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Python Programming

Science & Technology

Support Group

20-21 February 2007


Peter G. Carswell
Supercomputer Resource Specialist
Ohio Supercomputer Center
(614) 292-1091

Python Programming
Table of Contents

• Introduction
• The “Not-So-Full” Monty
– Mechanics of using Python
– Variables, Data Types and Operators
– Programming statements
– Python Functions
– Using Python Modules
– Everything is an Object
– Classes and Objects
– Operator Overloading
– Constructors

Python Programming 3
What is Python?

• NOT an acronym (Thank goodness!). Named after Monty Python

• A compiled/interpreted mid-level language
– Not only used for scripting tasks
• Extremely useful for a huge variety of programming tasks (Modules)
• Easy to “glue” with other languages (C, C++, Java …)
• Under the hood: Object Oriented
• Commonly in use: Versions 2.3 and 2.4
– Use python –V to see the version
• Python is portable
• Python is free!
• Home Page:

Python Programming 4
Basic Operation

• Python is both an interpreted and a compiled language

• When run, the program is first read and “compiled” in memory
– Not a true compilation to native machine instructions
– Python source code converted to byte code (platform-independent)
– Some optimizations are performed, e.g.
• eliminating unreachable code
• reducing constant expressions
• loading library definitions
• Second stage is line-by-line execution via the interpreter PVM (Python Virtual
– analogous to Java VM
• Much faster than fully interpreted languages, such as the shell
• No object code
– But byte code saved in a file called prog.pyc

Python Programming 5
Running Python

Python Programming
To use Python: Interactive
• Type python in a shell window and start typing in commands at the Python
prompt >>>. The results of the commands will be seen immediately.
[piv-login1]% python
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Feb 2 2005, 12:20:51)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-49)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "Hello World! (with respect)“ #Basic output command
Hello World! (with respect)
>>> a=34.5 # No variable type declaration
>>> a # To see contents of variable, type its name
>>> a*5.6
>>> z=a/33.3
>>> print '%7.2f' %(z) #Formatting Output
>>> ^D #How to exit the Python session

• Workshop examples will be for Python on Unix/Linux system.

Python Programming 7
Ways to use Python: Shell Scripts

• A shell script is just a series of python commands entered line-by-line into a file.
By typing the name of the shell script after the python executable, all the
commands will be run in order.
• By convention files composed of Python commands have the suffix py. Let’s say
all the commands on the previous slide have been put into a file
Here’s how it would be run:
$ python
Hello World! (with

Notice that only the text directly written out to stdout will appear on your monitor

Python Programming 8
Ways to use Python: Executable Scripts
• Say you want to run your Python script directly at the system prompt. (Just
like an operating system command). This requires two steps
– Make the first line in the file
#!<full pathname of Python executable>
– Second, give executable permission
$ chmod u+x
• Now the rabbit file looks like this:
print "Hello World! (with respect)"
print '%7.2f' %(z)

• To run the commands in the file, just type its name at the system
Hello World! (with respect)

Python Programming 9
Variables, Data Types and Operators

Python Programming

• Pick any name you want as long as it begins with a letter or underscore
• Don’t have to declare the variable name or type
• Variable “comes into existence” when it is assigned a value
• Case-sensitive
• Actually much more to variable assignments. Fascinating approach when
we get to objects ….

Python Programming 11
Data Types

• Python has five built-in, core data types. Listed here in the order in which they
will be covered


Python Programming 12
Numbers in Python

Type Examples
Decimal Integers 10 -235

Octal and Hexadecimal Integers 034723 0x3DE56A

Long Integers 777888207468890L

(unlimited size)
Floating-Point 3.45 6.2e-15 4E23

Complex 6.2+3J 5+8.7j

Python Programming 13
Numerical Operators

• The table below shows the numeric operators with precedence going from high
to low. Due to operator overloading, these symbols can also be used with
other types.

Symbol Name
+x -x Unary Operators

x**y Exponentiation

x*y x%y x/y x//y Multiplication, modulus,

normal division, truncating
x + y x-y Addition, Subtraction

Python Programming 14
Operator Precedence & Parenthetical Override

$ python
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Oct 26 2004, 17:11:32)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-47)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> a=40
>>> b=3
>>> c=75
>>> a*b+c
>>> a*(b+c)

Python Programming 15
Python Division
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Oct 26 2004, 17:11:32)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-47)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> 7.0/3.0
>>> 7/3
>>> 7.0/11.0
>>> 7/11 # Integer division truncates
>>> 7%3 # Modulus (remainder) operator
>>> 83.56%13.3 # Works for floats too
>>> 18//5
>>> 18.0//5.0 # Truncating divide for floats as well
>>> divmod(9,4) # Returns (x/y,x%y) tuple

Python Programming 16
Alternative Integer Bases

>>> num=4578
>>> int(num)
>>> int(67.345) #Truncating Conversion
>>> round(67.899) #Can “round-up”
>>> oct(num) #Octal literals have leading 0
>>> hex(num) #Hex literals have leading 0x

Python Programming 17
Python Long Integers

• Long integers marked with a trailing L. They can have unlimited

size but at the price of poor performance.

>>> x=6666666666444444448882222222990000004444444882119L
>>> y=5555999999997777777777222163489390372039309309L
>>> x+y
>>> 5**100

Python Programming 18
Displaying Floating-Point Numbers

• A fundamental point of computers: word length used in hardware on a

specific machine determines actual precision.

>>> power=2.0**0.3
>>> power
1.2311444133449163 #Echoing of variable results always
#returns the real precision. In this
#case ~15 decimal places (8 byte word)
>>> print power
>>> "%e" % power
>>> "%1.5f" % power

Python Programming 19
Complex Numbers

• A feature* of some implementations of complex numbers in python is

that the coefficient must be represented in decimal format, i.e. 5.0j not 5j.
*feature is a term used by programmers to make excuses for programs which produce bogus results.

>>> 3.2+5.0J + 6+2.3.0J #Addition

>>> 3.2+5.0J - 6+2.3j
>>> (3.2+5.0j)-(6+2.3j) #”Proper” Subtraction
>>> (3.2+5.0j)*(6+2.3j) # Multiplication
>>> (3.2+5.0j)/(6+2.3j) # Division (complex definition)
>>> z=6.28+7.83j
>>> abs(z) # Gives the magnitude
>>> z.real # Gives the real part
>>> z.imag # Gives the imaginary part

Python Programming 20
The “Amazing” Assignment Operator

• We have been blithely using = (the assignment operator) to assign

variables names to numeric values. It has other interesting properties
• Multiple assignments: single statement
– The statement x = y = z =25 will assign all three variables to 25
– Handy shortcut
• Combined assignment and operation
– The statement x = x + 2.34 can be replaced with x+=2..34 (Taken form C)
– The <operator>= syntax can be used for all the numerical operators discussed
in this section (and more)
– Again, less typing involved (always nice) but more advantages
– Only need to evaluate LHS (variable name) once, not twice. We will see later
that some Python variables can are quite large
– This shortened syntax will cause the compiler to automatically pick the
optimized technique for performing the combined operations. This advantage
will have a greater effect on the more sophisticated data types to come.
• Note for C/C++ users: no increment/ decrement operators (++,--) in

Python Programming 21
“Augmented” Assignment

>>> sum=52;
>>> sum=sum+36; sum #Normal syntax
>>> sum=52;
>>> sum += 36; sum #Combined syntax
>>> sum *= 10; sum
>>> x0=0.0; y0=0.0; z0=0.0; print x0,y0,z0
0.0 0.0 0.0 #Normal syntax
>>> x0=y0=z0=13.2; print x0,y0,z0
13.2 13.2 13.2 #Multiple assignment

