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Professional Training and Consultation

API 653

Daily Exams

26'h upto 31 st August 2006

AI-Khobar, Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia

811. Fl oor, Al -Su beael To wers. King Abdu laziz cor. Prince Falsal Bin Fnhd Streets, At-K hobar. Saud! Arabia
• TEl (96 6) 3 8876633 • FAX (966138876565 • info@gmo m • www.qo tc
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Profes sional Training and Co nsultation

~ API 65 3 Pre par ato ry
~ 26'" u pt o 31 11 Augu st 200 6, AI- Kho bar, KSA.
Page 1 of 13


Choose only one answer, which you think is most appropriate.
Use the attached answer sheet in answering the follo wing questions.

1. The complete or partial remova l and replacement of more than

12 inches of a vertical weld joining shell plates is considered a:

(a) m inor alteration ; (b) minor repair;

(c) major alteration; (d) major repair.

2. A single film technique was used to make a radiograph using a

Cobalt-50 source . The minimum permitted density in the area of
int erest is :

a. 4 .0
b. 1.8
f:f~: c. 2.0
d. 1.3

3. Cathodic protection is ach ieved by directing the flow of current


a. A cathode to anode
b. An anode to cathode
c. Both installations are acceptable
d. Neither of a and b

4. is a change from previous operating conditions

invol v ing different properties of the stored product such as
specific gravity or corrosiv ity and / or different service conditions
of temperature and / or pressure:
(a ) Re- ratin g; (b) Change in service;
(c) Repair ; (d) Reconstruction

GS} ~. r v-o ., ; SU b '~ J l!i T O'l.' ':': I ~ . KIll g Ab dul az tz cor. Prmr e F .'li~ a l Bin Fahd Streets. AI-Kh ob ar. Saudi Arabia
• TEl (966 , 3 aS7 66 33 • FJ\X (96 61 ') 887 G5G 5 • m fo:~9otoit c .(om • www.
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Professio nal Tr ain ing and Consultation
\'Z~ API 653 Prepar atory
26"' upt o 3 1" Augu st 200 6, AI- Khob ar , KSA.
Page 2 of 13


5. Describe how a liquid penetrant examination should be

performed in order to detect discontinuities which are open to
the surface.

a. Clean the part, apply the developer, apply the penetrant,

remove excess penetrant, inspect the part, clean the part
b. Clean t he part, apply penetrant, remove excess penetrant,
apply the developer, inspect the part, clean the part
c. Clean the part, apply the developer, apply the penetrant,
inspect the part, remove excess penetrant, clean the part
d. Clean the part, apply the developer, apply the penetrant,
inspect the part, clea n t he part

6. A rad iographic t ech ni que in wh ich radiation passed through two

walls and both t he walls are viewed on the same radiograph
(double wall, double image - ellipse) the limitation for the outside
(:f~' diameter is :

a. 3-1/2"
b. 2"
c. 4"
d. Any d iameter poss ible

7. - I nformation needed when determining the hat e of corrosion:

a. Original th ickness or last inspection thickness
b. Current thickness
c. Length of t im e in service
d. All the above

8. The ma ximum acceptable undercutting for base metal in

reconst ruct ed tank for horizonta l welds is:
(a) 1/64"; (b ) 1/ 3 2"; (c) 1/16"; (d) 1/8"

f>. Hco- . ~l Sunea er Lowers , KIng Abdulaziz tor . Prince r a rse! Bin Fan d Stre et s. AI- Khobar. Saud i Ara bia
• "TfL i 9 ; ', ~ , ; 8 8 7 6 5 33 • rA X {96fil 3 8&7 GSG S . mfo(!i::goto it c,com . . . . w w
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Profess ional Tr aining and consuttatlcn
;VO :"I~\
~t~';'" API 65 3 Preparatory
26 t h uotc 3 1"l Aug ust 2006, At- k hc bar, !<SA.
Page 3 of 13


9. Tank was inspected in 1985 and the thickness was observed to

be 0.32 inch. The thickness observed during inspection in 1995
was 0.30 inch. What is corrosion rate?

a. 2 mpy
b. 20 mpy
c. 0.2 mpy
d. 1 mpy

10 . If remain ing corrosion allowance (RCA) at present is 0.05 inch,

the next thickness inspecti on due for above tank sha ll not be
later than:

a. 10 years
b. 15 years
c. 6 years
'0i; d. 12.5 years

11. A corroded area of a tank bottom plate is repaired by weldi ng

overlay. There is no change in the rating and no change is made
on the nameplate. Which of the following is the correct term to
describe t his process?

a. Reconstruction
( b. Repair
c. Alteration
d. None of t he above

12 . The ma ximum int erv al bet ween internal inspections shall not
exceed _ _ yea rs when corros ion rate is kno wn:

(a) 10; (b) 20; (c) 5 ; (d) 15.

13 . Hot taps are not permitted under which of the following

cond itions ?

6~i .
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S'" rtc,». . \ 1 Subeaei Towe rs. l\ lng Abdul aztz cor . rnnce Fai :ial Bin Fahd Street s. Al - Khobar , Saudi Arabia
• TEL <966 '. 3 887 66 33 • FAX (966) 3 887 6 56 5 • IOfo'ri)gQ[olt • www.qctonc .corn
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Profession al Training an d Co ns ultation

~:~ •• • J
API 653 Pre pa ratory
26 1h up t o 3 111 A ugu st 200 6. Al-Khobar, K$A.
Page 4 of 13


a. On plates requ iring PWHT.

b. On ultrasonically sound plate
c. On tanks with dia. more than 80 feet.
d. None of the above.

14 . A tank of 160 ft diameter is to be checked for shell settlement.

Minimum number of equally spaced settlement points to be
checked will be:

a. 16
b. 20
c. 24
d. 12

15. For a tank made by reconstruction, under what circumstances

(~;: maya new shell-to-bottom weld be exempt from hydrostatic

a. When the root pass has been visually inspected and

the final weld is fully examined, visually and
rad iographically.
b. Reconstructed tank is never exempted from
hydrostatic testing. ,
( c. When the root pass has been visually inspected and
the final weld is fully examined , visually and by
vacuum box.
d. When the w elding method has been reviewed and
approved by an engineer experienced in tank design
in accordance with API Standard 650.

16 . In atmospheric conditions, bottom coatings may be applied if the

steel temperature is:

a. 2°F above t he dew point

b. 5°F below the dew point.
c. 10°F above the dew point.
S'" Hno: . Al-Su be ee i 'towe rs. KlIlg Abdulaztz cor. Princ e Fatsal Bin Fahd Stree ts . AI- Khob a r. Saud i Ara bia
• TEL { ~t 05 ) 3 SB7 66 33 • r AX 19GGl 3 86; GSG5 • I n fo~·i~g O to i tc. c o m • www.c c ron
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-- - - - -- ------
Profess ion al Tr ai ni ng and Co ns u lt ation
API 65 3 Prep ar a tory
26 th uptn 3 11t Aug us t 2006, AI- Khobar, KSA.
Page 5 of 13


d. At the dew point.

17. Procedure qualiflcation for welding during repair of tanks is done

in accordance with:

a. AWS 01.1
b. API 1104
c. ASME Sect ion I X
d. All of the above

18 . Widely scattered pits may be ignored under the following

condit ions

a. Where the service fluid is corrosive or hard to hold.

b. If sum of pit lengths along any 8" vertical line does not
ex ceed 2"
fr~:Ej c. When no pit has dept h wh ich resu lts in the minimum
thickness being less than one-half the minimum acceptable
thi ckness of the shell plate exclusive of corrosion allo wance
d. band c

19. For ve rification of radiographic sensitivity and image

quality, wh ich of the fol lowi ng are used:

( a. Cassettes
b. Penetrameters
c. Cameras
d. Collimators

20. Internal corrosion in the vapour space above liquid level occurs
due t o:

a. Hydrogen Sul phid e vapour

b. Water vapour
c. Oxygen
d. Any combination of the above three

~ ~ I OI}I . ....1 S••neacr 1 ower s. KIllq Abdul az tz cor . Pnnr e Fais al Bi n Fahd Street s. Al - Khobar , Saurf Arabia
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Professional Tra in ing and Consultation

""", API 653 Preparato ry
261h umo 3 1 JI Aug u st 2 006 . At -khc bar , KSA.
Page 6 of 13


21. API 650: Appendix M provides requirements for Tanks designed

to operate at the following range of temperatures:

a. Exceeding 260°C
b. Above 90° - 260°C
c. Below 90°C
d. Below OOC

22. For a reconstructed tank as per API 653 Verticality (out-of-

plumbness) of top of the shell shall not exceed ,

a. 1/300 of total tank height

b. 1/250 of total tank height
c. 1/400 of total tank height
d. None of the above
0 J:;
[Si :f':,- 23. When lin ing is applied to bottom on inside of tank, the lining
shall extend up the shell.

a. 6" min
b. 12" min
c. 18" min
d. 3" min

24. Hot tap can be performed on:

a. Vapour space in the shell

b. On the roof
c. In the shell below liquid level
d. Anywhere on the tank

25. A radiograph was having dens ity near the penetrameter equal to
3.0. Hence the acceptable density range of the radiograph is:

a. 1.7to4
b. 2.55 to 3.9
c. 2.0 to 4.0
~\.. Hom . Al - Subeae: Tower s. Krng Abdul aztz COl. Prin ce Faisal Bin Fahd St reet s. Ai- Khob ar . Saudi Arabi a
• TEL ~ 9 G G l 3 88 76 (, 3 3 • FAX 196Gl 3 88 7 G5G5 • Itlf o·'!ilgOtDltc. com • www.c oto uc .com
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",Cf?;. Pr ofes s io na l Training and Co nsu ltati on

~}~.~il API 65 3 Prepa rat ory
26 lh u pt o 3 1" Aug ust 2006. AI- Khobar. KSA.
Page 7 of 13


d. None of the above

26. The examiner for conduct ing magnetic particle testing on the
tan k welds shall be :

a. Qualified as per ASNT Leve l II or III

b. Able to read Jagger-2
c. Qualified as per ASME Sec. V
d. None of the above

27. I n atmospheric cond itions, grit blasting can be done at

temperatu re of at least:

a. 2°F above the dew point.

