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Performance of an optical wireless communication

system as a function of wavelength

Haim Manor and Shlomi Arnon

Optical wireless communication 共OWC兲 is gaining acceptance in an increasing number of sectors of

science and industry, owing to its unique combination of features: extremely high bandwidth, rapid
deployment time, license- and tariff-free bandwidth allocation, and low power consumption, weight, and
size. However, the major drawback of OWC in terrestrial applications is the threat of downtime caused
by adverse weather conditions, such as fog and haze. Several researchers have proposed and developed
communication systems that use far-IR radiation to mitigate weather effects. In this study we analyze
the performance of a short-distance terrestrial OWC system as a function of wavelength. A mathemat-
ical model for OWC link performance is derived. Using this model, we perform a simulation of our
system under different weather conditions. From the results of our calculations, the improvement of
link availability for 10 ␮m compared with 0.785–1.55 ␮m for a distance of 1-km propagation is 0.2%
共99.6 –99.8%兲. This modest improvement should be considered relative to the complexity and cost of
quantum cascade laser transmitters and far-IR receivers. © 2003 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 200.2610, 060.4510.

1. Introduction tems are strict alignment requirements and adverse

Optical wireless communication 共OWC兲 has become a atmospheric weather-dependent effects.
practical high-bandwidth access tool. The sche- Free-space optical communication has attracted
matic structure of a basic OWC system is shown in considerable attention recently for a variety of
Fig. 1. At the transmitter, a laser beam is generated applications.1–3 Special attention has been paid to
by an electric-to-optic process and is expanded and ways in which adverse weather conditions and back-
directed by a transmitting telescope. After propaga- ground radiation affect transmission through the
tion through the atmosphere, it is collected by a re- atmosphere.4 – 6 As a result of these effects the per-
ceiver telescope, optically filtered and concentrated formance of laser communication 共lasercom兲 systems
onto the focal plane detector, and, finally, converted is extremely dependent on the laser’s transmission
into an electric current by a reverse optic-to-electric wavelength.7 Nowadays lasercom systems usually
process. The advantages of OWC are that 共a兲 there operate with well-established near-IR laser sources of
are no licensing requirements 共a time-saving fea- 0.785-, 0.85, and 1.55-␮m wavelengths.8,9 However,
ture兲; 共b兲 no tariffs are required for its utilization 共an previous studies based on available weather statistic
operating cost saving兲; 共c兲 there are no rf radiation measurements10,11 indicated that weather effects can
hazards 共eye-safe power levels are maintained兲; 共d兲 be mitigated by use of medium- and far-IR laser
there is no need to dig up roads; 共e兲 it has a large sources.12–14 In that case, the new and versatile
bandwidth, which facilitates high data rates; 共f 兲 it is quantum cascade lasers 共QCLs兲,15 which are adjusted
small, light, and compact; and 共g兲 it has low power to operate within the atmospheric window regions in
consumption. The main disadvantages of OWC sys- the mid-wave and long-wave IR 共3–20-␮m兲 wave-
length band, can provide a solution to the atmo-
spheric attenuation problem.16 –20 A comprehensive
study of the effect of turbulence on communication
The authors are with the Satellite and Wireless Communication links is described by Andrews and Phillips.21 The
Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, IL-84105 Beer-
effects of atmospheric turbulence and building sway
Sheva, Israel. S. Arnon’s e-mail address is on optical wireless communication systems are de-
Received 22 November 2002; revised manuscript received 11 scribed in Ref. 22. Availability of free-space optics
April 2003. and hybrid free-space optics–rf systems in several
0003-6935兾03兾214285-10$15.00兾0 cities worldwide is described in Ref. 9. In Refs. 8, 9,
© 2003 Optical Society of America 23, and 24 the effects of fog and haze on the bit-error

20 July 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4285

Fig. 1. Schematic structure of an OWC system.

