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Love is between two beings, | one that loves more | and another one that loves better.

Love is the best equitable Religion.

Hermes Trismegisto, | the thrice great God Ibis of Thot,
wrote on the emerald Tablet | the following statement:
“I give you love in which is contained | the whole synthesis of wisdom.”
Love in itself is really the| extract of all the sciences;
it is written that wisdom in | synthesis is summarized in love | and love in happiness.
When a human being is | in love he turns noble, charitable,
helpful, philanthropist and finds | himself in a state of ecstasy.
If he were absent from the being he adores,
it would be enough to have a | simple handkerchief or a portrait
or a ring or any memory of the person | to enter in a state of ecstasy.
That is how love is.
Truly, love is an effusion, | an energetic emanation
that flows from the deepest part | of the consciousness.
It is as we can say a superlative | sense of the consciousness.
The cosmic energy that flows | from the bottom of our heart
stimulates the endocrine glands | of our organism,
it puts them to work, then many | hormones are produced and they
flood the sanguine channels and | fill them with a great vitality.
In ancient Greece, | the word hormone means:
longing of being, the force of being.
Let us observe a decrepit old man, | it would be enough to put him
in contact with a woman, | it would be enough that he is in love
so that he would be mystically exalted, | then his endocrine glands would
produce abundant hormones | that flooding the sanguine
channels would revitalize | him extraordinarily.
That is how love is.
In fact, love really revitalizes,
love awakens in us innate | powers of the Being.
When the human is truly in love, | he becomes intuitive,
mystic and in such an instant foresees | what could happen to him in the future
and many times exclaim:
I find that this is just a dream, | I fear myself that later you will
find another person in your way, | such intuitive premonitions through
the time and of the distance they become | fulfilled. That is how love is.
In Europe and also in the United States | a wonderful order exists,
I want to refer to the order of the Swan,| such an institution analyzes the diverse
scientifically processes of | that which is called Love.
In India, love has always been | symbolized as the swan KARAJANZA,
which marvelously floats on the waters of life, | has always symbolized love.
The swan truly allegorizes the | ineffable happiness of love.
Let us observe a crystalline lake of | pure waters where the sky is reflected
and where the swan glides.
When one of the couple dies, the other | one succumbs of sadness; | it is because love is
nourished with love.

To love, how great is to love, | only the great souls can and know | how to love, a great
thinker said once.
Let us observe the stars rotating around | their center of universal gravitation, they
attract and repel each other according | with the law of the cosmic magnetization,
they love each other and return to love again.
There have been many times when the | worlds come closer, they glow and shine
in the firmament of the starry night, | suddenly something happens:
“a collision of planets”
the astrologers exclaim from | their wonderful towers.
Love, yes, they have come very close | and have fused their masses,
the force of affection integrated them, | and they have become a new mass.
There is the miracle of love in the firmament.
Let us observe the flower, the atoms | of the molecules in the perfumed | Rose of Ambrosia,
showered by the rays of the moon in the | starry night by the shore of the crystalline
fountain they speak to us about love.
See those atoms surrounded by their | respective nuclear centres
obviously the molecule itself | is a solar system in miniature.
Why the atoms rotate around | their gravitation centers,
just as the planets rotate around the sun
Attracted by that wonderful | force that is called Love.
It is written that if all human beings | without difference of race, sex,
class, or color just abandon | for one minute their resentments,
vengeances, wars, hates and they | would love each other dearly,
even the poison of the vipers | would disappear.
Love is a cosmic force, a force that arises | from the vertex of all atomic nucleus,
a force that arises from the | vertex of any solar system,
a force that arises from | the center of any galaxy,
an extraordinary force that when | is properly used can make prodigies
and marvels like those that | the divine Rabbi of Galilean
carried out during his staying on the earth.
That is how love is.
A kiss itself, | looked by many in a morbid form,
is really in fact the mystic | consecration of two living souls
who expressed in a sensitive form that, | what they live in their interior.
The sexual act is the transubstantiation | of love in the psycho-physiological
reality of our nature.
In Asia they never raise any monuments| in honor to the big heroes
and their many battles,
but to love,
to the woman and that is because| the Asians understood that only through
the wonderful force of love we could | radically transform ourselves.
Maternity, love, woman, there is | something grandiose that always resonates
in the coral of the space in a perennial form.
The woman is the creator's most | beautiful thought made flesh, | blood and life.
To us the males, | a beautiful paint will fascinate us,
a sunset we will love it,

an eclipse beautifully observed from | some observatory impresses us,
but a woman immediately causes in us | a yearning to posses her,
the yearning to become one with her, | the longing of being integrated
with her to participate of | the integrity of the universe.
However, we should not see| love or women in a morbid form.
We should remember that love | in itself is pure, saint, noble.
When anyone desecrates | a woman with a morbid look,
indubitably, we are marching on the road of degeneration.
We should see her in all her natural fullness,
woman born for the sacred predestination,
is the only one that can | liberate us from the chain of pain.
The male for the woman is something similar,
she sees in the male all hope, all protection;
she wants to be completed by the male.
She sees in him precisely | the eternal masculine principle,
the same force that has | put in activity all that is,
all that has been and all that will be.
Man and woman, in fact, are really | the two columns of the temple.
Such columns should not be | exaggeratedly to close | or neither exorbitantly far;
there should be enough space so | that the light passes between them.
When one studies the force of affection,
when one understands what love | is then we feel that it should exist
at the bottom of sex something that | can in fact really bring us the illumination.
Something mystic that could | transform us in superman.
There is no one who cannot foresee that | by means of love we can change.
Yes, it is true that only by means of that | wonderful force it is possible to change.

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