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PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS behavioral problems in children (short-

term control)
Psychoses – perceptual and behavioral disorders  PK:
o Erratically absorbed from the GIT
Mental disorders are thought to be caused by some inherent o Stored in the tissues, released for up to 6
dysfunction within the brain that leads to abnormal though months after the drug is stopped
processes and responses; disorders to some sort of chemical o Cross the placenta, enters breast milk
imbalance in specific areas of the brain.  CI
o CNS depression, circulatory collapse,
Diagnosis of a mental disorder is often based on
Parkinson’s disease, CAD, severe
distinguishing characteristics described in the Diagnostic
hypotension, bone marrow suppression,
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text
blood dyscrasias
revision (DSM-IV-TR).
o Mesoridazine, thioridazine, ziprasidone
can prolong QT interval
 Schizophrenia
 Caution:
o Most common type of psychosis
o Medical conditions that could be
o Hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, speech
exacerbated by anticholinergic effects:
abnormalities, affective problems
glaucoma, peptic ulcer, urinary/intestinal
 Mania obstruction
o With associated bipolar illness (manic- o Seizures
depressive illness) o Thyrotoxicosis (severe neurosensitivity)
o Extremes of overactivity, excitement o Active alcoholism
o Bipolar – extremes of depression followed o Pregnancy/lactation
by hyperactivity and excitement o Myelography within last 24 hours or next
o Biochemical imbalance followed by
48 hours (severe neuron reaction to dye)
overcompensation on the part of the o Children < 12 yrs who have CNS infection
neurons and their inability to re-establish
or chickenpox (not to be confused with
Reye’s syndrome)
 Narcolepsy
 AE:
o Daytime sleepiness and sudden periods of
loss of wakefulness
o Most common: sedation, weakness,
o Problems with stimulation of the brain by tremor, drowsiness, extrapyramidal effects
(pseudoparkinsonism, dystonia
the RAS or problems with response to that
(sustained muscle contractions
cause twisting and repetitive
 Attention-deficit disorders
movements or abnormal
o Inability to concentrate on one activity for
postures), akathisia (or acathisia, is
longer than a few minutes and a state of a syndrome characterized by
hyperkinesis unpleasant sensations of "inner"
o Usually diagnosed in school-aged children
restlessness that manifests itself
with an inability to sit still or
Antipsychotic/Neuroleptic Drugs remain motionless), tardive
 essentially dopamine receptor blockers dyskinesia (epetitive, involuntary,
 also called neuroleptic agents due to asscociated purposeless movements:
neurological adverse effects grimacing, tongue protrusion, lip
 formerly known as major tranquilizers smacking, puckering and pursing
 classified as either typical or atypical of the lips, and rapid eye
 typical antipsychotics are dopamine receptor blinking), neuroleptic malignant
blockers syndrome [muscle rigidity, fever,
o can cause hypotension, anticholinergic, autonomic instability and
antihistamine effects, extrapyramidal side cognitive changes such
effects (EPS) as delirium, and is proven on a
 Newer atypical antipsychotics block both dopamine raised creatine
and serotonin receptors phosphokinase (CPK)])
 Indications Possible anticholinergic effects include:
o Schizophrenia o Ataxia; loss of coordination
o Hyperactivity, combative behavior, o Decreased mucus production in the nose
agitation in the elderly, and several and throat; consequent dry, sore throat