Python Programming 22
String Data Type

• Some key points:

– Proper perspective: Ordered Collection of Characters
– No character data type; just one element strings
– SINGLE and DOUBLE quotes work the same
– New operand : triple quotes ‘’’ (Block Strings)
– Strings are “immutable sequences”
• Immutable => individual elements cannot be assigned new
• Sequence => positional ordering (i.e., indexed)
– Since strings are character arrays, can use array operations on
– Special actions encoded as escape sequences (\n)
– “Raw” strings will not recognize escape sequences
– Strings can be converted to other types and vice versa
– A collection of built-in string functions (called methods) exist

Python Programming 23
Making Strings (I)
>>> s='Galaxy Formation Era'; print s # Single Quote
Galaxy Formation Era
>>> d="Star Formation Era"; print d # Double Quote
Star Formation Era
>>> maybe="liberty, equality, fraternity‘ # Mixing?
File "<stdin>", line 1
maybe="liberty, equality, fraternity'
SyntaxError: invalid token
>>> meryl="Sophie's Choice"; print meryl # Quote in string
Sophie's Choice3
>>> streep='Sophie"s Choice'; print streep #Quote in string
Sophie"s Choice
>>> phrase="Shoot out" 'the lights'; print phrase #Concatenation
Shoot outthe lights
>>> empty="Shoot out" '' "the lights"; print empty
Shoot outthe lights
>>> spaced="Shoot out" ' ' "the lights"; print spaced
Shoot out the lights

Python Programming 24
Making String (II)

>>> totab="Dalton\tEnnis"; print totab #Escape Character

Dalton Ennis
>>> ornottotab=r"Dalton\tEnnis"; print ornottotab #Raw String
>>> absolute=R"D:\Matlab\Neural Networks"; print absolute
D:\Matlab\Neural Networks
>>> alum="""The Truth # Triple Quote
... shall set
... you free"""
>>> print alum
The Truth
shall set
you free
>>> linear='The Truth \ # Using more than one line
... shall set \
... you free'
>>> print linear
The Truth shall set you free

Python Programming 25
String Operators

Expression What Happens

str1 + str2 Concatenation
str *n n*str Replication (n is an integer)
str[i] String element with index i
str[i:j] Substring of consecutive elements
(i to j-1)
len(str) Number of characters in a string
max(str) Maximum element (ASCII value)
min(str) Minimum element (ASCII value)

Python Programming 26
Working with Strings
>>> one="Vaya "; two='con '; three="Dios"
>>> goodbye=one+two+three; print goodbye # + is concatenation
Vaya con Dios
>>> byrds='Turn '
>>> lyric=byrds * 3; print lyric # * is replication
Turn Turn Turn
>>> rur="Protocal Droid C3P0"
>>> print rur[5] # String Element (zero-based index)
>>> print rur[9:13] # Substrings
>>> print rur[:9]
>>> print rur[9:]
Droid C3P0
>>> print rur[:]
Protocal Droid C3P0
>>> print rur[-3] # Negative index => relative to end
3 # of string [ length(rur)+i ]
>>> print rur[-11:-4]

Python Programming 27
Finish theWork

>>> print len(rur) # Number of elements

>>> print max(rur) # ASCII code for ‘t’= 116
>>> print min(rur) # ASCII code for (space) ‘ ‘= 32


Python Programming 28
Strings playing well with others …

• The addition symbol ‘+’ is overloaded: it can add two integer operands, two
floating point operands, and (as we have just seen) two string operands. And
this is just the beginning of the overloading …
• If you try to add a string to an integer directly you have mixed operands and
the compiler doesn’t know what to do. Same vice versa.
• Need to use built in type conversion operators

Python Programming 29
Basic String Conversion

>>> lic="APN" + 9253 # DANGER:Mixing operand types

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
>>> lic="APN" + str(9253); lic #int-to-string
>>> limit="55"
>>> speeding=int(limit)+20; speeding #string-to-int
>>> braking=speeding-30; braking
>>> h=6.63E-34 #float-to-string
>>> defn="Planck's constant-> "+str(h); defn
"Planck's constant-> 6.63e-34"
>>> hstring=defn[len(defn)-8:]; hstring
>>> nu=101E6
>>> energy=float(hstring)*nu; energy #string-to-float

Python Programming 30
Interlude: Printing to the Standard Output

• We have been using the Python print command without giving a

proper explanation of its use. This interlude should remedy the situation.
• print
– Takes a list of strings as argument, and sends each to STDOUT in turn
– Adds a space amid items separated by commas
– Adds a linefeed at the end of the output. To prevent this, put a comma at the
end of the last string in the list
– Examples:
print ”Hello”,”world” # prints “Hello world” with newline
print (2+3), ”foo”, # prints 5 “foo” no newline
print ((2+3),”bar”) # prints tuple “(5 ‘bar’)”

Python Programming 31
Printing Formatted Strings

• For formatted output, use print control_string %

– Works just like the C function printf
– The control_string has the text you want outputted along with format_identifiers.
– A format_identifier begins with the % sign, has optional numbers, and ends with a letter
code standing for the type of variable to be printed out.
– For example %d stands for a decimal number, %f stands for a floating point number, %s
stands for a string, etc.
– As the print function moves from left to right, when it encounters a format_identifier it
substitutes in the corresponding value of the variable from the variable_list.
– Example:
print ”Out %15s %5d %10.2f\n” % (a,b,c)

Control string List of items to be printed

– See printf man page for further details

>> man printf

Python Programming 32
Interlude: Can we provide input to Python programs?

• Yes. The most basic of reading commands is called (aptly enough)

• When raw_input() is executed, the program stops and waits for input
from stdin (your keyboard)
• It will read in a line of input

™ Prompting and input can be done at the same time. A string argument
given to raw_input() will printed to stdout and the function will
then wait for input
™ Clever way of encouraging prompts
™ Prompts are optional, though
™ All input entered will be treated as a string by your Python program.
™ Must use the conversion commands on the previous slide for other types

Python Programming 33
The Script


year=raw_input("Please enter a year:")

year=int(year) #convert input string to int
print "A decade later will be", ten
x=raw_input("Enter x coord: ") #prompt along with input
x=float(x) #convert input string to float
y=raw_input("Enter y coord: ")
print "Distance from origin is", r

Python Programming 34
An Input Session

Please enter a year:1963
A decade later will be 1973
Enter x coord: 3.0
Enter y coord: 4.0
Distance from origin is 5.0

Please enter a year:2260
A decade later will be 2270
Enter x coord: 13.4
Enter y coord: 56.2
Distance from origin is 57.7754273026

Python Programming 35
More Refined Input

• There is a close cousin to the raw_input() function called simply

• It works in the same manner and has all the properties of raw_input()
except for one important distinction
• input() will not read in all input as strings (resulting in possible
subsequent conversion). It will read input and give it the appropriate
built-in type. Here are some examples of its use:
>>> year=input("Please enter a year: ")
Please enter a year: 2001
>>> year
>>> x=year*5; x
>>> money=input("Please enter the amount in your wallet: ")
Please enter the amount in your wallet: 13.00
>>> add_Grant=100.00+money; add_Grant

Python Programming 36
Immutable Strings????

• Can you really not change a string after it is created?

