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LAW No. 2 OF 2000

Fi fth Ed itio n, June 2009
Publ isher:
P.O.Box 3122, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel.: +971 2 414 0000
Fax: +971 2 414 0414
w w w.pensio n.go

3 Sectio n One : Sco pe o f law en fo rcement and de finitio ns

7 Sectio n Two : Establ ishment o f the retirement pensio ns and beni fits fund and
manag ment thereo f

9 Sectio n Three : Metho d o f the fianancing the fund entitlement to pensio n and
remuratio n and calculatio n o f the service term
9 Chapter One : Metho d o f financing the fund
10 Chapter Two : Co mputing o f the co ntri butio n term
11 Chapter Three : Calculatio n o f the fo rmer perio ds o f service and
add itio n o f no minal perio ds
12 Chapter Fo ur : Rules fo r the calculatio n o f co ntri butio ns
13 Chapter Five : Entitlement to o ld age, Disabil ity and Death pensio n
15 Chapter Si x : Bene ficiaries and co nd itio ns o f entitlements
18 Chapter Seven : Retirement Bene fits

18 Sectio n Fo ur :
18 Chapter One : Retirement pensio ns o f the president o f the excutive
co uncil, his deputy, members o f the co uncil and
heads o f departments
19 Chapter Two : Pensio ns and bene fits o f the members o f the
natio nal co nsultative co uncil and members o f the
munici pal co uncil

20 Sectio n Five : Red uced pensio n

21 Sectio n Si x : Fo r feiture o r sto pping o f the right to pensio n o r bene fits

22 Sectio n Seven : General pro visio ns

28 Sectio n Eight : Penalties

29 Sectio n N ine : Transitio nal Pro visio ns

31 Sectio n Ten : Final pro visio ns

33 Attached Sched ules

LAW N O. 2 O F 20 0 0

LAW NO. 2 OF 2000


We, Khal i fa Bin Zayed Al Na hyan, Deputy Ruler o f Abu Dhabi

By virtue o f the Po wers vested in us by the Ruler o f Abu Dhabi, and

After perusal o f Law No 1/1974 to re-o rgani ze the go vern ment bo dy in the Emirate o f
Abu Dhabi and the amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 2/1971 apro po s the Natio nal Co nsultative Co uncil and the amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 1/1975 apro po s the civil service in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi and the amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 2/1975 apro po s the retirement pensio ns and bene fits fo r civil service in the
Emirate o f Abu Dhabi and the amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 10/1975 apro po s retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f the President o f the Executive Co uncil, his
Deputy, the heads o f departments, and members o f the co uncil and the amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 2/1978 apro po s the retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f the citi zens wo rking at o il co mpanies
o perating in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi, and the amend ments thereto, and

Federal Law No.4/1984 apro po s Retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f citi zens o perating at the General
Industry Co rpo ratio n, and

Law No. 1/1985 apro po s the Abu Dhabi Aud it Autho rity and amend ments thereto, and

Law No. 2/1990 apro po s M unici pal Co uncil s in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi, and

Federal Law No. 17/1972 apro po s the Natural i zatio n and Passpo rts and amend ments thereto, and

Federal Law No. 8/1980 apro po s the o rgani zatio n o f Labo r Relatio ns and the amend ments thereto, and

Federal Law No. 3/1983 apro po s the Federal Jud icial Autho rity and the amend ments thereto, and

Federal Law No, 5/1985 to pro mulgate the Co de o f Civil Pro ced ures and the amend ments thereto, and

(1) See O fficial Gazette, year 29 issue 3 March, 2000.


Federal Law No. 3/1978 to pro mulgate the Criminal Law and the amend ments thereto, and

Federal Law No. 11/1992 apro po s the Pro ced ures at Civil Co urts, and

Federal Law No. 35/1992 apro po s the Penal Pro ced ures, and
Law No.6/1999 apro po s so me pro visio ns o f the law s o f retirement pensio ns and bene fits in the Emirate o f
Abu Dhabi, and

Law No. 1/2000 apro po s the amend ment to the salaries o f the President o f the Executive Co uncil, Deputy
President and Members, and fo llo w ing the pro po sitio n o f the Cha irman o f Finance Department and appro val
o f the Executive Co uncil, Pro mulgate the fo llo w ing Law



Article One
The pro visio ns o f this law shall apply to the UAE natio nal s w ho wo rk fo r an emplo yer o r fo r their o w n acco unt
in the Emirate, an D is co nsidered an emplo yee an ind ivid ual w ho is bo und by a tra ining co ntract that binds the
emplo yer to ma ke him jo in the wo rk o r binds the tra inee to wo rk w ith the emplo yer o n successful co mpletio n
o f the tra ining perio d. Insurance o f such tra inee is mandato ry.

Article Two
In the implementatio n o f the pro visio ns hereo f, the wo rds and ex pressio ns hereunder shall have the meanings
set fo rth each o f them unless the co ntext o therw ise requires:
Ruler : Ruler o f Abu Dhabi o r his deputy.
State : The United Arab Emirates.
Emirate : Emirate o f Abu Dhabi.
Go vern ment : The go vern ment o f Abu Dhabi.
Executive Co uncil : The Executive Co uncil o f Abu Dhabi.
Co mpetent Autho rities : The Executive Co uncil o r its a utho ri zed parties.
Fund : The retirement pensio ns and bene fits fund.
Bo ard : The Bo ard o f Directo rs o f the retirement pensio ns and bene fits fund.
Cha irman : The cha irman o f the fund.
Directo r : The d irecto r general o f the fund.
Citi zen : Each ind ivid ual w ho ho lds the UAE natio nal ity as per the Law o f Natural i
zatio n and Passpo rts.
Natio nal ity : The UAE natio nal ity.
Emplo yer : Every natural and legal perso n w ho emplo ys perso ns and ma kes his wo rks
a trade o r pro fessio n. The go vern mental and semi-go vern mental bo d ies
w herein the go vern ment co ntri butes, and a utho rities, and publ ic co rpo ra-
tio ns w ith budgets subo rd inate to the budget o f the Emirate o r w ith in-
dependent budgets o f the Emirate o r any o ther co ncern w hich the fund’s
bo ard o f d irecto rs may cho o se to subject to the law a fter the co nsent o f the
Executive Co uncil.
Go vern ment Secto r : The Ruler’s cro w n’s departments and co urts and Ruler’s representatives
co urts, go vern ment departments and leg islative, executive, and munici pal
co uncil’s, publ ic co rpo ratio ns, bo ards, co mpanies, ban ks, asso ciatio ns, and
co mmittees subject, o w ned, and financed by the general budget fo r any o f
the o bjective serving their facil ities.


Semi-go vern mental Secto r : Every a utho rity, co rpo ratio n, ban k o r co mpany w here the go vern ment
co ntri butes.
Private Secto r : Every co ncern in the Emirate that is no t enco mpassed by the two a fo resa id
de finitio ns o r is no t subject to the law s o f so cial securities and pensio ns ap-
pl icable in the State.
Co ncern : Any lo cal co ncern o w ned by the Emirate and its branches inside o r o utside
the UAE.
Secured Perso n : Every perso n subject to the pro visio ns o f this law.
Wo rk Inj ury : The inj ury d ue to an accident o ccurring at wo rk o r beca use o f wo rk itsel f
o r any o ccu patio nal d isease de fined by the Cha irman in agreement w ith the
M inister o f health. The inj ury susta ined due to an accident o ccurring w hile
go ing to o r returning fro m wo rk o n the usual ro ad is deemed to be a wo rk
inj ury. The demise d ue to stress and fatig ue fro m wo rk is co nsidered a wo rk
inj ury as lo ng as it invo lves the co nd itio ns and rules, w hich are determined
by a reso lutio n fro m the Cha irman in agreement w ith M inister o f Health.
Inj ured : Any secured perso n w ho susta ins a wo rk inj ury.
To tal Disabil ity : Any impa irment that prevents the secured co mpletely and permanently
fro m practicing his pro fessio n o r o ccu patio n w here fro m he earns his l iving.
The same shall be establ ished by a decisio n fro m the med ical co mmittee. The
cases o f lo ss o f sight, lo ss o f bo th arms, o r bo th legs o r o ne arm and o ne leg
o r cases o f mental, chro nic and incurable ill nesses de fined by a decisio n fro m
the Cha irman in agreement w ith the M inister o f Health, are co nsidered to tal
d isabil ity cases.
Partial Disabil ity : Any impa irment that has a permanent e ffect o n the abil ity o f the secured to
per fo rm his o rig inal o ccu patio n o r to earn his l iving in general, arising fro m a
wo rk inj ury and establ ished by a decisio n fro m the med ical co mmittee.
Disease : The d isease that attacks the secured and prevents him fro m practicing his
pro fessio n. The same shall be establ ished by a reso lutio n fro m the med ical
co mmittee.
Occu patio nal Disease : The d isease that spreads o nly amo ng the practitio ners o f a g iven pro fessio n
o r gro u p o f pro fessio ns, as speci fied in Schedule 1 annexed to Federal Law
No. 8/1980 apro po s the o rgani zatio n o f labo r relatio ns and the amend ments
thereto. The evaluatio n o f the degree o f d isabil ity perta ins to the med ical
co mmittee.


Disabled to Earn : The perso n su ffering fro m a to tal d isabil ity that wo uld reduce his capacity to wo rk by
50% at least, the same shall be pro ved at the kno w ledge o f the med ical co mmittee.

Natural Demise : The demise that is no t classi fied o ccu patio nal inj ury.

Med ical Co mmittee : The med ical co mmittee fo rmed by a decisio n fro m the M inister o f Health to establ ish
each o f the cases sti pulated herein.

Salary : 1- fo r the secured wo rking in the go vern mental secto r :

A) The Average basic salary the secured has been draw ing fo r the last three years o f
service be fo re he was su perannuated, in add itio n to the allo wances, i.e. the co st o f l iving
o r similar allo wance, the children so cial allo wance, the UAE natio nal’s so cial allo wance,
acco mmo datio n and Federatio n’s allo wance.