rate of a free-space laser communication system are 2. Free-Space Optical Wireless Communication
calculated and measured. System
Here we analyze the wavelength dependence of There are three key functional elements of a free-
lasercom system performance under several weather space OWC system 共see Fig. 2兲: the transmitter, the
conditions for the purpose of making recommenda- atmospheric channel, and the receiver. The trans-
tions on preferable transmission wavelengths within mitter converts the electronic signal into light. The
the 0.4 –20-␮m band. The paper has the following light propagates through the atmosphere to the re-
outline: In Section 2 we describe the basic configu-
ceiver, which converts the light back into an elec-
ration of a general OWC system. In Section 3 we
tronic signal. The transmitter includes a
briefly review some special properties of QCL
sources. A mathematical analysis is presented in modulator, a laser driver, a LED or laser, and a tele-
Section IV, where we describe the optical signal– scope. The modulator converts bits of information
noise model and derive the signal-to-noise ratio link into signals in accordance with the chosen modula-
performance parameter. Detailed numerical results tion method. The driver provides the power for the
of our lasercom system simulation are given in Sec- laser and stabilizes its performance; it also neutral-
tion 5. This simulation is performed for a specific izes such effects as temperature and aging of the
set of circumstances under varied weather conditions laser or LED. The light source converts the electri-
based on hourly visibility observations that are avail- cal signal into optic radiation. The telescope aligns
able at most airports in the world. In Section 6 we the laser–LED radiation to a collimated beam and
draw our conclusions. directs it to the receiver.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of an OWC system.

4286 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 20 July 2003

In the atmospheric channel, the signal is attenu- 4. Mathematical Analysis
ated and blurred as a result of absorption, scattering, In this section we derive a mathematical model for
and turbulence. This channel may be the traversed optical signals and noise and determine the signal-
distance between a ground station and a satellite or a to-noise ratio of our OWC communication system.
path of a few kilometers through the atmosphere We make two assumptions about the noise: 共a兲 it is
between two terrestrial transceivers. defined as additive white Gaussian noise and 共b兲 it is
The receiver includes a telescope, a filter, a photo- stationary in the time domain.
detector, an amplifier, a decision device, and a clock
recovery unit. The telescope collects the incoming A. Signal Model
radiation and focuses it onto the filter. The filter We define the link budget in standard rf communi-
removes background radiation and allows only the cation terminology. The received power at the de-
wavelengths of the signal to pass through it. The tector is given by the Friis transmission formula
photodetector converts the optic radiation into an
electronic signal, and the amplifier amplifies the elec- P S ⫽ P T G T G R T F T A L FS, (1)
tronic signal. The decision unit determines the na-
ture of the bits of information based on the time of where PT is the transmitter power, GT and GR are the
arrival and the amplitude of the pulse. The clock transmitter and receiver telescope gains, respec-
recovery unit operates in parallel to the decision- tively, TF is the optical filter transmissivity, TA is the
making unit and synchronizes the data sampling to atmospheric transmission coefficient, and LFS is the
the decision-making process. free-space loss. The gain of the transmitter tele-
There are three classes of optical material that are scope 共diffraction limited兲 is given by
commonly used in lenses and windows for OWC sys-
tems operating in the mid–far-IR band: semicon-
ductors 共single crystal or polycrystalline兲 silicon and
GT ⬇ 冉 冊
2␲W 0



germanium hot-pressed polycrystalline II–IV com- Here W0 is the Gaussian rms width at the transmit-
pound; chemical-vapor-deposited ZnSe and ZnS; and ter aperture and ␭ is the transmission wavelength.
chalcogenide glasses. Silicon and germanium are Similarly, the gain of the receiver telescope is
used for the majority of applications, as their high
refractive indices and excellent mechanical strengths
and hardnesses simplify optical design.25–27 An op-
tical wireless receiver for long wavelengths includes
GR ⬇ 冉 冊
␲D R



in most cases a telescope with special lenses con- where DR is the receiver aperture diameter. The
structed from the materials mentioned above and a free-space loss is given by

