
[15:01:45.90] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0327B930: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:01:47.43] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:47.45] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0327B930: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:01:47.84] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:47.84] 0774 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@032AEF90: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:01:47.84] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03264EB8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:02:30.84] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03257D20'
[15:02:30.84] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03264D98: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[15:06:21.12] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03256CA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:06:21.12] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:06:21.12] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03264D98: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[15:06:21.12] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03264D98: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[15:06:21.12] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03264D98: (User='', Target='')[2/
[15:06:21.15] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03264EB8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:06:27.88] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0013E428: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[15:06:28.40] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@032AA9D0: Initial Sync Starting
[15:06:28.47] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0327A840: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:06:29.09] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:06:29.13] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0327A840: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:06:29.57] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:06:29.98] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@032FA4E0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[15:06:29.98] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@032FA5F0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[15:06:29.98] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@032AA9D0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:06:28.90] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0327A840: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:06:30.70] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:11:47.53] 12c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03264D98: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03256CA0'
[17:11:48.51] 12c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03264D98: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-19T00:11:58Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-19T00:21:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:21:52.46] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03913DF0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03909B78', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:21:52.47] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03913DF0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:21:52.52] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03913DF0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:21:52.52] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03913DF0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:21:52.52] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03913DF0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:21:52.64] 1198 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03915EB8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:22:01.80] 1198 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03927DA8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:22:01.99] 1198 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0391E298: Initial Sync Starting
[17:22:02.55] 1198 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03964E38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-19T00:2
[17:22:02.55] 1198 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0390FF20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-19T00:22:12.00-00:00
[17:22:02.88] 1198 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039329B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:22:08.40] 12c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:22:08.40] 1198 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039324E0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:22:11.88] 12c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:22:11.88] 1198 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039661C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:22:11.88] 1198 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0391E298: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:23:43.25] 1498 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03913DF0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03909B78'
[17:23:43.25] 1498 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03913DF0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-19T00:23:54Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-19T00:28:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:28:35.90] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A057E0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '039F7D20', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:28:35.90] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03A057E0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:28:35.90] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A057E0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:28:35.90] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A057E0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[17:28:35.90] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03A057E0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:28:35.96] 10c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A04D10: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:28:38.69] 10c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03A17EA8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:28:38.85] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03A0E398: Initial Sync Starting
[17:28:39.03] 10c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03A57060: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-19T00:2
[17:28:39.03] 10c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03A00FC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-19T00:28:49.00-00:00
[17:28:39.28] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A22B38: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:28:43.10] 1188 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:28:43.10] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03A22B38: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:28:43.74] 1188 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:28:43.74] 10c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03A57060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:28:43.74] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03A0E398: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:34:20.43] 1378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03A057E0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '039F7D20'
[17:34:20.46] 1378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03A057E0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-19T00:34:23Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-19T03:51:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:51:53.55] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03914078: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0390CE30', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:51:53.55] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03914078: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:51:53.57] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03914078: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[20:51:53.57] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03914078: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[20:51:53.57] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03914078: (User='', Target='')[2/
[20:51:53.64] 0ba0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391CDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:51:57.07] 0ba0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03927210: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[20:51:57.19] 0ba0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0391D2B8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:51:57.36] 0ba0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039658D0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-19T03:5
[20:51:57.36] 0ba0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03943AF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-19T03:52:07.00-00:00
[20:51:57.50] 0ba0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03932E10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:52:02.88] 101c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:02.88] 0ba0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03932E10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:52:03.19] 101c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:03.19] 0ba0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03966BD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:52:03.19] 0ba0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0391D2B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:54:59.75] 13c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03914078: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0390CE30'
* Log opened: 2010-05-20T01:29:40Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:29:40.20] 0a68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03494F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03492430', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:29:40.22] 0a68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03494F80: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:29:40.22] 0a68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03494F80: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:29:40.22] 0a68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03494F80: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:29:40.22] 0a68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03494F80: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:29:40.26] 0ff4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0349F110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:29:41.29] 0ff4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@034A90F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:29:41.40] 0ff4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0349F5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[18:29:41.45] 0ff4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@034B32D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:29:42.40] 04dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:29:42.40] 0ff4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@034B32D8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:29:42.82] 04dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:29:42.85] 0ff4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@034E4A20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:29:42.85] 0ff4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0349F5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:39:23.11] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03494F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03492430'
