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In a global economy, increasingly organizations have a responsibility to

facilitate, demonstrate and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Long-term sustainability demands that organizations rethink their business
goals and objectives from solely focusing on making a profit to corporate
citizenship. Today, the impact of CSR is beginning to be seen in
communities throughout the world--from human rights and labor practices
to health care and the environment. At home and abroad, HR plays a critical
role--that of leading and educating their firms regarding the importance of
CSR while at the same time strategically implementing sound HR
management practices that support the company's business and CSR goals.
"More and more companies are accepting corporate citizenship as a new
strategic and managerial purpose requiring their attention. Once seen as a
purely philanthropic activity--a source of general goodwill, with no bottom-
line consequence--citizenship is moving from the margins of concern to the
center at leading companies." Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means a
commitment by a company to manage its roles in a society in a responsible and
sustainable manner. Especially since the 1980's, CSR has become an increasingly
important part of the business environment. Today there is a growing perception
among enterprises that sustainable business success and shareholder value cannot be
achieved solely through maximizing short-term profits, but instead through market-
oriented yet responsible behavior. It is in this context, that the present study argues that
the Human Resource (HR) function can play a critical role in embedding CSR within corporations
through employee communication and engagement, diversity management and community
relationships. The paper highlights the growing important interfaces between HR and CSR, and captures
the roles that HR can assume in implementing CSR.
Human resource managers are well positioned to play an instrumental role
in helping their organization achieve its goals of becoming a socially and
environmentally responsible firm – one which reduces its negative and
enhances its positive impacts on society and the environment. Further,
human resource (HR) professionals in organizations that perceive successful
corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a key driver of their financial
performance, can be influential in realizing on that objective. While there is
considerable guidance to firms who wish to be the best place to work and
for firms who seek to manage their employee relationships in a socially
responsible way, there is a dearth of information for the HR manager who
sees the importance of embedding their firm’s CSR values throughout the
organization, who wish to assist the executive team in integrating CSR into
the company’s DNA. And as high profile corporate failures such as Enron
make all too clear, organizations that pay lip-service to CSR while
neglecting to foster a CSR culture run the risk of damaging their corporate
reputation if not their demise. Indeed, HR's mandate to communicate and
implement ideas, policies, and cultural and behavioural change in
organizations makes it central to fulfilling an organization’s objectives to
“integrate CSR in all that we do.” That said, it is important to understand
that employee engagement is not simply the mandate of HR. Indeed people
leadership rests with all departmental managers. HR can facilitate the
development of processes and systems; however, employee engagement is
ultimately a shared responsibility. The more the HR practitioner can
understand their leverage with respect to CSR, the greater their ability to
pass these insights along to their business partners towards the
organization’s objectives in integrating CSR throughout their operations and
business model.

As human resources influences many of the key systems and business

processes underpinning effective delivery, it is well positioned to foster a
CSR ethic and achieve a high performance CSR culture. Human resource
management can play a significant role so that CSR can become “the way
we do things around here”. HR can be the key organizational partner to
ensure that what the organization is saying publicly aligns with how people
are treated within the organization. HR is in the enviable position of being
able to provide the tools and framework for the executive team and CEO to
embed CSR ethic and culture into the brand and the strategic framework of
the organization. It is the only function that influences across the entire
enterprise for the entire ‘lifecycle’ of the employees who work there – thus it
has considerable influence if handled correctly. HR is poised for this lead
role as it is adept at working horizontally and vertically across and within
the organization, so important for successful CSR delivery.

Of course, for effective CSR deployment, it needs to become a Board and C-

suite imperative first. Should such an organizational gap exist, the senior
HR leader can champion, lead and help drive a CSR approach if necessary.
In the coming years as CSR increasingly becomes part of the business
agenda and the fabric of responsible corporations, it will become a natural
agenda for the HR practitioner.