• No, it can be changed. What is not allowed is to change individual
elements by assigning them new characters
• We can use all the string manipulation techniques seen so far to change a
• We can also use the % sign as an operator that allows a string to have any
appearance desired (string formatting). The % operator acts like the C
function sprintf().
• We can also change strings by using a set of special functions associated
with strings called methods. String methods is our next section.

Python Programming 37
Changing Strings

>>> cheer="Happy Holidays!"; cheer

'Happy Holidays!'
>>> cheer[6]=‘B’ #Cannot do
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
>>> cheer[6:11]
>>> cheer[6:11]="Birth“ #Still cannot do
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support slice assignment
>>> cheer=cheer[0:6] + "Birthday" + cheer[-1]
>>> cheer
'Happy Birthday!‘

Python Programming 38
String Methods

• As was mentioned previously, string methods are special functions

designed to work only with strings.
• To find out what methods there are and how to use them use the Python
help command
– help(str), help(int), help(float), ..
– help argument can also be the name of any variable of a certain type
• To use a method on a string, the string must first exist
• The syntax for using the method uses the “dot” operator (‘.’). The syntax
is as follows:
• The full story of methods will be presented later

Python Programming 39
Using String Methods

• The executable python script contains examples of commands

that use string methods. Here is its contents:
hollow='There is the Shadow'
song="Me and my Shadow"
print "The starting index of 'the' in '%s' is %d"\
% (hollow,index)
print "The index of the first '%s' in '%s' is %d"\
% ('a',song,index)
print "A hopeful message: " + hollow
name=raw_input("Enter your name: ")
print "Hello %s, welcome to the party, pal" % (name)
print "Uppercase: " + upsong

Python Programming 40

The starting index of 'the' in 'There is the Shadow' is 9
The index of the first 'a' in 'Me and my Shadow' is 3
A hopeful message: There is the Light
Enter your name: robson green
Hello Robson green, welcome to the party, pal

Python Programming 41
List Data Type

• Like arrays
– Ordered collection of data
– Composed of elements that can be accessed by indexing
– Can create sublists by specifying an index range (“slicing”)
• Unlike arrays
– Elements can be of different types (heterogeneous)
– List can grow and shrink during program execution (“flexible”)
– You can change individual elements directly (“mutable”)
– Nesting allowed: lists of lists, …
– Can be concatenated together
• Lists have operators, built-in functions, and methods
• List creation operator [ ] , elements inside separated by commas

Python Programming 42
Basic List Operations

>>> mix=[3,'tree',5.678,[8,4,2]]; mix #List creation

[3, 'tree', 5.6779999999999999, [8, 4, 2]]
>>> mix[1] #Indexing individual elements
>>> mix[0]
>>> mix[-2] #Indexing from the right
>>> mix[3]
[8, 4, 2]
>>> mix[3][1] #Last element is itself a list
>>> mix[0]=666; mix #Mutable
[666, 'tree', 5.6779999999999999, [8, 4, 2]]
>>> submix=mix[0:3]; submix #Creating sublist
[666, 'tree', 5.6779999999999999]
>>> switch=mix[3]+submix; switch #+ Operator
[8, 4, 2, 666, 'tree', 5.6779999999999999]
>>> len(switch) #Built-in Funciton

Python Programming 43
Changing the lengths of Lists
• A powerful feature of lists is their flexibility: their size can change.
• At a low level, list lengths can be changed with element/slice
reassignment and the use of built-in list operators.
• At a higher – and easier – level is the use of length-changing list methods:

append() append argument to end of list

extend(list) extend list with values in the list
insert(index,variable) insert variable contents before
pop() remove and return last list element
remove() remove first occurrence of argument

• Note that with proper use of list operators/functions/methods, lists can

become many interesting “containers” of data
– Stack, queue, array(normal), jagged matrix, dequeue, etc.

Python Programming 44
Lists growing and shrinking (basic techniques)

>>> resize=[6.45,'SOFIA',3,8.2E6,15,14]; len(resize)

>>> resize[1:4]=[55]; resize; len(resize) #Shrink a sublist
[6.4500000000000002, 55, 15, 14]
>>> resize[3]=['all','for','one']; resize; len(resize)
[6.4500000000000002, 55, 15, ['all', 'for', 'one']]
>>> resize[4]=2.87 #Cannot append this way
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
>>> temp=resize[:3]
>>> resize=temp+resize[3]; resize; len(resize) #add to list
[6.4500000000000002, 55, 15, 'all', 'for', 'one']
>>> del resize[3]; resize; len(resize) #delete an element
[6.4500000000000002, 55, 15, 'for', 'one']
>>> del resize[1:3]; resize; len(resize) #delete a sublist
[6.4500000000000002, 'for', 'one']

Python Programming 45
Lists growing and shrinking (using methods)

>>> Endless=['Dream',6.2, 140, "Dreamscape",‘black hair'];

>>> len(Endless)
>>> Endless.remove('Dreamscape'); Endless; len(Endless)
['Dream', 6.20, 140, ‘black hair']
>>> oldtop=Endless.pop(); oldtop; Endless; len(Endless)
‘black hair'
['Dream', 6.20, 140]
>>> Endless.append(‘black eyes'); Endless; len(Endless)
['Dream', 6.20, 140, ‘black eyes'] #Acts like a push
>>> Endless.insert(1,1E6); Endless; len(Endless)
['Dream', 1000000.0, 6.20, 140, ‘black eyes'] #Before index
>>> Endless.extend(['Sister: Death’,7]); Endless; len(Endless)
['Dream', 1000000.0, 6.200, 140, ‘black eyes','Sister: Death’,7]

Python Programming 46
More List Methods

>>> other=[1,'one',9.87,2,'Two',6.54,3,'three',3.21];
>>> other.reverse(); other
[3.21, 'three', 3, 6.54, 'Two', 2, 9.8699999999999992, 'one', 1]
>>> other.sort(); other
[1, 2, 3, 3.21, 6.54, 9.8699999999999992, 'Two', 'one', 'three']
#Ascending order by ASCII code
>>> nums=[3,7,9,4,3,7,6,1,2,9,0,3,4,5,6,2,8,9];
>>> nums.count(3)
>>> nums.count(7) #How many sevens?
>>> nums.count(0)
>>> nums.index(6)
>>> nums.index(9) #Where is the first nine?
>>> nums.index(3)
>>> nums.index(5)

Python Programming 47
Flexible Matrices

• Lists of lists allow the creation of matrices. “Normal” rectangular

matrices as well as jagged matrices where the number of column elements
can change with row number and vice versa.

>>> morpheus=[[4,8,6,6,4],[0,9,2,6,2],[6,7,7,5]]; morpheus

[[4, 8, 6, 6, 4], [0, 9, 2, 6, 2], [6, 7, 7, 5]]
>>> morpheus[1][1] #3x5 matrix
9 #Indexed in normal manner (zero-based)
>>> triangle=[[2,7,3],[3,4],[6]]; triangle
[[2, 7, 3], [3, 4], [6]] #No. of columns change with row
>>> triangle[0][0]; triangle[1][0]; triangle[2][0]
3 #First element in each of the three rows

Python Programming 48
Dictionary Data Type

• The Perl dictionary data type is unlike any collection of data we have
seen so far in two distinct ways:
– The dictionary values are unordered. You cannot think of them as
having a sequential relationship
– The manner in which a dictionary value is accessed is via a key paired
with it. Not through integer indexing
• In other languages, dictionaries are called associative arrays, hashes,
maps, etc.
• Like lists, a dictionary value can be any other Python type
(heterogeneous), size can grow and shrink during use (variable length),
nesting is allowed, and its key:value pairs can be directly changed
• Because of its unordered nature, sequential operations cannot be
performed on a dictionary. Such operation include concatenation and
“slicing” to make sub-dictionaries
• As implemented in Python, dictionaries are implemented for very fast
lookup. Given a key, Python will return its corresponding value as
quickly as possible. Internally dictionaries are hash tables and optimized
hashing algorithms are used for value retrieval.

