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' II- d d •

_ p'eClla' 'Ilze.··.·· .... ,eslg:n

Famo'us Alrti':5ts Co'urs,e


A.I bert ID,oma

F rs d Ludeken s

Norman RockweU

Jon Whirtcomb

Rob e rt IFawcett

P'ate r Helek

Ge,orge Giu.S'ti

AuSf~1tl BrIggs

H'aroM Von Schmidt

'~Q€I"II'R I GInIT ~ 1,960., FIVI,lJ U~ ,Ioj:HS,TS SCliOOtS. iM..

P,·n!."j' In u.s.A.

l:tU!JYolueliil,t Ilex\ble p\QTl.nlng,

iTh,,, i .... , ler0loll:l '1191'0.", d:',,*I'Ul#Q:~ 'tli.! -T!)I' poi"". Elf 'this I"' .... n, Yo,; ',,\ EI'P:P ,.,"'..,. e ... 1. dei-i~n ~ rob I'. iQ fro'" mo,r~ ill.CI" 0'1'e ~~;"t .. f .-;., ... 'B'1 Try; It", ·di'.flere"l ~'i:I'pr~~,=·~ ¥,ElU' [Dill ,d"'E"",,"'r 'I;~'!r ·Olll. 'i~ot 'i~ t~t· '~~t ..,1~t1",n I.. yo!;! r P~g'b'it Ani'!' 0"'" 01 I~.!'~ ~!utt" .. , mi 9'''' b,,· ~sed, ·~~ .• uilj"-91 '>" Ilk" "tI.,d 11> .. 1 .... mi, [!lOll QPiP''"'Ptj,'l!!'~.

D~~e~op, 't,n ~ !laMI .~~ A.:iiMa .. ...J ... " .. ,h,,· Ihi n~inilill .. nd plgq Plnij. 11'1 '.,.,.11 '~.~'p, )'QiJ :b.!<=o,~ 1:1 be#~. d."~:Q._

"" ..,AN A'LO NE

T'ur',n~"g the ~~ .... ~d' .... "" s. ,~ ... , ,,Jh . ..d;. "",I~ ... -·;1' ~'gt~~.f:L iii IQ.mj1r i'll;liill"i r_Ii'~SI! of dhl«oliO'.ft.




o~ f~f~ 'In. ~fopW'io"L 'on~ ·~tL't~ '1M IHtt>eo" """'i[~ ~~" """"i] b'lI:! gl' t~,,· .bette ... g:i"" •. ,t~~ i .... I'i ~ii Q$ 'JQIg·rlQn'.

The' ibeQd (II~.~ 'r,iH~ O'r,e "1:>"1.[,. •• .. !cr.t~'· .. ~'m '~ i:, ... 1"1@~·r~i!it::l Dii.e ltiltl, 1IiI:i. I,.." ,mil]! .rlm·flU gil rOll' 'iii .,,~ ~~ i:PC~'~' ~i i ~ '&.:!(,'o,g r'j)~ md_

5 • 1-'· d' d ..

,'peCI,Q Ize ..... ',_ e,slgn

lu tI'H.: l:,is [ tWo It.'s,, ,,"'cshmi,v'l:d, )IOU dH~ b~,i,t ,pl'indprClli' oI de~jgn and J.1Y'OlicH and how y'iilu can use these pr:i'rU:'i ples cre,<ltil.'d}, to solve many dilfcl'CWL dC:'lgU ,Pl'oblcI1H,

~u thi:;t ]es:,:;lHl 'we'U eantinue ~~],('.;>e denuuas(t:niuns but I[UCUS' ffi:QIJe O!!u.I¢nH10R on the CR!'ative i1ef]]t~l~i!On of ilhese principtee to lB. wide vll(ic~y ,oJ pr~ct[c~] prubh:u~::. whil;h you arc Ulldy to en" ,()oumer. ~n }'.c1ur f:lIdy ii:lJrofes,$io!'! a~~M~gnm,Cnr.~,

'Ve 'llI.n:gOillj!; W t:'lnphlil~[l{:' the valae Qi viewirIi,g each proMe.Q1i [mal ni1,any]e5 and Hm,}: i Qg ~um ~h;u: yon explore OIl[ ~he !p~n)ml iesbeforesenl in,g O~lQ][Ie 5Qlu t~Qn. U ke any o~hel' ereative ::lmivit.}', {k.s;'gn ::lind b:roU~1lre blJf'gdy 3. maneref of!igina~ thl~HIi1,g and .. ":isu~l:izing - tryi;n,~ ~o' pkl~l'~ in }!O'l.lT Q~}~Hd <Iud unl)1Ipn:' hnw drt':m~v!: cm::h ;[oiulutiuu w.m be - bow u.e;at~ye arul <1F'pt£p~' each design is Mol" hs even W .. ~n8C <'Ig. ~: nH~·a~~ls of l,isl!,tI, aml]ull];ni·~tion.

The bl'O;l:de'r }'ourpoim o~ vicw:ur 'lhC~:l~N o~ die p[(Jh1em, lhe bener your dl1lnce'~ oK hand[~:rIg:~:[ Sl!o:C-5:5(u U}'. YitJ)u·U 'Ii IHl h "CI'yIH~]ph]l to l]~U'''Sliuu YUUiIr Ihinlki'~~ig ;~:mID pla~ning ale'\;ery ~'lage o~ design i1liJJ,g. As' you work. <tsk you rse If bask queniol'"l s, For example: Is. this d~i,!!lu n:-;~n)' lI~)~)rupr:jate? Does it relate dose]y to the PlrOOlU:t g'l" ~n'icc? ~ s ~ ~ (00 campi i C::I u·d fm~ hi'l juh? no these u:l<'[Urt~, :ui,d 51'! ;t1:K"S U]'~'f uloob really he~p exrr~ ithe hle~ or a~e[hey just :ln~:.1 rol decor;l.~ lon?

Let'~· h(HV ~ul:h pl'l.l1 n~ ng a~\ld 'eica~l1ali ng illig-In be ap~,,]j,ed to <J! spcej fie prob~eroJ"

. nr..:-'H;t.S;';mne·l!'Ou r problem ls .~Q design;:i!lil ad verri sement lor iil.largeJood CO;Imr::l~ll)n" This dbig,nm~g;ln take ]ij,blllf forms. dl:penliwng un Ilhe pu rpose oJl1 rhe ad. [I the COl'l1lpifiny \\l],shc.s; .WI:; ~iw to be feam red .• 'you!" filli[ (Pu::;sl~nu "\~IJ!U Ill, be: HQ~; 'an I '(Jou"12')1 tl I is sense of ~ Ie? Sho1l1!ld m u ~ ;<1 close-up \:ie\,~' flf' ~heh ugc Pl"[ng eq u ~'rn1!em \\li til i ~~ the bHory .ilsel W -a, vieW' of the buiMillg£ Ilo .~]l lhel~'};(iu~ space -il .styli7-ed map sh(n~'ing lhe WQJK:'Q[ ~h C (,On1lp:!11 i"S d iSln! 1.lm:iun - a ph:; lure whidl hIgh UghB die ].;~ ~g.e nu mber .01 ,eNl~.)]Q}lees or ,CII Wmu.:rs, -Ii, dcvke t;o ~how '~h<t~ theconlplIn:t,s ye,ady VOhHllC ,or P~Uc[.s [s Rl"eJl(er' ~h:m lbat u:l: <I d t}; bcloc.k, or wme. simi ~'3r ('Omp.:JJl'i'~ou U1S]l.Ct J'IU:I:Y on.e o~ ,thr::;seliL"S~gl] [J:C;l~Hlig;ht be (omfdered i:r ,size is Ilhe cnn..::of' 'lttlC' ~leSSiaJge.

'I f the: '(j n:d~ r}' 'nf ~~H~ pl'DI~ UC~8 ~s. UJ bl:: UI Id.(!'ir.5Co.l.'cd, du;:n you In]gh( fea.lul'c the co:! ~'e l\:] l.ill!;hilch lh~raFt! ~C!iSlbNL You cmlM' ~h{}w ::l: \'[(;\'10' of flu: :~:ihm"7" tor), OJi U:;'C de;S]g,llli to !l!'mptl<lSiZi(! d~c '~ELTe ~ sed iu .m.lxi fig til!'; I~,grt%Hen (S~ Or you [I] igh t phu:J:: the enlpll.a;!;is, 011 '11~'lUI\f:'S mnui'lY, M{hid~ :isl.u:ainminml ill lheprOOlIct.a~,d d~ol\O,· h~.dlhy fi~Ms o,l OOr:1l ,or whe~t rippling inllu: ~unlighll.

The ~ppt'::d might hoP.:l m{l1l"ee'mGdon<l~: onc- perhaps direcuil.

at thevalue of [he pJioduf.:t m, the .!l:~)\liing dl.iMr(!u uf' du~: .r,:-ounu:. Here, the design ~'ml)ha~is mighr biz ona h~al{hy chi Mot chHdlen. OJ' 'Iou U),ight fealure a ,,'~ew or a hl.l~ll:i~y at (uearn'limc. or snln!: siu~~b!JT snhj-I~c~ with which r]u~ yi'I~\loil~T wnuh:l n'!::tdl~Y ide!'! (j [y himself.

Ti,l,e baste l]loUighl hese jf; dmt lhetc aee U]a~~y W;.iy~, tUliP' pl'O:::l;ch C..'I(; h prohlem" Thedme 1\'ou ~pem'ld i rlci:)Jn,5'!ded n g~he value g,featfu approad:lt ~s far from. wa~led ~ aCll~i,aJly it rei!:d!O~o

J) be l~c.r mnd :1. f:J~l.e~ sn I LI (inn iu the h:mgnln"

1 n ,dmo~.t ~¥,~ry 1I[.11's.c you wwU find }iOIU~J r WQri:lF!lg: \'fh;.h~]Jl! certa [n Un]] i<ll[on~s;. YOH ~,vil [ he requ;i n:d to use :Ji.spccifi:cd OlnlOUUl ·of copy ;lIud OlsmJedfied he.u(IDliue, Your de,~,ig;n 0. HluslMlion WJJU sil be pbwntcd Wlllh d~~t:'~equ lrem,c~~b i u m.l~I1. m:I,'D; qhi'l ~~" ytm w:iU see 81~ch r-e..8~rinioill.~ <'Ire llO~ lll;:'lIHy h .. nd~caps n you ,appmadllhe ~J]obkm with It~iwughl and jr!ven~b:ene$..5. Yuuwi II see, UJfI. 1l1;]}~n:n~li n jubs such ~tS booklct:"u:Ulig1ll!:~nC cevers, honk j <lde~,~. o]f 1)llperbil,ck,s hjJ\'f" ~ h,cir O\\llfl pa rr.kul::l [I' mquircmculli, ~¥h[d~you :r~"~t ~oruIQnu to, Here «gain, j[ ~s fu nd amen (JI i (hat yO\; u ndersran d and ;:u;cepl ~he.s.e ~1~II"~i t::l:~~Orl s i:£~'ou C;.,;ped :w \'GOfk suece .. sdu] l yin. there !.n,ea$";

ThwuJ;:~~Ou [ this ]f'5:..~,on, ~5; [hm'lgIH)ul[ thewhole Cl mrSf:. yuu wiJ I: :lind ~bat {iommon 'sense is ]lLl!st as imp()n<'l!Qta~ a know·[~dg~' (If::lJU i I!~I :~,nh'i ng y~ul r :pm b1eUl:/i;.Fmr [rmu in u.::rr:C]·i:~~.g li.~ ~ ('11 't'OUf aeadl'e [.:d(:~[s 'OF your <te-s~·hcdc]'Iuere~t5. the O!)lllIUQn·s"cu:;:e a~')prm'ld~ uJ'rn.rr:fully lbinkiug oU:lali1:dal1E'!~:yz~ng lour <!in prQbIems can make ~he d ifference between yOUJf' beeorn i rn~g;l h~g~:II:y l;lI~'"C~Jnl or a mediocre <lu]s·l, P:reJi~itllndt}l [J1l~~dng,. [or m~m profe;,~~QI]::I~iS, is em e of the ~no~t iilH:rigl]i Il.gareali of the ~~'ho[e job. Thi~ appli,c:s '~O d~:s]gn <Ulrld ~a}'outas ~'eU <IS ~o pi(';HlI'{~ m:ilim~ig ..

'\rhenf1VC'F~'OLI si~ dm.wm 1.0 work at. an flS'S]gnrnent, beaF in mindl.tiai~ you mu st ~ry (,0 ex tra (;1, ::I s much n~t."aluiHg iI.S you po~ibiy call bnlli. you~ ,ltt::;!;]gu. Don'l. setrle for '!l de-siign 111<1'( ~s; .~li!]S[ <Ii. p]ea:5.lIn:~ d~oo~ ~ion ~ \~'or]l,: ou i E. :and rt:(iu(." i~ ~~ntU ~ l (""l(',:, Ilitle ~ubj,ecllwid~ ,gl'c'"lt ci.atiry. 'file desigll !,"nll~t ckarlr ('om !HII n tc:l tie 'i r~ o\.'I'U ]]~I~--':;I~~e - 1I u~.t:s:o:iIgt: :l+OmetinH~S m!:.l:ch Mlilmge~ <I.ud m.on:: compeUing~ha~ diU~ oopr h5e'i t

·.HlC l~e£uhs (lJ ym~r work\",m he iu d~[e('~ ~dat[OIulli:p ,lo ~hie ,d[on ym~ expt:ucil in u'lCilI~~ng and £bnning_; .Before :~fuere 'can he agOCJd design d~e-re m1J.JJ~[ be gOOidl ~bink~llg> So sl£ollr~ 'I~¥ery' jub h~' CO]~,s:idcTing it dwughtfuHy. Ask )'OlU':ie~[: ,\Vhfll u~{;.hniq~e wou.h.1 be: l!'Ilos'l sui table ~Qf dlls ~u bj;ecEor €ff!:ln? Can I <."IP'I~~Y a :~yl1lhQl efl'ec;~~\ ... d¥l I--!JOl'!, .abm,u :l:U ·~I~!~lls!~r..lliliun?'\-Vnukl lYill.rJW11- ph); a,lon e be the: he~( il nswei? IT ~'rJlU cannlale ,a ha bh o[ ~.his i "qu ~s~ lj~''e approach ~'Olll wm find }"@urwork i nuigu in~ - and d~c iIli,nOI~ de;s]~§11 :i: dC;irClr tmdluore :lI:Ieaning£u.~1 ex,pl\l::8Si'~.I:n ,~d' flu: [d~.1l you Sf! [ ou t 'm pu~ do~~'n ~~ I~ape:r.

le:.scm ~ .. ' ····1110.·.· .

