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Identify which type of IMF(s) exist in the following:

2. NaCl in H2O (draw this also) Ionic
8. H2 - LDF

9. H2O (draw this also) Hydrogen Bond

15. CH4 (draw this also) LDF
21. CO2- LDF
23. NH3- Hydrogen Bond
25. Li+ in CH3OH- Ionic, LDF , Hydrogen Bond
27. HFOrder from least to most POLARIZEABLE
29. Te, O, Se, S
30. 1. TE 2. Se 3. S 4. O
32. GeCl4, CH4, SiCl4, SiH4, GeBr4
1. GeBr4 2. GeCl4 3. SiCl4 4. SiH4 5. CH4

33. List the IMF(s) in each and indicate which has stronger IMFs
35. C6H14 or CH4
LDF vs. LDF C6H14 stronger since its larger

39. CH3OH or CH3SH
LDF, Hydrogen bond vs. LDF, Dipole-Dipole CH3OH because hydrogen bond is

40. HF or HCl
41. Hydrogen Bond vs. Dipole-Dipole HF because hydrogen bond is stronger
44. Br2 or ICl
45. LDF vs. Dipole-Dipole ICl because dipole-dipole is stronger
47. CHCl3 or CHBr3
48. LDF vs. LDF and Dipole-Dipole CHBr3 because Dipole-Dipole is stronger
50. CH2CH2CH2OH (OH at end) or CH3CHOHCH3 (OH in middle)
LDF, Hydrogen Bond vs. LDF, Hydrogen Bond Second one is stronger because the O
bonds to 2 hydrogens not 1

CH3OCH3 or H2O
LDF, Hydrogen Bond vs. Hydrogen Bond First one because has LDF also not just
Hydrogen Bond

Ionic Bond- Bond were electrons are ripped off and ∆EN diff is 1.7+ forms full charged
between a metal and nonmental
Covalent Bond- Bond were electrons are shared forms partial or no charges ∆EN is 0-1.6
there are 2 types polar and non polar
Dipole- when a partial positive and partial negative form in a molecule with covalent
Double Bond- when 4 electrons are used to bond to elements together
Hydrogen Bond-when hydrogen is bonded to N, O, or F. Has closest ∆EN to ionic. Very
Valence shell electrons- electrons in an elements outer most shell
Lewis structures- representation of drawing ions and showing how they form together
and bond with eachother
Metallic Bond- the bonds in a metal where they form a mobile sea of electrons that act as
a lube for an electronic current also allows the metal to be malleable.
Crystal Lattice- the structure ions line up in that’s specific to the compound ex.small ions
in between the spaces of large ions.
Chemical Bond- attraction between to opposite charges 3 types ionic, hydrogen, and
dipole dipole
Momentary Dipole- when electron clump together in a area for a moment and cause a
partial weak dipole
Polar covalent bond- bond in which electrons are shared unequally ∆EN is .5-1.6 between
two different non metals
Triple bond- bond were 6 electrons are used to bond 2 elements together
Van der waals forces- 3 types of imf LDF Dipole-Dipole and Hydrogen bonding
VSEPR- rules for determining how far the atoms are away from eachother since they
want to be as far apart as possible
Stands for valence shell electron pair repulsion
Molecular substance- a sun\bstance made from only molecular compounds
Network solid- high melting point does not conduct electricity complex shape with loads
of bonds. Ex. is diamond they are very strong
London Forces- when a dipole is formed because electrons clump together and a
temporary weak attractions occur
Octet Rule- all elements react to get a full valence shell
Dipole- dipole force- when to molecules with a dipole attract to each other and line up
according to there partially charged ends
electron dot structure- drawn representations of polar covalent molecules and shows how
they would look and giving each a name each geometry is different
electronegativity- a measure of how strongly and element pulls electrons
tetrahedral- a basic geometry with 4 bonds and 0 lone pair electrons its 109.5 degrees
ionic crystal- the way ions line up in a lattice and dissaciotes in water becomes and
electrolyte but is brittle when pounded because of ions repelling

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