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:. ,'-; ~ .:~ ";'1 ;'

l. Standing Wave Ratio 1 the sine wave si na! into radio waves. but this can
The standing wave ratio is a rnea~u~~~f the efficiency never be accorn 'shed with 100 percent efficiency.
of an antenna installation. The standing wave ratio The result of thi less than perfect efficiency is that
(SWR) is also referred to as voltage standing wave sorne of the ener is reflected back toward the trans­
ratio (VSWR). In order to dernonstrate the principIe rnitter frorn the tenna end of the transrnission lineo
of VSWR. we will consider what would happen if This is illustrated by figure 4-20(B) which shows sorne
just one sine wave was sent down a transrnission energy being refi cted back toward the transrnitter
line frorn a radio transrnitter. Figure 4-20(A) shows and rnoving fro right. to left. The output of the
this sine wave traveling frorn left to righ t. If the trans­ transrnitter is no just one sine wave at a time. but
rnission line had an infinite length. the sine wave a continuous seri s of sine waves. The reflected waves
___._ ". _ ~._,.... __ . .--"0_

signa! would eventually be reduced to zero by line __ -!:!:(;tran.srnit!er_outpu~ ~~ves to

resistance. In an actual installation. the transrnission produce standin waves on the transrnission line as
line is of a lirnited length and terrninates at the an­ 'ill'dféatéd. hyfigu é4=20(C):A ~a.i~~l~ti~~'-b';~~d·~~­
tenna. The purpose of the antenna is to transforrn the r~l~tion~hip- ~hVeen-forward power and refiected


- - - - 1..... FORW A D POWER

" (A)

TRANSMITTER 1- -+__-+__+- ---1


TRANSMITTER f------------+----f------+------------f



TRANSMITTER 1---------.,;I---t---+---+---++--+--~-----1

Figure 4-20. lIIustration of the principie ¡nvolved in the standing wave ratio for n antenna instalJation.
(A) Forward power.
(S) Reflected power.
(e) Resultant Standing Wave.


.. ~" , . ~.~

- -" .. ~

power gives the voltage standing wave ratio, which frequenCies that are used. A 10Fal cable is shown

is a measure of efficiency. With a perfect antenna in figure 4-22. The proper if-sitallation and main­

installation, there would be zero reflected power and tenance of coaxial cables is vert i¡mportant since large

the VSWR would be 1: 1 or simply l. In an actual losses can occur if a fault is ~r~sent. Coaxial cables

aircraft antenna system, the lowest VSWR is the most should be rejected if they h,vt become dented_ or

efficient. :!)'pica! values for VS\VR:'üf a1I"craft antennas if kinks are found. Any distorliioh or crushing which

are in the range oTi~Tto-5 .O"-for-·the.

~artó~s-tYPes ca-;ses- the cable to be OVallni shape or f!ª-~ed.>::'f~ .i:'

Ofañten.nas~' Mállui~-;;:;-~~;"~~;tcJ~g~'~s~auy'lisCthe are also cause for rejection. fabrasion or rubbiI?:g r:'r ce

VSWR for antennas so that the relative efficiency has exposed or damaged the ~e ~~~d, the cable

of different types can be compared when selecting should be replaced. Coaxial ca 1~~.~o_~~~~suPJ?_?.r:!~~

an antenna. The listing of VSWR in the specifications

for an aircr~ antenna can be seen in figure 4-21. ~~g~=;~I:~}11~~~f~!~~!·mJ~~ii~v~~~9~~~e¿o.,;':
The example given here was for the VSWR of a is to use a minimum bend ~~iUS of 10 times the 1',:." .::.

transmit antenna, but the manufacturer's data also
lists the VSWR for receive only antennas. If the trans­
mission line or coaxial cable that connects the antenna
is in good condition and properly suited to the in­ style~
in a number of different Sorne can be removed

stallation, the VSWR is affected by the antenna itseIf. and reused and other types arr~ crimped or swaged

l· --­
However, if there is a fault in the coaxial cable the on and cannot be reused. WhI rstalling and remov­
VSWR will go up significantly, which reduces efficien­ ing coaxial cable connection , fare should be used

cy. Special types of wattmeters and VSWR meters to prevent damage to the c nnectors. lf corrosion

can be used to measure the VSWR of an aircraft

antenna installation for troubleshooting purposes.
_ .__ .0- 00'''_.---.--._¡ij.. ,.. , ' ' ~. ,~
0'0- .,' ' __' . _ '

amounts of corrosion or Cjj9SiOn pits can cause

2. Coaxial Cables and Connectors a signal loss. Figure 4-23 sh 'fs a reusable coaxial

Coaxial cables are required for the antenna connec­ cable connector. When inst . g this type, the wire

tions on most aircraft radios because of the RF braid should be carefully sp~e~d out over the braid

clamp and breakage of the wirds should be avoided.

