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Electromyographyc evaluation of movements of lower limb in

double pulley system equipment: comparison between

gastrocnemius (caput laterale) and gluteus maximus

N. Tassi 1 and V. Engrácia Valenti 2

It was evaluated movements of lower limb in the double pulley system equipment on ten male volunteers dur-
ing contraction of gastrocnemius (caput laterale) and gluteus maximus muscles in the following movements: 1)
hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk, 2) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip
extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk, 5) hip abduc-
tion along the midline, 7) hip abduction with extension beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond
the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, and 9) adduction with hip extension beyond the
midline. Myoelectric signals were taken up by Lec Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx elec-
tromyographic signal amplifier coupled with a computer equipped with a model CAD 10/26 analogue digital con-
version board and with a specific software for signal recording and analysis. We observed weak gastrocnemius mus-
cle activity for all movements studied. In the case of gluteus maximus, the most important potentials were observed
for movement 2, while for the remaining movements the actions were of reasonable intensity. Compared to glu-
teus, gastrocnemius was less required for all movements.

Key-words: Double pulley – Electromyography – Gastrocnemius – Gluteus Maximus.

Introduction human movements.5,20 Gardner et al.,3 reported that

gastrocnemius does not flex the knee if the foot is in
The use of weights for muscle recovery and devel- complete plantar flexion. Conversely, when the knee
opment today is a consolidated reality in Physio- is completely extended, the extended gastrocnemius
therapy and Physical Education. The double pulley tends to push the foot for plantar flexion due to lig-
is useful for the control of movement reaction22 and ament action. If the foot is in complete dorsal flex-
it is reliable to rehabilitation.6 ion, the extended gastrocnemius tends to push knee
Using electromyography, many investigators have for flexion. Williams et al.,24 stated that, in addition
focused their research on the evaluation of muscle to contributing to knee flexion, gastrocnemius acts
contraction during movements performed on equip- as a primary motor of plantar flexion. Gluteus max-
ment for muscle training and development. Gas- imus participates in powerful movements such as
trocnemius and gluteus maximus are essential groups standing up and during jumping. Studies related to
of muscle related to gait, posture and great part of gluteus maximus suggest that it is the main extensor
of the hip and its weakness is compensated by the
1 Ph.D.
potential of the hamstrings. Besides, gluteus max-
Speech Pathology and Audiology Department, Faculty of Philos-
ophy and Sciences, Paulista State University (UNESP), Marília, SP,
imus acts in powerful movements such as standing
Brazil up and during jumping.9 Therefore, the knowledge
2 Physical Therapist. Special Education Department, Faculty of Philos-
of their kinesiologic and biomechanic role is very
ophy and Sciences, Paulista State University (UNESP), Marília, SP,
important to understand the human movement

Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 2004, 44, 000-000. 1

science. However, it was not found any study related 6: hip abduction with hip flexion beyond the mid-
to evaluation of movements of gastrocnemius and line;
gluteus maximus in the double pulley equipment. 7: hip abduction with hip extension beyond the mid-
In view of the above considerations, the objec- line;
tive of the present study was to compare movements 8: hip adduction with hip flexion beyond the mid-
of lower limb between gastrocnemius (caput laterale) line, and
and gluteus maximus during hip extension, hip 9: hip adduction with hip extension beyond the mid-
abduction and hip adduction with trunk and knee in line.
different positions. Numerical analysis was performed by signal inte-
gration (amplitude and frequency, at beginning and
end of data collection) and the effective value (µ) was
Material and methods obtained, which permitted graphic and statistical
analysis of the results. To synchronize the acquisition
Study population of the electromyographic data and the corresponding
posture during the movement, a photoelectronic sys-
The study was conducted on 10 right-handed tem was used to activate an incandescent bulb, which
male volunteers aged 18 to 25∞∞years old who prac- emitted a common signal to the EMG apparatus
ticed muscle building, with similar anthropometric (Lynx - Tecnologia Eletrônica Ltda.).
characteristics. The study was approved by the
Ethics Committee of Paulita State University –
Marília, SP, Brazil, and was fully explained before Statistical analysis
written informed consent was obtained from all
participants. We used double factor ANOVA without replica-
tion, available in Microsoft Excel (version/1997). We
first identified the occurrence of significant differ-
Electromyographyc mensuration ences in muscle actions among the nine movements.
To identify the site where these differences occurred,
The muscle potentials were recorded using Lec we paired the movements for analysis in the follow-
Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx ing order:
electromyographic signal amplifier, calibrated at - movements: 1 vs. 2; 1 vs. 3; 1 vs. 4; 1 vs. 5; 1 vs.
500 µv, coupled to a computer equipped with an 6; 1 vs. 7; 1 vs. 8; 1 vs. 9;
analogue digital converter, A/D (CAD 10/26) and - movements: 2 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4; 2 vs. 5; 2 vs. 6; 2 vs.
with specific software for the recording and analy- 7; 2 vs. 8; 2 vs. 9;
sis of electromyographic signals. The electrodes were - movements: 3 vs. 4; 3 vs. 5; 3 vs. 6; 3 vs. 7; 3 vs.
positioned as indicated by Delagi et al.:2 8; 3 vs. 9;
- Gastrocnemius (caput laterale): 8∞∞cm below the - movements: 4 vs. 5; 4 vs. 6; 4 vs. 7; 4 vs. 8; 4 vs. 9;
facies poplitea femoris; - movements: 5 vs. 6; 5 vs. 7; 5 vs. 8; 5 vs. 9;
- Gluteus maximus: at the middle point between - movements: 6 vs. 7; 6 vs. 8; 6 vs. 9;
the linea glutea posterior os ilium and the tubero- - movements: 7 vs. 8; 7 vs. 9;
sitas glutea. - movements: 8 vs. 9.
We evaluated movements of gastrocnemius and Significant differences in potentials were observed
gluteus maximus in the Double Pulley system equip- between gastrocnemius (caput laterale) and gluteus
ment with trunk and hip in different positions: maximus muscles during nine movements. The mus-
1: hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk; cles were again analyzed separately for each move-
2: hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk; ment to identify the occurrence of the significant
3: hip extension with extended knee and inclined differences, as follows:
trunk; - movement 1; - gastrocnemius∞∞≈∞ gluteus maximus;
4: hip extension with flexed knee and inclined trunk; - movement 2: - gastrocnemius∞∞≈∞ gluteus maximus;
5: hip abduction along the midline; and so on until movement 9.

Table 1. – Statistical analysis of the mean effective values of the gastrocnemius (caput laterale) muscle,
obtained during the movements performed

Source of variation SS Df MS F P Value Critical F

Volunteers 9384,554 9 1042,728 37,84423 7,86E-24 2,012705

Movements 571,2989 8 71,41237 2,591803* 0,015096 2,069832
Error 1983,828 72 27,55317
Total 11939,68 89

Table 2. – Statistical analysis of the mean effective values of the gluteus maximus muscle, obtained during the movements performed


Source of variation SS Df MS F P Value Critical F

Volunteers 23202,14 9 2578,016 11,18313 1,02E-10 2,012705

Movements 18581,82 8 2322,728 10,07572 2,61E-09 2,069832
Error 16597,96 72 230,5272
Total 58381,92 89

Results tials for the following movements: 1x4, 1x6, 1x7, 2x3,
2x4, 2x6, 3x4, 3x5, 3x6, 3x8, 3x9, 4x5, 4x8, 4x9, 5x6,
Considering the results of ANOVA, the weak 5x7, 6x8, 6x9, 7x8, and 7x9 (Table∞∞4).
activity pattern of the gastrocnemius was similar for The gastrocnemius muscle (caput laterale) showed
all movements (Figure 1). Statistically significant dif- weaker potentials than the gluteus maximus for all
ferences were detected (Table∞∞1), specially, between movements studied (Figure 3), with the differences being
movements 2x3, 2x6, and 4x6 (Table∞∞2). significant for movements 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 (Table∞∞4).
The most important activity of the gluteus max-
imus was observed for movement 2, although activ-
ity levels of reasonable intensity were also recorded Discussion
for the other movements (Figure 2).
Statistical analysis of the effective values revealed Based on the results of the present study, gas-
significant differences in the muscle potentials of the trocnemius was less required than gluteus maximus
gluteus maximus during the nine movements, as during all movements in the double pulley. We
shown in Table∞∞3. believe that the potentials values shown by gluteus
Pairwise comparison of the movements showed maximus during all movements are due to its action
significant differences in the gluteus maximus poten- on the hip, thigh and trunk.

