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1. My inspiration is my children because I want to give them the best, in terms of future, career and all
that I can give them.

2. At first, my friends influence me to put up this business, giving advice and they told me to experience
of them to run their own business so I began to be interested in putting up this kind of business and it is
also my line of work.

3. I put up this business way back year 2000 when I graduate from my residency training at St. Martin de

4. I only had 30, 000 pesos which only came from a loan from a bank, and then I started putting up this
business like a little clinic. Then after some time, when the business was running, we began to earn
some we extended to a multiple or multi specialty or lying-in clinic.

5. We offer discounts and free pap smear and consultation and usually during my birthday. And of
course we promote friendship among our people so from there, you will be known thru friends and thru

6. My business is a maternity clinic that caters all women of reproductive and post reproductive age who
have problems on their reproductive system. And we also a lot of group of patients that require health
for pregnancy.

7. Motivation is usually develops by your interest in the business and our objective is to help and of
course as any other business, our second objective is to earn from it.

8. Of course the business, the money will only become after you.. you know, you begin to be successful
in the business, the money will come immediately.

9. My business, it’s a maternity lying-in clinic. And being a doctor, our main objective is to help. And then
the money is only secondary that’s why doctors are not yet that successful as any other career as line or
line of business because we really don’t care if patients cannot pay us after the business. In line with the
question of yours, my business is primarily to help and then if lucky, the money is secondary.

13. When I started this business, I chose employees in terms of the background of their education. And
of course we must employ employees that somehow had idea in running this business so I don’t have
really much trouble dealing with them because they understand their duties and responsibilities.

18. Uhmm.. I don’t take too much pressure my attitude toward this business is a challenge, every
problem that come to us, we take it as a challenge and taking the challenge as it is every problem that
we encounter has a solution.

20. At first, my problem is I lack the necessary funds to establish a first class business but as the business
is running I don’t have any problem anymore.

19. I see my employees as my friends so every time we have a problem, we talk about it and I
entertained their suggestions, their complaints. And that’s the most important when you have a
business like this.

24. I think I have the virtue of generosity and also the humanitarian traits.

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