The connector should be assd~bled carefully to pro­

vide tight connections with ~cjod electrical contact

and to avoid distorting the co$al cable or the con·

nector itself. If it is necessart to solder a connector

pin onto the center condudtor, only an, approved

electrical solder should be us~dLnever use acid core

solder or acid flux on ele~~ical connectors. An

acceptable solder is 60/40 core solder. Oreat

care must be used in soldertpg to prevent excessive

heat damage to the coaxial cablt insulation materials.

Sorne antenna cables are rpatched to the radio

and antenna and should not e shortened or spliced.


V.S.w.R. .. . .. 2.0:1
IMPEDANCE. 50 ohms
POWER .. 40 watts
WEIGHT .. 0.2 lbs.
HEIGHT . 14.0 in.

Fjgure 4-21. Antenna manufaeturers eatalogs usually

¡ísi file ~.f:5. ;r:R. tai aBen anta::::a. (Ccurt~sy
of Dayton-Granger, Ine.) Figure 4-22. The parts of a co xipl eable for antennas.


This is true for sorne ADF antenna leads, for example. 3. Wire Anten s
On other installations the antenna coax should be A wire antenna is a ngth of wire that is supported
kept as short as possible and routed as directly as by masts and attac ents aboye or below the aircraft
possible to reduce line 10ss. fuselage. They are fou d most often on smaller aircraft
The specific antenna or radio manufacturers in­ and older aircraft. Je airplanes seldom use wire an­
stallation instructions should be followed carefully tennas because of th vibration and increased chance
in this área since there are many different procedures of damage at high peeds. The type of wire used
that may apply depending on the specific installation. is most often a cop er coated steel wire that is a
solid single strand. ire with an outer covering of
insulating material i superior to non-insulated wire
in reducing noise c used by P-static.

k;;-- ---..
-.-_7'_::"'~--;:-=: ----o-mJ
. ..:' -..' - --­
A type of wire ant a that is seldom used today
is the trailing wire an enna. The trailing wire antenna
1.. 1/4 was a roll of wire a drum in the aft fuselage

which could be exte ed out the back of the aircraft
in flight. It was ve common in the 1930s and
1940s for HF commu ications radios. The advantage
was that 200 ft. or ore of wire could be extended
out the back of the airplane for better radio per­
formance. The disad antages were the added corn­
biib- . plexity and weight o the mechanism to extend and
. L 1/ 8
retract the antenna. t is not suitable for high speed
aircraft and is rare used on modern aircraft.
The wire type m~~er beacon antenna is shown
in figure 4-24. This, ~l~e may still be found on small
airplanes. 1t is about 41 ft. long and fas tened to standoff

TRIM STRANDS WITH SClSSORS and support masts rn the bottom of the aircraft.

,~"U'~ .'TH EN~:i4?

The mínimum fuselage separation should be 6 inches.

A long wire antenfl a for HF cornrnunications is
still cornmonly use on general aviation aircraft
.1 \.-- 3/32 that have HF equipm nt. Figure 4-25 shows a typical
COIHACT FLUSH WITH END OF INSULATOR installation with the wire running from a wing tip
to the vertical fin an? then down to a feed-through
on the top of the fufelage. The long wire antenna
includes a tenSioni~ device to maintain the proper
tension on the wire d insulators at the appropriate
JACK BODY points. A long wire antenna normally employs a

Figure 4-23. Instal1ation procedure for a reusable coaxial

the aircrafl lf lt brrS
weak point at the aft end so it cannot wrap around
due to excessive tension.
¡ cable connector.




Figure 4-24. A wire-type marker beacon antenna.

The most eommon use of wire antennas on installations are either the Wire type or whip type.
modern aircraft is as an ADF sense antenna. These The whip type sense ante éll is a metal rod about
wiIl be described in the next section. 4 ft. long and installed on. tlj1e top or bottom. 1t is
stillfound on sorne helicopte slwere there isn't enough
4. ADF Antennas
room for a long wire sens 4-TItenna, this is shown
All aircraft ADF receivers require two antennas, the in figure 4-28. The long wir ~ense antenna is about
loop antenna and the sense antenna. The loop antenna 15-20 ft. long and most· ftFn installed using the
is the directional arrtenna and the sense arrtenna vertical fm as the aft anchor o~t to gain more fuselage
is needed to eliminate the ambiguity caused by the clearance. The recornmen etl rnirrimum clearance
two nulls in the reception pattern. Air carrier jets from the Í11selage is 12". A t pi installation for a sense
have an ADF arrtenna that combines the loop and wire is shown in figure 4~2$. The sense wire can
J '.r{i\
sense antennas in one housing that is a low prof.l1e be insta1led on the bottom a$ shown in figure 4-30
t ' ' " ,~2~}lusp. mou~!_~d it is installed on the top or bottom if adequate ground and f s,lage clearance can be
of the fuselage. The ADF antennas on general aviation obtained. Like the long ~.e I HF antenna, the ADF
aircraft come in a greater variety and are most often sense wire will use masts, t~.',nsion units and weak
separate loop and sense antennas. llnks as part oí the inst ation.