The following is an overview of the key trends and business drivers for
fostering this CSR-HR connection, followed by a proposed roadmap or
pathway for human resource leaders seeking to make a substantial
contribution to sustainability, CSR and their firm’s business goals.
CSR covers all aspects of corporate governance. It is about how companies conduct
their business in an ethical way, taking account of their impact economically, socially,
environmentally and in terms of human rights. This moves beyond traditional business
stakeholders such as shareholders or local suppliers. CSR includes social partners
such as local communities, and global responsibilities such as protecting the
environment and ensuring good labor standards in overseas suppliers. CSR also
includes relationships with employees and customers. It inevitably involves working in
partnership with other organizations or groups. It can be seen as a form of strategic
management, encouraging the organization to scan the horizon and think laterally
about how its relationships will contribute long-term to its bottom line in a constantly
changing world.
What does it mean? Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an expression used to
describe what some see as a company’s obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all of
the stakeholders in its business operations. A company’s stakeholders are all those who
are influenced by, or can influence, a company’s decisions and actions. These can include
(but are not limited to): employees, customers, suppliers, community organizations,
subsidiaries and affiliates, joint venture partners, local neighborhoods, investors, and
shareholders (or a sole owner ). One of the most frequently asked questions for all those
individuals and organisations dealing with CSR issues is the obvious - just what does
"Corporate Social Responsibility" mean anyway? Is it a stalking horse for an anti-
corporate agenda? Something which, like original sin, you can never escape? Or what?
Different organisations have framed different definitions - although there is considerable
common ground between them. I believe CSR is about how companies manage the
business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. Companies need to
answer to two aspects of their operations. 1. The quality of their management - both in
terms of people and processes (the inner circle). 2. The nature of, and quantity of their
impact on society in the various areas. Outside stakeholders are taking an increasing
interest in the activity of the company. Most look to the outer circle - what the company
has actually done, good or bad, in terms of its products and services, in terms of its
impact on the environment and on local communities, or in how it treats and develops its
workforce. Out of the various stakeholders, it is financial analysts who are predominantly
focused - as well as past financial performance - on quality of management as an
indicator of likely future performance.

Other definitions The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its
publication "Making Good Business Sense" by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the
following definition. "Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by
business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the
quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and
society at large" The same report gave some evidence of the different perceptions of what
this should mean from a number of different societies across the world. Definitions as
different as "CSR is about capacity building for sustainable livelihoods. It respects cultural
differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the
community and the government" from Ghana, through to "CSR is about business giving
back to society" from the Phillipines. Traditionally in the United States, CSR has been
defined much more in terms of a philanphropic model. Companies make profits,
unhindered except by fulfilling their duty to pay taxes. Then they donate a certain share
of the profits to charitable causes. It is seen as tainting the act for the company to receive
any benefit from the giving. The European model is much more focused on operating the
core business in a socially responsible way, complemented by investment in communities
for solid business case reasons. Personally, I believe this model is more sustainable
because: Social responsibility becomes an integral part of the wealth creation process -
which if managed properly should enhance the competitiveness of business and maximise
the value of wealth creation to society. When times get hard, there is the incentive to
practice CSR more and better - if it is a philanphropic exercise which is peripheral to the
main business, it will always be the first thing to go when push comes to shove. But as
with any process based on the collective activities of communities of human beings (as
companies are) there is no "one size fits all". In different countries, there will be different
priorities, and values that will shape how business act.


CSR has grown in importance in recent years, often through public scandals and mis-
management. This has meant increased demands from customers, employees,
statutory bodies and the general public for detailed information about whether
companies are meeting acceptable standards. Increasingly companies have to take
account of how their actions impact on society. The ‘employer brand’ has become an
important way to add value but it is also more vulnerable to scrutiny and suspicion. Bad
publicity travels fast through communication channels, which are often out of
organizational control such as the Internet.

CSR is an issue in which we all have a stake. Our actions today will influence the lives
of future generations through for example, trying to protect the environment. It is
changing the way business is done. Being proactive about CSR will increasingly
provide a competitive advantage both externally through protecting company reputation
and the accompanying publicity, and internally through employee engagement. To
really ‘do’ CSR businesses need to accept that they don’t exist in a vacuum but operate
in a wider community that has an impact on their, and others, futures. When CSR is
done well, it means a precious, though precarious, trust in the business. Successful
CSR can bring benefits such as a distinct position in the marketplace, protecting the
employer brand, and building credibility and trust with current and potential customers
and employees. It can help significantly with recruitment, engagement and retention of
Companies increasingly need to co-ordinate their CSR activities and demonstrate their
commitment to CSR. Effective CSR depends on being seen as important throughout an
organization. Delivery, not rhetoric, is the key to stakeholders developing trust in an
organization. HR has a key role in making CSR work. CSR without HR runs the risk of
being dismissed as PR or shallow ‘window-dressing’. And CSR is an opportunity for HR
to demonstrate a strategic focus and act as a business partner. CSR needs to be
embedded in an organization’s culture to make a change to actions and attitudes, and
the support of the top team is critical to success. HR already works at communicating
and implementing ideas, policies, cultural and behavioral change across organizations.
Its role in influencing attitudes and links with line managers and the top team mean it is
ideally placed to do the same with CSR. HR is also responsible for the key systems
and processes underpinning effective delivery. Through HR, CSR can be given
credibility and aligned with how businesses run. CSR could be integrated into
processes such as the employer brand, recruitment, appraisal, retention, motivation,
reward, internal communications, diversity, coaching and training. The way a company
treats its employees contributes directly to it being seen as willing to accept its wider
responsibilities. Building credibility and trusting their employer are being increasingly
seen as important by employees when they choose who they want to work for. People,
especially Generation X and younger, don’t want to work where there is a clash with
their personal values. Present and future employees are placing increasing value on
the credibility of an organization’s brand. Employers are using the positive aspects of
their brand in recruiting, motivating and retaining highly skilled people.

