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The Meadows, Crozet

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CCAC Members Present: Meg West, Mary Gallo, Charlie Mitchell, Tim Tolson,
Jon Mikalson, Bill Schrader, Brenda Plantz, Kelly Strickland, Jessica Mauzy and
Mike Marshall.
CCAC Members Absent: Meg Holden, Nancy Virginia Bain, Lucy Goeke and
David Mellen.
County Staff Present: Ann Mallek and Tom Loach
Public Attendees: David Oxford, Daniel Neal, Hilary Mathes, Tanya Brockett and
Barbara Westbrook.

Minutes Prepared by: Bill Schrader

Agenda Review: Mike Marshall called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm and asked
if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. The agenda was approved.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of September 16, 2010 were approved

unanimously after motion by Tim Tolson and second by Bill Schrader.

Public comment: Mike Marshall recognized the visitors and asked if they had any
comments before moving into the agenda.

The number 4 item on the agenda was a discussion concerning the street name to
replace the “new Main Street” name. At the last CCA meeting attended by 40
citizens several names were presented and a straw poll was conducted with the
finalist being Barnes, Library, Lumber and Conley. It was agreed that a story
would be placed in the next Crozet Gazette asking for citizens give opinion on the
three names plus a write in block. Citizens may also give input at the Crozet
Library. On a motion by Tim Tolson, seconded by Meg West, the CCAC
unanimously selected three street names: Library, Lumber and Barnes plus a
write-in block. Mike will ask Jim Duncan to setup a poll on his web site
( for these three names and a write-in block.

The next item discussed was the placement of the Crozet Welcome signs. The
signs using the library train emblem are currently scheduled to be placed on 240
West side just past the water treatment site, on 250 East between F&R and Moose

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Lodge entrance and 250 West just past Missing Acres. The signs are 6 foot tall, 32
inches wide and 24 inches tall and will cost $420.00 per sign, including
installation. The plan is to start collecting funds using jars next to check out
counters placed in retail locations around Crozet to assist in covering costs.

Tim Tolson outlined the request he had made to county to ensure that two items
from the Master Plan were closed. After receiving feedback from David Benish
Tim explained that the Ploumis (Ploumis/US250/Crozet Ave.) CPA200702)
request is closed as far as the county is concerned. The Yancey request (Yancey
Mills Business Park, CPA200802) has been removed from the Master Plan and
will be considered as part of Interstate 64 interchange study that will come before
the Board in the spring of 2011. CCAC must continue to monitor the Yancey plan
to ensure all parties look at property and understand it is in a watershed area, it is
in a rural zone and is inside a recognized entrance corridor approved by the Board
of Supervisors. Both parties can resubmit plans to the county at any time.

Ann Mallek outlined the work being done by The Virginia Artisans Trail
Network and the process to add more local artisans after work to correct current
definitions of artisans work locations.

A general discussion was held of the master plan process and what could be
done to improve future revisions. CCAC members felt the methods to
communicate master plan information must be improved so that all citizens have
the background, current discussion points and suggested changes and that all
information is updated in real time. There must multiple sites for citizens to get
information on the revision process with meeting dates and times always available.
CCAC also requested the county provide updated, final copies of the master plan
be provided to CCAC members. The CCAC expressed their appreciation for all of
Ann's support and work getting the plan approved.

Old Business from September meeting:

Election of CCAC Secretary. Tim offered to be secretary, with Bill Schrader and
Jessica Mauzy agreeing to be co-secretaries who would alternate with Tim in the
taking of meeting minutes. This arrangement was unanimously approved.

Second consideration of the September 16, 2010 motion to amend Item

3A (to strike "by staff") from the Albemarle County Community Advisory
Council Rules of Procedure. Tim reminded everyone that the Rules of
Procedure state, in Item 6, of these same rules state that the Rules of Procedure

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may be amended by a majority vote of the Committee at the next regular meeting
following a regular meeting at which notice of the motion to amend is given. At our
September 16 meeting, the motion to amend Item 3A as discussed, a motion duly made,
seconded and unanimously approved to strike "by staff", from Item 3a, which reads:
"Establishment of Agenda. The agenda for each regular meeting shall be established by staff in
consultation with the Chairman." The meeting of the CCAC on October 21st, not having a
quorum, did not constitute the next regular meeting of this body. The second presentation of the
motion was unanimously approved.

Discussion followed on several questions:

A. What are the real boundaries of Crozet? No clear answer but it is larger
than master plan or growth area boundaries.
B. Does the revised master plan discourage new building? It was felt the
revised plan actually will aid new building once economic conditions
C. How can CCAC increase importance of trail system? It was felt a
planning strategy to incorporate trails into a plan that would allow a flow
from neighborhoods into downtown, schools and parks would bring
maximum use.
D. Update on streetscape and discussion of its impact on downtown
business, school bus schedules and traffic patterns. CCAC felt it was
important to have Streetscape Director Trevor Henry attend next CCAC
meeting and to have county web site updated and add a Q&A section so
citizens are not surprised when work begins on next step.
E. Crozet Historic District: Mike reported that Laura still interested in
working to submit the Historic District application. Jennifer did the survey
and first report. He thinks it'll cost up to $2,000 for Laura P. to do work and
that the funding for it should come from the community. Greenwood has
just been officially recognized as a Historic District. There are no additional
property restrictions that come with being a historic district and many tax
F. Discussion of last months meeting concerning Piedmont Housing
Alliance and the pushback of neighbors to the affordable housing plan.
CCAC still feels the plan does not match/fit the neighborhood and will have
a detrimental effect on the surrounding homes. CCAC needs to understand
the mix of affordable verses market.
G. The CCAC Focus Areas chart was updated and corrected and will be
available at the next meeting.

Next CCAC meeting January 20, 2011.

November 18, 2010 meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM.

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