The loop antenna that is rotated by an electric

In order to give accurate argational infon:~ation.
motor is still used, hut is being replaced by the type
ADF antennas must be . $talled and callbrated
that rotates the signa! rather than the antenna itself.
correctly. The loop anten a normally needs to be

A motor driven loop antenna for installation inside

installed close to the elect l~al center oí the sense
a housing is shown in figure 4-26. The newer non­
antenna to give accurate i d cations ~f s.tation pas­
rotating types are usually contained in a teardrop
sage. This relationship is i 1 ,strated ID fIgure 4-31.
shaped strearnlined housing that insta1ls on the top
Both the loop and sense ~ennas can be installed
or bottom of the aircraft as shown in figure 4-27.
The sense antennas used with the dual antenna on the top or the bottOID, b t they must have the

25ARM300- 20-30·
WIRE 14407 e, •••
'" -/

.---­~- TENSION UN1t



Figure 4-25. A long wire HF comm antenna insta/latían. (Courtesy Dayton-Granger /nc)

correct relationship to each other for accurate read­ This is called the c eck for quadrantal error or the
ings to be obtained. Since the ADF antenna system calibration check. enever an aníenna is installed
is highly directional, it must be calibrated to give or any ehange is ade which could affect the ac­
the correct indications of ground station direction. -curacy of the ADF a check for quadrantal error
should be performe . The checks can be made on
the ground, hut sh uld always be confirmed with
a flight check. To pe form the ground ch~ck a nearby
NDB of known loca ion is tuned in and the bearing
is checked and adj sted af least every 45° as the
aircraft is turned o the ground. The ilight check
involves locating ge graphical points on the ground
with known bearin s from the NDB and flying the
aircraft ayer those 1 cations to confirm the accuracy
I of the ADF bearing information. This flight check
should be performe at low altitude to reduce errors
I in established the aircraft position accurately.
I 5. Groundplan Considerations
I When a 1/4 wave, M coni-type antenna is installed
on an aircraft, an a equate groundplane or counter­
I INTERNAL LOOP poise is required fo proper operation. The aircraft
l _ systems that use l~ wave antennas are VHF COffi­
Figure 4-26. A motor-driven ADF loop antenna for inter­ IDllnications, ATe transponder, DME and UHF
nal installations. radiotelephone. Wh n these antermas are installed
on metal skinned craft, the metal skin supplies
the groundplane. If e antenna is installed too clase
to fiberglass areas windshields, the groundplane
area is reduced and ay result in poor performance.
Abasic rule of thu b that is sometimes used is
that the groundplan should extend in all directions
outward from the ase of the antenna a distance
equal to the height a the antenna. A shorter antenna
does not Ileed as uch groundplane as a longer
antenna. The grau dplane cannot be too big, but
I ENCLOSED LOOP it can be too small hich has an adverse effect on
SigIlal pattern an strength. For DME and
L transponders, whic use similar frequencies, the
Figure 4-27. A non-rotating, teardrop-shaped ADF loop
groundplane should extend 8-12" in all directions







Figure 4-28~ Helicopter antenna installations are difficult because of Jimited skin sr a and limited ground cJearance.

fram the antenna base. For VHF cornmunications When installing 1/4 "va el antennas, it is recom­
antennas a graundplane that extends 24" in all direc~ IJ).ended L'1at all grease, irt
and paint -be removed
tions is desirable. These sizes would give a fram L~e skin area under $.e base of the antenna.
graundplane that is a litile larger than if the length Sorne avionics experts rec qnnend that a gasket not
of the antenna was used as the dimensiono 1t is be used so that the bas ~f the antenna contacts
not a1ways .possible to supply a large enough the skin of the aircraft. ether or not a gasket I

groundplane when installing antennas on aircraft mth is tlsed, the skin shouldl Q,I, e , cleaned and stripped
limited metal skin area such as small helicopters, and a sealant applied arour<JJ the base of the antenna
hut the groundplane area should a1ways be considered after installation. I

and provided for to the extent possible. The installation oí ante nlas to the skin of aircraft
If it is necessary to instaIl these types of antennas requires that sorne additio reinforcernent be given
on aircraft with non-metal skin, a groundplane must I

be provided by the installer. This usually means

installing metal foil strips or wire mesh fastened

on the lllside oí the aircraft covering. The same SEN SE

rules would apply as to desirable lengths. .l\.n example WIRE

of the use of a foil strip groundplane is seen in

figure 4-32.


Figure 4-31" The ADF loop

~I ri¡tenna should normaJly beJ
installed near fh~ electrical center of the
VERTICAL FIN sense wire anf¡ nnsc
[ ANCHOR KIT -3208 I

- - - - I


. 5ARM300-3 WHIP


\ \

\ \
e _-_ \
- -- ~

Figure 4-29. Top-mounted ADF sense wire antenns.

