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Proctored - Mock CAT 1

Answers and Explanations

1 c 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 d 8 c 9 d 10 b
11 c 12 d 13 d 14 d 15 b 16 b 17 d 18 c 19 b 20 b
21 a 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 b 26 c 27 d 28 d 29 c 30 d
31 d 32 a 33 d 34 d 35 d 36 a 37 c 38 b 39 b 40 c
41 c 42 c 43 a 44 b 45 d 46 a 47 b 48 a 49 b 50 d
51 a 52 d 53 c 54 d 55 a 56 c 57 b 58 d 59 c 60 d

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Test Prep
1. c Let the co-ordinates of A and B be (0,0) and (a,0)
respectively. a2
⇒ r2 = = 1.
Let the co-ordinates of point C be (h, k). 2− 2
Given: Area of shaded region
2AC = BC
⇒ 2 h2 + k 2 = (h − a )2 + k 2 2
[Area of circle – Area of octagon]

( )
⇒ 4 h2 + k 2 = (h − a ) + k 2
1 2
2 
1 
πr − 8  × r 2 × sin 45°  
2 
⇒ 4h2 + 4k 2 = h2 + k 2 + a2 − 2ah
1 1 
= π − 4×
2a a2 2  2

⇒h +k +
2 2
h− =0
3 3
π−2 2
 a
 2a 
2 =
⇒  h +  + k2 =   2
 3  3 
The equation written above is that of a circle with 4. b When N = 1 M=1×6
N=2 M = 6 × 11
 a  2a
center (say O) at  − ,0  and radius . N = 200 M = 996 × 1001
 3  3
Harmonic mean =
 a  1 1 1
The center O  − ,0  divides AB externally such that + +L
 3  1× 6 6 × 11 996 × 1001
4AO = BO.
2. c We need to check for a base where 677 must have 1  1 1  1 1  1 1 1 
1− + − +L  −
5 digits if converted. 5  6  5  6 11 5  996 1001
We also know that in Base 3, the decimal value of
a 5-digit number must lie between 80 and 243 (as ‘81 200 200
= = = 1001
signifies 10000’ and ‘242 signifies 22222’ – the minimum 1 1  1 1000
1 − ×
and maximum possible 5-digit number in base 3). 5  1001 5 1001
So, the base cannot be 3.
Next we check for Base 4. The decimal value of
a 5-digit number must lie between 255 and 1024. As  x 2 − 29x + 154 
 
256 ≤ 677 ≤ 1023, this must be the minimum  x 2 − 12x + 32 
 
possible value of n. 5. c (x − 7) =1

(x − 7) (x − 22)
3. d ⇒ ( x − 7 ) (x − 8) (x − 4) = 1
(x − 7) (x − 22)
r Let P(x) = (x – 7) and Q(x) =
(x − 8) (x − 4)
45º r
Now, three cases arise:
P(x) = 1 and Q(x) may be anything.
∴ (x − 7) = 1
or x = 8
But, for x = 8, Q(x) is not defined.
Applying cosine rule, Case–2
P(x) = – 1 and Q(x) is an even exponent.
r 2 + r 2 − a2
cos 45° = (x – 7) = – 1 or x = 6
2r 2 For x = 6, Q(x) = – 4, which satisfies the given equation.

1 2r 2 − a2
⇒ =
2 2r 2

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Case–3 8. c a1 = 1
Q(x) = 0 and P(x) ≠ 0 a2 = 2
a3 = 1 (1) = 1
(x − 7) (x − 22) a4 = 2 (0) = 0
∴ =0
(x − 8) (x − 4) a5 = 1 (– 1) = – 1
a6 = 0 (– 2) = 0
⇒ x = 7 or x = 22 a7 = – 1 (– 1) = 1
But, for x = 7, P(x) = 0, for which the given equation is a8 = 0 (0) = 0
not defined. a9 = 1 (– 1) = – 1
After a1 and a2, there is a cyclicity of ‘4’ in the remaining
So the given equation is satisfied for two values of terms
‘x’ (6 and 22). a1000 = a2 + 4 × 249 + 2 = 0.