.6." I

'famous A"t\i:li CQ\lfSEi

S\1et.taU:z.ed d'esign

Orne nf dH! rllmt n"UI:J.I"Ir.OIb'!e de\"clopmcIH i:n Amt.tiican pub. lishing in the pas[ Iew deeades haa m:nu.rcd In the fidd of paper· back boob. )'fan) firms hit\'(: ,enlerol"l [his ,fic,ld. cnlar,ging its scope (f'emf'ndnusty. Tln;il:" ~mtdi~ a ~[ons. a::werh~g awirle r-"II~ o:F literature and irtformaeien, pliO\iide II ucath:e opportunity [Or a large n limbe r of <lrtis~5.

At the heginning of dds perIod 01 grol\"rh the-n: \\"11 .. 5 conslderabh! misrepresenraeoniecover de~igll~. Io l.erion, {or e:.:arn· l"e, there WaS, a sMong lendency (0 ~Ul'aclt :nteutiun by [e.during d lurid pif'tme of -sex ur violence on the rover. G~dua,Uy, ]HJlbUshenllC' amecon1.'.inced (hiU rheir 11rndm;ll could be presented wi.~ h lIIott d iguil y .. nd less ~ns..1.ti on .. ~L~m. As 2 r,tsuh. 'lOO'<ly'~ 10:"';(':1" tr:ie,~ to Tdien du:' dmmncr o] the " .. ·hole book - gi\'~ the customer a ~nuhfu] id ea of l\i'h:u du: bllok.i ~ abuut.

Thi;:,chatngt: i::u atl'l~HlIle and the growl.h in the f:mge of subjects have enabled ,t.hc ile !~u~r to ,r.:onu,ihute his ~I;.eci,d thint::"" ing and skins '[0 [he corer field. The rach of Illlpl::rh:u:k boob j n teda y' s s [Ores show a tiu~i l less varie t y 01 apprQ,u::hJes to cover (,te"igm. Rt·'I.i,~:;tk Illustration Is stUll lmmd in II gl:JoO.l] ~nopon,ion

a d., PE:RElMAn 'E IR"O' . A' D 'J"O'

I ' "1 .' '. ." . . 1

T ~ . ','_I I ",', - I I.. . I=--.



U,NDI£R. TI~Hi['

g,PiR'iE"A,6',;'NG: ""',RO"P ,H!'~

IiUiP01' iJ. ~ ~.l'FI(lIf .... r lhli ,(Q •.•• dt.!;sn. Eli". ~.,,,, .. ,'. d.·= .... ~til g-di hlgbl)! f"!!.,,.,.,,,,,l !~II~rin~, ""·0 ~rfedly 1Qii'e-t! I'., 8r~ .. if'" ,";~ I;.W~ olllrgM ~Q"""'rc~ •. I!ltQl}L.

of (,O\"crs, hut :dollg witb i'n are d~$i~m rnm[lOsed nf all tHI.(l shapes, $trlizcd dra~~·tng~ OF p:ilin~~ug,s, ~)',mb9b. or whoUy ·of liJI:lC or ]cucfillg - an reUening :tile cl:ial':'lct.c"I" of d.u: books.

Pap:!fb:u:J:s have 'r.Jer:l::!in spcdal ~e,quh',en'lenu ;'lind s:om!!ti~nl:5 lht: publhheradds,hl$, own. Sincc the 'houh olten stand on shelves, ~he iii tle aud aueher's name mus t a I~pe .. U" fin the ~§,p.i ue (bollnd enG!) of [he book. The ,pl,lbli$il!et may aJ:ro insist ~ba.t di.t:, t.ide go a~ lhe ,i'cry '~'O]) of r he fl"Ont WHr to be sure that h h easy to St:1.::. AI.I.uo~t. lmy le<,hnique or medium lUll)'" bl.:' tI~d Ior tb~ covers. bm ~e;ep tWO IUlI.i n- InJ i n b about th,~~r u:Ju'oo 1I C~ ion ~II lIIiucl.Paperba(ks are printed on high. peed prere~ and [he (01\,1;'1" I ~ U UI3 Uy gR~:illly reduced lrom the ~:i7t' o:f du~ nrigiual art, This means [hilt minute derails of calor; ( and lcdmiqlle [1.:'1'1 tl 'I:ll be 10$( in reprod u(don ~ :mmhe:r re.tsun for d ireuness tlJnd simpirclt)" in yuu. approach 'to, design,

An ideal (Owri5 one thaf ,:U[1;3(""[< the: viewer's mt(!Atlon and srlmulates hi curju 'ity emJUgh [0 11111kce him pid: up tln;;buuk. read its sales blurb. and flip dUlJUgh a lew page:;. 11 your COVel' does [hi, It ~Ht~ d:one its job. The we t 'is lip tJll tlhc author,

'ilii; (lO"'~' "1 ·G..D rg~' Gi~ iIi ~yr.ibo1i!IC~ the ,., ,!<1M d.~ ,,:I c.r~n i'~ '0' ~~m'~ pilar. '~_m d",iiQ~ ..... 1'Iicfl, is :~1Ir;pl?"'~ ttl it. , ...... 0'1.;,,1 .. IhQ· .... ~ g In~"Up of uJC";".:r" •• Q;" Q bor.

..._.. filh ~t~!~T~!:!l ~IYm" 'Rh 1:1 ~ftT~~1' ~g'yQio'1 IFI"i "'~'Iq-.fl'I.' ':o'I'I;' [D M"d. .mil •• ·M!~. ~.'" " .",M,. ,(tu:,,~,r'l!' q~~i!'i1y .... ki~l!J .,~~~,.!h~!ill~ ,o'F t~~ 1>6ot.,

ill.~ ...... o.d .'.'.!'!'I'<I.~~,'.' i .. ~h~ !'Id~ ...... t'h~ :I~g r1i~ i3i ~;nt 'f~r tflGI d':e!ilig'~. "f~ . .,. i"~'8:~I~:~IhQ;~~ {pli~'IC-d' L~ ~f;9M ·~'r~~.g"', "";gi~t. '0".1 1:.1" .1.) ','-"",I~ ,;j ~rrQl!l;!ll QflMoe·I!tI!I»fo::l!r'f f~e~i~g.

MDwtbe bc.,s\c, 'Pi\nci,\es en· la.yout ap;ply tD' book ,clovers

t\$we d]scm,s ~~!oCt~~l dl:'Sig,rE pllOblem~ and di;(~h- unique .-.:qU1l'1l'. menu. keep ]11 mi md [h~}1flm pri 11 C~111~!S d.iiscu5'&td ~n. the v,ery ll-!:.'gin:n:i IIg of these lessons 'QII de'S]:!Ql and 1J.'Ym~ ~, T h e~ £m~l' ,ex<lrn]1ks denlml·~[ra~'I":~H:n,,· \'Itiuablc those pdndp·!e~ (:,In be in. phlUH i ng cover designs"

1"$1;,· lie


of j}({rldeJ"'ll Poetry

H~I~~t CI r,:~~ ~:K1:Im,pl~, of tb. ,~mM.,.,~i~~· g~·1i9n. ;::Io,~ f·IW" ~'" .. dl~ ~ ... r:r<!' ,~~rt. (;~n ...t,.T(lh, oQQII'tr'(l,!.tl l!e!l'~Jy' ",-il~, '~flfi ~~d: g.g"~~rou ~". 'TI'l. '~m. fermi 1!h~.",~I~Ji .:!I" ll!.rL ... .:on d~:lii'l~"

T~:~ <irn:p1~ Mg,~ .IhQ.iX' Qf tllh 'lypi~I~ ~"~!ic,,, d .. ",e ,. "",I r~l ,f''''f 't~., ... !bi~fil" 1Il.,~ tDOlif tl\~I' d~~r·~t>c·~ t~", iKI'I>!!' ,g,d:d~, 'n~~"~.~ I" '~~i!" bol!;l !It,~.· 1~/~'IiI' J~lli~"



l~j', I'I'''''P I~, hrw "",'''U,", d~" 8 ~ r~~Q't~f~1 ~i~~ ~ 'IJ.~ P'I,~ Q~' (I, d~;'k liIa~kg "OIJ ~d_ 'Tkri l!.hd. Wit]!, I1.H. I ..... hi rI"!j j,1'~f~ It!.

• ",bie('~ poe 'fKlly.

ilM. pi d~~~' 'LhQI'''(~ 'Ihit .... ~ ~e QO'i'~1 ,_ McIlt ,0 rid] ~p'r"". ""J ~n D', ~""",. Th~ "'i~,f,u,;1 '"'H'I; "'''''''h iU.gile I~' ~~'" ~ghi.,d." b,c~~ Il ~ G,,'"~ myt'f"Iil'I~f. Non Tfl<I;!' ,t'>'~!'1 tf};:: Il\g~ 1'1>8 ~I'i II1II b,,",,,\.. "Ii' 10M' hltO,", borA r.'Qnt and' M~!{ ~O'¥<!'J'''''J! i" """dint'l, ""eli...,11 <a-pOled: ...11.1'1 'fi6",~' !!.epcr!l'!~Iy •

.b •• !a~9~' po!tfJrll;h I>e!~ •• w~k"' n'",lb.,1n,',e. It1\iO' "",;;tEl ;'~~~f~'(,Q~/' 1,~F'o"e,I' '1:11 g Ex!'K,IIJ.o~n~ 'Or 11 .. thl •. 'I~ .. , l'C~j oj' I'~", '''ilJ;~ ,,,,,,.I II?~I!. HIIh-.,,', ,,,n.l " ,p id'"te "I QA, e:.F-1oLion.


'~, ~,,~''''''F. "f H,.." i~I~,'n"ng '~~'.d., 11t~'~ ecn lbot, ~,lik .. ~.lI ,Q,f fJ'p9 ~'o .~'. ~, 'e~;'~,(1 '~~nl. a "!I~iI.j! ril' ;'" .. ,1h,,1 "':~ wa¥"l'i5~f! pali~l!.njl Grm< \fnvs;~llond tEinfQdi~~

T ;'1, ~~.',,'I 4tis" os b"".,,11y 'CII pgfNtrn e'f Lrr~e ~!g r Ci'!;Illin~ o'~ t'!\ot" sllll-ov~lI(1 d' 6,g ~"~ .,i> iih''''~I'' ~1i""lml, wiT'~ 'th-e:

Jlr~'~~,1 ,!i",,~. ,~,6' 'I'~O!I d~r" ",~'Il' Iii ~ "..I\~r,~ 1iI,j!,!lIg" ~,c I, ,c" a,'r' Dr ""Tillii'rf <lml' iiltl! me • ~ te"'pi" 9' "';;IJ!., u,~ 'I't!~.

Sh .. ~~·,~ ,.e, ... ,m Ir,~i~ "Q~ f~ ~g,ii1.-.e'il I~~ b'~Ag d.a,'''U~~ of H~"'hort~_ TIh.IJj 11.(1"'" lu .. ",., d"~l'ul ~1.J. ~t I~' ~I"d !ili~~I'I:'I" bo .... d .",~" I ,~o.i'lj'ribu=~ fo 'thi. f",,,I, ng. S1 ", .. I!~ b6<X1 d .:rr,ohl, of b';81b'l'll' ,,,!Qiei!! _~'n~ I '~r'QU f~,~ tlfl(l "",b ;~ ,,~lar.~ -a'lll rrol'll (>\,""',' lill ... , ,..., H;,. &'-If.,IQdi;.


The Captive lind baw1fd~ ,I 1"·· ..... I 't I"




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fhi.1 Y'Il'i)" ('l.! .. ~~, ~ I.e IJjf fwC\ $I.,~tI 1P""llo' • .ni. d.pkl~ 'in" ~k t"t~ .. ilh ill'jjX1(1 _,;II d-orii(_ lfI~ hMif,~"t,,'t '~fr.p9, on 11t~ f_, (U" • .Ii' 0 pr~lQf.I~~,.r11 !.r.lliiI. rg:nd !fbi., ',....rl.,QlI Itx;.r~ ;jJ. pri'l-O-ri .(f, II~ ~., id~[I 'Ii!. g~I!'~1 NI'I"~'r _onifllgt b)!' the $hlll:j"!!l, 'I'Q;~""",., .yn.

iMI, d'O!,!i~ln (ll~, '.~~h Ih .. 'EiH~ -.. sire nil r'.eli'n'i of ,Q'[oOilI~ "~n h n~"'I'.dl bl' Ik. ';f1Ij1I, ~ir<ul~r '~~o!ldwr,~lI'".dl!Q b~ ,!:OT._P r:,. ,~~1iI ~b n,~ tltlle, (1(1'1.1 ""'1,1,,,,'. na me. EI"" ee n'llg;fI'''& ill 'g ~¢I'o!lp ,of'l!r, "'~Q~G q>Q~" ed~e ;:J d'di' ,t.~>U"(li '~"li1' r'.~' tc 'I''''' .i~';8 ""



Specialized desl,gn

The ma;galz:in;e C'G,verits f'un,ction and des,:ign,

The' lUiJgati n e cover mu sr perlerm se .. 'er::i 1 vt:rr i 1.11.IJOl tal:llt Ell nctlons:

.Ilt mus·1 nand OU~ frl]'n~1 its ~mlll,y ':;ODlpf'liton (Ill a UQ~ded neW$~,(;!l!Ild. lit must appeaJ 'to du~ Te<'!,ding audicuu: for w~:dcll it Is published.

I~ must n::nec~ the m~a:i!hlJe's, editorial po~icy and mrs. '1~)UllCn[~"

h 1'l11.I~t ml:li:nI:I~n a falniU<tf image for ('as,), r,ecognitton by the pub]:i{_~.

lu m.1I$~. be in good. tasre; y) it wiU lit ~lito the '~urrou! of a heme .. It nUI~'l :hai.'c theaesthetic properties of a w(l'Tl of at"( whenever po~ib~e.

The maganne 1('O\',e,; shouldalwajrs rcfieCtlhe character and flJNOr of tht:·magaline. SiO that it 'IlO'm::tppea:1 [0 the :uni,i~nu.: £01)" which the magaziueis imended. if OJ!' cX;iu'I]Jlc. '1'lll: Saujfd{~y Evem:~lg Post J'lnd Lift: arc <limed at middle-ejass readersh i p - dn:i iT" t,un len h; and cover si ruarions 'Il1us't h 8!li'e 3, gel a,Crd~ mass-audience ap:peaL The New YQrk~l'"- on II.h~: uthew hand, ~s designoo and edited for <I. so·caned upper class or ·!l.lorerophi~t~c:<l:'[ed and ~n(eUeuuOlI amHenoe ..• \.f,cCaW.s :md The LadieS' /QIlI'"'.Pi'tli are rreeted 'prllnllDlty EUI: women and their needs and are l.m:nvu as "service" mag:a2.iues" J'Q,gu~ '!rId Ha',-pg:r''s B'ti:tIUlf are·fa~h[on women's magazines, whlle magazines like r;':r(]pllis, Arl' News. Ameri,~(l~! A~tist, and Ar.hit-t;(.ti'nnl.FonJ'm II:Ibviousl~" have special ;lm:'Uenres.