(Courtesy Dayton-Granger Jnc.)
-e,-- -
/ / ;\ \
- "1 --..:;

1 I

q¡ •







L _ , J Figure 4-32. When insta//i g! iV/arcan; antennas on an
Figure 4-30. Bottom-mounted ADF sense wire antenna.. aircraft with n n~meta¡ skln, a groundpiane
• I

(Courtesy Dayton-Gj",anger Jnc.) must be provl et:l.

to preserve the strength of the aircraft structure. and error to elimin~te the cause of the antenna
The use oí a doubler as shown in figure 4-33 will interaetion. I

reinfarce the aircraft structure and provide the ad­ The important fa¿tors that affect mutual inter­
ditional support needed for antenna drag 10ads. ference are frequen and wavelength, polarizati0Il:
6. Reducing Antenna Interference and type of modu1~·on. The operating frequencies
for fue 'various radi ~'-~ystems are listed in the fre­
A very' important factor in the proper performance
quency chart in cha ter 3. The polarization of radio
of aircraft antennas is the prevention of ~terference
waves is based on e orientation of the electric
between ane system and another. Interference can
field re1ative to the arth's surface. The field orien­
also occur between a radio system antenna and other
tations for vertical apd horizontal polarization can
components of the aircraft. A basic consideration is
be seen in figures ~-34 and 4-35. The antenna
that antennas for systems that operate on similar
installed on the airlraft needs to have the proper
frequencies must-be.?~paratecibYa 'certain rnillimum
polarization relative to the ground based antenna
dis tanc~ to preven~ )p..t~~-!erence. The ¡)ossibie' ínter­
for optimum perfor ance-particular1y at frequen­
actions- fuat c;U;:--ad;ersely ~fe(2t aircraft radio systems
eies above HF. ~~_g~ e -:!-36 givestpepolarization
are many and varied. The more corrrrnon problems
for the various typ s of aircraft radio systems.
that can occur will be described here, but sornetimes
a particular interference problem rnay require trial FroID the informa ion in figure 4-36, it can be
seen that all the sy tems use vertical polarization
except for VOR and the three parts of the ILS in­
strument approach system.
ANTENNA a. VHF Communi ations Antennas
Aircraft that are eq ·pped for IFR operations com­
monly have 2 or 3 se arate VHF cornm radios which
utilize separate ante as. The VHF cornm antennas
-~J _~!:lºuld_be._~eparat~d__~_~~_~acll-,"9~~~-bY -a~ le~si--'~~'
, ft. This is easily acc mplished on an air carrier jet
'wluch has a 10t of selage skin area available, but
may be difficult on s all aircraft which have much
EXISTING STRINGERS less available skin ar a. Figure 4-37 shows the an­
tenna locations for a oeing 767 with good separation
between similar syst ms. The VHF cornm antennas
REINFORCING DOUBLER use vertical polariz tion and require a suitable
groundplane. When o antennas are instal1ed on
APPROXIMATEl y ONE ALelAD 2024-T3 small aircraft, the be t coverage is usually obtained
INCH SPACING OF wiili one antenna on the top and the other on the
1/8 11 MIN. DIA. RIVET
bottom of the fuselag . This desired top and bottom
rrr--\­ separation 1s ShOWIl· figure 4-38 on a twin-engine

o ( ::I~:- -:- -: _.'L._.-. , airplane. Th~_._~~T tenna can cause s~riOUS ~:

terference ~:th VHf 9 mm and should be separated
, :11 1
0 !?Y,;;! .least5 fi, [rom I y VHF comm antenna. Radio
t I\
1 1.1 l


Figure 4-33. A reínforcing doubier should be instal/ed Figure 4-34. When an M wave has vertical polarizatían,
insíde the skin at the base of the antenna. the electri field is in the vertical plane.

interference can be caused by parts' of the aircraft !' charactertstics from all irections on most aircraft.
as well as by other antennas. The vertical fin of an ,'"
-_.' ---•.... ~"''''''-''''-"---'-'--"-~- ,.,...-~~ .. --.,._'---- .
On small aircraft, the R antenna is sometimes
~~craft can cau~e significant ~,igna! bloc~~ge to any mounted 00 the tap ofthe uSelage. Ifthe VORantenna
VHF cornm antenna that is installed too clase. A\ islllounted. too far~orw rq, apr9~!1ex-. ~odulation'
top mounted VHF cornm antenna that is installed /
Pi?~i~~~~c_an:~~ii~~ ·Wíi~- .t@:lalS ~~~0~~~~~~~~~~
closer than 5 fr.. to the vertical fm will result in blockage \
, .
,> fraro the front
---- ..
~ -.-.--.~
aircr '--1'"
.,-',.~._-" .,
radio wave is, chopped
,"._"., ",..
~"~.~ _~-.~, o' .,'- -, • • . "

and poor radio reception and transmission to the; by the .propellerblade~. ~t certain RPMS, this can
rear of the aircraft. The VHF cornm antenna is a

