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Clinician-performed focused sonography for the resuscitation

of trauma
Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, MD, FRCSC, FACS

Traumatic death remains pandemic. The majority of prevent- ogy to facilitate this brings ultrasound to many resuscitative and
able deaths occur early and are due to injuries or physiologic critical care areas. Although not as widely appreciated, the fo-
derangements in the airway, thoracoabdominal cavities, or brain. cused use of ultrasound may also have a role in detecting hemo-
Ultrasound is a noninvasive and portable imaging modality that thoraces and pneumothoraces, guiding airway management, and
spans a spectrum between the physical examination and diag- detecting increased intracranial pressure. Intensivists generally
nostic imaging. It allows trained examiners to immediately con- utilize a treating philosophy that requires the real-time integration
firm important syndromes and answer clinical questions. Newer of many divergent sources of information regarding their patients’
technologies greatly increase the fidelity, accessibility, ease of anatomy and physiology. They are therefore positioned to take
use, and informatic manipulation of the results. The early bedside advantage of focused resuscitative ultrasound, which offers im-
use of focused ultrasound as the initial imaging modality used to mediate diagnostic information in the early care of the critically
detect hemoperitoneum and hemopericardium in the resuscitation injured. (Crit Care Med 2007; 35[Suppl.]:S162–S172)
of the injured patient has become an accepted standard of care. KEY WORDS: ultrasound; injury; resuscitation; physical examina-
Widespread dissemination of basic ultrasound skills and technol- tion; thoracic injury

A s evidenced by the contents of test that can immediately confirm life- ically examine the role of focused clinical
this supplement, ultrasound threatening diagnoses. Although focused US in the initial assessment and resusci-
(US) is being used as an all- US is typically interpreted in real-time tation of the injured.
purpose diagnostic and thera- analog format, it represents anatomy and
peutic tool in the critically ill. There are physiology captured in a digital format.
Origins of the Focused
many complementary medical imaging US is also typically the first imaging that
modalities available today that allow pre- can be brought to the critically injured, Assessment with Sonography
cise and detailed imaging of the human often in remote or hostile settings (1, 2). for Trauma
body. Computed tomography (CT), mag-
US is a simple, portable, repeatable
netic resonance, and angiography are op-
Traumatic Injury: A Continuing test that involves no radiation and can be
tions, but none are as accessible, safe, and
Epidemic completed at the bedside in seconds to
repeatable as US. US can precisely delin-
minutes. Its rapid ability to detect free
eate cardiac function, examine blood flow
Despite progress, trauma remains the fluid as a marker of serious injury has
to the brain, direct percutaneous aspira-
leading cause of death among people supported the dissemination of US into
tion and cannulation, and detect venous
15– 44 yrs of age (3). Trauma is also a resuscitative suites around the world and
thromboses, among a myriad of other
leading cause of death in low and middle introduced clinicians to the US-enhanced
utilities, when used by experts. In the
income countries, constituting 16% of physical examination (11–13). The pub-
early minutes to hours after severe in-
the world’s burden of disease (4). Al- lished evidence reflects the fact that any
jury, however, US can particularly assist
though the concept of the “golden hour” discipline that, or individual who, under-
the clinician by combining the physical
is now ⬎20 yrs old, the majority of pre- takes a commitment to learn, practice,
examination with a focused goal-directed
ventable trauma deaths still occur early and review their results can attain profi-
in hospitalization (5), constituting up to ciency (14 –22). A focused screen to iden-
48% of trauma deaths even in the West- tify free intraperitoneal and intraperi-
From the Departments of Critical Care Medicine
ern world (6). These fatalities are time- cardial fluid constitutes the Focused As-
and Surgery, Foothills Medicine Centre, Calgary, Al-
berta, Canada. dependent (7) and involve management sessment with Sonography for Trauma
The author has not disclosed any potential con- of the airway (7), thoracic injuries (6, 7), (FAST) (23). The term itself emphasizes
flicts of interest. and control of shock and hemorrhage (6, both the “focused” nature and the fact
Supported, in part, by the Dr. Derrick Thompson 8). Deaths from traumatic brain injuries that it is not limited to the abdominal
Grant of the Canadian Intensive Care Foundation.
For information regarding this article, E-mail: (TBI) are more frequent (42%) than hem- cavity. European and Asian investigators orrhage (39%) (9), but primary therapies initially used US to examine injured pa-
Copyright © 2007 by the Society of Critical Care for TBI remain limited at this time (10). tients, quickly accepting it into their
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Recognizing these areas are a critical fo- practices and surgical curriculums (24).
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000260627.97284.5D cus for clinicians, this article will specif- Although the first North American report