The 'two most imponam elements .in a magazlne cover are thelo,glllypc: or name of the magadne and the illustrarion m de i'gn"

The methed o~ the :magal~ne's, d istd'btu ion bas. much to do v,:'ith the ]llan:ment oFi',,s il.ide. 'Vhen magazines have their principa] sale on newsnands, the ~ogutnle mU~I~ ahv·!lY':; ~.]i(;!·Oil top [orv.i5ibiH~y and impad. The IogOlype pJa}'5 much dm same part ,halt du; u~adema:r-k does i,n projf'Hing!l ,r.:mrpu:ll.ue linage and identiiy. ,ing OJ. pnldu(,[" 'so ~[i5 ,~m integral pan of Idle m<lg;'!l'im~ ,tUY·I:;,r. ,Liit .• md The S!1~rH'~ day ETlcni"lg Post are' exceU'ent ex:mlpfC;li or ma,g;.tilines, whose ritles are ,c::arefuUy posi tioned fo.t new ss land. "IS'ib~ I i~y.

In she rase of ct:rl.aill magazines whose rri'ndl':d distribulion is through subsuip lions. the d~signf'r h :IS: 111I1,r,1I nU.u-e ]eeway in. creari ~1 g h~s, m'l,'1::'[ designs, since these !JUhlll.:ations, do not b,,';'e to lig;ln [n 1J.c. seen 011 ... newsstand. Gmpf,i5.Iulerfot's., or other higlll:y ltpeda]jled magazines with ~~1IIiilOO atldieill~e'Sa.fe good c:lo!.an:rpl,es.

Be,c.a,us.e. an most m'a~J:int:s, tl ie ~ilt';: and posidon oE (he logotype lift: nxecl. Ihe dC5,igne~- cannot auer them. He anu t p!,an h~$, designs so (hat the ilupact and effeclr~ .. eness u[ Lhe[~Qln')e are not weakened, AlIoH:: an, he should ;:!.\~oidworking [be ICigm}'l~ill~H~ hilS design SQtbat i:l lbecomc::s ~O.!il or cenlused. Rememibe,r that '[he P1Iaga:dne name must l':I.lWii.lJ~ be th,~arly \!is'ihle ,and easy to read.

_.\''U . s [0 do 1r"Q\"er tlcsigwlli10 for 11I"j01" m:'lga1il1cs an: USUliUo ,ghren to prof(_'$!iionaJs,~·"'ho'can be depended upon w apply [ht'ill' knDwi~dge and, experfeaee to :SUdI Jobs succe,ssiuUy. his is as it should be. However •. du!'rc are ~nanr OpPQf[unities ~or cover designs in Dther :lIl'CiU - fot example, (here 311ll rnircmUy huadreds of ~r-adl! III1Ig<IIl.hril~ oJ every conce~\'ab'!t.: dl.:st."I:iptlon that are a fertile fi.c!d f.or til1.f" n"'t':Hi.\'~ desig;l:rcl:. Program covers for :1]1 tY!R:S, nf events, games, dances, bdn, school ,oonce:rm , erc., ulIc~ an excellem [T,.ril'ling grnund £011' the ~fini~~,g deslguer to make use of all his i'UHlIli\'cness and talents,

On the nextthree ]);lgcs \.;'~ show )IOIl smne cx;~unp~~, 'of magaalne cover de~igns and I:xpl;jJin the p~h'lJ~[J)I'e$ involved in creaeing them. You ·w,iU find it. very helpful ro examine I~he c,uVCn;, o[mi:my olbe:r magi111nes and relate du~m to th e edi lor~i>ll pohcies, coment, and audience of each nnc.


I~~. :,~I1""""j,\(> ,",," .. MI 11,.l!'(j"r",",,~;"f"!.~-"w~'1 IJ<JlI~~~~' ,"b ,~__. ""iII1!<I1f<>~_IiI!~,,~

,Ho.~~lI!· ",,' dI G,::;rd'~~; iflh r.'I"'9"'~im!' ~p~"h !t~, 11'"l"'i'!~ ;~'t~,"'$I..d uM t~,,· :~"""I!!' Q~·cll .. ~1I1. 10 _!kJe i'E :~~i:lf~.'r 'd,n,,;!' J'11¢rj o!l'i~le'M'. IU ~~~~'S tll>ol',I' Ifi:Itrrr,[]~~tT'nI' in'f~ril;i~:!i ,I]~' 'fi:lH~'fJ~'!lK11 !Qf h.[]~1 IlJi ~~Iti'~,il iElell'd'~r.i\I. ~@ ~~;o.1y,pIj 'S p:O·rfI1M,nl' f~r' M .... I~~~'nd kr

H'~',P~r'J~~~'~" ,tiT!, _~:o=iI'D¢ f~Q~wte~, 1:11.0 .~!t~~~ iin ~;I:g:~"!,tyT~ .... '=~nI":! ~¢'t!1.,!. ~'~~ 'OWfl 1':'I'.·I.t r@~'1 11"~~fr, I~;~~ re, lQ ~d j~.r~nM~. n rl ~J'.e ~'''':i "" Ic"''''''s'le .J\c t "J ";1<R!'l".<;!Id",I",.!. ~ ~~~ ~:I'{l~!IO!!'!t, RCI.t .,.md 'i"<' i~ ~iYo! i'tU(!nJ 'OPP!N'1P1;oc~ly ,tr'~~M. $~~i jti'(Q\~~<I ,oi~.


l"l"l;~.f'" A!'lfi~"8:~ ~';:Fr"j·~U mM~·ir.1 ~~'ble..'t ~lhl ~ ikmllQ r~" JJlO.L!ii'l' Q nd G~~\d\II!'.r.I~J ih ,c:~'.rl' ,~r.j.'l' pkJ1P.lJRJtd ft~C' I!I ~r(l :~PA~~t:lI;i[]it~d Lcmtni.e'm;:ei~~Ir;iQr Q"~Q r@~Qri Q~: .;I~~iSi~~ rl"S;~,O~ 1~ !.J ~{!I' Iby ~'lj'l!;l-ll!ipc>o~. ilt ~0:8Pf~f,~ min be ~!lil:!fI.rrtjJJli~""l]ti.I i.r !ill, ""~1i'ie'~

~1.;r~\l'~,;TI'!i$ i~ ~ ~r{.~ !f~·~otT~c ·.."nitn 'r~C~i.!\~ic'!'fry ,d'1:~lai, 'g'n II illirj <ll",.!O .:i' iO~ 81~' 'li~~,It.!~, ~ ,j'l1 116; ....... , 1 • ....,.11 [n ,E~, 1ft", '."t'·1=1 (i"r;'!lM .,~d li.f'! ~'I-,e ~ri9;~~1l 'ti~ ~ fn wH~ ,t~~ j,,~O:d:H~. T~~, :ll~pll~~;y of ~1tJ. ,d'.li1i'~. \!ti1'I~ tnt;! glDpl~ ",,~jl~'!;pc~> g; .. ~.i ,i'~ .• u" tilg "~ .... .:r" ".I i",\~d.

MiCk !I Coh,en: 'lhePJl1\'3t1eICHe.Q'f·SlHGliil

fu"iOij PgJij, '''h j, Aim;ri.Q';. 1. ... I·I.II"""n Ilg,m;iI,. _1B<'~i~. II3"d iii, i!ClN'('I' i rl"l1!~rOit-r.o1ft.1i IBJ'(I 1C!Jw-a.)iJ! rilJli t'C-l"~d ('ell' I!I P<Ip'!1hu 1i!JD1i'li au d.iii!I!C.~ ,[J.P"~ot RHJ'I'hm is e.isC;I"I'H.a' .O.nd ."" is a ¢rou ~I!~'joi"l of 'nr.J~i:'Il Ir"JOrfrJle.. :F' roo f .. ,,,,I,:I)I' e Ii II. e li'llt, I' .. .,1iI' "....,.i'I I:,~Jfigl"'" .. d~ .•

8"( r[JB1'CJ~Y

The De'troi e



- qrJJDU1S', S't msp_!

1~·~ ~po~ril'; illh.t, 'Ii ~ '~"~·"'.I. Ol",~ ~ oil ,,~. ~,,;::~ i'!.u~ ~c i rn. I'a"i .Q'I .Q rrf~~n Ih c'r r~l,,!~, 9 ~ ,.~" ~ n. 'Qn~ir~o.' I .~ nd :Wq.M'.·fij i 0 ~ tl'l~ ~~'ti.o~.llIl ,,~0I' imf •• "o!lti~,",,1 ~~'L~. I~T. .""~'" r , .. ,'~, II k-~, ".gjJjq~ f~1 Q.~ ... init '0 b¢ nl"'g~ ,of r.t.""'p".potr>. t~!i! .. ~h !~~ 'f<!'o""'" rlt! dI (lflj~'~, "G~,"""'-.·At ~y P~br,Ei rf'.'~

M.:C',,;II"~,· ini& p"bl'i~liQ n IIP~iiH "n'll' 'iii ,,,"up ""'''''0' o~ "'I.,·~e";:;;ogo. zi"",1io ",j!,ld. are aimed "(",,,,.1 ",n'I'i,,,iy , .. t 'l'h9 liOI",!!Ul~. ol'Kil n_,;11 of ...o~n_ Tn-!! ,~",.'~':I' e·~"I":rr~ tl'!;j P'Ci", or ... e .... '. illl' I~<;!i"~ ,. r",!!," on-& decf ror q .1& n.'''u~~ ,r;t;;oo3Jij·ri'Ofl.

G,O'~io, 1M. ... .m i~ i' e , ~~ riQ.!I'Il'1 [~~ rna.11 ~I ~ r(lj:i~T~ CI'" ~ ~Fl'~li~!l' ..... ,II i, :i~Tg' 'Ql'~!t e~';.~~ b-~ ~Ub'''!'Lpl'c", 'rc, "'fl"1I., dei'lifioln. ,g....:! ,~rI ,~~,.e~ t...-L. IU '(Q'I1! r~. ·r~gfl.1r·~ K<~fIi$r,i'CQ!red ~~!l g ~~ ~uClo ,c,. ~h;. pko,,!Ii;E!"<liIcrd ~l;i; b)' 01 :S- ... ~d;,:b dr,"~ E~'.


til., :r~~· .. -!.I~ruj: ICIH ",~. 'co"' i"'p,,,~,, ... 1 pO.1 c.l· IAii. ClQ=Ii<1t; '.',: !;.u·Ji[neu, ilu"e i""9"·I:~:p" ~ IQir·~ gr.d I~I~ r~r g~ Taibil'ly .. n I e ,m'<wcI!'iI l'ignd. ~.~RIWf'I II ~n 'jl"lIXJ ,~"""I "I'" "t,lf' in "'n~ ,;Q .... 'n ,,"1;>0', 'I i'l;", fh;~ PoI'I. il .~. '" iIrKiI"'I . ..gud~ .. n=w. F.lJ.lIS;0,li..,-!'_

T;·i]l.~: 'lnl, ,","IEly """saJ:i'llil U~eiIl· :irE «< ... ~. (U th~ .... eji!>. irJ~ih,,'iQII el' i 1 r~~HUUj· 'orti<i~ - "'Midi b une'llr "1:.,,,,. iii peuoJl in i'i;.e ne"",~. 'TM tyFi~1 ,_",r i, .. .~llf",i~ of ff,b pi!U~~ Wit" .~ I:.",d;.g r',.~ lld L)'m~lirirn~ f;j~

• ~~:IIH' C'~"'~ p~."..,. g f '·P.

~40.'" P"·d· .. gi .. g i •. " ...... 1,,· ''''''g<i\liiil.e .. ,bid. go" .... dl~I'.'y· to, DKiltvf(ld'lilt~u '!;If r;;Q"'~n.j~ bo:te~, .and ii!i!urr I;:O-r.I~ni~r, .. :sIlfLr~ il ill! IOJ .lIUbrS![;rip!'QI'I rIW~zj.n:Bi~ ·tl'l.t <l"""" ft~~d r,/QI' flll~ 11 1""8' r~,",.~irG 1O!.e'~:i Q~ (I' .~~ IT'i~til''''e ",_~~" rud p.uM~fiQl'L. 'l:b~ d' .. ·,;;S"'~ the aldi b" """"'~rn 'IQ' re~ .. ,. T~4I' !l iDe.

~~'I' .,~ M..g~,.i"" lI'M,lf,;:(lIJHGRU ~l;Cfri oJl r",_~UJfj1i 1t1prV~_I~'I'I,.kin

litl,E IMl*N'S .M!!iii!!A2:IIiIIE.

· •


• ~


711~'~' nr~ i~ " ,,,, .. n', ""'13"';~' wilh .. l:Ipl1odl ~rI ~~rih, e~td'~, fjf~,. ~.u:iri~g ·lnI. ;Ii~r:tu·- "MI'I9' ·-..4I·!ifl i"r.'M1 ml!'m, 'lit" «l'Hn r~II:.d' tliil 1p-rJ"1q. ]h~y 1U ..... tI.'r ·f~ .. I~r .. · II __ "1 Qf cI~<Hi'lo~rc ~cli"'n or SJ:J,_ Q'lh~, nlbjii..t "ri't~ (I 1r~J(, .rrtl~ (lIPPl!!:'I .


. [,'i~IY lX)stel' has one m:1in ,Pur~R.I:.e - ~QI get hs, 1lI1.~ s.."Ig,c tu 'the viewer as quid-d,)' <~~ possible, O(her :m~diulI:l:!il auch as :new.~pll'l>f'l':S, magazini!lS., or booklets mu In::>eeril lind read :u :tun's ll.:,lI);l;lh and ll,~ k:lSU[{1:" Th,e poster, by ,oont.!I'ast. seeks the greilu!:St possible ~lHt<HiU artenrion.

A IWistcr is usu .. JI!i' "'11.::\'>'1:.'1.1. [rum a .di~tam:e and seen while pc-ople are wa~li,ng or driving by (nhen:n high speeds), AbO'\,'e ,.11. you IlW5,t .keep in mint! where the ])om:r w~u he ~huwJlih,illk uf the average Sl;'I.dng it wi]! be placed ag<lill~[ - a busy comer. a (Towdl."(] ~1lop \~·,imhlW. a (Qm])lic::u~] ]::iI~ndM,dpe •. it clutten .. ·{1 !.)o~mtel: iJfll .1J store - arul I,h.:.qign )'ou~ ])Osu:~t 00 dl';u it i50.I';ueii, i,II:fe.lf run l~U:SC kin!.l~ ,o[ 'sluround:ing' or 1:flC'ldun~"

A good po>sleT require "poster thin).:,in:i!:''' - thinking which 5.[r~p.s, :11\';<1)' ::IH nanessentials, h'~lilc ,"""rit.iug: <I. I~el~gr:am in~{'f_;1d (1'[ a letter, Thi rIlL'3IlS daat 'the 11oOsr,el;" must he: s~luplc -a,~ a rule. lh(;H: [ust ~Sl1·t 'lime lor rh v~ewe. lu e;.;.andne detJJih,

111 .:.m:h'ing ;]! lhisimpli.::il)" be sure ih:u the dCl;~gn is a It ue l:&I)rL";,.:.iuu of the p0i5'U~f ide,,- Ir may huw just a P1!U of a prod. uct or a person, liut th<lL ]}:11I.H must be'rh:u!':'I£1ed liic- it should IJc quh:kl}' and dc:!rly Df!cmifa a lJk. The pos~r m:\y . Yllinbolilt:: 5OmClhill1rg lill[rml;lib!~e tor example, :lft:d,~n~ of :£eil.i!'. $ttlengilh, or gaiely . .Bm whmever it ~s. howeyer }"cm do h - i~ nUl5l he dear.