CáUSe-ser1ous- pr'ü¡)eilé-i- -"'oqIulation interference. The
1/4 wave Marconi antenna which must have an ade­
cure for tbis involves chan nrg propeller RPM or relocat­
quate groundplane or counterpoise for proper opera­
ing the antenna. Small 'r~raft aften use the same
tion. A cornmon mistake is the installation of a VHF
antenna for both VOR ~ localizer reception. This
cornm too far forward on the upper fuselage. If it
is practica! because the $ysten1s operate on similar
is less than 24" froro the top of the windshield,the-­
frequencies. When the lo ,. er is being used for an
_sigllat'-patte~ij-'c~~'--be- distorted by fue iack' _. DÍ"
instrument approach, fu signals are always received
_~,~~~p~?P:~.~, th~",f?rwc.u:d. . qir:~~ti()ª:. from the front of the . craft. On a large aircraft,
b. DME and Transponder Antennas
it is not possible to use fu t~ mounted VOR antenna
for localizer reception bebarse of fuselage blockage.
These two antennas are treated as equals because

These aircraft will use al s~parate localizer antenna

they use similar frequencies, polarization and modula­

tion. The antennas used for these two systems are

or antennas that are ffi*W1.",,!ted in the nase section
1/4 wave Marconi antennas with vertical polarization

and they both transmit and receive. Since the

wavelength is shorter at higher frequencies, the min­

inside the radome for

The lacatian of the V *

q weather radar.
and localizer antennas
usually provides sUffici~n~ separation that inter­
imum separation distance is less than that for VHF
ference from other anteJinfis is not a problem. If a
corrun antennas. The DME and transponder antennas VHF carnm or other anteMa is mounted closer than
should be separatedfrom-each--üUier by"at" ~~ªst .2 5 ft. frorn the VOR, it cáni cause sorne interference
ft...·-an'a an adequate groundpl~~--~ii~t~be"'p~ovid~d depending on the type o \jHF
cornro antenna used.
Mound the base of the antenna. These antennas

d. Glideslope Anten a~
are. Il:~rIIlally. instalt~9 on the bottomof the'aircraft

Like the localizer, the sig a¡1s froro the ground trans­
.!9-~~~pi~~~ii~.~!i~~._1?l_~'~-kage ~ 'by_·tii~,·.',l~~,~!~&~:~:-A'·topO mitters far the glideslo frre always received from
mounted antenna may be used on a ~~?W portian
the front of the aircraft. qme small aircraft use the
afthe aircraft that will not cause significant'blockage.
VOR antenna to receiv glideslope signals as well
The top of the tail boom on a helicopter can be an
as Iocalizer signals. Th~J~,,'deslope operates on fre­
acceptable locatian.
quencies that are the ~d harmonic of VOR fre­
c. VOR and Localizer quencies. This means th~ ""Ithe glideslope frequencies
VOR antennas are most often installed on the vertical are three times the freq encies for VaRo A special
fin of the aircraft. This gives good reception antenna coupler is use &0 that the VOR antenna
can supply two separate VpR and localizer receivers
and also supply signals I f+r the glideslope receiver.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _M_A_._G_N_E_T_IC I
Figure 4-35. When an EJ'II wave has horizontal po/ariza­
fíon, the electric field is in the horizontal Figure 4-36. The poiarizat O" for various types oi aircraft
plane. radio system .


The same fuselage blockage problems occur on large Omega antennas cak be mounted on the top or
aircraft for boL.~ localizer and glideslope reception. the bottom of the ~rcraft. The best location for
The glideslope antenna or antennas for air carrier these types of antefnas is based on preventing
jets are installed inside the radorne on the nose of interference from air aft motors, generators, power
the aircraft. Aircraft that do not have a nose radorne supplies and siITlila systems. The proper instal­
can utilize a separate glideslope antenna that is lation and maintena ce of bonding jumpers and
mounted on the forward fuselage on either the top static dischargers is critical to ensure good per­
or bottom. Blockage of signals by the fuselage or formance from these wer frequency radio systems.
other parts of the aircraft is the primary consideration f. ADF Antennas
in loeating localizer and glideslope antennas. Interfer­
The primary consider tion in locating ADF antermas
ence from other antennas is not as great a problem.
is to obtain the prope relationship between the loop
with these systems as it is for sorne other radio systems.
and sense antenna t ensure accurate indieations
e. Loran e and Omega of station direction. Th ADF antennas can be installed
Loran e and Omega system antennas are receive with both loop and ense antennas on the top of
only antennas and they operate at frequeneies that the fuselage, both on the bottom or one on the top
are widely separated from those of most other and one on the bot m.
aircraft radios. The major sources of interference The most eommon installation on small aircraft
for these radio systems are P-statie noise and noise is with a wire sense antenna on the top and the
from aircraft electrieal systems. The Loran e and loop antenna on the ottom oí the aireraft. In any



00000000000 O

1&2 1&2




Figure 4-37~ Antenna instaJlations on modern air earrier jets often include Jocalizer an glideslope antennas inside the
radome and flush mount VOR and HF comm antennas in the vertical fin.

