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Ÿ G.2.e.


f@xD = LogA1 + x5 E

This problem although slightly more sophisticated than the previous one is of the same form as it. Our standard method of
operation here will be the same; to find the derivative of the logarithmic function and to then integrate so as to show that not only
are the functions differentiable and re-integratable themselves but that the series generated by expanding in powers of x is as well.
Here we make use of the property of logarithmic differantiation that (d/dx (ln u) = 1/u * du/dx) which when applied to the current
problem yields dy/dx = 1/x^5+1 * d/dx (x^5 + 1) or 1/x^5+1 * 5x^4 or equally 5x^4/x^5+1. Now we must integrate the derivative
to illustrate the abovesaid. Setting the stage as Ù0 5 t ^ 4  t ^ 5 + 1 â t one first must replace t^5 + 1 with u to simplify the

integrand. Having done so the next step is to find an equation relating dt to du so as to express the integrand solely in terms of u,
this equation being dt = du/5t^4, and the expression of the integrand strictly in terms of u being Ù0 5 t ^ 4  u * 1  5 t ^ 4 â u.

Multiplying through one gets Ù0 H1L H5 t ^ 4L  HuL H5 t ^ 4L â u or in simpler terms just Ù0 1  u â u . The next step is to
x x

substitute back in those values of u for which we ealier substituted out in our simplification process and then to evaluate the
integrand. Substituting back in to the equation with the value which was ealier removed, i.e., t^5+1, gains us, 1/t^5+1, and
'solving' yields the integral log (t^5 + 1). To near finish the job of this step and to solve the definite integral one now simply
evaluates the integral at its upper bound or x and subtracts from this the evaluation of the integral at its lower bound or 0. Doing
so, yields, log (x^5 +1) - log (0^5 +1) or put in simpler terms log (x^5+1) - log (1) or just log x^5 + 1, or, rearranged, Log [1 +
x^5]. The value of being able to differentiate and to then re-integrate the subject function is that we can now approximate through
a series of powers of x the function of which we speak, i.e. Log[1+x^5], by integrating each element in the derivative of said
function's power series expansion, which, by its nature, the derivative of said function may be an easier expansion which to
manipulate than the function per se. (We are taking this maxim prima facie for the time being, without proof, as it is asserted in
the course text, that being, of course, that if a function itself is integratable that its expansion in powers of x will indeed be as well).
After having solved for the derivative of the function Log[1+x^5], which, indeed proves to be a simpler function with which to give
an approximation by expansion of powers of x, solving for the function itself is just a matter of a few simple steps involving
manipulation of the basic functions' expansions which have already been ascertained. The derivative function 5x^4/1+x^5 can be
approximated using a twist on the algorithm which defines the 1/1+x expansion that being, ...(-1)^k*x^k. The elementary opera-
tion of replacing x^k with 5x^5k+4 produces the desired result of 5x^4-5x^9+5x^14-5x^19-5x^24-5x^29-5x^...5x^5k+4*(-1)^k .
The rationale behind this operation being that the coefficient is now 5 rather than 1 and that since +'s = negatives in an expansion
of a function in powers of x we have a +4 in that we have a variable raised to the exponent of 4 in the denominator, which, can be
construed by simple algabraic manipulation as having a variables to the -4 power in the numerator. It should be noted that this
generic algorithm, i.e., 5x^5k+4*(-1)^k initiates the series at the value of k = 0 because of the fact we have manipulated an
expression in the power series (-1)^k*x^k which had not been previously differentiated with respect to x. Having recognized this
relationship, by observing the behavior of the previous expansions of powers of x, we are now able to undertake the final step in
the process of solving for the approximating expansion powers of the function f[x] = Log[1+x^5]. This is done by finding the anti-
derivative for each element of the expansion series of f[x] = 5x^4/1+x^5. Illustrating on the first element in the series by utilizing
the basic anti-derivative formula Ù x^n = (x^n+1/n+1) we have 5*(1/4+1)*x^4+1 or in simple terms x^5. As such, the expansion
of x in powers of the function Log[1+x^5] is the series x^5... 5x^5k+4+1/k+1. Of note here is that the integration of the expansion
of x in powers of x of the approximating sereis for 5x^4/1+x^5 produces one more order of contact at each interaton k than the
powers series of 5x^4/1+x^5 does itself. Using the general algorithm just defined one obtains the expansion of x for said function
in powers ad infinitum... .
D@Log@1 + x ^ 5D, xD

5 x4
1 + x5
2 mathsample.nb

Clear@f, xD

, 8x, 0, 10<FF
H1 + xL

, 8x, 0, 44<FF
5 x^4
1 + x^5
Normal@Series@Log@1 + x ^ 5D, 8x, 0, 45<DD

1 - x + x2 - x3 + x4 - x5 + x6 - x7 + x8 - x9 + x10

5 x4 - 5 x9 + 5 x14 - 5 x19 + 5 x24 - 5 x29 + 5 x34 - 5 x39 + 5 x44

x10 x15 x20 x25 x30 x35 x40 x45

x5 - + - + - + - +
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Once again we are like a sharp knife ... right on point!!!

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