Python Programming 49
Common Dictionary Uses

• Replace your own or library searching algorithms

• Dictionaries can act like structures in C and records in Fortran 90 (but
• Dictionaries can implement more-sophisticated data structures, as well
• Can even be used for sparse matrix implementation due to fast retrieval of
relatively few non-zero data elements
– Most math packages have their own storage formats for sparse matrices
• Dictionaries are ideal to use for you own symbol tables, menu selection,
• Interface to Python Data Base Management software is a dictionary
• Menu for the GUI Python support is also a dictionary

Python Programming 50
Using Basic Dictionary Operands

>>> top={'math':'Gauss','phys':'Newton','art':'Vemeer','phil':'Emerson',
... 'play':'Shakespeare','actor':'Kidman','direct':'Kubrick',
... 'author':'Hemmingway','bio':'Watson','group':'R.E.M'}
>>> len(top) #{ } are dictionary creation operators
10 # Syntax {key:value, key:value, …}

>>> top['pres']='F.D.R.'; top; len(top) #Can add a new pair

{'bio': 'Watson', 'play': 'Shakespeare', 'art': 'Vemeer', 'author': 'Hemmin
gway', 'phil': 'Emerson', 'direct': 'Kubrick', 'actor': 'Kidman', 'group':
'R.E.M', 'math': 'Gauss', 'phys': 'Newton', 'pres': 'F.D.R.'}
11 #len operator works for dictionaries

>>> top['bio']='Darwin'; top #Can change a value

{'bio': 'Darwin', 'play': 'Shakespeare', 'art': 'Vemeer', 'author': 'Hemmin
gway', 'phil': 'Emerson', 'direct': 'Kubrick', 'actor': 'Kidman', 'group':
'R.E.M', 'math': 'Gauss', 'phys': 'Newton', 'pres': 'F.D.R.'}

>>> del top['actor']; top; len(top) #can delete a key:value pair

{'bio': 'Darwin', 'play': 'Shakespeare', 'art': 'Vemeer', 'author': 'Hemmin
gway', 'phil': 'Emerson', 'direct': 'Kubrick', 'group': 'R.E.M', 'math': 'G
auss', 'phys': 'Newton', 'pres': 'F.D.R.'}

Python Programming 51
Methods for Dictionary Information

>>> ages=[50,80,-0.6];
>>> names=['kris','budd','robby'];
>>> birth={ages[0]:names[0],ages[1]:names[1],ages[2]:names[2]}
>>> birth
{80: 'budd', 50: 'kris', -0.6: 'robby'}
>>> birth.items() #List the pairs
[(80, 'budd'), (50, 'kris'), (-0.6, 'robby')]
>>> birth.keys() #List the keys alone
[80, 50, -0.6]
>>> birth.values() #List the values alone
['budd', 'kris', 'robby']

Python Programming 52
Methods for Working with Dictionaries

>>> birth.get(50) #Get the value paired with key

>>> birth.popitem() #Remove some item from the
(80, 'budd')
>>> birth.popitem()
(50, 'kris')
>>> birth
{-0.6: 'robby'}
>>> more={17:'mike',3:'harry',7:'maddy'};
>>> birth.update(more); birth #Add more items to existing dict.
{17: 'mike', 3: 'harry', -0.6: 'robby', 7: 'maddy'}
>>> years=birth.copy(); years #Make a copy of a dictionary
{17: 'mike', 3: 'harry', -0.6: 'robby', 7: 'maddy'}
>>> birth.clear(); birth #Clear out a dictionary
>>> years
{17: 'mike', 3: 'harry', -0.6: 'robby', 7: 'maddy'}

Python Programming 53
Python Dictionaries as C structures

• A structure is a very useful data type that contains all the diverse
information needed to represent a certain variable. AND all this
information (which can be of different types) is stored in memory through
one variable name.

• For example, if you were writing solitaire software you would need some
variable to represent a playing card. You could declare a variable down
which is a card structure. The card structure would have to an integer
member which is the number of the card, and a string member which is its

• We will see that the Python Dictionary type can act very much like the
structure type supported in other languages. In the example code that
follows we create a dictionary that contains all the information about a

Python Programming 54
A student Dictionary

>>> student={‘name’:'Stephen Hawking', #Dictionary definition

... ‘course’: 'Astronomy 674',
... ‘ID’: 25310157,
... ‘GPA’: 4.50,
... ‘Exams’: [100,98,99],
... ‘Housing’: {'dorm':'McCutcheon','room':137},
... ‘Final’: 95,
... ‘Grade’: 'A' }
>>> student['GPA'] #Access any student info by “member” name
>>> ave=(student['Exams'][0]+student['Exams'][1]+student['Exams'][2])/3.0;
99.0 #Working with string:list item
>>> student['email']=''; student #Add new item
{'course': 'Astronomy 674', 'email': '', 'Exams': [100
, 98, 99, 105], 'Grade': 'A', 'Housing': {'dorm': 'McCutcheon', 'room': 137
}, 'Final': 95, 'GPA': 4.5, 'ID': 25310157, 'name': 'Stephen Hawking'}
>>> student['Housing']['room']=555 #Switched to a new room
>>> student['Housing'] #Nested Dictionary
{'dorm': 'McCutcheon', 'room': 555}

Python Programming 55
Tuple Data Type

• Type name is historical. The (x,y) positions of a pixel in an image can be referred to
as a 2-tuple. The coordinates of a point in space, a 3-tuple. Tuples collect a small
number of related objects.

• Characteristics of the Python Tuple type:

– Ordered collection of any type of data ; nestable as well
– Elements of a tuple are indexed. Subtuples can be created via
– Cannot be changed by element reassignment directly (immutable)
– Operators we’ve seen before work on tuples, but tuples have NO
• Reason for immutability (strings and tuples) is the most obvious one: you don’t
want variable’s contents to be accidentally overwritten. Same rationale for
declaring a symbolic name to be a constant.
• Immutability is the major difference between a tuple and a list

Python Programming 56
Using Tuple Operators

>>> beatles=('Lennon','McCartney','Starr','Harrison','Martin');
#Parentheses () create tuples
>>> copyright=beatles[0]+' and ' +beatles[1]; copyright
'Lennon and McCartney‘ #Addition operator
>>> extra=beatles[2][len(beatles[2])-1]; extra
'r‘ #Two-level indices; len operator
>>> fab_four=beatles[0:4]; fab_four
('Lennon', 'McCartney', 'Starr', 'Harrison') #Range of indices
>>> drum_band=beatles[2]*4; drum_band #Multiplication operator

Python Programming 57
Finessing List Methods

>>> sts=('Ezek','Guiliani','Woodall','Ennis','Carswell');
>>> sts_list=list(sts); sts_list
#Convert tuple to a list
['Ezek', 'Guiliani', 'Woodall', 'Ennis', 'Carswell']
>>> sts_list.append('Carson'); sts_list
#Now can append
['Ezek', 'Guiliani', 'Woodall', 'Ennis', 'Carswell', 'Carson']
>>> sts_list.sort(); sts_list
#Now alphabetize names
['Carson', 'Carswell', 'Ennis', 'Ezek', 'Guiliani', 'Woodall']
>>> sts=tuple(sts_list); sts #Convert list to tuple

('Carson', 'Carswell', 'Ennis', 'Ezek', 'Guiliani', 'Woodall')


Python Programming 58
Exercise Set 1

1. Write a program that computes the area of a circle of radius 12.5.

2. Modify the above program so that it prompts for and accepts a radius from the
user, then prints the area and circumference. Also print out the ratio of the
circumference and the diameter to the highest accuracy allowed on your
3. Write a program that reads a string and a number, and prints the string that
number of times on separate lines. (Hint: use the x operator.)
4. Write a program that creates a list of lists and prints out the main list in reverse
order as well as each element list.
5. Write a program that makes a dictionary of tuples and numbers, and prints the
numbers that are selected by two different tuples you pick. (The keys are
tuples and the values are numbers).