What are the risks in HR’s involvement with CSR?

The trust built through successful CSR is hard to regain if lost. HR needs to ensure that
their organisation’s CSR can stand up to the inevitable scrutiny by stakeholders, and
that training and communication mean it’s embedded throughout the culture of an
organisation. HR needs to be an active business partner working with other functions,
for example finance, PR/marketing etc. It will need to look beyond the boundaries of
usual practice and arguably work on its own PR. CSR is a strategic opportunity, which
is market-led and is restrained by bureaucracy. It needs dynamism, creativity,
imagination and even opportunism.

What to consider when starting a CSR strategy?

Clarify your core values and principles.
Make sure you know who your key internal and external stakeholders are and which
issues affect your relationship with them.
Get the top team on board, and know how to sell the benefits of CSR to different
Understand how the CSR strategy is aligned to your business strategy and HR
Get endorsement for the CSR strategy from inside and outside the organization.
Communicate consistently.
Training is vital, as CSR will only have an impact if employees are engaged: attitudes
or behavior won’t change otherwise.
Effectively measure and evaluate CSR, otherwise the time, effort and money invested
are based on assumptions, not results.
Direct results (such as saving fuel resulting in lower carbon emissions) and indirect
results (increased employee satisfaction) of CSR strategies can be shown to contribute
to business performance. One way outcomes can be measured is through a balanced
scorecard approach, which allows for the different types of factors that contribute to a
business’s bottom line including internal people, processes and customers.

A growing global role

One thing that is for sure - the pressure on business to play a role
in social issues will continue to grow. Over the last ten years,
those institutions which have grown in power and influence have
been those which can operate effectively within a global sphere of
operations. These are effectively the corporates and the NGOs.
Those institutions which are predominantly tied to the nation
state have been finding themselves increasingly frustrated at their
lack of ability to shape and manage events. These include
national governments, police, judiciary and others.

There is a growing interest, therefore, in businesses taking a lead

in addressing those issues in which they have an interest where
national government have failed to come up with a solution. The
focus Unilever has on supporting a sustainable fisheries approach
is one example. Using the power of their supply chain, such
companies are placed to have a real influence. National
governments negotiating with each other have come up with no
solutions at all, and ever-depleting fish stocks. That is not to say
businesses will necessarily provide the answers - but awareness is
growing that they are occasionally better placed to do so than any
other actors taking an interest.

CSR in the recession

Employers are not behaving towards employees in the current recession in the same
way they did in the 1990s. Then, employers were happy to make large numbers of
people redundant in the belief that this would appeal to shareholders looking for
evidence of tough cost cutting. This time, employers have been actively looking for
alternative responses to reduced business volumes, declaring compulsory
redundancies only as a last resort. Recruitment freezes; short-time and flexible
working, sabbaticals and secondments have all featured as alternatives to redundancy
in a range of sectors, including vehicles, telecommunications and consultancy. One
factor is clearly that employers increasingly understand the high costs of making people
redundant, including the damage to morale of those who remain. But there is also a
concern about damage to reputation if employers don’t seem to care about what
happens to their people, or treat them with respect. The ethical values underpinning
both HR and CSR certainly appear to be having more influence in this recession than in
the past.
HR ‘s role in promoting CSR

When companies are global, an important challenge in garnering success is to

respect other cultures and workforce environments and start forming a global
profile or social consciousness. Companies are recognizing these differences with a
sound Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan that can simultaneously increase
shareholder value, boost employee engagement and increase employer brand

Human Resource Departments play a critical role in ensuring that the company
adopts Corporate Social Responsibility programs. Furthermore, HR can manage
the CSR plan implementation and monitor its adoption proactively, while
documenting (and celebrating) its success throughout the company. Human
Resources technology can help with a Corporate Social Responsibility program,
including reducing the company’s carbon footprint to benefit the planet. Some of
these areas are:

•Implement and encourage green practices.