B) Fo r Under-Secretaries, Assistant Under-Secretaries, and catego ries :
al i ke: average basic salary that the secured has been draw ing fo r the last three years,
be fo re he was su perannuated, in add itio n to his allo wances such as the co st o f l iving
and similar allo wances, children so cial allo wance, UAE Natio nal’s so cial allo wance, the
Federatio n’s allo wance, the representatio n allo wance, the acco mmo datio n allo wance al-
lo cated to his grade. Such allo wances shall be estimated o n mo nthly basis, to the perso ns
w ho get such allo wance o n annual basis by d ivid ing them into the number o f mo nths
o f the year.

C) Fo r the Executive Co uncil President, his Deputy, and Heads o f Departments and al i ke
catego ries:
the basic salary in add itio n to the acco mmo datio n, furniture allo wance, representatio n
allo wance, ma ids allo wance, and o ther mo nthly and annual allo wance. The annual allo w-
ances shall be assessed o n mo nthly basis by d ivid ing them into the number o f mo nths
o f the year.

D) Fo r the Members o f the Natio nal Co nsultative Co uncil and M unici pal Co uncil :
the membershi p bene fit.
2- Fo r the secured wo rking in the semi-go vern mental secto r:
the average basic salary he has been draw ing during the last three years in add itio n to
the mo nthly allo wances as lo ng as they are similar to the allo wances granted to secured
wo rking in the go vern ment secto r.


3 - Fo r the secured wo rking in the private secto r :

The average basic salary he has been draw ing fo r the last three years in add itio n to
pro fits, allo wances and bo nuses vary ing between AED. 3.000 and AED. 15000. The
Cha irman, a fter the appro val o f the bo ard o f d irecto rs may change this ceil ing.(1)
4- Fo r the tra inees:
The mo nthly bene fit as prescri bed in the tra ining reg ulatio n.
Remuneratio n : The cash o r in kind mo nies pa id to an emplo yee in co nsideratio n o f his wo rk and
by virtue o f the emplo yment co ntract, mo nthly, annually, weekly, da ily, by ho ur,
by piece pro rata the pro d uctio n, o r in the fo rm o f co mmissio n. The remuneratio n
includes the co st o f l iving allo wance, all the bo nuses granted to the emplo yee fo r
his trust wo rthiness o r cal i ber i f such amo unts are prescri bed in the emplo yment
co ntracts o r in the co mpany’s by law s, o r has beco me custo mary and the emplo yees
co nsider it part o f the remuneratio n and no t a do natio n.
Basic Remuneratio n : The remuneratio n sti pulated in the emplo yment co ntract w hile still val id between
the parties. Any kind o f allo wances w hatso ever shall no t be included in such\remu-
neratio n.
Term o f Co ntri butio n : The term o f service fo r w hich the secured and the emplo yer pay the quo ta pre-
scri bed herein.
Retired : The perso n w ho se service has ex pired and has been granted a pensio n o r bene fit
by virtue hereo f.
Retirement pensio n : The reg ular pensio n d ue to the retired o r his bene ficiaries mo nthly by virtue here-
o f.
Bene ficiary : Any perso n entitled to a share in a pensio n fo llo w ing the demise o f the secured o r
the pensio ne.
Term o f service : Each perio d o f service that the secured has spent wo rking w hile subject to the Law
o f Retirement, as well as the perio ds that he may adjo in thereto as per the pro visio ns
hereo f.
Age o f Retirement : Fi fty-five years fo r females and si xty fo r males.
Perso n : The natural perso n o r legal entity.
The Sing ular : Shall include the plural, and vice versa.
Mascul ine gender : Shall include the feminine and vice versa.
Child : Shall imply the bo y o r the g irl.
Year and Mo nth : The year and mo nth o f the Grego rian calendar.

(1) the max imum l imit o f the pensio n was ra ised to AED 60,000 in acco rd ing w ith the Cha irman’s decisio n and the appro val o f the bo ard o f d irecto rs (meeting 3/2003)
dated 27/12/2003



Article Three
A publ ic institutio n, having an independent budget, called Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensio ns and Bene fits Fund
shall be inco rpo rated. It shall have a legal entity and financial and managerial independence. The go vern ment
shall bear the co sts o f the inco rpo ratio n thereo f. The headquarters o f the fund shall be in the Emirate o f Abu
Dhabi. The Bo ard may decide to establ ish branches and o ffices inside the Emirate.

Article Fo ur
The fund shall implement the pro visio ns o f Retirement Pensio ns and Bene fits issued hereby.

(1) Article Five

- The management o f the fund shall be assumed by a bo ard o f d irecto rs, no t be less than five members and
no t be mo re than seven includ ing the cha irman, w ith appo intment by Emiri Decree and Executive Co uncil shall
determine their remuneratio n.
- The cha irman shall appo int a deputy cha irman fro m amo ng the members to replace him in his absence.
- The term o f o ffice o n the bo ard shall be three years w hich is renewable.

(2) Article Si x

Article Seven
The bo ard, w hen ex igency so necessitates, shall seek hel p o f ex perts, to partici pate in its meetings, ho wever
they w ill no t have a vo ting right.

Article Eight
The Executive Co uncil shall issue a reso lutio n w hereby it de fines the cases o f the renunciatio n o f membershi p,
the bo ard’s wo rk reg ulatio n, the rules, the pro ced ures, dates o f meetings, the majo rity required to have a val id
quo rum fo r passing reso lutio ns, as well as the bene fits o f the members and members o f the sub-co mmittees
thereo f.

Article N ine
The bo ard o f d irecto rs shall be the co mpetent a utho rity to lo o k into the fund’s a ffa irs and ta ke o ver its
activity. It shall set o ut its general po l icy particularly:

1) Acco rd ing ly article (5) o f the law has been amended vide law No (7) o f 2009 amend ing so me pro visio n o f law No (2) o f 2000 apro po s Civil Retirement Pensio n and
Bene fits in the emirate o f Abu Dhabi.
2) Article (6) o f the law has been cancelled vide law No (7) o f 2009 amend ing so me pro visio n o f law No (2) o f 2000 apro po s Civil Retirement Pensio n and Bene fits in the
emirate o f Abu Dhabi.


A) It shall appro ve the dra ft budget and final acco unt be fo re submissio n to the co mpetent a utho rities.
B) It shall pro po se the bill s related to pensio ns and so cial securities and present the same to the Executive
Co uncil fo r appro val.
C) It shall appro ve the general annual repo rt abo ut the fund’s activates.
D) It shall dra ft the general plan fo r the investment o f the fund’s assets and rati fy the fields o f investment
E) It shall issue the reso lutio ns and reg ulatio ns related to the financial, managerial, and technical a ffa irs o f
the fund, and set o ut the salaries o f the emplo yees thereat as well as all the rules related to them.
F) It shall appo int an a ud ito r fo r the fund’s acco unts, w ho shall submit his repo rt to the bo ard w ithin two
mo nths fro m the end o f the financial year.
G) It shall appo int ex pert(s) o r actuary (s).

Article Ten
The cha irman shall put u p the fund’s a ffa irs to the Executive Co uncil, and brie f it o n its activities and functio ns
w ithin three mo nths fro m the end o f each financial year.

Article Eleven
A d irecto r general shall assume the management o f the fund, w ho shall have o ne deputy o r mo re. The cha ir-
man shall decide o n their appo intment and determine their remuneratio n. Such appo intment shall be val id fo r
five years renewable.
In the absence o f the d irecto r general, the Cha irman shall appo int o ne o f his deputies to replace him to exercise
his a utho rities. The d irecto r general shall establ ish the d i fferent departments o f the fund and their areas o f
j urisd ictio n.

Article Twelve
The d irecto r general shall represent the fund in its relatio ns w ith third party and be fo re co urts. He shall have the
co mpetencies hereunder, namely:

A) Execute the general po l icy as de fined by the bo ard o f d irecto rs.

B) Execute the reso lutio ns o f the bo ard o f d irecto rs, being d irectly answerable be fo re the same.
C) Manage the fund, develo p the wo rk system thereat and fo llo w it u p.
D) Study and appro ve the financial, ad ministrative, and technical a ffa irs pro vided fo r in the law s, reso lutio ns
and reg ulatio ns.
E) Present the dra ft budget and final acco unts o f the fund to the bo ard o f d irecto rs w ithin three mo nths
fro m the end o f the financial year. Enclo sed there w ith shall be deta iled statements o n the items o f assets
and l iabil ities and a general acco unt o f the revenues and ex penses, a general repo rt o n the fund’s business,
its financial situatio n, and the investment aspects o f its reserves.


F) No ti fy the co mpetent a utho rities abo ut the final acco unt o f the fund w ithin o ne mo nth fro m the bo ard
o f d irecto rs’ appro val and rati ficatio n thereo f.
G) He may a utho ri ze o ne o f his deputies to practice so me o f his co mpetencies.

Article Thirteen
After o bta ining the Bo ard’s appro val, the cha irman shall reso lve to fo rm a panel co mmittee having the d irecto r
general amo ng it members and presided by the cha irman, to invest the fund’s assets.
The co mmittee shall have full a utho rity to determine the rules and pro grams fo r the investment o f the fund’s
assets and issue the required investment reso lutio ns.
The reso lutio ns o f the co mmittee and its del i beratio ns are co n fidential, they may no t be d isclo sed and they shall
be no ti fied to the bo ard at its first meeting fo r perusal.

Article Fo urteen
The financial situatio n o f the fund shall be examined at least o nce every three years. This perio d shall start as
o f the date o f enactment o f this law w ith the kno w ledge o f an actuary to be appo inted by the bo ard. Such
examinatio n shall assess the value o f the ex isting o bl igatio ns.
I f any de ficit in the fund’s assets is o bserved, and the d i fferent reserves were no t su fficient to co ver it, the
actuary shall sho w the reaso ns fo r such de ficit and the means to avo id the same.


Chapter One
Metho d o f Financing the Fund

Article Fi fteen
The fund’s reso urces shall be fo rmed o f the fo llo w ing assets:

First: mo nthly co ntri butio ns ded ucted fro m the secured salary o r remuneratio n at 5% mo nthly fo r the
acco unt o f the fund.
The ded uctio n shall start fro m the date o f enactment o f this law until the date o f the secured
ex piry o f service.
Seco nd: the 15% mo nthly co ntri butio ns pa id by the emplo yer fro m the salary o r remuneratio n o f
the secured.
Third: the 6% annual co ntri butio ns ded ucted fro m the salary o f the secured and allo cated fo r the fund in
the general budget o f the Emirate.