6. a If Brazil never gets a lead over India, the first goal of

the match should be scored by India. At this stage 1 1 1 1 1 1
9. d S= + + +L+ + +
India leads by 1 – 0, and the only way in which Brazil 100 101 102 998 999 1000
can take a lead is by scoring the next two goals i.e. a
scoring pattern like IBBIII. In all other cases Brazil would  1 1   1 1  1
= + + + +L+
never be able to lead India. 100 1000   101 999 
144444424444443 550
Total cases where India scores the first goal ' 450' terms

= = 10. 1000 + 100 999 + 101 1
3!2! = + +L+
100 × 1000 101× 999 550
Different scoring patterns possible = 10 – 1 = 9.
1100 1100 1
= + +L+
360 100 × 1000 101× 999 550
7. d The minute-hand of a normal clock covers = 6°
per minute. The hour-hand of a normal clock covers In the first 450 terms, the sum of the two numbers in
the denominator is constant. Thus, their product will
30 1° be maximum when they are equal
= per minute. So once they are together, in
60 2
1100 1100 1
∴S > + +L+
1 11° 550 × 550 4244444
14444 550 × 550 3 550
every minute the minute hand gains 6 − = over
2 2 ' 450 ' terms

the hour hand.

 1100  1
or S > 450  + >1
360 720
= minutes.  550 × 550  550
So, time between two meetings =
11 11
2 10. b Let the speed of A, B and C be 5v, v and v respectively.
So, in any clock the hour-hand and the minute-hand Let the circumference of the track be 12vt.
Instance when A meets:
720 B – 3t, 6t, 9t, 12t, 15t, 18t ....
meet after every minutes.
11 C – 2t, 4t, 6t, 8t, 10t, 12t ....
If 60 minutes have passed in a normal clock then time
passed in the faulty clock is 70 minutes. In every 6t units of time A meets B twice while A meets
C thrice. So in 36t A would give:
If 24 hrs (or 24 × 60 minutes) have passed in a normal B – 2 × 6 = 12 cards
clock then time passed in the faulty clock must be C – 3 × 6 = 18 cards. (total 30)
24 × 70 = 1680 minutes. Now, at 38t A gives C a card (his 31st) at 39t A gives
Number of times the hands meet – B a card (his 32nd) and at 40t A gives C a card
(his last)
= 25.67 = 25 So the required difference = (18 + 2) – (12 + 1) = 7.

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11. c Construction: Extend BC to cut the circle at E and (iii) If x is of the form 3m + 2, x2 will be of the form
join AE. 3n + 1 and R.H.S. will leave a remainder of 2. m, n ∈ N

So R.H.S. can never be a multiple of 3, while L.H.S. is

always a multiple of 3. Hence no real solution exists.

15. b f(0) > 0 and f(1) < 0 implies that one root for f(x) = 0
A B lies between x = 0 and x = 1.
f(6) + f(8) = 0 implies that f(6) and f(8) are of opposite
1 20 º D sign but same absolute value. Hence another root for
f(x) = 0 must lie between x = 6 and x = 8. As f(1) < 0,
E f(6) must also be less than zero, otherwise we’ll have
more than 2 roots for f(x) = 0.
Hence f(8) > 0 and f(6) < 0.
∆AEB is right angled at E. (Angle in a semicircle is a
Further f(7).f(9) > 0 implies that both f(7) and f(9) are
right angle).
greater than zero.
Hence, both AE and OD are perpendicular to EB. By
So the second root for f(x) = 0 must lie between x = 6
AA property:
and x = 7.
∆AEB : ∆ODB So f(x) would look like :
Hence, = or =
⇒ AE = 2OD = 3cm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
In right ∆AEC : 7

∠ACE = 180o − ∠ACB = 180o − 120o = 60o

AE  2 
and AC = = 3  = 2 3 cm. As f(1), f(2) and f(3) are less than zero,
sin60o  3 f(1).f(2).f(3) < 0 is true.

12. d All the flowers can be given to one person and then As f(3), f(5) < 0 and f(7), f(9) > 0,
the fruits distributed among all others in such a way f(3).f(5).f(7).f(9) > 0 is true.
that all of them get at least one fruit.
As f(7), f(8) > 0,
13. d As per the information given in the question, we can f(7).f(8) < 0 is false.
conclude that
f(0), f(9), f(10) > 0 and f(1) < 0, but since we don’t
0.1a + 0.2b + 0.3c + 0.4d
= 0.25 know the magnitude of any of these four we cannot
a+b+c +d judge if f(0) + f(1) + f(9) + f(10) is greater than zero or
⇒ 0.05c + 0.15d = 0.05b + 0.15a not.

