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Peerless Film for Employees

Audio Visual
Music The national anthem in the Fade in the Tricolour fluttering which dissolves to top
background. View of many people filling whole frame.
The view moves down and comes to eye-level.
Music The national anthem continues.
Peerless Employees standing hand-in-hand.
The image morphs/dissolves into the Human Chain
Music The national anthem dissolves to the
Peerless Logo.
signature music and climaxes.
Fade-out to black.
VO Vision is the key, to Growth, to Evolution,
Fade-in to slow zoom-in to a statue of Arjun aiming
to Reaching-out… To Aspire, to Venture, to
his arrow. Dissolve to Close-up of a human eye. The
come out Victorious. Barriers test the
camera zooms into the eyeball from the audience’s
Resolve. But I have my Vision. It told me
POV following a bright light and comes out through
Yesterday what to do Today so that I can
an animated maze like structure. The bright spot of
survive Tomorrow. And I followed. Who can
light stops and there is a flash.
dare touch me?
VO The Peerless Logo of 75 and Beyond emerges from
Welcome to Peerless, the youth at 75. the flash of light.
VO The seed was sown three quarters of a
century ago by a young schoolteacher, Peerless Bhavan exterior mixing into track-forward
Radhashyam Roy. Today, it has grown into a shot of the Statue of Radhashyam Roy.
huge tree, sheltering millions. From a Super: Incorporated 1932 Capital Rs. 300
humble beginning way back in 1932 with a Dissolve to animated map of India with the super
capital of merely three hundred rupees, we 2003-04, Premier Residuary Non-Banking Company.
are now India’s premier residuary non- 4.5 Million Account Holders.
banking company.
VO This achievement is the result of the
unflinching vision of our leaders which we Portrait of Radhashyam Roy dissolves to portrait of B
have followed. “Serve as a Steward, holding K Roy which dissolves to shot of several senior
Peerless in trust for the general good of the company executives drawing strategy charts in a
society”. Servant Leadership has always been boardroom setup.
our practice.
S K Roy talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: S K Roy
Super: S K Roy Managing Director PGFI
VO The business model was built around the
premise of enabling people to become self- Period Enactment of a traveling field worker selling
reliant. It was this insight of the founder, to policies and recruiting agents. Coins and an earthen
make a difference in the lives of people and pot.
overall society that brought small savings Super: Economic Gains to the company by serving
options to the doorstep of the masses. The the Society.
rest as they say is history.

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Audio Visual
VO Successfully standing the test of time and
An animated map of India slowly fills up with lots of
trust; today with more than 130 branches in
red dots to indicate presence all over India.
___ cities covering ___ states and __ union
Super: ___ Branches, ___ Cities, __ States, __ Union
territories, Peerless has a pan-Indian
presence. The Peerless family is a happy
Cut to glossy montage of busy offices and happy
1000 strong and serving four and a half
faces around the country.
million happy account holders across India.
Sound Byte: Dipankar Sen Dipankar Sen talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: Alok Sikdar Alok Sikdar talking to the camera.
VO In keeping with the modern times the
Cut to the animated Human Chain Logo.
corporate identity was redesigned in 2003.
Scroll L to R: Teamwork, Dynamism,
The new logo celebrates the power of the
Progressiveness, Strength
people and represents Teamwork,
Super: Smart Financial Solutions, followed by Smart
Dynamism, Progressiveness and Strength.
Guide, Smart Rojgar, Future Smart, Smart Sriman,
The entire product portfolio opens up new
Smart Srimati.
VO Peerless today is a modern professional
Employees working in modern computer
hub providing state-of-the-art technology
support for integrating all the branches. The
Screen-grabs of The Peerless Integrated Information
Peerless Integrated Information System has
System and other tech tools.
revolutionized in-house communications.
Sound Byte: Mr. Maity Mr. Maity talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: Kalyan Debnath
VO Peerless has changed. What however has
remained solid as a rock are our Core Values.
Arising from the spiritual as well as the Animated Computer Graphics of the Logos of the
nationalist backdrop of our foundation these five Core Values Integrity, Resilience, Togetherness,
values have always defined the acceptable Commitment, Performance Orientation, fade in &
standards of each and every individual within out one after another.
the organization and define how we pursue
our goal.
VO A people company, our distinction lies in Cut to a montage of a client walking in and being
the user experience. We understand our received by a smiling company representative.
stakeholders’ needs and respond with Interaction follows.
empathy. That is our commitment. And we On one side of the screen the animated
have honoured that commitment without a Commitment logo appears and fades out.
single instance of default.
VO But how can a company retain this An informal gathering of employees with S K Roy and
position for so long? The answer is simple. Jayanta Roy. On one side of the screen the animated
Peerless has always been managed as a big Togetherness logo appears and fades out.