Python Programming 59
Exercise Set 1

6. Write a program that reads and prints a string and its mapped value
according to the dictionary
Input Output
red apple
green leaves
blue ocean
7. Write a program that creates a dictionary of acronyms. The keys are the
acronyms and the values are the actual phrases. Make this list as long as
you can. When are finished print out all the acronyms and all the actual
8. An interesting application of complex arithmetic is rotating 2D points
about the origin by an angle, theta. Invoke an interactive session in
python. Verify the following algorithm:
For a 2D point, in the xy-plane and an angle, theta, in radians, a
new coordinate can be calculated by:
rot = (x + yj)*(cos(theta) + sin(theta)j)
newx = rot.real
newy = rot.imag

Python Programming 60
Programming Statements

Python Programming

• Some of the programming constructs discussed in the chapter are controlled by an

expression that evaluates to “true” or “false”. So, as introduction, we will discuss
how Python tests for equality, makes relative comparisons, and even tests for
membership in structured variables.
• In Python, truth and falseness are defined as follows:
– Numbers are true if nonzero; false otherwise
– Other variables are true if nonempty; false otherwise
• How does Python compare variables of built-in types?
– Numbers are compared by their relative value
• Built-in relational operators cannot be used on complex numbers
– Strings are compared character-by-character until a pair of different
characters are encountered. These characters are then compared by
ASCII code (lexicographically)
– Lists (and tuples) are compared by looking at each member (from left to
– Dictionaries are compared as though comparing sorted (key,value) lists.
• Note: Python comparison tests continue recursively through nested variables if
need be.
• How does Python test for membership in “sequence” built-in types?
– The Boolean operator in is used

Python Programming 62
Relational Boolean Operators

Operator Symbol Meaning

< Strictly less than
> Strictly greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
a in Box a is an element of Box
a not in Box a is not an element of Box

Python Programming 63
Logical Boolean Operators

• In the following table, b and d are anything that evaluates to true or false

Operator Meaning

not b Reverses logical state of b.

If b true, not b is false
and vice versa
b and d True if b and d both true.
False otherwise

b or d True if b is true, d is true

or both are true

• For logical operators and and or, short-cutting is performed

Python Programming 64
Example Code

>>> 3.2 < 1.2, 234 > 12, "Draco" >= 'Draco', 'courts'<='course'
(0, 1, 1, 0) #Numbers and strings
>>> [1345,'Pyrite',4.56] >= [1345,'Pyrite',4.562]
0 #Lists
>>> [22,['one','too','throw']] <= [22,['one','two','three']]
1 #Nested Lists
>>> {'E':90,'W':270,'N':0,'S':180} ==
1 #Dictionaries
>>> ('N',0) >= ('N',360)
0 #Tuples
>>> 'on' in [22,['one','too','throw']] #Membership …
>>> 'one' in [22,['one','too','throw']]
>>> 'one' in [22,'one',['too','throw']]
>>> ['too','throw'] not in [22,'one',['too','throw']]

Python Programming 65
FINALLY, syntax appealing Range Checking

>>> lower=16
>>> upper=88
>>> x=33
>>> x>lower and x<upper #Traditional syntax
>>> lower < x < upper #Yes, this is legal now
>>> x=5
>>> lower < x < upper
>>> x=16
>>> lower <= x <= upper

Python Programming 66
Python if/else Statement

• Basic decision-making statement: choose between executing two different blocks of

code using the output of a controlling Boolean expression. Syntax is
if <Boolean expression>:
<statement block1>
<statement block2>

• Synatx Properties
– NO begin/end or braces to mark blocks of code. Code blocks detected
– All Python code blocks follow same template. A header line with a colon at the
end, followed by statements all indented by the same amount. (You pick the
amount of indentation)
– if statement header must begin in column 1
– If using if interactively need a blank line at the end for it to execute

Python Programming 67
Demo if/else Code

>>> now=2005; birth=1952

>>> if (now-birth) >= 21: #Header with colon
... print 'You are of drinking age‘ #Indented lines
... else:
... print 'You are only %d years old' % (now-birth)
... print 'Come back when you are older'
You are of drinking age
>>> birth=1993
>>> if (now-birth) >=21:
... print 'You are of drinking age'
... else:
... print 'You are only %d years old' % (now-birth)
... print 'Come back when you are older'
You are only 12 years old
Come back when you are older
>>> if (now-brith) >=21: #Must start in column 1
if (now-brith) >=21:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Python Programming 68
Putting if/else in a Python Script

$ cat

birth=raw_input('Please enter your birth year: ')
if (now-birth) >= 21:
print 'You are of drinking age'
print 'You are only %d years old' % (now-birth)
print 'Come back when you are older'
print 'End of carding‘ #No blank line needed
Please enter your birth year: 1990
You are only 15 years old
Come back when you are older
End of carding

Python Programming 69
Multiple Choices

• Python does not have the equivalent of a “switch” or “case” statement

which allow one of many code blocks to be executed.

• The if/else statement can be extended with elif clauses to perform

this task and create even more sophisticated decision making code blocks.

Python Programming 70
An elif Ladder …

$ cat
writer=raw_input('Please enter the name of an author: ')
if writer=='Melville':
print 'Moby is a direct descendent'
elif writer=='Fleming':
print 'Into James Bond 007'
elif writer=='Irving':
print 'Garp, Garp, Garp!'
elif writer=='Dickens':
print 'God Bless us everyone'
elif writer=='Faulkner':
print "The Past isn't dead."
print "It's not even past."
print "Haven't heard of that writer"

Python Programming 71
… In Use

Please enter the name of an author: Dickens
God Bless us everyone
Please enter the name of an author: Faulkner
The Past isn't dead.
It's not even past.
Please enter the name of an author: Melville
Moby is a direct descendent
Please enter the name of an author: Steele
Haven't heard of that writer

Python Programming 72
The while Loop

• Python’s conditional loop. General syntax is:

while <entry condition> :
<statement block1>
<statement block2>

where the <entry condition> is the controlling Boolean expression.