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was in 1992 (19), the FAST became to detect large fluid collections, analo- When making such decisions, it is cru-
widely accepted so that within 7 yrs, it gous to a grossly positive diagnostic peri- cial that the sonographic windows have
had replaced the diagnostic peritoneal la- toneal lavage. A number of authors have been well visualized—meaning determi-
vage as the initial screening modality of reported that among hypotensive cohorts nate. In a small but significant number of
choice for severe abdominal trauma in requiring laparotomy, all had positive trauma patients, the FAST is indetermi-
⬎80% of North American centers sur- FAST examinations (20, 21, 37), includ- nate, as the examiner is unable to visu-
veyed (25). The FAST is now taught in the ing children (38) and adults examined alize the reference organs well enough to
Advanced Trauma Life Support course with handheld machines (39). In hypo- make a determination (45, 46). The most
(26). Practice management guidelines tensive patients, a massive hemoperito- common causes are obesity and subcuta-
from the Eastern Association for the Sur- neum can quickly be detected with a neous emphysema (45). In such settings,
gery of Trauma recommend it be consid- single view of the Morison pouch in 82– the clinician should not consider the
ered the initial diagnostic modality to ex- 90% of cases (21, 40), requiring a deter- FAST results in decision making.
clude hemoperitoneum (27). mination time of 19 secs on average (21).
The FAST has been reported to guide A negative FAST takes longer to perform, Conduct of the Examination
care, to save time and money, and to as the examiner can conclude a positive
reduce radiation exposure (28 –30). A determination with identification of a The ultimate goal of the FAST is to
prospective nonrandomized trial of FAST single area, unless using a scoring system quickly localize fluid contrasted against
use recorded changes in management requires evaluation of all peritoneal sites. recognizable organs. For introductory
plans in 33% of cases after FAST (12). Although negative or minimally positive and training purposes, the basic FAST
The FAST was quickly accepted into clin- FAST examinations may still represent technique was defined as the real-time
ical practice, predominantly based on the significant pathology, they direct the examination of four torso regions (four
premise that it could expedite triage of search for the major site of bleeding Ps): pericardial, perisplenic, perihepatic
the seriously injured. Hemorrhagic away from the peritoneal cavity (20, 41). (Morison pouch), and pelvic (pouch of
deaths have been identified as the leading Wherrett et al. (21) reported that none of Douglas) (13, 23). To interrogate these
cause of potentially preventable injury- 47 hypotensive patients with a negative areas, the US probe is typically first
related death (31), causing 80% of early FAST required acute laparotomy for hem- placed in the subxiphoid area and di-
hospital deaths, being most frequently orrhage control. Further, the FAST was rected toward the patient’s left shoulder
abdominal (32). Shock, synonymous with negative in all but one with a retroperi- to provide a four-chamber view of the
cellular hypoxia, is time critical. Unfortu- toneal bleeding source, in whom it was heart. The Morison pouch is then identi-
nately, the clinical abdominal examina- only trace positive (21). Recognizing that fied using a right intercostal view to iden-
tion is often inaccurate due to distracting bedside US can address the detection of tify any anechoic fluid between the liver
injuries, altered consciousness, and non- multiple life-threatening conditions, a and right kidney (Fig. 1). The left inter-
specific signs and symptoms (13, 33, 34). number of groups have recently formalized costal view interrogates the interface be-
An autopsy study reported that abdomi- resuscitative protocols for the patient with tween the spleen and left kidney, and
nal injuries were the most frequently undifferentiated hypotension. These proto- pelvic views examine for fluid around a
missed conditions in traumatic emer- cols emphasize the expedient detection of full bladder. Practically, the examination
gency department deaths, including a hemoperitoneum, pericardial effusion, and is done before a bladder catheter is
number of potentially salvageable pa- ruptured aortic aneurysms (42, 43) and the placed, with the catheter placed and
tients who had been transferred from focused evaluation of cardiac function in clamped, or with fluid instilled into the
other hospitals (35). A patient who is ex- trained hands (44). catheter if the bladder has been drained.
sanguinating and requires a splenectomy
may have an identical physical examina-
tion to one who is dying from retroperi-
toneal bleeding, in whom laparotomy
might be detrimental. Transporting such
patients for CT scanning is contraindi-
cated, and thus, the diagnostic peritoneal
lavage had been favored as the preferred
modality to confirm intraperitoneal
blood. The diagnostic peritoneal lavage is
generally safe, but it has complications, is
time consuming, and forever changes the
results of physical examination and sub-
sequent imaging (36).

