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mas gener-

idly as possible and there was

twelve men caught

welve rejo cing when sounds 01
al rejoicing ol rapping
indicated that all had not lost their
but one man escaped
when caves wilk one at
working in the ok
of the men who uwas
who escaped uninjured is unable to
throw much 1 upon the accident

in centennial eureka ile states that he

ore from the
short d stance amay
be uwai wheel ng the
aw ay
to a chute a
four men wen
working near him when the cave in
took place their lights were blown
rapping on T
aber ind cates that out when the t abers erst gave way may
kapping indicates and later there was
wilk was
rag a
facine the ent from the
mas facin

two may be removed alive wh

t P
agh wh ch h had been
heel ng dirt and he rai toward the
chute ile thought that the other
no hope for others bodies be- four men were foliofollo v nna him but it
seems that in the darkness they
mere unable to find th ir vay out

ing removed but rescue work is

wilk made hia may to the station
his way
and was later ho stel out of the
squire brooks jr left the okla

slow and dangerous homa but a few seconds before
the cave in aej was oa ooii hh way out
to the station when he heard the
time to ti ne
u only a fe v men could crash of falling timber and rock
hoever and in
mork to advantage however bio her in aw earl D br
II a bro
11 dr eon
4 4 work men
is was among the men caubat by the
ard alien
edward allen 4 the select on of these the mine cave in brooks jo ned the party oc of
ed J barrick
4 bd 4 officials secured those who were not
Aej most m ners who first toos tool Ulie the r acue
thomas bottrell 4 familiar with ith the mine and who were work and remained in the mine un
earl UD brison able to handle the timbering work
4 bable
4 john hewilem son 4 that was needed in order to ke keel til nine clock last night when this
crew of men was rel eved
4 william ampe 4 the loose d rt in check
4 john hsnipenipe 4 to have rushed into the
1I with many willing to assist
4 bert lossee 4 out th a preliminary work would have among the men who volunteered
4 tk red st 4 meant the loss oi of add dional lives
their services go ng into the mine
4 mike bosa 4 Tap pings heard today
4 jacob cinterella
Pin terella 4 shortly after 8 clock in the evening
4 kurt fierro d 4 wasthe tapp ng on the timbers wb wh cheh for the purpose of ass sting in the
4 k
4 ras 2heaed for the first time at a rescue work were john dove W J
bout 0 clock th a morn ng and which ancock
hancock A W boyer thomas inch
has continued at intervals throughout william mellow charles weden an
A fearful acc dent the worst in in the the day indicates that at kait
liast one drew johnson fred er ackson thomas
h story of tha
the gintic mining district and poss bly two or three of the
tintic minin dark and
randall william clark ern
men are still alive and that the
them can pirth
firth S J john rob
p ace at the centena al eu
took pace ELL
grand berg
rescued berts john saari eric grandberg
reka in ne yesterday after noDA at a bebupt mayberry of the centena al fred er ekson john matson james
bout three 0 clock when a cave it eureka in company with supt L C
mith bupt strang squire brooks jr and many
occurred in what is knownknown as the doty of 0 the bull on lines mine an others whose names we have acen
oklahoma be ng other property
twelve men beng orned by the un
ted unable to secure I

buried beneath the debris stes

states co have been under
a good portion of the day
they are
most of these men are entirely ta
millar with that part of the mine
most of these men have undoubted confident that the men who have been in which the accident took pacep
ly lost their lives although there may rapping on the timbers will be taken notwithstanding the fact that the
be a chance of saving one or more as out alive but they both state that it rescue work is very hazardous hun bun
is a piece of work that may not be deeds of men gathered at the portal
hose who are handl ng the rescue completed
those of the holden tunnel and offered

until late tonight

work can hear the sound 01 ol someone air is undoubtedly good where these their services to supt mayberry
bupt Alay berry
rapping on the timbers men are imprisoned other otherwise thy
ylse they scores of others from various parts of
thirteen men were at work in that would not have lived for this length the district many of whom were not
of time employees of the company phoned
part of the mine and but one and expressed a willingness to take
ed the men whose names are g ven onthewithrescue nork
work is being carried
all possible haste but thi part in the work I1

above were
mere caught in the avalanche passage way that is being cut around I1 J barnard bookkeeper tor the
boak keeper for I1