Operation: While the entry condition is true the loop body is executed
repeatedly. When the entry condition is false the (optional) else statement
block is executed and the loop is exited
If entry condition is never true, loop body will never be entered and executed
In this form of the while loop, some code must cause the entry condition to go
false or else the dreaded ∞ Loop will raise its ugly head

Python Programming 73
Random Walk while Loop

$ cat
while (abs(dist) != 3): #Entry Condition
entry=raw_input('Flip a coin. Enter h or t: ')
if (entry=='h'):
dist += 1
steps += 1
elif (entry=='t'):
dist -= 1
steps += 1 #End of Loop Body
print 'You took %d steps' % steps

Python Programming 74
Take a walk on the Random side

Flip a coin. Enter h or t: h

Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: h
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: h
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
Flip a coin. Enter h or t: t
You took 9 steps

Python Programming 75
The for Loop

• Python work-horse unconditional loop: it can iterate through items in strings, lists,
and tuples. Syntax:

for <loop variable> in <ordered sequence>:

<block statement1>
<block statement2>

Operation: During each iteration the loop variable is assigned elements from the
sequence (in-order) and the loop body is executed. Normally, the looping ends
when the last element in the sequence has been reached.
⇒ After the for loop is finished, the loop variable has its last value
⇒ else clause works the same way as it does in the while loop and is

Python Programming 76
Some for Loops

>>> for num in [1,2,3,4,5]: #Normal integer loop variable

... num=num**2
... print num, #Suppress automatic carriage return
1 4 9 16 25
>>> sides=[(3.2,6.78),(158,34),('Green',' Day')] #Tuple List
>>> for (x,y) in sides:
... print x+y
Green Day
>>> Dates={1944:'D-Day',1211:'Black Plague',1066:'Norman Invasion',
... 2005:'Bethe Death'}
>>> for year in Dates.keys(): #Dictionary Looping
... print Dates[year]+' happened in '+str(year)
D-Day happened in 1944
Black Plague happened in 1211
Bethe Death happened in 2005
Norman Invasion happened in 1066

Python Programming 77
Some more for Loops

>>> for c in 'Easter 1911': #String Loop

... if c.isalpha():
... print '%s is a letter' % c
... elif c.isdigit():
... print '%s is a number' % c
... elif c.isspace():
... print '%s is white space' % c
E is a letter
a is a letter
s is a letter
t is a letter
e is a letter
r is a letter
is white space
1 is a number
9 is a number
1 is a number
1 is a number

Python Programming 78
range Function

• A common reaction to the first example for loop shown is “You mean I
have to type out ALL the integers I want the loop counter to get??????”
• Since this would be antiquated and barbaric, Python provides a solution to
the problem with the range function. The range function returns a list of
integers starting with the first argument and ending before the second
Range(1,5) => [1,2,3,4]
Range(4) => [0,1,2,3] #Default start at 0
Range(0:16:3) =>[0,3,6,9,12,15] #Can choose stride

>>> for num in range(1,6):

... num=num**2
... print num,
• So our offending for loop becomes:
1 4 9 16 25

Python Programming 79
“How can I get out of this rut?”

• There may be times when you wish to leave a for loop before the
last item or a while loop before the entry condition becomes
false. This is accomplished with the use of the Python break
• When a break is encountered control will jump out of the
enclosing loop and move on to new code
• Related to the break statement is the continue statement. If a
continue is encountered the rest of loop body for that iteration
is skipped over. Then the next iteration starts at the beginning of
the loop.
• For no good reason, we will also mention the pass statement. It
is Python’s equivalent to a “no-op”. It does nothing at all.

Python Programming 80
Here’s how

>>> pairs=[(3,4),(-5,2),(2.37,0.01),(6,0),(45.6,89.2)]
>>> for (num,den) in pairs:
... if den != 0:
... print (num/den),
... else:
... continue #Stop division by zero
0 -3 237.0 0.511210762332
>>> all=''
>>> while 1:
... lett=raw_input('Enter a letter (5 to stop): ')
... if lett=='5': break #How to stop inputting
... all=all+lett
Enter a letter (5 to stop): r
Enter a letter (5 to stop): I
Enter a letter (5 to stop): e
Enter a letter (5 to stop): 5
>>> print 'Your letters were '+all
Your letters were rIe

Python Programming 81
Exercise Set 2

1. Write a program that accepts the name and age of the user and prints
something like “Bob is 26 years old.” Insure that if the age is 1, “year” is
not plural. Also, an error should result if a negative age is specified.
2. Write a program that reads a list of numbers on separate lines until 999 is
read, and then prints the sum of the entered numbers (not counting the
999). Thus if you enter 1, 2, 3 and 999 the program should print 6.
3. Write a program that reads a list of strings and prints out the list in
reverse order, but without using the reverse operator.
4. Write a program that prints a table of numbers and their cubes from 0 to
32. Try to find a way where you don’t need all the numbers from 0 to 32
in a list, then try one where you do.
5. Build a program that computes the intersection of two arrays. The
intersection should be stored in a third array. For example, if a = [1,
2, 3, 4] and b = [3, 2, 5], then inter = [2, 3].

Python Programming 82
Exercise Set 2

6. Write a program that generates the first 50 prime numbers. (Hint: start
with a short list of “known” primes, say 2 and 3. Then check if 4 is
divisible by any of these numbers. It is, so you now go on to 5. It isn’t,
so push it onto the list of primes and continue…)
7. Build a program that displays a simple menu. Each of the items can be
specified either by their number or by the first letter of the selection (e.g.,
P for Print, E for Exit, etc.). Have the code simply print the choice
8. Write a program that asks for the temperature outside and prints “too hot”
if the temperature is above 75, “too cold” if it is below 68, and “just
right” if it between 68 and 75.
9. Write a program that acts like cat but reverses the order of the lines.

Python Programming 83
Python Functions

Python Programming
Reasons for Functional Programming

• There are many good reasons to program with functions:

– Don’t have to repeat the same block of code many times in your code.
Make that code block a function and reference it when needed.
– Function portability: useful functions can be used in a number of
– Supports the top-down technique for devising a program algorithm.
Make an outline and hierarchy of the steps needed to solve your problem
and create a function for each step.
– Easy to debug. Get one function working correctly then move on to the
– Easy to modify and expand. Just add more functions to extend program
– For a large programming project, a specific programmer will code only a
small fraction of the program.
– Makes program self-documenting and readable.

Python Programming 85
Function Definition

• Defining a function means writing the actual Python code that causes the function
to do what it does. This, of course, is the syntax for a function definition:

def <function_name>(arg1,arg2,…):
<block statement>
return <value>

• The first line of this definition is often called the function header. The statements
making up the function are often called the function body.
• Operation: When a call to the function is made, actual arguments in the call will be
matched up with dummy arguments here in the definition. The function body will
be executed. The return statement ends the function call and passes back the
return value
• Comments:
– There can be zero dummy arguments
– The return statement is not required if the function does not return any data
– The “connection” between an actual argument and a dummy argument is through
assignment. That is, the value of the actual argument is assigned to the dummy
argument during function execution
dummy arg = actual arg

Python Programming 86
Calling a Python Function

• Simplicity itself. Just type the function name followed by a list of actual
arguments in parentheses. Even if there are no arguments, the parentheses
are still required.
• Here are some sample function calls:


• Functions must be defined before they are called

Python Programming 87
Simple Function Use

$ cat
def scale_sum(x,y,z,factor): #Function Definition
sum=x+y+z #Local variable
res=factor*sum #Return value in local variable
return res
out=scale_sum(4,2,9,5) #Call with ints
print "scale_sum returned",out
out=scale_sum(45.2,873.2,5.62,-0.01) #Call with floats
print "scale_sum returned",out
out=scale_sum('Hip ','Hip ','Horray ',3) #Call with strings
print "scale_sum returned",out
scale_sum returned 75
scale_sum returned -9.2402
scale_sum returned Hip Hip Horray Hip Hip Horray Hip Hip Horray

Python Programming 88
Python Function are Typless

• In the sample program just shown, you could see that scale_sum
worked for integer arguments, floating-point arguments, and even strings!
• This is an integral part of Python function design: the arguments are not
typed. Any type variable that can be added and multiplied can be used in
• This is an example of a broader concept called Polymorphism: the
meaning of code depends upon the types of the variables being used.
• Having a function (with the same name) work with different actual
argument types is supported in other languages by generic functions, and
template functions.

