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EEEl Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 10, No.

3, September 1995 577


G.S . Stavrakakis G.N. Kariniotakis
Technical University of Crete
Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering
73133 Chania, Crete, Greece.

Abstract In the first part of this two-part paper, detailed In an autonomous grid supplied by Diesel - wind turbines
dynamic equations for the power system and Wind Energy Conversion system the voltage and frequency fluctuations will be
System (WECS) components and their synthesis to a unified model are considerably greater than in the main public grid. The assessment
presented. This model is the bask for creating a simulation software able of the effects of the wind power penetration to an existing
to perform transient stability analysis of isolated Diesel-wind turbines isolated power system necessitates the calculation of the
power systems for accurate assessment of their interaction. disturbances (voltage and frequency deviations as well as
Approximations In the various component models, when necessary, instabilities) that may be provoked by the wind turbines (WT)
remain between limits that do not affect the accuracy of the analysis under several abnormal operating conditions e.g. start-up or
performed. A new general multimachine power system model is also sudden disconnection of the wind farm or part of the wind farm,
developed which describes the topology and the complexity of Wind- wind gusts, short circuits on the network e.t.c. The study of the
Diesel systems in a compact form easy to implement in the simulation previously mentioned abnormal system conditions enables power
software. system stability studies.
The results presented in [ l ] have shown that the energy
b v w o r d s :Autonomous power systems, Diesel - wind turbines delivered by a wind turbine is at the range of frequency 10-O"Hz to
systems, transient stability analysis, multimachine power Hz. This is the frequency range of the common transient
system modelling. stability power system studies.
In transient stability power system studies the concern is the
1. I" stability of the power system following a disturbance which
generally causes large excursions in many system variables [7-91.
In recent years there has been a growing interest in intermittent Hence the nonlinearities of the system equations must be included
generation such as Wind Energy Conversion Systems in the transient stability representation. Thus, advanced
interconnected with utility systems due to environmental, component modelling must be used. Such a system model because
political and institutional reasons [l-31. Such systems are usually of the detailed component considerations consists a very realistic
interfaced with the existing power grid for "fuel displacement" dynamic simulation model for isolated Diesel - wind turbines
purposes as well as for earning some "capacity credit". systems. Power system dynamic stability is out of the scope of
Intermittent generation is quite different from conventional the present paper.
power plants. In the case of autonomous operation of WECS, Models of the Diesel engine, Diesel engine governor,
some form of energy storage is required (pumped storage, synchronous generator, automatic voltage regulation (AVR),
hydrogen production, battery storage, etc.), thus reducing the wind turbine (WT), induction generator, compensating capacitor
economic attractiveness of the overall system. banks (CB),transmission network and the load are presented and
The introduction of a relatively small amount of wind derived analyzed.
electrical power into the utility grid does not normally present Very detailed component models as Park equations [4] for
any interfacing or operational problems. The situation is induction and synchronous generators have been avoided, because
completely different when substantial amount of power is these models do not add significant precision in the transient
penetrating a conventional utility system. Penetration related analysis power system studies.
problems are particularly acute when considering the installation It is a common practice for transient power system analysis to
and parallel operation of WECS with a small or medium use simplified simulation models in which the stator electric
autonomous power system. transients of synchronous and induction machines are neglected
[4, 6, 241. Moreover, the time constants associated with the
transmission network transients are very small and can be
considered to be zero without significant loss of accuracy [2, 6,8,
95 WM 092-7 EC A paper recommended and approved
by t h e IEEE Energy Development and Power Generation 19, 251.
Committee of t h e IEEE Power Engineering S o c i e t y f o r A new general multimachine power system model is developed
p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e 1995 IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, which incorporates in a compact form the transmission network
January 29, t o February 2, 1995, New York, Np. and the machines stator equations by taking into account in a
Manuscript submitted December 21, 1992; made a v a i l - simple way the machine topology in the network. This approach
a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g November 14, 1994. offers a fast numerical solution of the numerous Wind-Diesel
power system algebraic equations.
The paper finally presents the guidelines for incorporating the
various components models in an integrated software able to
perform transient stability studies for isolated Diesel - wind
turbines interaction assessment.