Fo urth: the net current value o f the no minal o bl igatio ns o f the retirement pensio ns and bene fits in the
Emirate’s budget. These o bl igatio ns are evaluated based o n the same actuary princi ples as used
fo r the evaluatio n o f the rates in the first and seco nd cla uses mentio ned abo ve. Fo llo w ing the ap
pro val o f the bo ard, the Cha irman shall issue a reso lutio n o n the co llectio n o f these mo nies as o f
the date o f enactment o f this law.
Fi fth: the bene fits d ue o n the service perio ds prio r to the enactment o f the pro visio ns hereo f, fo r the
UAE natio nal s w ho are still in service o r tho se w ho have been natural i zed prio r to the enactment
o f this law, w ho are still carry ing o ut their d uties. Such bene fits shall be calculated as o f the date
o f the recruitment fo r the UAE natio nal and as o f the date o f natural i zatio n fo r the natural i zed
perso n, assuming that their service ex pires o n the date o f enactment o f this law.
Si xth: the amo unts d ue o n the wo rking secured d ue to the add itio n o f the fo rmer perio ds o f service,
by re fund ing the bene fit al ready granted to them, in add itio n to the co ntri butio n quo ta prescri bed
herein, i f still un pa id, based o n the salary o r remuneratio n o f the secured at the time o f requesting
the add itio n.
Seventh: the revenue o f the investment o f the fund’s assets.
Eighth: the add itio nal amo unts d ue o n the delay in the payment o f mo nthly quo tas.
N inth: Subsid ies, do natio ns and bequests that the bo ard o f d irecto rs may decide to accept.
Tenth: adj udged fines and amo unts resulting fro m the breach o f the law. The cha irman shall decide o n
the ex pend itures there fro m.

Chapter Two
Co mputing o f the Co ntri butio n Term

Article Si xteen
Witho ut prej ud ice to the pro visio ns o f the fo llo w ing articles, each perio d that the secured has served w ith the
emplo yer includ ing all types o f leave perio ds, tra ining, added perio ds, and internal and external seco nd ing shall
be co mputed in the co ntri butio n term.

Article Seventeen
Fo r the purpo se o f calculatio n o f the pensio n o r bene fit the secured may adjo in the perio ds hereunder :
A) The fo rmer perio d o f service spent at the Federal Go vern ment the Develo pment Co uncil, Kuwa it Burea u,
any publ ic a utho rity o r co rpo ratio n, ban ks o r co mpanies, w herein the Federal Go vern ment ho lds o r has
held shares in their capital,
B) The perio d o f fo rmer service spent at the go vern mental, semi go vern mental o r private secto r in the


C) The fo rmer perio d o f service spent at a lo cal department in the d i fferent emirates, an a utho rity, publ ic
co rpo ratio n, ban k, o r co mpany w herein o ne o f the go vern ments o f the emirates ho lds o r held shares
in their capital.
D) The perio d o f mil itary service in the UAE.
E) The perio ds o f service spent at any co ncern the Executive Co uncil may decide u po n the pro po sal o f the
Bo ard.

Chapter Three
Calculatio n o f the Fo rmer Perio ds o f Service And Add itio n o f No minal Perio ds

Article Eighteen
The fo llo w ing are prerequisites fo r add itio n o f the perio ds o f service re ferred to in Article (17) hereo f:

A) The secured sho uld have appl ied fo r the add itio n o f such perio ds in w riting, be fo re his end o f service and
sho uld enclo se w ith his appl icatio n the required certi ficates and do cuments.
B) The fo rmer perio d o f service, to be added, sho uld no t have been terminated due to any o f the reaso ns
o f fo r feiture o f the full pensio n o r bene fit.
C) The secured sho uld re fund the bene fit fo r the perio ds to be adjo ined had he al ready received the same.
He shall al so pay the co ntri butio n d ue thereo n based o n the amo unt o f the salary draw n at the time o f
the submissio n o f appl icatio n at the rate prescri bed in Cla use 1 o f Article 15 hereo f, i f it is still un pa id.

In bo th cases, the payment shall be made all at o nce. Ho wever, the cha irman may accept settlement in install-
ments pro vided that it sho uld no t extend beyo nd retirement perio d qual i fy ing fo r pensio n, o r be fo re he reaches
the age o f retirement, w hichever is earl ier. In all cases, o bl igatio n to re fund and pay the w ho le o r part o f it shall
cease to be val id i f the service o f the secured ex pires by demise.

Article N ineteen
The perio ds o f service fo r the ind ivid ual s w ho are still in service, prio r to the enactment o f this law shall be
calculated as part o f the perio d fo r w hich they are entitled to gratuity as per the pro visio ns o f the appl icable
law s w ith the emplo yer u po n the enactment o f this Law.
The emplo yer shall pay the value o f the bene fit fo r the acco unt o f the fund. The cha irman shall issue a reso lu-
tio n o n the co llectio n thereo f.

Article Twenty
The pro visio ns o f this Law shall apply to the secured w ho is natural i zed during the perio d o f service as o f the
date o f natural i zatio n. He shall no t be entitled to apply fo r the add itio n o f the perio d o f service prio r to the
natural i zatio n.


Article Twenty-One
The secured w ho se perio d o f service ex pires as he reaches the age o f retirement may add a co mplementary
no minal perio d o f service to receive the pensio n, pro vided that such perio d shall no t exceed five years.

Article Twenty-Two
The secured, subject hereto, may apply fo r the add itio n o f no minal perio ds o f co ntri butio n that do no t exceed
the actual perio d o f service, pro vided that the to tal perio ds o f service sho uld no t exceed the perio d qual i fy ing
fo r pensio n. The secured may no t apply fo r the add itio n o f a no minal perio d i f he had o bta ined a retirement
bene fit fo r fo rmer perio ds o f service, unless he has added such perio ds.

Article Twenty-Three
To co mplete the perio d o f service entitl ing to a retirement pensio n, the secured w ho resig ns fro m service prio r
to the enactment hereo f, o r his bene ficiaries, may apply fo r the add itio n o f a no minal perio d o f service o f five
years max imum, pro vided that, he sho uld re fund the retirement bene fit that he has al ready received all at o nce
o r i f the bo ard appro ves- in mo nthly install ments fo r three years.

Chapter Fo ur
Rules fo r the Calculatio n o f Co ntri butio ns

Article Twenty-Fo ur
Co ntri butio ns are payable fo r the perio ds hereunder acco rd ing to the rules and pro visio ns set fo rth aga inst
each o f them :

1) Perio ds o f Un pa id External Seco nd ing o r Un pa id Leaves

The secured sho uld pay his and his emplo yer’s co ntri butio n quo tas’ to the fund all at o nce w ithin
o ne year fro m the end o f the seco nd ing o r leave. He may pay it in install ments o ver a perio d equal
to the perio d o f leave o r seco nd ing at the appro val o f the d irecto r.
2) Perio ds o f Un pa id Study Leaves
The emplo yer sho uld pay his co ntri butio n quo ta at reg ular dates and the secured sho uld pay his
as per Cla use (1).

3) Perio ds o f Internal Seco nd ing

I f the co ncern w hereto the emplo yee is seco nded bears the remuneratio n o r salary, it sho uld pay
the quo ta o f the emplo yer and the secured sho uld pay his quo ta based o n the remuneratio n o r
salary draw n at the sa id co ncern, at reg ular dates.


4) Perio ds o f Sick Leaves

The secured sho uld settle his co ntri butio n quo ta d ue o n the actual remuneratio n o r salary. On his
part, the emplo yer sho uld settle his quo ta fo r the w ho le package, w hether the leave is pa id o r
un pa id.

Article Twenty-Five
Co ntri butio ns are payable as o f the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the mo nth w hereo n they are due, the
payment delay may be extended until the twentieth.
Co ntri butio ns are no n-re fundable.

Article Twenty-Si x
The emplo yer shall fo rward the d ue co ntri butio ns to the fund. In case o f delay o f payment, he shall be bo und to
pay an add itio nal amo unt calculated at 0. 1 % da ily, o f the d ue co ntri butio ns value fo r each delay day w itho ut
any warning o r no tice.
The bo ard shall set the co nd itio ns and cases o f exemptio n fro m such add itio nal amo unt.

Chapter Five
Entitlement to Old Age, Disabil ity and Death Pensio n

Article Twenty-Seven
Pensio n shall be payable in the fo llo w ing cases:
A) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured beca use o f demise, to tal d isabil ity o r med ical un fitness w hatever his
perio d o f co ntri butio n in the fund. The co mpetent med ical co mmittee shall pro ve the to tal d isabil ity o r
med ical un fitness.
B) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured fo r reaching the age o f retirement, o nce his perio d o f co ntri butio n
in the fund to tal s ten years.
C) Ex piry o f the service o f the married lady, d ivo rced o r w ido wed, w ho has children, fo r a reaso n o ther
than tho se stated in cla uses (o ne) and (two) abo ve, i f, her perio d o f co ntri butio n in the fund sho uld have
to taled fi fteen, o r ten years, i f she reaches fi fty years o f age o r mo re. (1)
E) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured by an Emiri Decree, o r by a reso lutio n fro m the Executive Co uncil
to su perannuate him.
F) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured at his request i f the perio d o f co ntri butio n in the fund to tal s fi fteen
years and reached, u po n tine enactment o f this law fi fty years fo r males and fo rty-five years fo r fe-
males, in the five fo llo w ing years the age w ill be increased year by year fo r bo th sexes, and by two years
therea fter until they reach the age o f retirement.
G) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured d ue to a d isci pl inary decisio n o r co urt j udg ment, i f the perio d o f
co ntri butio n in the fund to tal s fi fteen years.
(1) cla use (D) hereo f has been cancelled vide law No (6) o f 2005 e ffective fro m 1/5/2005 amend ing so me pro visio n o f law No (2) o f 2000 apro po s civil Retirement Pensio ns
and Bene fits in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi.


H) Ex piry o f the service o f the secured fo r a reaso n o ther than tho se sti pulated in the fo rmer cla uses i f the
perio d o f co ntri butio n in the fund is twenty-five years. In the cases sti pulated in the fo rego ing cla uses,
the retirement pensio n shall be co mputed acco rd ing to a fi fteen-year co ntri butio n perio d o r to the actual
co ntri butio n perio d, w hichever is lo nger. Three no minal years o r a number o f years that co mpletes the
age o f fi fty-five fo r females and si xty fo r males, w hichever is sho rter shall be added to the co mputed
co ntri butio n perio d, in case the service had ex pired by demise o r to tal d isabil ity.