冉 冊
high-speed liquid-nitrogen-cooled mercury cadmium 2
telluride detector.18 ␭
L FS ⫽ , (4)
3. Quantum Cascade Lasers: A Brief Review where Z is the distance between the transmitter and
During the past several years a new generation of the receiver. The current signal for receiving optical
lasers, QCLs, has been developed. QCLs are semi- signal PS is28
conductor laser sources designed for the entire IR
wavelength range from 3 to 20 ␮m. Based on the I 1 ⫽ ᑬP S ⫹ ᑬP BG ⫹ I DC, (5)
unipolar nature of the lasing mechanism, QCLs are where R is the detector responsivity, PBG is the back-
expected to have excellent direct current modulation, ground radiation received at the detector, and IDC is
as was recently confirmed in experimental studies the photodiode dark current. Responsivity R is de-
that had theoretical limits of several hundred giga- fined by
hertz.15,16 This property of QCLs, combined with its
favorable transmissivity in the mid-to-long- ᑬ ⫽ ␩q␭兾hc, (6)
wavelength IR atmospheric windows, suggests their
use in high-capacity free-space communication sys- where q is the electron charge, h is Planck’s constant,
tems. Recently several QCL operation modes, for c is the speed of light, and ␩ is the quantum efficiency
example, single mode continuous wave 共cw兲 operation of the detector. The received background radiation
at liquid-nitrogen temperature and pulsed operation is calculated by6
mode at and above room temperature, were
P BG ⫽ A r ⫻ FOV ⫻ ⌬␭T F Rad
demonstrated.17–20 When one considers the opera-
tion of a complete OWC system it is important to note 2hc 2␣ ⫻ FOV ⫻ A r T A T F⌬␭
that, on the receiver side, longer-wavelength semi- ⫹ . (7)
␭ 5关exp共hc兾␭KT兲 ⫺ 1兴
conductor detectors 共for QCL signal detection兲 have
smaller energy bandgaps. Hence these detectors The first term in Eq. 共7兲 is related to reflected solar
usually require more cooling because it is easier to radiation; the second term, to blackbody radiation.
generate noise by thermal excitation of the electrons Ar is the receiver’s effective primary area, FOV is the
across a small 共or narrow兲 bandgap than a larger one. receiver’s field of view; ⌬␭ is the optical filter’s band-

20 July 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4287

width, Rad is the reflected solar radiance, K is Boltz- Note that the dominant noise sources in most cases of
mann’s constant, T is the Earth object blackbody free-space optic communication are background and
temperature, and ␣ is the factor of radiant absor- thermal noises, both of which can be approximated as
bance that relates perfect blackbody spectral radi- Gaussian variables. Hence the cumulative noise
ance to the graybody spectral radiance by 共N␭兲graybody can also be approximated as an additive white-noise
⫽ ␣共N␭兲blackbody. Note that blackbody radiation can signal. However, for IR communication systems the
be a troublesome source of noise in IR communication noise’s probability function has to be precisely iden-
systems. In fact, this radiation can be greater in tified. For example, at signal levels of a few photons
magnitude than reflected solar radiation in the IR per second, the noise statistics follow a Poisson dis-
region of the spectrum. Finally, the current signal tribution if all other sources of noise within the re-
without any optical signal input is ceiver are negligible.1,31,32
I 0 ⫽ ᑬP BG ⫹ I DC. (8) 5. Simulation Results and Discussion