0885-8969/95/$04.00 0 1995 IEEE

2 . 2 G OF THE machine behavior will be studied during high turbulent wind, wind
ES SUS= gusts, etc. It is a common practice however to neglect the
dynamics of the mechanical part as considerably slow compared
In order to develop a simulation algorithm able to perform to the fast electrical ones, especially for machines with great
transient stability analysis of an autonomous Wind/Jliesel power inertia or when the necessary parameters are not available. Then
system, appropriate models for all the power system and the the system of equations (3) can be reduced to one differential
WECS components are given in this Section. The various equation by neglecting the hub dynamics and considering the
components models presented here are general and able to give shaft as inflexible (@ = 0,=2OA):
accurate results for a wide range of the Windpiesel system P
In equation (4). called the swing equation, angular velocities
The ability of a wind turbine to extract power from varying are in rads=. while the other quantities are given in the per-unit
winds is a function of three main factors : the wind power (P.u.) system where the machine kVA rating is chosen as basis.
available, the power curve of the machine, and the ability of the The well-known per-unit transformation is extensively developed
machine to respond to wind fluctuations. The mechanical power in [4. 19, 231.
that is produced by a wind turbine is given by [111 :
2.3. bsvnchronous generator model
Ph = 0.5 pCdU.! (watts) (1)
where the various notations are provided in a Nomenclature at the It is considered that the WTs are equipped with asynchronous
end of this paper. generators. The asynchronous machine equations are derived from
In [12, 131 it is demonstrated that the power coefficient of any Park equations after some simplifications [4, 8, 91. The most
wind turbine can be given analytically either by a third degree important is that the stator electrical transients are neglected as
polynomial or by other more complex expressions l i e the one much faster compared to the rotor ones. These equations are given
presented below : here in the per-unit (P.u.) system with respect to the synchronous
reference frame.
cP--- 1 6 'x - 0.57
(2) Wind generators are considered as asynchronous motors in
27 + 1.32 + [(X-8)/20J2 L(x+J-) generating operation (negative loads). The operation of the
D 2B asynchronous machine will be determined from the sign of the
electromagnetic torque and the slip, that is negative torque and
where k is the tip speed ratio defied as: k = m. slip correspond to generator operation while positive torque and
slip to motor operation [41.
In the above expression, B is the number of blades of the wind Thus, the algebraic stator equations are :
turbine and LID is the lift to drag ratio. B and LID are known from
the technical characteristics of the WT. Equation (2) is valid for vd = EA + rJd - xi,, v, = E; + r,Iq + x ' I d (5)
41h120, for B=1, 2 or 3. and LID225 with a high degree of
accuracy (e.g. C p within k 0.005) [13]. The differential equations describing the dynamics of the rotor
The case of a variable-speed WT with a pitch mechanism, that windings are :
alters the effective rotor aerodynamic efficiency, can be easily
considered if an appropriate expression for C,. as a function of a;- 1 [-E& - (X-X')Iq+ s a ; ]
the pitch angle, is applied. Such expressions, as well as the dt Ti
equations governing the control action, can be found in [ll].

2.2 The mechanical Dart of the wind turbine mode]

The electromagnetic torque equation is :
The shaft dynamics of the wind turbine are characterized in
terms of the wind turbine blade speed (aB),
the hub speed (aH).the TAc=Ed Id + E; Iq (7)
gear box speed (ac)and the generator mechanical speed (a,,,)The
Output active and reactive power, voltage and current are given
equations describing the motion of the several shaft sections are
by the following relations :
the following [ l l ] :

In the case of a wind park consisting of many units,the number

of differential equations becomes very high. Then, in order to
reduce the total number of equations it can be assumed that a
number of wind generators operate under the same wind
(3) conditions. The wind park can be partitioned into groups of n -
machines which operate identically and each group can then be
The mechanical (a,,,) and the electrical (aA)angular velocities of replaced by an equivalent machine. In the same group should
the generator are related by aA=(p/2)w,,,,while the angular belong identical machines. The parameters of the equivalent
velocities at the two sides of the gear-box by a,,,=R,oc, where P is machine replacing n-machines identically operating are then
the number of poles and R , is the transmission ratio. Angular given by the following relations :
velocities are related to shaft angles by
= Am : i =B, H , G. HAn=nHA, T L = T i , r,='.,
& =nx , xi=L
n (9)
Equations (3) can be normalized, based on the generator three The case of WTs operating in the variable-speed mode by
phase voltampere rating. employing power electronics to control the electrical link to the
The above model is convenient for the case in which the grid, can be easily considered given the modularity of the
proposed simulation algorithm. The necessary additional
modelling considerations can be found in [3].
2.4 Diesel enpine modelling
The Diesel engine model gives a description of the fuel
consumption rate as a function of speed and mechanical power at
the output of the engine.
The Diesel engine is usually modeled by a simple first order
model relating the fuel consumption (fuel rack position) to the
engine mechanical power. Notice that the transfer function of a
reciprocating engine involves a small but significant time delay
associated with the mean time between firing [ 141.
The efficiency of the combustion E is the ratio of the effective Fig 1: Diesel engine - Governor model.
horsepower developed by the engine and available on its parameters of the above model can be found in [14].
crankshaft to the heat consumed during the same time, i.e., [I61 :
2.5 Diesel engine speed repulator (Povernor)