Python Programming 89
Local and Global Scope Program (

print 'outside x before call: ',x
def gsum(y,z):
global x #Changing a global variable
x=y+z; return x
print "Global sum= ",back
print 'outside x after call: ',x
def lsum(y,z):
x=y+z; return x #Using just local variables
print "Local sum= ",back
print 'outside a before call: ',a
def nsum(y,z):
a=y+z; return a #Using a global variable name
print "No sum= ",back
print 'outside a after call: ',a

Python Programming 90
Program Results

outside x before call: 6

Global sum= 30
outside x after call: 30

Local sum= 12

outside a before call: 33

No sum= 11
outside a after call: 33

Python Programming 91
Connection between Actual and Dummy Arguments

• Two concepts to learn:

• If the actual argument is of an immutable data type, changing the matching

dummy argument does not change the actual argument.

• If the actual argument is of a mutable data type, changing the matching

dummy argument does change the actual argument.

Python Programming 92
Demo Code (


print 'String before function call: ',s
def attempt(t):
t='helium'; return t #String immutable
print 'function returned ',back
print 'String after function call: ',s

print 'List before function call: ',nums
def morph(vector):
vector[2]=8; return vector #List mutable
print 'function returned ',back
print 'List after function call: ',nums

Python Programming 93
Code Results

String before function call: adamantium

function returned helium
String after function call: adamantium

List before function call: [2, 635.8, 'eight', 44, 12.34]

function returned [2, 635.8, 8, 44, 12.34]
List after function call: [2, 635.8, 8, 44, 12.34]

Python Programming 94
Keywords and Defaults for Dummy Arguments

• Python functions have two very nice features that are just now appearing
in user-defined functions.
• Dummy argument names can act as keywords. In the call to a function the
actual argument can specify BY KEYWORD name which dummy
argument it is matched with.
– Overrides the traditional matching be position
– Self-documents code if you pick meaningful keywords
– When one actual arg using a keyword, all remaining actual args must as well
• The second feature is that dummy arguments can be given a DEFAULT
value. If no actual argument ends up being matched to that dummy
argument it is assigned its default value
– Handy for arguments that rarely change with each call to the function.
– The functional call can have less actual arguments in it.

Python Programming 95
Arguments with Keywords (

$ cat
def integral(begin,end,acc):
print 'begin= ', begin
print 'end= ', end
print 'acc= ', acc
integral(5.0,25.0,0.001) #Positional Matching
integral(acc=0.001,end=55.0,begin=10.0) #Keyword Matching
integral(6.0,acc=0.001,end=38.0) #Combination
begin= 5.0
end= 25.0
acc= 0.001
begin= 10.0
end= 55.0
acc= 0.001
begin= 6.0
end= 38.0
acc= 0.001

Python Programming 96
Arguments with Default Values (

$ cat
def integral(begin=1.0,end=500.0,acc=0.001):
print 'begin=', begin,'end=',end,'acc=',acc
integral(5.0,25.0,0.0000001) #No defaults used
integral(3.0,18.0) #1 default used
integral(5.0) #2 defaults used
integral() #All defaults used
#integral(,333.0,) #ILLEGAL

begin= 5.0 end= 25.0 acc= 1e-07
begin= 3.0 end= 18.0 acc= 0.001
begin= 5.0 end= 500.0 acc= 0.001
begin= 1.0 end= 500.0 acc= 0.001

Python Programming 97
Can Python functions return more than one value?

• Every time a new programming language is taught, this question is

always asked at one point. For Python, the answer is YES
• Python functions can return tuples. Those return values can be assigned to
lists. So there is really no limit to the number of values a single Python
function can return.
• CAUTION: Be sure the number of elements in the return tuple equal the
number of elements in the receiving list

Python Programming 98
Sample Python Program

$ cat
def more(s1,s2,s3='sil'):
return(S,L) #Two-tuple returned
Merge,Length=more('pro','ton') #Two Lists receive
print "Merge list= ",Merge
print "Length list=",Length

Merge list= ['proton', 'tonsil']
Length list= [6, 6]

Python Programming 99
Exercise Set 3

1. Write a program that accepts a list of words on STDIN and searches for a
line containing all five vowels (a, e, i, o, and u).
2. Modify the above program so that the five vowels have to be in order.
3. Write a program that looks through the file /etc/passwd on STDIN,
and prints out the real name and login name of each user.
4. Write a function that takes a numeric value from 1 to 9 and returns its
English name (i.e., one, two …). If the input is out of range, return the
original value as the name instead.
5. Taking the subroutine from the previous exercise, write a program to take
two numbers and add them together, printing the result as “Two plus
three equals five.” (Don’t forget to capitalize the first letter!)

Python Programming 100

Exercise Set 3

6. Create a function that computes factorials. (The factorial of 5 is 5! =

5*4*3*2*1 = 120.)
7. Build a function that takes an integer and returns a string that contains the
integer displayed with a comma every three digits (i.e., 1234567 should return
8. Write a function that numerically sorts a list of integers. The list elements
should NOT be sorted by ASCII value as is done by the built-in sort
9. Write a function called mergedict(dict1,dict2) that determines the
merger of two dictionaries. It should return a new dictionary with all the items
in both of its arguments. If the same key is used in both dictionary print an
appropriate error message and leave those items out of the merger.

Python Programming 101

Python Modules

Python Programming
Module Properties

• DEFN: A file of Python code (suffix .py) which can contain variable
assignments, function definitions, and type definitions typically all
relating to a specific topic
• In Python modules take the role of libraries. The code in them can be
used and reused by different Python programs.
– Almost identical definition, use and philosophy of Fortran 90 modules
• The use of the attributes of module (the names in them) is accomplished
by simply importing the module. Naturally enough, this is done with the
Python command import.
• There are three general categories of modules available to the Python
– Modules that were provided with the Python installation
– Modules downloadable from the web
– Modules you can write yourself!

Python Programming 103

Use of the math installed Module

>>> import math #Importing math module

>>> dir(math) #Provides a list of module attributes
['__doc__', '__name__', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil',
'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e', 'exp', 'fabs', 'floor', 'fmod',
'frexp', 'hypot', 'ldexp', 'log', 'log10', 'modf', 'pi', 'pow',
'radians', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh']
>>> help(math.sqrt) #Get terse definition of any function
Help on built-in function sqrt:


Return the square root of x.

>>> radius=14.2
>>> area=math.pi*(radius**2); area #Using a module variable
>>> a=14.5; b=12.7
>>> c=math.sqrt(a**2+b**2); c #Using a module function

Python Programming 104

Some Observations

• As shown in the previous demo program an extremely helpful Python

function is dir. When applied to a module it list all the names that are
contained in the module. Most of the names will be functions, some will
be values.
• Not that the same “dot” notation described previously for member
functions also works with identifying a value. Thus, to use pi we typed
the code math.pi
• It should be pointed out that importing a Python module is not the simple
text insertion that occurs when files are “included” as in other languages.
• The import command actually involves three separate steps: finding
required module files, compiling the module to bytecode, and running
any executable statements that are in the module source code.
• Lastly, you probably noticed that some module attributes that begin and
end with two underscores. These are special methods that are part of the
operation of all modules, so their names are chosen for us. Some have to
do with system interfacing, others with containing information about the
complete module, operator overloading, etc.