b. 5°F below the dew po int
c. 5°F above the dew point
~~~:. d. At th e de w po int

28. How many equal ly spaced measurements are requ ired for the
thickness averaging technique?
(a)2 (b)S (c) 4 (d)3

29 . How many spe cimens must be used for impact tests f rom a
single t est coupon or t est location?
(a ) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

30. Hydrostatic tests sha ll be held for hours for the

recon st ruct ed tan k .
( a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 24 (d) 72

31. In a rad iograph ic film of a weld, how is back scatter


(a) By use of a pe netrameter

( b) By f ilm density

b 111'01. ·\ 1 S lJ r)l~ " ' :l I (JW ''; l ~ , 1\.1119 A bdu l .\z i ~ (O r . pn nu, Fai ~al Bin Fahd Str ee ts , Al - Khnb ar . Saud i Ar abla
• l El i~) 6 6 , 3 867 (,(. 3) • r, \x (9GG l 3 88 7 C':i G5 • II1 fo~·1:9otO l tc. c om . www.q ot ort
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Profess iona l T rai ni ng and Consultation

~;~; API 653 Prepara tory
26 1h upt c 31 "1 August 2006. AI-Kho bar, K$A.
Page 8 of 13


(c) Using lead letter "6"

(d) All of the above

32 . In general, if shell thickness does not exceed _ _ inch, it does

not requ ire further assessment for brittle fracture:
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.75 (c) 1.00 (d) 0.50

33 . Potential for brittle fracture exists for tanks constructed

according to:
(a) API 650 - 7 t h edition
(b) API 650 - latest edition
(c) API 650 - 4 t h edition
(d) None of the above
34 . Three types of external inspections are :
(a) Scheduled, routine and llquld penetrant
(b) Scheduled , routine and UT thickness
(c) Scheduled out of service, routine and UT thickness
(d) Unsched uled , routine and liquid penetrant

35 . Welders qualifications shall expire as they do not weld:

(a) Within a given process for a 6 month period
(b) Using a given procedure for a 6 month period;
(c) On a tank for 6 mo nths;
(d) For a 3 month period.

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II TEl (96 6) 3 g S7 6633 . fAX (96G) 3 887 GSG5 . Infof( m . www.q oto rtc.ccm
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Profess ional Training and Con sultation
;~ API 65 3 Prepar atory
26 111 upto 3 111Aug ust 2006. Al- Khob ar, KSA.
Page90r 13


36. What are penetrameters used for:

(a) A penetrameter is used for radiographic technique in
that it serves as an image quality indicator
(b) It indicates the magnetic properties of the materials
(c) To check penetrant quality in PT inspection
(d) To check weld penetration during welding

37 . Unless otherwise agreed to by the purchaser, what is the

minimum nominal width of a shell plate?

(a) 36 inches (b) 48 inches

(c) 72 inches (d) 96 inches

38. "Each vertical weld must be rad iographed (either spot or full
radiography) for the bottom shell course (i.e ., course no . 1) for
all tanks constructed to current API 650 Basic Standard." This
statement is:
a. False
b. True
c. Whether any radiog raphy is requ ired or not depends
on shell thickness.
d. Depends on tank design Engineer's opinion

39. Accord ing to ASME Sec. I X, welding filler metals are grouped into
groupings (based on their usabilit y ) as :
(a) P-numbers (b) F-numbers
(c) Z-numbers (d) ASTM spec.

Hn HmJI. Al - Subeae-i TOWi;> I!l. 1\1l19 Ab du lazi z cor . Pn nce r eua! Bin Fahd Str eets , AI -K ho bar , Saudi Ara bia
a TEl 19 G6 1 3 SS? 663 3 . FAX (96 6) 3 8S i G5G5 • r n f o,·,i~ g ot o l t c. ( O m .
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e Profes s ion al Train ing and Consu ltation

API 65 3 Prep ar a tory
261h upt u 3 111 August 2006. Al- Khobar. KSA.
Page 10 of 13


40. When revi ewing a rad iograph, a light image of the letter B can
be seen on the fil m with dark background .
(a) This is cause for rejection
(b) This is not cause for rejection
(c) Th is is the same as a light letter B
(d) An unusual safety hazard ex isted du ring the

41. Which of the following penetrant system is generally considered

least sens itive?
a. Water-washable - v isible dye
b. Solvent removable - visible dye
:-· ·<'~ U.: c. Wat er-washable - fluo rescent dye
' ~-$

d. Post-emu lsification - vi si ble dye

42. The nondestructive exam ination method to be used for a

particular inspection should be determined by the:
a. Ava ilability of certified NDE examiners
~ b. Length of time since the last inspect ion
c. Age of th e component to be inspected
d. Ty pe , location, and orientation of t he expected flaws

43 . Out of the following four options in LPT, most sens itive results
can be obtained by :
a. Visible penet rant - wat er washable
b. Flu roscent penetrant - post em ulsifying type
c. Visible - solvent removable type
d. Visib le - post emulsify ing type
:; : :;'~ t,
6, - ! IOOl, .At - Subeaei 'r ower s. King Abdulazrz cor . Princ e Faival Bi n Fahd Streets . Al-K hcbar. Saud i Arabia
o TEl ( ~ 6(j '1 3 88 7 65 33 • FAX (9G6 ) 3 88765 55 • lnfo'!i':g oto . . . vww .qotoi tc. com
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,<9" Prof es sio nal Tra in ing and Con sultation
7' .. API 6 53 Preparatory
26 111 uptc 31 11 August 200 6. AI- Khobar. KSA.
Page 11 of 1 3


44 . A PQR was qualified in 5G position using a new welder. But
product ion weld ing is to be done in 2G position . Which of the
fo llo wing are app licable as a minimum?

a. Both procedure and welder shall be re-qua lified in 2G

position .
b. The qualified procedure can be used ,only welder needs to
be re-qualified
c. The we lder is qualified, but the procedure needs re-
qua lification
d. Both procedure and welder need not be re -qualified .

45. Minimum thickness evaluation may be conducted by ?

a. Use of an external micrometer on ly

g~~ b. Ultrasonic testing
";:'"~~~ c. D.P. Check
b. None of above

46. For procedure qualification documentation:

a. WPS gives the procedure t est data and results of

te nsile/bend test
b. PQR gives ranges qualified by pro cedure t est .
c. PQR gives procedure test data and WPS gives ranges
d. WPS and PQR both give test data and ranges qualified

47 . Identify corre ct statement fro m fo llowing:

a. Tensile test for procedure qua lification is passed only if base
metal failu re occurs at or above Specified Minimum Tensile
Strength (SMTS) of base metal

!il~ Hnm. A I - S I JlJ bi ~i 'l owers, 1\111 9 Abdulaziz tor. Pnnr e Faisal Bin Fahd ~ trE' e t 5 , Al - Khobar, Saudi Arabia

• TE L ('JfJo ) } 367 65 33 . r l\ x f9GGl 3 88i G5G5 em foc-qotortc.corn ... www.q oto rn
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-- - - ------- ----- - - -- -
Profes sional Tr aining and Consultation
API 6 53 Preparatory
26 '" up to 3 111 Aug us t 2006. Al- Khob ar. !<SA.
Page 12 of 13


b. Tensile test for procedure qualification is passed only if base
metal failure occurs above SMTS of base metal
c. Tensile test for procedure qualification is passed even if weld
metal failure occurs above 95% of SMTS of base metal
d. None of the above

48. When using radiographs to qualify we lder, the acceptance

standards used are found in:

a. ASME Section V
b. ASME Section IX
c. ASME Section VIII
d. The referencing code
..:~ .""

49 . An RBI assessment can be used to alter the internal inspect ion

strategy provided:
a) RBI is performed considering likelihood of failure and
consequ ence of failure.
b) The RBI is fully documented.
c) A t hird party conducts the RBI.
d) Bot h " a" and " b" above

50 . You are reviewing a WPQ for a welder. The test results indicate
the fol lowing:

a. Satisfactory side bend

b. Face bend satisfactory
c. Visual satisfactory

Will th ese tests qualify the welder?

~ i:;.<, Fl (;l ~1. Al -Snbeaei 't owei s. l\ tt1 9 Abdul aziz cor. Pnnce Fau al Bin Fahd St reets. Al -Kh obar. Saud i Arabia
• TEL ( ~ G G '1 3 8£ 76(.3 3 . F·\ X (9GG) 3 887 GjG S . In fof{ m • www.qo tou c.corn
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Profess ional Train ing and Consultation

t1t~! ~
....i\ ·· API 6 53 Prep ara tory
261h upto 3 111 Aug us t 2006. At- xhcber. KSA.
Page 13 or 13


a. Yes
b. No, because bend tests are not correct type.
c. Not enough information given
d. No, because radiography is essential for welder
qua lification

------------------ - ----- -- End --- ---------------------- ---


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."l' I UJ or. 4 i - S I ;1l t: (\ t: llo w ~ r ~. 1, 1119 Ab dul aztz cor . Pnnce FCl I5i1.1 Bin Fahd Str eet!' . AI -Khoba r . Saudi Arabi a
. 1 Et. ' ~ 6 6 ) 3 8876633 . rAX (9 GGl 3 887 GSGS • Inro·17) gotOltc.cOlTI . www .qoto uc.corn
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Profess ional Trai ni ng and Consult ation

API 653 Preparatory

26 th upto 3 1st Aug us t 2006, Al· Khobar, KSA
Page 1 of 1


Answ er Key

': .< . ,~!'~ '~"'~',:,,~;'1~"~

Q. Answer Reference Q. Answer Reference

,,., :1, .....;-
1 D API 653, (b) 26 B API 650 6.2.3
2 C ASME V T-282.1 27 C API 652, 7.4
3 B API 65 1, 4 .4.1 28 B API 653 4 .3 .2 .1 (e)
4 B API 653 , 3.7
ASME V T-600
29 C API 650,
API 653 12.3. 1.1
5 B 30 C
6 A ASME V, Tc271.2 (b) 31 C ASME V, T-284 "";1' ;' ; .,~
7 D API 575 7.6 32 D API 653 Flo. 5-2
8 B API 653 10.4.2 .5 33 C API 653, 5.3.2 . ~ ~ .'

9 A API 653 3.8 34 B API 653 6.3

10 D API 653 6.3 .3.2 (b) 35 A ASME IX, QW 322 :1 (a)
11 B API 653, 3.15 36 A ASMEV
12 B API 653, 37 C ., API 650 . 3.6.12
c{,~\ 13 A API 653 9. 14 .1.1 38 B API 650 6 .1
14 A API 653, 39 B ASME IX OW,,~ 431i...•
15 B API 653, 12.3 .1.1 (a) 40 A ASME V, T-284
16 C API 652, -8 .3 41 A ASMEV, Art. 6'i1 ':"-' ..
17 C API 653 11.1.1 42 D General Knowledae
18 D API 653, 4. 3 .2 .2 43 B ASME V, Gen. Knowledge
19 B ASMEV Art. 2 44 B ASME IX, Table QW-461.9
20 D API 575 5 .2.2 45 B General Know ledge
( 21 B API 650, 1.1. 17 46 C ASME IX, OW - 200 .2
22 D API 653 10.5 .2 .1 47 D ASME IX OW := 153 cr, .
23 C API 652 6.4 48 B ASME IX, OW - 191.2
24 C API653 49 D . APL653 6'~43 '~:: ~ ....
25 C ASME V Art. 2 50 B ASME IX, QW - 452


s.' !- IOor. ,,\! - SU Ih.-.H'1 TOWEr!!. Km q Abd ul az tz cor. Pnnce rats a! Bm Fahd Streets , Al -Kh obar , Sau di Ar abia
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Prcfe ssrc nal Traini ng an d Consul tat ion

API 65 3 Preparatory
26111 uctc 31$I August 20 06 , Al- Khob ar. KSA.
Page 1 o f 8


Choose only one answer, which you th ink is most appropriate.
Use the attached answer sheet in answering the following questions.

