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What is douching?

The word "douche" means to wash or soak in French. Douching is washing or cleaning out
the vagina (also called the birth canal) with water or other mixtures of fluids. Usually
douches are prepackaged mixes of water and vinegar, baking soda, or iodine. Women can
buy these products at drug and grocery stores. The mixtures usually come in a bottle and can
be squirted into the vagina through a tube or nozzle.

Why do women douche?

Women douche because they mistakenly believe it gives many benefits. In reality, douching
may do more harm than good. Common reasons women give for using douches include:

• to clean the vagina

• to rinse away blood after monthly periods
• to get rid of odors from the vagina
• to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
• to prevent pregnancy

How common is douching?

Douching is common among women in the United States. It is estimated that 20% to 40% of
American women aged 15 to 44 years douche regularly. About half of these women douche
every week.

Is douching safe?

Most doctors and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggest
that women steer clear of douching. All healthy vaginas contain some bacteria and other
organisms called the vaginal flora. The normal acidity of the vagina keeps the amount of
bacteria down. But douching can change this delicate balance. This may make a woman more
prone to vaginal infections. Plus, douching can spread existing vaginal infections up into the
uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

What are the dangers linked to douching?

Research shows that women who douche regularly have more health problems than women
who do not. Doctors are still unsure whether douching causes these problems. Douching may
simply be more common in groups of women who tend to have these issues. Health problems
linked to douching include:

• vaginal irritation,
• vaginal infections called bacterial vaginosis or BV,
• sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and
• pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of a woman's uterus, Fallopian tubes and/or
ovaries. It is caused by bacteria that travel from a woman's vagina and cervix up into her
reproductive organs. If left untreated, PID can cause fertility problems (difficulties getting
pregnant). PID also boosts a woman's chances of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the
Fallopian tube instead of the uterus). Some STDs, BV, and PID can all lead to serious
problems during pregnancy. These include infection in the baby, problems with labor, and
early delivery.

Should I douche to clean inside my vagina?

No. Doctors and the ACOG suggest women avoid douching completely. Most experts believe
that douching increases a woman's chances of infection. The only time a woman should
douche is when her doctor recommends it.

What is the best way to clean my vagina?

Most doctors say that it is best to let your vagina clean itself. The vagina cleans itself
naturally by producing mucous. Women do not need to douche to wash away blood, semen,
or vaginal discharge. The vagina gets rid of it alone. Also, it is important to note that even
healthy, clean vaginas may have a mild odor.

Regular washing with warm water and mild soap during baths and showers will keep the
outside of the vagina clean and healthy. Doctors suggest women avoid scented tampons, pad,
powders, and sprays. These products may increase a woman's chances of getting vaginal

My vagina has a terrible odor, can douching help?

No. Douching will only cover up the smell. It will not make it go away. If your vagina has a
bad odor, you should call your doctor right away. It could be a sign of a bacterial infection,
urinary tract infection, STD or a more serious problem.

Should I douche to get rid of vaginal discharge, pain, itching, or burning?

No. Douching may even make these problems worse. It is very important to call your doctor
right away if you have:

• vaginal discharge with a bad smell

• thick, white or yellowish-green discharge with or without a smell
• burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina or the area around it
• pain when urinating or
• discomfort during sex

These may be signs of a bacterial infection, yeast infection, urinary tract infection, or STD.
Do not douche before seeing your doctor. This can make it hard for the doctor to figure out
what is wrong.

What is Douche (DOOSH)? A procedure in which water or a medicated solution

is used to clean the vagina and cervix.

Massengill Douche
Povidone/Iodine Douche

Betadine Douche

Vaginal Douching: Evidence for Risks or Benefits to

Women’s Health

Some vaginal douching products*

Ingredients Function Commercial n

5% acetic acid (vinegar) Acidifying agent X X

Benzoic acid, citric acid, lactic

acid, sorbic acid Acidifying agents X

Bleach (sodium hypochlorite and

sodium hydroxide) Cleanser X

antiseptic, germicidal,
Cetylpyridinium chloride surfactant X

Nonionic detergent,
mild surfactant,
solubilizes water-
Decyl glucoside insoluble materials X

Diazolidinyl urea Acidifying agent X

antibacterial agent,
metal chelator (binds
Disodium EDTA,† edetate† magnesium and
disodium calcium) X

Lysol (alkyl 50% C14, 40% C12,

10% C16, dimethylbenzyl-
ammonium chloride 2.7%;
Reckitt & Coleman, Wayne, NJ) Cleanser X

Octoxynol-9 Surfactant, produces a X

mucolytic or
proteolytic effect,

Povidone-iodine‡ Antimicrobial X

SD Alcohol 40† Liquid vehicle X

Preservative (prevents
bacteria from growing
in solution that
contains citrate and
Sodium benzoate lactate) X

Sodium bicarbonate (baking

soda) Alkalizing agent X X

Sodium citrate Acidifying agent X

Sodium lactate Acidifying agent X

Liquid vehicle,
Water cleansing X X

Potential source of
nonhuman strain of
Yogurt lactobacillus X

* Sources: Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical

Association and the National Professional Society of Pharmacists, 1982; and Dr. Dennis
Pillion, Pharmacology Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham, personal
communication, 2001.

† EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; edetate, ethylenediaminetetraacetate; SD Alcohol

40, specially denatured alcohol, followed by a number or a number-letter combination that
indicates how the alcohol was denatured, according to the formulary of the United States
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

‡ Medicated douches.

10 Pregnancy Risk Factors that Every Pregnant Woman Should be Aware of

Many factors affect the development of a fetus into a healthy child, some which are beyond
your control and others that are within your control. Here are ten of the most common
pregnancy risk factors that can be controlled or influenced:

1. Smoking – Smoking is not only bad for you, but bad for your baby as well. Smoking
during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen that the baby receives and increases
the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and morning sickness. Chemicals inhaled while
smoking may lead to other health problems with the baby. Reduced birth weight,
premature birth, increased risk of SIDS, and stillbirth are other possible consequences.
Pregnant women should also avoid second hand smoke.
2. Alcohol – Drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, including symptoms like low
birth weight, medical problems, and behavior abnormalities. As soon as you know
you are pregnant, stop drinking. For more detailed information on problems that can
be caused by alcohol, visit
3. Caffeine – There are many conflicting studies about caffeine and pregnancy and some
believe that caffeine is not as harmful as it was once thought to be. Nevertheless, the
FDA warns against caffeine consumption during pregnancy and suggests quitting or
reducing consumption at the very least. Caffeine has been shown to affect fetal heart
rates and awake time (fetuses grow when sleeping). Decaffeinated coffee can also be
harmful since producers often add additional chemicals to remove the caffeine.
Caffeine can also increase risk of stretch marks. Suddenly quitting coffee intake can
cause headaches; so most experts recommend gradually reducing the amount
4. Drugs and Herbal Remedies – Always be careful about drugs or herbal remedies that
are not prescribed by a doctor. These substances may affect the development of your
unborn child.
5. Nutrition – Good nutrition is crucial to a developing child, particularly getting enough
folic acid. Lack of folic acid can cause birth defects. At least 400-1000 micrograms of
this B vitamin is suggested (about ten times more if you’ve already had a child with
neural tube birth defects) starting one month before pregnant and throughout the
entire pregnancy. Leafy vegetables, orange juice, and beans are some natural sources
of folic acid. Many stores sell vitamins with folic acid.
6. Exercise – Moderate exercise is helpful as it improves the mother’s mental state and
can increase oxygen flow to the fetus. However, over-exertion can be dangerous.
Most experts recommend reducing your exercise intensity during pregnancy.
Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are popular for pregnant women.
7. Prenatal Care – Regular doctor visits are important to your baby’s development. The
body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Some side effects may be
completely normal, whereas other may not. Regular monitoring by a professional will
help ensure that your baby will be born healthy.
8. Multiple sex partners – Multiple sex partners can increase risk of STD’s, which in
turn may lead to birth and pregnancy complications, like low birth weight or
premature birth.
9. Exposure to chemicals – During pregnancy, reduce exposure to unnatural chemicals,
particularly pesticides in food. Many people now eat organic produce, which is grown
without chemicals. The simplest precaution to take before consuming vegetables or
fruits is to wash them thoroughly. Also, removing the outer surface of vegetables can
be helpful since most pesticides will rest on the outside of the vegetable or fruit.
10. Other factors – Many other factors can affect fetal development, including heart
disease, the mother’s age (before 15 years and after 35 years is riskier), asthma,
excessive stress or depression, diseases, and bleeding. Consult your physician if you
are affected by any of these conditions.
During the pregnancy, a problem may that can interrupt the growth of the fetus or can alter
the health of the mother.

This condition is known as complication of pregnancy. Complications of

pregnancy need not be strictly during the entire period of nine months, but at
the time of birth also, some complications bring hazardous condition that can
even lead to the death of fetus or the mother.

Many women suffer from pregnancy problems at some stage in the pregnancy and it is to be
mentioned that pregnancy complication are not always serious. Some are minor complication
and others can be major ones.

The pregnancy complications can occur due to various reasons. If the mother is exposed to
chemicals, radiation, drugs or any harmful material, the pregnancy can bring complications.
In some cases, untreated infection may also cause severe complications in pregnancy.

Pregnancy complications are many and they are needed to be treated as soon as they are
diagnosed. Here are few of the complications of pregnancy that one should know –

Ectopic pregnancy

This is a dangerous complication of the pregnancy. It can be defined as the development of

the fetus outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy can occur in the pelvic or abdominal
cavity, in the fallopian tubes or in the cervical canal.