Tn bl~ u:nlli,u Lihat your poster has gD,ud vi~ibmty, make I.rr€: t[1.n the p"nem o~f $ilhou~u.d values is ~u·ml,g. :RCfIlClllb:r rd~.(! GH:T:Ylllg JlO""er of black ami white asul pUle brjght colors. U pos.ii h le, II se a UI'ong ~ inn mll.:ued ~ hape thar stan (lout lllf.:li usr a mI'Urm,ti:J\g £tal b .. {J.;groutHL This help w transmit ~the idea i.lf'I


4 ~
~ . ..L
i . I ~ ih,~~ No., "~"I"IIJ1Il~., . ...., HI •. ,1 tQl>e I~·~ d'iflit~n~ [n' ClPP'e-<liJ. WJ.~... ra~ d"";1iI1lI (II 1'II'Il'~<:uirlQ (Q¥1t (t"~ ... ~" 'I"~'" d{l -!,l0' " p"sh!.,_. Thi:1 .;!e:lig~ .... oj _,l!\!!, '~lI'p.cnJy 'tD'· ,,., ""'9".jr.~ '""H. Vie',,~dl QI· r"u 1'·1:.01" .or",·~ IltI"(J'''. i:ltr I!..I~ ·.nil!' ,on·'!or!;!(tio " 'rl"i~ ·I,~brr~ .P" ~,~,~, -"I, .Jl. ~n_ .. t~r.· ~nl~ re ,~,~ IL~, [;i~ r¢tJ r-'CI. ,~ntiI t:b~ reI<I!t~ih ".~ ~~~",ri'l'· ~i~i g'I'~, Th,. ~,,-i.1)' ,en::i lubil~'ie-I. l'n 'F!~ rd'e 5<!');FI ~'>Fl, b.. 'I!~n, >l "Jj .. d. QlI dl QPprc· ·QI!clii .. t iihJ", .. ~'" fiiln~ - ~~I lilIJ1 ":''' rill h;:,rdly be t~it!:!b~ 10.' " pcIoIl .....

the '(liUic'ke;[ IX)s.sibk: way. If II1O,J1e of :lI blll-k~~tmnd is nece l1~1 • 1i:.1:I:P ~l ~ilHp~e be sure it doem'L ]ntedere\\r:ilh the t.-cntcr lOI interest. A cornmon fault whh m~ny llol)SlCt:l is that they tr-y U.I ,:;.a)' tlOO much _ Remem her dmt .1 poster i~ not 5ilm,~)ly a.n cldarged iUmrJ":iliiou - and it must often be read in a few seconds,

The w·on:ls in :I 110 u..:t nnllS'l alw,lIYs fnnn~OI~1 ;j~ pitH 01 the ct~s.i·gn arul, !if !ffii$$ilO]e, inclilde file adverilser's name in the 1:1.~1l. tine .. The whole pOS'lc:r should hea UfI't ~h::!,~ i ;!;!."Cu and read siruuhaneously. E .... ery poster ~1'lm~ld deliver a dear, f::!!1!~. me- .1.gC, bm there ;~11I:: dirrt:n:m:C"~ in the appe."~,,m:e and .fuuuion ul ditIereau [~,~., of prnt~r" For e:.:::mlpk'. a blllboard ,,:hkh )'011 drive b:o' ar sUr :mwlr.s au hour I11U~t be ~in1rle efmlll.g~,1 i.n design. and sl um L. cnoug h j n fnn;"":'Ige to besee II, at a glnnce. A pmu:r tIL <I r;awh:o:~d j'latllJrll COIn ex[~({ more \'i,t:w,ing time Ifrom rhe l)~~rl· gers ~t,mdiflg un tile phn[m in or looking OUr[ ur the windows of :I trnin lUppi.llIlg at the ~l;:uion_ Thi thllI the 'WI))' lHCS~age can be longer 3lml: the d~igmlmore oornp~i{;I.lited without mhl.:;sc delails gQin,g {'O W,~le,:n du:'y \,wuld 011 a rO'Jd~irie hiUhmm:.'l.

;.\lo!le' ri~I:111, ClUI .dw be introdured ~mn t.lie de;$lgm:! ot: theater posters 01' caTd~ in ~1lbwlly .,' U-d:ln$ or buse_o;, where pcopk: have I: i In P. w suul Y me Ill! and are actu 1I Uy closer to d~~m. I nlhc.~ :!LlHl-Oundings a deign L<lU be quite compliraree :lI'IId sdJl be el£rct l\·e.The :s~une reason [ng won Id ~1)pl Y itu 1jX!$'OC'rs or (~'u"('h; which are us.«1 on _\[OTl' rl'l.nlull<:n uJ ~n store ·~~·~m[m ... ' , There are no abwhll]1::' mh:s, here - but deciding ,~-bclher ~ii) lise ;J. v('~I$im])'I(: or ~lilo:re cemplieated dl.: ign need not be a pruhleru H you CQUsider rhe circuurstances in whirhl1-!·llplc wiJl see your '\'Iurk_

_ ..


H~tl!. n~~ ,.,~ .mb!.,.} ;0, !J~"r,.d' inl~ '0 bo:l\i!I. ,~O[i.&.if,iiILoi!l """"lin, In,Q'! mH':1 T~e ""'1~iJ._n"1 ,of ti' ~It;! r, .~" ~ ''''iF''''' <lc:p" c,h 1~1I 1'b1r Iih~ ~p ~ntrItlJ!· ~~ hl'"~· "8"'I'I.J tn~ ",fI'le be:tk~'D"""'. Ncr~ Ih klr'i9 Off" oj' c.o.c!~~l'1d ..... d1lg, ~I" oil' In'. d!esl'gn 0Ij'j;.! '~QIQhl' il. liIfu~~ i~. 0 II ~lIpe~.:l'ty Tm~.""~·! ,tg D"tf~.r;;uiQ ~ .. t..ell d,ti~':ii.'lTIlI9 ~",IC_r POlt~I'~ \0'11 [~h mlJsl t~ "'pe!4'. D'!lC in'l <I J::] .. lhi~fcf8d'. "~nf~~ • .d ~c}9 r~up. ~ ~f buj!dii"~ • ..t Q lQ;ndKo~.


'r~;t iii <:I,,/e 'Qi'~~,;d • ~ 'c:I _g;;uil'l;!" g'll for ,.o<!f!;g. sq"ce ,lJ,o 'e<!l:cr;~r OIln !i'll:lilrrti<a.''' .~~ .. iiUg'drDfr,j,cl'l! at ib.i.!I, 1r.~~l!I~~"" '~~r Ire<c~I!l.C1 rl:iI[i J: d@!I;Q~1 tm:i~1! go:xI UI,'l1t!l ~ Nl'. HQ·"'·~ r •. i~ ~ _~ ted ~ Illd'~pt 1'1 f01 U~ (III. (I ~}1er·. "" •... ~~!'dl Ite ..... 'c .... rnpli{.f ,it rnll";;!,.j·"~'I)' •. ~ ... ~ ,J,J!j1Ji' o!' I~.j; r;i'llltn.

f~i~ ~'S,o.~i~~ (loIS 'f~r (I i:,oj h, .. I~ ~!. I~~ "'d. I~ A"~ .. .....!~1iI hoi br:~lI;;l'. T~·~ I"'g,j it!itlf •. ! ~o ~d .0 g.(:I'~'!" .. or ... l a...~.'~'<;J;Ujj.d1 '!~.ct M· ..... ~~ I .. ,,,,~,;do th~· .hmil' .. :pi:d~'~. n.i~ J!~Li911 ~~ i·M.f.~iii'l:S (ll">di eflKllo;le"",~nl wi-ed' r~r Itl' PJ;)tFl,I4!,


1'1 thh !;X'~a~,· vto.r'lio'l fh,e oolol'c rd~ ... , "lI' .... ,1:1.. - ,I.e g".I~f", q'~~ .. ~i'rl)f'm., fhfi ,Ii! 0 "p' d"M'LIit:;" o~ ,j'SM ili~ 01 s'l'I(I~ 'Q ~ I~~ flS,Qt~. "'1~,'tIf(!'I'CI,r •. mo!~ ~ 'Il pHdi.,,~';"n', II"" .~ir'J'lIb .. .lil, gm ,~.~., ''':r~ .• onril ~od:f,g'19f.g;li.

H~r.~ Is rh·~ WI·ft liUl=;~i!>d:. hl,g~'1Y Ii"'-F'~&'d rD. ,,,!i!! 0.1 CI .pci~le;r. Th~ r.<ro h,o; ~" ora e ~g ~'SI'M 1'0 ;>11'1 Ih.~ id!~Q O~9U Q Mli 'Ih. MiTgn ~~\l!'~ ,~'m I~r., " ..... :nYl:I3r "'I'itlw '~iII;j) ad&i,rQ..B ~'f l~tI ~'f~- .se." ~.e..- m~,db _re ·,.j,iibll'll' gWld ITrt·n;ll11 t~il d·ul~1'i '~,i~~ lIf lilt, ~'llllT.i!>Q!iio 9f I~ '~9il"()Jr:Id.



Next time try the train


eway'ls' '.'.' .. ··e.· .. ·' ... ·.·

, -".' ", ",' ,~.

_', .

plao t-' b

, e .-0, .· ...• ·UY.,."

Ins-ldeAmericas happ,iest dogs!

These pesters ~t thci r n .. me lmm ~ he :f act dud theywere [Otnleli"l,.. prlnlt.u hi lwent~'-fo\, shce[ Tmby dn;~' are pT~lU~l. on ~;)wge[' p.r·e;,:!t~ al'll,,' fewer shel'{,~ (gem:.rnUy ten) are uS!C'(I, l'llu ehe nmne rel,m~il~~ in tile ~r:nh:,. Titt:)" are poOp ula.d~ referTII..'l.l [u as ou~door ~teB or bm·Im!!l:l'd~ .. Since d~(!y :rrc' uslmHy seen [rom $ mO\'h~g·(':uril. [min:., Of J)bU~5. they must a uohl design ;'!nd :! brie] nl·~age ilr [hey are ~n dO' I:hci:r j,ob.,

Ni",,!tlit "U$ ;. pe-rfe(JiY J'j" •• hali." 01 I.)' 11I!!s.r (HI "1;1 "j'-!II b"II.~1 ·.rt;>~f. ,mil t:-cl<o'w .. dI O'lIMlr I'r.~'" Tr.~ .,..p""c! ..... ·f ... r_ t'll'id ~I'~ "Ill'" ol .... t ;;~ ;;!-ii! rl '11 nd l;g'~T g;"'~ ~"~e'!'j i...,p"'~,

H ~_1 (iO~,"'" Qf itO ~Ii.l:l h liII e ~..!!<~ .. "j~ 1."'1". Th~ ;;~-rf~ n Qf th.c- f~n;ifu,d br..J.~iQ&'Ilr!i~ 1I''O,,",,hf ", c; nf dj •• ctly L'!t I~" f~,~'1 Ei'!l!Ot;1-I ..,.b~· 'I""'~ it!',;" pc.l~. ...~ i'~"n~' 0 rO""9! In·~ t_d in Ifeme. ''11l;.ec:o:p:~ul.:;n .,f I'be fa'll! D~ J' Ihe bf~":;Pili 1lI,.~f!lr" ~ '" "II 'l'h"I'~ ~rt!dMl 10, wnv~)' - ~ Id~CII.

Vilh 'j;I'O$1t' il;~~~~h ·kf,..!· p"~d~ d oj\r.Jpl7 Qr:;d c~ pwt'!!Ji ~:I)". 'The 1""8,". ii.~iI;. ,Ieol'l .,.cg~T~blH h=. '" ",·".d '''.PP_1. TM;, ,d .. Ilg." tj'n ~"'.,., ;01 d"""1 ... ,11 Ih b~'~~ ,i'i~(!I<iti .. e - mo k.e .... r~m~ -'bou ~fl''''''')' ... ~. B ,...., Il:.iii~ Q~ '!'~".l'Q~~~t.

Ih i I· jJQl1tr g1:". 'ho~ 'I;~ =-r iI;>~ il~ lb. ....... it:.. ,oIie·!,jliiill 1:J. 0 lin r-ol r",~~~ ... Ii~ m D'~ I e h ra d fll:l~. lil~ ,c!'9i;I J,r,,!l';i! ~ 10. p"o,d"d.


TQ!C>~o·~'I<!!"~.,u!"eiC 9gl,,~d Il'.ud. ~~ Itl~ f~l~ ... ," p;<i~le,r 'il\r~~!'i lLi i ~ i1rir lIy ~~!ii.glll~ ilL"''' f~r po~f'.r"" Hil! ..... a ~ g ~E! <If Il;,~ ,n.~i crli.h !I'Q: l'Ili~. ·.Jj!'QJI~lr d! "gm, j ... I·i.~ I~nl gf ~:~j 'OI'L ''';'1, ii ~ tyF'l'~~1 'hv!"," se- ...... I~~ d,.lOig~. "';'I'~ '~"'f;'lr i1ig~ Qr~!)1 ~I <l"I" ... brill CI~Ii!i' 1:1 ~~ I'C ,,,f ,d'.,p l'Ii,

Thh, ;1. ~. ~!.,. "d"~II'''Ji'I~ 'Q m¢.';'@n pO~1llIre ",,;i'I'! 'Ci .• oa~ I:. dram<!'iic tJ!,,,,,,,,,,,, n,e 'lenUoIII o~ ~h~' ,.r~'-r ii'i :~~~~I~ .. g] ,fIO~ 0"1)' II:)' 'I~'~ .,um·;;L~'8 ,figtl,rel. !,vi' "II';> by 1,1;,,, "mrt .. 11 ,~ up-ond-doI.,,1'1 P"!~l'1I'f;" 'o~ iill.~ ,....;" ~~. ,,,,"d IJ!!H~j"~iI. i)lor,. ,,,",n,. .. _I'_!~ ,'1'1. who!. d,fj;11' ';:1_

'TI\;~ ~.:Inr~d dani" rn P<>1,1~ r 'fo-r ill' 'lo~l¢itil j, ... "T~t7. 'Q m'_lted ~~I" 't! ....4J~~ r,~n«r~ ;'b. !;~e~zy,. p<:I.p ~!Q rind ;,h,grgc!l'H o'f the' "l!wliP"",., :~tlii"le ;:.-' p<l.geo'"'I, Dnd l7~ndi 'IQ)'I "pI')' port" ;",,'11011111, :1111<. ~ _'" ("" .... m,HI' ·'..&Qf",d'~n.'" ~1~,~I;e d' 10;> iI! r.lph,Dji~!!' t~ •• P'Of'dl.liir ""p'J:"!'"n ,,,f n,~· pgp1l r,

IE l'~tyIMr.!1i (!'~~ th'~ IP".I'~" ." "",r.J,~lt'f pl~ ~"'I' dl t~, J~iI!~u i'll, .lerio'l1iS (I. .. "" "'.". of .Q r.. of - ,~ 'WICrldi'~ '!II'''''' fMl &e~JiXI.P'I!n.i,b .. · ,.,J ..:l~"'l,j1 '1~ull<gl ,~fII'~ri~~ n o;lC!!~g.e Ibgt i'l o,J[ng :hi~ lb~'t ... ~el1''Okll!<!~ 'ttl'le ,!~ '~ e ~ Qlll~Gi Gf w,O!1ld ,~ff·,,'ir'_ .Ij·, Gel),;.n of vn· fg!tIr"g l'b~'I'I~"""Jpo'~r I;!~.oll'y ·;II~,.tr .. 'I •• Il\e h.o,a'!ili9 ~t I~~ 'F~IP ~!' l:to. 1:1.:1'- '1M' j.,~~,~,,~r.;.. .jl'~FI'I. ·....t'1e!'! {I,ISo;@'1'I "III ; ",.1'; 1' .. li~ n .. I' 1 .... ,,·11 ... 8-. r'~rm 1:l' * 'n<lll~ r p"tr~m "f b~'fi:r~'n r~~' ~i~ ~Il.


