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0 Research:
1.1 Research paper
1.2 Creative brief

2.0 Creative:
2.1 Sketches
2.2 Moodboard
2.3 Preliminary Ideas

3.0 Style Guide:

3.1 Brand Identity
3.2 Typography
3.3 Print Guidelines
3.4 Website Guidelines

4.0 Final Designs:

4.1 Logo
4.2 Print designs
4.3 Web site
Research Paper


it bulls are one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented dog
breeds by the general public and media. The breed has been banned in
various cities across the United States. Local legislation is looking at
banning the breed state wide in some states in the US. This breed is the number
one breed in the country but the hardest to find a home for. There are roughly
200 pit bulls euthanized each day in Los Angeles County. The Support the
Breed campaign is here to unite the National Football League (NFL) and Out
of the Pits (OOTP) organizations to better educate the public about the pit bull
breed and help out rescue missions like OOTP. This campaign will use utilize
a dedicated website at, print ads, television commercials,
and other strategic marketing campaigns to spread the word. The campaign
will utilize the power of the NFL and the tenacity of OOTP to broadcast their
message to the masses in as many outlets as possible. The goal is to increase
adoptions and funding starting with OOTP and leading to other rescue centers
across the country. This campaign will help to find these dogs a loving home
while showing the truth about the breed. If someone was representing some-
thing you loved incorrectly, wouldn’t you want to fight back?

Support the Breed

he National Football League The NFL strives to keep
(NFL) and Out of the Pits (OOTP) a favorable public image. They
are joining forces to create the teach rookies from the beginning
Support the Breed campaign. This cam- how important image is the play-
paign will better educate the public about er and the league. Before a play-
the pit bull breed while restoring the im- er hits the field they go through
age of the NFL. The NFL is in need of training classes about image and
reestablishing their positive image while how to handle themselves off the
OOTP is in need of financial and media field (Tadych, 2008). There have
backing for their pit bull rescue mission. been some player issues over the
In the past few years, the players of the years but they were far and few
NFL have created an image for league that between. In those instances they
is not very favorable in the public eye. did not spread like wildfire like
The media has painted a picture of the pit they do today due to technology
bull breed as a vicious dog that can kill and media. Over the past few
at will. Currently, the NFL does not have years, the NFL has been hit with
any running campaigns related to animal repeated issues of their players
abuse or education. By backing OOTP, being in the negative spotlight
the NFL will show the public that their due to criminal activity. One
organization does care about and sup- incident with Pacman Jones in
port nonprofit organizations. OOTP can Las Vegas left a club bouncer
spread the word about the pit bull breed paralyzed (Saraceno, 2007). Don-
not only locally in New York but, across te Stallworth killed a man in a
the nation. There are pit bull bans in cities drunk driving accident (ESPN,
across the U.S. from Gardendale to Denver 2009). The incident that led to
to Miami. The next step for these govern- this campaign was when Michael
ment agencies is to ban pit bulls state wide Vick was convicted of charges
which local government is attempting to in a dog fighting ring which in-
do in California and Georgia. This will be volved pit bulls (Maske, 2007).
done in haste due to people in power not Currently, the NFL does not have
being educated about the pit bull breed. an active nonprofit campaign re-
This paper will review the campaign and garding pit bull education. They
how the campaign can empower a move- do work with the United Way and
ment to change views on the pit bull breed. had an active campaign last year
Also examined is how the campaign can called NFL Play 60 which was
positively affect the NFL as well. So ask to motivate kids to play outside
yourself, why is the pit bull being targeted at least 60 minutes a day (NFL,
instead of other breeds that are considered 2010). With all the negative
dangerous as well? press, the NFL needs more posi-
tive imagery in