With experience, the FAST can give
almost instantaneous positive results
when used to localize the major source of Figure 1. Sonographic image of hepatorenal space (Morison pouch) demonstrating free fluid (arrow)
hemorrhage in unstable patients (21). In contrasted between the liver and right kidney. The patient was found to have an intraperitoneal bladder
such circumstances, the primary goal is rupture at laparotomy.

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.) S163

Others have augmented these basic
anatomic locations. Sisley et al. (47) and
Ma et al. (16) have recommended adding
supradiaphragmatic views for the detec-
tion of pleural fluid. Others routinely ex-
amine the pericolic gutters for fluid (28,
48). Maneuvers that increase the accu-
racy of scanning include repeated exam-
inations intended to detect newly accu-
mulated fluid from ongoing visceral leak
or bleeding. Blackbourne et al. (49) dem-
onstrated an increase in FAST sensitivity
from 31% to 72% in a select population
with few true positive scans by repeating
the FAST within 24 hrs. This is supported
by consensus recommending follow-up
FAST examinations and ⱖ6 hrs of clinical
observation before accepting a FAST as Figure 2. Sonographic image of pericardial fluid (arrows) that was hemodynamically compromising.
negative (23). The Advanced Trauma Life
Support course recommends a “control”
scan be repeated after a 30-min interval
(26). The patient may also be positioned
in Trendelenburg position to facilitate
fluid accumulation in the Morison pouch
(50). In practice, however, the most crit-
ically ill would typically be undergoing
definitive interventions or able to un-
dergo a CT scan within 30 mins of hos-
pital arrival.
If the patient is stable, initial evalua-
tion of the pericardial site allows gain
settings to be optimized for blood (47). If
the patient is unstable, the Morison
pouch may provide the quickest clinical
direction. A review of ⬎10,000 patients
confirmed that the right upper quadrant
or the Morison pouch as the most likely
place to detect major hemoperitoneum. Figure 3. Formal echocardiographic study that reveals an acute posttraumatic flail mitral valve leaflet
The Morison pouch was positive 86% of (arrow).
the time, whereas the left upper quadrant
and pelvis were only positive 55% and
43% of the times, respectively (47). the FAST (23). Some clinical series have resuscitation, the continued adoption
reported sensitivities of 100% and speci- and experience with echocardiographic
Pericardial Component ficities of 97–99% for identifying free skills in critical care provides an oppor-
pericardial fluid (16, 53). tunity for expedited diagnoses that might
Cardiac tamponade is a form of ob- Blunt cardiac injury refers to a spec- improve the care of this group.
structive shock for which clinical presen- trum of injuries ranging from simple
tation can vary from subtle to cata- electrocardiographic changes to free wall FAST as the Definitive
strophic. Although penetrating wounds rupture (54). Cardiogenic shock from Abdominal Imaging Test
to the precordium are typically obvious, a blunt cardiac injury is uncommon in sur-
high index of suspicion is required in vivors to hospital, although cardiac inju- In current practice, trauma US has
blunt trauma. Classic signs such as ries are common in autopsy series (51). taken on two congruous yet distinct
tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, and When pump dysfunction occurs after roles. One is the early identification of
increased venous pressure are easily blunt injury, it presents an exceedingly unstable trauma victims requiring urgent
missed (51). The FAST may quickly iden- difficult diagnostic challenge that may surgical interventions (40), and the other
tify pericardial fluid, allowing for imme- only be resolved with formal echocardi- more controversial role, is that of exclud-
diate bedside interventions or expedited ography (51, 55) (Fig. 3). Although de- ing stable patients from further abdomi-
transport to an operating room (16, 20, tecting intrapericardial fluid is well nal imaging (14, 15, 56 –58). A number of
52) (Fig. 2). Early FAST studies variably within the capability of clinicians, evalu- centers have reported on the efficiency of
included an examination of the pericar- ating cardiac function requires dedicated using the FAST as the sole abdominal
dial sac. Subsequently, consensus has training. Although this skill level is cur- imaging modality in hemodynamically
been to consider this a standard region of rently largely unavailable during trauma stable patients without high clinical sus-