A governor can be defined as a mechanical or electromechanical

device for automatically controlling the speed of an engine by
Incomplete combustion is the main reason for which the
indicated efficiency is lower than the ideal efficiency. The mean relating the intake of fuel. Several types of governors exist as
effective pressure p i of the engine is defined as [ 161 : mechanical-hydraulic, direct mechanical type, electrohydraulic,
electronic and microprocessor based governors.
p i= w, (1 1) For a constant setting of the speed changer the static increase
vh in Diesel engine power output is directly proportional to the
By solving (IO) with respect to W i and substituting into (11) static frequency droop [7]. This result points out the physical
we get : significance of the regulator feedback parameter R . It is reminded
that the physical unit for R is H a W . The value of R is considered
always positive and if frequency and power variations are in p.u.
then R is also in p.u.
where C, is the appropriate proportionality constant. Note that After the primary control function, which brings the system to
for normal or stable power system operation v is almost constant an equilibrium state with a permanent frequency error, a secondary
and its value is imposed in order to keep the system frequency control is needed which establishes eventually nominal
constant at 50 Hz. rotational speed by eliminating the static frequency error. The
The mean pressure of mechanical losses is taken in a first device which performs this action is the frequency error signal
approximation proportional to the mean piston speed U,, i.e., integrator [5, 151.
p f U , [I61 , where U,=2Sfm since the piston travels a distance
I The IEEE General Model for Speed-Governing Systems, defined
of twice the stroke per revolution. Thus, p f can be generally in [IO], has been used in this study. In the case of governors for
written as p f =C,o (w=rCPf,) valid for any engine with appropriate Diesel units, this model is simplified by setting all the time
constant C,. constants that correspond to steam or hydro units [19] equal to
The real mean effective pressure p k of the engine must be : zero and by neglecting the gate servo rate limits [6, 151. Then, a
first order model with a time constant ‘52 representing the
pk=pi-pf (13) governor delay, is obtained.
The complete Diesel engine and speed regulator block diagram
The real mechanical power PDmof the Diesel engine is given by is shown in Fig. 1.
the equation : The load is generally frequency dependent [9, 191. This fact can
be taken into account by considering the p.u. load damping
PDni = zvhvpk = VHVpk = VH cr)n PI. (14)
nK apL
coefficient D,defined as : D = - (PJ. kW 1 P.U. Hz). The load
The mechanical torque Tomof the engine is then given by the af
following relation in the p.u. system : damping coefficient D can be neglected in practical cases, due
to the positive effect that it always has on the system stability.
The omission of D during the system transient simulations gives
more pessimistic results than the real situations.
The combustion efficiency E of the engine depends on the The differential equations describing the Diesel engine and the
combustion quality as it has been mentioned before. A fuel- speed regulation system of Fig. 1, are :
combustion model of the Diesel engine involving characterizing
wave and flame propagation is needed for deeper study. Being out
of the scope of the present paper, combustion efficiency is
represented as a function of the air-fuel ratio m&, as following :

E =f (2)
Analytic expressions off(.) for a specific engine can be found
in [16]. At normal operation of the engine we consider E to be a An expression is given in [I41 to compute ‘5, with respect to
constant in the simulations. the Diesel engine speed variations.
The block diagram of the Diesel engine derived using the above The electrical angle of the rotor 6 is related to the electrical
considerations is presented in Fig. 1. Typical values for the angular velocity o by the following relation :

&=,-a=& S, can be found in [18, 241.