in the media. This campaign of dogs in general. With the
can contribute to their positive aid of the NFL this campaign
image with the public. Fans do can educate the public about the
not want to support a player breed on a greater level than
that has committed an act like most other organizations that are
Michael Vick did. Michael Vick just local. The NFL can cover
was the starting quarterback for the U.S. as well as some coun-
the Atlanta Falcons. After the tries such as Mexico, Canada and
incident the team lost their star England, where exhibition games
QB and also some of their fan are played. This campaign is the
base which caused a decrease in start of educating the public and
revenue. In this economy, not portraying the pit bull in a posi-
even the NFL can afford signifi- tive manner.
cant revenue loss. Now the NFL Out of the Pits (OOTP) is
owes it to the public to right the a non-profit organization that has
wrongs of their player since he been rescuing pit bulls and pit
was committing animal cruelty. mixes for the past thirteen years.
The NFL is the richest sports They are committed to restoring
league in the world, with the the pit bull image back to be-
average team worth some $957 ing a family dog instead of be-
million. To top it off the Dal- ing portrayed as a viscous killer.
las Cowboys are the most valu- The organization is dedicated to
able sports franchise in the world educating the public about the
(Forbes, 2007). By contributing true nature of the breed. OOTP
to this campaign, it will help has rescued 1,000 pit bulls (Out
keep the NFL ahead of their of the Pits, 2001). By aligning
competition. themselves with the NFL in the
People hold animals close Support the Breed campaign, it
to their heart since most of them will significantly increase their
consider their pet a part of the reach and presence. Currently,
family. As they say, a dog is OOTP is well known in the tri-
man’s best friend. There are state are; New York, New Jersey,
many dog lovers across the coun- and Connecticut, but not on a
try. In the United States there national level. Commercials will
are 77.5 million dog owners (The be aired during the football sea-
Humane Society, 2009). Even son which will be seen by mil-
though this incident was done by lions of viewers nationwide. Last
only one player it reflects on the year there was an average of 17
whole league. This incident can million viewers through the first
be a turn off for current fans and four weeks of the season. That
any future fans. Since Michael was a 14% increase from 2008
Vick’s crime was against the pit (Street & Smith, 2009). TV expo-
bull breed, it is easier to focus on sure has helped Shorty Rossi, the
the breed specifically instead Pit Boss and Villalobos Rescue

Center, Pit bulls & Parolees by children, elders, and working peo-
having TV shows airing on Ani- ple while making a difference in
mal Planet by bringing pit bulls the community rather than taking
to the mainstream media. In ad- away from it. This imagery will
dition, there will be a website for be used to touch the heart of the
the campaign as well as print ads viewer.
placed in sport magazines such Print ad designs will be
as ESPN and Sports Illustrated. created for magazines and post-
Lastly, posters will be imple- ers. Ads can be placed in maga-
mented at NFL events, OOTP zines such as ESPN, Sports Il-
events, and in pet stores such lustrated, National Geographic,
Petco and Pet Smart. This cam- Dog World, and Dog Fancy to
paign will bring in much needed name a few. Three concepts
donations for OOTP so they can have been designed for the maga-
expand their facilities and rescue zine ads. One has an image of
more pit bulls. Each medium a pit bull sitting sniffing a child
will reach a larger coverage area who is hysterically laughing. The
than just the tri-state area. This child looks like he is having a
campaign will allow more rescues really good time with the dog.
to happen. OOTP is just a step- The headline states, Kid Tested,
ping stone for the pit bull educa- Owner Approved and the body
tion movement. The campaign copy reads, “See Buddy doesn’t
can be expanded from OOTP on want to harm your kids, he only
the east coast to other rescue wants to play. Early in the 20th
centers across the country. There century, pit bulls were actually
is room to add partners that can the #1 family dog.” Another
help and benefit from this cam- design concept is a big image of
paign as well such as other sports an adorable pit bull face. The
leagues and pet store chains. headline states, “How could you
Designing for the campaign say no to this face?” and the body
will include print materials, TV copy reads, “According to Alfons
commericals, and a website. Due Esteit of the American Tempera-
to the nature of the breed, imag- ment Test Society, Inc. tempera-
ery has to be carefully chosen to ment evaluation of American
not turn off the audience. The Pit Bull Terriers shows that this
pit bull is being presented as breed has a very high passing
a loving, caring, and loyal dog. rate of 95%. The average passing
Therefore, any negative imagery rate for the other 121 breeds of
must be avoided. Imagery must dog in the test: 77%. Lastly, the
be neutral or positive. There will final magazine ad design concept
be no imagery showing the pit has two images. One image has
bull in an aggressive stance or a pit bull standing next to a wolf
manner. The imagery that will and the other image has a pit
be utilized will show the dog with bull and a bear cub nose to nose