S164 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.)

picion of injury. A number of larger series higher the severity of injury (63, 67, 68). temic reviews, concluding that there is
have shown this to be safe (20), with no Contrast-enhanced US may improve the insufficient evidence to justify the pro-
deaths related to missed injuries being accuracy of solid organ imaging and re- motion of US-based clinical pathways in
reported (37, 46, 59). Much of this evi- veal active contrast extravasation related suspected blunt trauma (80). It is impor-
dence accrues from larger series of pa- to active bleeding (70, 71). These studies tant to note that there were insufficient
tients with low injury acuity or in whom often rely on technicians or radiologists data to discriminate between hemody-
there were few positive results (20, 37). (57, 67, 68), potentially reducing the namically stable and unstable patients (a
Clinicians need to be keenly aware of the availability. The emphasis of the FAST is critical distinction), trivial and nontrivial
limitations of trauma sonography. It is a simplicity, intended to be within the capa- injuries, or initial and repeated examina-
very user-dependent examination. The bilities of an on-site clinician. Thus, US tions (79). An analysis of 62 publications
FAST may miss injuries that are not as- delineation of organ detail may warrant with 18,167 patients revealed an overall
sociated with free intraperitoneal fluid, further evaluation at patient follow-up sensitivity of 79% and a specificity of
such as hollow viscus, mesenteric, intra- rather than at initial resuscitation. 99.2% for detecting free fluid, organ
parenchymal solid, or retroperitoneal in- damage, or both (79). Methodologic rigor
juries (59 – 62). Some recent series have Scoring Systems had a major effect on accuracy, with less
reported sensitivities as low as 31– 42% rigorous studies reporting higher accu-
(49, 62, 63). These injuries may also be Although the standard FAST is binary, racy. Overall, they corroborate that the
missed by CT, emphasizing that no im- with any fluid constituting a positive re- FAST has moderate sensitivity; when it
aging test is foolproof. Although CT sult, authors have explored whether free detects injuries or fluid it is decisive, but
scanning will detect more pathology, fluid can be quantified and whether this a negative FAST should not be trusted
injuries detected often have no clinical might direct care. Huang et al. (72) because the likelihood ratios of a negative
influence (49). scored hemoperitoneum from 0 to 8, cor- test were 0.2 to 0.35.
relating a score of ⱖ3 with 1000 mL of Inclusion in the Cochrane review re-
Algorithms to Reduce the Risk intraperitoneal fluid. This was corrobo- quired comparisons between the FAST
of Missed Injuries rated by Boulanger et al. (25), who noted examination and either diagnostic perito-
all hypotensive patients with a score of neal lavage or CT scan (80). Although
Identifying markers may direct pa- ⱖ3 underwent therapeutic laparotomy. these analyses are methodologically cor-
tients at higher risk of sono-occult inju- McKenney et al. (73) described another rect if one considers the FAST a stand-
ries to undergo CT. These include severe system that added 1 point for each of up alone diagnostic test, they may not reflect
or persistent abdominal pain, seat-belt to four peritoneal regions to the depth in the utility of using the FAST as a sub-