Python Programming 105

The Standard Module Library

• The math module we just used one of a vast (~200) collection of Python modules
that come installed with Python. This amazingly diverse set of Python code is
called the The Standard Library.
• It is impossible to list all of the topics covered in the Standard Library. There are
low-level interfacing/control modules for your operating system, HTML, sockets,
and all types of standardized inter-computer communication; modules containing
extended operations on Pythons data types; random number modules; and various
audio/visual support modules. Just to name a few.
• So how can I found out about the Standard Library? Three ways come to mind:
– Find the library directory for your particular Python installation and see what is there
– Browse the “Bible”: Python Library Reference Manual which may have come with your
– Browse this excellently-constructed Manuel on the Python web site



Python Programming 106

Library module bisect and Python command from

>>> Ships=['Redstone 7','Saturn 5','Arriane','Soyuz','Space Shuttle',

... 'Proteus','Ranger','Delta II']
>>> Ships.sort()
>>> Ships
['Arriane', 'Delta II', 'Proteus', 'Ranger', 'Redstone 7', 'Saturn 5',
'Soyuz', 'Space Shuttle']
>>> from bisect import bisect_left #from allows method to be
#used without module. prefix
>>> where=bisect_left(Ships,'Skylab'); where
6 #Index where new element would go in list
>>> from bisect import * #import all methods
>>> insort_left(Ships,'Skylab'); Ships #Put new element in
#correct spot
['Arriane', 'Delta II', 'Proteus', 'Ranger', 'Redstone 7', 'Saturn 5',
'Skylab', 'Soyuz', 'Space Shuttle']
>>> insort_right(Ships,'Nike',2,6); Ships #Can specify List range
['Arriane', 'Delta II', 'Nike', 'Proteus', 'Ranger', 'Redstone 7',
'Saturn5', 'Skylab', 'Soyuz', 'Space Shuttle']

Python Programming 107

Writing your own Modules

• Here is a demo module dealing with complex numbers written by the author.
$ cat
print "Beginning import"

C=3.0+4.0j #Module variable(global to importer)

def partner(c):
res=complex(c.real,-c.imag) #Module method

def peri(c): #Another Module method


print "Import ended"

Python Programming 108

Using your own Modules

>>> import modern

Beginning import #import Runs executable statements
Import ended
>>> dir(modern) #Yes, works on your own modules
['C', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__',
'partner', 'peri']
>>> modern.C
>>> modern.partner(modern.C)
>>> d=24-13j
>>> modern.peri(d) #modern Methods can take any arg

Python Programming 109

These have all been Objects?

Python Programming
EVERYTHING in Python is an Object

• Yes, it’s true. Beneath the hood of Python is OOP (Object-Oriented Programming).
Everything is an object of a certain class. We have actually been creating a number
objects, list objects, function objects, and module objects (to name a few)
• WHY? The OOP approach is very powerful at arranging related entities in a
hierarchy, thus giving the language a clear structure. Most important, because of the
hierarchy efficient code reuse occurs naturally through the process of inheritance.
• HOW? Types are declared in Python with a class definition. An object is just a
variable of some class (an instantiation). Class definitions can contain data
members and function members (which are also called methods). An object
accesses any member with “dot” notation. That’s why we have been typing things
like Ships.sort()
• WHY NOT TELL US? To show that you can use all the Python programming we
have seen so far without knowing a whit about OOP.
• WHY TELL US? To provide a deeper understanding of Python which should
enable more programming possibilities. But the real reason is …


Object creation, methods, operator overloading, etc

Python Programming 111

Dynamic Typing

• Dynamic typing is the actual means by with Python has been creating
• As you have seen from the start, Python variables names are not declared
by you to have a certain type. Variable types are determined while the
program is running (thus dynamic) with the use of the assignment
statement =
• Consider this simple Python statement: alex=[0,2,4,6,8] which
we know gives a list of even numbers to the name alex.
• The following is what Python does when it encounters the assignment
– Create a list object in memory to hold [0,2,4,6,8]
– Create the variable alex
– “Link” the name alex to the new object [0,2,4,6,8]
• When the name alex appears in Python code is is replaced with the list
object it is “linked” to.
• The “links” from variable names to objects are officially called
references. References are very similar to C pointers which contain
memory addresses. (But note that Python references are automatically
dereferenced when used. Sweet)

Python Programming 112

Classes and Objects

Python Programming
Class Syntax

• The first step in your own Python OOP is define the new type you desire
through a class definition
• The syntax of Python classes is:
class class_name:
def method_name1(self,…)
def method_name2(self,…)
• Note that the class header and body have the same syntax as other code blocks
in Python
• The keyword self must be the first argument of every class method. It is a
reference to the specific object that is calling a method (For C++
programmers, think of this)

Python Programming 114

Class Rectangle

$ cat
class Rectangle:
def setheight(self,value):
def setwidth(self,value):
def area(self):
def display(self):
print "Height:",self.height,"Width:",self.width

Python Programming 115

Creating and Using Rectangle Objects

>>> from Figures import *

>>> box=Rectangle()
>>> box.setheight(23.5)
>>> box.setwidth(12.5)
>>> box.display()
Height: 23.5 Width: 12.5
>>> box.area()
>>> print "The area of the box is",box.area
The area of the box is 293.75
>>> boundary=2.0*(box.height+box.width)
#Script can directly access box’s data
>>> print "The perimeter of the box is",boundary
The perimeter of the box is 72.0

Python Programming 116

Operator Overloading

Python Programming
What is Operator Overloading?

• An operator is overloaded when it has been designed to work with more

than one type of operands. For example, the addition operator will
correctly work with with all the built-in number types and with the string
type. Python has been written this way. In most languages, operators are
already overloaded by handling its own built-in data types
• What OOP allows a programmer to do is overload operators so that they
work with objects of their own new data types.
• Python makes this particularly straightforward by having names reserved
just for operator overloading of specific operators. For example, the
method name __len__ should be used to overload the len operator.
The programmer must write the code body for a function of this name.
• When overloading an operator, it is considered good form to make what
the operator does with your objects be “similar” to what the operator
traditionally does.
• In the following slides, we revisit our Rectangle class and decide what
is means to “add together” two Rectangle objects.

Python Programming 118

Overloading + (and a Constructor)

$ cat
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self,width=0.0,height=0.0):
def area(self):
def display(self):
print "Height:",self.height,"Width:",self.width
def __add__(self,another):

Python Programming 119

Adding your own Objects

>>> from Figures import *

>>> square=Rectangle(43.2,43.2) #Initialize square values
>>> square.display()
Height: 43.2 Width: 43.2
>>> rug=Rectangle(48.0,24.0) #Exactly the same as
>>> rug.display()
Height: 24.0 Width: 48.0
>>> total=square+rug #Rectangle.__add__(square,rug)
>>> total.display()
Height: 67.2 Width: 91.2 #Decided addition of two
#Rectangle objects would mean
#adding their heights and widths

Python Programming 120


• Recall that in the first form of the Rectangle class that object’s data-
height and width- were given values by “set” functions. After a while, it
gets irritating to call a number of “set” methods. What is desired is a
method to initialize an object,s data at declaration, just like with any
built-in object.

• The initialization object method is called a Constructor and a name has

been set aside for it: __init(self,…)___

• In the new Rectangle class, you can see that a constructor has been
written to give any Rectangle object starting values for height and
width. Notice that its arguments can even have default values

Python Programming 121

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