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Quiz 2
1.- race represents an external dimension of diversity. false
2.- internal dimensions of diversity contain an element of control or
choice. false
3.- difficulty in balancing career and family issues is one barrier to
implementing successful diversity programs.
4.- expecting diverse employees to fit or become like the dominant
group is the premise behind the “assimilate” response for
handling diversity issues.
5.- accountability practices relate to manager’s responsibility to treat
diverse employees fairly.
6.- religion is an example of a secondary (external) dimension of
7.- affirmative action is legally driven.
8.- R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr, identified some basic responses for
handling any diversity issue. The assimilate option for managing
diversity issues assumes that all diverse people will learn to fit in
or become like the dominant group.
9.- according to diversity expert Ann Morrison, development practices
focus on preparing diverse employees for greater
responsibility and advancement.
10.- Job rotation and mentoring programs are examples of
developmental practices.

Quiz 3
1. The 3 fundamental layers of organizational culture are:
observable artifacts, exposed values and basic
underlying assumptions.
2. Values are concepts or beliefs, transcending situations and
ordered by relative importance.
3. Giving members identity, facilitating collective commitment,
promoting social system stability, and shaping: organizational
4. Improvement of culture is not part of the 3 phase model of
organizational socialization.
5. When looking at ethical behavior in the workplace, some
cultural influences include: family and religion.
6. Which of the following would not be a recommended action on
how to improve an organization’s ethical climate: do not
screen potential employees.
7. A code of ethics can have a positive impact if it satisfies which
of the following criteria: it is distributed to every employee
and enforced with rewards, it is supported by top
managers, it refers to specific practice and dilemmas
likely to be encountered by target employee
Quiz 4
2.- one of the problems of cultural imperialism is: moral
insensitivity to local and cultural traditions and tastes.
3.- which of the following are skills needed to become global
manager: material cultural responsiveness, global
perspective, cultural adaptability
4.-_Individualistic culture characterized by “I” and “me” cultures gives
priority to: individual freedom and choice
5.-which of the following is not a reason for failure of US expatriate
managers: none of the above (family problems, the manager
emotionally immature, the manager is not technically competent)
6.- the four components of the foreign assignment cycle include:
selection and training, etc…
7.- which of the following is not a category for cross-cultural training:
culturally difficult
8.- anxiety and shock caused y an overload of new experiences and
cues is called: culture shock
9.- what are some areas for potential reentry shock? Work, social
activities, climate
10.- the best defense for culture shock is: languages studies and
cross-cultural training

Quiz 5
1. Which of the following is not a source of self-efficacy beliefs: past
2. Which of the managerial areas does self-efficacy require
constructive action: coaching, leadership and self-management
3. Symbolic coding involves the human brain storing information:
through verbal and visual cues.
4. According to covey’s seven habits, which of the following is not on
the agenda for managerial self-improvement: be inactive
5. There are 3 criteria that must be met for self-reinforcement to be
achieved which of the following is an example of one of these criteria:
individuals most have control over the desired reinforces.
6. Outgoing, talkative, sociable and assertive are characteristics of
which “big five” personality dimension: extraversion.
7. Which of the following shows an accurate difference between
internal and external research lessons: internals obtain higher
salaries and greater salaries increase than external.
8. The ability to reason from specifics to general conclusion is called:
inductive reasoning.
9. Which of the following is a negative emotion: envy
10. Positive emotions are: goal congruent, a part of self-
management, emotions that include feelings of happiness or

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