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Photosynthesis Uses Light Energy To Make Food

Photosynthesis: A process which involves the conversion of light energy into chemical energy

About Chloroplasts:
• Inner and outer membranes - Thylakoids
• Grana - Stoma

About Chlorophyll:
• Chlorophyll absorbs light energy
• Light energy from the sun is composed of a range of wavelengths (colors)
Why is chlorophyll green?
• Chlorophyll reflects the green portion of the visible light spectrum
• The other colors (red, blue, and violet light) are generally absorbed and provide energy for
• Chlorophyll is the main photosynthesis pigment, however plants have other pigments
Action Spectrum
• Shows the relative effectiveness of different wave lengths of light for promoting photosynthesis
Absorption Spectrum
• Shows the colors of light that are most absorbed by the plant
Separating Pigments by paper chromatography:
• This technique is helpful in identifying chloroplast pigments
• Distance pigments travel is affected by two factors:
1. Size: Smaller pigments travel further up paper
2. Solubility: More soluble pigments travel further up paper

The Light-Dependent Reactions Convert Light Energy into Chemical Energy

Photosystems: When chlorophyll and other pigments are arranged I thylakoid membranes in clusters

Harvesting Light Energy:

• Photons of light are absorbed by the chlorophyll pigments go photosystems II (PS II) found in the the
grana membranes
• Absorbing the light energy excites electrons within the chlorophyll molecules: this is called
photoactivation of PS II
• The excited electrons are taken up by the electron acceptor
• The electrons are then passed through a chain of electron carriers in the membrane and will end up at
photosystem I (PS I). This is a system of electron transport, sometimes called the electron transport chain
• The light is also absorbed
by PS I, which like PS
II, is found in the
Josh Goselwitz May 2010

membranes of the grana. Again, the electrons are excited as they absorb light energy. This is called
photoactivation of PS I

Production of Oxygen:
When the electrons leave PS II and go to the electron acceptor, the electrons must be replaced . The
source of these new electrons is the photolysis of water: The water molecules nearest to it split and give
up oxygens.
• Oxygen is a “waste” product and diffuses away

Photolysis reaction:
H2O = 2H+ + ½O 2 + 2e-

Production of ATP:
Chemiosmosis: Diffusion of hydrogen
Photophosphorylation: ADP + P = ATP
The electrons from the photolysis of water are taken up by chlorophyll in PS II. The following happens to
the other two products of photolysis, oxygen and H+ ions:
• Oxygen is released as a “waste” product
• H+ ions (protons) are pumped across the thylakoid membrane into the fluid space inside of the
• H+ ions accumulate there until the concentration gradient drives them through a structure called
ATP synthase channel, embedded in the thylakoid membrane
• As the H+ move down the concentration gradient, through the ATP synthase channel
(chemiosmosis), the hydrogen ions drive the photophosphorylation reaction as follows:

Since the formation of ATP is indirectly caused by photons of light energy, the process is thus described
as photophosphorylation

Production of NADPH
The electrons that are re-excited with light energy in PS I are passed on to the electron acceptor and are
eventually used to reduce NADP+ as follows:
NADP+ + H+ + 2e- = NADPH
NADPH will be used in the Calvin cycle of the light-independent reactions.

Cyclic Vs. Noncyclic photophosphorylation:

• If NADPH is produced, then noncyclic photophosphorylation has occurred
• However, if the supply of NADP+ runs out, then cyclic phosphorylation will occur
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• When this happens, the electrons from PS I are not passed on to NADP+ but instead they go through
the membrane via the electron transport system and are returned to PS I, PS II is not involved
• This process is cyclic. It does not produce NADPH but it does produce ATP. For this reason, cyclic
photophosphorylation is a useful process

The Light-Independent reactions (Calvin cycle) make Sugar from Carbon Dioxide

The light-independent reactions uses the two products from the light-dependent reactions: ATP + NADPH
ATP provides the energy and NADPH provides the reducing power for the Calvin Cycle

Carbon Fixation: The carbon atom is chemically bonded to a pre-existing molecule in the stoma
• CO2 diffuses into the stroma of the chloroplast via the stomata of the leaves
• RuBP (ribulose biphosphate) is the carbon dioxide acceptor. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme
rubisco ( ribulose biphosphate carbolxylase)
• The resulting 6-carbon compound is called glycerate-3-phosphate

***** Rubisco is an
important enzyme
because it fixes CO2
from an inorganic
compound to an organic
compound. Rubisco is
the most abundant
enzyme on Earth*****

• Glycerate-3-phosphate is unstable and immediately is converted into two 3-carbon compounds, triose
• The conversion of glycerate-3-phosphate into a carbohydrate, triose phosphate, is a reduction reaction
• Hydrogen is needed to carry out this reaction and is supplied by NADPH
• Energy is also needed and is supplied by ATP
Linking two triose phosphate molecules together produces glucose
Triose phosphate can also be converted to sucrose, starch, amino acids and fatty acids

Regeneration of RuBP
For carbon fixation to continue, one RuBP molecule must be produced to replace each one that is used
• For every six molecules of triose phosphate formed in the Calvin Cycle, five must be converted into
• This process requires the use of energy in the form of ATP

Structure-function Relationships in Chloroplasts

Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis

1. Carbon Dioxide:
• If there are no CO2 available RuBP cannot be converted into glycerate-3-phosphate
• As a result the RuBP starts to build up and no more glucose will be produced

2. Temperature:
• Low temperatures limit photosynthesis since the enzymes controlling the reactions are below
their optimum temperature
• High temperatures limit photosynthesis since the enzymes controlling the reactions are
destroyed with too much heat
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3. Light Intensity:
• In the absence of light neither the ATP or the NADPH will be produced and so the glycerate-3-
phosphate cannot be converted to glucose

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