[18:39:23.11] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03494F80: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-20T01:39:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-20T22:28:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:28:02.08] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009BDA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03822430', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:28:02.08] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009BDA08: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:28:02.08] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009BDA08: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[15:28:02.08] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009BDA08: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[15:28:02.08] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009BDA08: (User='', Target='')[2/
[15:28:02.17] 06f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0382F110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:28:02.78] 06f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038390F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[15:28:02.88] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0382F5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:28:08.71] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03874BD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-20T22:2
[15:28:08.71] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038210A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-20T22:28:18.00-00:00
[15:28:08.90] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03843B10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:28:10.07] 04e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:28:10.08] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03843B10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:28:10.46] 04e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:28:10.46] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03874BD0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:28:10.46] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0382F5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:20:04.71] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@009BDA08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03822430'
[16:20:04.76] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009BDA08: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-05-21T01:31:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:31:26.24] 0524 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03884F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03882430', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:31:26.24] 0524 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03884F80: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:31:26.24] 0524 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03884F80: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:31:26.24] 0524 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03884F80: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:31:26.24] 0524 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03884F80: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:31:26.31] 0098 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0388F110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:31:26.95] 0098 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038990F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:31:27.06] 0098 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0388F5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[18:31:28.53] 0098 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038A3B80: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:31:29.20] 03dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:31:29.22] 0098 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038D33C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-21T01:3
[18:31:29.22] 0098 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03881050: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-21T01:31:39.00-00:00
[18:31:29.28] 0098 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038A3B10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:31:29.70] 03dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:31:29.70] 0098 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038D33C0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:31:29.70] 0098 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0388F5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:37:58.68] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03884F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03882430'
[18:37:58.68] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03884F80: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[18:38:48.60] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03899040: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03882C70', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:38:48.60] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03899040: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:38:48.62] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03899040: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[18:38:48.62] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03899040: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[18:38:48.62] 036c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03899040: (User='', Target='')[2/
[18:38:48.62] 0234 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038CB168: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:38:49.15] 0234 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03898A38: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[18:38:49.21] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@038D1688: Initial Sync Starting
[18:38:49.23] 0234 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0388D3D0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-21T01:3
[18:38:49.23] 0234 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@038A3D50: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-21T01:38:59.00-00:00
[18:38:49.26] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@038D1688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[18:38:49.26] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@038D1688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[18:38:49.26] 0234 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038A7D20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:38:49.28] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@038D1688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[18:38:49.28] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@038D1688: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[18:57:38.20] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03899040: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03882C70'
[18:57:38.24] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03899040: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-21T01:57:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T15:03:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:03:53.47] 0d08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03014E10: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0300F840', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:03:53.50] 0d08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03014E10: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:03:53.50] 0d08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03014E10: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:03:53.50] 0d08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03014E10: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:03:53.50] 0d08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03014E10: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:03:53.56] 0f9c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@030143C8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:03:58.26] 0f9c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@030274F0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:03:58.94] 0f9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0301D5E0: Initial Sync Starting
[08:03:59.04] 0f9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0302A9D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:04:00.05] 099c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:04:00.11] 0f9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0302B1B8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:04:00.47] 099c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:04:00.49] 0f9c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0305FCE0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:04:00.49] 0f9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0301D5E0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:04:04.03] 0e38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03014E10: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0300F840'
[08:04:04.03] 0e38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03014E10: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-22T15:04:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T16:32:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:32:49.62] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@02E929D0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '02E86BA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:32:49.62] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@02E929D0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:32:49.62] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@02E929D0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[09:32:49.62] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@02E929D0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[09:32:49.62] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@02E929D0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[09:32:49.65] 0470 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@02E93D90: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[09:32:51.86] 0470 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@02EA53D8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[09:32:51.94] 0470 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@02E92D70: Initial Sync Starting
[09:32:52.02] 0470 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@02EDE0E0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T16:3
[09:32:52.02] 0470 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@02EA6458: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T16:33:02.00-00:00
[09:32:52.11] 0470 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@02EAB8F0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:32:52.77] 0b74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:32:52.78] 0470 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@02EAB8F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:32:53.09] 0b74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:32:53.13] 0470 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@02EDF3D0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:32:53.13] 0470 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@02E92D70: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:33:24.28] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@02E929D0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '02E86BA0'