studies11,13 support our data, it was concluded that
muscle position relative to surrounding tissues and
muscle length co-determines muscle force, but it was
not possible to determine whether this also occurs in
triceps surae.
We believe that during hip extension with flexed
knee and erect trunk (movement 2), gastrocemius
showed expressive values because knee was flexed.
According to Tassi et al.21 gastrocnemius presents
its greatest action potential at the beginning of knee
flexion with the feet in plantar flexion in the Leg
Press. The strong potentials observed in gluteus max-
imus for movement 2 differed from the muscle action
obtained for exercises 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (mod-
There are studies that support our data, which erate potentials), since they were related to simulta-
suggested the weak activity of gastrocnemius dur- neous extension movements of the trunk, hip and
ing movements of hip extension in different pos- flexed knee, in contrast to the low intensity poten-
tures10,14 and studies of Houck,8 Hollinshead,7 and tials.
Jonkers et al.,9 which reported that gluteus maximus Gastrocnemius showed its greatest value during
exerts powerful actions in these regions, especially hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk
during hip extension with flexed knee and erect (movement 3), whereas this movement was one of
trunk and that its weakness is compensated by the the weakest performance for gluteus maximus.
potential of the hamstrings. Recent studies suggest that lateral and medial gas-
During movement 1∞∞gluteus maximus presented trocnemius play an important role in transverse and
greater mean values than gastrocnemius. Recent frontal plane movements during cut tasks.8 Gluteus

Table 3. – Statistical analysis of the mean effective values of the gluteus maximus muscle,
obtained during the movements in which were detected significant differences.

Source of variation SS Df MS F P Value Critical F

Movement 1∞∞≈∞ 4 1782,65 1 1782,65 18,90859 0,001855 5,117357

Movement 1∞∞≈∞ 6 1528,976 1 1528,976 14,89458 0,003851 5,117357
Movement 1∞∞≈∞ 7 1020,02 1 1020,02 19,09542 0,001798 5,117357
Movement 2∞∞≈∞ 3 5306,63 1 5306,63 9,2942 0,013823 5,117357
Movement 2∞∞≈∞ 6 7859,027 1 7859,027 15,69045 0,003299 5,117357
Movement 3∞∞≈∞ 4 249,7831 1 249,7831 8,395533 0,017667 5,117357
Movement 3∞∞≈∞ 5 1074,431 1 1074,431 10,90001 0,009208 5,117357
Movement 3∞∞≈∞ 6 160,9146 1 160,9146 12,7823 0,005975 5,117357
Movement 3∞∞≈∞ 8 2966,804 1 2966,804 14,87129 0,003869 5,117357
Movement 3∞∞≈∞ 9 3960,987 1 3960,987 12,70442 0,006078 5,117357
Movement 4∞∞≈∞ 5 2360,313 1 2360,313 29,28892 0,000426 5,117357
Movement 4∞∞≈∞ 8 4938,282 1 4938,282 28,98679 0,000442 5,117357
Movement 4∞∞≈∞ 9 6200,129 1 6200,129 23,44034 0,000919 5,117357
Movement 5∞∞≈∞ 6 2066,951 1 2066,951 25,39755 0,0007 5,117357
Movement 5∞∞≈∞ 7 1466,842 1 1466,842 13,4256 0,005202 5,117357
Movement 6∞∞≈∞ 8 4509,605 1 4509,605 29,87722 0,000397 5,117357
Movement 6∞∞≈∞ 9 5718,624 1 5718,624 21,74533 0,00118 5,117357
Movement 7∞∞≈∞ 8 3598,708 1 3598,708 19,07007 0,001805 5,117357
Movement 7∞∞≈∞ 9 4686,391 1 4686,391 14,69788 0,004004 5,117357

Table 4. – Statistical analysis of the mean effective values of gastrocnemius and
gluteus maximus muscles during movements 1; 2; 3; 5; 8 e 9

Source of variation SS Df MS F P Value Critical

Movement 1 3575,673 1 3575,673 9,35047 0,013619 5,117357

Movement 2 10734,2 1 10734,2 10,56093 0,010001 5,117357
Movement 3 1370,506 1 1370,506 10,62439 0,009846 5,117357
Movement 5 4391,462 1 4391,462 22,92739 0,00099 5,117357
Movement 8 7154,788 1 7154,788 24,60354 0,00078 5,117357