signs or other abdominal wall contu- centimeters of a fifth potential region. component of an algorithm or as simply
sions, pulmonary contusion, hematuria, When the hemoperitoneum score was an extension of the physical examination.
or fractures of the lower ribs, spine, or ⬎3, 87% required a laparotomy, includ- A dedicated effort to elucidate the true
pelvis (20, 20, 37, 46, 64). Centers that ing 89% of those who were initially nor- worth of the FAST would need to focus on
rely on sonography technicians have sug- motensive but deteriorated in shock specific homogeneous patient groups,
gested bypassing FAST for a screening CT within 4 hrs. In the subacute phase of notably hemodynamically unstable pa-
in these situations (37), although consid- care, hemoperitoneum scoring may have tients, and compare the physical exami-
ering the FAST as a required component utility in the nonoperative management nation with the FAST. All other aspects of
of the physical examination is an alter- of solid organ injuries (63). Although no care of these complicated patients would
nate philosophy. single system has been universally ac- also need to be rigidly standardized, pre-
cepted, future evaluation might consider senting a monumental challenge. The ap-
Organ-Specific Injuries and newer technologies. Three-dimensional propriate studies to allow meta-analytic
Focused Sonography US seems to be a reliable and reproduc- study may never be done. Clinicians have
ible method of measuring irregular fluid come to depend on the FAST to the point
Accurate depiction of organ injury in and blood collections (74, 75). Fully au- that they would not accept a control group
stable patients has revolutionized the tomated volume calculations combined of patients. For example, a randomized trial
care of hemodynamically stable patients, with transducers that automatically per- of the FAST examination was terminated
permitting successful nonoperative man- form real-time sweeps of a predefined area early because the investigators thought
agement in many cases. If the FAST ex- (four-dimensional) (75, 76) offer the poten- they could no longer justify as ethical the
amination is being used as a sole diagnos- tial for generating continuous real-time as- withholding of the FAST examination from
tic test, the ability to delineate specific sessment of visceral hemorrhage (77). eligible patients (28).
organ injuries is greatly diminished.
Groups with greater skills, however, have Evidence-Based Medicine FAST Examination for
demonstrated that US can detect specific Penetrating Trauma
organ injuries. Holm and Mortensen (65) Despite the enthusiasm for the FAST,
set the stage for using US in the trauma well-validated scientific proof of utility The ability to quickly delineate major
setting in 1968, reporting the identifica- remains sparse. This criticism is easily abdominal fluid collections after pene-
tion of a splenic rupture with associated applied to the majority of care provided to trating thoracoabdominal trauma directs
hematoma. In experienced hands, a sono- the critically ill, given the complexity of operative planning. Asensio et al. (81) re-
graphic examination can identify specific the patents and inherent difficulties gretted a limited use of early FAST in
parenchymal injuries (57, 66 – 69), gener- studying them. Stengel et al. (78 – 80) directing surgical sequencing and
ally finding a greater sensitivity the have performed a series of ongoing sys- strongly recommended its increased