fall ng dirt timbers and rock and the

of falang tile s de of the caved sirop stop must be mine thanked these men for their
carried do to the bottom of the t inhered as the men advance thoughtfulness in offering to assist
some bodies have already t it is impossible to communicate mwith and at the same time explained the
been recovered others may be taken 0 men and consequently situation briefly stat ng that only a
out of the mine within at rw ahr
jamea are not
riot s 1
few men could be ned foa
feny ta ivan tag
hours but it is 13 thought thit
that days this email
small force which bout
F am the cocat on of the rapping
perhaps weeks
meeks may pass before all
sh ft boss mclain is inclined to be the night did not exceed twenty men
are removed
the accident which resulted in such I cinterella
a horrible loss of life took place at Pin

rold or perhaps all athrel

about three clock in the afternoon purely a guess however
and in addition to bringing intense i hupt mayberry
is nov
leve that the no se is made by jacob
terella mike roa or kurt zier
now working to
a is
found it necessary to put in t abers
to hold the dirt and rock in check oe
fore they could make much head
with their rescue work
this force
was changed at regular interval a dur
sorrow into scores of homes it casesi casts ward III g fresh
irig the right and ear amo ni
a shado v of gloom over the entire mard but one endyet th recovery of men replacing those who were tired
the men who are alive and v hen and worn out
city last night business was s has been accomplished dished f arther
at a standstill there was but th government offers rescue car
top of conversation and while efforts will be made to reach the
one tope
the people of gintic rea l of bodies
tintic have real
read that are undoubtedly ina the this morning a message was re
of the big
acci denta in the large mines bottom
a milar accidents from denver offering th use
of the country never before have two bodies recovered of a united states mine rescue car
they teeneen brought face to face with the bod es of william knip and but it is quite evident that the car
such a calamity even the more john ilenson were the first to be would be of little benefit to the cen cell
had ned were scarcely able to con recovered
hardened these men seem to have tenn al cureka company th se cars
ciol their feelings when the truth been caught in the outer edge of the he r e des
a re des ne d primarily
gened tor rescue
finally became known and when caved and consequently thheir ei w0ork
w rk inn cc0oal
a1 m n
mines where the q les
mothers and children commenced bod bodes es were
mere soon located th post tion of fresh air is an important one
crowding to the entrance of the tion in which the bodies were found the nearest rescue car is at D nver
in ne and with
mith tearful faces dep citing mould
would indicate that death was almost and it would take some little time to
grief that is beyond description asi ask instantaneous both were qu te bad have it transferred to lureka
ed for information regarding th ir ly bruised but no bones were
loved ones death m in poss oly
possibly bave resulted
luly have the entombed men
many of those upon whom the ace from suffocation allen is a brother of city
edward alien
dent will fall heaviest because it has while these bodies were first 10 lo marshal john alien
allen he
ile was
mas 3133
taken from them a husband father bated at about e 0 clock in the years of age and leaves a young
or son were not in possession oc 01 the even ng it was after midnight before ife and a baby born but a few
true facts last night being of the they could be taken out as it was a months ago mrs alien
allen mwas
as for
opinion that there was a chance for slow and dangerous task to remove as nora met ate
merly M sa
most of the imprisoned men but as the d rt and timber which partially ed J babrick was born in england
the long hours of the n wore a covered them rhe remans
rema na weremere 31 years ago and came to amer ca in
way and the daylight ushered in an sent to the wallace Under tak ng nj 1910 locating at bisbee ar zona
other day hope gave way to d spa r rooms and s body has s nee where he fol lomed in rung
followed ning corn
and grief been removed to h s home ing to
WS about four months aao0
gathered at the portal of the idol ile had worked at d efferent proper
he I1

den tunnel which is the entrance no time lost in rescue work ties in the tintic district but jact j

to the centena al
at eureka mi e dur dimmed a ely after the ac ident S pt saturday morn ng wasmas hia
his regu I1

the early hours

boars of the night were mayberry foreman en und and sh ft lar sh ft at the centennial eureka I1

several hundred people the crowd boss acla it made a trip through A brother who lives at bisbee
bubee la is the
was not entirely made up of sorrow the part of the stop that wig st 11 only near relative inwas country
this con ry I1

ing friends and relatives baere be invest igat on that the

intact and the investigate thomas bottrell aa a nat ve of
ing practically itil
all of the company s were able to make led them to be england being 28 years 0 age aa e he ile i