Article Twenty-Eight
In case o f a j udg ment deeming the secured missing, a tempo rary mo nthly pensio n shall be pa id to his bene fi-
ciaries, equal to the pensio n they wo uld have been entitled to sho uld, he pass away during service. I f later the
missing perso n pro ved to be still al ive, payment o f pensio n to the bene ficiaries shall cease. H is status w ill then
be settled in the l ight o f the o utco me o f the investigatio ns. Sho uld his status pro ved to be impro per, the fund
might redeem all the amo unts pa id.
Ho wever, i f his status pro ved to be true a co mpensatio n shall be carried o ut between his entitlements and w hat
has been pa id to his bene ficiaries. I f his entitlements exceed the value o f the payments they received, he w ill
be pa id the d i fference.

Article Twenty-N ine

I f the service o f the secured has ex pired beca use o f demise o r to tal d isabil ity as a repercussio n o f a wo rk inj ury,
the pensio n shall be settled assuming that the perio d o f his service has reached twenty-five years o r acco rd ing
to his actual perio d o f service, w hichever is lo nger.

Article Thirty
The retirement pensio n is calculated mo nthly at 48% o f the salary o r remuneratio n fo r a perio d o f co ntri bu-
tio n in the fund to tal ing fi fteen years, and shall be increased by 3.2% fo r each add itio nal year therea fter, w ith a
max imum o f 80% o f the salary o r remuneratio n.
I f the actual perio d o f service exceeded twenty-five years, the secured shall receive a bene fit fo r the add itio nal
perio d equal to a three-mo nth salary o r\remuneratio n fo r each year, based o n the value o f the last salary he
has draw n, pro vided that, the secured and the emplo yer sho uld be still pay ing the co ntri butio n.

Article Thirty-One
Fo r the purpo se o f calculatio n o f the perio d o f service, the mo nth is o ne part o f twelve parts fo rming a year,
and part o f the mo nth is a o ne full mo nth. Part o f the year is co nsidered o ne full year i f the secured so requests
and i f such adj ustment qual i fies him fo r entitlement o f pensio n.


Article Thirty-Two
The value o f the retirement pensio n may no t exceed the remuneratio n except in case w here the shares o f the
bene ficiaries are increased to the minimum value.

Article Thirty-Three
The pensio n o f the secured may no t be less than AED. 6.000 mo nthly.
The pro visio n re ferred to in the fo rego ing paragraph shall apply to any pensio n that has been pa id o r beco me
payable be fo re the enactment o f this law.

Article Thirty-Fo ur
The retirement pensio n payable to the bene ficiary o f a secured may no t be less than AED. 1.000 per mo nth, in
case the share o f a bene ficiary has devo lved to ano ther o ne, it shall be calculated acco rd ing to his share be fo re
ra ise to the minimum l imit to o k place.

Chapter Si x
Bene ficiaries and Co nd itio ns o f Entitlements

Article Thirty-Five
Bene ficiaries l isted hereunder, be they UAE. natio nal s o r o ther ful fill ing the fo llo w ing entitlement co nd itio ns,
u po n the demise o f the secured o r pensio ner, are entitled to shares in the pensio ns as per Schedule No. (1)
enclo sed herew ith. The same is payable as o f the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the date o f demise.
1. Husbands o r w ido w s
2. Children
3. Parents
4. Bro thers and sisters
5. Grandso ns and Grandda ughters

Article Thirty-Si x
Co nd itio ns o f Entitlement: (1)
B- Far a so n : to be less than twenty-o ne years o ld.
Shall be exempted:
1. The perso n unable to earn his l iving.
2. The student at any level abo ve the seco ndary scho o l pro vided his age do es no t exceed twenty-si x.
3. The ho lder o f a university degree o r the equivalent o r higher thereto, w ho d id no t get a jo b o r do es no t
practice an activity in the private secto r, pro vided he d id no t reach twenty-si x years o f age.
C- Fo r the da ughter: to be unwed
D- Fo r the father: to have been depend ing o n his deceased so n.
(1) cla use (A) hereo f has been cancelled vide law No. (25) o f 2000 e ffective fro m 10/9/2005, so me pro visio n o f law No. (2) o f 2000 apro po s civil retirement pensio ns and
bene fits in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi


E- Fo r the mo ther: to be d ivo rced o r w ido wed.

F- Fo r the bro thers and sisters: to have been depend ing o n the deceased and ful fill ing the co nd itio ns set o ut
in paragraphs B and C.
G- Fo r grandso ns: I f their father is dead o r d ied a fter beco ming entitled to the pensio n. Their father share shall
devo lve to them as per the co nd itio ns set o ut in paragraphs B and C hereo f.

Article Thirty-Seven
The dependence re ferred to in the previo us article shall be pro ved by a certi ficate fro m the co ncern de fined by
a decisio n fro m the Cha irman a fter appro val o f the bo ard.

Article Thirty-Eight
The payment o f the share in a pensio n shall cease in the fo llo w ing two cases:
A- the entitled has jo ined wo rk save the w ido w and da ughter o f the deceased.
B- the marriage o f the female.
The da ughter, sister, and grandda ughter, w hen married fo r the first time shall receive a bene fit equivalent to
her share in the pensio n fo r si x mo nths.

Article Thirty-N ine

The entitlement to a share shall cease in the fo llo w ing cases:
A- Death o f the bene ficiary.
B- Entitlement o f the secured o r pensio ner’s w ido w to a share in the pensio n o f her last husband.
C- When so n, bro ther, o r grandso n reaches the age o f twenty-si x
Shall be exempted:
1- The perso n unable to earn a l iving.
2- The student at an ed ucatio nal level abo ve the seco ndary scho o l until he beco mes twenty-si x years o ld.
The share w ill be pa id thro ugho ut the year o f study until its end.
3 - The ho lder o f a university degree o r the equivalent thereto w ho d id no t get a jo b o r do es no t practice an
activity in the private secto r until he reaches the age o f twenty-si x.

Article Fo rty
I f the da ughter, sister o r mo ther go t d ivo rced o r became a w ido w fo r the first time, o r, i f the so n o r bro ther
lo st the capacity to earn a fter the demise o f the secured o r pensio ner, each o f them shall receive the share he
o r she is entitled to in the pensio n assuming that he has became entitled thereto at the date o f demise w itho ut
prej ud ice to the right o f o ther bene ficiaries.


Article Fo rty-One
i f the share o f o ne o f the entitled perso ns mentio ned in Article (35) hereo f was sto pped o r ceased, the re-
tirement pensio n shall be red istri buted amo ng o ther bene ficiaries receiving shares as per schedule No. (1)
enclo sed herew ith. I f the reaso n fo r the cessatio n o f payment sto pped are d istri butio n pro cess is to be carried
o ut anew.

The re-d istri butio n ta kes place at the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the incident. In all cases, all amo unts
illegally pa id to the bene ficiary w ho se share was sto pped o r ceased, shall be deducted fro m the entitlement o f
o ther bene ficiaries held d ue to the sto pping o r cease, until the date o f kno w ledge o f the fund abo ut the incident,
pro rata the entitlement o f each o f them, w itho ut prej ud ice to the respo nsi bil ity fo r the amo unts un right fully
pa id o r w itho ut reco urse to right o f the rema ining bene ficiaries to cla im the party w ho has bene fited fro m
such amo unts ded ucted fro m their shares.
Article Fo rty-Two
Neither the pensio ner no r his bene ficiary may co mbine two pensio ns o r mo re fro m the fund, in such a case
he shall receive w hichever is higher.
Mo reo ver, neither o f them may co mbine a retirement pensio n w ith any o ther salary o r remuneratio n receiv-
able fro m a co ncern, subject to the pro visio ns hereo f, in w hich case, the pensio n pay shall be sto pped and
resumed w hen the salary o r remuneratio n ceases.

Article Fo rty-Three
Save the pro visio ns restricting the co mbinatio n o f two pensio ns o r mo re, o r the co mbinatio n o f a retirement
pensio n and the salary o r remuneratio n, the same is allo wed in any o f the fo llo w ing cases:

A) Cases o f co mbinatio n between two pensio ns, o r the retirement pensio n and salary o r remuneratio n o c-
curred be fo re the enactment o f this law.
B) In case the sums o f bo th pensio ns, and the retirement pensio n and salary o r remuneratio n he draw s do
no t exceed AED. 9.000. Sho uld they exceed this to tal, his right shall be co n fined to this l imit.
C) In case the pensio n is payable to the w ido w o f the pensio ner. She has the right to draw her o w n retire-
ment pensio n and her husband’s.
D) In case the pensio n is payable to the da ughter o f the pensio ner. She has the right to draw her o w n retire-
ment pensio n and her father’s.
E) I f the salary, the remuneratio n o r bene fit is pa id in co nsideratio n o f the pensio ner experiences o r his
assig n ment to carry o ut functio ns that require a special e fficiency that he has. The same requires the
appro val o f the bo ard.


Chapter Seven
Retirement Bene fits

Article Fo rty-Fo ur
The secured, w ho is no t entitle at the ex piry o f his service to a retirement pensio n acco rd ing to the pro visio ns
o f this law shall receive a retirement bene fit. The cases o f reaching the age o f retirement, demise and to tal d is-
abil ity shall be exempted fro m the fo rego ing.

Article Fo rty-Five
Retirement bene fit shall be calculated at the rate o f o ne and a hal f-mo nth salary based o n the value o f the last
salary fo r each year o f service d uring the first five years pro vided that the term o f service sho uld no t be less
than o ne year, and at the rate o f two mo nths salary fo r each year during the next five years, then at the rate
o f three mo nths salary fo r each year therea fter. Fo r the purpo se o f calculatio n o f the perio d o f service, part
o f the mo nth shall be deemed full mo nth.

Article Fo rty-Si x
In case o f demise o f the secured, the bene fit payable to him fo r the term o f service shall be d istri buted to his
bene ficiary as per the pro visio ns o f retirement pensio ns prescri bed herein, and acco rd ing to the prescri bed
d istri butio n metho d. In case o f no bene ficiaries, the pensio n sho uld be d istri buted acco rd ing to the successio n
pro visio ns o f the Sharia.


