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Sam Milstein

Perek bet

1. What is the duality of man? What does the pasuk tell us about the nature of
Rashi says that god took dust from four corners of the earth and that god
breathed the breath of life. In all of god’s creations we see both heaven and
earth man is no exception, man was made from the earth and then given life
through the heavens.

2. What does it mean that it’s not good for man to be alone?

The gemarah says two things, man needs a wife for good mental health and the
second thing it says is that practically it doesn’t make sense, Man can’t possibly do

The Sforno says he needs someone to help with his daily needs so he has time to
attend to his spirituality.

Rashi says two things 1) god had to create a counterpart to man so that there would
be some differentiation between god and man, so he required him to have a partner
so they would not appear the same. Because Man was created in the image of god
he was already above the animals, but if he gave them more reason s to be above
the animals he would feel too divine.


3. What does the phrase “Ezer Kenegdo” mean? Literally It means “a help against
him” it can be interpreted in numerous ways.

Rashi- if man will behave good than he will be rewarded with “ezer” which is help
but if man is not worthy than he is not rewarded with help but rather someone who
goes against him.

4. when does Adam come to the realization that he needs an” Ezer kenegdo”?
When he names the animals and realizes that they all have partners except for him.


a. Why is Adam put to sleep? To undergo massive surgery.

B. what is the verb used to discuss this act of creation? Vayiven which means to

Rashi says: He literally built her in a way that she could carry a baby, so she was
built like a building or a silo.
c. what do we learn about the relationship of man and women based on these
pasukim? That man and women were meant to be together and raise children.

d. What does zot ha pa’am… mean? It literally means that

this time she was created from by bones and from my flesh. How does this phrase
relate to Adam’s original request to find a partner? It means that he was previously
looking for a mate but could not find one.

Rashi says: he looked among the other animals but could not find his mate.

6.what does pasuk Chaf daled mean, and what does it say about the future of
marriage? It says man will leave his mother and his father and attach himself to the
women and they will become one flesh.

Rashi says about one flesh that in order to create a fetus that they need to become
one and that it is formed from both of them and that is where their flesh becomes

RambaN says that he sees what rashi says but argues that animals do the same
thing. What is the difference? Man and women stick together as opposed to
animals who do not desire their mate.

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