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  Chasity Crook   Math

    Kindergarten   11/18/10   30 minutes

Students will use the knowledge of counting from one to ten, and apply it to concrete objects.


TLW demonstrate understanding about the story Theo¶s Thanksgiving by correctly answering
questions about the story.

TLW improve counting abilities by counting out a certain amount of food to decorate a plate of
food they might eat for Thanksgiving.

  ! " Recognize the historical development of mathematics, mathematics in context, and
the connections between mathematics and the real world.
  # # Create, represent and recognize a set with a given number of objects.
  # ! Count objects to 25 using one-to-one correspondence and identify the quantity in the
counted group.
  # $ Create a set with a given number of objects.

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A copy of the book Theo¶s Thanksgiving by David Steinberg
20 trays of plates
- rn order to make the trays, take a large piece of blue construction paper and place it
vertically on a flat surface. Hot glue a paper plate in the middle (don¶t use Styrofoam,
because it will melt). Hot glue a fork on one side and a folded napkin on the other. On
the napkin, write the student¶s name. At the top of the paper write, ³r will eat«"
20+ copies of the different types of food mentioned in the story Theo¶s Thanksgiving
- rn order to make the food, just trace the pictures onto regular print paper, then copy onto
colored construction paper.
Liquid glue
Permanent marker

1. Tell the students you are going to read a story about a little boy who is eating a Thanksgiving
2. Ask the students questions about what they eat during Thanksgiving.
a. What do you eat for Thanksgiving?
3. Hold up the book Theo¶s Thanksgiving by David Steinberg.
4. Take a picture walk with students.
5. Ask students about the pictures they see in the story.
a. What is the little boy doing in the story?
b. What types of food is he eating?
c. Why do you think he is eating so much?
6. Tell students they need to listen to the story because they will have to make their own
Thanksgiving meal, which includes the process of counting to figure out how much they will

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1. Pass out a number worksheet in which students will match the number with the word name of
the number.
2. Explain to students that while they are working on the worksheet, you will be calling two at a
time to the back of the room to make their own Thanksgiving meal
3. Working with an individual student, explain to the student that you have different cut outs of
types of foods they might eat for a Thanksgiving meal.
Ex: turkey pieces, dinner rolls, carrots, cranberries, peas, stuffing, sweet potatoes,
broccoli trees, gravy, and cookies.
4. Explain to students that they will pick no more than five items.
5. Ask students what they might eat.
a. Pick a type of food that you might eat one serving.
i. Have students count out that many number of the item.
b. Pick a type of food that you might eat two servings.
i. Have students count out that many number of the item.
c. Pick a type of food that you might eat three servings.
i. Have students count out that many number of the item.
d. Pick a type of food that you might eat four servings.
i. Have students count out that many number of the item.
e. Pick a type of food that you might eat five servings.
i. Have students count out that many number of the item.
6. Once students have picked the types of food they might eat, help them to glue the pieces
onto the paper plate.

1. At the bottom of the tray, write down the types of food the children have chosen with a blank
in front of the item using the permanent marker.
2. Tell students to count how many of each item they have.
3. Tell students to write the number of items in front of the correct blank using a pencil.
4. Once students have written the correct number, trace it with a permanent marker so that it
shows up darker on the paper.


u While students are individually called to work with the teacher on their ³tray of food,´ the
rest of the class will complete a worksheet relating the word of the number to the written
u Students may share their ³tray of food´ with the class.
u Students who need extra guidance should be placed closer to the teacher during the reading
of the story.
u Hold up the number of the type of food while reading the story in order to aid visual learners
who need help relating the number to the word of the number.
u The activity aids visual and kinesthetic learners since they are placing the food on the tray.
u Keep a copy of a list of numbers where the activity is located in order to help those students
who have trouble remembering how to write certain numbers.
u or students who have a different religious tolerance for Thanksgiving, ask them what they
might just eat for dinner in order to complete the activity.

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Observe how well children can count and write numbers.

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Students are assigned a worksheet in which they count and write a number for the amount of food
they see.

This was my very first lesson r created in which r taught the students. r was very nervous that it r
was going to be a complete failure, but it turned out great! r read the book twice during class, and the
students joined in with me in counting the numbers the second time around. The students were very
patient working on the counting worksheet while my mentor teacher and r individually helped
students with the activity; also, students seemed to understand the process very well. Many of them
wanted to continue to add food to their plate, but r eventually had to cut them off. The idea came
from the book Theo¶s Thanksgiving, and r feel that the lesson went off without a hitch.

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