1. Exclusive of corrosion allowance, what is the minimum nominal

thickness for all new construction bottom plates?
a. 1/2 inch
b. 1/4 inch
c. 3/16 inch
d. 5/8 inch

2. For shell horizontal joints, how many additional radiographs shall

be taken for each 50 feet of horizontal joint, (not including those
requ ired as per API 650) for welds made in existing plates during
t he repa ir?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

3. The recommended minimum development time (penetrant

testing) allowed for a material made of high temperature alloy
a. 5 min
b. 10 min
c. 7 min
d. 60 min

4. Select suitable hole type (source side) penetrameter for

following weld joint:
Weld reinf. = 118" thk


Backing strip = 3116" thk

3' 1= 10(;1, Al \u ~E' a e l Tov..!:'r~, Kin g Ab dul az tz cor . Prince Fai!>al Bin Fah d Stre ets, A l-Kho bar. Sau di Ara bi a
Ii TEL ! 9G6'1 3 38 7 GG3 3 CI FAX (96 6: 35 8 , G565 e,;:i'g otoi III www.q oro
e _
1 i ". '\ : t: 1 :-: G C r :: .:- I. I•
.., '" ,'.'" ....... . ,'''0 ' ' {'"'"l\T lt IHP ( ~ C •

Pro fe ssio Trai ning and Consu lt at ion

API 6 53 Preparatory
26th u pto 31 SI Aug ust 20 06. Al-K hoba r. KSA.
Page 2 of 8


a) No. 20
b) No. 25
c) No. 30
d) None of the above

5. If type of penetrameter is Q.1 is changed to wire type what

shall be the wire designation (wire decimeter in inch)

a. 0.025 (No. 10)

b. 0.016 (No.8)
c. 0.032 (No. 11)
d. None of the above

6. For steel plates and weld to be checked LPI, what shall be the
penetration t ime for penetrant

a. 10 min for weld, 5 min for plate

b. 5 min for both
c. 10 min for both
d. 5 min for weld, 10 min fo r plate

7. After applying t he dry developer the examiner checked fou r

welds for surface defects after foll owing period, weld A- after 5
minute, weld B after 10 minute, weld C was checked after 30
minutes and weld Dafter 65 minutes which of the weld were
checked wrongly

a. Weld A and B
b. Weld C and D
c. Weld D only
d. Weld A and D

8. Following combination of base metal and welding electrode was

qualified by a certa in PQR... impact testing is not required.

Base Met al =SA 285 GrC Plates, 314" th k

Welding electrode = AWS E 6015

o' i rocr. Ai ~ U ;-JE" H' t r ow e rs . KI:'1 g Abdu lazr z ( Q ~ . Pnnce Fni5al Bin Eahc St reet s , At- Kho ber , Saud i Ara b ia
.. i:: .· :> ~iG , :' 387 063 ~ G r/'.X (9 GG: 3 3 37 0 5£.5 G i;"lfo:~g otoit c. com 0 vv-av•.gOi:OI:c.cor.;
-----< ~, ,..--
: t. \ J :; ;
'. \ :' ••,.., <.,"
~; t; :. r. :; -r
"."", r" ...·r: H I',. )
I, I,

---- ----- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - -

?ro ression al Trai ni ng and Co nsu lt at ion
API 65 3 Prepa rat ory
26 th up to 3 1 st Aug ust 20 06. Al-Khobar. KSA.
Page 3 o f 8


This PQR will qualify which of the following combination of base
metal- weld ing electrodes.

a. 1" thk SA 515Gr 60 plates, E 6013 electrodes

b. 1 3f4 " rhk SA 285 GrC plates, E 6013 electrodes
c. 1 Y4 thk plates SA 516Gr70, E 7018 electrodes
d. None of the above

9. For MT exam inat ion by prod tech niques the spacing between
prods shall be between

a. 4 inch to 12 inch
b. 4 inch to 10 inch
c. 3 inch to 10 inch
d. 3 inch to 8 inch

10. For a tan k wit h 130 ft diamete r t hick ness of top course worked
out was t d=5mm tt=4mm. What will be minimum nominal
t hickness provided for this course according to API 650 for a
new tan k?

a. 3/16" (5mm )
b. 1/4" (6mm)
c. 5/16" (8m m )
d. None of the above

11. Fo r a tan k with diamet er 100ft was found to have thickness

reduction in a localized area. Minimum thickness observed (t2)
was 1 inch. What will be the critical vertical length of for the

a. 40 inches
b. 37 inches
c. 45 inches
d. None of the above

~' . Fleer. AI - S ~ bEa e ,

'towers. King Abdulazrz cor. PrI'i ( E F c:.i ~ a l Bin Fahc Street s. Ar-x hcoa r, Saudr Arabia
III TeL i9 GGi 3 SS7 GG3 3 0 FAX (9 136 ; 3 SSt GSf>S 0 mr o,J.' 0 www rn
: t -. .-, : . ; : :-: c
'.". "" " r .·. . .. ' ,
~. r :; -r I . I.
.·, ,,n . r. r RT l t' IU . C:c;• . •

Professional Trai ning and Consultat ion

API 6 53 Prepara tory
2 6t h u pto 31 1t August 200 6, Al -K ho bar . KSA.
Page 4 of 8


12. On a tank roof plate two corroded areas was observed at
locations A and B for location A, average thickness = 0.085
inches, area = 105 in 2

Location B, average thickness = 0.095 inches, Area = 105 in2

your decision will be:

a. Both A and B are within limits

b. Location A is OK, location B is art of limits
c. Both A and B are out of limits
d. Location B in OK, location A is out of limits

13. Hot tap connection is to be made on tank with following

description shell plate thickness = 314 inch. Design temperature
= 30°F the plates were not tested for impact testing, (Consr.
Code API 650-1974) . What will be the ma ximum size of tapping

a. 8 inches NPS
b. 6 inches NPS
c. 10 inches NPS
d. 4 inches NPS

14. A replacement plate to be used on a shell th ickness of 5/8 inch,

on the second course of the ta nk. Thickness of firs t course and
th ird course is also 5/8 inch . Following 3 plates are available
which one is most suitable to be used as replacement plate.

a. Plate thickness = 314"

b. Plate thickness = 5/8"
c. Plate th ickness = 1/2"
d. Plate th ickn ess = 1"

15. A t ank is having remaining corrosion allowance of 2.5mm and

corrosion rate of the shell is O.lmm per year. What will be
inspection int erv al fo r next ultrasonic thickness inspection from
outs ide of the tank?

s' ;;IOCf , .\I - S:.; b'f2.!:·J 1 0·... ers. Kin g Abde laz iz co r. Prince rersa! Bin Fah d Streets. At-Kho aar . Saudi Arabia
~ E L i ~ G G ; " S5 , 66 3 3 Co f AX (9 GGJ 3 58 ; GS65 c'.:i'gotoit 0 www.qot o.rc.c cr n
l ~~ :~ : :~ (; t' r :: 7 ~ 1~
, ,','" ' ~ ~ " . ·~ l , ~ ,on '. r. ' ''' T iF : i'. U ~ : O '

?iofess:o na! Training and Consult at ion

API 653 Preparatory
26th upto 3 l sI Augus t 2006, At- Khober. KSA.
Page 5 of a


a. 15 Years
b. 12.5 Years
c. 10 Years
d. 5 Years

16. Typica l corroded areas on a shell plate are exhibited below in

figure 1 with measured thickness in inches ind icated on the
sketch . The uri-corroded thickness of the shell plate is 0.750
inches and C.A is 0.125"

Figure 1




0.54 AREA "B"

0 .72



~i ' ; \~ j{ l' , r. j S ~ ~ f .:. e l r :.l ~·. f: ~ ~ . KI:1 lj Abdulaziz co-. Pn-tr.e r <:iSil l Gin Fahc Streets . Al - Khuaa r , Saudi Ara bia
c T~L i9GGl 3 S57 GG33 0 r/tx (9(;6 J 3 58 765 6 5 " infO:;?"gotoltc.cO:T1 GO ww w.q .com
~ J. N T E GRA T E D
t ..
:" '~- .~;:..J,,;;;, II ~.,~.:. :-:~·n ~; ;; i'~ ::c~~.

~ cvf essi o n ~1 Train ing and Consu lt ation

API 6 53 Prepar atory
26 lh u pto 31 11 August 20 06, AI-K hobar. KSA.
Page 6 of 8


The total length of a arrow line drawn is 8 inches. The length of the
line in each of the corroded areas A, 6 and Care 1.5", 0.8" and 0.5
inches respectively.

Comment on t he acceptability of the corroded condition.

a. The pitting can be ignored as a case of widely scattered

pitting as both pitting depth and dimensions are within
lim its

b. Not acceptable as size are not OK, total length of the pit
dimensions is more than permitted

c. The pitting can be ignored as a case of widely scattered

pitting since depth are OK

d. The pitting cannot be ignored as a case of widely scattered

pitting since depth are not OK

17. Two plates samp le A and 6 were tested for longitudinal impact
testing. Following were results observed. They belonged to
Group No. I as per API 650:

Results of impact test for sample A were 18ft Ib, 8ft Ib, 16ft lb.
Results on sample '6': 12ft Ib, 14ft Ib, 20 ft. Ib

Your assessment will be:

a. sample A and 6 both OK

b. sample A and B both to be re-test ed
c. samp le 6 is OK, A shall be re-tested
d. sample a is OK, 6 shall be re-tested

18. For replacement t o an existing 0.25" t hick shell plate of an AST,

another plate of 0.25" thickness to ASTM A36 is used. What
should be the minimum clear distance between the outer edges
of the adjacent but t welds of vertical and horizontal joints,
respect ively?

~. H cc r, Al -Su beae: rowers. King Abd ulazi z CO~. Pnnce Faisal Bin Fah d Streets. Al -Khcba r , Saudi Arabia
e 7 £!.. ,c;~ r; j 3 8&766 3 3 • FAX (96G; 3 887 6 555 ~ 1 I1 fo'~ ' g o to j t c. c O :Ti • wevvs,gOtOl-;:C. COr:1
'0. -, , • .
1 r :" ~ ~I , ; C ,~ i". I_
. ... N ' ~ "" "" " . "<If),, r:rI< TI I'I " U <;{"

Profes sicnal Train ing and Cons u ltation

API 6 53 Prepa rato ry
2 6 l h u pto 31 01 Aug ust 20 06. Al- Kho ba r. KSA .
Page 7 of 8


a. 10" & 6"
b. 6" & 3"
c. 8" & 4"
d. 12" & 6"

19 . Repair of a 5/8" thick shell , using lapped (lap welded) patch

plate of 1/8" thick was carri ed out, without inf orming t he
Owner. Such a repai r is not acceptable as per API standard
653, because:

a. Owner had not specified use of patch plate repairs

b. Lap patch plate of less than 3/16" is not permitted
c. Lap patch plate repair on shell thickness more than
above Y2" is not permitted
d. All of above

20. As per API Standard 650, the offset between vertical seams of
adjacent shells shal l be a min imum distance of:

a. 5 t , where 't' is the plate t hickness of th icker shell

course at the offset
b. 4t, where 't' is the plate thickness of thicker shell course
at the offset
c. 3 t , where ' t ' is the plate t hickness of t hicker she ll
cou rse at the offset
, d. 2 t, where 't' is the plate thickness of thicker shell
course at the offset

21. When butt welded annular bottom plates are used, in an AST
built to API Standard 650, their width from ins ide of the shell
shall be at least:

a. 900 m m
b. 3 00 mm
c. 600 mm
d. None of the above

B'" Floor , Ai -Subeae. Towers, King Abd elaz iz co r. Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Street s. Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabi a
(0TEL (9G6"! i 8&7 66 3 3 6 FAX (96Gi 3 88765 65 ... info'J'gm oit co www.qcrouc .ccm
- I_NTE GP... i~" TE:l.)
r-...... .~.;,;_ .'~',.::, : -::~;:. r.~-·R4-;;;I.Z J.:C"! "
Profess tcnal T rai nin g and Consu ltat ion
API 65 3 Preparatory
2 6t h upto 31 11 August 2006 , AI-K hobar . KSA.
Page 8 of 8


22. Misalignment in a completed 20 mm thick vertical seam of an
AST built to API Standard 650 shall be more than:

a. 2 mm
b. 1.5 mm
c. 0.8 mm
d. 3 mm

23 . Out of roundness measured as deviation from radius

measured 1 foot above the bottom corner weld of alSO ft
diameter AST built to API Standard 650, shall not exceed:

