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Afforestation & Reforetation

Afforestation and Reforestation Project in Pias – La Libertad F13

Description:This project will develop A&R activities over 7319 ha, located in abandoned marginal lands with high forestry vocation. The project
will look for a joint-venture system between local rural communities located in the districts of Pias and Pataz, La Libertad department, and private
investor. The species to be used will be: Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus patula, as well as native species, aiming to supply the demand of mining
companies located in the area.
Current Status: Projects Benefits:
Earliest project start date: 2010. Sustainable development contribution:
Project lifetime: 65 years. This project mainly will contribute to the reduction of flooding, lands-
Current Status: Project Idea Note available. pre-feasibility study finis- lides and sedimentation risks, erosion control and slope protection,
hed preparatory pilot activities. A letter communicating the intention reduction of pressure over native forests involving 2,600 families in the
to develop a CDM project has been already sent to the Designated Na- process. Also it will demand for 20,000 day’s work for plant production
tional Authority on CDM. and plantation activities and demand for 25,000 day’s work for the fo-
rest management activities.
Estimated Emission Reductions:
Net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks: CER´s negotiation:
4,981,395 tCO2e in 20 years. Open.
5,239,751 tCO2e in 30 years.

Project Participant and Financing Contact Information:

Total project cost (US$): US$ 3,450,000 Name: José Zenozaín Irigoyen
Company: Institute of Agrarian Development and Promotion
Title: Director
Sources of finance to be sought or already identified: Phone: (051-1) 447 3972
Equity (%): not defined. E-mail:
Debt (%): not defined.

Reforestation for recovery of degraded soils through agroforestry systems in the district of F14
Irazola, Province of Padre Abad, Ucayali Region
Description: This project aims to restore 1,600 hectares of forests in the district of Irazola and to promote soil conservation in the medium and long
term through reforestation, promoting income-generating activities and improving the quality of life of the local community.

Current Status: Projects Benefits:

Earliest project start date: To be determinated. Sustainable development contribution:
Project lifetime: To be determinated. The project has as main objectives the recovery of degraded soils,
Current Status: Project Idea Note in process and Pre - Feasibility study strengthen the organizational capacities of 400 families, the agrono-
approved. mic crop management, the forest management, capacity building and
environmental education. The project will generate the increment of
Estimated Emission Reductions: the employment rate and improvement of life conditions.
Net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks:
857, 726tCO2e in 20 years. CER´s negotiation:
1, 356 404tCO2e in 30 years. Open.

Project Participant and Financing

Total project cost (US$): To be determinated.

Sources of finance to be sought or already identified: Contact Information:

Equity (%): not defined. Name: Julia Justo Soto
Debt (%): not defined. Company: National Environmental Fund - Peru
Title: Executive Director
Phone: (+51) (01) 4496200

National Environmental Fund - Peru

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