Chapter One
Retirement Pensio ns o f the President o f the Executive Co uncil, H is Deputy, Members o f the Co uncil and
Heads o f Departments

Article Fo rty-Seven
Upo n the ex piry o f their service, the President o f the Executive Co uncil, H is Deputy, Members o f the Execu-
tive Co uncil, Heads o f Departments, and the l i ke, shall be entitled to a mo nthly retirement pensio n as per the
fo llo w ing pro visio ns.

A) I f the term o f o ffice has been o ne year o r part o f a year as per the retirement pensio n based o n a no minal
perio d o f service o f fi fteen years.
B) I f the term o f o ffice has been five full years, the retirement pensio n payable shall be equal to the salary.


C) In case o f to tal d isabil ity o r med ical un fitness o r demise d uring the term o f service o f the secured the
retirement pensio n shall be co mputed as i f the term o f service qual i fies him to a retirement pensio n equal
to the salary.
D) I f the to tal perio ds o f actual service and added perio ds o f service exceeds 25 years, the secured shall
receive a bene fit fo r the excess perio d at the rate o f three mo nths fo r each year as per the last salary
draw n.
Article Fo rty-Eight
The fo rmer head o f a go vern ment department and the l i ke, w ho jo ins service at a co ncern subject to the pro vi-
sio ns hereo f may co mbine a retirement pensio n alo ng w ith the remuneratio n he draw s fro m the co ncern he has
jo ined. At the ex piry o f his service, the bene fits shall be co mputed acco rd ing to the pro visio ns hereo f.

Chapter Two
Pensio ns and Bene fits o f the Members o f the Natio nal Co nsultative Co uncil and Members o f the
M unici pal Co uncil

Article Fo rty-N ine

At the ex piry o f their membershi p, the Cha irman, his deputy and members o f the Natio nal Co nsultative
Co uncil, shall receive a retirement pensio n o r bene fit as per the pro visio ns hereunder

A) I f the Cha irman, his deputy o r member o f the Natio nal Co nsultative Co uncil has spent o ne co mplete
leg islative term o r two full years, he shall be entitled to a mo nthly retirement pensio n based o n a no minal
fi fteen-year perio d o f service.
B) I f the membershi p ex pired beca use o f a med ical un fitness, to tal d isabil ity o r demise, the secured o r his
bene ficiaries, as the case may be, shall be entitled to a retirement pensio n equivalent to the membershi p
remuneratio n.
C) Shall be added to the no minal perio d pro vided fo r in paragraph (A) hereo f the membershi p perio ds that
exceed two years o r the first leg islative term, as well as the service terms that may be added as per the
pro visio ns o f Articles 17 and 18 hereo f. The retirement pensio n is pa id acco rd ing to the full perio d o f
service, pro vided that the pensio n do es no t exceed the membershi p remuneratio n.
D) I f the pensio ner rega ined his membershi p at the Natio nal Co nsultative Co uncil, the previo us actual perio d
o f his service w ill be added to the new perio d o f service, pro vided the retirement pensio n do es no t exceed
the membershi p remuneratio n. At the end o f the term o f o ffice, bo th perio ds w ill be co mputed as per
the pro visio ns o f the fo rmer articles.

Article Fi fty
I f the service o f a secured, subject to the pro visio ns hereo f, w itho ut being entitled to the retirement pensio n
o r bene fit as per the pro visio ns hereo f, he shall redeem the co ntri butio ns deducted fro m him.


Article Fi fty-One
The M unici pal Co uncil Cha irman, his deputy and members at the end o f their membershi p shall be entitled to a
mo nthly retirement pensio n o r bene fit as per the pro visio ns set o ut in this chapter.
The pro visio n o f paragraph A, Article (49), shall apply i f the secured has spent a full o rd inary sessio n at the
co uncil o r two calendar years.
The pro visio n o f paragraph C, Article (49) shall apply i f the membershi p term exceeded two calendar years
o r o ne full o rd inary sessio n.


Article Fi fty-Two
The fund may red uce the rights o f the secured and pensio ners in the retirement pensio ns w ith cash. The re-
duced pensio n value shall be determined acco rd ing to the reg ulatio n set o ut by the bo ard.
After red uced pensio n, the balance o f the actual o r presumptive retirement pensio n shall no t be less than 50%
o f the salary re ferred to in Articles 27 and 30 hereo f, as the case may be.
The cha irman. u po n the appro val o f the bo ard, shall issue a decisio n setting o ut the rules, co nd itio ns and cases
o f reduced pensio ns and amo unts to be re funded aga inst the cessatio n o f the arrangement. The perio d o f
reduced pensio n w ithin the service term sho uld be 5 years.

Article Fi fty-Three
The deductio n o f the part fro m the retirement pensio n shall cease u po n the demise o f the pensio ner, the expiry
o f the perio d prescri bed fo r red uced pensio n o r u po n the ex piry o f the implementatio n thereo f as per the last
paragraph o f the fo rego ing article.
The pensio ns o f the bene ficiaries shall be co mputed as i f the pensio ner d id no t reduce part o f his pensio n.
The demise o f the secured o r the pensio ner, a fter the appl icatio n fo r reduced pensio n, may no t deprive the legal
heirs fro m receiving the rights o f red uced pensio n o f their testato r, as they are co nsidered a successio n, i f the
appl icant at the time o f the appl icatio n was ful fill ing the red uced pensio n co nd itio ns.

Article Fi fty-Fo ur
Save Article 14 hereo f, the financial status o f the red uced pensio n system shall be examined independently
o nce every si x years w ith the kno w ledge o f an actuary to be appo inted by the bo ard. I f the examinatio n had
unveiled excess, the same may be d istri buted amo ng the parties co ncerned w ith the reduced pensio n as per
the decisio n o f the co uncil.
Wo uld the examinatio n unveil a de ficit the actuary sho uld clari fy the reaso n fo r such de ficit and the means
to avo id the same.


Article Fi fty-Five
The bene ficiaries o f the secured o r the pensio ner may no t replace their pensio ns.


Article Fi fty-Si x
Shall be deprived fro m the retirement pensio n o r bene fits the secured o r pensio ner w ho se citi zenshi p is abro-
gated o r w ithdraw n and u po n his demise his bene ficiaries w ill receive hal f o f their shares.

Article Fi fty-Seven
Witho ut prej ud ice to the pro visio ns o f the fo rmer article, the secured o r pensio ner may no t be deprived fro m
the pensio n o r bene fit except by a d isci pl inary reso lutio n, and fo r quarter o f the pensio n o r bene fit max imum.
a j udg ment o f fo r feiture acco rd ing to the fo rego ing article may o nly be rendered o n acts co mmitted be fo re
the expiry o f the term o f service.
The amo unts payable hereunder to the pensio ner o r his bene ficiaries may o nly be w ithheld o r subject to de-
ductio n in settlement o f an al imo ny debt adj udged by the co urt o r in settlement o f any amo unts w hich may be
payable to the fund o r the co ncern w here the pensio ner wo rks fo r a reaso n perta ining to his jo b per fo rmance
o r as a reco very o f amo unts d isbursed to him w itho ut right.
Deductio n in any o f the fo rego ing cases may no t exceed o ne quarter o f the pensio n o r bene fit, and u po n
co mpetitio n, the al imo ny debt shall have prio rity, and then the rest o f debts acco rd ing to their o rder in the
previo us paragraph.

Article Fi fty-Eight
Upo n the demise o f a secured o r pensio ner w ho has been subject to a d isci pl inary j udg ment depriving him
fro m part o f his pensio n, his bene ficiaries shall receive their full shares fro m the entire pensio n payable as per
the pro visio ns hereo f.

Article Fi fty-N ine

In case a secured o r a pensio ner is co ndem ned to impriso n ment, the Cha irman, u po n appro val o f the Bo ard,
shall de fine the bene ficiaries w ho sho uld receive the pensio n o r bene fit o r o ther financial rights and set o ut
the co nd itio ns and rules thereo f.

Article Si xty
Witho ut prej ud ice to the pro visio ns o f the fo rego ing articles hereo f a secured o r pensio ner may no t be de-
prived fro m his right to receive a pensio n o r bene fit o r o ther financial rights. Any pro visio n co ntrad icting the
same shall be revo ked.



Article Si xty-One
The Executive Co uncil may decide to grant extrao rd inary pensio ns o r bene fits to secured and pensio ners, their
bene ficiaries o r o ther UAE natio nal s even i f they are no t subject to the pro visio ns hereo f. Witho ut prej ud ice
to the reso lutio ns o f the Executive Co uncil, such extrao rd inary pensio ns and bene fits shall be subject to the
pro visio ns hereo f.

Article Si xty-Two
The fund is o nly bo und by the pensio ns, bene fits and co mpensatio ns payable by virtue o f this law. Other dues
emerg ing fro m o ther law s and reso lutio ns to be executed by the fund are pa id thereto by the publ ic treasury
acco rd ing to the metho d decided by the Cha irman a fter co nsulting the Bo ard.

Article Si xty-Three
The co ntri butio ns pa id by the emplo yer in the Go vern ment secto r and co mpanies fully o w ned by the State
and tho se w here they are ded ucted fro m the secured salaries shall be calculated based o n the mo nthly salary
o r wage.

Article Si xty-Fo ur
The co ntri butio ns pa id by the emplo yer in the semi-go vern mental and private secto rs, and co mpanies fully
o w ned by the State and tho se w here such co ntri butio ns are ded ucted fro m the salaries o f the secured w ithin
o ne year are calculated based o n the salary o r remuneratio n o f January o f each year.
The co ntri butio ns o f ind ivid ual s w ho jo in the service d uring ano ther mo nth shall be calculated based o n the
salary o r remuneratio n payable d uring such mo nth until the first o f next January. Then calculatio n shall be
made acco rd ing to the basis sho w n in the fo rego ing paragraph.
The pro visio ns o f the fo rmer paragraph shall apply to the ind ivid ual s w ho beco me subject to this law fo r the
first time.
Co ntri butio ns are d ue fo r the entire mo nth w hen the perio d o f service starts and they are no t due fo r the mo nth
w hen the perio d o f service ex pires.
Fo r the purpo se o f calculatio n o f the mo nthly salary o r remuneratio n, fo r perso ns w ho do no t draw the same
o n mo nthly basis, the number o f wo rking days is fi xed at thirty. Ho wever, the number o f wo rking days fo r
ind ividual s w ho do no t get pa id fo r the weekly ho l idays, is fi xed at twenty-si x.