⇒ c + 3d = b + 3a 16. b The maximum total work done for three consecutive

The ratio 5 : 2 : 7 : 3 does not satisfy the given relation. days will be when A, B and C work in distinct pairs
(for example ‘A and B’, ‘B and C’ and ‘C and A’). Hence
14. d 3y2 = x2 – 1376 on these three days fraction of total work done will
As we can see L.H.S. is definitely a multiple of 3 and be:
in R.H.S. 1376 leaves a remainder of 2 when divided
by 3.
1 1 1  58
2 + + =
There are three possibilities for x in R.H.S:  8 12 30  120
Maximum possible work done in the first 6 days
(i) If x is multiple of 3, so is x2, and R.H.S. will leave a
remainder of 1 when divided by 3. 1 1 1  58  116
2 + +  = 2 =
 8 12 30   120  120
(ii) If x is of the form 3m + 1, x2 will be of the form
3n + 1 and R.H.S will leave a remainder of 2. m, n ∈ N

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Final concentration of milk (in percentage) is:
The remaining fraction of work can be done in 500 − 5x
120 × 100
least amount of time if A and B work together on the 800
7th day.
500 − 5x
So, 30 < < 50
1 1 5 8
A and B together can do + = fraction of
8 12 24
⇒ 240 < 500 − 5x < 400
work in a day.
⇒ −260 < −5x < −100
So, they will complete the fraction of work in ⇒ 20 < x < 52.

4 5 4 Required number of ways = 4C2 × 4C3 = 6 × 4 = 24.

÷ = day. 20. b
120 24 25

4 4 For questions 21 to 23:

Answer (in days) = 6 + =6 Let us analyse the scores of Match-1 first:
25 25
Runs scored by Bimal, Dinu and Elan = 88 + 72 + 60 = 220
Hence, runs scored by Arpit and Chatur = 270 – 220 = 50
17. d D C Also 10% of 270 = 27
F So, both Arpit and Chatur can score a maximum of 27 runs but
the sum of their scores should be 50.
a Arpit’s score’s range in Match-1 is 23–27 and subsequently
Chatur’s score’s range in Match-1 is 27–23.
θ θ
A B Similarly Chatur and Dinu scored 30 runs each in Match-2.

By Pythagoras theorem: In Match-3 even though 10% of 240 = 24, as Dinu scored
20 runs, both Arpit and Bimal can score a maximum of 19 runs,
AC = AB2 + BC2 = 2a but the sum of their scores should be 32.
Since diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect
each other: In Match-4, Chatur and Elan combined scored 200 – 53 – 52 –
56 = 39 runs. As 10% of 200 = 20, one of Chatur or Elan
AG = DG = =a scores 20 runs and the other scores 19 runs.
Hence, ∆DGA is equilateral and since AF is The table can be re-written as :
perpendicular to the base DG we can say that AF
must divide ∆DGA into two equal halves. Match-1 Match-2 Match-3 Match-4

3 2 Arpit 27–23 100 19–13 53

Area of equilateral ∆DGA = a square units
Runs Bimal 88 65 13–19 52
scored by Chatur 23–27 30 110 19–20
1 3 2  3 2 player
Area of ∆AFG =  a  = a square units Dinu 72 75 20 56
2  4  8
Elan 60 30 78 20–19
Total 270 300 240 200
18. c If f(0) is non-negative, roots of f(x) = 0 cannot be of
opposite signs. 21. a Maximum possible runs scored by Arpit in Match-1
= 27
So the possibilities for the two roots are (0, 3), (0, 2), Maximum possible runs scored by Arpit in Match-3
(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (0, –3), (0, –2), (0, –1), (–1, = 19
–2), (–1, –3) and (–2, –3). Maximum possible percentage contribution:
Hence the required answer is 12. 27 + 100 + 19 + 53 199
× 100% = × 100%
19. b Let the quantity of total solution be 800 units. 270 + 300 + 240 + 200 1010
So, quantity of milk is 500 units and water is 300 units. = 19.7%
Now x percent of 800 = 8x units mixture is removed.
The quantity (in units) of milk and water removed is
5x and 3x respectively.