employees and scores of men from lieve that there was little or no hope has followed matiz here y in gintic tintic
oher in nes
lies and all of these men of any of the men being taken out for the past six or seven years
ears but
were acx ous to join tha
the rescue par alive this did not prevent them nit al was his first shift it the centen
ties that were
mere being formed from from rushing the rescue work as rap at eureka mine he
ile is survived
by h a wife and tu two0 children aahoy boy
and a g rl and also by hii hil mother
mrs ellen bottrell
bert lessee
lossee wai 33 3 years of age
and unmarred ed he
ile has been living
in gintic
tintic for over ten y ars working
eis a during the
greater part of that tt in he
edd one term as pres dent of the tin
tic district miners union and at th
last elect 01 he mag wal re elected a
treasurer 0 th s organization mr
lessee a father lives at benjamar Ben jamir
a number of other ves septra
of whom are former res dents of thi
district are living in various part
of the state three brothers isaa
ephriam and jack losee lossee are tho
to be at delta and an a a ster is mik mak
ing her home at payson
red at mwas is43 years of age
ile came to america from finland a
boit ament bears eara ago ini for the
past fourteen years his followed
mining in this camp 11 wa lar
ch idren
and has a wi e ant an I1 five small
mike rosa is a native 0 icily but
he has made hb s borne here in tintic gintic
for several years HP hn
ile hhiiii a w tefe
and two daughters I1 at ozegna
italy and other relatives are also
living in blat tl at country two biot Lers
john and delix po
of th 3 city
bosi u
vi are
mike rosa was about
43 years of age
kurtgermanyZ errold came to amen a
r 0m
from many years ago and
0sh 0 r tj y after his arrival in utah lie
hortly he
nied on last page
twelve caught by
cave in centennial
continued from page on
took up h a residence at amer ca i
fork later amov ng to this ut
it 11
has a wife and seven small children
chil dien
earl D br ife and
his wife
son moved hia
baby to eureka from st ceoil legs
than a month aaogoo it was hGUI
s sec
it at the centennial eu ka
ond sh ft U
mine although he had worked there
a year ago br son is 22 years 0
age and h s wife wag wai form ny miss
emma brooks a daughter of mr
and mrs re brooks they have
one child bensons parents are
res dents of st george utah
jacob cinterella
Pin terella is 55 years 0 age
and has a wife and ani five children
ile is an old timer here in tintie but
he was absent from the camp forfar a
number of years durin
during h time
minin districts
he res ded in the mining of
colorado jie
ile returned two years
as born in eng a d
john hewson mwas
ile was about aa years of a
he an
leaves a wife and one child he his
lived in eureka for about four year
and during the greater part 0 that
time he has been emp oye l at th
al eureka mine
john and william pe are as als
natives of england they followed
mining in tintie a fe I e v 53 ears a 0 an 1I
then went to british columbia A t i
working in the in nes ties there for so D
time they ret arned to eureka tin
mas about two months ago ani sn
an an
that time they have been at the C n
tenn al eureka minedine th y have no
relatives in this country a though a
sister is living it
bister in england
eight of the twelve men were mar
ned their names being edward A
len tom bottrell john ileson I1tar
Pottrell job at
D brison fred st kl rosa
ki kosa
jacob Pin
the four
terella and kurt
single men
lurt iti arold
are edward bar
rick william and john p ai
bert lessee
was well timbered
the oklahoma was one of the
lai gest in the mine
largest work in th 8
commenced about two y ar ac
ago and s nee that time an immense
tonnage has been removed the
bottom of the was
mas about 35 feet
above the 1630 level ani
and the top 0
it more than 20 feet above this point
like all of the large stop s of the
centena al eureka mine it was ver verj
thoroughly timbered the ground be
ing in such condition that addi tona
adli tiona
timbers were put in in order tg tc
more thoroughly protect the work mork
the cave in evidently came aitho it
m II E mclain the shift
boss mwas through that part of the
mine but a short time ous to
the accident and states that ever
thing appeared to be I11I1 the usua
1 asua
condition supt Mayb crry was
bupt mayberry mas al
so in the oklahoma earlier in
the day and saw noth rig wion giong
A tremendous amount of ore and
dirt intermingled with
mith t abers ro to
fill the lower part of th
tope that entrance to tha th p accact
where the majority of the bodies
should be found hii w 11 be difficult ap i
admitted by the mi i- o f c a s it
may be necessary to tap th sto stopP
from thehe bottom and dra v off th the de
brig and this is at b st a s oa of pro
cess of clearing the pas
and perhaps weeks may elapse defor I 1

all the bodies are found

the men who are attempt ng n thetilt
rescue of the entombed miners chang
ed shifts at 4 clock this afternoon
those who came out of the in ne at 4i
state that their signals made by
pounding on the and air i pe
have been ans tiered throughout the
day in fact they can get a reply
to any signal given it is bar 11
probable that the men w 11 iee regeL

td before midnight tonight or carli

ed tar
tomorio v morn ng

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