Article Si xty-Five
As an exceptio n to the two fo rego ing articles the Cha irman, u po n a pro po sitio n fro m the bo ard may set spe-
cial rules fo r the calculatio n o f the salary o r remuneratio n o f the secured, as well as co nd itio ns and situatio ns
reg ulating the co llectio n and payment o f co ntri butio ns and amo unts due acco rd ing to this law fo r the cases
he de fines.

Article Si xty-Si x
The emplo yer in the semi-go vern mental and private secto rs, in January o f each year, shall submit to the fund a
statement o f the salaries, remuneratio n, and co ntri butio ns o f the emplo yees fo r the sa id mo nth. Such statement
shall co ver al so them emplo yees w ho are under a pro batio nary perio d. The statement shall state the addresses
o f the emplo yer w hatever the number. Mo reo ver, the emplo yer shall advise the fund mo nthly o n any mo d i-
ficatio ns to the number o f emplo yees, their salaries, remuneratio n, and wo rk premises.
The sa id statements are submitted o n the fo rms prepared by the fund fo r this purpo se.

Article Si xty-Seven
Sho uld the emplo yer fa il to submit the statements sti pulated in the fo rego ing article under the prescri bed co nd i-
tio ns and dates, the payable co ntri butio ns are calculated as per the last statement the emplo yer had submitted
to the fund until the actual payable co ntri butio ns are co mputed.
In case the statements have no t been submitted at all and in case o f the absence o f any reco rds and do cuments
that the emplo yer sho uld have kept as per the pro visio ns hereo f the payable co ntri butio ns are co mputed by
a reso lutio n fro m the fund.
The emplo yer shall have the right to appeal aga inst the reso lutio n pro vided fo r in the fo rego ing paragraph as
per the pro visio ns o f Article 81 hereo f a fter submittal o f a grievance be fo re the co mmittee pro vided fo r in
Article 79 o f the law and o n the dates sti pulated thereby.

Article Si xty-Eight
Co ntri butio ns are payable at the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the mo nth they are accrued o n o r until the
issue o f the fund’s reso lutio n pro vided fo r in the fo rmer article even i f challenged. Co ntri butio ns are pa id based
o n the to tal salary o r remuneratio n.

Article Si xty-N ine

In case o f a delay in the payment o f co ntri butio ns o r o ther amo unts payable by virtue o f this law, be they due
o n him o r to be ded ucted fro m the salaries o r remuneratio n o f the secured, the emplo yer shall be bo und to pay
a mo nthly add itio nal amo unt at 0. 1 % o f the o utstand ing amo unts to be co mputed as o f the date such amo unts
have beco me d ue until the date o f settlement.


Article Seventy
Sho uld the emplo yer fa il to reg ister all o r so me o f the emplo yees w ithin the perio d pro vided fo r in Article 72
o f present law o r fa il to pay the co ntri butio ns based o n the real salaries and remuneratio n, he shall be bo und to
pay to the fund an add itio nal amo unt equivalent to 10% o f the value o f the un pa id co ntri butio ns in add itio n to
the percentage prescri bed in the fo rmer article. The emplo yer is bo und al so to pay AED. 100 fo r each day o f
delay to submit to the fund the statements, no ti ficatio ns and fo rms requested fo r the executio n o f this law.

Article Seventy-One
In all the preced ing cases, the charges to fo rward the co ntri butio ns and payable amo unts to the fund shall be
bo rne by the emplo yer. The cha irman, u po n appro val o f the bo ard shall determine the cases and co nd itio ns fo r
the exemptio n fro m the payment o f any extra amo unts sti pulated in the two preced ing articles.

Article Seventy-Two
The Emplo yer is bo und to reg ister all the emplo yees subject to the pro visio ns hereo f w ith the fund w ithin 10
days fro m the date they have jo ined the service. In case the emplo yer absta ined o r neg lected such reg istratio n,
the emplo yees may pro ceed to the reg istratio n o f their names by themselves.
The Cha irman shall determine the rules fo r the sa id reg istratio n and pro cedures fo r the o bta in ment o f insur-
ance cards and the data they co ver as well as the pro ced ures to be ta ken in cases o f lo ss and the rules fo r the
use thereo f. The fund sho uld g ive an insurance card fo r every secured w itho ut any charges. AED. 10 sho uld be
pa id u po n the appl icatio n fo r a d u pl icate.

Article Seventy-Three
The emplo yer in the semi-go vern ment and private secto rs shall d isplay at a co nspicuo us place o f the business a
certi ficate evidencing the payment o f the co ntri butio n to the fund. The Cha irman, u po n appro val o f the bo ard,
shall issue the data to be included in the certi ficate. The fund sho uld grant such certi ficate in co nsideratio n o f
AED. 10 fo r the certi ficate itset f o r extract thereo f. The go vern ment co ncern that issues certa in l icenses o r
certi ficates shall no t grant o r renew the same unless the ho lder submits the sa id certi ficate o r extract thereo f.

Article Seventy-Fo ur
Emplo yer shall keep bo o ks and reco rds and submit to the fund the statements, data, no ti ficatio ns and fo rms
required far the executio n o f this law. The same sho uld ta ke place acco rd ing to the co nd itio ns and dates set o ut
by the Cha irman u po n a pro po sitio n made by the bo ard. The emplo yer sho uld keep al so a special file fo r every
secured w herein all the do cuments speci fied by the sa id reso lutio n are lo dged.


Article Seventy-Five
The M inister o f Justice in agreement w ith the cha irman o f the Finance Department shall determine the names
o f the fund’s emplo yees assig ned by the Cha irman to have the capacity o f j ud icial co mmissio ners fo r the
executio n o f this law and its executive reso lutio ns. There fo re, these j ud icial co mmissio ners shall have the right
to enter the wo rk premises at reg ular timings to ta ke the necessary pro cedures and inspect the reco rds, bo o ks,
papers, deeds, do cuments and files related to the executio n hereo f.

Article Seventy-Si x
The fund is bo und to respect all its o bl igatio ns to wards the parties subject to the pro visio ns hereo f, even i f the
emplo yer d id no t reg ister them thereat o r pay the co ntri butio ns d ue fo r them.

Article Seventy-Seven
The d isso lutio n, l i quidatio n, clo sing, ban kru ptcy, merger, transfer o f o w nershi p by successio n, w ill, do natio n,
sale o r assig n ment o r o ther ways o f d ispo sal do es no t prevent the payment o f the fund’s dues. The suc-
cesso r shall be jo intly respo nsi ble w ith the fo rmer emplo yer fo r the executio n o f all the o bl igatio ns due o n
them to wards the fund. In case, the o w nershi p o f a co rpo ratio n devo lved to a successo r by heritage, the jo int
respo nsi bil ity is l imited to the share he o bta ined fro m the successio n.

Article Seventy-Eight
The secured beco mes entitled to receive the retirement pensio n as fro m the day fo llo w ing the expiry o f his ser-
vice. The payment o f the retirement pensio n shall sto p at the demise o f the secured unless he has bene ficiaries
then the right to the retirement pensio n shall devo lve to them as per the pro visio ns hereo f. The bene ficiaries
beco me entitled to receive the pensio n fro m the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the demise.

Article Seventy-N ine

A case cla iming the rights prescri bed by virtue o f the pro visio ns o f this law may no t be filed except a fter cla im-
ing the fund in w riting w ithin five years fro m the date w hen the rights are co nsidered payable. The cla im o f o ne
right is co nsidered a cla im fo r all the rights. The sa id delay shall cease to be val id fo r all the bene ficiaries, i f o ne
o f them submits such cla im. It shall be sto pped fo r the perso ns w ho have no capacity at all o r the perso ns w ho
lack eno ugh capacity, in case they do no t have a legal representative.
The sa id case may no t be accepted be fo re submissio n o f a grievance aga inst the reso lutio n issued by the fund
w ithin thirty days o f the no ti ficatio n be fo re a co mmittee fo rmed by a reso lutio n fro m the Cha irman w ho w ill
al so set o ut the rules to decide o n a grievance , A reso lutio n abo ut the cla im o r grievance pro vided fo r in this
article sho uld be ta ken w ithin thirty days a fter the fil ing thereo f. The lapse o f such perio d w itho ut the issue o f
any reso lutio n is co nsidered a rejectio n o f such cla im o r grievance, co ncerned party may challenge the reso lu-
tio ns issued by the sa id co mmittee w ithin thirty days o f no ti ficatio n.


Article Eighty
No case mo ving fo r the amend ment to the rights prescri bed herein may be filed a fter the lapse o f two years
fro m the no ti ficatio n o f the final amo unt o f the pensio n o r fro m the payment o f the same regard ing the o ther
rights, except cases cla iming increment o f these rights d ue to an adj ustment by virtue o f a law o r final co urt
j udg ment o r co rpo ral erro rs co mmitted u po n the adj ustment. The fund may no t d ispute o n the value o f these
rights in case ad ministrative reso lutio ns o r adj ustments are issued a fter the emplo yee had le ft the service,
resulting in the red uctio n o f the salaries ta ken as a basis fo r the evaluatio n o f such rights.

Article Eighty-One
Pro visio ns o f Federal Law s No. 3/1983 and 11/1992 shall apply fo r the challenges and d isputes pro vided fo r in
the two preced ing articles.

Article Eighty-Two
The rights o f the fund to wards emplo yers, secured perso na, pensio ners and bene ficiaries shall prescri be a fter
the lapse o f five years fro m the maturity date. Amo ng the reaso ns to interru pt the prescri ptio n is the no tice
addressed by the fund to the co ncerned party by a reg istered letter w herein is included a statement o f the value
o f the relevant amo unts. The prescri ptio n shall no t be appl icable to the emplo yer w ho d id no t co ntri bute in the
insurance fo r all o r so me o f the emplo yees, except fro m the date the fund has kno w ledge o f their emplo yment
therew ith. The emplo yer’s right to redeem the amo unts pa id in excess shall prescri be a fter the lapse o f five
years fro m payment w itho ut cla iming the fund there fo re.

