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Phase calibration and applications

of a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator

Alain Bergeron, Jonny Gauvin, François Gagnon, Denis Gingras, Henri H. Arsenault, and
Michel Doucet

A simple phase-characterization method for spatial light modulators is proposed. The low-cost method
permits high-precision measurement and provides data for the setting of the spatial-light-modulator
operating point in the phase-modulation mode. The dynamic phase response is used to perform efficient
kinoform recording. In order to record the kinoform, we modify the global iterative coding to compute
phase holograms. Finally, modified phase–phase correlation is introduced. The phase–phase correla-
tor permits sharper correlation peaks, better energy transmission, and higher discrimination than an
amplitude–phase correlation. Optical experimental results are presented.
Key words: Phase-only filter, interferometric phase measurement, phase–phase correlation, kino-
form, spatial light modulators, pattern recognition.

1. Introduction
Since the work of Horner on phase-only filters,1,2 on SLM phase characterization.6–10 A Mach–Zehn-
phase processing has been widely used in optical der interferometer is often used to measure the SLM
correlator architectures. Phase-only filters yield phase response. However, this method is sensitive
sharper correlation peaks, higher light efficiency, and to environmental conditions and usually gives only a
better discrimination capabilities than matched fil- rough idea of the real behavior of the device. In this
ters.2–4 This interest has increased with the develop- paper a simple low-cost method showing high-
ment of low-cost spatial light modulators 1SLM’s2 that precision measurement capability is proposed. This
permit phase pattern to be displayed at video frame method is based on Young’s fringes and permits a
rates. Such SLM’s offer constantly improving perfor- rapid selection of the operational conditions of the
mance and higher resolutions. These performances SLM.
open the way to reprogrammable optical architec- One of the applications suitable for a phase SLM is
tures dedicated to artificial vision and information kinoform recording. The results obtained from phase
processing. characterization can be used to compute such kino-
One of the challenges imposed by phase SLM’s is forms10 and improve the results. However, in order
the precise characterization of the dynamic phase to compensate for the absence of amplitude modula-
response. The knowledge of the SLM phase re- tion, one needs an iterative kinoform-coding approach.
sponse permits better control of the filtering opera- We recently proposed a global iterative coding11 algo-
tions, which leads to experimental results closer to
rithm 1GIC2 as a tool for the generation of amplitude
theoretical predictions. Much work has been done
holograms. This method has been modified in order
to code kinoforms as well. Some experimental re-
sults with gray-level objects are presented.
A. Bergeron, J. Gauvin, F. Gagnon, D. Gingras, and Michel Finally, a simple method to perform modified phase–
Doucet are with the Institut National d’Optique, 369 Franquet, phase correlation is proposed in Section 6. Many
Sainte-Foy, Québec G1P 4N8, Canada. H. H. Arsenault is with experiments have been reported on the phase-only
the Université Laval, Centre d’optique, photonique et laser, Sainte- filters. Correlations that involve phase are gener-
Foy, Québec G1K 7P4, Canada; A. Bergeron is also with the
ally useful in improving the detection of energy in the
Université Laval.
Received 20 April 1994; revised manuscript received 13 February
output plane.12–15 Some researchers also proposed
1995. quasi-phase correlation architectures.4 The modi-
0003-6935@95@235133-07$06.00@0. fied phase–phase method permits better discrimina-
r 1995 Optical Society of America. tion and higher energy transmission than phase-only

10 August 1995 @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ APPLIED OPTICS 5133

filters alone. Numerical simulations and optical re- output will have the form
sults are presented.
1 Dx 2 1@2

