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Antropic Principle - Our Universe is as we see it because different one(s) would

not have suitable conditions for our existence.

scenario of eternal (never ending) inflation? - Our local Universe had a beginni
ng a finite time ago, but the Universe as a whole did not have a beginning and h
as no end.
"no boundary" proposal for the origin of the Universe? - The origin of our Unive
rse is a spontaneous, finite probability quantum fluctuation
Horizon Problem - the temperature of the cosmic microwave background seems fairl
y uniform all over the sky
Flatness problem - the mean density of the universe at the present is so close t
o the critical density
Copernican Principle? - There is nothing special about our place in the Universe
: the Universe
"singularity problem"? - the size of the universe at the Big Bang must have been
zero, and its density infinite

This "yin-yang" looking image of the CMB is result of an important cosmological

observation. - is slightly higher then 2.7K on one half of the sky and slightly
lower on the other
This "yin-yang" looking picture is result of an important cosmological observati
on. What is its meaning? (WA) - our galaxy moves relative to the Hubble flow due
to gravitational attraction of nearby galaxy clusters
This "leopard skin" looking image of the CMB is result of an important cosmologi
cal observation. - varies minutely - few parts in 100,000 around 2.7K in patches
all over the sky
This "leopard skin" looking picture is result of an important cosmological obser
vation. - the CMB shows small fluctuations, due to primordial fluctuations in ma
tter density
The Universe used to be small, filled with hot radiation. As the Universe expand
ed the temperature of that radiation became - lower
The atom bomb is based on - fission of uranium or plutonium
The thermonuclear device is a bomb based on -0 fusion of hydrogen
Among the two kinds of nuclear devices the more powerful ones are - fusion bombs
What is, roughly, the temperature of the Universe, a.k.a. the temperature of the
Cosmic Microwave Radiation at the present time? - 3 degree
What is, roughly, the temperature created by the thermonuclear fusion reaction,
or, equivalently, the temperature at which a thermonuclear fusion reaction takes
place? - 10 billion degrees

What was the earliest time in the history of our universe when the existence of
the whole nuclei of the lightest chemical elements, such as hydrogen, helium, et
c., became possible? - 1 second
Your body and mine are made up of electrically neutral atoms. What was the earli
est time in the history of our universe when the existence of such whole, neutra
l atoms became possible? - NOT 10^(-10), 1 second, 3 minutes

Which of these epochs is the earliest one we can directly observe? The epoch aro
und __________________ since the Big Bang. (WA) 300,000 years
How do we know at all what was it like during such early phase as 1 second after
the Big Bang? (WA) - we are guided by the known laws of physics, the need that
such phase will reproduce the observable universe during later phases, and by la
boratory experiments that test the behavior of matter at same temperatures in th
e lab as during that phase in early universe
How do we know at all what was it like during such early phase as 300,000 years
after the Big Bang? (WA) - we are guided by the known laws of physics, the need
that such phase will reproduce the observable universe during later phases, by l
aboratory experiments that test the behavior of matter at same temperatures in t
he lab as during that phase in early universe, and by direct astronomical observ
ation of relic radiation from that phase
Which epoch of the universe left the observable relic that we observe all over t
he sky as the "Cosmic Microwave Background"? The epoch from around ____________
after the Big Bang. (WA) - NOT 1 - 10^(-10) or 0
We would very much like to know what were the first galaxies like and when preci
sely did they form. - the most distant galaxy-like objects
the first galaxies were formed? Around _____________ after the Big Bang. - 1 bi
llion years
What is the outstanding prediction of calculations in nuclear physics applied to
the processes in 1 second old Universe? That ... (WA) - the universe should hav
e three times as much hydrogen as helium
Which of these are the three confirmed properties of Big Bang cosmology? (WA) -
cosmic microwave background, relative abundance of hydrogen and helium, Hubble l

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