Article Eighty-Three
Cases filed by the fund, the secured, pensio ners o r bene ficiaries regard ing the implementatio n o f this law shall
be exempted fro m the j ud icial charges at alt co urt instances. Such cases shall be examined as summary cases
and the co urt may o rder the immed iate executio n o f the j udg ments w itho ut ba il, as it may re fuse the case and
co mpel the pla inti ff to pay all o r part o f the ex penses.

Article Eighty-Fo ur
The Fund may pro visio nally pay part o f the pensio n o r bene fits, w hich is no t subject to any d isputes until the
final settlement I f no settlement is reached at the beg inning o f the mo nth fo llo w ing the expiry o f the secured
service, the fund is bo und to pay o n a mo nthly basis, hal f o f the mo nthly salary o r the sa id part o f the pensio n
w hichever is higher until final settlement I f, a fter the settlement, the pensio n beco mes in ferio r to the amo unt
that used to be pa id, the d i fference shall be reimbursed in mo nthly install ments fo r a perio d no t less than the
perio d during w hich the amo unts have been pa id by the fund to the pensio ner o r bene ficiaries.
The cha irman, u po n appro val o f the bo ard, shall de fine the co nd itio ns, rules and dates fo r the payments o f the
rights prescri bed herein as well as the do cuments required there fo r.


Article Eighty-Five
Witho ut prej ud ice to the pro visio n o f Article 57 hereo f, the amo unts due to the fund, shall have the prio rity
o n all the mo nies o f the debto r, be they mo vables o r real estates. Such amo unts shall be settled immed iately
a fter the payment o f the j ud icial ex penses by way o f ad ministrative attachment. The reso lutio n o f the fund’s
d irecto r general to settle these amo unts has the en fo rceabil ity o f a w rit o f executio n.

Article Eighty-Si x
In the implementatio n o f the pro visio ns hereo f, the specialties, w hich establ ish the age and submitted to co n-
tri bute in the fund fo r the first time may be ra ised as a pro o f. May be ra ised as a pro o f as well any amend ment
that o ccurs to the age establ ished therein, i f o ccurring w ithin o ne year fro m the beg inning o f the co ntri bu-
tio n.
The age establ ished w ith the fund at the date o f enactment o f this article, and the amend ment that o ccurs
thereto w ithin o ne year fro m such date shall be ra ised as a pro o f.

Article Eighty-Seven
The perio ds sti pulated in this law are co mputed acco rd ing to the Grego rian calendar and in the co mputing o f
the perio d o f co ntri butio n in the insurance part o f the mo nth is co nsidered a w ho le mo nth and part o f the year
is co nsidered a w ho le year, i f the latter qual i fies the secured-to be entitled to a retirement pensio n.

Article Eighty-Eight
The o bl igatio n to repay the bene fit that has to be redeemed acco rd ing to the pro visio ns o f this law shall pre-
scri be i f the secured service ex pires by his demise.

Article Eighty-N ine

The Cha irman in agreement w ith the M inister o f Health shall de fine cases o f to tal and partial d isabil ity and
the rate that a ffects the secured capacity to wo rk as well as the rules w hereo n the evaluatio n o f the degree o f
d isabil ity is based.

Article N inety
In case the secured o r pensio ner d ies his heirs w ill receive a bo nus equivalent to his salary, remuneratio n o r
pensio n multi pl ied by three.
The Cha irman shall de fine the co nd itio ns and rules fo r the payment o f such bo nus.

Article N inety-One
I f the secured service ex pired by natural demise, his bene ficiaries shall receive, in add itio n to the mo nthly re-
tirement pensio n, indem nity amo unting to AED. 60.000 in o ne payment as per the pro visio ns hereo f. Such
co mpensatio n shall be d istri buted amo ng them acco rd ing to the successio n pro visio ns set o ut by the Sharia.


Article N inety-Two
I f the secured d ied d ue to a wo rk inj ury, his heirs w ill be entitled to an indem nity amo unting to AED. 150.000
(Dirhams One Hundred Fi fty Tho usand) to be d istri buted amo ng them as per the successio n pro visio ns set o ut
by the Sharia. The secured shall al so be entitled to this bo nus i f the wo rk inj ury resulted in a to tal d isabil ity. I f the
wo rk inj ury resulted in a partial d isabil ity, the secured w ill be entitled to an indem nity calculated at the degree o f
d isabil ity multi pl ied by the value o f indem nity fo r demise as de fined in Schedule No. 2 enclo sed herew ith.

Article N inety-Three
The secured shall be deprived o f the inj ury indem nity in the fo llo w ing cases:
1- i f the secured w ill fully inj ured himsel f.
2- i f the inj ury o ccurred d ue to a flagrant and vulgar misbehavio r, such as:
A-Any act co mmitted by the secured under the e ffect o f alco ho l ic drin ks o r drugs.
B- Any premed itated vio latio n o f sa fety instructio ns d isplayed co nspicuo usly at the place o f business.
The same appl ies unless the inj ury resulted in the demise o f the secured, o r in a permanent d isabil ity exceed ing
25% o f the to tal d isabil ity. No ne o f the two cases sti pulated in Articles 1 and 2 might be implemented, unless they
are evidenced by the investigatio n co nd ucted w ith the kno w ledge o f co mpetent a utho rities.
The pro visio ns hereo f do no t deny the right o f the secured o r his heirs to cla im the full amo unt o f indem nity
be fo re third party.
I f the inj ury resulted fro m the erro r o f the emplo yer, the inj ured o r his heirs may cla im full indem nity fro m the
emplo yer a fter ded uctio n o f the amo unt pa id by the fund by virtue o f this law.


Article N inety-Fo ur
Witho ut prej ud ice to any mo re severe penalty pro vided fo r in any o ther law, the o ffenses re ferred to hereunder
w ill be sanctio ned by the penalties mentio ned in the fo llo w ing articles.

Article N inety-Five
Any perso n w ho del i berately pro vides untrue in fo rmatio n o r absta ins fro m pro vid ing the in fo rmatio n sti pu-
lated in this law, o r its executive reso lutio ns o r reg ulatio ns, in o rder to receive illeg itimately mo nies fro m the fund
shall be co ndem ned to impriso n ment fo r a max imum perio d o f o ne mo nth and to the payment o f a max imum
fine o f AED. 2500. Every perso n w ho del i berately pro vides untrue in fo rmatio n to avo id ful fill ing the o bl iga-
tio ns to wards the fund shall incur the same penalties, in all cases, the co urt o rders him to repay the amo unts
he has received illeg itimately.


Article N inety-Si x
A fine no t exceed ing AED. 250 (Dirhams Two Hundred Fi fty) shall be impo sed o n every perso n w ho breaches
the pro visio ns o f Articles 66 and 74 hereo f.
In the implementatio n o f the last paragraph o f Article Seventy-Fo ur o f this law, the fine shall increase acco rd ing
to the number o f emplo yees, subject o f the vio latio n.

Article N inety-Seven
A fine no t exceed ing AED. 250 (Dirhams Two Hundred Fi fty) shall be impo sed o n any emplo yer, subject to the
pro visio ns hereo f, w ho d id no t co ntri bute to the fund fo r any o f his emplo yees. The emplo yer w ho ma kes the
emplo yees bear any part o f the insurance charges no t pro vided fo r in this law shall be sentenced to the same
penalty. The co urt, by itsel f, shall bind such emplo yer to pay to the emplo yees the insurance charges they have
bo rne. The fine w ill increase acco rd ing to the number o f emplo yees, subject o f the vio latio n.

Article N inety-Eight
Penalties o f impriso n ment fo r a perio d no t exceed ing si x mo nths and a fine no t exceed ing AED. 2500 (Dir-
hams Two Tho usand Five Hundred) o r either penalty shall be impo sed o n any o f the fund emplo yees w ho
d isclo ses any o f the fund’s secrets o r o ther wo rk secrets o r wo rk metho ds, w hich wo uld have co me to his
kno w ledge by virtue o f his po sitio n.

Article N inety-N ine

All the fines and adj udged amo unts fo r any vio latio ns o f the pro visio ns hereo f shall devo lve to the fund and
spent as may be decided by the cha irman.


Article One Hundred

Emplo yees o f the Retirement Pensio ns and Bene fits Sectio n at the Finance Department as well as any em-
plo yees w ho m the Department o f Finance decides to transfer o r seco nd, shall be transferred to the Fund in
co o rd inatio n w ith the d irecto r.
Their grades as well their acquired rights shall rema in unvaried pro vided their situatio ns are adj usted acco rd ing
to the pro visio ns o f the Fund’s emplo yees a ffa irs.

Article One Hundred and One

The pensio ns o f the President, deputy president, and members o f the executive co uncil, heads o f departments
and the l i ke, be they retired o r bene ficiaries shall be re-adj usted acco rd ing to the basis sti pulated herein as per
the salaries and allo wances o f their co unterparts u po n the implementatio n hereo f.


Upo n the appro val o f any increase o f salaries o r allo wances, w hich w ill be ta ken into acco unt in calculatio n o f
the retirement pensio n in the future, the increase rate prescri bed shall apply to fo rmer pensio ners and their
bene ficiaries.

Article One Hundred and Two

The retirement pensio n fo r the citi zens w ho retired prio r to the enactment o f this law o r their bene ficiaries
shall be calculated anew o n the basis hereo f. Upo n appro val o f any increase in the retirement pensio ns in the
future, the de fined increase rate shall a uto matically apply to the value o f the pensio ns o f fo rmer retired co un-
terparts o r their bene ficiaries *.

Article One Hundred and Three

Save pro visio ns o f Article 42 hereo f, the pensio ner may co mbine the pensio n payable to him be fo re the re-
adj ustment sti pulated in the fo rego ing article and the salary fro m wo rk at the semi-go vern mental and private
secto rs. He may al so co mbine the pensio n to any bene fit he earns fro m the publ ic treasury at the implementa-
tio n o f present law. At the end o f his service, in bo th cases his acco unt w ill be settled based o n the new perio d
o f service o nly, pro vided the sum o f the two pensio ns do es no t exceed the max imum amo unt o f the pensio n,
as case may be.
Ho wever, the pensio ner may request to sto p the payment o f the pensio n payable to him be fo re the re-adj ust-
ment, and at the end o f his service to calculate bo th perio ds to gether w ithin thirty days o f no ti ficatio n o f the
re-adj ustment o r a fter jo ining wo rk, w hichever is clo ser.