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Audio Visual
family. Togetherness has been cardinal to
every policy, be it for the employees or for
other stakeholders.

Sound Byte: S K Roy S K Roy talking to the camera. (second part)

Sound Byte: B Lahiri B Lahiri talking to the camera.

VO Yet on many occasions formidable

barriers have threatened our very existence. Cut to animated computer graphics showing
But working hand in hand together, we have Nationalization of Insurance.
sailed through.
VO Mutual loyalty is a forgotten term in the
corporate world today. Focus today is on
monetary gains, be it for the employers or
the employees. At Peerless the picture is
different. Few corporate houses in India can
boast of such a large number of old timers
which in itself speaks of the values the
company stands for. For many, retirement
even does not mean severing ties with the
VO Meet Rabindranath Datta. He is a smart
guide like many other. What is different is
that he had been an employee of Peerless. A
deep sense of bonding with the company
made him join as a field worker after he
opted for voluntary retirement.

Sound Byte: Rabindranath Datta

VO Performance is always rewarded at

Peerless. Making and breaking records with
highest possible standards of service amidst
Images of different award distribution ceremonies.
an atmosphere of healthy competition is part
of our system. This we call our Performance

Sound Byte: M Mullick

VO At Peerless, the core values are woven
into the organizational fabric. Peerless is
Images of workers in office. S K Roy, Jayanta Roy
managed as a big family. This family bonding
visiting them and discussing a point or two.
energizes every member by connecting him
to the organization.

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Audio Visual
A Purakayastha talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: A Purakayastha
Super: General Manager (HRM) PGFI
VO The object of Sanjeevani is to open new Supers on images of development programs
ways of thinking and doing things. These are Customer Orientation Achievement Orientation
competencies which enable fulfillment of Process Effectiveness Business Perspective
individual and organizational goals. After all Capability Development Teamwork & Collaboration
in a market competitive like never before, Communication Adaptability to Change
these are essential survival tools. Problem Solving
VO At Peerless we have a climate that helps
family members learn from their own
experiences, both individually and
Visuals of Training Programs, Orientation Programs
collectively. Training Programs in
and Motivational Seminars.
collaboration with institutes like Dale
Carnegie, Orientation Programs, and
Motivational Seminars are regular features.
VO For the hardworking and committed,
A couple of Peerless Achievers walking up a flight of
Peerless offers a vertical career graph where
stairs. Happy faces of Peerless Achievers with supers
sky is the limit. Success stories abound in
of their names and achievements.
almost all the departments.
VO One such achiever is A K Mukhuty. From
managing accounts for a small branch to
A K Mukhuty walking towards the camera and
managing treasury for the whole company,
entering his office.
for him it has been a long and rewarding
A K Mukhuty talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: A K Mukhuty
Super: A K Mukhuty Vice President (Treasury)
VO Sri Mukhuty was featured in Drishtikon, a
newsletter for in-house circulation at. It Visuals of A K Mukhuty reading his own interview in
provides an excellent forum for sharing Drishtikon.
views and opinions and also for Dissolve to montage of Drishtikon being printed,
dissemination of ideas concepts and distributed and being read.
happenings in the institution.
VO Combating work stress can be fun at
Peerless. Peerless Smart Cricket
Championship, a yearly tournament for
employees, provides wholesome relaxation. Montage of Smart Cricket.
Players from all regions across the country
get together and enjoy, for they know
tomorrow will be another working day.

VO What do you see Arjun? Slow zoom-in to the statue of Arjun aiming his arrow.

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Audio Visual
 Bird.
 The whole bird?
 No, only its eyes.
The essence of this epic duologue has been
the key to the success story of Peerless. And
it will be the key to keep the flame lighted
beyond seventy five.
Cut to S K Roy talking to the camera.
Sound Byte: S K Roy Behind him can be seen a large number of Peerless
Force, ready to take the plunge.
S K Roy finishes his speech and starts walking. The
crowd follows.
Super: We are committed to creating a new breed
of professionals, who will not only be techno savvy,
Concluding piece of music.
but also have a warm heart. Feet firmly on ground
they will dare to dream. Together we will march
towards the centenary.

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