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22. b Maximum possible total runs scored by Chatur in the Total time taken by the train due to accident
four matches = 27 + 30 + 110 + 20 = 187.
In such a case minimum possible total runs scored by = + = + 16 = + + 16
Arpit in the four matches = 23 + 100 + 13 + 53 = 189. v u v v v
Difference = 189 – 187 = 2 (minimum possible)
Hence, AQ  –  = 16
1 1
Subsequently total runs scored by Bimal in the four …(i)
matches = 88 + 65 + 19 + 52 = 224. u v
Also, total runs scored by Elan in the four matches
= 60 + 30 + 78 + 19 = 187 From Statement A:
Absolute difference = 224 – 187 = 37 In this case let us assume that the accident happens
at point B. Following a similar method as mentioned
23. c Individual ranges for total score: above we get:

Arpit → 189 − 199 1 1

BQ  –  = 21
Bimal → 218 − 224 u v

Chatur → 182 − 187 1 1

or (AQ + 10)  –  = 21 ..(ii)
Dinu → 223 u v
Elan → 187 − 188 From (i) and (ii):
AQ = 32 km and hence, PQ = 30 + 32 = 62 km
Least total will be of Chatur (Rank 5)
2nd least will be Elan (Rank 4)
From Statement B:
Rank 3 must be of Arpit.
In this case let us assume that the accident happens
It is not possible to determine the exact ranks of Bimal
at point C. Following a similar method as mentioned
and Dinu.
above we get:
24. c In terms of increasing number of candies received, 1 1 1 1
CQ  –  = 20  –  = 12 ...(iii)
the possible sequence can be: u v u v
either Mohan < Ram < Raja < Roy
From (i) and (iii):
or Mohan < Ram < Roy < Raja
The above order clearly shows that Ram receives at 80 80 170
AQ = km and hence, PQ = 30 + = km.
least 2 candies. Possible sets for candies received by 3 3 3
Ram and Roy will be (2, 6) and (3, 7). So the question can be answered by using either of
Note: The case (4, 8) etc. are not possible as then the the statements alone.
other two values will become less than 4 each.
Subsequently only possible sets for overall distribution
are: (295.96 + 297.21 + 287.38 + 233.86
+237.09 + 281.17)
Raja Ram Mohan Roy 26. c Average =
Case 1 7 2 1 6
Number of = 272.11
Case 2 5 3 1 7
Case 3 4 3 2 7 27. d Sugarcane production in 2007
Thus, Raja can have 7 or 5 or 4 candies. 115
∴ Maximum possible difference = 7 – 4 = 3 = 337.41× = 388.02 million tonnes
Let the required value be x%.
25. b Let us assume that the accident happens at point A.
Hence PA and AQ would be the distances covered by Pr oduction in 2007  100 + x 
∴ =
Pr oduction in 2004  100 
the train from P to A and A to Q respectively.

P A Q  100 + x  388.02
⇒  = 237.09 = 1.64
 100 
Let the speed (in km/min) before and after the accident
be ‘v’ and ‘u’. ⇒ x = 17.85
Total time taken by the train had the accident not taken
PQ (PA + AQ)
place = =
v v

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28. d For 2001, % change
V ija y/ S a ral S h ivku Taru n Fe ro z
 297.21 − 295.96 
=   × 100 = 0.422% A b hish ek
 295.96 
12 11 10 9 8 7
For 2004, % change
 237.09 − 233.86 
=   × 100 = 1.38%
 233.86  1 2 3 4 5 6

For 2005, % change M an oj Jatin M oh it/ A a sh u H im a nsh u

 281.17 − 237.09  S a jid
=   × 100 = 18.59%
 237.09  Figure 2 (Total 2 × 2 = 4
For 2006, % change possible seating arrangements)

