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Introduction to Matlab

Matlab Basics

John J. H. Oh
Pohang Univ. Of Science and Technology

Based on lectures by F. Gustafsson, Linköping University

Introduction to Matlab 2

What is Matlab?
A software environment for interactive numerical computations

 Matrix computations and linear algebra
 Solving nonlinear equations
 Numerical solution of differential equations
 Mathematical optimization
 Statistics and data analysis
 Signal processing
 Modelling of dynamical systems
 Solving partial differential equations
 Simulation of engineering systems
Introduction to Matlab 3

Matlab Background

Matlab = Matrix Laboratory

Originally a user interface for numerical linear algebra
routines (Lapak/Linpak)
Commercialized 1984 by The Mathworks
Since then heavily extended (defacto-standard)

Alternatives Complements
Matrix-X Maple (symbolic)
Octave (free; GNU) Mathematica (symbolic)
Lyme (free; Palm)
Introduction to Matlab 4

Core functionality: compiled C-routines
Most functionality is given as m-files, grouped into toolboxes
 m-files contain source code, can be copied and altered
 m-files are platform independent (PC, Unix/Linux, MAC)
Simulation of dynamical systems is performed in Simulink

Sig. Proc Contr. Syst.

C-kernel m-files
Introduction to Matlab 5

Matlab Desktop

Launch Pad


Introduction to Matlab 6

Matlab Desktop – cont’d



Introduction to Matlab 7

The Matlab Environment

Matlab is an interpreted language

 Commands are typed into the COMMAND Window and
executed immediately
 Variables are allocated in memory as soon as they are first
used in an expression
 Commands must be re-entered to be re-executed
All variables created in the Command Window are in what
is called the Base Workspace
 Variables can be reassigned new values as needed
 Variables can be selectively cleared from the workspace
The Workspace can be saved to a data file
 File extension is .mat (ex: mydata.mat)
 File is in binary and essentially unreadable by humans
 .mat files can be reloaded back into the Matlab Workspace
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Matlab Help
Introduction to Matlab 9

The Help System

Search for appropriate function

>> lookfor keyword

Rapid help with syntax and function definition

>> help function

An advanced hyperlinked help system is launched by

>> helpdesk

Complete manuals as PDF files

Introduction to Matlab 10

Matlab Editor Access to


Color keyed
text with auto

tabbed sheets for other

files being edited
Introduction to Matlab 11

Interactive Calculations
Matlab is interactive, no need to declare variables
>> 2+3*4/2
>> a=5e-3; b=1; a+b

Most elementary functions and constants are already defined

>> cos(pi)
>> abs(1+i)
>> sin(pi)

Last call gives answer 1.2246e-016 !?

Introduction to Matlab 12

Floating point numbers in Matlab

IEEE Standard for double precision numbers

s e f
1 2 12 13 64

Round-off: eps = 2-52

Underflow: realmin = 2-1022
Overflow: realmax = (2-eps) ·21023
Introduction to Matlab 13

Variable and Memory Management

Matlab uses double precision (approx. 16 significant digits)
>> format long
>> format compact

All variables are shown with

>> who
>> whos

Variables can be stored on file

>> save filename
>> clear
>> load filename
Introduction to Matlab 14

Vectors and Matrices

Vectors (arrays) are defined as
>> v = [1, 2, 4, 5]
>> w = [1; 2; 4; 5]

Matrices (2D arrays) defined similarly

>> A = [1,2,3;4,-5,6;5,-6,7]
Introduction to Matlab 15

Matrix Operators
All common operators are overloaded
>> v + 2

Common operators are available

>> B = A’
>> A*B
>> A+B

 Matlab is case-sensitive
A and a are two different variables
• Transponate conjugates complex entries; avoided by
>> B=A.’
Introduction to Matlab 16

Indexing Matrices
Indexing using parentheses
>> A(2,3)

Index submatrices using vectors

of row and column indices
>> A([2 3],[1 2])

Ordering of indices is important!