2. Interferometric Phase Characterization

f1x, y2 5 p52a31 x2 4 6
2 2 1 y2

The knowledge of the precise dynamical response of a 1 2 1@2

1 pA 531x 1 2 1 x 4 6B .
SLM permits better control of its properties. For 112
2a 2
SLM characterization, most of the research presented
until now has used a Mach–Zehnder interferome- If
ter.5,10,14 This architecture shows sensitivity to align-
ment and to environmental conditions. Further- r 5 1x2 1 y221@2, 122
more, it often needs precise optical components, which
can be costly. A simpler method that uses diffraction then p is defined as
gratings has also been proposed16; however, it re-
quires highly precise Ronchi components. For these
reasons we propose an alternative configuration, which
p1r@2a2 5 1, r , a, 132

permits exact mathematical relations, to achieve the

measurement of a SLM phase response. This method
p1r@2a2 5 0, r . a. 142
shows good stability by using a common-path interfer- In Eq. 112, 2a is the diameter of the pinholes and Dx is
ometer. Figure 1 presents the setup used for the the distance between the holes.
SLM characterization. The input wave front is multiplied by the SLM
In Fig. 1 the laser beam is expanded and collimated. transmittance pattern, so each hole will observe a
The SLM is inserted between the collimated beam different phase retardation. However, this phase
and a lens that performs a Fourier transform. A difference may come with a residual amplitude modu-
CCD camera located in the Fourier plane is used to lation. The wave front is therefore expressed by
measure the phase modulation. The method takes
advantage of a mask with two pinholes placed in the 1 Dx 2 1@2

1 2 2p52a31 2 2 4 6
front of the SLM. The two pinholes have to be as fm1x, y2 5 A exp x2 1 y2
similar as possible in order to obtain the best contrast
in the fringe pattern. The SLM is separated into two jf 1 2 1@2
1 1A 1 dA2exp1 2pA 531x 1 2 4 6B ,
distinct regions, and each is multiplied by a single
2 2a 2
pinhole. One of the regions is addressed to a uniform
constant value 1voltage2 and is used to modulate the 152
reference beam. On the second region a different
modulation voltage is applied, which can be modified where A is the transmission of the SLM and dA takes
to characterize the phase of the SLM in the required into account the residual amplitude modulation.
dynamic range. Both signals are uniform over the In the Fourier plane the intensity pattern detected is
pinhole surface. When the two regions exhibit the expressed by
same value, the Fourier transform shows a cosinusoi-
dal function modulated by an Airy spot. If the phase
value of one region is varied, the cosinusoidal function
will translate according to the phase difference be-
0F1yx, yy202 5 12 3
3J 12pyra2423 1dA22 1 14A2 1 4AdA2
r 1

1 24 ,
tween both regions. f
The mathematical analysis of the setup is simple 3 cos2 pyxDx 1 162
and allows us to see how the fringe pattern may help
to set the SLM operation point. Let a uniform beam where
impinge upon the pinhole mask. The modulated
yx 5 xn@lf. 172

The parameter f is the relative phase transmittance

of one hole with respect to the other. The phase
varies with the voltage applied to each pixel. The
detected signal is composed of a dc level superimposed
on a cosine function. This signal is modulated by an
Airy function. The phase modulation can be com-
puted from the translation of the cosine function.
Also, the phase factor is independent of the amplitude
modulation, the hole diameter, and the distance be-
tween the holes. The phase is computed with the
ratio of the pattern translation to the cosine period, so
Fig. 1. Interferometric setup for phase measurement: LCTV, there is no need to know the exact diameter of the
liquid-crystal television; FT, Fourier transform. holes. A difference in the holes’ diameters will sim-

5134 APPLIED OPTICS @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ 10 August 1995

ply decrease the contrast of the fringe pattern. The
hole dimensions and distances will, however, affect
the fringe and envelope frequencies. These param-
eters can be modified to obtain a signal that is easier
to process. A change of the lens focal length may also
be used to modify the fringe pattern width in order to
obtain higher accuracy.
The residual amplitude modulation only affects the
contrast observed in the fringe pattern. In many
SLM’s the correct operation of the modulator is
achieved by means of a careful alignment of the
polarizers and a proper setting of the bias level of the
liquid-crystal television 1LCTV2. The maximization
of the fringe-pattern contrast will permit minimiza-
tion of the residual amplitude modulation dA, which
varies with the applied voltage.