Giv'inglhe de.s,~ig'n sometbi:ng ,ext'r'PI

Here are 11 v~r:iety n~Em::i'ililig pieces w]lkh demonserate du'!' hrn· ]Xlrl:;!m"l:.: u[ lhma,gh[lru~ pl;'l!u~il1g to gaud de:sign. Each nne of these pieces is 1,,"c11 balam.ed,mak.e·s ~ood we of \,;thJi:t:, texture. :amI other [unda~l:'Jenl:1.1~, nl d.c~i:gn - but 1O .. er :<lnd ;Ibo\'~ 111i~ i:'l h:u: e:..tra some !'lo\'el n.r illgeJlio'll~ Ieerure d\l3f liSts ~ach d('si~n :I.bnv~ tht: useliuary. The de~igflf.F~ lllll1.\"1! uie!:1 ,lo ul<!I<.e c<Jrh d>(!:~i~n. l" io!~lf. stall: rhe message o[ the' rnlder. ::I,n·

llh~J ,,,,,,,,iii !'II pi", ... 'f,,; e ft_'.fiI<:iPU f,dds 'Odt il'llo 'r~i'i p"~.j!h - ~cl! ,iii"" ~~I ~g ~Im i'o,n'B 'Ii "ml"'I~ lk.ldl Dr u~ cod.!<l"riUKt p • .xj'",C1Ic 1M· dtcwi"i!l1 ... " p~'r. P'!'~'~ .. ~ ~9h IJ"'''''..... IM-r,e ;;w~ pn lQD!oily .JYrn,~rl !OJ plod<!~I. ,Cil'rClti1.!d I f"-t ~I'cli""'. AEf~al ."d. '0 ~.04 iNrnll, .. ~I.;I b.,.ac~ ~p tt!~ II' rt~., o.~ tn.j! !ol.d!, k~~a - ..illt]!" ""JOil"~li of ,oJt·~.fl(ip. filiI! I g~od dl.o elk if"O ",~h. Sy (C>""(!I~, ,,'" 1"'''''''1. O'i "ml ila, ,. .. j~ ~ ""eh,' .. ,~II ~g... pt,g'i'i!,,:!1 =>C!ro"'~~, ..

iIIh i~. gl:tO Q f~cI-ou'i maif~r. T"~ .- "..,., i. Ih~ rC<llr H1:I.~Jlj~ -~"m." Ilt~ '~t~g,~ ~'M! or rQ!;Ir<!I'~_ ~"'("e I!.e m~'l<" t"too ~ c'e '",i.1y d~·tcll"d. l'h" If ;:;"'r ;P'lJI'lel,. po'. !IoO .. f~ 1:11e m of !I:lOn OJ~n'ji', .(j·nd ,tM I~' II. ,.~ '101', .. 01 r ..... !fto."lgill~ "".I ~'~S' D. ;,11 IJ!,.~ '" rii"iQ , u·gmp'l.'. 'Th.. Sgv N! I ,0 rod 'rr~e' 1t0iY.· ,0 ,~6niiJ.~M' t'I-.~~ ill l!'<Il~ Ii""n~I, . .k.""~iI .Q ~~Q'iiI. Dr h"m;:;n Ilil. ,gnd Iii. (or ••. IpD"-d'iI"!9 W!elO" ,,,f +~" .Y"'Cr •.

TI!fJ i ... d" .. ~f ... ,,<'1' 11;.e,c1;o1i1~11y oimpi;; a"rln 1:1.". nou"'('~<T~n' - '" f.n1C ~".1:I=p'r9 of h:ow mu~ II "'ect"nj<!)u ~ t~ifil..i·n9 at'" CQntllbut~ 'Q " ""<l(e",!;/'u1 Il:' (- n.

nouncem~IIl, ur wnl~pe;r 01$ d!early 'UIII.! inU':R',\,.tingiy ;].5 ]m~:dblc - and you can see fnr },om:seH' how wen they h,,\'e 'm::ct.'t.'tled.

h i~ [rue l],liItmu:.l m~iling picce:s .1IJ1e' more conventional 'than d1es.e. \'\:",e shm,~' ym~ ~.~lC>l.: dt:"ig,m ~·implytoln<l.l:,:e you aw~.u'C ihat. J1llrdtdlC!. of (he sjj,le 'or narurc 0'1 the job" there iSJhv,,~'~, :~ place lor [be ('re;ni,v'r:fII.n~~t, l,d:lO C:J,R <lpJjly oTDg~n<11 d~ill'klng: lO his problems and IlYIm.r' up \~·,i.tli ,!>UII.I't:thlng fresh <'Iud net\'.


Uti. ii Ih~ ~!r ~i ,~ f~M~r .se .IlI1 'II. t!I'~I''''rl. 1:11 " .. ","''''''''' .... 1\,,,;;1 IHl\,lI.' 'I" 1'" I) 1l'1O!'~ I'f. ~tKI~t.....,·,""',i! tcM~I:I '!",r ,(~ild"e~ ... A I:.~I~ h !I ~nd!~0:1 Iih,PIOlJglto f.h.~ c:o~r 0.· •• ,,,,,~/;, mouln, ~e"'eeJj.ejJ D I"bf~= rndd ••


'm~ ~ !~ ~ ,F,e:I,d~,r' i. "p~~!'d ,j't I_~, ri~A ·Ihi~. Sb: ~~.~ o~· 1("b~l .. HI'J" 'i~ g '1.·,i>!'wO'te ~1'~pJ,(!~~ """!',p' .... 'im! linN ~F '01 t"e' riSi!t, ~""' l'obM. ';,'le '(Ql:lbifl>..d >;<ilh (I Ituirr.o'{>'n dt ..... or ,II fr'Oi'l (ft"9Md I~ "rpeeJi ,I;; ,d, ild,~~" 111. '~"M! h I'+rle>r<:!I' .• ·dl .a, ti'>a! '"'''''' I'rgin, dnie n wi;!! ~tJ ....... ~p"'r 'af 'l'g'bl"I'I, '''!II Il-'II ~'l'Qtl'1 r~ 1:'Ii!)~~d h~ '" tJh~ ... rd. H!Kl d li.,'ii·~ Ql~-!l ,c~,pr '''!r'I~ on, +'b~, I,.i,' h~H .. f ik. ro~~,r.

£19"'.'" _<l<lfn of .,..., """'. ,J:lgJ'rd~1' IT>I!!iQZi ~ r'Mili~:I, ih ~",1:., .. ltil:;~,· •. ,m Q :1l' 'l:ir~""i:! """rOCl,," p.o,". II~ ,C: rill'men, tf;e r'\'1e19""li" orri .. .,. i[l' .. <;ORr ... hi'~1'i r09lt:J like 9lfi '!1i'.e,f':I";",g p<>p,; •. 'iii nd ;~ d'~I'i!l-ti ~e, liClh, ( .. II ,~Il"Y'Qi'i!>Q9t !t>' I,e' 'In<llgg ~i'q eerese ,,~::I I'IJ~, ~g,10fl. nt. fjj>eOClU.d n(l_ i, .:10M ill eat li~,tr ... f~_ "I '9 eld oiHi bl1:l~ (,~ 001,01 l-:il!il~ i'or Hcl.'d'"l" ~~di~,,~). 'TI;e l.tI·~ r 'D in ,1iI'f1J;J::l'r be(~Iir,"i, 0 'g'I!t>1:!4 Ocf I~ wOII'M Clft iii I;; ,""i,":o..". &"'Di'Q'I'CilU Ofe wotli:td :i!'ili!! r~ .. , d.'~;'~ n ,o·~ tme 1~IIi1!~i~ g'.

Th'f ;~\II~t Qd' ... r!'I+~ (I rl~W f)'"t"'~t,i~"\~.p.rQ<I·F ~'b.;"r_ 'TI." <iO'l'er LI !n~."J f:I. bre"",,i'i Q~ iii otif,,,&~d TQ' ,g,y in "';, ttrr.u · .... I\~i Ih .~~.p!I !i(I,Y.1 iii ""9r,d.I .• TI'I~ ,he(!drr,,~, "&:",,,~ <.".b, .m .. ljI, ..... b",.",re,," ;. pl'Q~dl rigM .gj I"~ "~'f1T <:l'f im,pgcr'" - ",fI , j ~rqd$ Itod 'i{l ii. IiI' II Ipri"'~d on llu! iftl!ii-~'tI peI;9(1'. 'bri)"Qmd t."..e [',Q'i'eli or. LI1:K.rlieU'/~


Iu lhe IgHQw~ng ])<lg(>.Sl WN:.'!IU~ g.Qi~l,g to show ~iOI.l 'how tu render it [a'~'out- TJi'll:: I,~pm[ W~ ~Ile an direc(iJI"'s or {It: ·jgne('s ,(I()flccpt:iQn o:f wlm'lthe Iirrished ,plI'inlf'd piece "".in look like - a "hlueprjnt" erarrangement ur ,1IU du: art ,,"GJtk. cop11, and photogrophs th~u appear [n :ni ;.uh'enisemem, " "-mal;; ,[_-Uvcr. mngaz.inf' coyer. or nth~1:- means of ,·jsu~ll conmmni'l:;t.t,tOIl. Layouts h""'t' SC\·eml11~. Theya're shOln~ ro a clieru for .;Lppro~'::'III~l Ilm,ll he may ~e 'Wh:;lfl rhe Q\'l:"Nllll Ol"rr;tnp,e.meliu .. cill IfIe}!.. li.l.c. They ,1[00 serve 1I 1I r,:uith: Ito the ~n~raphcT who will se£ the Ilj'(1C. the iilrt~st \\'110 win do ehe lini hed lllusrrarion, ami rhc eU~~<I,;e'f\\'ho win make '~.h~ t"lIgriw[n~5 Irom whirh du::" piece wi]! be prinmd.

For rhl; purpose ,of our IltuUUl$u.:uion w,e wiU In:d:e :1 l3iyoU't n!f <f l) p]ca.1 black and while ne\!O':5lxdper ad fIIilu';nifig fi~'e elcmenu which have been HlppUed [0, U~" T,h~.&e <Ire: V) nut iuain iHu~t,m~J!on-:111 a ni~l':i. lmished drawing O~.Ll m:'111 uirryjllg baggage: (2)r the headliae ";Wh~' Travel SeIJund CIoI$SY": (3) the adn:rLi~er" . message, calfed '''body mpy"; <'i) (be diem~'~ l1IiHllle or [ogo'lYI1C - Pan·Wol:"l(I Ai:rwa~~ CorJ)o."linn~ and (50) our socund.iU)· iJlH~rrafion - I Um:e[ !d1mlOgrofph '£0' bP SI1I'I.:t;ted Irom severa I photogTa'll)h~ ;gi ve 11 (0 us. These ~m! :.J U shown. in ~hC' photo above, I'll rhis G'I.~ we <llre<ldy :haH: been provided wil~b (he fU:!t'l1 iUmh ... rion in Fiuisht:)u Corm but IIII:dtr ilt ~ Ithe l<iyour dc:.ig,ner·)' job to .lIggp.t the illu·l)fI! iu iLSrough ('ormt:pt.

W Q' will 1,1 n OUT :11'1 ~O'l.l! E in three :U;fgl:S. The ritn stage i 5 ~he idea stilf,'l:'. wn which. we devdnp rhe ~.l~·out idea hy 1111:01:11:;, or dnunbn.{Hd:.'Eldll::". Thumbnarls eonraiu 3WI of the t'I,enlel'll~" fir ahe

[u lI-s~jI'e'oIl :Ibl,yout, and in [he s,.'1nw pmpuHion. but the~' are much .'IIUiJUe,. The;' aremade Wil,h Oldy ,enough detail lin ~,lls~eH the idea 0.1'11 p::lpcr.\,V,t: U)' OlL1~ ditfere!u 3:]1]UU;J.t:;hes j~ ,our ahumb. l'IiJil kerches unrll we '!lluli. du: b":l>l ollie lor ourl"fuUl.

In [he l'll!:ti:t !\t1lg~ 1>\,(: enlarge our' be [ rhumhnail into :JI (uU·s.iw "rough" layout, 'Thisreugh ~~ I!ls~mn~· 'I.mccd. ~lIid reUaC'Ett un'l~1 the c:lcu~cnts ,oI [he adarc in dlC exact ~ile ;1Ind position that WI:: wam them,

Third" w,cv<,jll du ,[I "semi eomprehensi .. e" !ily~.ut (Ill" "semico'mll" (~umeliHles c,lUl:'d :J! "Sl;ln~-rough"·). This, is ml.(ed (.HJI:m OlJt mtl!l':i1, :uu[ 'lhl:n we refine i.~ and ~tdd e-nough 'l'h'.l:ai:1 to give ehe ,d:il"IIt iI ele.:tlf idea o~ whaL his, ffiin,~~hed ;.u~ wm I,ook Iike. This i. lhe u MI3 ~ dL'K~'ce ~r hnish [or ,!!.IIII\\'~ ng ] aY'0uu.- Thnl: i~a step bl!ytmd this <~lIed 3. "omuprebensh,'e'" layOlJlll which rome clients ,imi~{ Upo11'll. :\ "l:omp'" is Gumied 10 a high dt'gT'I'C_: uf finish: l~ often COnl:ilj n 5 dw [~-I:K:.!>Ct exac [I Y' as .i~w i]'l <I~pe,'Il!' in ~ he ad, find til e ~i U lIS 1.:r,J[ ion ~s Tende-red by ~ pro~eMio!l::l ~ sletch artist. I'~m\il:\{t:1 > most l.aYOolllS are ]Jre~n£ed i.1111,;) l'ip-nli.comp' Iorm.

here are a v:n:id} 01 mediums fur nla,ling ~::tyolH:S:' pencil, pa·Hf'i. water celer, ~h~li"Cn:)~,. ]'It:lld~ and wash, colased pend Is; pen ~md wnk. :[eh pen, cu(oul J)iIIp~r and I'IH~ny mhers_ P,erhJ]J the most p.rlopll.:l:ar are penei]s, 3!!ld )lm;tc1s" Pastels (10l[l'IC in several

hllidc uf grOl}' lind ~1 flln nlllge of colors <lnd, with a iLuic' prac· tiee, are filS), to hllmUI:'. Th!::}' can be b!ended "nd easUy erased, 'U·,e wiU bC!,:in 00111' d('lIIomUation with <I \'aTi't:l} DC thumlmail sketches ill 1Io,-h:ic.h we wiU ,J.@lj,leIQP the layout idea.