[09:33:24.28] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@02E929D0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-22T16:33:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T16:46:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:46:59.82] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03813DF0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03809B78', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:46:59.82] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03813DF0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:46:59.85] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03813DF0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[09:46:59.85] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03813DF0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[09:46:59.85] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03813DF0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[09:46:59.91] 0b84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0381DBE8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[09:47:10.87] 0b84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03827FD0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[09:47:11.99] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0381E4C0: Initial Sync Starting
[09:47:12.55] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03865068: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T16:4
[09:47:12.55] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0380FF20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T16:47:22.00-00:00
[09:47:12.83] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03832BD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:47:16.37] 09f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:47:16.37] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03832700: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:47:16.93] 09f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:47:16.93] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03866070: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:47:16.93] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0381E4C0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:47:40.05] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03813DF0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03809B78'
[09:47:40.05] 0cfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03813DF0: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-22T16:47:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T16:57:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:57:49.90] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037F4F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037F2430', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:57:49.90] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037F4F80: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:57:49.90] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037F4F80: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[09:57:49.90] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037F4F80: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[09:57:49.90] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037F4F80: (User='', Target='')[2/
[09:57:49.97] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037FF110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[09:57:50.33] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038090F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[09:57:50.40] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037FF5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[09:57:53.17] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03843438: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T16:5
[09:57:53.17] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@037F10A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T16:58:03.00-00:00
[09:57:53.24] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03813B10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:57:54.10] 0ef4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:57:54.10] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03813B10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:57:54.43] 0ef4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:57:54.43] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03843438: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:57:54.43] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@037FF5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:02:44.96] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@037F4F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '037F2430'
[10:02:45.26] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037F4F80: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[10:09:17.20] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383B0B0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037F2C70', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:09:17.20] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0383B0B0: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:09:17.20] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0383B0B0: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[10:09:17.20] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383B0B0: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[10:09:17.20] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0383B0B0: (User='', Target='')[2/
[10:09:17.20] 0f98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0383BC08: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[10:09:18.06] 0f98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03808238: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[10:09:18.11] 0f98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03841688: Initial Sync Starting
[10:09:18.11] 0f98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03802D00: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T17:0
[10:09:18.11] 0f98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03837AF0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T17:09:28.00-00:00
[10:09:18.14] 0f98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03824D40: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:09:18.59] 0e10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:09:18.59] 0f98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037EBF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:09:18.89] 0e10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:09:18.90] 0f98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03802D00: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T17:58:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:58:18.33] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037D4078: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '037CCE30', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:58:18.33] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@037D4078: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:58:18.33] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@037D4078: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[10:58:18.33] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037D4078: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[10:58:18.33] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@037D4078: (User='', Target='')[2/
[10:58:18.36] 0fc0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037DCDE0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[10:58:21.60] 0fc0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@037E7210: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[10:58:21.65] 0fc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@037DD2B8: Initial Sync Starting
[10:58:21.81] 0fc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038258B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T17:5
[10:58:21.81] 0fc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03803AF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T17:58:31.00-00:00
[10:58:26.25] 0fc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@037F2E10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T18:25:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:25:56.90] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03914F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03912430', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:25:56.90] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03914F80: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:25:56.90] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03914F80: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[11:25:56.90] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03914F80: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[11:25:56.90] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03914F80: (User='', Target='')[2/
[11:25:56.93] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391F110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:25:58.53] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@039290F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[11:25:58.60] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0391F5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:26:02.07] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03964BD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T18:2
[11:26:02.07] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039110A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T18:26:12.00-00:00
[11:26:02.18] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03933B10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:26:03.00] 0e18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:26:03.00] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03933B10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:26:03.33] 0e18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:26:03.33] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03964BD0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:26:03.33] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0391F5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:37:38.81] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@003E2870: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T18:3
[11:37:38.81] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03910FF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T18:37:48.00-00:00
[11:42:51.14] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@003E2970: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T18:4
[11:42:51.14] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03910FF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T18:43:01.00-00:00
[12:05:23.40] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03914F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03912430'
