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Class : VIII

Semester :1

Topic : Dealing With Teenage Life

Skill : Listening

Sorce : Diyata Firmansyah, 2005., Stepping More for Junior High Scool grade VIII,

CV. Regina: Bogor Jawa Barat.

• Standard Competency : MENDENGARKAN

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional

dan interopersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

• Basic Competence : Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan

transaksional ( to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta dan

memberi pendapat.

• The suitable assessment type/technique for listening KD I have focused is Extensive

Listening. In the Designing Assessment Tasks: Extensive Listening I use
Communicative Stimulus-Response Tasks technique to assess the students. The
students here must listen to the teacher for the dialogue read by the teacher. And then
the students give an opininon after listening the dialogue. And they must focus on the
questions too. After that the students (test-takers) choose the best answer for the
following questions. So, the teacher can assess them after the students collect their
answers the questions.

• Communicative Stimulus-Response Tasks

Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for the following questions!

1. What happened to Harry’s eye?

a. someone hit it

b. he got it after having a motorcycle accident

c. he got it when he fell from a bus

d. he didn’t get it on purpose

2. Who come to the bus yesterday?

a. a gang of thieves c. a gang of bad students

b. a gang of bad guys d. a gang of passengers

3. What happened to one of their friends yesterday?

a. he had an accident c. someone fought with me

b. he was sick d. he was injured

4. Did the people from the school fight the students fom Harry’s school?

a. no, they weren’t c. no, they don’t

b. no, they didn’t d. no, they haven’t

5. What did they tell the driver to do?

a. drive the bus slowly c. move to the back seat

b. drive the bus faster d. didn’t turn the bus

6. What was Arman wearing at that time?

a. a uniform without a badge c. a uniform which has clean

b. a uniform with badge d. a uniform which has dirty

7. What did they want Arman to do?

a. answer their question

b. answer their question honestly

c. answer their questio and showed his student card

d. show his student card

8. What did they do after hitting Harry?

a. left him without saying anything

b. apologized to him

c. said sorry to him

d. cried because they hit wrong person

9. What will Gugun do if he knows where the students study?

a. he will take revenge

b. he will report them to the police

c. he will ask his friends to attack their school

d. he will not doing anything

10. Hat does Gugun think about take revenge?

a. it won’t solve anything

b. it is the best way to solve the problem

c. it will help Harry

d. it will make him to be a hero

• Scoring scale for Editing

Every number of that question is get 1 point. So, the teacher can know the test-takers
comprehension of the dialogue with see the total of their correct answer from the
questions which is given by the teacher.

Scoring scale = A (8-10), good comprehension of the test-takers about the dialogue

listened by the test-takers

B (5-7), fair comprehension of the test-takers about the dialogue

listened by the test-takers

For example: Indra has 9 correct answer for his answers. So, he gets point 9. It means
that he has good comprehension of the dialogue and he gets A for his assessing

Rini Mustikawati

Dik_Non Reg’06

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