 337.41 − 281.17  30. d If Shivku is not sitting opposite Vijay then either Vijay
=   × 100 = 20%
 281.17  (from figure 1) or Jatin (from figure 2) is sitting next to
29. c To find Mohan’s age on 31st December, 2000 we need
to find his year of birth. 31. d If Manoj is not sitting next to Vijay then there are six
possible arrangements (2 from figure 1 and 4 from
From Statement A: figure 2).
There are multiple possibilities for the year of birth of
Mohan - 1953, 1959, 1971 etc. 32. a Manoj, Feroz and Himanshu occupy three of the four
Hence, Statement I alone is insufficient to answer. corner seats and it is known that Feroz is sitting
opposite Himanshu. Hence, Sajid can only sit opposite
From Statement B: Manoj. This can also be seen from figure 1.
There are multiple possibilities for the year of birth of
Mohan’s son - 1953, 1971, 1997 etc. 33. d According to Statement 1, B can only live on the 2nd or
Hence, Statement II alone is insufficient to answer. the 3rd floor (Statement 4 says that B does not live on
1st floor).
Combining Statement A and Statement B: But if B lives on the 2nd floor and hence A on the 7th,
Possible years of birth for Mohan and his son are is not possible to fit in the floors for D, F, H, C and E
‘1959 and 1983’ or ‘1973 and 1997’. It is still not possible (see Statements 2 and 3).
to get a unique solution. Hence B and A must live on 3rd and 8th floor
Hence the question cannot be answered even by respectively.
using both the statements together. H, C and E live on 3 adjacent floors, so they must live
on floors between B and A.
For questions 30 to 32: Subsequently as D and F are also on adjacent floors,
Statement 1 indicates that Feroz and Himanshu are at seat they must live on 1st and 2nd floor (not necessarily in
number 7 and 6 respectively. that order).
Tarun is the only person between Feroz and Shivku while Some of the possible distributions are:
Aashu is opposite Tarun (Statement 3). Hence, Aashu, Tarun
and Shivku must be at seat number 5, 8 and 9 respectively. Floor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From Statement 2 we get the following figures that depict the
possible seating arrangements for the 12 people: D F B G E H C A
M oh it/ S a jid/ Jatin S h ivku Taru n Fe ro z F D B E H C G A
S a jid M oh it F D B G C H E A
12 11 10 9 8 7 It can be seen that D will live on either the 1st or the
2nd floor.
Also, C’s floor would be one of 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th.
1 2 3 4 5 6 So the possible values of N: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Total possible values of N = 5
M an oj V ija y/ S a ral A a sh u H im a nsh u
A b hish e k

Figure 1 (Total 2 × 2 = 4
possible seating arrangements)

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34. d From Statement A: For Machine B :
This statement is clearly insufficient. The answer can
 1 1 1 1 
given only when exact values of a, b and K are known. = 5000 
100 
+ + +
 125 75 100
For example let (a, b) = (4, 2) or =2
b 1 1 1 1
= 200  + + +  = 206.67
Case 1: K = 0 5 3 4 4

a+K a
= For Machine C :
b+K b
Case 2: K = 2  1 1 1 1 
= 5000  + + + 
 100 125 125 75 
a+K 6 3 a
= = <
b+K 4 2 b 1 1 1 1
= 200  + + +  = 196.67 (least)
Case 3: K = –1 4 5 5 3

a+K 3 a
= =3> For Machine D :
b+K 1 b
 1 1 1 1 
= 5000 
125 
+ + +
From Statement B:  125 75 75
As explained above for Statement A, this statement is
also insufficient to answer without knowing the exact 1 1 1 1
= 200  + + +  = 213.33
values of a, b and K. 5 3 3 5

Combining Statement A and Statement B: 37. c Observation of the table tells us that the answer should
Even the two statments combined cannot give a unique be A-F, B-E, C-G, D-H.
38. b Let n units of each item be produced by machine A:
35. d If Statement III made by Billu and Chiklu are not true
then in that case both Amar and Billu will be having the n n n n
Hence, + + + =4
blue ball which is not possible. Hence, Amar’s third 75 150 125 50
Statement is definitely not true.
 1 1 1 1 
⇒ n =4
50 
+ + +
If we assume that Billu’s 3rd Statement is also not true  75 150 125
(and hence Chiklu’s is true), the arrangement will be:
 n  1 1 1 1
⇒   + + +  =4
A mar Billu Chiklu  25   3 6 5 2
green, blue red, yellow pink, black
⇒ n= = 83.33
If we assume that Chiklu’s 3rd Statement is not true
(and hence Billu’s is true), the arrangement will be: Since the machine, at maximum, can work for four
hours, we will have to discard decimal part of 83.33.
A mar Billu Chiklu At maximum, 4 × 83 = 332 units can be produced by
green, yellow red, blue pink, black machine A.
Hence, 4n = 332.
Hence, it cannot be determined.
Let k units of each item be produced by machine B:
36. a Total time taken (in hrs.) to produce 5000 units each of k k k k
E, F, G and H: Hence, + + + =4
125 75 100 100
For Machine A :
 1 1 1 1 
⇒ k =4
100 
+ + +
5000  125 75 100
75 150 125 50
 k  1 1 1 1
⇒   + 3 + 4 + 4  = 4
 1 1 1 1   25   5 
= 5000  + + + 
 75 150 125 50 
⇒ k= = 96.77
1 1 1 1 1.033
= 200  + + +  = 240
3 6 5 2