[12:05:23.44] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03914F80: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:05:46.86] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03928FF8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03912BB0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:05:46.86] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03928FF8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:05:46.86] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03928FF8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:05:46.86] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03928FF8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:05:46.86] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03928FF8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:05:46.87] 0dec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959278: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:05:47.51] 0dec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959350: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:05:47.59] 0dec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03961688: Initial Sync Starting
[12:05:47.59] 0dec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03937B90: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:0
[12:05:47.59] 0dec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03957AF0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:05:57.00-00:00
[12:05:47.65] 0dec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03961688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:05:47.65] 0dec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03961688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:05:47.65] 0dec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03937C88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:05:47.69] 0dec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03961688: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:05:47.69] 0dec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03961688: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:06:30.14] 01dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03928FF8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03912BB0'
[12:06:30.14] 01dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03928FF8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:07:00.72] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395CDC8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03957830', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:07:00.72] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395CDC8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:07:00.72] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395CDC8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:07:00.72] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395CDC8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:07:00.72] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395CDC8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:07:00.74] 0344 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959350: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:07:01.22] 0344 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959428: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:07:01.36] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03951898: Initial Sync Starting
[12:07:01.36] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03948960: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:0
[12:07:01.36] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03942AD8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:07:11.00-00:00
[12:07:01.38] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03951898: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:07:01.38] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03951898: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:07:01.38] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03966560: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:07:01.38] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03951898: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:07:01.38] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03951898: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:22:20.76] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03948960: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:22:21.87] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@03948960: status = 301
[12:22:21.87] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03948960: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:22:28.42] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0395CDC8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03957830'
[12:22:28.42] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395CDC8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:22:38.79] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@003EE650: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '039540F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:22:38.79] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@003EE650: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:22:38.81] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@003EE650: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:22:38.81] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@003EE650: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:22:38.81] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@003EE650: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:22:38.81] 0344 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959BC0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:22:38.83] 0344 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03959C98: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:22:38.84] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03952F90: Initial Sync Starting
[12:22:38.86] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0398E880: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:22:53.12] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@03948960: hr = 0x80072ee2, fault = (none)
[12:22:53.12] 0344 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@03932150: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE2 for operation = 4
[12:22:54.39] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:22:54.44] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@0395CDC8: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync outs
[12:22:54.47] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0395BC38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:2
[12:22:54.47] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039AC1F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:23:04.00-00:00
[12:22:54.49] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03990388: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:22:58.51] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:22:58.51] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03990388: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:22:59.09] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:22:59.12] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039BA808: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:22:59.12] 0344 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@0395BC38: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:22:59.12] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03952F90: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:23:15.05] 0e6c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@003EE6AC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-22T12:22:58.4-07:0
[12:23:15.06] 0344 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03990468: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:23:18.57] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:25:40.21] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@003EE650: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '039540F0'
[12:25:40.22] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@003EE650: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:26:18.01] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0393A720', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:26:18.01] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:26:18.01] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:26:18.01] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:26:18.01] 0afc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:26:18.02] 0cd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0394E6D0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:26:18.55] 0cd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0394E7A8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:26:18.63] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03953038: Initial Sync Starting
[12:26:18.63] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@039839B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:2
[12:26:18.63] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@039ACA90: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:26:28.00-00:00
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03953038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03953038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03928F68: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@039839B8: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03953038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:26:18.66] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03953038: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:36:08.31] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0393A720'
[12:36:08.33] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:36:14.05] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '0393A720', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:36:14.05] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:36:14.05] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:36:14.05] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:36:14.05] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:36:14.05] 0938 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391C178: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:36:14.52] 0938 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391C250: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:36:14.60] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@039A6038: Initial Sync Starting
[12:36:14.60] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03928F68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:3
[12:36:14.60] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03950688: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:36:24.00-00:00
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@039A6038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@039A6038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@039B5528: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@039B5398: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@039A6038: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:36:14.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@039A6038: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:38:56.47] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '0393A720'
[12:38:56.47] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:39:51.48] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03934BA8', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:39:51.48] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:39:51.48] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:39:51.48] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:39:51.48] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0393B5B8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:39:51.49] 0658 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391A178: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:39:51.98] 0658 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0391A250: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:39:52.07] 0658 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03943868: Initial Sync Starting