~ .. .:. ..:U!lU: lL.. ·4.L.~ _ - ..


COM.. 2
"TE'" ,••~



"", ¡DUAL¡ ADF





L .-------­
Figure 4-38. The antenna installations for a twln-engine airplane. (Courtesy Plper Alrcraft Corp.)

case. the loop antenna must be located in the electri­ loop types. The half- ave dipole antenna is a "V'
cal center of the sense antenna for accurate read­ shaped antenna that has a figure eight-shaped
ings. The ADF antenna system is a directional reception pattern. Th s kind of antenna is shown
antenna system and interference from parts of the in figure 4-39. The rtenna has two metal rods
aircraft can sometimes cause bearing errors. This in the shape of the let er "V' or a fiberglass covered
is one reason that a check of quadrantal error should element made of thi sheet metal. It is installed
always be performed when ADF antennas are in­ on the aircraft on t~ vertical fin or on top of
stalled or relocated. Proper bonding jumper and the fuselage with the open egd of the "V' pointed
static discharger installations are important to either forward or aft. e figure 8 reception pattern
prevent P-static noise in ADF receivers. ADF an­ works well for norm VOR airway fIying because
tennas should be located to minimize interference the station is either in ront of or behind the aircraft.
fram aircraft generators and alternators. Filter It does not work we for RNAV when the VOR
capacitors can be used to reduce interference from station may be off t e side of the aircraft. The
alternators and similar devices. dipole VOR antenna r quires a special impedance
matching device call d a "balun". The balun is
7. Types oí Antennas
located at the anten a end of the coaxial cable
Many different types of antennas are used in aircraft for more efficient tra sfer of energy fram the an­
radio systems. Aviation technicians should be familiar tenna to the coax an~dceiver. A balun is i.llustrated
with the cornmon types of antennas so that they in figure 4-40. The alanced loop VOR antenna
can properly identify, inspect and maintain them. has a circular recep . n pattern and is therefore
Sorne of the common types of aircraft antennas and the better type of enna for RNAV. There are
their basic characteristics will be described in this three types of, balan ed loop antenna: -the open
section. Aircraft antennas usually have a speed rating loop towel bar.:)the bl de andO the. in_t~J:"Il.a! moti.~:
and should only be installed on aircraft that operate fhetoweCbar' añefblaetYPes are shown irifigure
at and below their rated speed. 4-41. These antennas come in two halves that are
a. VOR Antennas mounted on opposite sides of the vertical fin on
There are two basic types of VOR antennas found airplanes. On helicop ers or in special cases they
on aircraft: the half-wave dipole and the balanced are mounted on eac side of the aft fuselage or

Figure 4-39. Hertz dipole "V" type antennas for VOR reeeption. (Courtesy Comant Jnd stries ¡ne.)


tail boom. The blade-type. balanced loop VOR an­ harmonic of the VOR frequency. Single-engine
tenna has a higher speed rating than the towel airplanes cornmonly use a signal splitter or coupler
bar or V-type and is used on bizjets and similar to supply t.l-J.e glideslope eceiver from the VOR an­
aircraft. Air carrier jets use a VOR antenna that tenna. Other general avi tion airplanes often use a
is mounted inside the vertical fin with non-metallic V-shaped glideslope ante a like that shown in figure
flush covers on each side. This kind of antenna 4-43 to receive glideslope ignals. This antenna looks
is shown in figure 4-37. a lot like a V-shaped V R antenna but it is only
b. Localizer about lf3 the size because of the'13horter wavelength
of glideslope signals. Wh la separate glideslope an­
Small airplanes usually do not have a separate
tenna is installed on the ¿rafi. it needs to be located
localizer antenna. the VOR antenna is used to
on the front of the aircr t 'to prevent blockage. The
receive localizer signals. On air carrier jets and
loop type glideslope ante 'a in figure 4-44 can be
similar aircrafi. the large fuselage can cause block­
age of the localizer signals so a separate localizer
antenna is installed. A type of separate localizer
antenna is seen in figure 4-42. This antenna is
installed inside the radome on the nose section
of the aircraft.
c. Glideslope
The signals from glideslope transrnitters can be
received on a VOR antenna because they operate
at a frequency that is approximately the third







Figure 4-41. Ba/aneed loop antennas for VOR reeeption.