Article One Hundred and Fo ur

Pro visio ns o f Chapter Si x o f Sectio n Three hereo f shall apply to each perso n w ho is no t entitled to a share
in the pensio n acco rd ing to the pro visio ns o f the Retirement Pensio ns and Bene fits appl icable be fo re the
enactment o f present law. The same appl ies as o f the date o f implementatio n hereo f o r as o f the date o f the
ful fill ment o f the sti pulated entitlement co nd itio ns w hichever is clo ser w itho ut prej ud ice to the rights o f the
o ther entitled perso ns.

Article One hundred and Five

The pro visio ns o f Chapter Si x, Sectio n Three o f the law hereo f shall apply to every perso n w ho is no t entitled
to a share in the pensio n as per the pro visio ns o f the law s appl icable prio r to the enactment o f this law. The
same shall apply as o f the day o f enactment o f present law o r the date o f ful fill ment o f the sti pulated entitle-
ment co nd itio ns w hichever is clo ser, w itho ut prej ud ice to the rights o f the o ther entitled perso ns.


Article One Hundred and Si x

The end o f service cases at the go vern ment secto r shall be adj usted anew fo r the reaso ns pro vided fo r in Cla use
(1), Article 27 hereo f, and fo r w hich no pensio n is d ue as per the pro visio ns o f the sa id Law No. 2/1975 acco rd-
ing to Sectio n Three, Chapters Five and Si x o f this law.
Save the cases o f demise and to tal d isabil ity, the bene fit al ready d isbursed shall be reimbursed in mo nthly
install ments.

Article One Hundred and Seven

The implementatio n o f the pro visio ns o f the fo rego ing articles do no t incur the payment o f financial d i ffer-
ences fo r the perio d prio r to the enactment o f the pro visio ns o f Sectio n Three hereo f.

Article One Hundred and Eight

The publ ic treasury shall pay the d i fference between the net value o f the o bl igatio ns resulting fro m the imple-
mentatio n o f the- pro visio ns o f the fo rego ing articles o f this sectio n. The cha irman, a fter co nsulting the bo ard,
and based o n the actuary repo rt, shall determine the sa id d i fference, it may be pa id in install ments.

Article One Hundred and N ine

The cha irman shall determine the dates fo r the reg istratio n o f the d i fferent catego ries o f emplo yees subject to
the pro visio ns o f this law and w ho are still in service at the enactment o f the Sectio n Two hereo f o r w ho jo in
the service a fter such date and be fo re the enactment o f the rema ining articles.

Article One Hundred and Ten

Witho ut prej ud ice to Article 33 hereo f, the pensio ns o f the secured w ho se services have ended be fo re the en-
actment o f present law, as well as the pensio ns o f their bene ficiaries w ill be adj usted acco rd ing to the pensio ns
they, actually receive o r the pensio n that is d ue as per the pro visio ns herein, w hichever is higher.
The re-adj ustment o f the pensio n do es no t lead to the increase o f the part w hich may be reduced.


Article One Hundred and Eleven

As o f the date o f enactment o f present law all the fo llo w ing law s shall be abro gated:

1- Law No.2/1975 apro po s the retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f the UAE natio nal s in the Emirate o f
Abu Dhabi and the amend ments thereto.

2- Law No. 10/1975 apro po s the retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f the President, his deputy, heads o f de-
partment, and members o f the Executive Co uncil o f the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi.


3 - Law No. 2/1978 apro po s the retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f the UAE natio nal s wo rking at o il
co mpanies o perating in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi and the amend ments thereto.

4- Law No. 4/1984 apro po s retirement pensio ns and bene fits o f UAE natio nal s wo rking at the General In-
dustry Co rpo ratio n.

5 - Law No. 6/1999 apro po s so me pro visio ns o f the law s o n civil retirement pensio ns and bene fits in the Emir-
ate o f Abu Dhabi.

Article One Hundred and Twelve

Any pro visio ns inco nsistent w ith the pro visio ns o f this law shall be revo ked hereby.

Article One Hundred and Thirteen

The cha irman o f the fund shall issue the reg ulatio ns and decisio ns required fo r the implementatio n o f the pro -
visio ns o f this law. The reg ulatio ns and reso lutio ns co ncerned w ith the implementatio n o f the appl icable law s
apro po s retirement pensio ns and bene fits in the Emirate, and w hich do no t co ntrad ict the pro visio ns hereo f,
shall co ntinue to apply, until the issuance o f the reg ulatio ns and reso lutio ns fo r the implementatio n hereo f.

Article One Hundred and Fo urteen

Present law shall be publ ished in the gazette and shall beco me o perative as o f June 2000.

Khal i fa Bin Zayed Al Na hyan

Deputy ruler o f Abu Dhabi

P ro m u l g ate d by u s i n Ab u D h a b i
O n M a rc h 2 1, 2 0 0 0

LAW N O. 2 O F 20 0 0

Table No. 1
SI Perso ns Entitled to Pensio n Due Share o f Pensio n
Wido w (s)
o r entitled Children Parents Bro ther(s)

A w ido w o r w ido w s, o r
1 entitled husband, o ne child o r mo re, 3/8 3/8 1/8 1/8
a father o r mo ther o r bo th, and a
bo ther o r mo re
A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled
2 husband, a child o r mo re and father 3/8 4/8 1/8 ---
o r mo ther o r bo th
A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled
3 husband, a child o r mo re and a 3/8 4/8 --- 1/8
bro ther o r mo re
A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled
4 husband, a mo ther o r father o r 1/2 --- 1/4 1/4
bo th, and a bro ther o r mo re
A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled
5 3/8 5/8 --- ---
husband, and a child o r mo re
A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled hus-
6 band, and a mo ther o r father o r bo th 1/2 --- 1/2 ---

A w ido w o r w ido w s o r
7 entitled husband and a bro ther o r mo re 1/2 --- --- 1/2

A w ido w o r w ido w s o r entitled

8 husband 3/4 --- --- ---

One child o r mo re, a father o r mo ther

9 --- 6/8 1/8 1/8
o r bo th and a bro ther o r mo re

10 One child o r mo re, a father o r mo ther

--- 3/4 1/4 ---
o r bo th

11 o ne child o r mo re , and o ne --- ---

3/4 1/4
bro ther o r mo re
12 --- the w ho le --- ---
Mo re than o ne child pensio n
13 o ne child 3/4 --- ---

14 Father o r mo ther o r bo th and o ne --- --- 1/2 1/2

bro ther o r mo re
15 Father o r mo ther o r bo th --- --- 3/4 ---
16 One bro ther o r mo re --- --- --- 1/2

LAW N O. 2 O F 20 0 0

Co ntinuo us Table No. 1

1. The term child o r bro ther, as used in the table, includes the male and female.
2. I f mo re than o ne perso n is entitled to o ne share o f the pensio n, it shall be d istri buted amo ng them o n an
equal basis (1)
4. In case o f death o f either parent, his o r her share shall devo lve to the o ther parent, and i f bo th o f them d ie,
their share shall devo lve to the children o f the pensio ner.
5. I f the pensio n o f o ne o f the bro thers is d isco ntinued, his share shall devo lve to his rema ining bro thers, and
i f no ne o f them ex ist, his po rtio n shall devo lve to the children o f the pensio ner.
6. I f the pensio n o f the bro thers is d isco ntinued and there are no o ther bene ficiaries except the parents, the
share o f the bro thers shall devo lve to them, w itho ut exceed ing the share speci fied fo r parents in case
No. 15 (3/4).
7. I f the pensio ns o f parents is d isco ntinued and there are no o ther bene ficiaries except the bro thers, the
share o f the parents shall devo lve to bro thers, w itho ut exceed ing the share speci fied fo r them in case
No. 16 (1/2).
8. I f the pensio n o f bro thers is d isco ntinued, and there are no o ther bene ficiaries o ther than the w ido w, their
share shall devo lve to the w ido w, w itho ut exceed ing the share speci fied fo r her in case No. 8 (3/4).
9. I f the pensio n o f parents is d isco ntinued, and there are no o ther bene ficiary o ther than the w ido w, their
share shall devo lve to the w ido w, w itho ut exceed ing the l imit speci fied fo r her in case No. 8 (3/4).
10. The share o f an ind ivid ual’s entitlement o f pensio n may no t exceed three quarters o f the pensio n.
11. I f the ca use o f suspensio n o f all o r part o f the pensio n is el iminated, all shares shall return to their o rig inal
situatio n be fo re suspensio n.
12. The share, w hich is no t assig ned to any perso n, shall devo lve to the fund.

(1) cla use (3) hereo f has been cancelled vide law No. (25) o f 2005 e ffective fro m 10/9/2005 so me pro visio n o f law No. (2) o f 2000 apro po s civil retirement pensio ns and
bene fits in the Emirate o f Abu Dhabi


Table No. 2
Evaluatio n o f Disabil ity Degress in Case o f Lo ss o f Organs

s. No. Nature o f Disabil ity Percentage o f Degree o f Disabil ity

1 Lo ss o f right a im u p to the sho ulder 80%

2 Less o f right arm u p to abo ve the elbo w 75%

3 Lo ss o f right arm to belo w the elbo w 65%

4 Lo ss o f le ft arm u p to the sho ulder 70%

5 Lo ss o f le ft arm to abo ve the elbo w 65%
6 Lo ss o f le ft arm to belo w the elbo w 55%

7 Lo ss o f the leg abo ve the knee 65%

8 Lo ss o f the leg belo w the knee 55%

9 To tal dea fness 55%

10 Lo ss o f sight o f o ne eye 35%

Le ft Right

Lo ss o f thumb 25% 30%

11 Lo ss o f the fro nt phalan x o f the Thumb 15% 18%
Lo ss o f index finger 10% 12%

Lo ss o f the fro nt phalan x o f the index finger 5% 6%

12 Lo ss o f bo th the fro nt and midd le phalan xes o f the index 8% 10%
Lo ss o f the midd le finger 8% 10%
Lo ss o f the midd le fro nt phalan x 4% 5%
Lo ss o f bo th the midd le and fro nt phalan xes 6% 8%
Lo ss o f a finger o ther than the index, thumb and midd le 5% 6%


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