We assume that the background light and dark cur- We simulated an OWC system’s performance within
rent can be removed from the signal without any loss the 0.4 –20-␮m transmission wavelength region.
of generality such that I0 ⫽ 0. The simulation was based on moderate-transmission
resolution 共MODTRAN兲 computed models integrated
B. Noise Model with the MATLAB program. MODTRAN is an at-
The variance in current in the detector that results mospheric model that was developed at the U.S. Air
from background radiation is2 Force Phillips Laboratory. It can be used to calcu-
late transmission, radiance, or both for a specified
␴ BG2 ⫽ 2qᑬP BGB, (9) path through the atmosphere. For all cases studied
we assumed: 共a兲 a U.S. standard atmospheric
where B is the electronic bandwidth. The variance model, 共b兲 a Mie-generated aerosol phase function, 共c兲
in current in the detector that results from the dark the Sun as the extraterrestrial source; and 共d兲 only
current of the photodiode can be expressed by29 single scattering 共no multiple scattering兲. The type
of atmospheric path was selected as horizontal, and
␴ DC2 ⫽ 2qI DCB. (10) mode of execution was selected as transmittance.
Additionally, the variance in current in the detector The altitude profiles for temperature, pressure, water
that results from Johnson 共thermal兲 noise is given vapor, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monox-
by30 ide, and other gases were chosen as defaults. Wind
speed and average wind speed were set to zero; the
4KT e FB observer height was 100 m, and the remaining pa-
␴ TH2 ⫽ , (11) rameters were fixed as defaults.
Experiments23,24 with optical wireless communica-
where RL is the load resistance, F is the noise figure tion systems indicated that, on average, scintillation
of the system, and Te is the equivalent temperature. fade owing to air turbulence at wavelengths of 780
The detector’s current variance caused by laser’s rel- and 810 nm for 1 km was of the order of 4 –5 dB.
ative intensity noise 共RIN兲 in the presence of uniform These small values of scintillation fading, rather than
spectral density is31 tens of decibels as a result of aerosol attenuation,
show that scintillation does not substantially affect
␴ RIN2 ⫽ 共RIN兲共ᑬP S兲 2B, (12) link availability.9 Therefore the use of MODTRAN
software, which does not simulate turbulence scintil-
whereas the current’s shot-noise variance in the de-
lation, is appropriate for studying link availability.
tector that results from the received signal is29
Our approach to evaluating link availability is to
␴ ss2 ⫽ 2qᑬP S B. (13) calculate the signal power, the background power,
the detector noise, and the DSNR performance pa-
From Eqs. 共9兲–共11兲, the variance in current noise in rameter as a function of transmission wavelength for
the detector element without any signal is given by all weather conditions. The simulation calculations
were performed for several standard international
␴ 02 ⫽ ␴ TH2 ⫹ ␴ DC2 ⫹ ␴ BG2, (14) visibility code weather conditions and precipitation9:
and from Eqs. 共9兲–共13兲 the variance in current noise very clear weather 共50-km visibility兲; clear weather
in the detector for receiving an optical signal is given 共18.1-km visibility兲 with drizzle at a 0.25-mm兾h rate;
by light haze 共5.9-km visibility兲 with light rain at a 2.5-
mm兾h rate; haze 共2.8-km visibility兲 with medium rain
␴ 12 ⫽ ␴ TH2 ⫹ ␴ DC2 ⫹ ␴ BG2 ⫹ ␴ SS2 ⫹ ␴ RIN2. (15) at a 12.5-mm兾h rate; thin fog 共1.9-km visibility兲 with
heavy rain at 25 mm兾h; light fog 共770-m visibility兲
Now we are able to determine our communication with cloudbursts of 100 mm兾h; and thick 共200-m vis-
system’s digital signal-to-noise ratio 共DSNR兲 as31 ibility兲 and dense 共50-m visibility兲 fog without rain.
First we calculated the total atmospheric attenua-
I1 ⫺ I0 ᑬP S tion 共in units of decibels per kilometer兲 as a function
DSNR ⫽ ⫽ . (16)
␴0 ⫹ ␴1 ␴0 ⫹ ␴1 of the visibility conditions. These conditions can be