1" (25 mm)
b. V2 " (12.7 mm)
c. 3/4 " (19 mm)
d. 1-1/4" (32 mm)
24 . Local deviations from theoretical shape of an aboveground
storage tan k (AST), built to API Standard 650, specifically
" Peaking" at vertical joints or " Banding" at horizontal weld
joints as measured over an appropriate sweepboard of 36" shall
not exceed:

a. 19 m m (3/4")
b. 13 mm (1/2")
c. 16 mm (5/8")
d. 1/8 mm (3")

25. An AST has remaining corrosion allowance of 3.2 mm. The

know n rate of corrosion of shell is 200 microns per year. As per
API Sta ndard 653 , when should the external v isual inspect ion
by an Authorized Inspector shall be carried out at an interval
not exceeding:

a. 5 yea rs
b. 8 years
c. 4 years
d. 15 years
---------------- --------- End -------------- -----------

S' rtcor. ~ I Suheaer To-.. ers. King Abdul aztz cor. Prince Faisal E:n Fahd Streets. At-R ho bar , Saudi Arabia
;; T: !.. ~ 9 (: G 'i 3 58 7 56 33 '" F.."\X {9G6"j 3 SS7 £: 55 5 0 j n fo,~ , g ot o it c. c O :Ti 0 www .qcto.rc.corn

r:«: ;~\'f~9~~~~R (.";': . ~-' \I."" . ........c c r....'H tll.- U • ..Q 1

Prof essio nal Traini ng and Con sultation

API 653 Preparatory
26 th upto 31 st August , AI-Kh obar, KSA
Page 1 of 1


Answ er Key

z; ~''h .::j ,",

Q. No. I Answer I" I ~. ", o~"""« L =;., ~Refer~nce .;;?.... ~"e' ,::' :; ,"
1 I B
I I API 650. 3.4.1
2 I"'"
...:. ~--~ A M
::.. . . API
. - '·'653 .,,;;
,.: - ' l' .
.~ 2 ~2 '.'1
- . 2:'" ~ ~ ,~ ~ "" --~,~.. j ~ ~-'l-'"
''':' • ,:", • " . ,'~
- ~'
~~; .. . ~-:Cl
' --~

3 I c I I ASME Sec. V. Table T - 672

I . ,.4,'. ". I"e~, B ii 'll .;.I ~ASME'SeC:W;'ii;nable T..~'276 /;r,· ~ 'I'/;;;~ ~t~ ~. · ~ . '$ ,, "".: %"'",
5 I D I I ASME Sec. V. Table T - 276
' 6' 1 ~::h"D , ';;!Cf'I' ASME'Sec. Vi-1\,._Tal:ile ,Tl5:672'rl'!, :'-~ '.2''';'''''~l,!".i',~ • f~·t;< ~,
7 1 D I 1ASME Sec. V. T-676.1
8 1 c 1, 1ASME:Sec. IXi" Table OW"- 422:"OW - 432 ~ " . ,., ,.
9 I D I I ASME Sec. V. T - 773.3
10 l e i I API 650;'; :.; .-.
11 1 B I 1API 653. (b)
l ~~f 1'2 •. I;.;,.;, D '\" ~ ~.f':l l '1 IJA' PI-~'• 6 53 r ~r'4z2'
,r, -"" •••
: ' 1' 2 r,"•...,
?!":. ..'' ~,· :r~.l'~ .-;_, :l:'t01;,
,,," , '
;"'·... ~
~~ .'!'=.'.~

13 I D I 1API 653. 9.14.1. 1 (b)

14 1 ·$ 1;1API'653.r,; 92.1 \:!_, -"," C i~"" " ' , i'~' {'e, "

15 1 B 1 I API 653. (b)

16 I -B I I API 653, 4.3:2.2 (b Y"" ., ,- ~

17 1 e l l API 650. Table 2-4. and

18 1 B ,t'~IAPI 653;'" Rq. 9-1 ~ '\ ' -"~ "',,,,. -; 'i- " ~ ~~,; '::c:n
19 I D I 1API 653 . 9.3.1.
20 .Or I'· , "A
,_ ' " '£~ I * API ' 650 " "'3 1<5 2"(b)1.
- I.. . , "\ • " • ., _ • • . . ~ "'0.-
,'._ ". ,~"".'C -,~:,,
" . .... ~_ '_ .' '~ .•,.. <' ... ,'_.
,... ,'

21 1 e l l API 650.

( 22 1c. A , 1 'I API' 650'r~: '..0;' .'-!
" """~. 5 .2 .3 . 1~-"
' . :: T~=-~ .... "Il;'.~" ~~". ' -~ .tt '~ <r~' r= " -:'f.l' " , '"4; '.;.
.. ;.;.,:

23 I A I I API 650. 5 .5.3

24 I B I 1API 650. 5.5.4
25 I c I I API 653.

g:. F!oer . Al - Subeaei Tow ers, King Abdulaztz cor. Pri nce Falsal Bm Fahd Streets, AI- Khobar, Saudi Arabia
• TEL {9GGJ 3 887 66 33 • Fl\X (966) 3 887 6565 • i nfo@.'go to it . .......wvv.qo

-~ - .....;~~~~~t~;:'"-E'7R
.. , .....::•. . :... , ;..' . l>... ,
.;' ~ r" " "

-::c--::-..-- -.- --- --- - ----

Profess io na l Tra in ing an d Co nsulta tion
API 653 Preparatory
26" upto 31" August 2006, At- Kbober, KSA
Page 1 of 5


Note: Encircle the letter of only one alternative which you think is most appropriate,

1. Guided bend test represents :

a, Ductility of weld
b. Strength of weld
c. Soundness of weld
d. Both soundness and ductility of weld

2, All positions of groove welds are qualified by

a, pipe positions lG and 5G
b. pipe positions 2G and 5G
c. pipe position 6G only
d. band c

3. According to ASME Sec, IX, A welder for SMAW can be

qualified by following minimum tests:
a. 1 tensile and 2 bend tests
b. 2 bend tests only
c. 2 tensile tests and 1 bend tests
d. 1 tensile and 1 rad iography

4. Procedure Qualification Record is a document which can be

revised time to time.

a, True
b, False
Co Depends on company policy
d. Depends on client of the company

5. Use of Radiography is made f or :

a, Performance qualification only,

b. Procedure qualification only
c. Both a and b
~. , : :(;'; i . A; · S I~b c "\ ~ : T{:"-:t:I':>.King Abde laz iz ( 0; . Pnn ce Fatsal Bin Fa nd S t ~ ee rs. Al-Khnba r, Sa udi Ara bia
• TEl. (96 6; 3 88766 33 0 rAX (9 G5) 3 887 G5G5 0 in f o-1Cgo:oltc .com 0 \\i\tvw. qotcr

to T ~ .\ I ~~ I :-; Co r: N ,. I: it
. ... S I M.' " l " 1; " C U .,

Pro fess ional Training and Consultation

API 6 53 Pre parato ry
2 6th upto 3 1s 1 August 2 006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page 2 of 5


d. Use of Radiography is not permitted by.ASME Sec. IX.

6. Procedure Qualification is done by:

a. 1 Tensile and 2 bend tests

b. 1 tensile and 1radiography
c. 1 bend test and 1 radiography
d. 2 Tensile and 4 bend tests

7. Which of the following represent grouping of weld-metals in


a. P- Nos
b. F- Nos
c. S- Nos
d. A- Nos

8. For A 516 gr 60 (SMTS = 60000 psi) material, following results

were obtained for two tensile test specimens in PQR

Specimen T1: failed in B.M. at 57AOO psi

Specimen T2: failed in weld metal, at 59,500 psi

Your assessment is:

a. PQR test is ok since both are within acceptance criteria

b. PQR test is rejected as both T1 and T2 are not within
acceptance criteria
c. PQR in rejected because T1 is ok but T2 has failed
d. PQR in rejected because T1 is fai led thoughT2 is ok

9. Based on a measu red cor rosion of 0.006" annually and using a

corrosion allowance of 0.120", what is the interval for the next
UT thickness measurements on shell are requ ired for AST?

(a) 10 years
E~ ' i-IODI . Al S l..; b~~l;;: i Towe rs. King Abdulaziz cor. Prtnce Falsal Bin Fail d Streets. AI- Khobar. Saudi Ar abia
e HI '')G6', 3 8El ? 66 3, • FAX (goG) 3 88 7 G5G 5 0 inro1')g otQlt(. com . "'\ IW\v. g o tol

~ I N T E G c.R; A T E D T '" . ... I :-.. I ~: ,~ ~ :-; 1 f, It

. ... 1'0 I V,;> .. ..... , .. ... " .. <.;:. ,,- 0: .. .. 1> co ,
-- --- -- - - - -- -- -- - ---- -- -- - -- - - - --- - --- ---- -
Profession al Trai n ing and Co nsu lta ti on
API 6 53 Pre para to ry
26 th uoco 3 ' ~t A ug ust 2 0 06, Ai-Khobsr, KSA.
Page 3 afS


(b) 6.5 years
(c) 20 years
(d) 15 years

10. Per API 650, calculation of shell thickness by the 1-foot method
cannot be used for tanks :
(a) Under 200 ft. in diameter
(b ) Over 200 ft. in diameter
(c) Under 150 ft. in diameter
(d) Of any size

11. Impressed current system results in following advantages

compared t o Galvanic System.
a. Can be used for large structures
b. Mai nt enance cost is lower
c. Installation is cheaper and easier
d. No external power supp ly req uired

12 . Power source for impressed curren t system sha ll be checked at

int erv als not exceeding:
a. Annually
b. Six months
c. Two mo nths
d. Five yea rs

13. Th ick fil m lining means thickness:

a. Greater t han 10 mils
b. Equal or greater t han 20 mils

).i ll' Flnl1f. .011_SdJ(- ,:;~ i "rowe rs . Ki ng Abdulazi z em . Prin ce Fai val Bin Fahd Stree ts. Al- Khob ar , Saudi Arab ia
Ii TFl 066 'l ~ B87 6 633 . FAX (9 6GJ 3 887 65 6 5 Gi nf o(!l goroitc,com . . .·..'vnv .gotOltc. corr.
T i t .\. 1:": I 1"; (.: C.: i:. :-l "T " it
,.-.l" 1:-0 'm", .." c eo <::1: 11.7 ; >" ..0 C(, I

- --------- - - --- - - - ----:----:--- -- - - - - - -- - - - -

Professional Training and Consultation
API 65 3 Preparatory
25" upto 3/" August 2005, Al- Khobsr. KSA.
Page 40f5


c. Greater than 20 mils
d. Equal or greater than 10 mils

14. Sand blasting and painting operations shall not be performed if

humidity exceeds:

a. 90%
b. 80%
c. 85%
d. 95%

15. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Soil resistivity is a measure of resistance offered by soil to

drill ing operation for oil exploration and it has no
connection with corrosivity of soil.
b. Lower soil resistivity indicates less corrosive soil.
c. Soil resistivity has nothing to do with corrosive ness of soil
because soil corrosion depends on the amount of corrosive
chem icals present in the soil .
d. Higher soil resistivity indicates less corrosive soil.

16. The preferred me thod for inspecting non-metallic coating is:

a. Visual inspection only

b. Holiday detection
c. M.P. check
d. D.P. check

b-" Hotn , Al SuueaerTcwers. "'tng Abdulaziz (or. Prince Fai sal Bm Fahd sn eers. Al- Khobar. Saudi Arabia
Il T::L ZJ GGi ; e ~, 7 6(;3 3 0- FAX e9G£') 3 8ci G3G3 0 m fo:r'gotoitc. com 0 v•rW \ v.q ot o
~INTEGRATED T i~ ,\ I :-'; I }o'G C l;. NT i: 1I
' Al'> lH> ' , ,, .., , • ••..m .. ' ,;:: 1\1" 1" ". 1> (""(.0 . 1

_. - --- _ ._ - - - - -- - - --_._---- - - - - -_..•._- -------- - --- ------ -

Profession al Training and Consultation
API 6 53 Preparatory
26th upto st» Aug usr 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page SofS


17. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing equipment that is
equipped with an ammeter shall be verified:

a. Each year
b. Each two years
c. When possible
d. Every 6 months

18 . It is decided to carryout a surface NDT for austenitic 5.5. welds.

Choose a best combination.

a. Penetrant testing with Halogen free developer

b. Penetrant testing with any aqueous developer
c. Magnetic particle testing with wet particles .
d. Magnetic particle testing with dry particles

19. In ultrasonic testing, for thickness measurement on corroded

surface, use:

a. CRT read out

b. Digital read out
c. Any of above
d. None of above

20 . For wh ich of the following can yoke technique be used?

a. Sub-surface cracks
b. Surface cracks
c. Both a and b
d. For none of a and b

--------------------- end -----------------------

8·'- tt ocr. AI· St..::bf'H':1 'towers. Ring Abdul aziz cor. Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Streets. Al-Khobar. Saud i Arab ia
::l TEL ilJ6€i ~ BS7 6£);3 It FAX ( 9 6 6~ 3 8 8 7 6 5G3 e ln fo .':~ gc r o i te. c o m e v
vww.qo to
'-:;c:--- INTEG Rr"-T ED
T 1\ .\ I 1'; I N U 0;:l tJ T r;
, " N . <O f"> _"" " • •"." , ,, r.1' I' T ' t-I l.J. > ' "0

~ ProfeSSIO nal Traini ng and Consultat io n

'{;;.f fjl
, API 653 Prep a ra tory
26 th upto 31 st August 2006, AI- Khobar, KSA.
Page 1 of 1
Answer Key

'"* ";:, "~~ ~ ,~ ~ . fi/

;~kl ,;
Q. No. Answer - Reference: ', . _;::-
• ' .:-111 Ii::
~ ,
,..c: ;".,..,..."
1 D ASM E Sec. IX, QW - 141.2 ,,,
ASME Sec. IX, Table QW - 461.9
- ",' ...
2 D