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At maximum, 4 × 96 = 384 units can be produced by 43. a The passage does not directly mention the advocates
machine B. of nationalism. So, option (b) is not the author’s primary
Hence, 4k = 384 concern. Option (c) is incorrect, as the author’s opinion
Ratio = 332 : 384 = 83 : 96. on whether the paradox will continue cannot be
determined from the passage. Option (d) is what Robbin
39. b If the mystery novel is written by Ovattio then the feels in the initial lines of paragraph 2. The author has
arrangement looks like: not made this his primary concern. Option (a) correctly
describes the author’s primary concern in the passage.
The author explores the Cosmopolitan paradox, which
Genre Mystery Horror Comedy Thriller
is talked about in an article, and goes on with solutions
Rajveer/ Sarkar/ and reasons for the same.
Publisher Quattchori Purshottam
Sarkar Rajveer 44. b The sentences before the blank talk about the various
ways in which ‘individuals’ owed their existence to
Author Ovattio Lalu/Monu Monu/Lalu Nonu others. The passage discusses how a human being
grows and develops through the contribution of others.
Option (b) sums it up best. The other options discuss
40. c The author of the mystery novel can be Lalu or Monu “repayment of debts”. These ‘debts’ are not clearly
or Ovattio. established in the given paragraph.
If the author is either Lalu or Monu then the publisher
can be Purshottam only. 45. d In the given paragraph, the author questions the
If the author is Ovattio then the publisher can be either relevance and veracity of Darwin’s theory. Option (d)
Rajveer or Sarkar. takes it forward. Option (b) is incorrect as it shifts the
focus of the paragraph from the relevance of Darwin’s
41. c Refer to the initial lines of the passage “Bruce Robbins’s theory to its alignment with the evolutionary worldview.
excellent article points up the paradox of Options (a) and (c) merely explain the theory.
cosmopolitanism - that it seems ‘perpetually torn
46. a This question can be solved by completing the first
between an empirical dimension and a normative
blank. ‘Consciousness’ is the most appropriate as it
dimension’. For Robbins, the paradox of
means ‘A sense of one’s personal or collective identity,
cosmopolitanism is rooted in the limited empirical sense
including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held
of political community”. Empirical dimension in the
by or considered characteristic of an individual or
passage is synonymous with the empirical realities
group’. ‘Awareness’ means knowledge or cognizance
which contradict the normative dimension /
and it is thus inappropriate to ‘change’ awareness,
cosmopolitan aspirations. Options (a) and (b) are parts
whereas beliefs and attitudes can be changed.
of the ‘normative dimension’. Option (d) is a paradox
‘Trends’ would also be inappropriate as ‘trends about’
arising due to both dimensions. Option (c) is the correct
will be idiomatically incorrect.
answer as ‘the lack of shared fate leads to inequalities
in practice’, which is an empirical reality. 47. b ‘Expedient’ which means ‘characterized by concern
with what is opportune; especially : governed by self-
42. c Option (a) is incorrect. It is a fear expressed by the interest’, fits the first blank. ‘Fold’, which means ‘a
author at the end of paragraph 3 and not an inference group of people or institutions that share a common
from the passage. Option (b) is incorrect as it can be faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasm’, fits the second
seen from the last paragraph that Cosmopolitan blank. Flock may seem appropriate but does not fit the
theorists are challenging these principles and seek to tone of the passage as it is an informal word. Moreover,
replace them. Option (4) is the reverse of what the the correct idiomatic expression is ‘to bring into the
author feels. Refer to the lines in paragraph 3 - “This fold’. Use of ‘flock’ in the blank would be idiomatically
article suggests that the ‘cosmopolitan paradox’ - the incorrect
gap between universal aspiration and hierarchical
practice - is not merely one of cosmopolitan 48. a The author discusses Sebastian Nokes, but only as
‘consciousness’ lagging behind an immanent an example. He wants the readers to focus on the
cosmopolitan ‘reality’. Rather, the paradox is rooted in bigger problems that his case highlights. Option (b)
the essence of the cosmopolitan thesis itself. The can be eliminated, as the passage does not mention if
limitations of abstract normative cosmopolitan the author supports Nokes. Option (c) can be ruled
conceptions of ‘rights’ and ‘responsibilities’. It is clear out, as the actions of the police are not questioned
that there is a lag between the cosmopolitan with regard to their being legal or illegal. Option (d) is
consciousness and reality. Option (c) can be inferred also incorrect as the ‘moral implications’ of the actions
as the author says that the paradox is rooted in the is not being discussed in the passage rather the author
thesis and its conception itself. is questioning whether the police should have been
involved in the first place.