dt The synchronous generator field voltage Efd is related to the
excitation voltage V, by :
The mechanical motion equation (swing equation), is in p.u. :

where ~f = Ldd is characteristic parameter of the generator (&$

In some practical cases the necessary parameters for the Diesel 6 Rfd

engine model, which is proposed in this paper, may not be mutual inductance between stator and field windings, R,d:
available. Then the Diesel engine system can be simplified to a resistance of the field winding). All the variables must be in the
first order transfer function model with a time constant To [15]. in per unit-system. The one per-unit (1 P.u.) generator voltage is
which the mechanical losses and the delay are neglected (C,=O, defied as rated voltage. The one per-unit (1 P.u.) exciter output
r,=O). voltage is that voltage required to produce rated generator voltage
on the generator air gap l i e . Hence in the per-unit system Efd
2.6 -nous e
- equals v,.
Other AVR schemes may easily be tested since the interface
The equations of synchronous generator are obtained from Park variables between the AVR system and the synchronous generator
equations after some simplifications [4, 171. The most important remain the same : the output of all four IEEE Types is the p.u.
excitation voltage V,, while the input is the p.u. synchronous
is that stator transients are neglected as much faster compared to
the rotor ones. In the model presented here synchronous machine generator terminal voltage Vr (in Type 3 the p.u. synchronous
rotor consists of three windings. A field and a damping winding generator terminal and field currents should be added as input) [le].
are considered on the direct axis in order to take into account the
transient and subtransient behavior respectively in this axis. On 2.8 Load m o a
the quadrature axis a damping winding is considered having a
subtransient (or transient) time constant. With this model both For a realistic model of the load it is necessary to estimate
subtransient and transient phenomena can be examined [17, 251. qualitatively and quantitatively its composition that is the nature
The algebraic stator equations are in p.u. : of the load components and their percentage in the total load. An
analysis for the estimation of the load composition is presented
vd = E: -rsld +x;Iq, vq= E; - r,I, -xi& (22) in [20-221.
The differential equations corresponding to the rotor winding In the simplest but common case the whole load or a part of
dynamics are in p.u. : this can be modeled as an impedance 2, = RL + j d,. When the
load active (P,), the reactive (aL)
power and the bus-bar voltage
(V,) are known at steady-state then the values of resistance (R,)
and inductance (LJ can be calculated by the relation :

= IVr P Y i (29)

where YL = Yi' and * denotes the conjugate of Y

The load components which represent motors can be
aggregated into groups depending on the machines size. Each
group of motors is represented by an equivalent motor which is
modeled by the induction machine equations (5) to (7) with the
The electromagnetic torque equation is in p a . :
appropriate parameters. The motor acceleration dynamics can be
Toe= E& + EiIq - (Xi - Xq-)ldq (26) described also by (4).
The mechanical load torque is represented by the following
The machine current, output voltage and power given by (8) for
polynomial function of the motor speed [22] :
the asynchronous generator are also valid here.
T,= T , (A& + B% + c) (30)
2.7 Automat ic voltage reg ulator (AVR)
The values of A, B and C are determined from the steady-state
The purpose of an AVR is to provide to the synchronous loading of the motor and hence the steady-state value of speed U ,
machine the proper field voltage, so as to maintain the desired A simpler relation that can also be used is T,,,= T,& where k= 1
voltage and reactive power that the synchronous machine for fan-type loads or k=2 for centrifugal pumps [24]. The value
generates. An important characteristic of an AVR system is that it of T , is estimated in the same way as the parameters of (30).
responds rapidly to voltage deviations during both normal and Another important category of load is lighting load which is
emergency system operation. modeled by static models, that is models depending only on
The most commonly used AVR general models are those defied frequency and voltage and not on time, like the motor (dynamic)
by the IEEE and especially Type 1 model [18. 191. The differential loads. For details on lighting load models the reader is referred to
equations of the IEEE Type 1 AVR model can be written in a [20]. In [22] more complex aggregated models for static load can
matrix form convenient for the system simulation as following : be found that take into account the effect of frequency and voltage
variations on this load type [18].

2.9 -itor

Capacitor banks (CBs) play an important role when connected

to Diesewind power systems especially when large penetration
levels are examined. Wind generators absorb reactive power for
their excitation and hence reactive load in the power system is
where S, = flVJ is the exciter saturation function. Expressions for increased. Capacitor banks contribute in maintaining the power
factor of synchronous generators to acceptable levels. A positive Bk
effect also in voltage regulation is provided. IC = MI I
I (33)
CBs are connected in steps to the power system. In the i =1
simulations they are expressed as injected currents in the and Bc (k=l,..N) is the number of machines connected at the k-th
network. When a CB is applied in a particular node the injected bus-bar.
current in the bus-bar, after the elimination of the transients, is : The matrix M: is introduced in order to consider the appropriate
I c = J v,