maximus is evidenced as a synergist muscle during tion during hip abduction with hip extended. It may
movements of hip extension in orthostatic position, be suggested that the rigid supporting system of the
it is not the main muscle during this movement.24 pelvic deltoid help gluteus maximus to effectuate its
Its superior fibers are involved in powerful abduc- greater potential at those movements. Our results
tion, it induces tension of the fasciae latae and it are supported by data of Nyland et al.,17 which indi-
stabilizes the femur above the tibia when the femoral cated that the pelvic deltoid attaches indirectly to
extensors are relaxed.24 femur through the intermuscle thigh septa, the ili-
With respect to movements 2 and 4, hip extension otibial tract and the tendinous insertion of the cau-
with the knee flexed and an erect and inclined trunk, dal gluteus maximus to the gluteal tuberosity.
respectively, we believe that the potential actions At movement 6 and 7 it was not seen an impor-
recorded for gastrocnemius were only due to the tant participation of gluteus maximus. It is sup-
action of this muscle on knee flexion. This assump- ported by studies of Sadegui et al.,18 which indicated
tion is supported by studies of Laplaud et al.10 and that gluteus maximus is not important during hip
Tscharner et al.23 Furthermore, the weak activity of extension and hip flexion with hip abduction. Dur-
this muscle during movements 2 and 4∞∞may be ing hip adduction with hip flexion beyond the mid-
explained by the fact that gastrocnemius is unable to line (movements 8) gluteus maximus exhibited
exert maximum potential on ankle and knee at the important values. Furthermore, gluteus maximus
same time during movement in the Leg Press21 and presented greater potential values during hip adduc-
that it was noted that gastrocnemius fibers are very tion with hip extension beyond the midline (move-
short during knee flexion, which impairs the simul- ments 9). It supports studies of Birnbaum et al.,1
taneous execution of these actions.10,19 which evidenced that gluteus maximus is important
We believe that our results related to gluteus max- to hold femoral head in orthostatic position.
imus at the movement 4∞∞may be explained by stud-
ies of Neptune et al.16 They suggested that the con-
centric contraction of gluteus maximus is expected Concluding remarks
to control hip flexion or stabilize pelvis and prevent
stance leg collapse by acting to extend the hip. On In conclusion, it was observed weak but homo-
the other hand, no important participation of gas- geneous gastrocnemius muscle activity during all
trocnemius muscle was observed during movements movements in this study and mean values related to
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 whether compared to gluteus max- gluteus maximus demonstrated that it was required
imus, we suggest that this fact could be explained by during all movements. The new findings of the cur-
its insertion. Our data coincide with studies of rent study suggest that gastrocnemius is less required
Goodwin,4 which concluded that gastrocnemius was than gluteus maximus for all movements evaluated
unreliable while vastus medialis was reliable in ortho- in the double pulley. Future studies may also con-
static position. sider the effect of gender and age and influence of
We evidenced greater potential of gluteus max- other muscles that act in those movements in dou-
imus than gastrocnemius (caput laterale) contrac- ble pulley.

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35. NYLAND, J., KUZEMCHEK, S., PARKS, M., CABORN, D.N.M.: 40. TASSI, N. and GONCALVES, M.: Electromyographic valida-
Femoral anteversion influences vastus medialis and gluteus tion of the double pulley equipment during movements of
medius EMG amplitude: composite hip abductor EMG the lower limbs. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 2002;
amplitude ratios during isometric combined hip abduction- 42(8):473-80.
external rotation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2004; 14: 255–261. 41. TSCHARNER, V.V. and GOEPFERT, B.: Estimation of the inter-
36. SADEGHI, H., SADEGHI, S., PRINCE., ALLARD. P., LABELLE, play between groups of fast and slow muscle fibers of the tib-
H. and VAUGHAN, C.L.: Functional roles of ankle and hip ialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscle while running. Jour-
sagittal muscle moments in able-bodied gait. Clin Biomech, nal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2006; 16: 188–197.
2001; 16:688–95. 42. WILLIAMS, P. L. et al.: Gray anatomia. Rio de Janeiro. Gua-
37. SANDERSON, D., MARTIN, P.E., HONEYMAN, G. and KEEFER, nabara Koogan. 37ed., 597 - 603. 1995.
J.: Gastrocnemius and soleus muscle length, velocity, and
EMG responses to changes in pedalling cadence. Journal of Address reprint requests to:
Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2006 (in preparation). Dr. Nadir Tassi
38. STEWART, C., POSTANS, N., SCHWARTZ, MH., ROZUMALSKI, Av. Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737
A. and ROBERTS, A.: An exploration of the function of the Campus Universitário, Marília
triceps surae during normal gait using functional electrical CEP: 17.525-900, São Paulo, Brasil.
stimulation. Gait Posture. 2007 Jan 12; [Epub ahead of print]
Tel: (55) (14) 3402-1372
39. Tassi N et al. Electromyographic behaviour of the gastroc-
Fax: (55) (14) 3422-4797, E-mail:
nemius muscle during knee extension and flexion performed
on the Leg press. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophisi-
ology, 1999; 39: 367–377.

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