sniffing each other. The head- in the background is white and
line states, “We can be friends text in the foreground box is
with anybody!” and the body copy black. There is a rectangular
reads, “Each year, 350 people navigation box above and to the
drown in their bathtubs. You are left of the foreground box. The
151 times more likely to be killed viewer clicks on the link in the
by your bathtub than you are by navigation box which shows the
a pit bull.” On each design, sup- information in the foreground is located at the box. In the navigation box there
middle bottom, on the left side of are links for home, info, proj-
the URL is the NFL logo and the ect, events, donate, and contact.
OOTP to the right side. The home page has text in the
Television commercials foreground box that states, “A
will be utilized as well dur- project brought to you by the
ing the football season and in NFL & Out of the Pits to better
the off season. Commercials educate the public about the pit
can be aired on Sundays during bull breed.” Then there is an in-
the regular season and playoff spirational pit bull video and the
games. These commercials will image of the kid laughing with
reach a nationwide football audi- the pit bull. The NFL & OOTP
ence to include Mexico on NBC, logos are below the video. Below
CBS, or ESPN. During the off the foreground box are icons to
season commercials can be aired Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
on NBC, CBS, and ABC to keep To the right of those icons are
the campaign alive. The com- links to,,
mercial can be a 30 second slot and There
that has a NFL player on the is a pit bull logo on the bottom
field with a pit bull. The player right corner of the foreground
would state an intriguing pit bull box in white. The information
fact like from the print ads and page will include links to pit bull
advise them about the Support info, pit bull myths, pit bull re-
the Breed campaign. He would sources, pit bull pros & cons, and
direct them to the site for more are you ready to be an owner.
and then have supportthebreed. This will better educate the view-
info at the bottom of the screen er about the breed. The project
at the end of the commercial. link will describe the Support the
Lastly, the campaign would Breed campaign in more depth.
encompass a website at sup- The events link will inform the The site is viewer about campaign events in
in blue hues, the background is their area. The donate link will
a dark blue, the navigation is take them to a page where the
Carolina blue and the foreground viewer can donate via PayPal or
is a medium blue. Text in the send a money order.
navigation bar is dark blue, text

Lastly, the contact link goes to a
page with various points of con-
tact for the campaign and OOTP.
This campaign will utilize social
media networking as well through
Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace.



he Support the Breed campaign will utilize the media
power of the NFL and the knowledge base of OOTP to
spread a positive message about the pit bull breed while
educating and training the public. The NFL will use this cam-
paign to add to their established positive image while OOTP
will gain attention that will bring in donations and volunteers
to better assist their rescue mission. Many pit bulls are eutha-
nized daily in this country due to overcrowding in rescue cen-
ters and not being able to find a home. In some rescue cen-
ters, pit bulls are euthanized as soon as they come in because
they do not attempt to find them homes. They find it easier
to euthanize them instead of keeping then alive to adopt out.
This campaign is intended to spread from OOTP to help other
rescue centers across the country. In the process, the campaign
will educate the public and the media about the truths and
myths about the breed. The campaign wants Americans to fall
in love with the breed again and not be scared of it. Just be-
cause the breed is misunderstood and misrepresented does not
mean they do not deserve a chance in society.