Thill idea sfiage -

'Ih umli:mcd'l s'ketc:hes

IH'.."" ...,. ,sh" .. '1""'" h9'1'!' ~"r ~o,," II. ~" .... I"p.,,1 j," " :u!.riu ~f Ilh,gm""",,,1 .l ... th~~ uii~~ ,til. ""~ e~,~nt~ ''''01 "..e "...1.' gi¥t~." 'Thf! ad h f'J:>' ,,11'1 "i"OI rn~ I~'I iQgni.J. ,g.mtt flnl' d".s, 1Ii""'-"'Y;;U '0'" '1h jfltl. - hiHI(le ~"t'! headll"" 'g'nd Ih.e fl',",~li~ Itg, ... e "r ,,'be u\'i",nd.;;lg,!~, POU'l! ~~~. lou 'wi~~ Ml'rI(ie 111".0'1 ~ ~'IiI!' c~l:l' ~'B,,~g~, ,"" .... ",111 in 'I~,tl.~·h ~m:b.... jl. ,,, kQ~.J OU~ ~~¢l;i'9M$ on pc!~r "., ...., bll' .iil;;l·~'nll' IlP~~"'~~,,' _, "'iUI', -w. ultd 'O<liIr .s.uo'l'ld!!'Y i1Iu,I4\r"aiO>ll _. Il'i~ I»UOI!:l Cl!t~ o;of '!~" f"". Ipih~·l'J)~ di-o .... n on Ih" f'''I£,n,g' p-gge.

W'" ~Il;-'" 'by mo\lj II; lIt. main illy.jlto ioft V!!ry I!""'gl! ".md '~.OiPpt~~ it, 8"" ,~~;" h",l:F,bg~~e' 'I'r,u 'olll,< higH i'h, ~~T"g rl :dlio'll ~d' hgo,oj,. "'I'~, Iih.~ ~op,y ~e""~ ~"'" gill ,!;>Qrlgm _, 'ih e ~:tl" tr""",l" fr"m 'kill fllIogglic't Ui.~g1'; 1M ..... ;"j'III ...... 'tot,M 10 l'~e 'M'~~ d'",y .... .,. Am" ,II~ loyo'U'i M'J a r<:li'bt ,uQ'l!I'd,e-d f~~lin~.

0"11 r .it~;til fl'j? - ..... ~ !IIrrI ~4! ~p tl.~ """j'" i1:8:~'" d"mj~:Q R' b .. ~ _, I;;~ il f~d ill'ro' 'h KCQl:io:! 'illll1!tra1Wn .• '_';lOid~ "0 ... · io.",,~ ~I .hm~kg:,,, H ..... ,~'r" i'l:i;~ ~Ir.l~ ~~ '~~lIIfvj.6 !'be _lKil~. n e· !l".J(! n d~!.n·" I~~ .. "M>tlil,md d" .. •• ~'~""'iI~" He ",lll"'1 b~ ~"lf)'il1l1 MI rl!1;WCI'~ $il:li'1j! !bRClIUt.e I,,!lo ~/· •. in is .,...."rl"h[".

Hele, ._ ,~. ~ ~etful 'r.'I.a!n iU!nlndi."" rii. 'I'!.., 'i'Ii'l:iu> ~tl:h"".th:d· 019"iru,I ,,,,,tmle t'PQC4' ,_ ~'I11 .... ~, b.~~Crll.e so 'ja>olQOrHiI ',.",m~ i'J,(IJ [.I.e'''' Dr Mi. IQlI!IiI!i ~u ,nat _ hoy. ",QI' I~r~ ;mg.~~ '~pO(9 fo-r ,~I>f!I'I.

4 HOI"".... 1"1 gili$il'l;!l ,0 "~"" ~I~~,,~ - '01 b;;E1!1iQ B,fj' (l4Ik~f. :-- .. --r!I-._' 'ooArd'. Ij:~ on" m,l' ,l,e'-l'l'mb-oh '!iI'1 tr·~tl (lOmfO'rt .. '1'~. 'd!~[] i .•.

Infr;'g'lli:1:i9 ",,'! tfut 10'10,,1 i., IEto',""il&cli alii dI d' 1I"re.d, ,F'fl~·. h Op.i, .. ~ "O~I V'i. ,li., t'io:'~~I' rn c=t~!!~ ..... 1"-


'i'!~.e ... ~. ~""b:l'nl! II.~ bt:iS.Qo<IIIIl. ,ld;4·i ""ill. t'n;l!' ~~,.rm:"I' iiU •• nrQliiQ1'1. T1'1ii 11'g)'~t IJ _,,~~gmJ'''$ - I~~ mlil;JI irru5- 'Jr",ti",,, ",,·d' II,,,, ","",dlin. 'Q~ «.of"" ore ~!""~11' Itl:.", HOm., ~'~e .. !l!bo. 'oIo'It!. t'b~ "''''''''"''''0:1 j>i'l'~rl i,,, I'h. .~,r>I!' ~ '" !;.Q 8'ri.Q'Q~ 'Iid.:ci', it a~i~~r .. ~ 1(1<1' ..... d. imporl~U1u., 'r~~, 11:ll'~"'~ iJ .. 1, ... "nbcllilll'N- !iJ"~ro!'5 TOO ,"'v~l!" .... lgL'1 cn ,"'. I'df ~id'~.

'iN." ,o;iEKI'll'dlo"" t~e li~~e'~ w.h~n '''D''~~U thQ'!l\~ht ~mr'I' 10 u I" WJ.~' oc,1 p,,~ ",.t;WMI d"n~ j" 101 ,"1.,1:.'",I··~Q.m~' ',.dl· ""I~'l" Sill', UM'd' lit .. , WIiIY. 111.. ""'0 "'j),,~h ".r.e .....,'r~liipIbQ •

• h~"" ,~1Hl I"'. ~adirr",~. "'~ .... t.~J~'. I,~ M i'dt·r t" lead. '11'1 ~ '1e<;l;l"iI'~rr iITY'I.f~QiiQ~ ri, OP!6 ~OQ 10",,,,,,,.

t'lco,'''. w" 1'1)' a 1:1:1'11·1 4(ll';PI' ... "d.l,in. e, 11. ... , ~"AdcI'l' ~Iltnt,'Ot"ion :1f'4I..... i.. _f~ "".11 - ii, :Ii", ~"d poYlioTD a r., '''''~'" ~" I~ ~:g\l1"~ ·..,,~~d ~iItr.'I:giliqJ to. In ~ ~SI "f ti... ,,,d ...... WI! p!g~.d a !l.r~ blo"", .... lii·DeI it, 'T~;I ,r~~ 'ih~ 1i'9"'~~ ~f r"'l""'fOJl:<1! Qfig: sp'liU u~,~ (Sd. WI! ,,';'LT fry rot 9","Q'I~r :1l1T~p'li~tf·

i1'1lt;, ,;mliil ~ t~ill' ~~"'~ 'Ie, ,e/" 'n~ ~ ~Qb, ·t.t~t·tr ,t"(1'~ "~'l' O'!!c!!" R' f" r, 1'1 lia:l. IIIffii.r dailly. TIl. ",-"'iI itl"~lrliliioi~ !I~t~ ecn>l)ugh, tel om,;:;" I'I\,~, Jited'ti'" liM 'hegt;lli,,", i. rl!,~"I~<tl 10 1Ib..· ~. ~J<', (!~,dI ,~~" p"''';,iil.m of Ih .HJ(· O~ d.ary llhlltr"(SI;~" ii", 'hnr .• n.1I, 11q-'oul' tl, ""O;l'tn d~v~b!<~ng • , • b~'1 w" Qf~ (rill' i'",Ii'ialu~J "...;",1:1 "k~1 b"G90'5!" ,;d:'8I.

T1.i. ~"":I, """I\r it ,doetni'~ ~,'( Ie get umli!l'd' ........ 1 "';'I'h C1' 'f;;~J,;y j,d...o, Th :ba'il~~~ 'It-cbl' h'n ~~Ii ,,;!d~d 10 'Ifw 1a¥_1 CllII.cI CI'I'I it d'1X)$, i. [Dm;pli, .. ll!i 'I~e IiruQ lig<i'>. 59 bc~ 10 No. S, _hid> _~D .~JIiI"~ fQl 'iii t ~uU<li!lt ro~~~,


Developingl ~'he rough

'1 ~~,·17,ir,O .P!!~: Qf IIl9Mt c.,JI"Ji "h~,,,,Ji';.lI.!!I P"'.P"'"., "'~

d,....., ,a, "~I .. tI'l!l" I'~ Ih~ e;o;Q,;I' ~~ of '01Jr '~~WJ~~' !:It!!, ~ ·,u r~' !I> ,~fi,!<~1o: InTI. .... ~ ,~a .ecfu'II:r, ,,1 .r~"r klrQ"I' .. l.u ~

· ..... ,nl!! 'Ir~ jjJ la it point on,

4 F,,,,,, .. ~k "I ~ fQ«lJ ... ~ ~1~.e1 the· "AI" ""I" .... "'I 10

.' QI-o!!' Ir~ Ih f1~i"' .. d] "d] .. .,~ ,,,,.,,1-011 .'I'I'i'lnor. ,f •• a~<::I ,O"J" c~py wi II' *~~,Il'l!" ., rtd Ln.dkail) il .;m .,~. ".~ 811. tDillQ,h, of '[01'1' "'sli ..... I'if.g epP'M!' in 0 IOf.,· '~U~I'I,.t




7 'W/f! b ... e t"~ ,o~[lir<e 'rk'iiil' ~nll':!lt~ I'h ad. 'rhen ... 11:1. " . i(;'~~iel.p¢~n' P'~"~ I' ",,~ Ir,if"r 11,,, h~ .. dfi "'~ Q croou 1'~~ T~N~,,'l' .. e ,llIll '11'1 tfl.!!· 119"'~elt ·,.."Iue .. f .1..., m"iD ill~ih"ri~!I ii n ~ ,.,.,d .Fr,Q o! l. fa.llel is !)e'iii9 u~~d ~r._


W,~ 10.1 I~., :1 ~"'rilbl1l~il ~.hl"n i~ h,c' I of O~I' ~Or:leol'l:l ~~icl~ w'b('dl Pf~IKH CI" .o:'"I ... g~, imcill~ 11'1'. .. 1 ... ~ drg,,,., .. ffl'ii<l tn~ 'Q'llr[,ii;. 0'1 ,0 y.~ I<:o)'o'~~ Ip.cId. J~f1 ,!'~r~'b!i!h"" ~ hm ";Pill g~ig~ie' " .z " Dnd ..... il.tin 0" ~ftry ~l._ nl' «<'! 'th;e· "~~gh', nlte' ~CI r:le,CI I ~,d"11 ,~ ,~:<pr .. illll><:l1 iln Ih~ D.,AI 1HJ.9'" ,),

5 W,g, gdjYll' l.!i~~ ~1~""",,1. "'" ",Uf r.Qvg'h 'by '1lI'<:leing ond r~ .. ,'. t., .. o{iR9 .. m'I' .. Q U't;Q,fld oftd ;'hr~~ .<t.1.I9~ •• ul:.,II'· ,d,'H1Qir'!iI !j!)~ <:I r d ~!i!;~ B_ Wm I~~'n ·t,~'rQ'{ . '11> fv:C!!~ fa' 1"'~'T"n'~

l'Ii" til-Usn f'9'" ~ :r.!Jdgi"9


tho! wd'd~ .-cl'wel (I.e pu~ ,i ;11'" Q dc;'ker S";!f), pQITfll-.

,er wi'th ,a lilll~ " ..... itl p.~~ t.~ if ~'~U ,,~ " p"",,';!. I.R

~ft~4! f' ~~. k~~p I'km .1ra1,1O' ~·ro"d g n>t! ~Q ~"I Ii)' f01' d'~ r~ll_


~O'!'jl" "'t t~<'!: tne ..,."ITlt',. Pnl.J:,~.d1 .iII' r.",'I'i'O.ij ;n fi'fQ nl' .~" int,

'fo:l!ll;!ru h",do Q",d ~c~I,,'IIy' d.o:Io i! "';11'1;" tt;", ' ... ., ~o-

,d:iCll't~tI n.m '1" .. fQ""s,h., 'We dr!!!\;!' iii! I!\'~ ~~<:I<n:!l~rr lllul!"''f~O'" 0 di 'iifjdi~o!e I!I~ ,i'._,m .... · 'mil' lc-go'lfP".


·W,., .lid." ''''lin hMI ~'o'jj~,1i! k;:t~LJI' u"cI~r .. dr.on, ,.1\,.,.,'1 "I o·~p· pc!!! "f ''';;1'10' .. :117;",", I""P"" W", (I,. ~ ... te(2dy loll '11,,<1 ...

Q' ~or'~ fini$'~t<!:l I<:!)"~UT ""1.1 ,. ',."",i-''''IJ!"pr~~4i .,~h·.,


WI! p,,1 i Iii ~ d:arkos - "'Q'1~1eI. i ~ .jJ.. '!<1m.. _Ilrn!.r. Th,I'~. ,.·Wn Q"'~"~QoCII p~ I>(i ~ .... e ".Edi ,,((.<! nIl G'If dl ,~n«l,gll deI .. ;I!D <lIeg1'~ t~e' Q'1'I~ct ·..,.e'r~ aif~r. 'WrJ. i;l ~a ~ ~P' ·''IiI'.il:~." at~iid Iii fig ... ", gn." ''P'"DJ' il ""11t Mom.


