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Po ints or Light

Notes wriaen by Soris flouEhkin

Siberian <omposei poet and performer Borh f'lourarhkin re born
on February 27, I 949, in Kemerovo, a minint tom in central Siberia
(Russia)--the epicente. of tutur€ labor strikes. He tEduated from $e
Novosibjrsk l'losical Collete (in Choral Condlctin8 and
Composition) and the l4l. Glinka ConservatoryA prolilic composer,
|\li Mourashkin has created a wide €nge of music includint cldsical
composition, piano composition, compositions for strint orchestras,
chorularnngemenb and the scores for trenryJour films- He has also
re.eived recotnition as a sound €n8in€€r, music editor,film a.tor and
h€alerHeisamemberofth€Cinematographels Unionof Ru$iaand
memb€r of the lnternational Aodemy of Human EcoloSy. His lirst
CD "k h Us,O Lord!.." and "Kam! SutE' (Bio"EnerS€tic mlsic) Ms
released by lYelodia Record Company in l'loscow in l99l and sold

Bo ris Mouroshkin
"l hove hod the good fortune
to meet wjth ond exPerience horn, saw harp zhher and a Sibe.ian
horn, as well as everyday nokes and
the extraordinory gifts of
Maestto Mourcshkin. His cte- Where much of the world\ music is
intended for lisrenint eniolment, Boris
otive obifities hove o defrnitive l'lourashkink supeFbio-eneryetic m!sic
o .om\lement is composed to experience with one's
Ploce os Positive
whole body as a "bio-masage."
to troditionol medicol Proctice.
The composer states: "Th€ musical
I om Dresently considering o palette of unique folk
protocol which would involve allowed me to imprint on the matnetic
tape the natuEl harmon/ of our distlnt
collobo rotio n with M o estro ancestors with their bio{hytnmic, bio-
eneEetic and spiritual equilbrium.
Mouroshkin in develoPing o
I q/ to capture the warm spirit of th€
unique opprooch to Poin con- northern lands by means of ancient
trol in dentistry." locobTroge. Siberian musial instruments producint
enchantinS and healint sounds:th€ mur-
D.D.S., Ca.foun,let and of mur ofsprint wat€re, rustlint leaves, bird
the lnstitlte for Denro/ Wel/ness, son8s, animal cries, forest smells of
tra$es andwild floweE and the l?pture
Sr Petersburg, FL. of the nonhern quieL
I'm striving to reprcduce in riy
muic, life-givinS sound vibmrions,
which combine the harmonioos
state of narure and man.rr

The conscious mind .annot

underetand the experience, but
the subconscious and the bodl
open to assinilate rhe mlsic.
Because healing takes place nor
onl/ on the physical level, but
the emorional, mentaland spiri-
t0alas w€ll. it is not ununfltdr
distin.t images and emotions to
arise. The nervors system is
conditioned and healing
Proceses released. Relaxation
and well-bein8 are achieved in
pan froh carhaBis inspned by

M. |lourashkin\ music has

been extensively tesred tn the
ex-Soviet Union b/ various researcheB and conse-
quend/ applied as an adjunct
therap/ ro healins in cenain
Points ,r Li ghr
"The importonce of Mr. Mouroshkin's compositions extend
fot beyond thei oesthetic volue.fhey ate octually designed
as o form of therapeutic chonge+toducing technology. I
know of no similor work being undertaken.What's distinc-
tjve obout Boris' music is he is really trying to .teate chonge
in mentd/stotes," soid D r. Atbertwohthoftig, Professor of
onthrcpology ot Sonomo Stote Uni\r'ersity in Colifomio.

Music Historian Nicolas Schidlovskn Ph.D (a SEduate of Princeton

Unrve6irvl sard,'The alented Rusian comPoser B lYoutuhk'n has a
world Lo uncover for rhe wetr rnd lor We$em aud'ences. His com-
Dosioons have alreadv taken rcot in hE native countryThe mu!( is
stnkint and sDeaks porerlully across all cuhurul and SeotEPhic
boundiries, brine,nc a Iresh and true-lo liie in€€ of humanitv and
human psycholoi ar (he threshold of the second millenn'um This
artist has already spoken His deeP belief in the ability ol music to heal
is extraordinary.As a learned composer and theo-
retician, he hd commited himself to a th€rapeutic
apprcach using his talents to asist individuak in
their dait nruggle through a confusint and often
demoralizing epoch in history...As a Ru$ian,
lYourashkin has and willhave a lot more to sryto att

Pl€ase be aware, Mi Mourashkin\ combination of "l think he's (Boris

sounds are nor ,ntended ro be pleurntirather. rhel
have been creaied to produce a dynamrc rension Mouroshkin) ahead of
which G pan of the healinS prccess.Allow youBelf his time. I think he's
to let go ofjudgment and analysb as you €mbark on
genius, o phenomenol
To experience the full effect at home musician. He's the link
'Sit or lie down in a comforable position. between science ond
.K€ep hands, arms. f€€t and legs uncrcssed.
.Eyes shoold be kept closed rnrcuthoutthe sesions. music. He's gor'ng to be
'For mdrmud benefit. allow two houE b€f6re 6.
after a meal before staning because diSestion the pioneer in this fieki
absorbs eighty p€rcenr ofones bio-eneryy. connecting musia to
tood qualiq/ equipment, preferabl/ with su.-
round sound and DOIBY sound. healing."
.First,familiarize yourself with rhe music
frcm bednninSto end-Then,list€n dailyfor at l6t tit
teen frinutes or d needed in the cai at work, durinS
o.r @ nu[4 the neFdve eneG of envircnnenrdr noise. (wrh
eyes oPen.ot couBe! )
.Begin ar any point on the recording
(as tonS as at jeast fifteen minutes is a[oaed).
Take a moment to experience rhis musi€t catha.sis of jo/ and witd'_im€inative,

Frcm a poem b/ Eoris floure5hkin (Adapred bI Ludhila Kudajhev)

From NignCs Ocrrve I composed a sonp
Touching sr,ngs of Star turbutence
Not imprcvin8 disting sounds
Presening the heavens interval._.
I listened to the silence ofthe su.s
And at the momenr ofthe comet's fal
lheard ihe flicker ofhumanrtys sout
And lek rhe plrneCs brea.h...

ol5reven B Anger: Dr Nind V Dmirnje%: DrAtekxande,, trene s Ven E d€tv: D,
vladimir N Golubev. Ludmila Kuoashev: Drvtadimir ph. Konovatov.
t lkh: it & t:'ru n,
LiebsmM {LrbsmM R<d d produ(tonl: Nanne, t1 tj t"., D. R"y i G;.;;11;;.
I'lichael Spark5: Dr ltor N.Todorov: DrAtbe.t t.Wahrhafiit '

ls"u:;o oleiodryar . Kama sura {flerodi}r) . Bio_Enerserk psycho(rcprc
rrus( M( the *rd
Retdarion company)

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