- (31)
sign of the current 1; of the i-th machine connected to the k-th
xc bus-bar, that is :
Equation (31) is valid when there are not large deviations from
the nominal frequency. The reactance X c can be introduced in the
network admittance matrix. In order to take into account large
frequency variations, parameter X, must be expressed as oC.
J for a synchronous generator (J is the 2x2 identity matrix),
Mf = -J for an asynchronous machine.
The total number G of machines in the power system is the s u m
Transients from the CBs interconnection are neglected as very
fast compared to the transient stability phenomena time scale
of machines connected at each bus-bar : G = C Bk. Equation (33)
examined here.
expresses that the total injected current lkat the k-th bus-bar is
3. 4 the algebraic sum of currents injected (absorbed) by the B ,
generators (or motors) which are connected to this bus-bar.
MODEL The stator equations of both synchronous and asynchronous
In this Section the more general case of a power system, where machines, given by (5) and (22). can be expressed by the
the transmission network is not neglected and an arbitrary following global matrix relation :
number of synchronous generators and/or asynchronous = E: - Z,"MfI,^ (34)
machines is connected at each bus-bar, is considered. This general
case as well as the differences between the machines reference where the index i denotes the machine connected to the bus-bar k.
frames, imply normally a large amount of consecutive In (34) VI and I; are the vectors of each connected machine
intermediate calculations in order to calculate the machine stator terminal voltage and current coordinates, given as VI = [Vd. V q r
currents. In the following analysis, a unique relation which gives
analytically by a simple matrix inversion the internal machine and I f = [ I d , Iq]' respectively. E: is each connected machine
currents is derived by eliminating all the intermediate voltage behind transient (or subtransient) reactance defined as
Transmission lines are modeled depending on their size. They
E! =[E;, E~T
for an asynchronous machine or as EI = [G, E;Y
are characterized as short when their length is less than 80 km. as for a synchronous. Finally the impedance Zf is given by
medium when it is between 80 and 240 km and as long lines when
their length is greater than 240 km [23]. A small line is modeled
by the series resistance RTL and inductance LTL which are
considered as concentrated for the total length of the line. The
Z:=[ i ,]: for an asynchronous and by Z I =

synchronous machine respectively.

[X, I.
rJ. -" for a

In order to write the stator equations of a general multimachine

capacitance C T L of small transmission lines can be neglected system in a compact matrix form, the following definitions are
while in the case of medium lines it has to be included (equivalent necessary :
1c circuit). The modelling of long lines is out of interest in this
paper since small or medium isolated power systems are v, 9 [vl',...,vi',,v:,..., vi2,v,N...., V&P
Although in similar studies [12, 151 it is usual to neglect E,: [E! ,.... EJl, E? ,..., E & E f ...., EB"]T
transmission network, especially for small power systems, this
practice will not be followed here in order to develop a general
algorithm able to cover cases with rather extensive networks
which can not be neglected.
Since transmission line characteristics (RT? LTL. C T L ) are given
per length, they are multiplied by the line length and the
resulting values are considered as concentrated over the Each element of the above vectors and matrices refers to a
transmission line. Then the network admittance matrix Y can be specific machine. Elements with the same indices are related
easily formulated as explained in 119, 231. Other power system through (34). Hence the following general equation can be
components, which can be represented by an equivalent written for the multimachine system :
admittance (capacitor banks, transformers, loads, etc.), can be
also introduced in the network admittance matrix. Vdq=E,+q-ZnMml* (36)
The admittance matrix Y can be reduced [19] so as to obtain Equation (36) contains quantities expressed in the d-q reference
matrix YN with dimension 2Nx2N, where N is the number of frame of each machine, thus the elements of system variables
power system bus-bars where current is injected. vectors in (36) are not expressed in a common reference frame.
The bus-bar voltages V N and the corresponding injected In order to be able to express all the elements of vectors in (36)
currents IN are related by the following equation which is written in a common reference frame, that is in the synchronous reference
in the synchronous reference frame D-Q : frame. the following transformations are used :
I , = Y , VN (32) VW=TV+, EW=TE,, IW=TI+ (37)
The vector of the currents injected into the N bus-bars is where T is the rotation matrix defined as :