Figure 4-40. Ba/un for a VOR antenna. (Courtesy Dor e & Margolin ¡ne.)

installed either externally or internally on the forward of wire antennas. Al marker beacon antennas need
part of an aircraIt. The dipole glideslope antenna in to be installed on thf bottom of the aircraIt because
figure 4-45 is designed to be installed inside a radome the signals are recef'e d when the aircraIt is directly
as it is not a strearnlined designo over the transmitte site. Another type of marker
d. Marker Beacon beacon antenna fo nd on smaller aircraIt is the
sIed type. This is a bent metal rod which is about
The oIder style wire-type marker beacon antenna 3·112 to 4 ft. long d uses a sliding clip for the
has been previously described under the heading lead-in connection. en the antenna is installed
on the aircraft, the lip can be Ioosened and moved
to tune the antenna. A newer type of marker beacon
antenna is the boat e antenna that is illustrated
in figure 4-46. Thi antenna is smaller and more
streamlined than e wire or sIed type antennas.
Air carrier jets m¡st often use a flush mounted
marker beacon ante na that is installed in the belly
of the airplane.

565-147-2: Constructed with high-strength aluminum tubing and
extrusion, with fiberglass base housing.

Figure 4-42.A loealizer antenna for installation inside

radome. (Courtesy Sensor Systems)
Figure 4-44. A loop-t

e glideslope antenna for internal


V.S.w.R. . . . '. · .. 5.0:1 V.S.W.R ..

. 3.0:1
. 50 ohms
POWER . · . . . N/A POWER.
. N/A
WEIGHT . . . . · 0.2 lbs. WEIGHT . . .
0.1 lbs.
.. iltletai
HEIGHT . · . 3.4 in. HEIGHT ..
15.3 in.
ELEMENT . . . . Grounded ELEMENT . . . . .

Figure 4-43. A "V"-type glideslope antenna. (Courtesy Figur~ 4-45. A g/ides ope antenna for internal installa­
Dayton-Granger Ine.) tion. (CD 'rtesy Dayton-Granger Ine.)


e. HY Communication 4-50. The spike is a s ort metal rod with a ball

The trailing wire and long wire HF antennas found on the end. This type is cheaper aIld easier to
on older aircraft and slow speed aircraft have already install, but it is more easily damaged and creates
been covered. Older air carrier jets used a probe-type more vibration and dr g. The blade type is the
HF antenna similar to the vertical fin mounted an­ most cornmon type on modern aircraft. This antenna
tenna shown in figure 4-47. This antenna includes can be distinguished frbm the VHF comm blade
a special coupler / tuner that retunes the anterina because it is much smaller, about 2-4" long. These
each time the frequency is changed on the HF radio. antennas are all 114 wave monopoles with vertical
This kind of antenna can be mounted on the vertical polarization so an adeqlJlate groündplane must be
fin as shown or on a wing tipo The later model provided during installation.
air carrier jets use a flush mounted HF cornm an­ h. ELT Antennas
tenna that is installed inside the vertical fin as
Figure 4-51 shows the co mon type ofELT antenna.
seen in figure 4-37. This antenna also requires
it is a thin metal rod ajt is located close to the
a special tuning device that is installed at the an­
ELT itself. The antenna ii:l a Marconi 114 wave an­
tenna connection point.
tenna that requires a g O1,mdplane. It should nor­
f. VHF Communication mally be installed as el sf as possible to the ELT
The VHF comm radios on aircraft use a separate because ofthe low outpu ¡:t>wer ofELT transmitters.
antenna for each radio. These antennas are 114 wave. A blade type of ELT an enna is also available for
monopole antennas that can be mounted on the higher speed aircraft.
top or bottom of the aircraft. Lower speed aircraft i. Satellite Navigati ni
use the thin whip type antennas while higher speed
aircraft employ blade type antennas that create less
The signals from GPS d GLONASS satellites are
received from aboye the craft so the antenna needs
drago The antenna may either be straight or bent,
to be installed on the u r surfaces of the aircraft.
the bent antennas having the advantages of less
A typical GPS antenna i shown in figure 4-52. This
drag and less height for belly mountings. A variety
small. round antenna cr ates very low drag and yet
of VHF cornm antennas is shown in figure 4-48
has a VSWR of 2: 1 whi provides good signal recep­
of both whip and blade types. Sorne blade-type
tion for the GPS/GLON SS navigation system.
VHF comm antennas have a stainless steelleading
edge to prevent damage. this feature can be seen
on the antenna in figure 4-49. HF NUMBER
g. DME /Transponder COUPLER
The same type of antenna can be used for either
DME or transponder systems on aircraft. This is
practical because they operate at similar frequencies
and have similar characteristics. These antennas
are a1most always installed on the bottom of the
aircraft. but they can be located on the top of a
narrow taíl boom or other location that does not
cause serious blockage. The two common types are
the spike and blade antennas as illustrated in figure

00 [:]


Figure 4-47. Sorne jet tranfPorts have an HF probe-type

antenna instBlled in the vertical fin. Two
antenna couf.ling and tuning de vices are
Figure 4-46. A boat-type maricer beaconantenna. (Cour­ aJso in5:a#2dl~r; t.":a f.;r; te :'3tune the 2nte!!na
tesy Dorne & Margolin Inc.) when differe t frequencies are selected.