3 B ASME Sec. IX Table OW - 452.1

4 B ASME Sec. IX OW - 200:2 (c) ".uf. ~:.t.

5 A ASM E Sec. IX, QW - 142

ASME Sec. IX OW - 451.1 ,'- :./
;.:\~: ;~..
'. r:
6 D
7 D ASME Sec. IX, Table QW - 442

API 653 6.3 .3
OW - 153
.2 (b)
'" L~ ~

10 B API 650, 3.6.3 .1 - _. ~ ~

11 A API 651 6.3.3
12 C API 651 ':- -. ,\,~
t .:t:::,. 13 C API 652 6.1
14 B API 652 7.4 and 8.3 -" ,
15 D API 651 Tab le 1
17 A
B API 575. 7.4.7
ASME Sec. V T-76 1
- ~ ~
'" " ·. i'~ ,

18 A ASME Sec. V, T-641 --,

19 A ASME Sec. V SE - 797 Para. 8
20 B ASME Sec. V T - 776.1
, - ito"'! .-

21 --------- ---------------------------------------------------------

t rn I T\. U: .~r J Ano J \ : A P I ~ fi j 3_FdH \,:?n O(· .\I - K ': o~,l' - 26 - 3 I - Auq u s t - 2 006 ,A PC 6 5 3. PC 2 6 - 3 I -Augus t ~
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7 f) l) ,' ~fl U f, I If) 2 45:' A II.', I NCO

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Fr of::;ssio na.! Tra ining and Consu ltat io n

API 653 Preparatory
2 6 th up to 3 1 st Aug ust 2 006~ AJ-Khoba r, KSA.
Page 1 of 5


Note : Encircle th e letter of only one alternative which you think is most appro priate.

1. A hydrostatic test for a relocated tank:

Ldi!' May be wai ved by the Owner/Operator

~ Is required
c. May be wai ved by the Inspector
d. I s not necessary

2. Minimum th ickness of tank bottom in critical zone shall be at

least 0.1 inch but also it shall be:
a. Greater of: V2 t min for lowest shell course and half of
orig inal thickness in critical zone
LA>. Smal ler of: 112 tmin for lowest shell cou rse and half of
original thickness in cr itical zone
c. 0.1" only
d. 0.05" as from Table 6-1, if leak detection system . is

3. During the hydrostatic test, no less than settlement

measurement points shal l be surveyed.

-0 . 8
b. 10
c. 15
d. 5

4. For vacuum box test, a partial vacuum of at least shall

be used using to check the cracks .

·/'a. 3 psi, penetrating oil

b. 5 psi, water immersion 3 psi, film solution
d. 5 psi, liquid pene trant

L' noo- . i;,l St.n eavt Towe r s. Kin g Ab dut nztz ( C ~ . Prin ce F21 521 Bin Fa-td Streets, Al -Kh ob ar , Sauer Arab ta
e TFi. :'9(.0 ) :; 387 6 63 3 It FA.X ~ 9G 6 j ~ as:" 65 65 ~ i n ~ c ;;' g o : o i t c. c O n1 0 vrv....... g oi C ;: C.CO I1~

--y::: :~~~T~~~~;'- ~~7::

. ...:. '-'V '' ..." .
. '. :,'n l" " n CO,
· ut:..

:--- ---- --- - -

? iores s; on al Trai nf n g a n d Co nsu ltation
API 653 Prepara t ory
26 th up to 3 1sl August 20061 AI-Khobar, KSA.
Page 2 of 5


5. Which tests are usually conducted to verify acceptability of shell
to bottom plate welds! .

a. Penetrating oil .
b. RT
c. Vacuum box test
\...,/""' d . "a" and "c"

6. Except for cast iron parts, internal coils

, and supports may be:
a Dye penetrant tested
b. Leak tested
.,..-c Hammer tested
d. Magnetic particle tested

7. At the next out-of-service inspection on a tank that has had a

hot tap performed, the visual inspection should include:

a. Size of t he hot tap nozzle holes

b. Thickness of the plate at the hot tap
c. Height of the hot tap from the tank bottom
t...d-:' Trimming of the hot tap nozzle holes

8. The term "roof drain" is applicable for which type of tanks?

a. Tanks with a breathe r device inst all ed on the roof

b. High octane fuel tanks (Dome roof tanks)
~c. Tanks with floating roofs (open top-tanks)
d. Tanks with internal floating roof

9. Industry experience and laborat ory test have shown that a

membrane stress in tank shell plates of at least is
requi red to cause failure due to brittle fracture?

a. 500 psi
b. 100 Mpa
c. 7 ksi
d. 18 kg/ m m 2

0' <Io cr . Al - Subeaet Tow ers. King Abd el aziz co-. Pri nce Fatsal Sin Fahd St re ets , AI-K ho bar, Saudi Arabia
• 7 '~ 1 . ' Sr.(;i S ::; S? CG 3 3 a F,'\..x {gGb:: 3 SS7 656 5 2 i nfc,':::' gotci rc. com SI ,:.'WW.90i0l : c.r om
.- - ;--- :I !~~TEGR.t-\.TED
I ........... e s \ ; s ::-. n (~ r. :-l T l-lt
... .• '.'I....•.•.. ..•."" ..:.. ... J ; ~ !l " , • •.,

--- -- - - ---_ ._- ---- ~--- - - _._- - --- -- ----_._ - ------- - - - - -

:=- -:.'f es sior:a i Tra in [ng an d Cons ultation
API 653 Pr eps re t orv
26t/1 up t o 31 st Aug ust 20 06, A/~Khobar, KSA.
Page 3 of 5


10. Which of the following is an advantage of magnetic particle

testing over penetrant testing?
a. it can detect surface discontinuities with foreign material
imbedded in them
b. It is faster on individual parts
c. It can detect near-surface discontinuities
d. All of the above

11. Which of the following types of discontinuities is not normally

detected by radiography?

a. Cracks
b. Incomplete penetration
L-C Lam inations
d. Slag

12. The reason for periodica l inspection of ASTs is to:

a. Determine their physical condition

, J b. Determ ine the rate of deterioration
c. Maint ain safe operating conditions
~ All of the above

13. Resistance of grounding connection shall not be,

t.z:" more than 25 Ohms

b. less than 1 Meg-Ohm
c. less than 25 Ohms
d. more than 5 Ohms

';;" Hoot . ;',1 )1, I) e i.l ~ ! t ower s. King Abdula ztz cor. Prince Faisal Bin Fa.h d Streets . Al -Khob ar. Sauc l Arabia
c: T:::L ('JGG} 3 88 760333 0 FAX t9 G6J 3 887 65 65 " i:'r:: a;g..g a~ai [ Cl v..w w.qotoi m
II'~ TEGR.t-".a..TED
-r ...
.... s ;~ u
I ~; ~
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~; (; r~ ~
~ LOC ... , :;
S T I· . 1
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P:Gfes s io na l I ra in ing and Consu ltat io n

API 653 Prepara tory
26th upto 31 $1 August 2006, A/~ Kh obar, KSA.
Page 4 of 5


14. Internal inspection is primarily to:

va . All of the below

b. Ensure that the bottom is not corroded and leaking;
c. Gather data for shell assessment
d. Identify and evaluate bottom settlement.

15. Repairs on butt welds shall be radiographically examined by:

~ Full radiography over entire repaired lengt h of we ld

b. 1 spot on repair portion for each vertical weld
c. 1 spot on each 50' fo r horizontal weld
:.<-CEY. "b" and "c"

16. The API 653 standard covers the maintenance inspection,

repairs, alteration , relocation and reconstruction of tanks
constructed to as basic standards though it
may be adopted for other tanks also.
b. API 651
c. API 652
c/d . API 650

17. The complete or partial removal and replacement of more

tha n 12 , inches of a vertica l weld joining shell plates is
cons idered a: . '
a. minor alteration
b. minor repa ir
v c. major alteration
'" d. major,repair
(i ' 1'\ l1J! ,\I :Hl h ::' i": ~; , Towe r S. K,n g Ah dulaz tz cor. Pi mc e r eu er Ern Falld Stre et s. ...\1- K I~ obar, Salle ! Arab ia
• "l Fj, ~ Ij ('b ,l 3 8 ~7 6633 0 FAX 196 6J 3 ga7 6 55 5 0 info\~ g otoj t c. co m 0 wv....w .qoro- rc.corn
o "
.~ 1 I'·I T ]~GR.t'\TED
- ..,- :" \ 1S t ~: U I .~ ~ N I It iI
d .', I ~~ . ·" ..., .. ~ r; ," :; .. -; ,,.,, 1> ..... .

F i07 eS.s;o na f l i Zirtl;l g and C onsultat io n

API 653 Pr epara tory
2 6 1/1 uoto 31 st Augus t 2 00 61 At- Khobsr, KSA.
Page 5 of 5

DAILY EXAM 4 (CLOSED) ee.", /c....; I'v5 0 cc u."rU

I i'\. \J V .(,. i c c.( C/LJ. "
o....-J fCl.N<-cL ~ -::. OC'::: \.W'"
18. The difference between peaking and banding is:
i '\.. Roy P:;.(I.- ? "J'
a. peaking pertains to the roof; OJ t-L...L
b. banding is external t o the tank;
t- ". peaking pertains to vertical weld seams, banding
pertains to horizontal weld seams;
C€l-:" peaking pertains to horizontal weld seams, banding
pertains to vertical weld seams.

19. The minimum interval for external inspection by a qualified

inspector is _ _ years or at the quarter corrosion-rate life of
the shell, whichev er is less:
a. Twenty
<-1J. Five
c. Ten
d. Fifteen

20. The minimum retirement th ickness of an annular plate ring is

usually greater than:

~ 0.10 inch
b. 0 .25 inch
c. 0.0625 inch
d. 0 .1 875 inch

-- - - - - ------------- - end - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- --- -

~" 1" 1 ~' " ,':.' Sub" ,:" TC'::~f ~ Y.i :'II] ..... bdt.laziz CQ ' Prince Fa :s;:1 81:1 FJ. l1d Str ee ts . Al -Khcbar, $iw dl A rabia
o l l.t. \(j £, L' ! .~ S8 ? i.iG :3 tI FAX r.9 ()6i 3 58 7 6 56 5 It i n = o',~ g o :: o it c. co m C we.. w .coron c.corn
r" "
, ~. N: , ~"
1 '" I ~ l Cl t : I : .... -r ~ It
..,,,,, 'U''''' , <.1 lUI)' ' ' 0 , : .. "

Pro le ssio na l Trai ni ng and C onsulta tion

API 653 Preparatory

26"' upto 31" August 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page 1 of 1
Answer Key

. .,.:;,;"'i~
'iefer~nce-# 4;;:-<'~%" .~;*-i

Q. No. Answer ,
1 B API 653, (a)
2 B API 653 4': 4.7.4 • ~'. ., ,.;"'b.,,;;:,~ ",,J\':'.ti;:~-1.?.'f>);;.Jl
3 A API 653,
4 C API 650. 6 .6.3 '... 2. ~ u ,~~c=?L"

5 D API 653 12.1.6. 1

6 C API 574. 7.4:9 ":-= ,.",~, 'i. ""'-'jl~~, .,.~ ji -~,

7 D API 653 9.14. + General Knowledqe

8 C Ge nera l Knowledoe for Tank Insoector;;:' '?1!),';''''\' '>'2 iFrr."",•..?t'j;i-~
9 c API 653 5.3 .6
10 D General Knowledne for Anv Insoector . !~ _;' ~~, ff.t~
11 C ASMEV. Art. 2 + General Knowledqe
12 D API 575. 5.1 " -r.:.-- i:' ~; ..."',..;\,C .
13 A API 575, 7 .2.6
, ~'''!,-. ,'{' '''' ;l?:':
14 A API 653. " .. -
15 A API 653 12.1.3 .20
16 D API 653. '1. 1. 1 ;>j;-" ,
17 D API 653. 12.3 .1.2 (c)
171 8 .eD API 653. 10.5.4 , ;.;i ~ ~ -, i l ,,';c ,;tt""'''\'i;r~
19 B API 653. 6.3.2
. 20 A API 653 ~ i ' ', .t' ~ ; 'f~' " ~.'" :-ii-:J '.....'.<dO;
l 21 ----- ---- -------------------------------------------------------.-

-r; ,'. • ~ ·c·d": ~ .I . l( ' n ~J -.c-actoz.z c or. ?r,n::e Fo !!:::: bn -ono S t re-3' I~ . .~.I - Kllob a r . ':;ou oi Arobio
':: .. • :=.~ ; ~ '~ :; -' . ::.:':·. 196 61 ·: 5.3:> !;S6 S - l'i :-:; s.;: :,.:.:;itc..c o m _ w ·..........,'.gqtoitC.COrr.
~ lI'':TE G ,:I=t.r~TED
I l ~ . ', ! h I ~' L~ 1_ ~ T 1:;4
• •••, . :;.<.> ... " . . ." ., ,, . ~ .:: .. 7n " , . CO. ,

Profes s to n al T ra ining an d Co nsu ltation

AP/653 Preparatory
26t h upto s t « A ug ust 2006, AI-Khob ar, KS"A.
Page lofS


Note: Tick only one alternative which you think is most appropriate.

1. Typical corroded areas on a shell plate are exhibited below in Figure

1 with measured thickness in inches indicated on the sketch. The
minimum required thickness of the shell plate is 0 .750" and C.A.
required is 0.15".

Figure 1 :. . ~<; >

0.65 X AREA "A"

0.66 x

x 0 .72

xO .54 AREA "S"

x 0.75

x 0.72

x 0.66 AREA "C"

x 0 .75


The t ot al length of arrow line drawn is 8 inches. The length of

the line in each of the corroded areas A, Band Care 1.5",