Ectopic pregnancy can be caused due to blockage in the fallopian tube. The risk of ectopic
pregnancy is highly increased in women who have had tubal sterilization process done. The
risk is more in the women who is younger than the age of 30 at the time of sterilization.
Ectopic pregnancy occurs in about one out of fifty pregnancy in general. This can be very
dangerous to the mother and needs immediate surgery to save her life. The symptoms of
ectopic pregnancy can include profuse vomiting, spotting and cramping. If the ectopic
pregnancy is not treated, there are chances of fallopian tube rupture, which will cause a
drastic damage to a female. The ultrasound confirms the problem as a diagnostic factor. The
surgery is the best way to treat this problem and this will end up into the termination of the

Bleeding & Fetal Complications

This is commonest among all. Bleeding is from vagina and it is apart from the usual bleeding
discharge during the menstrual period. A pregnant woman knows this very well and
moreover, pregnancy ceases the menstrual bleeding so the bleeding during pregnancy is not
the menstrual bleeding and is the complication of the pregnancy.
Bleeding in late pregnancy could be the sign of placental complications or cervical or vaginal
infection. Pregnant woman who has bleeding in late pregnancy can be at greater risk of losing
the fetus and getting hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is the condition in which, there will be profuse
bleeding. Bleeding at anytime during the pregnancy period should immediately be reported to
physician. The physician may do sonography for further evaluation.
Miscarriage or Fetal loss

The loss of fetus or miscarriage is up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Most of the miscarriage

occurs in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and they are generally due to fetal
abnormalities. Miscarriages are generally preceded by spotting and severe cramping.
Ultrasound examination confirms the diagnose.

The fetus and contents of the uterus are naturally taken out from the vagina. If this normal
process does not occur, a special procedure called as dilatation and curettage (D AND C)
becomes necessary. The procedure is performed using special gynecology instrument to
remove the abnormal pregnancy and the content of the uterus.

If the fetal loss is occurred in second trimester, the reason is likely to be cervix getting
weaken and opens up too early than the usual. The condition is known as incompetent cervix.
In some cases of incompetent cervix, a doctor can help preventing pregnancy loss by the
suturing the cervix in specific manner up to certain period. However, suturing is difficult if
certain period has passed in pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid complications

An amniotic fluid is the surrounding fluid to your fetus. Too much or too less amniotic fluid
in the membranes surrounding the fetus can be the problem in pregnancy. Excessive fluid can
make a pressure on the uterus and therefore, it can lead to preterm labor or it can also put
pressure on the diaphragm that can lead to breathlessness.

Amniotic fluid tends to buildup in cases of diabetes that is uncontrolled, multiple

pregnancies, incompatible blood types or the defects in the birth. On the other hand, too less
fluid is an indication of birth defects, stillbirth and growth retardation.

Placental Complications

Placenta previa

In normal circumstances, the placenta is attached firmly to the top of the uterine wall but in
case like placenta previa, it is attached close to or covering the cervix or opening into the
uterus. This type of complication occurs one in every two hundred deliveries. It is seen more
often in women has scarring of uterine wall due to previous pregnancies. Woman with
fibroid, uterine surgery and other abnormalities in the uterus are also susceptible to this kind
of complication.

The symptoms of placenta previa include vaginal bleeding, which is bright red and is not
associated with abdominal tenderness or pain. Physical examination and ultrasonography can
confirm the condition. The treatment depends on the condition and the degree of severity.
Bedrest is first and foremost in any case. The baby is generally delivered by cesarean section.
This is done to prevent the placenta from detaching early from the fetus otherwise; there will
be cut in supply of oxygen and nutrients from mother to fetus.

Placenta abruption
Placenta abruption is generally seen in women who smoke, who has high blood pressure,
multiple pregnancy or in women having previous history of placental abruption. In placenta
abruption, the placenta becomes detached from the uterine wall prematurely that leads to
bleeding and reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the fetus. The detachment could be
complete or partial and the cause for the placenta abruption is not known till date. Placenta
abruption occurs in about one in every one hundred and twenty live births.

The symptoms for placenta abruption include bleeding, cramping and abdominal pain. The
diagnose is again ultrasound and physical examination. There will be tenderness in abdomen
and the pubic region. Pregnant women with placenta abruption are to be hospitalized for the
condition and may have to deliver the baby preterm.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia

Preeclampsia is also known as toxemia. It is the condition that is characterized by pregnancy

induced high blood pressure, protein in the urine of a pregnant lady and swelling all over the
body due to the fluid retention. Eclampsia is more severe condition of this that can lead to
seizures, coma or more seriously the death of mother and a child.

The cause of preeclampsia is not known but it is assumed that the condition is more
commonly seen in first pregnancy. The frequency of the condition is seen in once in seven to
ten percent of all the pregnant women who deliver their first child. Other conditions in which,
preeclampsia is seen include

• A teenage mother
• A woman who is crossed forty
• A woman with multiple fetuses
• A woman with preexisting high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabete

The symptoms of preeclampsia include severe swelling in extremities, dizziness, irritability,

mental disturbance, headache, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, blurred vision, and
decreased urine output, puffiness of the face and convulsions.

The treatment varies from person to person and condition wise. The treatment also depends
on the stage of pregnancy in which the symptoms have occurred. The mother is immediately
shifted to the hospital where she requires close observation of her fetus and herself. The
medication is given to lower down the pressure of the blood and oxygen is kept ready for

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