•Foster a culture of social responsibility.
•Celebrate successes.
•Share and communicate the value of corporate social responsibility to
employees and the community.
Implement and Encourage Green Practices for Corporate Social

Implement green practices to assist in environmental waste reduction, while

promoting and encouraging stewardship growth, better corporate ethics and
long-lasting practices that promote both personal and corporate
accountability. The value inherent in embracing green aspects of corporate
responsibility is clearly understood, given the direct impact that rising
energy and utility costs has on employees’ pocketbooks. Conservation has
become an accepted means of making our planet healthier. Reducing each
employee’s carbon footprint is a great way of getting energy conservation
and recycling waste initiatives off the ground. Here are suggestions to start:

• Recycle paper, cans and bottles in the office; recognize departmental efforts.

• Collect food and donations for victims of floods, hurricanes and other natural
disasters around the globe.

• Encourage reduced energy consumption; subsidize transit passes, make it

easy for employees to car pool, encourage staggered staffing to allow after
rush hour transit, and permit telecommuting to the degree possible.

• Encourage shutting off lights, computers and printers after work hours and
on weekends for further energy reductions.

• Work with IT to switch to laptops over desktop computers. (Laptops

consume up to 90% less power.)

• Increase the use of teleconferencing, rather than on-site meetings and trips.

• Promote brown-bagging in the office to help employees reduce fat and

calories to live healthier lives and reduce packaging waste, too.

CSR in the Business Community

Worldwide, companies and their HR leadership are coming to grips with

what exactly CSR means in their organizations and how to strategically
include CSR within business goals and objectives. There is growing evidence
pointing to the validity of and the demand for CSR. For example, 82% of
companies noted that good corporate citizenship helps the bottom line and
74% said the public has the right to expect good corporate citizenship. (3)
However, as Niall FitzGerald, chairman of Unilever, explained in his
presentation at the London Business School, "the reality of corporate social
responsibility is there are no precedents to fall back on, and decisions must
be based on judgment rather than tried and tested formulae." (4)
As the concept of CSR becomes more widely accepted and integrated in
business, it is helpful in this discussion to understand that the development
of CSR in organizations is in transition (see Figure 1). There are basically
three "generations" of CSR in varying stages of sophistication. The first
generation has demonstrated that companies can contribute to society
without risking commercial success. Today, the second generation is
developing more fully as CSR gradually becomes an integral part of
companies' long-term business strategies. Finally, the third generation
addresses significant societal issues, such as poverty and cleanup of the
environment. (5) Evidence of the transition of CSR will be discussed
throughout this article, with suggestions of how HR professionals can take
on leadership roles that can contribute to CSR initiatives in their
organizations. There are many such examples of the impact of CSR and how
it may link to the bottom line.

Making the Business Case for CSR

In recent years, intangible assets--company values, human and intellectual
capital, reputation and brand equity--have become increasingly important to
organizations. (6) Companies that exhibit good corporate citizenship are
likely to gain a competitive edge. Below are just a few examples of today's
CSR success factors that are fast becoming the primary measures of an
organization's credibility.
Reputation and Brand Enhancement

Company reputation and brand are greatly influenced by public

perception. For example, in the largest global survey of the public's
expectations, the Millennium Poll on Corporate Social Responsibility
documented that over 25,000 individuals across 23 countries on six
continents revealed they form their impressions of companies by
focusing on corporate citizenship and two out of three people want
companies to go beyond making money and contribute to broader
society goals. (7) Increasingly, there are success stories that show
companies are listening to the public. A recent example is that of
Ecolab of St. Paul, Minnesota, that quickly developed new products to
address unexpected hazards with an antimicrobial disinfectant product
in response to foot and mouth disease in livestock and another new
product to combat SARS at the Toronto airport. (8)