Works Cited

ESPN. (2009, MAR 16). Reyes was leaving work when he died. Retrieved August 15, 2010,

Forbes. (2007, Sept 13). The business of football. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from 07nfl_cz_kb_

NFL. (2010). NFL play 60. Retrieved August 15, 2010, from

Maske, M. (2007, JUL 18). Washington Post. Falcons’ vick indicted in dogfighting case.

Retrieved August 15, 2010, from

Out of the Pits. (2001). Retrieved August 15, 2010, from

Saraceno, J. (2007, JUN 6). USA Today. No justice yet for vegas shooting victim in pacman
jones case. Retrieved August 15, 2010, from

Street & Smith’s Sports Business Daily. (2009, OCT 9). NFL game viewership up 14%
through first four weeks. Retrieved August 15, 2010, from http://www.sportsbusiness

Tadych, F. (2008). Image, marketing everything for nfl rookies. Retrieved August 15,
2010, from

The Human Society of the United States. (2009, DEC 30). US pet ownership statistics. Re
trieved August 15, 2010, from

The Real Pitbull. (n.d.). Breed myths. Retrieved August 22, 2010, from,

Creative Brief

Developing a creative campaign that
will partner the NFL with Out of the
Pits to better educate the public about
the pitbull breed.

Target Company: Non Profit Partner:


Project Goals:

1. Keep current fans and bring in

new fans.
2. Put the NFL back in the spotlight
as a good organization.
3. Better educate the public about the
pitbull breed

Target Message:

The NFL & OOTP are uniting for a

good cause to create a better view of
pitbulls and to turn misinformation
into mythsd

Target Audience:

-mainly male
-Blue collar
-United States
-Interests – sports, football, dogs
-Mid to low income

Key Tenets:

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Education
4. Information

Copy Message:

NFL – A league of change

OOTP – Support the breed

Design Style:

Color palette will be blue hues, red, neu-

trals black and white. Design style will
be a bit masculine since that is the main
audience. Fonts will include Arial for
text, Attic for header, Arial Round MT for
subhead, and Cooper Std for alternative
font. The tone will be serious yet caring.

Media #1:

Print ads in magazines such as ESPN, Sports

Illustrated, Dog Fancy, and Dog World.

Posters around OOTP & NFL events.

Media #2:
Website at supportthebreed.
info with social media net-
working sites

Call to Action:

Media #1 - support for OOTP and increase

in adoptions

Media #2 - visit the website


For Out Of the Pits organization success can be measured by

adoptions. The NFL can run a survey before and after the cam-
paign to see if they have increased reputation like they do with
presidents during term. In cities that do projects with OOTP
they can see if there is an increase in ticket sales.

“The sketches are the pri-
mary chain of events to lead
to creativity for a project at
hand. This allows the de-
signer free roam of ideas.
During the sketching phase
nothing is off limits for the
designer. The designer can
stand back and keep or scrap
any ideas. This allowed me
to review possibilities while
rejecting bad ideas. I wanted
the ideas to flow together yet
still be simple. It was a chal-
lenge to portray the pitbull
in a positive light since most
other designs out there show Did you know?
the pitbull as an intimidating The Pit Bull was so popular in the early 1900’s they were our
force to be reckoned with. So mascot not only in World War One, but World War Two as well.
I looked to soften that tone” They were featured on recruiting and propoganda posters during
this time period.

Logo Sketches

Print Sketches

Website Sketches

Using wireframes is a great way to begin a web site project, as it allows
you to focus on layout without the distraction of color, type and other
design elements. Concentrate on what goes where on your web pages and
the amount of space that each element takes up, which can be determined
by needs.


The moodboard sets the tone for the campaign. It allows for the pre-
liminary ideas to be focused on core colors, fonts, and imagery. This
moodboard was followed throughout the campaign and tweaked as items
changed during the process.