3. Phase Measurement
The setup of Fig. 1 was built to characterize a LCTV
extracted from an Epson@Kodak LC500 video projector.
These LCTV’s are digitally addressed SLM’s that
could be addressed with an 8-bit dynamic range.
However, 5 bits were used for the experimental Fig. 2. Fringe patterns for gray levels 1a2 0, 1b2 10, 1c2 20, and 1d2 31.
purpose. The bias control level 1brightness2 was set
to zero to obtain the maximum phase shift. The
mask was made from a metal plate in which two holes
of the same diameter were drilled. The intercepted the fringe-pattern translation. The horizontal line
LCTV surface for each hole had an area of ,48,000 located above each fringe pattern is the least-square
µm2, which corresponds to ,7 pixels. The gray level, best fit of Eq. 162 performed on the current image.
the phase displayed in one region of the LCTV, was From these images it is clear that the fringe pattern is
varied between 0 and 31, and the other side was kept of good quality and that the measurement method has
constant. The polarizer was adjusted to obtain the sufficient sensitivity to detect the phase variations
maximum fringe-pattern translation for a level varia- generated by the SLM.
tion from 0 to 31. This, in turn, allowed us to operate Figure 3 shows the overall LCTV response for the
the SLM over the maximum phase range. In addi- 32 gray levels. These data clearly show the nonlin-
tion, some tests were made to obtain the maximum ear behavior of the LCTV. It is also of interest to
contrast of the fringe pattern over the different phase note the smoothness of the curve. This reflects the
robustness of the characterization method, i.e., its
values in order to operate the LCTV in the minimum-
low sensitivity to environmental conditions. The
amplitude-modulation mode. This was performed
precision depends on the resolution of the CCD
by choice of an initial orientation for the first polarizer.
camera and the focal length of the Fourier lens.
The second polarizer was then rotated to find the
orientation that permits the maximum pattern trans-
lation, that is, the maximum phase range. The first
polarizer was rotated again, followed by a full rotation
of the second one. At first, both rotation steps were
20° to identify the best range of orientations. Then
more precise iterations were used. The alignment of
the polarizer is, however, not critical, and a range of
610° variations in the polarizer orientation is usually
Once the setting point of the polarizers was deter-
mined, 32 fringe patterns, corresponding to the 32
gray levels available, were analyzed to extract the
LCTV phase response. The fringe patterns were
analyzed by use of a best-fit operation of the analytic
expression of Eq. 162 with the measured data along
the horizontal center line of the fringe patterns.
The patterns obtained for gray levels 0, 10, 20, and 31
are presented in Fig. 2. The vertical white line
indicates the reference and permits visualization of Fig. 3. Dynamic phase response of the LCTV.

