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Man is a bundle of relations attached to a world of multitude diversities.1 Man

lives in a symbolic Universe and search for the meaning of life. He goes around in

different vantage point and perspective of reality. I, as an individual, am minimal portion

of this massive populace.


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In such a big world, the R  walks with  R and cohabitates with them.

Sometimes we wonder if someone would notice us whenever we come by with the

crowd. Among these many beings, would someone notice what one does? Will the eyes

of our rationality look at someone¶s doings? Who would care to understand one¶s self or

that of the others? We communicate with ourselves, with others as beings in the world.

We communicate through signs, symbols, analogies, metaphors and myths2. These are

some of the means by which we exist with others.

Man alone is good in his nature as a creature embodied in his own identity. We

are born with particular and unique selves. A being is entitled with a name which

appropriately suits him. One has qualities which essentially distinguish him from other

people. As we come into encounter with this massive world, we resemble our own

personalities and characters. We speak and write in the framework of our own language

and our own cultural background. We search for clearer and meaningful understanding

of ourselves.

We comprehend ourselves as unique individual. In simple terms, the self has his

own and lone identity. This statement entails that our identity is separate from that of the

others. Being a unique individual underscores that each individual is distinct from

others. However, by examining the reality of the self, we come to realize that it is not

just something given or inborn endowed with exclusive characteristics that define our

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self ± identity. Rather, we configure and design our own lives not by being alone but

with meaningful interaction with others. We create a more beautiful artwork of our lives

by the colors that other persons add up into our lives. Our original colors mixed up with

others will décor our identities more lively. When the colors are bleached, there will be

discoloration of one¶s relationship with others.

Self-identity is attained with the influence of our interaction with others in the

society. Man as a social being strives to maintain a satisfactory connection to his

community. The self mingles with the other personalities around him. Despite the

incommensurable aloneness and existence of diversity, man undeniable strives to exist

with the others. As to no man is an island, we interact with others¶ lives for us to co ±

exist. He communicates with the other beings surrounding him, reaching out to them. It

is thereby with others that one attains his self-identity.

Our identities are not simply static and predefined. It does not end in the inborn

personalities of our individual selves. It is nurtured and developed day in and day out as

a lifetime endeavor as we cohabitate with others. We are influenced by one another and

thus the ³I´ also becomes ³somebody´ else. Our perceptions towards others, facilitates

the illumination of their identities. Our identities are embedded with our relations with

others ± that we do not have the sole and ultimate control to the nature of our identities.

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As we interact with others, we come to relate ourselves to them. This is because

despite our individual differences, we recognize similarities and commonalities. There is

something within us which mediates vis-à-vis others which we interpret as part of what

makes up our selves. The sameness mediates us to maintain our mutual relationship

with others. When we accept other¶s perceptions as a part of our identity, we can

thereby translate oneself into another. We will be able to accept that part of our being is

the content of other personalities ± that deep within us are our fellowmen. We do not

see a single conception to our self but multiple aspects of our identity.

When the other will care to notice the ³self´ as a meaningful symbol of his being,

the self will realize the implication of this not only in his self-identity but also in others.

We ask ourselves what truly mean to exist with others, and when we figure out the

answer, it we will redound to the attainment of our own self ± worth. The other is the

resemblance of my own self-identity, that in him I can see and love my own self.

Jean Paul Gustave Ricouer is a French phenomologist has been railed as one of

the few twentieth century thinkers to surmount the division between European and

Anglo American philosophy. Ricouer is principally groomed for his original development

of the hermeneutic method in philosophy, which consists in interpreting the meaning

contained within pre-rational signs and symbols. a  


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The whole gamut of Paul Ricoeur¶s philosophical discourse works as

hermeneutical struggle to clarify the notable aspect of human. His distinctive feature of

his philosophical venture is the hermeneutical way in which he approaches the human

self. One of the methods of Paul Ricouer is that he made many detours to arrive in such

a new reality. This philosophy of Paul Ricouer gives us knowledge on how we deal with

others. The R
  R of Paul Ricouer gives the significance through communication or

by the language that we use time to time, in order for us to interpret and understand our

self as to another. Our worldview was being constituted on what we see, hear and what

we do. Nowadays we are being bombarded with the different booming of Medias,

hence, all our decisions are being governed and influenced in everydayness of being in

the worlda    !