>> B=A([3 2],[2 1])
>> B=[A(3,2),A(3,1);A(2,2);A(2,1)]
Introduction to Matlab 17

Indexing Matrices
Index complete row or column using
the colon operator
>> A(1,:)

Can also add limit index range

>> A(1:2,:)
>> A([1 2],:)

General notation for colon operator

>> v=1:5
>> w=1:2:5
Introduction to Matlab 18

Matrix Functions
Many elementary matrices predefined
>> help elmat;
>> I=eye(3)

Elementary functions are often overloaded

>> help elmat
>> sin(A)

Specialized matrix functions and operators

>> As=sqrtm(A)
>> As^2
>> A.*A

Note: in general, ”.<operator>” is elementwise operation

Introduction to Matlab 19

Numerical Linear Algebra

Basic numerical linear algebra
>> z=[1;2;3]; x=inv(A)*z
>> x=A\z

Many standard functions predefined

>> det(A)
>> rank(A)
>> eig(A)

The number of input/output arguments can often be varied

>> [V,D]=eig(A)
Introduction to Matlab 20

Inner (dot) Product

v α
w v.w = ( x1 , x2 ).( y1 , y2 ) = x1 y1 + x2 . y2

The inner product is a SCALAR!

v.w = ( x1 , x2 ).( y1 , y2 ) =|| v || ⋅ || w || cos α

v.w = 0 ⇔ v ⊥ w
Introduction to Matlab 21


Cn×m = An×m + Bn×m
 a11 a12  a1m 
 21 a22  a2 m  cij = aij + bij
An×m = a31 a32  a3m 
  A and B must have the same
    
an1 an 2  anm 
Introduction to Matlab 22


Product: A and B must have

Cn× p = An×m Bm× p compatible dimensions
cij = ∑ aik bkj
k =1 An×n Bn×n ≠ Bn×n An×n

1 0  0
Identity Matrix:
 
0 1  0
I = IA = AI = A
   
 
0 0  1
Introduction to Matlab 23

Cm×n = A T
n× m ( A + B) = A + B

cij = a ji ( AB)T = B T AT

If A =A
A is symmetric
Introduction to Matlab 24

Determinant: A must be square

 a11 a12  a11 a12

det   = = a11a22 − a21a12
a21 a22  a21 a22

 a11 a12 a13 

a22 a23 a21 a23 a21 a22
det a21 a22 
a23  = a11 − a12 + a13
a32 a33 a31 a33 a31 a32
a31 a32 a33 
Introduction to Matlab 25


Inverse: A must be square

−1 −1
An×n A n× n =A n×n An×n = I
 a11 a12  1  a22 − a12 
a  = − a
 21 a22  a11a22 − a21a12  21 a11 
Introduction to Matlab 26

2D Translation

Introduction to Matlab 27

2D Translation Equation

ty P P = ( x, y )
y t = (t x , t y )
x tx

P ' = ( x + t x , y + t y ) = P+t
Introduction to Matlab 28

2D Translation using Matrices

P’ P = ( x, y )
ty P
t = (t x , t y )
t P
x tx  x
 x + t x  1 0 t x   
P' →   = ⋅  y
 y + t y  0 1 t y   1 
 
Introduction to Matlab 29


Introduction to Matlab 30

Scaling Equation

P = ( x, y )
P P ' = ( sx, sy )
P' = s ⋅ P
x s.x
 sx   s 0  x 
P' →   =  ⋅ 
 sy  0 s   y 

P' = S ⋅ P S
Introduction to Matlab 31


Introduction to Matlab 32

Rotation Equations

Counter-clockwise rotation by an angle θ

 x' cosθ − sin θ   x 

P’  y ' =  sin θ cosθ   y 
Y’   
y P' = R.P
Introduction to Matlab 33


Visualization of vector data is available

>> x=-pi:0.1:pi; y=sin(x);
>> plot(x,y)
>> plot(x,y,’s-’)
>> xlabel(’x’); ylabel(’y=sin(x)’);

Can change plot properties in Figure menu, or via ”handle”

>> h=plot(x,y); set(h, ’LineWidth’, 4);

Many other plot functions available

>> v=1:4; pie(v)
Introduction to Matlab 34

Three-dimensional graphics
>> A = zeros(32);
>> A(14:16,14:16) = ones(3);
>> F=abs(fft2(A));
>> mesh(F)
>> rotate3d on

Several other plot functions available

>> surfl(F)

Can change lightning and material properties

>> cameramenu
>> material metal
Introduction to Matlab 35

Bitmap images can also be visualized
>> load mandrill
>> image(X); colormap(map)
>> axis image off

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