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Minutes of the Helmsdale and District Community Council

Meeting held in the Community Centre
Thursday 4th November 2010


Evelyn MacKenzie (Chairman)

Edward MacKay (Vice Chairman)
Garry MacMillan (Treasurer)
Ann Houghton (Secretary)
Stan Amey
Malcolm Bromley
Margaret Cairns
Annie Cowie
Roz Shorrock
Lorna Smith
Christine Sutherland
Cllr Deirdre Mackay
Pete Carson Development Officer


Elizabeth Fraser
Rosemary Findlay

Police Report

This months meeting was attended by PC Stephen Mackenzie and PC Malcolm

MacLeod. The only incident that was worth mentioning was one of minor assault.
The Chairman asked if anyone had anything to ask the police representatives.
The parking problem on the blind corner on Golf Road, leading onto the Strath, was
still a problem because when vehicles travelling up to the Strath are on a level with
the parked vehicles they drivers are only then aware of oncoming vehicles. The
police are aware of the problem but owners are allowed to park outside their residence
if there are no parking restrictions. PC Mackenzie also commented that any lorries
travelling down the Strath should have a clear view of oncoming traffic and it was
really a matter of give and take and care has to be taken by all motorists at that point
in the road. Evelyn MacKenzie has spoken to lorry drivers to make them aware of the
problem. Malcolm Bromley said in his opinion it was an accident waiting to happen.
Lorna Smith raised again the problem of lorries parked at the Harbour. It was a
matter that has been raised on numerous occasions and visits by councillors and other
officials still has not solved the problem. It was agreed by all present that alternative
parking for lorries has been sought but no suitable site has been found. Coupars yard
is the obvious area but the opening is too narrow. PC Mackenzie agreed to look into
the matter and advise the Traffic Warden to visit the site to see if the parking
restrictions were being adhered to. He asked if there were any notices of parking
restrictions. One of the problems which has occurred on other areas is the diesel from
lorries being stolen. It was agreed by all present to allow the police to investigate.
The Chairman thanked the PCs for attending and they left at 7.40pm.

The first item to be addressed on the agenda was the co-opting of Mr Pete Carson, the
Helmsdale Development Officer, onto the Community Council. It was agreed by all
present to this as Pete had the expertise and knowledge to handle the Wind Farm
Community Benefit Fund which was to be a very important but complex business.
Pete would there for be a representative for the Council on the Panel. He has the
skills needed to interact with the other members and put forward the ideas from the
Helmsdale community in gaining funding for projects. Pete accepted and said he was
delighted to be part of the CC. A member of the Community can only be Co-opted
onto the Council if they have expertise that the CC requires.

The Chairman welcomed and introduced Dr Main who had been invited to attend this
months meeting to clarify various queries which had cropped up, about the Medical
Practice, during other meetings. Margaret Cairns enquired about the Saturday
morning surgery at Brora. This is non existent but Dr Main explained that there is an
out of hours 24/7 at the Lawson Memorial Hospital
Christine Sutherland - Could there be and evening surgery at Helmsdale for the
Dr Main – there is an evening surgery at Brora
Dr Main was asked if this could be alternated with Helmsdale
Dr Main – it would mean opening up the Practice and staffing but I will bring it up at
the next partners meeting.

The members present asked if it could be done on a trial basis.

It was explained to the doctor that there were difficulties for people to take time off
work to attend the usual opening hours often because they work out with the area and
many did not drive.

Dr Main was also asked about the appointment system for school children and she
explained that there are always appointments available for school children after they
returned from school in Golspie. There has been a system introduced awhile back
where there are 6 pre-bookable appointments and 3 instant appointments on each day.
This system seems to be working well at the moment.
Roz – Had to wait for a month for a blood test because no-one was available to take it.
Dr Main said that if no-one else available the Doctors can take blood. There was a
staff shortage due to long term illness of the practice nurse and holiday. Roz asked if
agency nurses could have been used.
Roz – Husband had to travel to Brora for a dressing change because again no-one
available at the surgery in Helmsdale
Margaret – had dressing done straight away.
Garry MacMillan asked if anything could be done for the workers who have to take
time off to attend appointments. Again Dr Main pointed out that there was a surgery
at Brora 6-7 pm. Garry thought that this was not convenient for people out with the
area to get home and into the surgery and Dr Main was asked to enquire if the surgery
could be alternated with Brora.
Roz – there seems to no continuity with doctors. Dr Main explained that
appointments could be made to see the same doctor if requested.
Dr Main confirmed that Dr Chase had left and Dr Woodall was to leave soon too but
there are four doctors at the moment herself Dr Docherty Dr Mitchell and Dr