0.3" and 0.2" respectively. Comment on the acceptability of
the corroded condition.
"'8. Acceptable
b. Not acceptable
c. Conduct a patch plate repair
d. The pitting can be ignored as a case of widely scattered

b:~ f l DCI . _~j - Subea ei 1 0':;1;: 1"5. KIng Abd ul aztz COl . Prince Faisal Bin Falla Street s. Al- Khobar . Saud i .Arabia
• 'TE L ::)65'1 ~ BS7 5533 0' f AX (9(,6) 3 BS7 6565 c mf o':"DgOto 0 w ww.q c

T ;: .v I e-, I ~; (~ C E. :-.: T 1: ;:
..••'_ ,.. , -,_,.. j ,',.::,_ .·'·..... l~" . • • ,'" I

-- - - - - -- ----- -- - - - ---------- ----

P r o f~ssio i1a i t ra;n :ng and Co ns u ltat io n

API6S3 Preparatory
2 @h upto 31 1t August 2006, AI-Khobar, KS'A.


2. A tank is constructed as per API 650. Its original thickness is 0.500

inch. Its diameter is 25 feet and height is 15 feet. After 10 years,
the tank is inspected ancithe following readings are recorded on the
shell. Figure 2 exh ibits a corroded portion of the developed shell of
the tank from the inside . The designed corrosion allowance is
0.125". Minimum thickness (t2 ) is among the following readings.

Plane A Plane B Plane C Plane 0

0.345 0.500 0.450 0.480

0.400 0.450 0.400 0.475

0.500 0.435 0.330 0.315

0.480 0.475 0.350 0.275

0.495 0.485 0.375 0 .300

0.480 0.450 0.400 0.350

0.485 0.470 0.425 0.400

t' ,'-I ~ b a· -n·'

Fi gu r e 2

: It':)I. !" 's·_: :; ~.l '.: TO·....·~I ... . k.1 :-:y A~d 'J I (! 2" z cot . Prtr ce ~·a!!:".1 Ei n Fn. hC: S:r'.:" ~ T:-' ..Al - Khob ar.
Saudl Arabia
0: TEL f9EG'; ~ 58 , 5(·33 0 f;\ X !9GGj 3 BB: Gi GS c l n f o -:i; g ot o i ~c. c o rr; 0 ww·rr ,c otou c.ccrn
---r- ...........
I N 'TE. C; l-l..t-'...'T E:L:'
l :~ ,,: ·. , ~;.; ' -<: :"I T :i. H
....,. .. ,"" . -,..." · . ,,..":',..
; ~ •• " I . ,· ~

-- - -- - ------ - - -:-=- --:---:-- - -

P :OfE S S ~O ri 2 ! !:ain i:1 g an d Co ns u ltat io n

AP/653 Preparatory
2 6 th upto 31S' August 2006, Al - Khobsr; KSA.
Page 3 of 5


What is the minimum thickness recorded?

a. 0.315"
vb . 0.275"
c. 0 .330"
d. all of the above

3. Calculate the critical L dimension for this cond ition

~S "" " .2; 5-
L -; 3 '}

.....-a. 9 .7 " ... q .1-'"

b. 40"
c. 12"
d. All of the above

4. For the same conditions of Figure 2 if the location of the bottom of

the critical length is 2 feet from the tank floor and the designed
liquid height is 12 f eet what is the value of H in the formula fo r
calculating t min? \) .
~ .....
a. 3 feet o •
l I b. 15 feet
vt. 10 feet
d. 13 feet

5. Find the value of S which ma y be assumed for the lower course of

old tank for calculat in g t min considering the fact that the material is
A516 gr 70.

04. 30,000 psi

b. 18 ,0 0 0 psi
c. 23,995 psi
d. 23,595 psi

;.: F -., r . . . .1 :; : t: '.: ~ (, j T D ~VO: ·· S . 1,I:1g A bdul az-z COf. Prir:c ,>: Fa:sr.! Bir. Fahd Street s. Al -Kh ohar . Sa ~d l Arabi a
. i:'L :'}G(,: 3 SS;' ::; C33 II> r .;";.\" :9GG; ::' 567 '3 5C15 4 111fo '~'; gOto l~ ('': O ITi . ·.v.w v, qcto it c.cor-i
l K TE. G R~-'..T ED
: ;:: . _ 1 - , : ~: (; c: ... ~:

....... ,... ....", ."..",.",".TIl·" " .:.;•.•

-r i r;

. - _.. .-- - - - - - - - -- _ ._-- -

? rc fessi oi":al T: z in i n g an d Co nsult ati o n

AP/653 Preparatory
2(jrh upto st« August 2006 AI-Khobar, KSA.

Page 4 ar S


6. Find the value of the allowable stress in the first shell course
of the conditions of the tank considered in above question if
material is not known .
a. 4680 psi
Vb. 23600 psi
c. 2550 psi
d. 30000 psi

7. From t he data of Figu re 2, wh ich of the plane above will be

considered to calculate t 1?

a. Plane a
b. Plane b
c. Plane c
vet. Plane d

8. What will be the value of t 1 for above question?

a. 0.380"
b. 0.397"
c. 0.468"
Jd . 0.371"

9. A corroded roof plate is found to have an average thickness of

0.1 " measured over an area of 100 sq. inches. This area shall
a. Repaired or replaced
.AS. Found to be acceptable
c. Repair is prohibited
d. Replacement is mandated

:.:; ~ :-' ... -\.i t;:" ~C~<H:; Trr... ~; 'i . [\mq Abdul azrz ( OT. D ~ in C E F<1i ~ ,,:;.1 Bin Fa hC: Stre et s . At-Kh oba r. Sa ud i Ara bi a
• il!. ":l',l £ ~ j SS ;" £i t ,3 :; • F1; :" !9 5 0} 3 he,: ~ 3 6 ~ C! 1 · 1 ~ C ':~ 9 C to i : c. c C' :1 1 • \",~·.~.'i . g:)tO li C. C Or'1
~ -
----......... .--- ". ..... - '-'l- "'C ' ''' 7 '") '\ ..-- - ,
~"'-. , .'-.,"" .:.....,:......' ...-.... ~... J. .t:.. .
I :' .' I , ~ I >-. ,; " i. ~ . T t it
. " , : .. >.,.... , .·..".. . ,,,·:-·:'·1. ' ·' · '
c:---~-,------ - - - -- ---
;,:)rc'i ::;s sion al T :-ainin g and C o nsu ltati o n

AP/ 6S3 Preparatory

2@h upto st« Augus t 2 006, AI-Khobar, K:S"A.
page50f S


10. When determining average thickness in a corroded area of a

shell, a minimum of equally paced measurements shall be
ta ken ove r a lengt h of L. Spa'.)
a. 10
vb . 5
~. 8
d. 6

11. Vertical we lds must be ful ly radiographed if the shell

thickness ex ceeds inches:
a. 3/4
Ur. 1
c. 1 - 1/4
d. 1 - 112

12 . Anticipated minimum t hickness of tan k bottom where bottom

/ foundation design provides for leak detection and
conta inment is:

a. 0 .10 inch
----6, 0.05 inch
c. 0.09 inch
d. same as wit hout leak detection and conta inment

----------- ------------------ End ------- ----------------- - - -- -

~. F LOI -\I Sl: :) ~il l2: 1 T Q\o.... ~I ~ . ll. !n g Ahdul aziz COL P~i r.( ",= ::".i s<,.l Blr' F ~ r: C1 Sn eers . Al -K hcbm . Saudi Ar abi a
• j ' EL ':)65: 3 537 [,633 • F;\ ~: :SGU! :5 &57 G56 5 e I;l fo';C 9 0 tc i ~ c. c om Cl \·I\.;"W. g Q t o !rc,co ~
~. v .. t..: T
•,, 0...,. ,'.••
\ I " \ l .
,,' HO' :,..... c o r TI . II. "
I I•
. ,• •

Profes sional Tra ining and Consultation

~ :Q!..q
'"'I • •'
" AP/6S3 Preparatory
2 @h upto st» August 2006. AI-Khobar. KS4.
Page lof2


Q1. The pits are acceptable if: ~'1-
a. Thickness at bottom of pit (e xcluding C.A.) ~h tmin.; and
b. Sum of dimensions in 8" lenqth s 2"

In the example,

a. The minimum thickness at bottom of the pit = 0.54"

The thickness e ~s: lud ing C.A. = 0.54 - 0.15 = 0.39"
This thickness ~ V2 tmln
0 .39" @:}V2 (0.75), i.e. , 0.39" ~ 0.375" ---------- OK
b. Total sum = 1.5 +0.3+ 0 .2 = 2" - - - - - - - - - OK


Q2. Minimum thickness (tz) = 0.275


Q3. L= 3.7~Dt2 = 3.7~25 x 0.275 = 9.7


Q4. liq uid height = 12 '

H = 12' - 2' = 10'

~~1 ,'\ I-Sub~<1 : i

S' ! toc r, "rowe rs. 1 ~1l19
Ahdul az tz cor. t'n nce rc .se! Bin r an rt Streets. Al- Khobar . Saudi Arabia
• 1H 196G) ] 887 G633 • FAX (U6(i J 3 SSi' G5GS • mfo::,l 'goto •
t- , •
I ;; , • ~. I ~l . , i- I .. I
.... ~. " ' ~ ' " '' ' ' .-"nt· . :.... I ~ " .. . . . .
Profession al Train ing and Consultation

API6S3 Preparatory
26" uato 3 1" August 2006. AI-Khobar; II:S"A.
Page lof2


Q5. Refer Table 4 -1
S = 30,000 psi

Q6. Consider the value for:

Y = 30,000 psi and
T = 55,000 psi
Refer Table 4-1

Q7. The total of thicknesses taken on plane D works out to =

2.595" which is smallest of all planes A, B, C, and D.

Q8. Value of tl = 2.73/7 = 0.371"


Q9. The thickness is more than 0.09" - - - - - - - OK





~, I rc o r. -\ I - $ l.lo:;., t:; • • o ,-,er s, KIIl 9 ~'\ bdu I JZ I Z cor. Pnnce r al s ~ 1 Bill rcner S t r~e t5l . A t-K ho bar , Saudi Arabia
• 1El ! <) C: ~) J ee, UJ33 • FA X iYflUI ~ tiS; 1j56 5 • tntoa-qotomrorn • www.qc rou
'1' I, •• I N IN O C L N f L I.
t ,\S . ... . ''''In . . .. ..u r.• "'"T 'ULU u ... ~

- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
Prof ession al Trai ni ng and Co nsu lt at io n

API 653 Preparatory

26'· upto 31" August 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA.
Page 1 of 1


Answer Key

Q. No. Answer Reference .

1 A API 653 4 .3 .2.2
2 B API 653 4.3 .2.1(~ - - "'";, .
3 A API 653 . 4 .3 .2 .1 (b)
4 C API 653. 4 .3.3.1 '~ ~ - ,,, ,.......,
5 A API 653 Table 4-1
6 B API 653 . 4.3 .3.1
7 D API 653 . 4.32.1 (c)
8 D API 653 4 .32.1 (c) .
9 B API 653, 4 .2. 1. 2
10 B API 653 . ""' "

----- --
API 650.
API 653.
Ro.6 -1
Table 6-1
I 't.• ~ ..,' ""
., ,.;; .,"

...............__ - _ - --- _- ..................................................•-- _-_.

~ f- lJ(j 1 :.. "u ~ lhte ' In.; 'fO l :' . IWHJ Abd ula z iz COL Pn nce Faisnl Itm fil hd Stre e t s . At- Khobar . Saudi Arabia
.. It !.. : ~ (;.(; j .::; SE; (·&33 • I-AX { ~661 3 ss; () ~ G :, • Iflf o·.:PgoI Oltc. com • www.qor ou c.ccm
- -- -- - ---- - - - -
? jc r~ssi c n e. j Tra i~:n g and Consulta tion
AP/653 Preparatory
26th upto s t » August 2006, AI -Khobar, K5A.
Page l of 6


Note: Encircle the letter of only one answer which you think is most appropriate.

1. Maximum design internal pressure in an AST referred to by API

650 and API 653 is:

vii. Not exceeding 2.5 psig

b. 15 psig approximately
c. Not exceeding 5.00 psig
d. None of the above

2. As per API 650, the design metal temperature of an AST is based

on the lowest one-day mean temperature in the locality where
the tank is installed, it is:

a. 15°C above the lowest one day mean temperature of the

vb. 8°C above the lowest one day mean temperature of the
c. Same as t he lowest one day mean temperature of the
d. 5°C below the lowest one day mean temperature of the

3. In an AST built to API Standard 650, the minimum nominal

t hickness of bottom plates, exclusive of specified corrosion
allowance shall be:

a. 12.7 mm (1/2")
b. 8 mm (5/16")
.,c, 6.0 mm (1/4")
d. 5 mm (3/16")

4. The fu ll course width for shell plate as per API 650 shall be

vB. 72 "
b. 96"
c. 60"
d. 90"
. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -
? r0 fess i !1 2! T r ai n in q and Consu lta tio n
AP/653 Preparatory
26" uoto 3 ,,, August 20 06. At-Khober, KSA.
Page 2 of6


5. In accordance with API Standard 653, Repairs and Alteration

have been defined as distinct activities. State which of the
following activities does not constitute an Alteration?

a. The addition of man-ways and nozzles greater than NPS 12

b. Increase and decrease in tank shell height
0. Replacement of damaged flange on nozzle by flange of
same size and material
d. All of the above

6. In accordance with API Standard 653, Repairs and Alteration

have been defined as distinct activities. Activity which entails any
work necessary to maintain or restore a tank to a condition
suitable for safe operation. State which of the following activities
does not constitute repair?

a. Re-Ieveling and/or jacking of a tank shell, bottom or roof

b. Addition of reinforcing plate/s to existing shell