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.) S165

use. A majority of surveyed US centers being of higher fidelity but with US being need to be seen to detect them. The con-
reported using FAST for penetrating readily repeated during the initial en- cept of using US to exclude or infer the
trauma (25), and meta-analysis showed counter and during routine reassess- presence of a PTX relies on the premise
no accuracy differences between studies ments. How much should the medical that if the pleural surfaces are in apposi-
including and excluding penetrating system pay to detect all the injuries de- tion, then intrapleural air cannot be
trauma (79). Studies have demonstrated tected on CT that do not influence present. The focused goal of the sonogra-
excellent specificities (94 –100%) but medical care is a societal question that war- pher is simply to identify the contiguity
only modest sensitivities (46 –71%) (52, rants formal economic analysis. Balancing of the visceral and parietal pleura using
82, 83). Thus, a positive FAST is a strong the FAST’s limitations, however, is the rap- simple sonographic signs. We consider
predictor of injury and should immedi- idly increasing scope of the examination to this to be an extended FAST (EFAST)
ately direct patients to laparotomy, encompass the entire primary Advanced (95).
whereas negative tests should prompt an- Trauma Life Support survey. Unless there are pleural adhesions
other diagnostic strategy (83). from previous disease or injury (a condi-
Extended FAST and Thoracic tion thus reducing the risk of PTX), nor-
Hand-Carried Ultrasound Trauma mal respiration is associated with a phys-
iologic sliding or gliding of the two
A number of portable handheld US To save lives, the resuscitating clini- pleural surfaces on one another, known
units have recently become available to cian must efficiently address life-threat- as lung sliding (LS) (95–98). LS is least at
clinicians. The first such units were de- ening thoracic injuries, which are re- the apices and greatest at the lung bases
veloped through a joint civilian–military sponsible for 25% of trauma deaths (92, (96). “Comet-tail” artifacts (CTAs) are re-
initiative to provide portable US capabil- 93). Life-threatening thoracic injuries verberation artifacts that arise from dis-
ities suitable for battlefield or mass casu- that should be detected during a primary tended water-filled interlobular septa un-
alty situations (84). The primary benefit survey include tension pneumothoraces der the visceral pleura. They can be
of these devices for trauma care providers (PTXs), massive hemothoraces, cardiac considered the US equivalent of “Kerley
will be earlier diagnosis, potentially even tamponade, and flail chest injuries (93). B-lines” (96, 99). Being related to the
in the prehospital setting, to expedite Rib fractures are the most common seri- visceral pleura, they can only be seen
transport priorities and disposition. Al- ous thoracic injury and pneumothoraces when the visceral pleura is in apposition
though the fidelity and image quality of are the most common intrathoracic in- to the parietal pleura (Fig. 4). The
early hand-carried US units did not jury after blunt trauma (92, 93). In all marked difference in acoustic impedance
match that of the standard floor-based these settings, focused US can provide between the parietal pleura and a PTX
machines, their diagnostic performance rapid diagnosis. creates a marked horizontal reverbera-
regarding the FAST examination seems tion artifact seen as the mirror image of
comparable (11, 39, 85). This class of US Hemothoraces the chest wall. Lichtenstein et al. (100)
has been tested in many adverse envi- designate this the A-line, a brightly echo-
ronments and found to be clinically Sisley et al. (47) demonstrated that genic line recurring at an interval that
useful (2, 86 – 88). thoracic sonography utilizing the same exactly replicates the interval between
probe used for the FAST examination the skin and pleural line.
Future of the FAST Examination could accurately detect acute traumatic Examining the pleural interfaces with
effusions. US was 97.5% sensitive and the color power Doppler mode can en-
After an initial wave of enthusiasm, 99.7% specific compared with chest radi- hance the depiction of LS by emphasizing
the limitations of the FAST have been ography’s (CXR’s) 92.5% and 99.7%, re- motion, a finding designated the power
more widely appreciated. These are spectively. Ma et al. (16) also demon- slide (101). Color power Doppler docu-
mainly its inability to detect injuries not strated a 96% sensitivity and 100% ments a physiologic process as a single
associated with free fluid and its general specificity. Medical students can be image, allowing for simpler archiving and
inability to quantify the degree of organ trained in short periods of time to detect teletransmission. Similarly, the use of M-
injury. In the decades since the North pleural fluid collections in critically ill mode documents the presence of LS (the
American introduction of FAST, CT scan- patients (47). This experience has led seashore sign) (Fig. 5) or its absence with
ning has made remarkable progress in many investigators to augment the stan- PTX (the stratosphere sign) (Fig. 6), as
capabilities to become indispensable in dard FAST examination with routine the pleural movement will normally gen-
trauma care. This had led to routine use views of the pleural space. erate a homogeneous granular pattern
of nearly whole-body CT scanning (89). (96, 100). Another sign well documented
Although invaluable, CT scanning greatly Pneumothoraces in M-mode is the “lung point”; when the
increases radiation exposure (90, 91). lung intermittently contacts the parietal
With liberal use, this imparts a small but The direct depiction of a pneumotho- pleura with inspiration, thus regularly al-
finite risk of later cancer, especially in rax by US is physically impossible because ternating between the seashore and
younger patients (91). In one study, CT air has extremely high acoustic imped- stratosphere signs (Fig. 7).
contributed 97.5% of the total effective ance, which causes almost complete re- The first description of the use of US
radiation dose from all imaging in trau- flectance of sound waves. Thus, only ar- to investigate pneumothoraces was re-
matized children (91). Optimal CT scan- tifacts are seen deep to the pleura in the ported in a veterinary journal in 1986
ning also requires nephrotoxic contrast normal lung (94). As both hemothoraces (102). Subsequent descriptions followed
agents. US and CT scanning should thus and pneumothoraces are pleural-based after lung biopsy (94, 103, 104), in the
be used as complementary tests, with CT diseases, the underlying lung does not medical intensive care unit (105–107),