Stan Amey commented that at no time had he to wait more than two days for an
The Chairman said that for the last 4 years the cover has been much better than in
previous years and that the majority of the community were well served and satisfied
with the Medical Practice.
Malcolm Bromley – 5 -10 years ago the community struggled with only one doctor
now it is terrific.
Christine Sutherland asked if all minor injuries were to travel to Golspie Memorial
Hospital. Dr Main confirmed this and said there was 24/7 cover there.
Dr Main agreed to bring up the points raised at the practice weekly meeting.
The Chairman thanked Dr Main for attending the meeting.

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record. They were proposed
by Annie Cowie and seconded by Garry MacMillan.

Councillors Report

Village Spring Clean – a date to be arranged with TECS and they will provide and
remove skip. Ward Budget can also assist with protective gloves.

Requirement for Bottle Bank in Kinbrace – this has not been relocated and there are
no plans to do so. Blue boxes being introduced to Altnaharra in April.

Sandbox on brae at Kinbrace – TECs will drop sand/salt heaps and also in Helmsdale
village. Christine Sutherland requested more for near the Church too.

Various Potholes – all had been reported to TECs

Potential to relocate recycling banks – The Cllr has spoken with Waste Management
Team who advise that they have a checklist to assess suitability of alternative sites
e.g. access has to be big enough for lorries, site has to be minimum size of 16/20m sq,
no overhead cable, suitable surface. Community must also be in agreement with any
move. Waste Management will assist with any future relocation given pre-conditions
are met.

School crossing concerns – the Cllr has requested that options be accelerated.
Transport Scotland must be involved. She will speak with Parent Council re - a site
meeting. Edward MacKay asked if it was more sense for the children to cross where
the dropped curbs were. It was pointed out that where the dropped curb was on one
side the other side had not pavement and visibility of traffic coming north on the A9
was obscured. Edward pointed out the traffic coming up the A9 was slower. It was
agreed that a site meeting was the best option.

The Old Distillery Site – the candidate for the post on the Highland Council
department has withdrawn and the post is now frozen. Colin Anderson is covering
the whole area by himself and has to prioritise work.
This will again mean the CC application will have to wait a little longer.

Land League Memorial Stone – The Cllr has discussed with the Archaeologist who is
researching any available funding

Dog fouling – The Cllr had received further complaints about dog fouling in
Strathnaver Street, Dunrobin Street and Sutherland Street. There are obviously
persistent offenders and she has referred again on the Enforcement Officer.
Margaret Cairns also said the fouling was bad on Simpson Crescent and Rockview
Place. It was suggested that it may be stray dogs but usually stray dogs seek out rough
It was agreed that the public must take more responsibility and report any instances
they see. Annie Cowie had recently spoken to an owner, near the Lobster Pond, who
proceeded to pick up the excretement and toss it onto the beach. Annie protested to
the owner had said it was a serious health hazard to children.

Matters arising from the Minutes

Margaret Cairns asked if the remainder of the donation to the Flower Show had been
paid – she was assured it was in hand.

It was agreed by all present that Timespan was becoming more and more important to
the village in these times of economic cutback. The schedule of events is very

Treasurers Report

Community Council Account £1265.27

Christmas Light Account £1503.62

Development Group update by Pete Carson

Boat/Rowing Club

An application is being made to the Ward Discretionary Budget for funding for this
An AGM took place and office bearers were elected.
It is hoped to start the building of the boat as soon as the funding is in place.


It is hoped to send a circular round their community to try to get 75% support for us to
approach BT with a view to discussing the Race For Infinity project.
As our community has less than 1000 homes, we cannot be considered for the full
assistance but a 75% support would mean that BT would come and chat.

Community Energy

A group from the Community Council attended a meeting hosted by Scottish

Southern Energy (SSE) and Scottish Community Foundation (SCF) at Brora.
All 4 communities affected by the Gordonbush Wind Farm were present - Rogart,
Golspie, Brora and Helmsdale.

SCF explained how they see the project moving forward. They wish representatives
from each CC to be identified so that the next meeting can be arranged ( 9th Dec) to
discuss how this framework will be put in place. More info below under "Gordonbush
Wind Farm".

Community Allotment Scheme

Awaiting clarification on land ownership issues.