o Xerostomia or dry mouth with possible pain, constipation,
acceleration of caries and muscle weakness.)
o Cessation of perspiration; consequent  Severe behavioral problems in
decreased epidermal thermal dissipation children
leading to warm, blotchy, or red skin  Control of hiccups, NV
o Increased body temperature o Clozapine
o Pupil dilation (mydriasis); consequent  Management of severely ill
sensitivity to bright light (photophobia) schizophrenics who are
o Loss of accommodation (loss of focusing unresponsive to standard drugs
ability, blurred vision — cycloplegia)  Reduction of risk of recurrent
o Double vision (diplopia) suicidal behavior in patients with
o Increased heart rate (tachycardia) schiz or schizoaffective disorder
o Easily startled
o Urinary retention
o Diminished bowel movement, sometimes
o Increased intraocular pressure, dangerous
for people with narrow-angle glaucoma
 occurs in individuals with bipolar disorder, who
 CV effects due to dopamine-blocking effects: experience a period of depression followed by a
o hypotension period of mania
o Orthostatic hypotension  mania is thought to be an overstimulation of certain
neurons in the brain
o Cardiac arrhythmias
 lithium salts (Lithane, Lithotabs)
o very toxic
o Pulmonary edema
o can cause severe CNS, renal and
pulmonary problems that may lead to
 Atypical antipsychotics - Risk for development of
diabetes mellitus
 Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
 not to be used to control behavioral symptoms of
o Antiepileptic agent
dementia in older clients, risk for death
o Long-term maintenance of bipolar disorder
 phenothiazines turn urine pint to reddish-brown o Decreases the occurrence of acute mood
 Drug-drug interaction:  Atypical antipsychotics used for the short-term
o With beta blockers = inc effects of both management of acute manic episodes of bipolar
drugs disorder in combination with lithium and valproate:
o With alcohol = CNS depression o Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
o With anticholinergics = inc activity o Aripiprazole (Abilify)
o Chlorpromazine o Ziprasidone (Geodon)
 Management of manifestations of o Quetiapin (Seroquel) – also approved as as
psychotic disorders adjunct or as monotherapy for th tx of
 Relief of preop restlessness manic episodes associated with bipolar
 Adjunctive treatment of tetanus disorder.
 Acute intermittent porphyria  Therapeutic action:
(rare autosomal dominant o Alters sodium transport in nerve and
metabolic muscle cells
disorder affecting the o Inhibits the release of NE and dopamine,
production of heme, the but not serotonin
oxygen-binding prosthetic o Inc the intraneuronal stores of of NE and
group of hemoglobin. It is dopamine slightly
characterized by a o Dec intraneuronal content of second
deficiency of messengers to selectively modulate the
the enzyme porphobilinog responsiveness of hyperactive neurons that
en deaminase. Symptoms might contribute to manic state.
of AIP may  Indications
include abdominal o Lithium is indicated for tx of manic
episodes of manic-depressive or bipolar
illness and for maintenance therapy to CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULANTS
prevent or diminish the frequency of and  For attention deficit disorder and narcolepsy
intensity of future manic episodes.  Calm hyperkinetic children and help them focus on
o Being investifated for the improvement of one activity for longer period
neutrophil counts in patients with cancer  Redirect and excite the arousal stimuli from the
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and as RAS; inc stimulation of catecholamines from
prophylaxis of cluster headaches and presynaptic neurons, leading to inc stimulation of
migraine headaches postsynaptic neurons
 PK:  Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta)
o Kidney reabsorbs more lithium during o For ADHD, narcolepsy
periods of sodium depletion or
 Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin)
dehydration leading to toxic levels
o Isomer of methylphenidate
o Patients encouraged to maintain hydration
o Used in lower doses
o Crosses placenta, enters breast milk – use
o Only for the treatment of ADHD in
BC, D/C breast feeding patients 6 yrs and older
 Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)
o Short-term adjunctive therapy for
exogenous obesity (obesity caused by
 CI:  Modafinil (Provigil)
o Allergy o Newer drug for narcolepsy (Shift work
o Pregnancy, lactation sleep disorder is a circadian rhythm sleep
o Significant renal, cardiac disease disorder which affects people who change
o History of leukemia their work or sleep schedules frequently or
o Sodium depletion, dehydration, diuretic work longterm on other than the day shift.
o Such recurrent interruption of sleep
o Suicidal or impulsive patients patterns may result in insomnia and/or
excessive sleepiness.
o Febrile states
o Improving wakefulness in obstructive
 AE:
sleep apnea/hypopneas syndrome
o Serum levels < 1.5 mEq/L: CNS problems
(involves episodes of overly shallow
(lethargy, skurred speech, muscle
breathing or an abnormally low respiratory
weakness, fine tremor, polyuria, NV,
o Not associated with many of the systemic
o Serum levels 1.5 – 2 mEq/L:
stimulatory effects of some of the other
intensification of all of the above
CNS stimulants
reactions, with ECG changes
 PK:
o Serum levels 2 – 2.5 mEq/L: ataxia, clonic
o Safety for use in pregnancy and lactation
movements, hyperreflexia, seizures, severe
not yet established
ECG changes, hypotension, large output of
dilute urine, fatalities sec to pulmonary  CI:
toxicity o Marked anxiety, agitation, tension
o Serum levels > 2.5 mEq/L: complex multi- o Sever fatigue or glaucoma
organ toxicity, significant risk of death o Cardiac disease
 Drug-drug interactions: o Pregnancy/lactation
o Lithium + haloperidol = encephalopathic o Caution in seizures, drug dependence,
syndrome (weakness, lethargy, confusion, alcoholism, hypertension
tremors, extrapyramidal symptoms,  AE:
leukocytosis, irreversible brain damage o Nervousness, insomnia, dizziness,
o Lithium + carbamazepine = inc CNS headache, blurred vision, difficulty with
toxicity accommodation
o Litihium + iodode salt = inc risk of o Anorexia, nausea, weight loss
hypothyroidism o Hypertension, arrhythmia, angina
o Lithium + thiazide diuretic = inc risk of o Skin rashes
lithium toxicity o Physical and psychological dependence
o Lithium + indomethacin = higher lithium  Drug-drug interaction:
plasma levels o With MAOIs = inc risk of AE and toxicity

o With guanethidine = dec in
antihypertensive effects
o With TCAs or phenytoin = risk of inc drug

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