Wli'b " !,~nJ:i1 iQnd'~<'I' 110 c '6~e dt~1C1 1P"',n", _, j[~!~ In fintl 101 ,uS!!"'''' Ih" ..... ;81.1 "'I'll: ~i~. of I'~'I! '~ wlLi",h will ,"""'i!I~ hJ.oll:i' '~ II'loI!,d,


N'C'Io 'tn1l' l.moll' iUYJ~to'lo";~ "eEl d'" re fij' in p""~I.1 0., d ,~~ 1:1 ,. ~CYlIn pm, r 1 n 11j,~ KI'~. ff..o ~n.i! r <;11, i"~ .... i rn il'l ,,~1rg(l'Wi_ );,r;1!: r t";~, "..~ ,...;tn J ~t!", Ih ~ "QroP'=l~Y 'rj~'=' ,,~..... Ii.e bel'lom Q'I ·tl!. g~ fn F'~" ~1 L


A f~'''' Ij'olr~, "f ,.11" .. ...,1 pe,r.;"1 n'!rec g,red rl'l~r~· 'fo ,o«~",1 ou r ill'~Ur<!ik>n~ _'!IO~ '!~ ~'(.~!l" DE c,P"'i~,,, .. h j'l'~ 'r"", !;'ig bili'lh ~ 0>!1 ~ Ih. ""'YO .... 1 ,j 'r~!:I'r Ie! ~l ... " .. ~~h, ,,., .,,. .... J, .. d I!," .... r ",.,,1 i;p101 .. ill'! fi 'Q r~orc' .•

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HY TR' - ,"-EL SEeD

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13,'I"I!. y~u :I('~ i]hl' 'M,iJI,;!l;l M'ml-C01fiF r'~pMd~c~·d ;'" ih .. d~QI ... .• e, HQ'll>,;.e ItJQt .~" .. ,~rClii h W99 ..... .:I .",t~~r' 'rhoJl' (",t.fully d~ .... " - bg~ 'b~e- ~cy"~11 cl'QI,!1, gin g III 'e>d!tttl,l~!~' ~d~o "f ",, .!~~, b:mlibl!d. p1ln~.dI pi~ce .... 111 100'" I i\c. ,At '~rll J,. II".. Itriiih.d 'Il d' ~ ~bo"'t o~~~hird t~~ $.i.~ ,,'! '",c1I'M CI~r i~ '01 r«~' "~w!p('~'. of EC ~;-~ 'I ~@, f.'1l1h'l! ~ ilf~~i~,ofr=, o!:j" i:I t~.I! '1:1 !'Iv,,1 ~Ii"'~' '''''' m.~d ~~'r"'"

- ,- O'-tRB- l1UlATIQ' .. . - 1il

A, -"'--""1"'", ""'" ... 'C". . a··· "," .. ' .. , ... : '.' . ".,' .

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"omeus Amsh CQurse Speel,QUled dl!&l'gn

D1esi'gnin'9 ,sman-space ads

~i,hrl;.U.sp'Re newspaper and ma~,zinc ~'1clveni'sing presents onc of the ntoStr"h:rllh:ng'illgu[ all d.esi,gn and hYf.lUl prebterns, Mo.'St <lthl:nii~e'rs whe use .STIK! U $p<lC~: for lhc.i r :rne-S6< do 5lJ because the}' c:umrU :cdford dlC large appropri,uir.m "\,,hidl 1:l1e bi,g companies make', nor the highly experlenced de ig"TIers 11n:,., ICUi-p!oy. So, whi~~ i~ requires much sk'iU :md knowledge lei dorbese ads ,~'eU. [hey m::.y he :ulHmg the lin[ il'5Signments. handed to you wht:I' )'oumakeyoutSl3n <18 3. de igueJ'.

The ~:uh'erti~{!r, if he b not educated ~O' [he value n~ :;im.pUdt~i and .ilnplln, usua !ly\:\"anLs il.u, ~l1y as mudt as he can in his smllU space., There <Ire lWQ\,;"lIYs of :w1!iil'l,g hi Uo.[gll problem, One is Hi- show him the vdw: ul the Impact of Ide<1.r • simple d!e:ilgn and

M.a'idog effec:ti:vel layoluts·~ with lots Qf: C'OPYCUi" very 11illle'

H'~.~ ~~~ ~'lI'mlM.l ;:;J ~"'I ·C.u.oi'~·~ ,1:I.-1ol r~u ~o"..m_c'I... Hi... 1c7,· ;:;,,',. Th. o;l.~'iI!l ",:1. I(llifEie,d wrl& jw.' Iker .mop If\(i<m. 01'1 d cI:I .!4nI:! i! ",,,,,· ,c,r '~'P"I bio~g .. " li'f. Thil ~c~re n ..... ,,'-Ild Ihl:'l,d ;,1. r .. "",d """';; .. ~.~ 'UHQ<U~>!:i~ '~=~y W"I~!I b"~r "dis.

This ~ T~IQJWJ tho '~m" 1".;0. dipl" ",;I ~,bco¥.. Th~ im'~~fl- 1~9 1ihC!P"l' 0;01 'I~" .. ;.n'~'iu «! n .~ ~!<!i:I' f~r 'D ,bi~iil8' ki:rQ~'1 Io'~" n o~~1y 1:1 Ismail' Q-r-~,'!Ill'JIl (]f E~py is. Ir.rq,iilRI!1.d.


iUwar.uion. with ~.iuJe COP}' - the OdH:lJ' is tu recognize his de;;;~f\l! for <i tot til ICiOPi" and roh~ hi~ ]JrobJe'lUs, with ::I, dlOU,gI,U,hd .IayIlnt wid. 1.1.IUCh copy and Jess 'sJI!a1'l! for the rle-~gn .. In ddle"F case, the' mosrirnporraet pari. ul yOIJ.r job win be to dt~igu 'tile smal! ad so' tl'lwt it $U1JlJldsoU'I: from th!}!' 'SUtTCiiundi.rng: cOm'pP.ri.ti:m" of many ,mh 1:':1' at]" of ~ i mi I ar ~ile. Look ,3 t rn;~!f..JI.ii n e 01: newspa rt'r pages madE.' up of small ads and you ldJl bieOOJ1I\'Wllln.i:J of tbe need (0 d~igu small ads that are really crea(i:\'c' and oUi~$t<lncllil'lg_

There' is one h'~8;C pT,~no[:iph:· to k'e~pi[~ mind wlum (~1:5i:gning m:dl alb. You .mU~l crease a :suolIg o[~Ub.t~t of iUUSlT;lI'101'1. :;n~d cop)' <lg:linst [he white space of. (he h::u:kgmuud. Th~s wiU help prC'~'etu you r de' ign bmn Lej I.lg overpowered bl}' SIJTWUUlU ng, .~ds,

l.lI't..,·C· '0"-' no S·'!;H'O··· p'

'\.l".:... .1...['\ "-" ... 1< .


I'i I''',. 1"10'111 .~q,"I'~~ 11'1) 1 ~f e~p'l, iO er e ·i. er.I>t 1i<~ IW> MI'Idl~ ii' .~I"d Iol'ill h~1' :I·b., lid cJ.WJ!1' ~i'i~ r_'~ ""'9"";; • .,.;1. ~ .. I~ IIU:1I1 ,11.· r.~I~ .@'~ ~~d:I' (,~,,'e 01 tl[oni d.$i5i.~ 1I11~.g" t~f d~ c'l !HI'lll 'el" "p. m'il'iill of tl'ie' IP"'~-

u _,,~ mp:;,' h o.lid' .. d. 'Inl'! lQ!)"o",'1 "..;),,!~ '·eq....,. <,_1;1, fQI'" it, ",md .:11'11 'm'l!~. tfi~dl¥'e Q,O~ ,~t t~ ... _ell d;~'I, 'I~ h.,Tp ~I!R!, 'lile:l moill'(!I'1'I1 ib 'fI'r(Jco!' all, !Ill !l;ut)" llX!g~ ..





0", Ihh pmg.., "r~ ,rOgr ..,,0'1'1 ",III Ihill'r 'fit ·11J.t Ipli'Ce Oil (II 1I<!'''''SP'll~' ~OllJm". AI H'''~ I~!fl 'he 'i'Qflij"<;!I1 , ••• fo-r.m it ·0 II':!tv~~~ dH'i~~ fa'r 1I""",u! "JiI"<~ '1:1" I,MI, .ilJ·~pi!· (l1'Jd 1:1 ;:R~,nl i~ 'ih"l1 ~,u.~ry' bnill'O''''. AT ,'~~, ·ri,~M. Wb.,r" !ih~ ~i~"i "..., ml" tD ".h"'r!i~ R'rerQI frtm<l: ",n,~ Uill ,F.i9r .. ~py. ~I'I~ I"~>e' 1>.(0""'" " r""I'~~' iU~1 'g'i ~ff'l"lw·1t a $Yl:'I,~'.

lk~,,", M',c .. ,d •. r gr ill ;,,,,.'0 i'" r,ourfl .... ' 1'~e .!-O~ i!!T~~u"fJ DO, Iih.~ ;; ~.'!lell' Qd! ... n,,, IgIll1 ng('rQ""" ~ar. lutmin'llly sq~'"!~d hy j'b;;; 'p<l'~, ho~ CI ~B· 'it!D>!i·nl' of ;.;Ih.TI"J)'·. If "" .. ,.~ E.'Cp~ :LpiI'.II' Ii. noe;!d<KIIM $!~ r;dg "",~.,I iI. " ..... l!..!c,If!l:",,;I C;;I d i mmtdia!tl)l ~t~· ~. i:f~M~ f:i'!'.~I.


AUITO' R····E'nAII'R·S·~

,'.' . _. Ir';fi!IIi. I ',', ."


Th~ ~·;Plpl., ~+C"1"i'i'll"'ii'Wi' 'r.~ .. I"""",I ; f.I Iii i .• , ·dlr~gn ,ii, ~'ell n:'i'tadl '0. <i !.r.'IC'[1 ~,""I"":F",r cld. Wc. 'riQ. 'f"'. i -'ft ... "I'iri9 p'~(~"'f'''i ,cf ,i.e lteQd t1~ ~ g n~ . iI' ;:,

fl¢lel+, EI b-y '0k of ... hih, SpC'~' nil if<,'9'~t 1\(:)1 r""~i !1II~dI .1, .. 1'17 "a dl 'W'fll If!m-di "'J" rro Ei .""-e !I'~n,g'llII'H:!I.lDr8 iii ~s..

'1l.ii o(if,>=In . ..o",1 J~'lig", rot Ill! !.r.!IC1I-$pCIO"· ~jfll nl!i @.w~I'I~I'!!JtiI:~nf will te p r~cI'u(~ ~p'h. nd,d I r e... "->;P"~~ 1.1',", • Tn<! ~'b"" blQ--C,k IfI,~~' ,cf II, ~ p!lo~. .~ ""d'ill~red :b·)'.::1 y Ix-ck1;l',,,,,n rJl <:in ~ b "<lO~D""'''~.,d 'by 'tno!! whita ~p;:I ee "rCl"'" II ". .. hid,· wHi "I!;Q' ~.tIt t~i~· a.:ii "'!Xl". frlc,," 'tMOW lOire IiIn cl iii.

.~ I~

~ o

Z o CJ


r~;;, llii n, 'i g1io1 fi r"~ of 11ii!, i:le. "'il-~ '_Illd ·"".lLmo<I~Oi! .,iI _,:,Q'fl';, """$llllii'!'" I'i~'c but "..,,'" fdI "",I Ii"; ill well'Q ~ ,'~u. "'I'¥<I:P~fii!'t·ll';.p ! iS~ Fne, .. .,f 'I·h~, l'Il~~ ,,;rh.o SffYe'I, IJtl!i ifl)'a.:llt iCI!rI ICT~i'...gllg _' -0;0 rrl 1'1',-0 I "",~,tI'cI 'l"IOh 'jl, irw;>" ... r."m-~~ QII I~·~ .~~(!,.. !.i!'~~ H We.I;I!d .... ""'~'p" .... t~d b)' 109 Q:~.~ adt_

ifl~ ii'n~. Ii"u In '~M. d"~QI'I 'Oi~c I .... , 'and d<>~ -~-!'tnu. H il ~ •. ~ priAt~,d "D n-! .... ~pt;I,pt:r" Il,~ i iiI!; wOtil-ll' 1l.1~ ,.'"d lill in t»'11~1~ ~f..-~~iI I!I\~ 'n~, Ilh~" TIll; bgdir':·IJi'.dI is UI'I"M~""''i' Q~~' ~I!!<KltJr.~' 11It~ .,.'~l~f' 'Q,f im .. ~D\r~I.t'J III .. p1~. 'Th«.rij!! i'll Disol h,~, roo", IfQ,r' ,g,PY.

Some do"s ,and Idon"'s

As we have said, rome of your firsr ehaures [or l~c-,!,_iJ;;,1I ij;u!.lJ layout work HI::!)' w,r.:.11 hi:' with yum· '~lIIaHc~ [o{:;l:I;tdyenlsers. lIi.~ or ]-iule. e\',ery job requires ymu he~!I:hol.lght arul .:fhnt. Hele are some prauica'l paints 'to ,1,;.,CoeP i.n uund when YOII t~tke on ,such jobs as: po tCl'S ut ~UI;a:U :t~d5.

Do: ill;,!. ~~Q<~I fo" <J ,l?QftCr ~ Oli ,I.In~rr ~I:I i~ de .. ~. ~",d '''''''J'n~. Th~ .J"~.<,, :I.'·N!>~~ ~'I. ·~m.ITJ~dii!lt.1'y ~i!'~og~il .. M~ cad 'tcn! .. ,,:r. ~]oolr ",;1'1:. Ib .:;opt. 'whi'!;n ~~ ~<lr;rn!.d j', ~I ';~1!JI~ ,b1~. H,~, ... Il'~ I~ fQ~. (i'll dll!elr~ 1lI1' :ll%~~l Is OJ l<'Ja hu' fl.&: 1'1 ..... " .. rIb" .h .. rt" "ad: In'. hil'Q did •• 'T!i,~ (lOp),' '~0'1J1d ~ in " 2D]"J 1JPi!' fgCilt .• pr.n1f ·Q .. f $.i""q, (I~~d ,~1I t"~ ~I._"h !\l;';~' ~~" 'rQ"ro-~I' '1iI~ I:I;I"}' .• u~",~o..,.d~<!I r~·I'i ~~> ... il',rr.~, 1~ih~ le<rrr"9 ,,.~ mWI3" "';E1m 'fQf 'I,n .. mI',,"' ......

IU 11 1m s 1'1) E C IHJ'lU)11

D(I! ilt.i'~ ,if'lp~, ,dl'~d de';!!!" r .. ,· <I' !Q;'k;t"'·i. ~l~ ... m l1'i:ly "p-to-(!",ie I", .. le"lll ni "","'. 'iih~ ~ .. ,..,j,,,,,,n i'Qfi:l e", inT~F'~I:rj'r,~. ~ye-«!~~k;"'9 ~"'P" lIl"d I]]"", ,. pl.n'fl' ... r rQ9rn fO'I I~~ ~"~~'i'~ ""~ ~~ ""'~ i I Ill. 'D 13"""d .... ~ "~P:r ~~"~.m~nt,,



D",n·t~ I" ·""".'iP '~m Bloc d' I" Ih ""'Q'~. o,d!~~ly d'tSi~ ~ (IT 121,~ I~fl. IlIh ,OJ'J~ h difIQ"!!l'lIIliud am tI conr~!.i "'~. B+:i(l U~. ~¥~,r)" t,!o~d'n" ~ Ul'!·~ " dI-fI~re~'n ITp"" feu" ih;;te j, i''Q' 'r""l'i~ S! $1' consl:!.toI! nq or lI"ily_ The iI11i!'iif,,!Q'r' p"1I'ri"l!Il Q,f 11h.~ Y,QI~i'~"'J.I .. ~dTI~-e~ ."I'I-d (Q.Pl' blech .. I .... "dlil. 10 .,,,,., , .. Iintl· ,of ~'O<OI, II' "'"cuM .... ,d'ilEl .. rlt te, r~iiI Ihe <0"'7 i R iI, prop-t, ,o·'. MI:! 1'1)" ge;od .. ;:1$ 1;lIlI"''''! ud".n-~11 Q!f ~'_' i~ ~ .. >'jro'[ b~"'.I.·- "<IIi_ ffrey ""~$I :E.e <1CI~ Mlr ,;,r~.::I<I"'81!;d.