Jean Paul Gustave Ricouer was born on February 27, 1913, at Valence, France.

He lost both his parents within the first few years of his life. His paternal grandparents,

both of whom we devout Protestants, raised him with his sister Alice. Ricouer was a

bookish child and successful student. He was awarded a scholarship to study at the

Sorbonne in 1934, and afterwards was appointed to his first teaching position at

Colmar, Alsace. While at the Sorbonne he first met Gabriel Marcel, who was to become

a lifelong friend and philosophical influence. In 1935 he was married to Simone Lejas,

with whom he has raised five children. Ricouer served in World War II ± spending most

of it as a prisoner of war ± and was awarded the Croix de Guerre. He was interred with

Mikel Dufrenne, with whom he later wrote a book on the work of Karl Jaspers. After the

Sorbonne, University of Paris at Nanterre, the University of Louvain and University.

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He became the director of the centre for phenomenological and hermeneutical studies

in Paris. He died in Chatenay ± Malabary, France on May 20, 2005.

Some of his well-known and celebrated works are: Freedom and

nature(1950),Fallible Man(1960), the symbolism of evil(1960),Freud and

Philosophy(1965), The Conflict of Interpretations(1969),The Rule of Metaphor(1975),

Interpretation Theory(1976), Hermeneutics and Sciences (1981),Three volumes of Time

and Narrative(1983-1985), and from Text to Action).


This research study entails how self exist with the other wherein symbolism

mediates the two.It depicts how man exists in this massive populace. This paper tries

to take an overall outlook of the hermeneutical philosophy of Paul Ricouer. It is very

applicable to our present day problems and it shows it relevance in the post-modern

world. In this research, therefore, it represents how we interpret and understand our life

as to other in this symbolic universe. The researcher hoped to provide a philosophical

insight to focus mainly on this problem:

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This study was aimed at answering the main problem through the following sub ±

questions which stand as guidelines to make this study easier.

1. What is the concept of self according to Paul Ricouer?

2. What is symbolism and its implication?

3. How is symbolism and the R R  interconnected?

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The famous phrase of Paul Ricouer: ·

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expresses the basic premise of hermeneutics wherein the symbols of art, ideology and

all that carries message which may be uncovered by philosophical interpretation.

Hermeneutics is defined accordingly as a method for deciphering indirect meaning, a

reflexive practice of unmasking hidden meanings beneath apparent ones. In which

Heidegger, Dilthey, Gadamer and Ricouer who redeployed this proposed to explore the

linguistic dimension of being in the world. Thus, in order for us to comprehend this

philosophy of the self and its relation to other of Paul Ricouer we must know what is the

significance and function of the philosophical hermeneutics that which we consider as

means to interpret and understand the being in the world.

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Hence, in this study, it provides a simpler and more comprehensive account on

the significance and relation of the R  to   in the concept of hermeneutical

symbolism of Paul Ricouer. It is a note worthy that this hermeneutical symbolism is very

much related to reality, as being in the world, in which the researcher try to identify the

transformative power of symbol to personal and societal existence to others.

The researcher has found this discourse as a helpful tool primarily to the

students of philosophy who appreciate the work of Paul Ricouer. In making this study,

the researcher took into consideration these students who might want to seek better

understanding of Ricouer concept of philosophical hermeneutics of the self, in a more

comprehensive and simpler manner. This research may help them to arrive at the

thought of making these students to realize the contribution of Ricouer in the realm of


This study may also serve as supplementary resources of professors of

philosophy wherein they can use in dealing with Paul Ricouer. A simple browse on this

research would provide them a basic knowledge about Ricouer Concept of

philosophical hermeneutics of the self in relation with others.