j. Satellite Communications 1. Omega
The SATCOM antenna. like the SATNAV antenna. Aircraft antennas de igned to receive Omega/VLF
must be installed on the top ofthe aircraft to prevent signals are available in two basic types: the "E"
signal blockage. A variety of different designs are field and "H" field es. The antenna shown in
produced for this kind of antenna. The antenna figure 4-55 is the .. ~. field kind. These antennas
in figure 4-53 is just one of the kinds of antennas can be installed on e·ther upper or lower surfaces
being produced for satellite communications sys­ of the aircraft. The ost important consideration
tems for aircraft. when choosing a lo~~tion i~ to reduce noise in­
k. Loran C terference from aircr'1t systems. A "skin noise map"
is often required whi h consists of measuring the
An ADF antenna can be used to receive Loran C
VLF noise on variou parts of the aircraft to find
navigational signals by utilizing a special antenna
the best antenna loca ion. The lowest noise is usual­
coupler. Specific antennas for Loran C are now
ly found on the aft underbelly of most aircraft.
being produced and they often bear a resemblance
to VHF comm antennas as indicated in figure 4-54. m. MLS
These antennas can be installed on either the top The MLS receive an enna seen in figure 4-56 is
or the bottom of the aircraft and still provide good a low profile. vertica polarized antenna designed
reception because ofthe frequencies involved. These to receive the MLS sig als that operate on frequencies
antennas often include a special anti-static coating of 5.03 to 5.09 GHz. This kind of antenna should
to reduce P-static noise in the radio. be located on the n se section of the aircraft for

Figure 4-48. Various VHF eomm antennas. (Courtesy Comant Industries tne.)

best reeeption and minimum blockage. Sorne MLS top of the fuselage and has three eonneetor ports
systems require two antennas to be installed on for eonneetion to the ai eraft's TCAS 1 equipment.
the aireraIt for proper signal reeeption. o. Radiotelephone
n.TeAS Radiotelephone antenn come in a wide variety
The TraIfie Alert and Collision Avoidance system of shapes and sizes. The e UHF antennas are nor­
found on air earrier jets requires a speeial type mally installed on the b ttom of the aircraIt sinee
of direetional antenna like that seen in figure 4-57. they operate in eonjuneti n with ground based line­
This TCAS 1 antenna is normally loeated on the of-sight radio waves. A numbec of different kinds
ofradiotelephone antennas are shown in figure 4-58.
A major eonsideration when installing this type of
antenna is preventing oise that can be eaused
by loose joints and poor y bonded surfaces on the
aireraIt. ~. -, ;':'~": " _:

'-.1 .:

565-8282: This broadband fixed tuned antenna operates in the
frequency range of 116-156 MHz.

Figure 4-49. A blade-type VHF comm antenna with a

stainless steel guard on the leading edge.
(Courtesy Sensor Systems)

Figure 4-5D. Typieal antennas used for DME and transponder. (Courtesy Comant Jndust~ies Ine.)

567-1575-14: Dual band 1/L2 GPS Anlenna provides coverage
al 1227.6 MHz and 157 .42 MHz wilh a VSWR of 2.0:1.

Figure 4-52. GPS ante na for satellite nav. (Courtesy

Sensor Sy tems)


V.S.W.R. . . . .. 2.0:1 V.S.w.R. . . . · . . . 2.5:1

IMPEDANCE .50 ohms IMPEDANCE · . 50 ohms
POWER . .40 walls POWER . · 1300 watts
WEIGHT . 0.3 lbs. WEIGHT . . . 25 lbs.
HEIGHT . 18.3 in. HEIGHT .. . 10.5 in.
ELEMENT .. . .Open ELEMENT . . . . . Grounded

Figure 4-51. A ~Vt:¡¡;·t'I¡;~ EL.T antanna. (Courtesy Figure 4-53. An anien· a ior sateiiite eommunieations.
Dayton-Granger ¡ne.) (Courtesy ayton-Granger ¡ne.)


Figure 4-54. Antennas for Loran e nav receivers. (Courtesy Comant Industries Inc.)


v.s.w.R. N/A
WE!GHT. 1.4 lbs.
CCNS.,;::;L;CTiCN Fiberglass
HEIGHT . . 8.2 in.

Fjgvr~~-55. An "lE" field Omega antenna. (Courtesy

Dayton-Grang r Inc.)





v.sw.R. . . . .. 2.0:1
IMPEDANCE .50 ohms
WEIGHT . . . . 0.1 lbs.
HEIGHT .. 0'3~in.
ELEMENT . . . . . . N/A
572-1744: Traffic Collision A oidance System 1.
Figure 4-56. An antenna for MLS reeeption. (Courtesy
Dayton-Granger /ne.) Figure 4-57. A TCAS / ant nna. (Courtesy Sensor Sys­

Figure 4-58. A variety of radiote/ephone antennas. (Courtesy Comant Industries Inc.)


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