Today, companies are also seeking avenues of public acknowledgment

of their employer brand. For example, Business Ethics Corporate Social
Responsibility Report publishes a list of the 100 best corporate
citizens. Companies are ranked by social scores regarding
environment, community and customer relations, employee
relationships, and diversity. One of the 2004 winners was Proctor &
Gamble, which donated funds to help disadvantaged youth in Vietnam,
combat childhood malnutrition in India and provide earthquake relief in
Turkey. (9)

Another critical aspect of reputation and brand, as a CSR success

factor, is the impact on a company's sustainability--that is, the
conditions or characteristics that support an organization to continue
its business, including environmental, social and economic aspects of
the company.
Within business, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is managed in a variety of
different places the different emphasis companies place on it. However, the topic of
CSR is becoming a must for HR because of the growing recognition that staffing is an
area of risk to business. This link of risk and CSR is fundamental relating it to the
business and as this article discusses a key driver for HR involvement

High staff turnover, loss of key employees at critical times, the high cost of recruitment
and the training of new staff can all damage a business. CSR strategies and
programmes can help manage this risk by creating an environment where staff can
enjoy their work and where they can feedback concerns about the company’s
behaviour so action can be taken - for example, the identification of illegal workers in
the supply chain.

The recognition of the value of staff to an organisation is one of benefits from CSR as it
is not just about engaging with external audiences. Moreover, it is about how you
interact with your staff. Increasingly businesses are realising the importance of
employer brand. Just like other stakeholders, employees expect certain things not just
a salary from their employer.

Staff members want to feel they can identify with the company. Employer branding is
about making sure that employees feel good about the place they work. They can then
be ambassadors for the company and that ‘feel good factor’ can permeate out to
others, notably customers and clients. For these benefits to be accrued the
organisation needs to be CSR compliant (see note 2 below for more on this).

The role of HR

In many cases the board may have developed corporate policies that cover a range of
issues, including CSR, but no one ensures they are adhered to, checks the staff
awareness, or assesses their impact. It may be that the board’s present mission,
objectives and values do not reflect the values of staff or expectations of customers.
Arguably, HR is best placed to engage staff in these issues.

HR can play an important role in developing the process where the business objectives
are assessed and values re-aligned to match them with staff expectations. There are
many ways this can be done:

Workshops to engage with staff and promote the exchange of real life experiences.
Develop interactive intranet sites that show case examples of good practice, or build
in opportunities for promotion of good practice at staff meetings.
Review company policy and procedures to ensure values are consistent –
procurement, recruitment, training, appraisals and exit interviews.
Consult and involve staff more in the running of a business.
Provide feedback questionnaires for employees, customers and suppliers – to show
the organisation is living its values.
HR should also play the gatekeeper role in the development and monitoring of staff
policies and practice. It needs to be asking questions such as: ‘Does the business have
a social responsibility policy or an environmental policy?’ and ‘How does the business
ensure that these policies and the company’s values drive the way the company does
business?’ These values need to be reflected in staffing issues – recruitment, training,
appraisals, and in other processes such as procurement. HR has an important role to
play in ensuring this happens.

Future trends in CSR for HR departments

CSR is here to stay, how and where it is displayed with business will depend on the
board and other external factors. However, for CSR not to be merely an add on but to
be actually embedded as part of the business - reflecting the way it does business, its
culture and values - then HR will need to play its part.

HR departments may have a natural ally in their financial directors who are beginning
to recognise staff as an area of intangible risk. FDs should be prepared to invest to
manage this risk and create an employer of choice which delivers benefits to the
bottom line in a number of ways from improved staff retention to improved work
performance through more motivated staff.

Note 1: How HR can make the case for CSR ownership.

Questions to ask the board or senior management team.

Do we have CSR policies?

Do our company values fit with our business objectives?
Are our staff motivated and proud to work at our company?
Do we have high staff turnover?
Do our costs of recruitment need to be reduced?

Making the business case – the benefits for championing CSR in HR

Staff pride in the company they work for

Improved staff motivation leading to improved work performance
Encouragement of innovation
Reduced staff turnover - savings recruitment and training costs
Reducing risk within business – from suppliers, staff, through to customers
Increased profitability
Note 2: Is your organization CSR compliant?

Despite the wide scope of CSR there are some simple things that can be done to
identify the way your organization conducts its business, for example:

Does your organization have social and environmental policies?

If yes, are staff and suppliers aware of them?
Are you aware of the codes of practice, guidelines, indices that are relevant to your
What standards cover most aspects of your organisation and are they universally
used by your industry?
Have you carried out an audit of your employees (and supply chain) activities to scope
areas of opportunity and risk for your organisation?