Finally, this research is significant to all human beings who happen to read and

encounter this research because this study pertains to our self and to the other. This

study attempts to awaken you from your unfathomable reveries to the fact that

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philosophical hermeneutics of the self as another of Ricouer will serves as reflective

paper that can make man to interpret and know his own existence and to other in this

symbolic world.??

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The scope of oneself as another in the philosophical hermeneutics of symbolism

of Paul Ricouer, aims to provide unto us open interpretation and understanding that we

encounter in everydayness of man to exist in this world. Thus, this research is a

discourse that which man arrives in a new vantage point to other.

The researcher limited his study only on the requirement being set forth by the

problem itself. Hence, nowhere in this study are any detailed explanations of Paul

Ricouer philosophy. Furthermore, the researcher venture dealt on the entire

philosophical hermeneutics of the self that which serves as means to gauge our own

existence as being the world.

The '
?  of this study gives us an overview of the philosophy of self as

another in the hermeneutical symbolism of Paul Ricouer; man is a social being wherein

he search of meaning of his life in this symbolic universe, as Paul Ricouer says

³symbols give rise to thought´ An elaboration of this dictum of Ricouer is slightly

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presented in this chapter. It posits also in this chapter where the research problem is

being posed and that the sub-questions are included to support and help in addressing

the main problem. The researcher also indicates the background of Paul Ricouer,

significance of the research, scope and delimitation in order to have a better

understanding in this study. This study thought on man exists with the other in a

hermeneutical way of living is simply yet boldly discussed in this chapter. With these

things at the back of our head, the researcher presumes an effective jumping board to

discuss plainly and clearly the research problem.

The '
?  on the other hand begins with the discussion of Paul Ricouer in

the philosophy of self in relation with other. In this chapter, Paul Ricouer aims to

develop a ³hermeneutics of the self´ wherein the approach is epistemic that which

contradicts the Cartesian cogito of Descartes. Thus, in this chapter we will be able to

appreciate our own existence as being in the world in dealing with the other. Added to

that self has own identity that will eventually affect our societal existence in this massive


The '
?  will elaborates the understanding of symbol according to

Ricouer. It essentially deals with three focal elements such as definition of symbol,

modalities of symbol and understanding of the terms that are related to proper use of

symbols in our everydayness of dealing with the other through communication. In this

chapter also discusses the significance of symbolism which is channel to reflection.

With this we shall distinguish whether we are coherently interconnected the

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interpretation of symbols and philosophic thought. It is preceded by symbols our own

reflection. The symbols initiate us and nourish what we think and communicate with


This chapter, if you carefully read and understood, could give us a sound and

valid understanding of the research problem dealt with in Chapter Four.

The '
?( is the center of this study. This chapter of this research problem

of this study is mainly dealt. The significance and relation of the self with others in the

hermeneutical symbolism of Paul Ricouer is the main thing that is discussed here. In

this chapter we will see how symbols related with reality, in dealing to our everydayness

of existence and we shall try to identify the transformative power of symbolism of Paul

Ricouer in our personal and societal lives. Man by his personality and nature is

symbolizing animal. We shall see on how we encounter and create reality through this

new symbolic mode of living. Hence, in this chapter on human being complements our

understanding as useful means for better communication to be with others.

The '
? ( on the other hand, is the chapter through which the researcher

put into writing of the summation that he had learned. This chapter presents to us the

recapitulation of the whole study and the conclusion made by the researcher himself.

Added to that, the recommendation is also place here by which the researcher humble

as he is suggests new ways and terms to make this research study more useful to

anyone who intends to use it and who happen to read this research.

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self and the personal identity. By the title

itself, it discusses the stand point of Paul Ricouer on the question of selfhood that which

serves as guide who has been mystified. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary


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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

c c 

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the researchers¶ primary source+?

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c c 

This book is a selected philosophical writings of Paul Ricouer. It contains

primarily the philosophical hermeneutics of the self. It discusses the stand point of Paul

Ricouer on the question of selfhood movement of the heart that characterizes the

humanity of man. Hence, this book is the

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We are dealing with a chaotic world. Thus in this research we have to define our

personality, and our identity. The researcher made this in order for us to understand

our own existence in cohabitating to others.

The self ?

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