S166 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.)

prompted further investigations to eval-
uate the diagnostic potential both on
earth (95, 112), and in weightlessness
(110), suggesting that US is equal if not
more accurate than supine radiography
for detecting PTXs (98, 110, 113).
Lichtenstein et al. (100, 105–107)
have extensively studied the sonographic
diagnosis of PTXs. The “meaningful” CTA
(B-line) has five mandatory features: aris-
ing from the pleural line, well-defined
(laser-beam like), spreading to the screen
edge, erasing the A-lines, and moving
with LS (Fig. 2) (100). These specific fea-
tures distinguish it from the Z-line, a
CTA that is ill-defined, vanishes after a
few centimeters, does not move with LS,
Figure 4. Comet-tail artifacts (arrows) demonstrated on sonographic image of left chest of a patient and that seems devoid of pathologic
with acute respiratory distress syndrome. meaning (100). Subcutaneous emphy-
sema creates specific CTAs that rise above
the pleural line, resulting in an indeter-
minate examination. Subcutaneous em-
physema itself carries a seven-fold in-
creased risk and 98% specificity for
occult PTX, providing an indication for
chest drainage in the unstable patient

Occult Pneumothoraces
Several groups have reported on the
utility of US as an adjunct to the CXR
(112, 115). By using CXR as the gold
standard, however, these studies, by def-
inition, ignore the issue of occult pneu-
mothoraces, PTXs seen on CT but not on
Figure 5. Beach sign of normal pleural sliding deep to stationary chest wall, depicted using M-mode CXR (114, 116). Their prevalence may
ultrasound function. range up to 64% in intubated multi-
trauma patients (117). In centers using
frequent CT scan, more than one half of
all PTXs may be occult (95, 98, 113, 116,
118). Considering only PTXs seen on
CXRs considerably underestimates the
potential of the EFAST. Due to the effect
of gravity, the supine lung hinges dor-
sally, with air collecting anteromedially
(119, 120). Supine PTXs are most com-
monly anterior (84%), apical (57%), and
basal (41%), corresponding to the most
accessible chest locations for US (121).
Lichtenstein et al. (100) retrospec-
tively evaluated 200 consecutive intensive
care unit patients corroborated with CT.
The absence of LS alone had 100% sen-
sitivity but only 78% specificity for diag-
nosing occult pneumothoraces. When an
Figure 6. Stratospheric sign of pneumothorax with absence of any pleural movement. A-line was seen with absent LS, however,
there was a 95% sensitivity and 94%
and in a mixed group that included stable (97, 109). The International Space Sta- specificity for diagnosing occult pneumo-
trauma patients (108). Thereafter, the fo- tion supports US as the only diagnostic thoraces. The presence of a lung point
cused use of US to assess PTXs received imaging modality in an environment had 100% specificity for occult pneumo-
impetus from a space medicine problem with increased PTX risk (110, 111). This thoraces. A prospective study of hand-