[12:39:52.07] 0658 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0395CE38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-22T19:4
[12:39:52.07] 0658 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@03914318: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-22T19:40:02.00-00:00
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03943868: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03943868: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@003E2870: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@0395CE38: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@03943868: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:39:52.10] 0658 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03943868: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:40:05.38] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0393B5B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03934BA8'
[12:40:05.39] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0393B5B8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
[12:49:55.14] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395CD38: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03934BA8', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:49:55.14] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0395CD38: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:49:55.14] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395CD38: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[12:49:55.14] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395CD38: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[12:49:55.14] 0fc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0395CD38: (User='', Target='')[2/
[12:49:55.17] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03943B20: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:49:56.10] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03943BF8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:49:56.17] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0394E418: Initial Sync Starting
[12:49:56.17] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039342B8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:49:59.99] 03f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:59.99] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@039342B8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:50:00.58] 03f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:50:00.58] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03957EC0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:50:00.58] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@003EE650: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:50:00.60] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0394E418: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:51:13.79] 0450 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0395CD38: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03934BA8'
[12:51:13.79] 0450 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0395CD38: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-22T19:51:16Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-23T15:51:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:51:05.29] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03014F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03012430', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:51:05.29] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03014F80: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:51:05.29] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03014F80: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[08:51:05.29] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03014F80: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[08:51:05.29] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03014F80: (User='', Target='')[2/
[08:51:05.32] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0301F110: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:51:09.05] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@030290F8: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[08:51:09.14] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0301F5E8: Initial Sync Starting
[08:51:09.94] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03064B98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-23T15:5
[08:51:09.94] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@030110A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-23T15:51:19.00-00:00
[08:51:10.06] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03033B80: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:51:10.97] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:51:10.97] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03033B80: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:51:11.43] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:51:11.45] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03065E28: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[08:51:11.47] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@03065F38: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[08:51:11.47] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0301F5E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:55:16.44] 07f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03014F80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03012430'
[08:55:16.44] 07f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03014F80: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-23T15:55:19Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-23T16:07:34Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:07:34.77] 0a44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@02F04FB8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '02F02430', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:07:34.77] 0a44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@02F04FB8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:07:34.77] 0a44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@02F04FB8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[09:07:34.77] 0a44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@02F04FB8: (User='', Target='')[1/2
[09:07:34.77] 0a44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@02F04FB8: (User='', Target='')[2/
[09:07:34.83] 0938 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@02F0F148: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[09:07:35.44] 0938 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@02F19130: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[09:07:35.51] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@02F0F620: Initial Sync Starting
[09:07:35.53] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@02F1BE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:07:36.39] 0d3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:07:36.39] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@02F1BE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:07:36.65] 0d3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:07:36.67] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@02F56D68: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[09:07:36.67] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@02F56E78: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[09:07:36.67] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@02F0F620: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:07:39.84] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@02F56D68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-23T16:0
[09:07:39.84] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@02F010A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-23T16:07:49.00-00:00
[09:10:53.91] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0095E618: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-23T16:1
[09:10:53.91] 0938 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@02F010A8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-23T16:11:03.00-00:00
[10:05:32.09] 0398 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@02F04FB8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '02F02430'
[10:05:32.23] 0398 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@02F04FB8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-23T17:19:29Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-26T00:23:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:23:08.48] 0238 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038946F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.e
xe', Types='7') == '03889010', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:23:08.48] 0238 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@038946F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Appl
ication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:23:08.48] 0238 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038946F8: (User='') -
- enabling policy
[17:23:10.41] 0238 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038946F8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[17:23:10.41] 0238 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@038946F8: (User='', Target='')[2/2
[17:23:10.52] 0b98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@03893DE8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:23:23.72] 0b98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@038A6DC0: (, 0, shadow) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[17:23:23.72] 0b98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0389CEB0: Initial Sync Starting
[17:23:23.78] 0b98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038B2958: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:23:24.73] 01c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:23:25.28] 0b98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@038B29C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:23:25.83] 01c0 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@038CF1C8: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[17:23:25.83] 01c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:23:26.01] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038E6AD0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[17:23:26.03] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@038F4E80: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[17:23:26.03] 0b98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0389CEB0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:23:28.18] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E6AD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-26T00:2
[17:23:28.18] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@038F4E80: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[17:23:28.18] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@038E6AD0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[17:23:30.94] 0b98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@038E6AD0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-26T00:2
[17:31:37.12] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@038946F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe') == '03889010'
[17:31:37.12] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@038946F8: (User='') -
- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-26T00:31:41Z

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