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49. b Option (a) is too general to explain the theme of the 55. a The crucial link here is A-E. The ‘all that borrowing’ in E
passage as is option (c). The author is fundamentally is a reference to A . Statement C brings in a new point-
concerned with the idea that special powers, which the fact that the debt of gravitational energy will not
are supposed to be exercised only in extreme cases, have to be repaid. This has to come after the ‘debt’
are being used where they are not warranted. This has been established. If we combine these two, the
makes option (b) correct. Option (d) although present only possible choice is option (a).
in the passage ‘searched the premises of an MP
legitimately engaged in the business of opposition 56. c Option (a) discusses the lack of coherence between
and holding the government to account’ is not the language and how ideas get generated, which is
main theme. beyond the scope of the passage. Option (b) is
incorrect as it refers to language of the “state
50. d In all the other instances a crime has been committed machinery” whereas “Newspeak” refers to language
and therefore the police is justified in carrying out imposed by the state machinery. Option (c) is the
various tasks to nab the person or convict him or her. correct answer as it captures the idea of deliberate
However, option (d) is not something that the author editing and modification of language, imposed by the
would support. In the passage it is mentioned that ‘one state to suppress opposition against the state. Option
of its primary duties is to protect the various and (d) is incorrect as it talks about the “oppression of the
sometimes inconvenient manifestations of a masses” by the state, which is not explicitly mentioned
democracy, not to suppress them.’ in the passage.

51. a The essential clue to solving this lies in the pair of D-B. 57. b The line in the passage “perhaps surprisingly for a
Statement D starts with ‘yet’. It brings out the contrast writer with progressive, socialist views, he chose a
that although the casualties in these riots were few pen name that stressed his deep and life-long affection
‘planning and causes behind the riots indicate a for the English tradition and countryside” implies that
certain change’ B then goes into the causes and Eric Blair’s politico-social ideology makes it unlikely for
planning ‘the present round of violence was preceded him to pick a name that is derived from English tradition.
by mobilisations and speeches’. No other option has This improbability of picking such a name makes the
this combination choice surprising. Hence, option (b) is the right
answer. Option (a) talks about Blair’s progressive
52. d Statement B is the starting sentence and it talks about views on society and politics which are not the same
the presidential election being ‘historic’. Sentence A as “progressive, socialist views” as mentioned in the
also talks about something else being historic. Clearly line above. Option (c) is incorrect as the reasons for
here the precedent for the statement A has to be E the choice becoming surprising are Blair’s
(the fact that out of the two democratic candidates “progressive, socialist views” and not his entire body
one was a woman and one an African American). CD of beliefs. Option (d) is incorrect as it states that Blair
has to come after this as it describes the possible was indifferent towards English tradition and
causes of this outcome. countryside, which is false.

53. c The paragraph begins with statement A. Statements D 58. d Option (a) can’t be the answer because the passage
and E discuss the definition and hence have to come nowhere compares Blair’s strengths as a journalist
together. Similarly, B describes the idea which begins and a novelist. Orwell is called the “foremost architect
in C. The ‘dilution’ in C is followed by B which gives an of the English essay since Hazlitt” and not the best
example of this dilution. ‘Already by 1762……… there ever. Hence option (b) is also incorrect. Option (c)
was no meaningful difference between the authority comes close, however in the passage we don’t get
of a despot and that of a monarch’ any comparative assessment of Blair’s views on
Imperialism and Communism. Thus, none of these
54. d The paragraph has B-E as the mandatory pair. B options can be inferred and the answer is option (d).
introduces the term “bodies” E discusses in detail all
things that can be classified as bodies. C must come 59. c Option (c) is incorrect as the correct sentence be
before A as it changes the track of the paragraph in “Alice could not make out the meaning of the paradox”.
the direction of A, which discuses the idea of “limits of This sentence conveys the right meaning as ‘make
body”. Only option (d) has both B-E as a mandatory out’ means ‘to understand or decipher’.
pair and C-A in proper alignment.
60. d Option (d) is incorrect as the correct sentence should
be “always keep to the rules”. This sentence conveys
the right meaning as ‘keep to’ means ‘conform to’ or
‘adhere to’.

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