4288 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 20 July 2003

atmospheric loss. System downtime was deter-
mined by the intersection of this line with the specific
wavelength curve. Downtimes of approximately
0.2– 0.4% 共in both cities兲 were obtained for almost all
wavelengths 共except for the 7-␮m wavelength兲 for a
1-km communication distance. The 10-␮m wave-
length introduced a system availability improvement
of ⬃0.2% 共from 99.6% to 99.8%兲 compared with the
availabilities at 0.785- and 1.55-␮m wavelengths.
For the 7-␮m wavelength, which lies within an atmo-
spheric absorption window, there was no intersection
between its curve and the limit line. This indicates
that no present OWC system can operate properly at
this wavelength.
Figure 4 depicts the normalized transmission de-
termined by a receiver-generated current 共in amperes
per watt of transmission power兲 for various weather
conditions. The calculated transmission was nor-
malized for a 1-km atmospheric path with detector
quantum efficiency, transmitter and receiver gains,
optical filter transmissivity, and free-space loss pa-
rameters all set to value 1. Given a different param-
eter value, we can conveniently multiply it by the
normalized transmission to get a relevant result.
The normalized transmission for very clear weather
is given in Fig. 4共a兲, from which we can see that the
preferable transmission wavelengths are within the
9 –13 ␮m long-wave IR band. This dependence of
transmission on wavelength corresponds to major IR
absorption windows in which transmission through
the atmosphere is essentially negligible. Similar
wavelength dependence was obtained for normalized
transmission for clear weather with drizzle 共0.25
mm兾h兲, light haze with light rain 共2.5 mm兾h兲, and
haze with medium rain 共12.5 mm兾h兲, as shown in
Figs. 4共b兲, 4共c兲, and 4共d兲, respectively. Obviously,
the detector current is reduced for all wavelengths
when visibility is degraded. Figures 4共e兲– 4共h兲 de-
pict normalized transmission for foggy weather. In
Fig. 3. 共a兲 Total New York City atmospheric attenuation versus Fig. 4共e兲 the normalized transmission is shown for
percentage of frequency of visibility from hourly observations for thin fog with heavy rain 共25 mm兾h兲, where preferred
specified transmission wavelengths: 0.785 ␮m 共circles兲, 1.55 ␮m transmission wavelengths are again within the
共diamonds兲, 7 ␮m 共triangles兲, 10 ␮m 共⫻’s兲 and 20 ␮m 共⫹’s兲. 共b兲 9 –13-␮m band and transmission in the visible and
Total San Francisco atmospheric attenuation versus percentage of short-wave IR bands is well reduced. Similar wave-
frequency of visibility from hourly observations for specified trans- length dependence was observed in more foggy
mission wavelengths: 0.785 ␮m 共circles兲, 1.55 ␮m 共diamonds兲, 7
weather conditions, as illustrated in Fig. 4共f 兲 for light
␮m 共triangles兲, 10 ␮m 共⫻’s兲 and 20 ␮m 共⫹’s兲.
fog with cloudburst 共100 mm兾h兲. Again, as the vis-
ibility ranges become smaller, the generated current
is decreased. For thick fog 关Fig. 4共g兲兴 and dense fog
represented by percentage data of the frequency of 关Fig. 4共h兲兴, the peak current was nearly 10⫺1 and
visibility from hourly observations, which are avail- 10⫺7 A兾W, respectively, at 11-␮m transmission wave-
able for most airports in the world. The results of length, whereas transmission through the atmo-
these calculations are shown in Fig. 3 for New York sphere for wavelengths below 8 ␮m was essentially
City 关Fig. 3共a兲兴 and for San Francisco 关Fig. 3共b兲兴, with reduced. Note that, in the long-IR 8 –13-␮m band,
better visibility conditions in the latter case. We better transmission was obtained in thick fog 共with-
compared the derived attenuations for transmission out rain兲 than in light fog 共with cloudburst兲, although
wavelengths of 0.785, 1.55, 7, 10, and 20 ␮m. For all the visibility was degraded in the former case. This
visibility conditions, the 7-␮m wavelength provided result underscores the dependence of free-space
the highest loss level 共above 50 dB兾km兲, whereas the transmittance on extreme rain. It is clear that, for
lowest loss level was provided by the 10-␮m wave- all the cases studied, the preferred transmission
length. The 30-dB兾km limit line indicates the abil- wavelengths were within the 9 –13-␮m band, with
ity of available OWC systems to compensate for even better transmissivity near 11 ␮m.

20 July 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4289

Fig. 4. Normalized transmission 共A兾W兲 versus wavelength for several weather conditions: 共a兲 very clear weather 共visibility, 50 km兲, 共b兲
clear weather 共visibility, 18.1 km兲 with drizzle at a 0.25-mm兾h rate, 共c兲 light haze 共visibility, 5.9 km兲 with light rain at 2.5 mm兾h, 共d兲 haze
共visibility, 2.8 km兲 with medium rain at 12.5 mm兾h, 共e兲 thin fog 共visibility, 1.9 km兲 with heavy rain at 25 mm兾h, 共f 兲 light fog 共visibility,
770 m兲 with cloudburst at 100 mm兾h, 共g兲 thick fog 共visibility, 200 m兲 without rain, and 共h兲 dense fog 共visibility, 50 m兲 without rain.