<c. Changing the content with higher specific gravity
d. Repair of flaws, such as tears or gouges, by grinding
followed by welding

7. In accordance with API Standard 653, Critical Zone for repairs to

a tank bottom is that portion which is:

a. Measured vertically upwards along shell , within 6" of tank

./IS. Measured radially inward, within 3" of the inside edge of
c. Measured rad ially outward within 1 '12" of outside edge of
d. A circular area measurable radially within 12" from center
of tank bottom

8. Normally the corrosion rates of the tank bottom control the

inspection interval, which are based on the actual or anticipated
rates of corrosion. In the case of a tank, where corrosion rates
are not known, and where similar service experience is not

~,,; ~ :. .s.. =I!~ ::(: : T'J....c ;-s. \( P'i Q /, :; d 2 !; Z cor. Pn nce Faisal 5!,,; r and Sti' € ~!$. ;; I· Kho ba '-, S ~l 11 Ci Ara.xa
a ; b .. : ',E,G) 3 ,137 GG33 ~ FAX (96 G) :1 dS , 6 ) 6 5 c.'l ; :"l :D ~ ~ g O l O J tC. ( o rr. It ~V'\"','.(;i ot O I : ~ . C O r1
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P ro fas s~oi'l fl l Trai n ing and Cons ultat io n
AP/ 6S3 Preparatory
26 th upto 3/ Jt Aug ust 20 06, AI-Khobar, KSA.
Page 3 of6


available, the actual thickness of the bottom is to be determined
by due inspections within:

a. 20 years
b. 5 years
---c. 10 years
d. 2 years

9. In case of the follow ing cond itions, the risk of failure by brittle
fracture in an AST built to API Standards is minimal:

a. Tank shell thickness 5/8" and shell metal temperatures at

20°F and above
_ b. Tank shell thickness 1jz" and shell metal temperatures at
60°F and above
c. Tank shell thickness 3/ 4" and shell metal temperatures at
32°F and above
d. Tank shell thickness 1" and shell metal temperatures at
OaF and above

10. As per API Standard 653, a routine, in service, close visual

external inspection of an aboveground storage tank CAST) shall
be done, at an interval not exceed ing:

a. One year
dla . Five years
~ One month
d. Ten years

11. As AST has a measured shell thickness of 0.75"; and its

minimum required thickness is OS'. The known rate of corrosion
of shell is 5 mils per year. As per API Sta ndard 653, when shou ld
the externa l visual inspect ion by an Authori zed Inspector be
carried out at an interval not exceed ing ?

a. One year
~ Five years
c. Twelve and half years
d. Ten years

;-;0 1 : Al- ':'w ::! c:: (·' Towers. K . n ~; A~ ch:; a z iz cor , PnriCC f a1s a! Ei"1 F" h d Streets. Al -K ho ba!', Saudi Araofa
" ~ E~ !'] GG: OJ 83 ;' -563 3 c Fft.x :966 ) 3 8 3 7 6 5 (; ~ c !~, :o ', l g O ! O l t C. C C i11 ':I wvvvv ,qotc m
- ----- -- - - - ---
Pr:::fe2s:C.·nzl Traininq and Co ns u lta t ion
AP/6S3 Preparatory
26" up t o 3 1" August 2006, Al- Kbobe r, KSA.
Pag e 4 of5


12. An AST has a measured shell thickness of 0.75; and its minimum
required thickness is 0.5". The rate of corrosion of shell is not
known. As per API Standard 653, the external ultrasonic
thickness measurement shall be carried out an interval not
exceedi ng :

a. One year
v-lr. Five years
c. Six & half years
d. Ten years

13. An AST has a measured shell thickness of 0.75"; and its'

minimum required thickness is 0.5 ". The known rate of corrosion
of shell is 5 mils per year. As per API Standard 653, t he externa l
ultrasonic th ickness measurement sha ll be carried out at an
interval not exceeding:

a. One yea r
b. Twenty-five years
~ Fifteen years
d. Ten years

14 . Corrosion on the bottom side of floor plates in aboveground

storage ta nks is affected most by:

a. Composition of the contents stored in the tank < .

b. Weldin g procedures used during construction of t he ta nk
c. The metal used for construction of the t ank floor
'--'"t'l. Soil characteristics directly underneath t he ta nk

15. If arc strikes, gouges, or tears from temporary attachments are

ident ified, th ey:

~ Must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

b. Must be repaired by welding with an appropriate repair
c. Must be repaired by removing the plate area conta ining the
scars and welding in a butt-welded patch
d. Are acceptable, provided they are mo re than 2 feet from
any wel d seam

',. A ;. ~ :! !: ::~, T::'::.t:J"s, 1(11": 9 ." ::' d ~. raz z co r. P :'"I r. ~ ~ r ::! : ~ ;;!.1 5,:'"", FJhd S t;· ~e. ' :. ;-':-;l,r:ob::,"" Sauci ;V ~.); a
• i l·L \ ) ; .r: 1 B ~ ~' 6f.3 1 0 f AX [!.H:,G:O 3 SS;' :,} ~ 65 I;: l ;"'l f o' 7' ~ o t r) l t r ':O'T: 0 "·,,v.":' . 9 a '.Q ';' CCtW~
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- ---- - - - --- - - - ---::-- -:-

AP/6S3 Preparatory
26" upto 3 I" August 2 006, Al -Kbobsr, KSA.
Page Sof 6


16. Reinforcement pads shall be tested by applying pressure

between the tank shell and reinforcement plate using the telltale
hole. How much pressure is used to perform this inspection?

a. 15 psig hydrostatic pressure

b, 5 psig pneumatic pressure
c. 5 psig hydrostatic pressure
~ 15 psig pneumatic pressure

17 . According to API 653, authorized inspection agency is :

a. Inspection organization of jurisdiction

b. Inspection organization of insurance company which
underwrites insurance of storage tanks
c. Inspection organization of owner-operator
~ Any of the above

18. For all repairs and alterations under API 653 , the ultimate
responsibility rests with:

......a.- Owner-operator
b. API Committee
c. API 653 Inspector
d. Jurisdiction Authority

19 . In API 653, the term "RBI" mea ns:

a. Repairing Before Inspection

b. Report Based Inspection
c. Repair Based Inspection
--e~ Risk Based Inspection

20. Partial or complete jacking of a tank shell is considered :

a. Routine maintenance
b. An alteration
....c-- A repair
d. None of the above

.~ :- :.CJ ,\ .} ~ ::) ~' . e' 70 ''' ·C f~ . KmCj AOCl :.-l: : :z C'Jr. P :I;' C ~ != aiSil l m:i r z.hC St('2 et s. A I - !t..l~o b il f. Sauc l AraJI;
" T:". ,",jf,C) 3 ,~ S j' GG33 e FAX i 9GGj :; 88 ;- 6 565 Q l:"l fo·.;oYO:Olt C.CO:n C ',v.'vvv ,g Oi.C :1C. C0r.1
, 11".... T 1='r-'
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P rc f5s s ~ o n = ' I rai ni n g and Co ns ulta tion

AP/653 Preparatory
26" upco 3 T" August 2006, A/-Khobar, K5A.
Page 6of6


21. A corroded area of a tank bottom plate is filled -up by welding
overlay. There is no change in the rating and no change is made
on the nameplate. Which of the follow ing is the correct term to
describe this process?

~ Repair
b. Alteration
c. Can be repair or alteration
d. Neither repair or alteration

22. Under wh ich of the conditions listed below is external inspection

of tank bottom plate permitted to be done in lieu of interna l

~ In cases where constructions size or other aspects allow

external access to the tan k bottom to determine plate
b. External inspect ion to determine bottom plate th ickness is
never permitted in lieu of internal inspection
c. For tan ks made of materials wh ich have exce llent chemical
d. All of t he above.

--- --- -- -- -------- ----- -- -- End -------- --------- ----------

: I . . .. I 1": I ,.; • .; , ' L N T I I•
• to. '" , . .. . . . , .. . ... " ' ." l' T IJ " .1' • •, .

~~ Profe ssional Train ing and Co nsul tation

"~l~ '
API 653 Preparatory
26 th upto 31 st August 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page 1 of 1


Answer Key

Q. No. Answer Reference c

1 A API 653 3.3

2 B API 650 , .'" ;, ..
3 C API 650 3 .4 .1
4 A API 650 3.4.1
5 C API 653 3 .1
6 C API 653 3.15
7 B API 653 3 .9
8 C API653,
9 B API 653, Flq. 5-2 & 5.3.4 & 5 .3.5
10 C API 653 6 .3.1.2
11 B API 653, 6,3 .2 .1
12 B API 653, 6 .3.3.2 (a) .."
13 C API 653 , 6.3 .3.2 (b)
14 D API 653
15 A API 653, 4 .3 .6
16 D APL650 5.3.4
17 D API 653, 3.4
18 A API 653, 1.2
19 D API 653 3.4.3
20 C API 653 3.15
l 21 A API 653, 3 .15
22 A API 653 6.5
23 ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------

~ .., lr c c. . :..! ~ t l : h:: n t: 1 T U\"~ I;: I ~ . Klrl g Abdul az iz COl . Pun ce ran a! Bin Eah d St reets . Al -K hob ar , Sa udi Arab ia
• TLL i 96 G) 3 8 87 6 6 3 3 . fA,X (966) 3 88 7 6 ~ (j 5 • Info ) ' • rn
- I 1< . , I "'. I t " , ; t ; L N -:- " II
' ' '=' ' .' ••••••.. ~ "' '' ' C.I ·. " ·'l l rrl· ' ( ' ·

- - -
Pro fes si o nal Trai ni ng and Consultation
API 653 Preparatory
26 th upto 31 s t August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 10f 4


Note : Encircle th e letter of only one ans wer which you think is m ost appropria t e.

1. AST fabricated to API 650 (Basic Standard) is normally designed

not to exceed an operating temperature of:

a. 260 deg C
b. 100 deg C

90 deg C
21 deg C

2. Minim um size of fi llet welds in the construction or repairs of an

AST built to API Standard 650 is:

a. Higher of 6 mm (0.25") or half of t he th ickness of thinner

plate joi ned.
b. Higher of 9 mm (0 .25 ") or one third of the thickness of
thicker plate joined.
@ High er of 5 mm (0.1875") or one third of the thickness of
th inn er plate joined .
d. Lowe r of 6 mm (0 .25 ") or half of the th ickness of thinner ,
plate joined.

3. As per API Sta ndard 650, t he ove rlap at lap-welded joi nts shall
be at least five ti mes t he nominal th ickness of t he t hinner plate,
but need not exceed, ,

a. 2" fo r sing le-welded lap joints and 4" for double welded
lap joints
1" for single-welded lap joints and 2" for double welded
lap j oi nt s
c. 1.5" for singl e-weld ed lap joints and 2" fo r do uble welded
lap j oints
d. 1.5" for sinql e- weided lap j oi nts and 1" for double welded
lap jo ints

4. Calculate by t he 1-Foot method th e design shell thickness Td in

inches, of the following description of tank built to API Standard
~ . ; Inor .'1 1 ~l!h e , \ I' 1 10\-, er v. Ki nf] Ab d :.tI<l 7 IZ t or . Prmre Fmsal Bin Fahd Streets, Al- Khohar, Saud i Arabia
• r:t ~ :.h.i r. ) :; 8 5 7 (.G3:> • FAX 19 6 G' :; aS7 6 565 • • www.qoto nc .co rn
---.:;c--- lN TEGRATED • 11, .. l r JI N O
, ,, ,.., I~n ...... ;
C:t.N ' £ H
lOIn " ...·.ft·1UIrU (".(• •

Pr o fession al Training and Consultation

API 653 Preparatory
26th upto 31 5 ' August 2006, AI-Khobar,K5A
Page 20f4


H = Design liqu id level = 50 feet

D = Nominal Tank Diameter = 180 feet
G = Design Specific Gravity = 0.86
CA = Corrosion Allowance = O. 0625"
Sd= Allowable stress in design condition, in psi
Shell Materia l = ASTM A36M
Td = design shell thickness, inch(es)
St= Allowable stress for hydrostatic test condition, in psi