Preliminary Ideas


The initial ideas for the print

medias for the campaign that
would be presented in maga-
zine layouts and posters. These
ideas allowed for visualization
of placement for the headlines,
body copy, and other elements.

Website Mock Ups

The initial ideas for possible

layouts for the STB campaign

Brand Identity

Logo Specifics

The essence of the brand is to provide education and information about the pitbull breed
to the general public and media. The campaign will make current pitbull owners proud
and change views of the skeptics.

Education. Freedom. Loyalty. Pride. Drive. Are some of the core traits and goals of
the breed and brand. The brand will bring people and dogs together for a better

The visual identity serves the purpose of separating the brand from others so it is
recognizable. The focus of our identity is the pitbull breed and education.

Logo Colors

The logo can be colored in 3 different blues or black and white. Font and pitbull colors
can be reversed or use below palette. The font used is called Attic.

Color Palette

These are the CMYK & RGB colors to be used throughout the campaign.

Logo Spacing

The logo placement will be prominient on the page. There is no specific placement on
the page that is required. There should be at least a .5 inch space between the logo and
text, images, or the page end.

Logo Do Nots

Do not distort the logo

Do not change logo colors

Do not place anything over logo

Do not place logo on busy background


The Support the Breed brand and campaign only uses 4 fonts which are Attic, Cooper
Std, and Arial. This will keep consistency with the brand and campaign mediums.



Arial Rounded MT Bold


Cooper Std

Print Guidelines

Logo Placement
For all branded print items, including, but not
limited to, magazine ads, posters, flyers, direct
mail, and billboards, the guidelines contained in
this section must be followed to ensure unified and
effective usage of the STB campaign identity.

The logo should be placed in the top left

hand corner in all print media and in its standard

Typography Use

STB uses three typefaces to represent itself;

Attic, Arial Rounded MT Bold and Cooper Std.

The following describes uses in print ads,

documents, letterhead, and other print
media. The most important factor is scale and
visual contrast.


subhead Attic
body copy Arial Rounded MT Bold

website URL Cooper Std

positioning Arial Rounded MT Bold

Website Guidelines

Logo Placement

The Support the Breed logo will appear on the bottom right hand corner of every web page
throughout the site. The NFL or OOTP logos may appear on pages throughout the site but are
not necessary.

Website Specifics
Website will be designed at 1024 x 768 pixels and coded in HTML/CSS. Copy text will be in
Arial font throughout the site.


1. Navigation - 136 x 269 pixels, Arial Rounded MT Bold font, 24pt

2. Attic font, 67.99pt
3. STB logo always in bottom right hand
4. Center text box - 536 x 567 pixels
5. Arial Rounded MT Bold font, 30pt
6. Positive imagery throughout site
7. Video
8. Social networking logos
9. Football field image as background

Color Palette

These are the CMYK & RGB colors to be used throughout the campaign.

Logo Concepts

Final Logo

The pitbull logo was used due to the strength of

the stance yet not aggressive. The text is clear
and to the point. The logo is recognizable for
the campaign.

Print Concepts

Final Print

Layout for magazine ads. STB ads will appear in various sports
and animal magazines such as ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Dog
Fancy, Dog World, and National Geographic.

Posters can be used on street signs on
public places to bring more attention to the
STB campaign. The designs really make
an impact on a large scale such as these.

Posters can be used in high traffic areas such as the subway.
They can be placed on building walls like other guerilla marketing
schemes for the STB campaign.

Web Concepts

Web Final

The STB campaign site can be found at www.supporthebreed.

info. Design was kept as a clean, straight forward approach.
Imagery was used to show the pitbull in a positive light. There are
no aggressive images in the campaign.

Social Media

The Support the Breed campaign has been established on various

social media networking sites arcoss the internet such as Facebook,
Myspace, Twitter, Tumblr, and Blogger. These sites will closedly
match the main website as far as color scheme to keep the identity
consistent across the various sites.


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