!D!On,·t~ .i!I. (louil I'~., IJ, ... 'e;;"h I'~ dQ'I~ q~idl'y ~~~l'!' the' .OJ if> "PiP"'.:lt (old! r(;!.IMon~<1 fn ;1 ~1I eI f!' .... $eCUiiini. il1t 'Cg,t,~ iJ clIO "'!'o'l.; ~(lIlI'''~ ,Il" ';;OP'I' Ii "oll.ted' ,aDd dll(lr9(J"i':r~d _ !.e,d I .. f~Cd1 im ['II Pf~1 r W<l!'~~"<r. U i Igdh I~. !Klli~ duign virlw G'! P.mpli~'lf.



Sum:mi;ng' ulP

Cnod design and layout, like good illustrarion. arc esse IrI.t ially a matter-of

l reativcrhinking on the part of the: !!II'fi:u.\'\re have shown YUH in the last three le sons (he essentials of good de~igning ~. the principles have been ~xpbi.IM:~rI and dl~nlun 'I rated in actual advertising and ·cdilnr.ial. designs. '\Vchave

po,inu:d ,-ull! rhe special factors you lOU t nmsidcCf when desi,gningads for nmg"" zines and newspapers. hook lets, paperback.eovcrs, record album covers,

cards, posters, and other ~onns. nf visual communication,

Each problem you eneounter win have in. own '$pc·dfkr~'qu]U~nlCnL~'_ {\]rholl1gh your pro~e~s]onaI assignments wjll be rliflereru In detajl from any of the 't'xamm,ks in I hese lessons. you can apply the' arne methods of creative il:hinking and planning to youI' OM] ori,ginaI work ..

As a student of {ksigH, you must <IlWilyS be a lert ~Illd ~cns~lilrc' tonew ideas and Hpproachcs, ~u centemporarv tIt:" ign.K.ccp your eyes opeu ~o;rgt)od work

in aU and editorial medium's. Pubhcatinns like A rt Dirt:c;tirni~ Graj1hi'.s, and dll' An n~I.-~nots· Annuals are p;.nlir;ul.uly Iine sources of inspirarion. They show ylm what today's bcsrarristsare doing. and contain H::lany articlesand essays by outstanding an directors, advt' HH'n, .. .nd designers, cuvcdn!it the entire range of 'subjcc'l that O1:ffect our world of visual connmmicariuu. They will help TllU keep abreast o~~ new trends in this c\',, cha,lh::.1lgjng fidd of des~gn and. layout.

Dog, Show

Th.o .g'M-W' '~\!:<U' iH~· " ... ~t~ ~'Ii. e ,d'.Iol.g r,~' YOU] ..,;;n f .. ~~ Ib ~ d;oJI"I'I'i~ of fitliJiltll o.j~i.~'I> i'n:lpll'~d' ~t;!li~n. £8' "II li",,;h 01 d~'"iln ·p-,oE..l!r",._ Wh~~~&r

y.~!iI' pn}b lem .- .,bllr~, g ~""p'I'~ p=m~ r f~'" ,'" .i"gl .~ " QT'g Ii .!O J:!.o ole

Ib,o'n~'~ - ..,~...,. ~"'!'Ft i~ i" [J h.,..h · .. ,nll fm~fi<ilr.~ ay .. OM't M:HI., fer

th" ",,:t, oj I:""8~' illl'l ~ri 0 ~ .. ~ !"l$r~.o.~. "ry I~ Yi~"5.~,,. d.ii~ I~ ~l Q 1113 i::-t:;" r

..... oyt .~~ "(0" d ~"'!'I ~".~, d'~"8~ 'p ro!;l:i MI. e.'l' 1'~~ gl "CIrr~1;I ~ .a 1'.1' ''''e d1.~ I, IN" j;'o'f !Nilf ,~m:me ·j~U tfl~ di!li'S" t" .. t Iuo.I f,iili.ti •. tl.,e Ileq.i",,·llIff'li:! of

II~'~ jgb, ~~~, )'gU '1;>'1'10 'br~~'~;"1 y.oJ:lI' · ... i',~1~ (O"~\I!'p:M "J 01""';9" ,g·r;d ~l'Cil;Ir,.

F~ llRTlBJS COtmSE S't~ntwo.:t'k: 1..e.ssQ:o, 20

8pe c:LeLli 'Zed' oosign

~if:l' lesson ·~:l!onc'$ntl"a~s. on. atImiYing the 'princ~iple.s Yl:ilill [learned 1m ,. the twopl:'e'v.iOus ]Le 5S0'ns to ispe~.1fiC! dH2\ jobs <.- - IiooK COVtiili\';S, mga:line ,e'overs .~' po.~ te.l-S, .. a;ndlfi!:!"!oi's~pe lr' mls:. '!1'l!e .Jneinpoint tolea;m is t;ba tevle'ry des,ign ~ no ~t:'t;er hOW .or ~wi-~~st.:wt~, mti:st. ttie ¢ilara.cte:r· of' th,e !,ublica.t,ioll, pl'o-, dUJr:::: t Oil"· serv i ee- ,_, t.he d.esiSnmu.3,t, be a eon-

'I{ i.:]l~ing SyrnlDI01.. o.f the t.Jilng i t ::r~:plll"e seIli!? •

Th:iJ:f Ine'a]1S < tha,t; ;YbU~r first stf:!P in, ~ de s ~ ftTi. j cib 11:1. to knw the IlrOOuCt., :se.lIrVic·e ()1"p~b:l1 ""' cat:iail ym1 ~t'f ",,~.l:·1{:"ing '1titFl. .~~t 'is "i f,s lIlost at.tractive. fea.ture'? l!loes i thev,e an ~sta'b", l:ishe!!i s-t.1JLe th.ti:t must "be m.e.m.te;ineal? fr.ilili:t axe the ~'bQb that migh·t"be app;l'QJ?l'iate .:fOl" it. ? Ask. yourself ~ue!;it i~5 lli'£ethk'se as ,you

-.j",oil.w our "s~esnpn~ _f'IO.r S tu@lf a:n:d

-1.. !lltnk 0.:[' ,e. :nlIDlbefr m; .:f.ictiIOrt ,or nO·nf1Ic·U.dn Tbooks yQu ha:ve :rea,d~thencl'leat~ cover d~~iEill5 tha't: .re~.le·ct tJle,il;' ,c~c~te:i'f ainct is\yiifI:'Jio';l,:L2ie

bhei"l!:' '(:cm.t'eht s • KeejP. iUJr!.i:udthe d,i Splay. 'rei:",:,'

q'U!irements, but use ~. m,edii1l.lilI! ar t:i.\!cimique "tha.D .Sf:~1E.S' e.P!J"l"Gip.:[o.:i~U ... - thn.t S t:l"e~tb~r:t5 your de~1 e;n " \l,es; '. JDes~e;n ~ G' Iea:st a. ha.1it' d,oz.~n gfthe's,e cQvers.

2' • page'S"~ tlttbugh.,1.1 ex:Pla.;lnth~ Jiesi,Sl1 ~-

~·1 . .... '" .. ~ i ~ , ~~

-q~. r,emen'!l!S O'~ ~~.e m,~or~.Z·iWl:e· co:>r:~r.iil.. hP-

ply! lllg. 1i~ t ~01il the<l"'e jst:udy tie .CJ,:W1~,r' des1ps. of o~r m.&gazimes and Ole.<!:"fde l\0'h" yell t:ha It!overs: .:ref'le ct maga:.zine pGlfty and; le:sta;o ~

. li3n i.dent:lLty .asv~ll. as' inte:re:irt., 'Tryre·llle~

3,., ~~e:IC't p.ic1fim::'e S (l;r ·de S'ignalfte those,l .a.t

thel,ef'f. on. page 5, 12 .and 1,3, ~ani:l :red.esi ~ tliell1L 1nt,op05ter.s w.fth st:l:'oogj. ~~le; ~~ac:t. ¥iO!ke: .~ t a. point. tOI S t.~ good. po\s\';.er d.e si~ by pl"ote:ss:lona.1a, ~

4 • Mlowlngthe' pro oelfL1I.U"e sf'!.,O'Io,o'll O:l1jpa.;ge 5 ]..8

t.l¥',~ 2rl~~ ~(l :S~\I'lerai ~:e.ylout.S. SMed:.~ ~u.bJEll·c't -- choo.s·~1 :I:~iye o·!" six e.Lementstlllia.t yoruwant 'to appear in the layout' an.d. dOl a ILum~ oer ()f' t:hlirribll£! gk!etch~s,. rlIeIli sel.ect m.c·

b~ sb ske:tch. ~ leo:J.aI':ge i't J us inB ~n;y'()f' th.e m!l!t.1'l:.od.~; sh~ O::i! ,JL:5tlrro~@ 1.7 :O.:f" U:,$son 21. Maikethi,sa. . s$mi-. c0tr!1I?;;reher~j§i 'I',i'e :hv~ut a:5·

sh,OifoimI 'on page 21 of Lie ason 20. ~ su:re tjG

tffu:y th~ ,:'rUDrjec};s Of' 'ts~:s~ p'ract..t c~· ,lriyputs. Make· 6~ verlica.l, some h.oTi.'zon.tal~" Hp.l'k--. fo:_r Em ern.dil ire iSm ttl".,e.t: e.CC1W."a, t-ely ,6UggeS t5 woo.t.

t.h~ :tlIll!isned ad, page! 0.1' F,os'ter;l;" 'So! ill. ,l,qOK. .1 ii't.e • The m.Qre of th.e,~e YIOU~o T. t.he i'B!s;t,el" yO'llwiU bt.1'come a.~q1Lmln.tecll ~"i thth1s1mpCll-"ta.nt. area .nf al't.

dclfu:pare e.ll of' Yaurlay'Quts m#\ I~ s,igni cwU.h e~dl, btl!er" M~~1OUlfa~lf~!h.~C:h are' iSHC;lcesj5'rjU ·QMVM ohm nOt. Tib,"'"n . see :if """'u l~8h.i'igtn'e

• • 'r • ., _~'iT' ~ ~' -, _ _ __

'o'U5C'w'}l¥~' Be a.~onj(!:!i!t1:ve .al~ .:y~ 9_anabo<ut: yOrru:' Qf;o1DWQ(I."'k •

JtS3Icrm4B.NT 1. Sislecil; C~"1S or the lo.ult follcri't-· i..,.,;g: sub 3 ects~nd . ma:k$~ a~ poster dl;!''S:igJl. %18 -o.o:st.CI' 2spla.'1llcd. f."o.l'iiisp'lay in fl. s-t01!.'e win" am~".

A~ .lI. :Liv'e:s·toC"k: :faii' :Hi wlficll chi'l.d!'en .. ~.


the. eRnibit.O!l"s ~ii~· ~oa{:h sn:oUld ':I5e li~hn

a!..'i'"J:dh1J!i'"~!,lOU&i The poo sh~ inc: 11id.e th~

:fbll.t:ro\ling iu:fmfna:l:;io:tn U Jilllior FtfI..ritlr.:n~t S F~ir,.

i1 .. A. ~M. • v.' 0... ".' p~. 1'1 ~ 1 ... '. Jh.·~ .. ,'lS.t 1$ -~(i, county S.t~a1m...~ .Admi~sio.n. ""l;il~oo in

E,., Ii poster' dersi~l fo.r &sr,,~l1g m~e4. Your tloiS'l:ie:r sh~.dd in.clude ;r,ne! follO'l'>~ll1g ;in.foil"illa-. tiort.: uSN] mrrii ng !ili~eh, WCfSi"tfe:il'" n'..CA.), .~.;OO;'ch 15th" 8 P.M~ ~ Admission $.l.:()i) I II

O~l'ste.r tiollo Orc.G,n,

,'!,.. A pO:f1ter d.e,sigTl for e.; ja..zz, ooncert A I:ruclU(l\e ·tn.a =-olltrn1ihg .ifdCJl'mat'i.oH~ II.razz CbnUcen ~ Tov.m Hall, .• '\~sti llt.h.,:B P.M~, Ad.irJii.S~icrn$1. 00 ~ H

'YO\ll"P Qs.t ex ZIlEif!i" be-e itJier hOl"i:z~~tal or '{l!!:rtic~~ rid l'to .in coloCl:' and, ~Qsign 'it to cf'.rll :a. 15' ~ aO-iucll shMt· 0.£ i.llus-it.:tai!.ion b~6~.d or colored. PQ'sterboard. ·sin..c:~ :art work Wulii.. 'be dlspl~e.d rathe;r't1l18.n. l:'e"c '!JIj["OO1!l.C~ d ~ doni tl:ea.¥e. a, iiWlrginwu.ess you

..... .. ~

pllafi it: as a. :p~>t; of' yom' i(]J::S'iiY~.

.:'Me.ll t:his ',c~o:ti ':001:

F~U§ 1IR!I'5TS ~IIiRsE;J romg,iJI1PORi, Cbw..-

'Be t'm~~ yO"Ui d~o this a:;.."li ~ig;n::lleIllt, l"e:9tU~' I)8\g;e s 22 throug"n" 24,.

. ,


.. the.1; e: layo\lt:!!iTIihe :::;,8;,,'ll€l! S iL z.e ·as "!::}'ao§e 0'11 J?~e 24 0' 'Do 'fij$'m ;Ln:D enal.l OJ[' i,~ on. '~1'lti: e9'~ o( \l ~ ,~t-:!nCl'1J 'i~ as~!atipnb.oo;rli ~ ~:~tl~r ~h;i1lr ~§'W:lline ~~.1l!m.e "a.dcil"e§Sf eJ(l,iill pnQ'Ue n1l.,unb~E!l.\ ,.,. This. le,tt,Etrin~, <]'1e~(I,[lJ!9t-· be£ini~hed, 1Jl'!t.terin,g, lI;j,ut it ;sb~a itlieNiea:tJ.j dohe tmd~ugg\fs,t\ .t.he' r Cf!<'9!C t:er 'Of' 'Illi~f;'jp~ :#in _ile.u 't:o USe.

[n cri;~icidng your\'iork 'we I,iill becld.:efly inter€!s ted iJ]::




I ! I



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