Tt = hydrostatic test shell thickness, inch(es).
_ . /

Where, Td = 2.6 D (H -1) G + CA

Sd :: 2-;' 2 0 0
a 0.912"
b. 0.850"
c. 1"
d. 0.922"

5. Calculate by t he 1-Foot method the hydrostatic test shell

t hic kness Tt in inches, of th e above referred tan k, when water
is used fo r the test :

Where, Tt = 2.6 D (H -1)

St : 2 '1 ' \ 0 "
a. 0.935"
b. 0.985"
c. 1"
@ 0.922"

6. Maximum Reinforcement thickness of vertical butt joints of a

tan k shell plate of 28mm , of an AST built to API Standard 650
shall be: -

@.) 5mm
b. 2.4mm
c. 1. 6mm
d. 3mm

• •• • -- • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• - - - - - • • ••• • •• • • • o u • •• • • • _

}.; - tc o t , A I . :)L: n eiH' j 1nw er s Kmg Ab d ula ztz ( o r. Prince Farsal Bin Fa hd Stre et s , Al- Kho ba r. Saud i Ara bia
• H I. !'.!(i[.j:;; S87 66 33 . FAX (966 ) :> 88 7 6 56 5 . in fo:fiJgot www.qo rn
~- l N T E G R A T E D
I 1\ .. I r: I : J (. l.: L t< " ., .,
• ". "" " .... ... ,... . 1 " " " ' . 1 1\'J II I I I ' , { J ,

Pro fess ional Training and Consultation
API 653 Preparatory
26 th upto 31" August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 30f4


7. Vertical joints of a 28 mm thick shell of an AST built to API Std.

650 shall be radiographed to the extent as given below:

a Full
b. Partial
c. Spot
d. Nil
8. In an AST built to API Standard 650, the bottom annular plates
have radial weld joints, and are single butt we lded with
permanent back-up bar, in which case, the extent of
radiographing radial joints shall be,

a. One spot on 50% of radial joint

b. One spot on 10% of radial joints
c. Full radiography of all radial joints
d. RT - Nil; only MT of 100% joints is adequate.

9. As per API Std. 650, personnel who perform and evaluate

radiographic examinations (RT) shall have a minimum
qualification as follows:

a. Shall have a vision of Jaeger No.2 .

~ Shall be qualified as Level II of ASNT SNT-TC-1A
c. Shall not be color blind .
d. Shall have an experience of at least te n years in RT.

10. The minimum required shell thickness of a Tank of 60 Meter

diam eter ( 200 ft. diameter), built to API Sta nda rd 650, sha ll be:

a. Design shell thickness plus corrosion allowance

b. Hydrostatic Test shell thickness
c. 8 mm (5/16")
@ G reate r o f a, b , c

n' ;:10 0 ' , . 4I· ::':.: il t-M' 1 l nwe rs, K ln ~l Andul az tz cor . Pnn ce rmsa! Bin r ahd Str ee ts . Al- Khoha r, Saud i Ar abia
I' T ~ L (_~ ) (;(, : ~ ~8 ( 6 G33 0 FAX 1966> :5 887 6 56 5 II in m 0 www .qo toitc .corn
~ l N T E G RATE D
''' HINn C l. N 1l: H
. "' '''' 0 ~ """ z,..." CJ·.Jt Tlftl U C.~ ( • •

Professional Training and Consultation

API 653 Preparatory
26'h upto 31 s t August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 40f4


11. Determine whether impact testing is required for A516 gr 70

normalised plates 1 inch thick, Design temp = 0 degree F (-18
deg ree C):

a. Not requ ired

@ Required
c. Depends on opinion of design eng ineer
d. Depends on opinion of tank inspector

12. Which of the fol low ing sets of t he Transverse Charpy V-notch
Impact Test Values of a fully killed 0.75 " thick plate of ASTM A
516 gr 60 for a design metal temperature of -34 degree C, is
acceptable as per API 6507 Plates are not normalized.

a. 20 , 11, 12 Joules y
@ 18, 24, 12 Joules ~
c. 24, 22, 10 Joules "
d. 20 , 10, 27 Joules <,

-- - - -- - - --- ------ - - --- ------ - - -- END--- --- - - - ----- --- -------- ---- - - - -

....---- ---.-..-- ------ ----.----------.-----.---- ------ -----.. ·_------------.·-----.0.. ---_.._---------

~h )Q ·. ':'" ')l. I } ~.h.. 1 r-end Street s , Al -Kh ohar . Sa udi Arab ia
1nwer s, K , r. ~J Abdula ztz cor . Pnn r e Fatsa l Bin
• rn . ')(i ( ,.1 :; REi 5 G33 • FAX (966,1 :; SS:> 6 55 5 • inro f;;g oto m • www.qoto uc.corn
~ ; ~,T~'S-;,~~~~R , ..."" 1"" "" " , J ' .. .." ~I ..... ~ I .. U .. 'J I

Profe ssio nal T rai ni ng and Con su ltation

API 653 Preparatory
26'h upto 31 5 ' August 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page 1 of 1


Answ er Key

1 C Ref.: API 650 , 1.1.1

2 C Ref. : API 650.
3 B Ref.: API 650, 3 .1.3 .5
4 A Ref.: API 650. 3 .6.3 .2 (t d )
5 D Ref.: API 650 3.6.3 .2 (tt)
6 A Ref. : API 650 5 .2.1.5 h Q ~- ~, \ ) \("•.,.: r. d
7 A Ref. : API 650. FiC!. 6-1 Note 6
8 A Ref . : API 650
9 B Ref. : API 650 6. 1.3.2
10 D Ref.: API 650.
11 B Ref. : API 650 Tab le 2-3B & Fio. 2-1
12 B Ref.: API 650 , Tabl e 2-4
13 -----------------------------------------------
2-2 ,

......-- _ _ _--- __ -..__ _-_ _- __ -........••..._.._- __ __ _--_....•.

:l t- lJfll -\1 ~U :H~<H: r To w et s. King Abd ul aziz cor . Pn nc e Fai s al Bin Fah d Str eets . Al- Kho bar. Sa udi Arabia
• III i ':(;(, ) 3 88 7 6 6 33 • Fo\X {966 , 3 58 7 6565 . mfo,!iigOlOltc. com . m

, T I N 1 N , ;
i{ •• ..: I;: '" of '[ I~
,.,,... \,." -,,'u, . .' It .." " ' . 1<"1 ' ' If> n 1',1'" 1

,'fJ":: Prof ession al Trai ning and Consultati on

API 653 Preparatory

26 th upto 31 st August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 10f4


1. Open-top type tanks (With floating roof) are typically

adopted for storing petroleum products that are :

a. Non-volatile
b. Heavy distillates (e .g. Bitumen, a~Rh91t etc)
v© Volatile
d. All of above

2. The term "Critical Zone" in storage tanks refers to:

a. Lower part of shell interior, which is welded to

b. Upper part of shell interior, which is we lded to roof
t~~~~ · c. Lower part of roof exterior, which is welded to shell
v@ Annular part of bottom int erior, which is welded to

3. API 650 code is tank construction code fo r :

va. Atmospheric Storage tanks

b. Tanks with pressure up to 15 psig
c. Aboveground tanks including Refrigerated tanks
T@) All of above

4. The terms "Sketch plates" and "annular plates" refer to

Plates in :

a. Tan k roof
J@ Tank bottom
c. Tank shell
u. None of above

t l n '· ITC U s~ r S ,0\ 01).15 .API_G5 3J iI\tS, 2006 ',AI ~ k nooar- 2(,- 3 1- /\ ugu 5t - 2006 \ A PI_6 53_PC_2G_31 _
a .tqu s; ?OC,~: :~ fll _ G 5 3 . PC ;:>5 - ~ 1- Auqu sr - 2 0 0 G_DJ.ilV_EX<J. rT1s 'A PL GS3_PC_ Bcnch _Mark_Quiz.doc
7.' .10 .;W06 I B .,~ 3 : ~ 3 A r~l i NDZ
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- -- - ---- -
~l" Profe ssiona l T rain ing and Con sultation

API 653 Preparatory

26'h upto 31 ' August 2006, AI-Khobar, KSA
Page 2 of4


5. Hydrostatic testing of tank shells is:

Basically water fill test

Conducted at 1.1 t imes the static column pressure of
c. Conducted at 1.0 times the static column pressure of
d. Highest Pressure value of a, b, c above

6. Internal inspection of tanks during shut-down is essentially

for inspection of:

a. Tank roof
v® Tank bottom
c. Tank shell
d. Tan k Nozzles

7. During tank inspection, the inspector should be more strict

while inspecting:

+ @ The shell Horizontal welds

tJJ~ The shell vertica l welds
c. Both a and b. are equally critical
d. The roof welds

8. Cathodic protection is provided to tanks normally for guarding


a. The tank shell against product corrosion

b. The tank bottom against product corrosion
Le:'" The tank bottom aqclnst soil corrosion
-r@ Both band c

i ; p IT( U ~·'-· · S .:),l) lj.1S : ,PI_G5 3 _Fuos , 20 0 (, J \t - Kho ba r - 2[, - 31- Auq us t - 200G ', ;\P 1_6 5 L PC_.?G _3 1 _
....\119' IS; -7 0 U(, .~ rl _ (' 5 3_PCj ij· :; I - >\ugusl -2006 . Dauv . Exarn..\J\ PI. GS:LPC_B<> nch. Mark . Quiz.doc
i ;30 / 2006 I 8.23 :53 Af,,1 F t\ OZ
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~f I'r ; ; 2: :' 1 ~ r: ~ 1 T rai ning and Co nsulta ti o n

API 653 Prepa ratory

26'h upto 3 15 ' August 2006, Af-Kh obar, KSA
Page 3 of4


9. For the new tanks to be constructed to the API 6S0-Basic

Standard, radiography for shell butt-welds ls:

Optional and its extent depends on the Joint efficiency

used for design
b. Optional and its extent depends on the Plate thickness
used for shell
c. Mandatory and its extent depends on Joint efficiency
used for design
Mandatory and its extent depends on the plate th ickness
used for shell

10. " Vacuum box testing " is Typical testing, normally applied for:

a. Bottom welds
J b. Mandat ory for shell welds, optional for bottom welds
c. Mandat ory for shell welds, optional fo r roof welds
d. Pad testing

1 1. When t he tank is empty, t he fl oat ing roof of open-top tank is

a. At its top-most pos ition

b. Rest ing on t he bottom
J @ Rest in g on the legs
d. May be at any locatlon

12. Since the t ank is neither a pressure vessel, nor the piping, the
welding procedures and welders for API 650 tanks are qualified
as per:

a. AWS D 1.1 .
b. API 1104 v
\..-e:' Still use ASME I X
.,@ Any of above is OK

Ern.! r c US('" 5 t~ tI:Ja s i,..\ PI_G 5 3J lles \ 20 0u '.A l - l(h o bar - 2G- 3 l - Aug usr - 200 6 \ A PI_u 53_PC_2G- 31 _
- ? 0 0 (· :...rI J ,')3_PC 26 - 3 J - Augusr - 200G. Dil iIV. Ex nrn s \ API_G5 3_ PC _ Be n c h _ r~1 a r k_Q lJ i z. d o c
.:l, Iq .l H

7 ,' 30 / 20 0 6 .' 8.? 3 :) 3 A.r., f f>: DZ

-< }' NTE G R-,:"'\.TED
H . , II-: I :-I • • ~L"" llr,

•.~'" . .. . , '" ' ,, , • ~ . .. , '" <. u n U I L U . .. ... ,

Profe ssio nal Tra ini ng and Consultatio n

API 653 Preparatory

26'" upto 31 st August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 4 of4


13 . Which of the following is/are mandatory appurtenances for

Storage tanks?

a. Tan k leve l gauge

J ® Tank vents ·
c. Pressure guage
• d. Temperature gauge / thermomete r '"

14. Hot tapping for the tanks are provided in:

a. Vapour space only

~ Liquid space only -
c. Any of a or b
@ Hot taps are not permitted for storage tanks .

15. API 650 covers:

liY.' Cylindrical , welded, above ground tanks on ly

b. Cylindrical welded and riveted tanks -
c. Cylindrical & rectangular, welded & riveted tanks
@ Cylindrical & rectangular, aboveground and underground
ta nks '

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Proie , s ioll ill Training a nd Co ns u ltatio n

API 653 Preparatory

26"' upto 31" August 2006, AI-Khobar,KSA
Page 1 of 1


Answer Key

Q . No. Answer .. ".

1 C
2 D
3 A
4 B .~

5 A
6 B
7 B
8 C
9 D
10 A "

11 C
12 C
13 B
14 B
15 A

I " I I' · ..•.• .\ ~ l"l}. · , :, :>, !,; ', _r".,. 200(• •\ I - r: :'n ~) " r · H ; - :; ! - '\ ll q u.. r - 2(1) 6 -J\P U :'':o 3_P( _l G- ) I - Au gu st .
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7 i f) ~ {jorl Ei _ } ~ ~.: Ar.~ . 'm?

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