10 August 1995 @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ APPLIED OPTICS 5135

The setup uses the cosine period of 88 pixels, which
gives a basic precision on the phase value of ,4°.
However, the precision could be even greater because
a best-fit operation is performed. A camera that
could accurately measure an image with 256 gray
levels would permit an overall precision of ,1°. The
smallest change detected between two gray levels was
2.35°, whereas the largest change was 20.7°. The
total phase-modulation range was 2.34p rad. This
value depends on the LCTV used. As a consequence,
each device should be characterized individually be-
fore being used as a phase-modulation device.
Figure 4 shows the amplitude response for a LCTV
operated in the phase mode. Some residual ampli- Fig. 5. Global iterative coding algorithm: CGH, computer-gener-
tude modulation remains even for a phase operation ated hologram.
of the SLM. This response corresponds to a varia-
tion of ,20% in the transmitted signal. Such behav-
ior can affect the performance of phase filters re-
corded on the LCTV. This architecture permits only a computer-generated hologram. The resulting re-
characterization of a small region of the device. The construction is analyzed, and the missing information
uniformity of the phase response could easily be is computed. The difference between the required
investigated by use of cylindrical lenses combined output and the obtained output is then coded and
with two slits instead of pinholes. With the lenses added directly to the previously generated kinoform.
imaging in the direction along the slits and the At each iteration the wave-front correction to be
Fourier transform in the orthogonal direction the added is simply the phase content of the object
phase response could be measured along a line across Fourier transform. The correction is applied to the
the LCTV. frequency-plane kinoform, not to the spatial plane.
After a few iterations, the quality of the reconstruc-
4. Kinoforms tion improves.
One application of the LCTV phase operation is the
recording of a kinoform. A kinoform is a phase 5. Kinoform Experiments
recording of a wave front. It can also be seen as a Some experiments were performed with different
computer-generated phase hologram. We recently objects to test the GIC coded in phase. The kino-
introduced an algorithm to generate computer- forms were computed to optimize the intensity of the
generated holograms of improved quality.11 Although reconstruction; however, both intensity and phase
the global iterative coding algorithm 1GIC2 was de- could be performed. The phase response curve and
signed for amplitude computer-generated holograms, the residual modulation amplitude of the LCTV were
it can be generalized to phase hologram computa- taken into account at each iteration.10 In order to
tions. reconstruct the kinoforms, we illuminated the LCTV
Because the method is described in detail else- with a laser collimated beam. The phase-modulated
where,11 only an outline of the method is given here. wave front was simply Fourier transformed with the
Figure 5 represents the general algorithm of the GIC. help of a lens. The reconstruction localized in the
An input signal is Fourier transformed and coded into zeroth order of diffraction was acquired by a CCD
camera. The results for images varying from 64 3
64 pixels to 128 3 128 pixels are presented in Fig. 6.
All kinoforms had 200 3 200 points. The results
clearly show the possibility of coding with the GIC an
intensity pattern with a filter that displays only the
phase information with limited resolution. Between
five and ten iterations were necessary to compute the
kinoforms. Note that no dc components are present
on the reconstruction; dc elimination was not possible
when the LCTV response was not taken into account
in the iterative process.
6. Phase–Phase Correlation
Matched filtering is a well-known application in pat-
tern recognition. Many matched filters yield large
correlation peaks and have poor discrimination capa-
bility.2–4 The phase-only filter has a high optical
efficiency together with an improved discrimination
capability.2 Other researchers have considered the
Fig. 4. Amplitude response for a phase-operation mode. design of binary phase-only filters for implementa-

5136 APPLIED OPTICS @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ 10 August 1995

object is expressed by

Wp1u, v2 5 Ap1u, v2exp3 jfp1u, v24 5 FT3wp1x, y24. 192

The corresponding coded filter is obtained with the

phase information of the Fourier transform:

Wc1u, v2 5 exp3 jfp1u, v24. 1102

The total energy detected is increased because the

object is represented by a unitary transmission level
instead of different gray levels.
7. Correlation Experiments
The first experiments that we performed were numeri-
cal simulations. The objects were nine gray-level
images of aircraft, typically with 64 3 64 pixels, as
shown in Fig. 7. Figure 81a2 shows the results of the
simulations. In the amplitude–phase mode the high-
est cross correlation is 16.9% of the maximum correla-
tion peak, whereas the phase–phase correlation de-
creases this value to 7.8%. The mean value of the
different cross correlations is 7.9% for the amplitude–
phase correlation, whereas it is 3.1% for the phase–
Fig. 6. Original input 1left2 and optical reconstruction 1right2 of a phase correlation. These results show that the phase-
kinoform: 1a2 fire symbol, 128 3 128 points; 1b2 space shuttle, –phase correlation not only improves the energy
64 3 64 points. detected at the output but also increases the discrimi-
nation capability of the phase filter.
tion on spatial light modulators.14 Some studies on In order to verify the feasibility of phase–phase
quasi-phase correlation were recently carried out to optical correlation, we used a standard correlator17
achieve optical implementation of phase correlations.4 setup. Both LCTV’s were characterized and used in
In this section we propose a simple method to perform the phase configuration. The filters were mapped
according to the phase dynamical response of the
modified phase–phase correlation. The method takes
LCTV. However, as the filter already exhibited uni-
advantage of the phase-modulation capability of liquid-
tary amplitude over the whole plan, these phase
crystal SLM’s. The basic architecture is an optical filters did not require the use of GIC coding. Figure
correlator in which two SLM’s are inserted. 7 presents a scene with all the input images. The
In phase-only correlation the SLM in the Fourier shuttle was used as a target to compute the phase
domain is operated in phase. The filter displayed is filter. The results obtained with the optical correla-
the phase of the object Fourier transform. The input tor are presented in Fig. 81b2. In these results the
SLM is operated in amplitude, and the object is maximum correlation value is 1.0 1for the shuttle2.
displayed in a gray-level format. In modified phase– The top of the chart is truncated to permit better
phase correlation the input SLM is operated in phase. visualization of the results.
Consequently the gray-level image becomes a phase In the amplitude–phase mode the maximum cross-
object: correlation peak is 29.8%, and the mean of the
different cross correlations is 12.7%. The phase–
phase operation mode allows us to decrease the
2pwo1x, y2
wp1x, y2 5 exp j 53 Amax 46 , 182
highest cross-correlation peak to 15.7%. The mean