HR’s Role in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility across a Global

With this global expansion comes a “responsibility”. When companies are global, an important
challenge in garnering success is to respect other cultures and workforce environments and start forming
a global profile or social consciousness.

A wonderful way to recognize these differences is to have a sound Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) plan that can simultaneously increase shareholder value, boost employee engagement and
increase employer brand recognition. Human Resource Departments play a critical role in ensuring that
the company adopts corporate social responsibility programs. Furthermore, HR can manage
its implementation and monitor its adoption proactively, while documenting (and celebrating) its
success throughout the company.
Foster a Culture of Social
Creating a culture of change and responsibility starts with HR. Getting the younger workforce, who are
already environmentally conscious, excited about fresh CSR initiatives is a great way to begin. Having a
committed set of employees that infuse enthusiasm for such programs would enable friendly
competition and recognition programs. Over the past few years, major news organizations have been
consistently reporting on large, trusted companies that have failed employees, shareholders and the
public (i.e. Enron, Lehman, WaMu), which in its wake has created a culture of mistrust among the
corporate world. All too often, employees and employers of all levels who competed for advancement
and recognition in harsh workplaces were forced to accept corporate misconduct and waste as “business
as usual.” Employer brands are being eroded and the once sacred trust that employees once had with
stable pensions, defined benefits and lifelong jobs, are being replaced with pay for performance and
adjustment to new learning goals. CSR can go a long way in rehabilitating the employer brand with
potential new hires and society at large. It can help defeat the image that corporate objectives are rooted
in being a single minded profit machine at the expense of society and the environment. Social and
community connections that are encouraged by employers give workers the permission to involve their
companies in meaningful ways with the community. Employers can connect with their employees and
the community thorough
1. Company matches to employee charitable contributions
2. Community programs/volunteer days
3. Corporate sponsorship of community events
4. Encouraging employees to participate in walkathons, food banks, etc.

Three Key Areas of CSR

Focusing on three key areas for Corporate Social Responsibility can help create a cohesive map for the
present and future:
1) Community Relations
2) Training and Development
3) Cohesive Global CSR Platform.

Encouraging Community Relations

through your HR team includes implementing reward programs, charitable contributions and
encouraging community involvement and practices. Examples of these programs include emails and
company newsletters to staff members highlighting employees and managers involved in community
relations and/or creating monthly reward programs to recognize efforts by individuals within the

Training and Development programs

that explain the connection between the company’s core products or services to functioning HR
platform, which allows for distributing a sound corporate responsibility plan. the society at large, its
value to the local community and ways in which to get involved in the correct CSR project
would go a long way in sustaining and directing these initiatives.

Global CSR policy

centrally managed would be important to acknowledge successes and measurements along accepted
Central to measuring and communicating these results is the use of a web-based HRIS that is available
globally to employees and managers with any web browser.
In order to encourage and maintain a clear and cohesive Global workplace, it is critical for the entire
global workforce of a company to be on a single, multi- functioning HR platform, which allows for
distributing a social responsibility plan.
Having a global HR solution that offers companies the flexibility, ease of use and the right mix of tools
is essential to the success of both employees and employers alike, as they manage and maintain a
work/life balance and thrive in a changing environment that includes taking on social responsibility.

Today, there are many references to corporate social responsibility (CSR),

sometimes referred to as corporate citizenship, in our workplaces, in the
media, in the government, in our communities. While there is no agreed-
upon definition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
defines CSR as the business commitment and contribution to the quality of
life of employees, their families and the local community and society overall
to support sustainable economic development. (2) Simply put, the business
case for CSR--establishing a positive company reputation and brand in the
public eye through good work that yields a competitive edge while at the
same time contributing to others--demands that organizations shift from
solely focusing on making a profit to including financial, environmental and
social responsibility in their core business strategies. Despite what the
phrase corporate social responsibility suggests, the concept is not restricted
to corporations but rather is intended for most types of organizations, such
as associations, labor unions, organizations that serve the community for
scientific, educational, artistic, public health or charitable purposes, and
governmental agencies.
In the late 1990s, CSR began to gain momentum as pressure from
consumers, the media, activists and various public organizations demanded
that companies contribute to society. Now, reputation, brand, integrity and
trust are increasingly considered important measures of corporate social

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