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Worship Guide All: Offering loving service to others

Trinity’s Heart and Hands Worship – January 20, 2011 Leader: By all the means you can
Greeting – Welcome those in your group All: In worship or work or play or prayer
Call To Worship - Use this or select your own Leader: In all the ways you can
L: God has been gracious to us, God has blessed us, All: By building something or doing nothing, by teaching or
P: God has made his face to shine upon us. learning, by talking or listening
L: God reveals his way to all peoples, Leader: In all the places you can
P: God guides all the nations on the earth.
L: God judges everyone with equity. All: In your family or church, in your community or
P: God shows his saving power everywhere. workplace, in your own state or across the country, in
L: Let all the nations praise you, O God, your homeland or some else's
P: Let us, your people, praise you. Leader: At all times you can
All: For an hour or a day at a time, during your vacation or
Prayer of Confession & Pardon
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we have gone our own way, not Leader: To all the people you can
loving you as we ought, nor loving our neighbors as ourselves. We All: Christians or those of other religious faiths or those
have sinned against you in thought, word and deed and in what we who claim no faith at all, one at a time or gathered
have failed to do. We deserve your condemnation. Father, forgive together
us. Help us to love you and our neighbors, and to live for your
honor and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Leader: As long as ever you can
Words of Assurance: All: Wherever you are in life, and for the rest of your life.
Hear the good news of God’s marvelous grace: Offering our Gifts and Blankets - In the live service we collected
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. blankets to be distributed to those in need
In him we are forgiven and made new,
healed and made whole to be all that we are called to be. Prayer of Thanksgiving
In joy receive God’s grace and be at peace.
Thanks be to God. Almighty and most merciful God, from you comes every good and
perfect gift. We give you praise and thanks for all your mercies.
Scripture Reading - Luke 10:1-11 Your goodness has created us, your bounty has sustained us, your
discipline has chastened us, your patience has borne with us, your
Message – love has redeemed us. Give us a heart to love and serve you, and
enable us to show our thankfulness for all your goodness and mercy
Prayer for Mission by giving up ourselves to your service, and cheerfully submitting in
all things to your blessed will; through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Leader: Do all the good you can Amen.

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