where 6; is the angle of the i-th machine connected to the k-th
bus-bar and rot (S) = cos(6) -sin(@
sin (@ cos (@
The transformation from the synchronous to the machine reference
frame (for the vector of voltage) is demonstrated in Fig. 2.
We introduce the matrix L, in order to take into account the
machines topology in the network. The dimension of L, is
2Nx2G. The matrix L, is composed by submatrices 2x2 each one
characterizing the topology of only one machine. Each
submatrix is either the 2x2 identity matrix J for the Bk machines Fig. 2 Transformation fran the synchronous to the machine ref. frsme.
that are connected to the k-th bus-bar or the 2x2 null matrix for The integration of (18) and (19) and all the necessary
the other machines that are not connected to this bus-bar. The intermediate calculations (see Paragraph 2.4) for the Diesel
algorithm to create matrix L,,,is given below : engine model implementation can be made in the physical units
while only the mechanical torque is transformed in the per-unit
system in order to be used in (21). The same methodology can be
followed for the solution of the differential equations of the wind
turbine mechanical part.
It can be easily shown that : The swing equation (21). the synchronous generator and also
the speed regulator equations are given in a common per-unit
IN = Lm Mm IDQ (39) system which is based on the synchronous generator kVA rating.
The interconnection of the voltage regulator (AVR) and
synchronous generator models is described in Paragraph 2.7. In
order to integrate (27). the steady-state values of Vnf and V, are
calculated in p a . by solving (27) when derivatives are equal to
From (32), (39) and (40) the following relation is obtained in zero. The values of V,and EP needed in order to determine Vn, and
the synchronous reference frame : V , are known from the initial conditions of the synchronous
rDQ = E24 L MJ'VDQ (41) When equations written in the machine individual per-unit
system must be interconnected, a common per-unit system has to
where & = Yil. be chosen. The methodology for choosing the base values for the
Finally from (36). (37) and (41) the relation which gives the common per-unit system is presented in [7. 8, 231. All the
internal machine currents in the machine reference frame is parameters that their definitions are based in per-unit quantities
obtained : related to each machine rating, have to be transformed in the
chosen common per-unit system. Such parameters are the
I, =[T-'Z;T (42) machine inertia time constant H. the Diesel engine speed
regulator parameters R and K,, and the load self regulation
where: &=c&L,,,M,,, and &=Z.M,. parameter D.
Relation (42) provides the current coordinates of each machine The integration of the entire system of differential equations
(synchronous or asynchronous generator or motor) connected to provides the time response of the power system and WECS state
the network, in the individual machine reference frame. For a variables. Details of the integration procedure as well as the
system of G machines it provides 2xG algebraic equations which calculation of the necessary initial conditions are given in the
are solved together with the differential equations of the various Part II of this two-part paper.
components (see Section 2).
Equation (42). which has the same simple form as (32), 5. CONCLUSIONS
incorporates both the network and all the machines stator
equations. Its solution requires minimum calculation effort since In the fxst part of this two-part paper the modelling of the
a unique matrix inversion must be performed. It is reminded that various power system components was examined. Models were
for the transformation matrix T = T'. The matrices & and & are given for the various components of an autonomous power
calculated only once at the initialization of the integration system that is for conventional units (Diesel engine,
process. synchronous generator and speed and voltage regulators). for
wind generators (wind turbine, asynchronous generator), for
4. INTEGRATION OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENTS capacitor banks, for the transmission network and finally for
ELS IN A SIMULATION SOFTW- various types of load.
The common practice to neglect the a.c. machines stator
In this Section guidelines to integrate the various components electrical transients and also the transmission network transients
models presented above in order to develop a simulation software as very fast with respect to the time scale of the transient
able to perform accurate transient stability analysis of isolated phenomena examined here was analyzed. From this
WmdDiesel systems are given. approximation it was possible to derive a simple but general
In order to construct the network admittance matrix it is multimachine model in a compact form for the power network.
convenient to number the various bus-bars following a specific This model permits to describe in a simple way isolated power
order which depends on the type of components that are systems of arbitrary topology with any number of interconnected
connected at each bus-bar. It is recommended to number f i s t bus- synchronous generators and asynchronous machines. In addition
bars where synchronous generators are connected, while buses the derived equation provides a fast solution of the necessary
with asynchronous generators, motors and static load are then power system algebraic equations.
numbered. If this order is followed it is an easy task to formulate The integration of the models presented here in a simulation
the described above multimachine power system matrices software will provide a general and robust tool for the accurate
necessary for the numerical computations. assessment of isolated Diesel-wind turbines systems interaction.
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