Coppice / Woodland
A Syllabus has now been sent to OCN and a Management Plan is being prepared for
Sutherland Estates.
It is hoped that courses might start early in the new year.
This may link in to a "Harvesting Wild Fruit" project which is currently being

Petrol Station
HIE are funding a feasibility study at the end of November.
There will also be a detailed inspection of tanks, pipes, pumps etc
Discussion is ongoing with TESCO regarding fuel supplies.
New legislation and Health and Safety means that we may have to consider an
alternative site for this.

All other projects are "ticking over".

Pete had also had one meeting, with John MacHardy of Council Housing and Ronnie
MacRae from Scottish Small Communities Housing Trust, and was to have a follow
up meeting. This prompted the CC members present to advise him that on numerous
occasions the SCHT had put several questionnaires out to the community and there
had been numerous meetings with the CC members but to no avail. Housing was still
needed in the community.

Gordonbush Wind Farm update by Pete Carson

The meeting held by SSE and SCF (see above) was attended by 4 representatives
from the CC and me.
Rogart, Brora and Golspie were also represented.
SSE presented the basis of how the fund would work as far as money was concerned.
ie about £ 144,000 per annum plus a "possible" bonus of £ 100,000
This would be for the life of the Farm (25 years)
SCF then explained how they could administer everything (they are paid for by SSE).
This would include Minutes, Agendas, arranging meetings etc
They also stated that they could if necessary assist in the selection of who would
represent each community on the "panel" by interview process.
They also offered to "filter" applications and make recommendations to the "panel".
Finally they are to arrange a further meeting (9th Dec) for those who are chosen to
form the "guidance group" to meet.
This group would decide on the make-up of the "panel" and how the whole process
will work.


Nicola Henderson reported that Timespan will be open through the winter but at
different hours of opening.
Tuesdays – 2pm to 5pm
Saturdays and Sundays 11am to 4pm
There will still be events throughout November and December


Ann Houghton informed the CC members of the date and time of the Moray Firth
Also the Sutherland School Transport meeting at Golspie High School – Evelyn
MacKenzie is attending Deirdre emphasised that this is an important meeting about
school transport.
Both Evelyn and Ann had received letters from Alan Grant Outreach Engagement
Officer regarding free energy efficiency advice – Ann is to invite him to the next
meeting if he is able to attend.
Ann also reported that she has invited Matthew O’Neill from the British Transport
Police to one if the CC meetings he has requested the dates for next year.

Garry MacMillan – it was agreed to pay a donation to both Helmsdale and Kinbrace
schools for help with transport costs to the annual Pantomime in Inverness. It was
agreed to donate £150 to Helmsdale and £50 to Kinbrace. He also said with the grants
the CC received £1200 of which regular payments out total £800. He reported that
next year we may need to buy new flags. It was agreed to postpone donations for next
year. Garry also asked Deirdre if the rumour he had heard was that the HC received a
fixed sum specifically for the street lighting and in this case why do some lights have
to be turned off. Deirdre replied that it was a complex matter but she would check.
Garry also informed the CC that the Christmas Bingo would be held in the Sports
Club at 8pm on Monday 6th December and asked for volunteers on the night several
members volunteered their help.

Malcolm Bromley – reported that the road at the 2nd cattle grid on the Strath Road
needed attention. Evelyn said the HC will not be doing repairs as there is no money
available and the weather was not now suitable for such repairs.

Roz – could the CC get money from the Dounreay funding? Deirdre said that this
fund is not up and running yet. Also she asked if anything could be done about the
bench that was in a state of disrepair on the ground opposite the Service Point. It was
pointed out that this is private land.

Margaret Cairns – the north face of the War Memorial is in a shocking state. She was
advised to contact the British Legion for funding.

Lorna Smith – Visit Scotland have a planned visit, with journalists, to Helmsdale in
connection with Gold Panning in the area. She thought the lorry parking problem at
the Harbour gave a poor impression. It was agreed by all present to leave it to the

police and traffic warden to sort as had been earlier agreed with PC Stephen

Evelyn MacKenzie asked Cllr Mackay if there had been any decisions yet on the
gritting of the roads in the area? Cllr Mackay replied that no decisions had been

Public Business

Mrs Ann Macdonald also raised her concerns about the disruption caused by a lorry
parking at the harbour. It was agreed that the CC would await the findings of the
Police and Traffic Warden before any action could be taken. She also criticised the
Chairman for remaining in the room when her lorries were being discussed with the
police, the Chairman emphasised once more that they were not her Lorries or did she
have any financial share in the business. She had offered to hand over to the Vice
Chairman Edward MacKay.

The meeting close at 9.30pm

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the
Community Centre.

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