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.) S167

as a control (95, 100, 110). Subsequent
studies have suggested that sonography
may have utility in determining not only
the presence but actual size of a PTX.
Lichtenstein et al. (107) subsequently de-
scribed this fleeting appearance of either
LS or CTAs intermittently replacing a
PTX pattern as the lung point sign (Fig.
7). Sargsyan et al. (110) coincidentally
described this as partial sliding, imply-
ing that smaller or occult pneumotho-
races might be detected. Blaivas et al.
(122) noted good correlation between
the estimates of PTX size and CT findings
(Spearman rank correlation, 0.82) using
the relative thoracic topography of LS.

Figure 7. Lung point sign related to intermittent contact between visceral and parietal pleura,
resulting in the regular alteration between the stratospheric and beach signs. Probe Selection and Placement
Some groups favor high-frequency
linear array transducers that provide the
best resolution of the pleural interface
and whose footprint fits well between the
ribs (94, 95, 98, 123). This necessitates a
largely transverse scan in the upper rib
spaces that is perpendicular to the main
axis of LS (100). Conversely, other groups
have emphasized the practicality of using
a lower-frequency probe that can also be
used for the abdominal portion of the
EFAST, decreasing time spent exchang-
ing probes (122). The transducer is first
placed longitudinally on the chest, per-
pendicular to the ribs, to identify the
pleural interface in reference to the over-
lying (and acoustically impervious) ribs.
Thereafter, the transducer is rotated
Figure 8. Sonographic image of a 0.64-cm optic nerve sheath diameter of a victim of a motor vehicle
transversely between the ribs to bring the
collision who developed brain death.
echogenic pleural stripe into profile, gen-
erating the “bat sign” as a basic landmark
carried US focused on the most difficult compared with 76% for CXR, a specificity (96, 100). Thereafter, the EFAST assesses
to diagnose subset, those patients re- of 99% vs. 100% for CXR, and a positive whether LS or CTAs at the interface can
maining after the obvious PTXs (CXR or likelihood ratio of 121 for EFAST (122). be detected. If there is no LS and no
clinical) were treated (95). In the remain- comet tails are visible, the examiner
ing patients, EFAST had a 49% vs. a 21% should suspect the presence of a pneu-
Magnitude of Pneumothoraces
sensitivity compared with CXR in the set- mothorax, a suspicion further heightened
ting of very high specificities and positive Although PTXs are dynamic, manage- by the presence of the horizontal rever-
likelihood ratio, being corroborated by ment is often based on the perceived size. beration artifact (A-line). Color power
CT (95). A pitfall, as in other studies, was Allowing for factors such as transport and Doppler may accentuate LS and provide
bilateral PTXs, likely due to the loss of a positive pressure ventilation, many small documentation, as does M-mode. Detec-
patient-specific “normal” comparative ex- pneumothoraces are managed expect- tion of an image where partial sliding or
amination (95, 122). Another study of 176 antly, whereas large ones are drained a lung point is present marks the lateral
patients using similar methodology (US, (116). The original description in horses aspect of the pneumothorax (lung point).
followed by CXR and CT) used a protocol described scanning from ventral to dorsal
examining four thoracic locations, allow- and noting the point where a static gas Airway Management
ing a determination of PTX size (122). artifact met the respiratory motion of the
The investigators systematically searched lung (102). An early report by Sistrom et As US is increasingly available at the
for LS, supplemented by color power al. (94) concluded that US was of no use bedside in critically ill patients, it may aid
Doppler, assessing the relative size of the in determining the volume of PTX. This in airway management. Endotracheal tube
PTX through the relative topography of may have related both to the lack of real- (ETT) misplacement in those arriving at
LS. There was a 98% sensitivity for US time scanning and to using radiography emergency departments already intubated

S168 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 5 (Suppl.)

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