4290 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 20 July 2003

Table 1. System Model Inputs

Quantity Symbol Value Unit

Peak power PT 1 W
Transmitter–receiver distance Z 1 km
Gaussian transmitter aperture W0 1 mm
width 共rms兲
Optical filter transmissivity TF 0.5
Earth object blackbody temperature T 300 K
Radiant absorptance factor ␣ 0.5
Filter optical bandwidth ⌬␭ 10 nm
Receiver aperture diameter DR 10 cm
P–I–N quantum efficiency ␩ 0.8
Detector electronic bandwidth B 1 GHz
Load resistance RL 100 ⍀
Circuit noise figure F 4
Equivalent temperature Te 290 K

gases and particles. For clear weather conditions

共curves a and b兲 the dominant background radiation
level lies within the visible and short-IR bands,
where the atmospheric background consists primar-
ily of scattered solar radiation. The dependence of
background radiation on wavelength as described
significantly affects OWC system performance, as we
discuss what follows.
In the last part of the simulation, the system’s
performance as determined by the DSNR of the sys-
tem was analyzed. Table 1 lists all the pertinent
physical parameters that we used as input to the
system model. The given values are typical for ex-
isting laser sources within the specified wavelength
region and for a commercially fast liquid-nitrogen-
cooled HgCdTe detector.27 The wavelength depen-
dence of free-space loss and receiver and transmitter
gains for a diffraction-limited system 关formulas 共2兲–
共4兲兴 are also considered. As mentioned above, in
Fig. 5. Normalized received background power 共PBG兾Ar ⫻ FOV ⫻
⌬␭TF兲 versus transmission wavelength for all weather conditions
free-space optic communication the dominant noise
defined in Fig. 4. sources are mostly background and thermal noises.
Therefore we analyze system performance in terms of
these types of noise.
The DSNR of a background-noise-limited system is
Thus far we have analyzed the wavelength depen- shown in Fig. 6 for all weather conditions. The
dence of total atmospheric attenuation of an OWC DSNR values presented are ⫺20 to 100 dB. Al-
system that is free from the effects of internal or though the 0-dB bound is considered to be the lowest
external noise. Obviously, these effects must be con- bound for receiver signal detecting, negative values
sidered when we deal with a real OWC system. The to ⫺20 dB are also shown. For a much shorter 共less
external noise effect is related to the received back- than 1-km兲 path link these low values become posi-
ground radiation PBG, which we determined mathe- tive, thus providing reliable system performance. A
matically in Section 4 of this paper. Figure 5 depicts DSNR of 100 dB, however, corresponds to an ex-
the dependence on wavelength of the normalized re- tremely high level of system performance, and there-
ceived background power PBG兾Ar ⫻ FOV ⫻ ⌬␭TF for fore higher levels are omitted from the figure. The
all defined weather conditions. A Sun elevation an- highest DSNR levels were obtained in the visible and
gle of 60° and typical 300-K Earth object blackbody short-IR bands for all cases. These results were ex-
temperature were assumed. We can see that for al- pected because of the dependence on wavelength of
most all weather conditions 共except for clear weather兲 the background radiation 共as described above兲.
the dominant background radiation levels lie within However, in the 7–15-␮m band, system performance
the 7–15-␮m wavelength band with higher levels cal- was significantly reduced by the presence of high
culated under hazy and foggy conditions 共curves levels of background radiation. For clear weather
a– h兲. In this band the atmospheric background con- conditions 共curves a and b兲, the advantage of the
sists primarily of thermal emissions by atmospheric visible and short-IR bands was less dominant be-

20 July 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4291

Fig. 6. DSNR of background-noise-limited system 关DSNRBG ⫽ Fig. 7. DSNR of thermal-noise-limited system 关DSNRTH ⫽
共RPS兲兾共2␴BG兲兴 versus transmission wavelength for all weather con- 共RPS兲兾共2␴TH兲兴 versus transmission wavelength for all weather con-
ditions defined in Fig. 4. ditions defined in Fig. 4.