where wo is the object and wp is the phase object.

The input object is fully transmissive. Each point of
the input scene is represented by a phase that corre-
sponds to the normalized intensity of the input image
times the range of available phase, that is, 2p rad.
Because the phase operation of the LCTV is depen-
dent on only the polarizer orientation and the voltage
applied to the liquid-crystal cell, or the bias level,6 no
supplementary processing is necessary to display a
phase image on the SLM. The filter is also displayed
in phase but is computed from the input object phase Fig. 7. Gray-level airplane images for the correlation experi-
representation. The Fourier transform of the phase ments.

10 August 1995 @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ APPLIED OPTICS 5137

Fig. 10. Three-dimensional plot of the theoretical phase–phase
Space Shuttle correlation.

The sharpness of the correlation peak is important

in many applications. An indication of this sharp-
ness is given by the peak-to-total-correlation-energy
ratio 1PCR2, defined as

0C10, 0202
PCR 5 . 1112
Fig. 8. Correlation 1a2 simulations and 1b2 experiments: ampli- ` `
tude–phase 1shaded2 and phase–phase 1white2.
2` 2`
0C1x, y20 dxdy

An ideal correlation peak would give a PCR of 1.00

of the cross correlations is decreased to 7.2%. Al- according to this definition. An evaluation of the
though the optical results show cross-correlation val- expected PCR for the shuttle correlation gives 0.048
ues slightly higher than the simulated results, one for the amplitude–phase mode and 0.142 for the
can see that the general behavior of the filter is phase–phase mode. The comparison between the
respected. It should be noted that this improvement two autocorrelation peaks for the space shuttle is
is valid for gray-level objects. Binary objects may shown by Figs. 9 and 10. The optical experiments
show a little variation from this behavior. However, showed a PCR of 0.033 for the amplitude–phase mode
discrimination is already very high for binary objects, and of 0.069 for the phase–phase mode. Although
so this type of correlation allows us to increase the these values are not as high as the predicted ones, the
low-discrimination capabilities of gray-level objects optical phase–phase correlation increased the value
yet decrease slightly those of binary objects. The of the PCR by a factor of 2.1.
improvement in discrimination is roughly a factor of
2. At these low energy levels, part of the variation 8. Conclusion
between the expected and the obtained results can be The phase information plays an important role in
attributed to the residual amplitude modulation, to different spheres of optical computing. In order to
the contrast ratio 1which is typically 80:1 for this type control the phase behavior of a SLM correctly, one
of LCTV2, and to the resampling of the video signal. needs to achieve a good characterization. The
The amount of energy detected in the output plane Young’s-fringes-derived characterization method
was measured and is improved by a factor of 3.36. yields high precision and provides a simple way to set
the phase operation point of a SLM. This method is
not limited to LCTV’s but can be applied to most of the
phase SLM’s. Such an architecture can be realized
at low cost and permits the implementation of kino-
forms on LCTV’s. The GIC is suitable for generating
such kinoforms. Finally, the phase–phase modified
correlation presented in this paper increases the
transmitted energy, provides a better discrimination,
and yields a better PCR. These results were con-
firmed by means of optical experiments.
This research was supported by grants from the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada, the Fonds pour la formation des cher-
cheurs et l’aide à la recherche program of Québec, and
Fig. 9. Three-dimensional plot of the theoretical amplitude– the Japan Science and Technology Fund program of
phase Space Shuttle correlation. the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

5138 APPLIED OPTICS @ Vol. 34, No. 23 @ 10 August 1995

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