cause of the high background radiation levels that Figure 7 depicts the DSNR of our thermal-noise-
were present in these bands. In the 7–15-␮m band, limited system when thermal noise is the dominant
the highest DSNR levels 共more than 45 dB兲 were system noise source for all weather conditions. We
obtained for clear weather conditions 共curves a and can see that the highest DSNR levels 共approximately
b兲, whereas in the 0.4 –3-␮m band the highest DSNR 25 dB and above兲 were observed for clear weather
levels 共75 dB and higher, except for low DSNRs conditions 共curves a and b兲. Obviously, the advan-
within the atmospheric absorption windows兲 were ob- tage of visible and short-IR bands shown in the
tained for hazy weather 共curves c and d兲. Similar background-noise-limited system no longer exists,
wavelength dependence was observed for thin, light, which results in similar DSNR levels with differences
and thick foggy weather conditions 共curves e, f, and g兲 of as much as 15 dB for the entire atmospheric trans-
with DSNR penalties of approximately 10, 20, and 50 mission spectrum 共except for low DSNRs within the
dB, respectively, in the visible and short-IR bands. atmospheric absorption windows兲. For thin fog
However, in the long-IR 8 –13-␮m band an improve- 共curve e兲 these differences were reduced to ⬃5 dB
ment of 16 dB in system performance was obtained in only, indicating that the system still favored the vis-
thick fog 共without rain兲 from that in light fog 共with ible and short-IR bands over the long-IR band.
cloudburst兲, corresponding to the normalized trans- However, for light and thick fog 共curves f and g, re-
mission as described above. For dense fog 共curve h兲, spectively兲 the long-IR 8 –13-␮m band was the pref-
poor system performance was observed for almost the erable transmission band, with DSNR improvements
entire spectrum. The allowable transmission wave- of ⬃5 and ⬃50 dB, respectively. Finally, for dense
lengths in this case lie within the 0.4 – 0.7-␮m visible fog 共curve h兲 the highest DSNR levels 共as much as
band. ⫺47 dB and below, and therefore not shown in the

4292 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 21 兾 20 July 2003

figure兲 were observed within the long-IR 8 –13-␮m performance lessens at longer wavelengths.21 But,
wavelength band. as we already mentioned, experiments23,24 with opti-
cal wireless communication systems have shown that
6. Conclusions scintillation does not substantially affect link avail-
We analyzed the wavelength dependence of a short- ability.9 Moreover, if the system is designed with a
distance terrestrial data link performance, using vis- multiple transmitter and wide receiver aperture scin-
ible through long-IR transmission wavelengths. A tillation, fading is reduced even further.23 There-
mathematical model for the link performance param- fore we can conclude that the effect of turbulence on
eters was derived. Using this model, we performed link availability is negligible.
a simulation of our system for several weather con- In the studies reported in this paper, all the calcu-
ditions. It is easy to see that long wavelengths are lations were performed for a 1-km terrestrial link
advantageous only when there are mid-attenuation path. Obviously, for a longer-distance OWC link,
events. At low- and high-attenuation events, perfor- system performance worsens. Therefore future
mance is identical. Therefore link availability at the studies should concentrate on advanced adaptive
far IR is improved only during mid-attenuation methods or hybrid OWC–rf systems that operate
events. properly under such conditions. Obviously, the
For total atmospheric attenuation calculations the choice of OWC operation wavelength should take eye-
preferable transmission wavelength for all visibility safety requirements into consideration.
conditions was 10 ␮m, corresponding to ⬃99.8% sys-
tem availability, with improvement of ⬃0.2% com- The authors are grateful for the support of the
pared with values for 0.785- and 1.55-␮m Israeli–German DIP research fund and to the Ontar
wavelengths. These results were obtained for two Corporation for allowing us to use its PcModWin4.0
U.S. cities at a communication distance of 1 km. An software for research calculations.
improvement of 0.2% for link availability achieved by
the longer wavelengths should be considered with
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